You Haven’t Seen “Sexy”

13 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I live in a state that has a calendar full of various festivals celebrated in every corner. Each festival crowns a queen, a princess, or some semblance of royalty to preside over various activities and reign until the next year. What I didn’t know is each of these festivals sends its crown-bearer to a state-wide competition where they have a coronation of the queen of queens or princess of princesses.

My office intern, a charming college freshman from a nearby town, was one of those festival princesses and ascended to the state-wide throne. A lovely specimen with bright blue eyes and a never-ending smile, Hannah greeted those entering our office in such a warm and personal fashion that I was constantly the beneficiary of compliments about her. We were fortunate to have her as an intern and hoped she would work for us during the entirety of her college years. Hannah secured house-sitting, dog-sitting and babysitting jobs from the young mothers and others in the office; all due to her trustworthiness and work ethic. We all loved Hannah.

Hannah talked freely among the staff about her social life, the life of a festival princess, and her suitors. It was obvious she had no problem having a date when she wanted but only a few were able to secure that coveted second date and “third dates” were rare, indeed. As the summer months approached, appearances throughout the state kept Hannah’s calendar full and she chose to keep her options open as she traveled to each venue, meeting new people and expanding her social contacts. The young mothers in the office were mesmerized by the social (and sexual) activity of our young college intern. As they inquired, Hannah shared and I would eavesdrop when I could for I was mesmerized as well. It seems our young festival princess enjoyed her popularity at every stop.

Only twenty years of age but a typical college student, Hannah would occasionally imbibe. In controlled settings like an after-hours glass of wine in the office or a flute of champagne to celebrate an office victory of some sort, we would allow Hannah to enjoy an adult beverage and she rarely refused. Such was the case following a demanding off-site board retreat where intense discussions had resulted in a well-formulated action plan that pleased me and the rest of my staff. As the board members started their journeys home, we packed all the materials and pulled a waiting cooler into the middle of the room, circled it with chairs, and popped some bubbly. The toasts began, each of us extolling the virtues of the other as glasses clinked and bottles emptied.

One by one, the group grew smaller as each reached what they thought to be her limit before starting the drive home. Eventually, only Hannah and I remained along with a couple boxes to haul back to the office and the cooler.

“Hannah, why don’t we carry everything out to my car, do a final cleanup, and have one for the road,” I suggested.

“Well, Rex, I rode to the retreat with Mary so I’m going to need a ride home,” she meekly professed.

“Not a problem,” I declared as the champagne worked my brain with naughty thoughts.

With that understanding we grabbed what we could, a “lazy man’s load”, and made our way out to the vehicle, loading the trunk and taking note of a warm summer evening on the college campus where the retreat had convened.

Returning to the meeting room, we gave it the once over to find only the cooler remaining and on a table in the corner, the digital camera we had recently purchased for the office which we had failed to pack with the other materials. Happy to have not forgotten it, I placed the camera strap around my neck and reached for the half glass of champagne that I had been sipping as Hannah reached for the bottle to fill her empty flute.

“Since you are the designated driver, I’ll porno have another,” Hannah stated as she eyed my curious examination of the camera, and added, “I remember when Mary bought that. It’s a very nice camera. She spared no expense.”

“I remember approving the invoice. I do hope we use all of its features and it doesn’t go to waste.” I responded.

The college campus was void of activity. It was between summer terms and such a small school that it was barely staffed during the break. We had been given the keys to the rustic log building that sat in a wooded area on the backside of campus. It had all the amenities and was perfect for board retreats or other executive getaways and the college was happy to make it available. From the outermost parking lot on campus it was a fifty yard walk along a cedar chip trail through a dense wood that surrounded most of the campus perimeter. Secluded would be an understatement.

I continued to examine the camera, occasionally looking through the view finder and changing the settings as I did. I purposely avoided aiming it at Hannah for fear of embarrassing her or appearing to portray the dirty old man. At 43, I hardly considered myself old but then again, Hannah is barely twenty.

“Do you mind if I pop the cork on another bottle?” Hannah asked interrupting my examination of the new-fangled camera.

“Go right ahead as long as you fill my glass, too.”

As I sipped the freshly-poured and tasty bubbly, I congratulated myself on having the foresight to grab my cooler and stop at the liquor store for champagne and ice. I had hoped we would be in a celebratory mood after wrapping up the retreat. Having a few extra glasses alone with the beautiful Hannah was an added bonus, and I was in no hurry to call it a day.

“I have a camera just like that one. My dad bought it so he could take pictures of me during all the festivals and parades I attend. It’s not very complicated but it does help to know what you doing. Let me show you,” Hannah offered as she moved to the chair next to me bringing with her the fresh scent of her perfume or shower gel. I fought the urge to noticeably inhale her fragrance.

With the camera still hanging from my neck, Hannah was cheek-to-cheek with me as we examined the various buttons on the camera and I felt the warmth of her cheek against mine.

Having kicked off my deck shoes as we became more comfortable after loading my car, we laughed to find my bare toes framed in the view finder. In a flirtatious move, Hannah moved her bare foot next to mine. As warm as her cheek was against mine, her foot was chilly and I instinctively wrapped it between both my feet. I felt her smile next to mine as our connection came into view. Hannah snapped the shutter.

Noting my arousal, I was relieved when Hannah began a tutorial of sorts changing settings and focus as the image of our feet changed in the view finder. With each adjustment, Hannah explained the change and how to accomplish it. I was impressed by her knowledge of the camera and the ease with which she shared it. An elementary education major, she will be a fine teacher in a few years. Our feet caressed each other and our cheeks stayed in contact. I kept the camera focused on our feet for fear any movement would bring the rising lump in my trousers into view.

She asked me to repeat each of the camera adjustments she had shared and I parroted her efforts without error. She then jumped to her feet, filled both our flutes to the rim, moved the cooler and chairs from in front of me and with a flash of that smile and batting her eyes, said, “Now, take some shots of me and let’s see what kind of photographer you are!”

For the first time, I looked at Hannah as the young, beautiful, sexy girl that she was. I also took the opportunity to admire her anime porno look and the clothes she was wearing. Hannah is a dirty blonde with shoulder length hair that she wore in a loose braid that curled around her neck to her left collar bone. She had multi-layers of tops each with spaghetti straps that crossed from front to back over tan shoulders that were otherwise bare. None of the tops reached down to her waistline so virtually every movement flashed a bare mid-drift that also exposed the golden touch of her days in the sun. Hannah’s legs appeared longer than I had thought as they extended from the short white shorts that rested comfortably on her well-proportioned yet shapely hips. I could not see any panty lines.

Hannah broke my obvious stare as she placed one hand on her hip, flexed the opposite knee forward and tilted her head back and to one side. It was a perfect model-like pose and I snapped my first picture of her. She reversed her pose, changing hands and the protruding knee and I noticed the bobble of her young breasts with the movement. Her young tits settled and I took another picture. Bending both knees and placing a hand on each she swirled her head and the loose braid changed shoulders. The camera captured her in a fraction of a second and reflected her eyes and smile both more sexy and alluring than bright and gleaming.

She stopped to empty her glass and refill it. I offered mine to top off as she took the seat beside me to see the shots I had taken. The camera had prompted an adrenaline rush in her and she seemed breathless in her speech.

“We can do better than that,” she exclaimed.

I took another sip of champagne and reacted, “I don’t know, you look pretty sexy to me.”

“Sexy?” she asked as I had second thoughts on my choice of a word.

“You haven’t seen sexy!”

I could only finish my drink and reach for another bottle in the cooler. Our intern now seemed challenged to offer a “sexy” pose. She, too, emptied her glass and stood ready for me to refill it with hand on hip and knee protruding as in her first pose. Hannah was in a zone and I had enough champagne in me to go there with her. I stood and began clicking shot after shot. She followed me around the room as if tethered to the lens of the camera.

She began to strut and sway as she moved to keep up with me and the retreating camera. We moved in circles around the room as I walked backwards and she advanced toward me.

“Have I seen “sexy” yet?” I asked.

“How’s this?” she purred and pulled each of her layered tops over her head and stood with her feet apart and her arms in the air as I ogled the lacy bra that contained larger tits that I had imagined. The areola and nipples that adorned her were visible through the shear fabric. Intuitively, I captured the images before me on the camera.

“That’s pretty sexy!” I understated.

Now moving toward me again as I found myself retreating from a young sensual powerhouse, she hooked her thumbs in to the sides of the white shorts and seductively moved them down her legs with each step until she stopped with the shorts bunched at her ankles and stepped from them.

Now clothed in nothing more than a white lacy see-through bra and matching thong, the vision of her unencumbered curves left very little to the imagination as I rapidly preserved the images as the camera hummed its dutiful magic. The moistened shape of Hannah’s young pussy exposed the same sexual heat that boiled within me. Over-dressed for the moment, I removed the camera from around my neck along with my shirt and pants. I was down to a pair of boxer briefs restraining a raging hard-on when Hannah grabbed the camera and made me its subject.

“Now, have I seen “sexy”?” she asked as she steadily moved toward me.

Without arap porno answering, I made the inevitable decision to slide my underwear to the floor and stepped out of it as I heard the camera sounds. My cock pointed outward and bobbed as I walked. Hannah pulled the camera over her head and as it rested on her breasts, she removed her bra and panties as my cock seemed to reach a new level of hardness.

I grabbed Hannah by the hand and ran to the door of the lodge and out into the warm summer air. The sun had gone down but the dark of night was nowhere to be seen. Making a quick adjustment, Hannah started taking pictures of me. Handing the camera back to me, she posed with the woods as her back drop and I captured more images of her. With the freedom of our nudity and the night sky as our limit we traded the camera back and forth each of us touching ourselves.

With the cedar chips as our bed, we fell to the ground in a long overdue embrace. She was as wet as I was hard. I kissed her from the soft shoulders across her collar bones and down to her puffy pink nipples that had hardened in the night air and capped her young breasts. As I reached her neatly trimmed pussy, I could drink the moisture that had built over the course of our evening.

Tonguing the length of her pussy and sucking her nub, her gasps filled the night air as I moved up and split the folds of her pussy with my hard cock. We both moaned in pleasure as her young wet vagina conformed to my invading penis as she wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me deeper into her. I was as big and hard as I had ever been and she was as tight and wet as I could have ever imagined. We fucked.

As we rolled on the path together, my cock never left her pussy. She was an obviously experienced lover and I was impressed as she squeezed my cock and rolled her hips as I rotated mine and thrust in and out. As I rolled onto my back, she sat up and began grinding on me. The muscles of her stomach rolled and she had a tit in each hand pulling and pinching her nipples as her eyes rolled in her head. I had a hand on each cheek of her ass trying to maintain the rhythm as she was clearly leading on this dance floor.

As I stared past her beautiful face and into the stars as they began to appear in the night sky, she slowed her grinding and began to bob up and down on me. She would rise till just the head of my cock was inside her and then slam down until her ass was seated on my balls. This up and down movement was the beginning of the end for me. My balls boiled.

I reached for the camera and was able to get pictures of my cock going in and out of this beautiful girl. As I did, she screamed as an orgasm overtook her. I tilted the camera to capture the expression on her face then tossed it aside to enjoy the last moments of this royal princess fucking I was getting.

As she came down from hers, I exploded into her. With my cum filling her pussy as she moved up and down, the noise of our fucking reached a crescendo and we smiled at each other as she collapsed on me and we kissed for the first time that night. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths and we rolled off the trail into the weedy undergrowth. As we embraced I wanted to totally absorb this girl. I kissed and massaged her titties and sucked her precious nipples. I squeezed her ass and fingered her holes. My tongue visited every part of her body and hers mine.

We made our way back into the lodge and put things back in place. We packed up our trash which was mostly empty champagne bottles. We loaded our car and on our last trip back into the lodge, we decided to get dressed.

I took Hannah home and we kissed along the way. She lived with her parents during the summer so we were discreet upon arrival.


We claimed we never saw the camera. The office chalked it up as lost.

Hannah and I kept it. We would look at the pictures when we were alone and allow them to inspire more lovemaking. She also added to the photos when she had an opportunity.

I think I’ve seen “sexy”.

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