Willis Ch. 01

30 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I knew the instant I heard the wonderful sound of his trumpet that he was the man for me. A musical man, an intelligent man, a boy becoming a man. We had met during band camp, he was going to a different high school than I was, but we were both intrigued by each other the second we saw one another. Then, by chance, during the final performance of the week where every single school played as one band, we sat next to each other. We exchanged numbers and kept contact for over six months, casually dating (he lived in the next town over) until it was time for college. We kind of saw each other as our significant other, but in friend-form. We both decided we were going to go to college together, and share an apartment. Casual dating had allowed both of us to be comfortable enough with each other to split our living space, not to mention the rent.

So off to college we went. We had our own schedules, and actually rarely met except during band rehearsals and performances. Another six months passed and finally we found ourselves falling in love. I came to find out that he was a virgin, never even given or received oral sex before. He was a very attractive guy, and I couldn’t imagine how he could be a virgin. Then later I came to find out that he didn’t believe in premarital sex and I admired him for that. Not that it was his first choice exactly, but he grew up in a strictly all-Christian home. I had always wondered, though, what it would be like to teach someone from the very beginning, and I would come to find out my being a non-virgin would bring something out in Willis that I had dreamed about for lord knows how long.

I knew he had a busy day today and I knew he would need to unwind. And, of course, his favourite way to unwind was to play on his trumpet for at least an hour, being the musical man he was. I decided I would surprise him and I polished up his trumpet until it was nice and shiny; he would love it. I took my time in cleaning and polishing every curve and every centimetre of his instrument, making sure to not miss one spot. When I was finished, I set it on his stand, put a rose on his music stand, and went into my bedroom to retrieve something I would need for later. I walked out from my bedroom and into his and I waited.

When Willis came through the door, he called out to me. When I did not answer and he realised that the light was off in my bedroom, he thought I must have fallen asleep early, or just did not want to be disturbed. No matter how much he hated to “wake me”, he just had to get his hands on his trumpet, and pour out his soul into a melody that would ring in my ears forever.

I was watching Willis intently from his keyhole, and thankfully he never once looked over or came into his bedroom. He set his things down on the couch and looked over to his music stand. His gorgeous brown eyes found the rose and I knew I had made his heart flutter – he gave that “she’s so amazing” smile that I only got from him on occasion. That smile always made me melt. He walked over to it, picked it up, and then set it back down. He looked over at his silver beauty and leaned down to retrieve it off of the stand. Oh, there it was again. That smile.

My amazing Willis stood up straight, licked his lips and closed his eyes. He pulled his trumpet to his lips and played that first note, a warm-up. After adjusting his tuning slide, he brought it back up to his lips and played again. And then he was lost. He remained standing, moving back and forth slightly with his invisible beat and with his back to me. I decided now was as good of a time as ever. He wouldn’t hear me approach this way.

I slowly stood up and reached my hand down to his doorknob. It turned softly, not making a sound, and I began to pull the door open, stepping behind it as I went, in case he were to turn around and open his eyes – although that was not likely. When the door was finally open enough for me to slip out, I moved out from behind the door and looked at my target. If I moved towards Willis at just the right angle… yes, it would be perfect. Inching myself along the floor behind him, I moved forward just inside his blind spot. I smiled when I got close enough to see his reflection in the bell of his trumpet. Now, if he would just open his eyes…

As if reading my mind, I watched his eyelids lift up gently and I knew instantly that he had seen me. He just stared at my reflection for just a few moments, as if to make sure that he was really seeing what he thought he was. He had stopped playing by now and was just holding his trumpet up for what seemed like no reason at all. Not really knowing what else to do, I walked closer towards Willis; he seemed too frozen to even blink. I walked closer and closer to him, until I was right behind him. My left hand just seemed to reach up automatically and grasp his trumpet, bringing it forward and removing it from his face. His arms followed mine, and he let it fall to his side. I placed my hands canlı bahis on his shoulders and turned him around to face me.

As if finally coming out of the trance, he turned with my movements and when he was completely facing me, he pressed himself against me and kissed me, his lips still slightly trembling from playing. His lips were warm, hot actually, from all of the blood being trapped within them. Instantly I imagined his lips on my clit at that temperature. I moaned into his mouth, yet I was sure he was completely oblivious as to why I did. He leaned down, bringing me with him, and set his trumpet on the ground beside his right foot. No more playing tonight.

My eyes were closed and I was completely concentrating on this moment with Willis in my arms. I knew he was focusing on this amazing kiss as well. His lips seemed to give off heat and make my own warm and soft. I could feel the side of his nose pressing against mine as his hands wrapped around the sides of my neck. Our kisses were slow, gentle. Finally, feeling his shoulders drop and relax, I moved my tongue forward slightly. He knew what I wanted and he parted his lips slightly to allow my tongue inside his mouth. I licked his bottom lip slightly before my tongue slid into his mouth and met his. We pressed our tongues together just once before I withdrew. I lightly pressed my lips against his once more and pulled myself completely back away from him. His hands fell from my neck.

His gaze burned into my skin as he once again soaked in my apparel. He had never seen me dressed like this before. His eyes roamed my body from my toes to the top of my head. What he saw in front of him was me dressed in navy blue stockings, dark blue panties, and a midnight-blue teddy. No heels, no makeup – just a simple, sexy outfit for my Willis. Blue was his favourite colour. We both realised that we hadn’t said a word to each other yet. Thankfully, he was the one to speak first.

“Álainn,” he paused as I smiled at the familiar nickname. “might I ask why you are dressed so… pardon my bluntness but… why are you dressed so sexily?”

“Will, I know that you don’t believe in premarital sex, but…” I moved myself closer to him, so my face was just an inch or so from his. “… I believe that, if given the opportunity, I can make you enjoy something very much without you having to give up your virginity.”

“And how’s that?” Good, that wasn’t a flat-out no.

“I want you to know how it feels to receive oral sex from someone that truly cares about you and loves you,” I responded. Perhaps not the most romantic thing to say, but how else was I supposed to word it?

He stood there for a moment, his arms wrapped around the small of my back, and stared down into my eyes. I tried to let as much love as I could show through my gaze, but I knew he sensed the lust I had for him. I didn’t know what else to do except lean up and kiss him on the cheek. He smiled and nodded. I looked at him slightly confused and he explained.

“You love me. I know that. I’m willing to experience that with you, but only if you will teach me how to return the favour. Will you be my teacher, Álainn?” I smiled and nodded.

The next few minutes were a blur. Somehow I had managed to pull him into his bedroom, put on some Kenny G, and light two scented candles without realising it. Willis was sitting up on the edge of his bed, nervous as hell. Finally when my attention was back on him, he was sweating with what I took as nervousness and anticipation mixed together. I couldn’t believe this would be his first experience with oral sex. Before I even approached him, I asked him to lie down and get comfortable. He took in a breath, locked his eyes with mine, and moved himself back on the bed until he was lying down. He looked up at the ceiling and situated himself.

A deep breath filled my lungs as well as I walked forward and crawled onto his bed. He was still completely clothed, wearing the wrinkled, comfortable slacks he had worn all day, and his white button-up shirt. He moved his head up to meet my gaze as I crawled slowly beside him. I did not want to rush this at all. I needed to calm him first.

I settled myself onto his bed, sitting up by his right side and leaning onto my left hand. I was smiling down at him gently, wanting to show him that I loved him dearly for letting us cross this barrier he had put up for so long. I reached my right hand to his cheek and let my fingertips slowly run down the side of his face. My fingertips grazed his slightly whiskered face softly, and his eyelids seemed to get heavy by the time that I moved my hand back up to repeat the same movement again. As I moved my hand down the side of his face again, his eyelids followed, and by the time I reached his chin, they were completely closed. I moved my hand up again, folded my fingers in, and let the middle segment of my fingers slowly move down his cheek.

He was becoming relaxed kaçak iddaa and I allowed myself to lean down and kiss him on the forehead softly. I almost didn’t want to take him further, yet the more time that elapsed, the bigger the flames grew within me. I admit, I could hardly resist him in that moment. His eyes closed softly, his breathing slow and even, and his muscles relaxed underneath my touch just made me want to roll on top of him and fuck the life out of him; make him feel alive again. However, I held back my urges and tried to remain calm.

When I finally felt like my darling Willis was relaxed enough, I started to switch positions. I pushed myself upwards slightly with my left hand and slowly let my right knee land on the other side of his torso. He opened his eyes and looked into mine. I smiled at him and leaned down to kiss his lips gently. No longer warm with his blood, his lips felt cool against my own. I pulled myself up and leaned back, sitting straight up. This position not only allowed him a perfect view of my breasts, but allowed him to feel the warmth coming from between my legs against his crotch.

I leaned all of my weight onto my legs and moved my hands down and forward to wrap my fingers in his curly hair. I massaged his scalp gently as I let my hips slightly move downward and press firmly against his groin. I sensed a slight hardness developing inside of his trousers. I lifted my hips back up, again not wanting to rush anything, as I let my hands come out of his hair. My palms landed on his cheeks and I leaned down to kiss his lips again.

The only reason I even noticed that his hands were still by his sides was I felt a slight tickle against the sides of my knees. His fingers were brushing against my soft skin in approval. Good, that meant he was enjoying this so far. I had pulled myself up away from the kiss, so that I could press my hips against him again. I let his head rest against the pillow as I leaned down and licked his lips softly. He closed his eyes and let out a slow breath in response. I knew that was a silent moan.

I moved my head slightly to the side, and gently pressed Will’s chin to the opposite side. I wanted access to his neck. I licked my lips slightly and leaned down to kiss the side of his neck softly. I puckered my lips and pressed them against his skin. I pulled my lips away and slightly stuck out my tongue, licking the place that I had just kissed. This time my sweet, innocent Willis moaned aloud. Hearing his low voice come out as a moan was such an amazing sound. I leaned my head over to his right ear.

“I want to make you feel good, sweetheart. May I move further now?” I wanted to make sure he fully wanted this, otherwise it just simply would not work.

“Yes, please do,” he responded. Yes. I pressed my hips down against his groin one last time before I moved my position. His cock was now hard, fully erect. I smiled to myself – I hadn’t even yet scratched the surface of what I was going to do to my dear Willis tonight. I did know, however, that he would be much more comfortable out of his restricting clothes.

“Let’s get these clothes off of you first,” I suggested. He paused before he said anything, and I took that as a sign that he wasn’t sure he wanted to. “It’s alright if you want to keep them on, if you’re more comfortable that way. Whichever you choose I will be completely happy with,” I interjected, letting my eyes meet with his to show that I meant it. He paused again.

“No, it’s alright. I was getting a little warm anyway and starting to get slightly, well, um, uncomfortable,” he said, referring to his hardness. I smiled as sweetly as I could while I stood up next to the bed and I pulled his arm up with me, to show him I wanted him to stand as well. He followed suit, slowly, and I soon saw Willis standing in front of me, inches away. I had never seen him without his clothes on, aside from his shirt off, so I was very excited at this opportunity.

He leaned down to kiss me, not really sure whether he was supposed to do anything or not. I took this as my cue to start unbuttoning his shirt. As I felt his hands wrap around my neck slightly, I rose my hands up and took his first button into my fingers. Even though I hadn’t planned on it, he broke the kiss and dropped his hands down, meeting my stare. Fumbling with the first button, my hands became shaky. I was starting to get nervous – what if he didn’t enjoy it? What if I did something to hurt him? No, I had to keep these thoughts out of my head. The first button popped open and I pulled his shirt to the sides, kissing where the button had been on his chest.

I repeated this all the way down, six kisses total, until his shirt was completely unbuttoned. I pulled it out of his slacks and put my hands up on his shoulders, underneath the material. I moved my hands over his shoulders and pushed back. His shirt fell to the floor. I leaned up to kiss him, to keep kaçak bahis him relaxed, before I moved my hands down to his belt. Our lips pressed firmly against each other, and just as he let his tongue slip into my mouth, I pulled away. I had to keep him wanting more.

I moved my fingers down to his belt, and slowly undid it, staring down at it. As I pulled it aside and reached for his button, I felt Will’s hands reach up to rest on my shoulders. He wasn’t trying to balance, so he must have just been nervous. His button came undone and then I reached down for his zipper. When I grabbed it between my fingers and began to pull down, I looked up at him and smiled my sweetest smile that I could. His zipper finally was undone, and when I let go, his slacks fell to the floor.

Willis leaned down to kiss me as I reached my arms around his neck, pressing myself in close to him. I felt his cock press against my stomach and it sent shivers throughout my entire body. I knew he felt those same shivers. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, swirling it around, as he pushed his hips forward into me. Sort of shocked, I didn’t know how to react except to push back a little. I leaned my head back, breaking the kiss, and looked up at him as I licked my lips. I put my hands on his shoulders, then moved them down to his chest. I decided that I wanted to take off his boxers while I was on my knees in front of him to show him how much I had wanted to do this.

My body slowly lowered as I drug my hands down his chest and stomach. When I was finally on my knees in front of him, my hands reached the elastic of his boxers. I looked up at him again as I curled my fingers underneath the top edges, and pulled them away from his body. My eyes could not remain on his any longer, I simply had to lower my gaze to the sight I was about to see right in front of my face. I slowly pulled his boxers down, and I finally saw his cock spring free. My gaze was transfixed, and my motions stopped completely. I seemed to stop breathing.

My dear Willis’ cock was simply perfect. I estimated about seven inches long, just the right amount of girth to give you pleasure without pain, and a perfectly soft and silky head. I resisted the urge to just simply start licking him all over and I swallowed, pulling his boxers down the rest of the way. Before I stood up, I just could not resist – I reached out and grabbed his cock in my left hand and gave the tip of his head a small kiss. I heard him moan again. I slowly brought my body up and kissed his lips lightly.

“Alright, now we’re all set. Lie down, sweetie,” I urged. He smiled and let himself rest on the bed once more. My mouth felt dry and I was nervous now. I had to remain calm, however, so that he could enjoy this. I crawled on top of him again, straddling him. His cock was standing straight up, and I took this opportunity to lower my hips against his again. I felt his cock head rub against my pussy folds, covered only by my panties. My pussy tingled and got instantly flooded it seemed, and I knew Willis could sense that I was becoming more and more turned on. I leaned down to kiss him and asked him if he was ready, which he responded with a simple yes. I smiled at him and lowered myself once more.

His amazing cock was finally in front of my eyes, begging me to touch it, to lick it, to suck it, to love it. I looked at the very tip of it and I smiled when I saw that a bit of precum had leaked out. I reached forward with my left hand and wrapped it around his cock at the base. I squeezed gently, and saw a bit more leak out. I smiled to myself. He was going to love this.

I got my tongue nice and wet, as well as my lips, before I leaned forward. I stuck my tongue out and met his gaze as I licked the tip of his head, getting his sweet-tasting precum onto my taste buds. We both moaned in unison. He dropped his head back against the pillow and closed his eyes, just enjoying the sensation of someone else’s touch. I licked my lips again as I allowed my head to move forward once more. I puckered my lips slightly and reached forward, kissing his cock head.

I pulled away and kissed his cock again, this time a bit lower. Another kiss landed even lower as I kissed down the underside of his cock. When I finally made it as far down as I could, I stuck my wet tongue out and pressed the tip against the vein that was there. I put a bit of pressure onto his cock and licked all the way up until my tongue reached air at the top. Willis moaned again. I lowered my head down to the base of his cock again and stuck out my tongue. I flattened it out, placed it on his cock, and curled it around the sides as much as I could, making my tongue mould to the shape of his cock. Again, I licked up slowly until my tongue ran out of cock to lick.

“Ooh, yes,” I heard Willis say above me. I smiled to myself. I pulled his cock slightly towards me as I leaned my head down and over his cock. My tongue was nice and wet, almost dripping with my saliva, as I stuck it out again and let the underside of my tongue land on the top side of his cock. I moved my head upwards and let it drag along his cock. The silky softness of my tongue against his cock was an amazing feeling for both of us.

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