Wife Screwed Under Blanket

31 Ekim 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Wife Screwed Under BlanketMegan and her coworker Doug were chatting in the kitchen at work.“You look very nice today, Megan,” said Doug, looking her body up and down appreciatively.Megan blushed and tugged self-consciously at the hem of her skirt. Doug was always flirting with her and she enjoyed the attention, so she had started wearing shorter skirts and tighter sweaters to work lately. “Thanks Doug, that’s very nice of you to say,” she said, taking a sip of her tea.“Yes, that sweater, is very flattering,” said Doug staring unabashedly at her large jutting breasts. He knew that Megan was married, and he was married himself, but he liked to imagine what it would be like to bed his middle aged coworker. “My eyes are up here, Doug,” joked Megan, turned on by how brashly Doug was acting today.“Yes, your eyes are very beautiful,” agreed Doug, never taking his gaze from Megan’s chest.Megan felt a cool breeze as the air conditioner kicked on and her nipple stiffened visibly in her tight sweater. Doug wagged his eyebrows at Megan suggestively. “Your headlights are on,” he said, giving her a lewd wink.“Oh, Doug, you are terrible,” said Megan, covering her nipples with her hands modestly. Her face was flushed red with excitement.“I know I am,” said Doug casually. “Hey, when are you going to invite me over for dinner?”“You and Frida are always welcome to join John and I for dinner,” said Megan lightly. She hated to bring up their spouses while flirting, but it couldn’t be helped.Doug frowned at the mention of his wife and the erection inspired by Megan’s snugly fitting top began to subside. “Frida doesn’t really care to socialize with my work friends,” said Doug. “Couldn’t just you and I have dinner some night when John was out of town on business?”“Doug, that wouldn’t be appropriate,” said Megan weakly, her heart pounding at the idea of a dinner date with Doug. His face fell at the rejection, so she quickly added, “I’ll tell you what though, why not come over tonight and join John and I for dinner? It’s our night to watch a movie at home.”Doug stopped staring at Megan’s breasts for a moment and looked her in the eye with a calculating expression. He wondered if she was testing him, trying to see how much chutzpah he had. “Alright, Megan, I will take you up on your offer,” he said.Megan briefly wondered if she was doing the right thing to invite her work flirt home to meet her husband, but John paid so little attention to her these days that he probably wouldn’t even notice the sexual tension between her and Doug. So she smiled warmly at Doug and gave him her address.“Sounds good, see you at 7 tonight then,” said Doug. “And I expect you to answer the door naked,” he said with a grin.“We’ll see,” laughed Megan, her pulse quickening. “Don’t get your hopes up.”The rest of the day seemed to crawl past as Megan anxiously awaited dinner with Doug. She wondered if John would go to bed early or just doze off in his chair as was his habit on movie night. She wondered what would happen if she and Doug were together alone on the couch in the dark.When she finally arrived at home, she rushed to prepare a nice steak dinner for Doug.“What’s this?” asked her husband John when he came home from work. He came over and gave Megan a perfunctory peck on the cheek as she stood cooking at the stove. “Steak huh? What’s the occasion?”Megan gulped nervously and tried to sound nonchalant. “Oh, I invited my coworker Doug over for dinner tonight,” she said with a weak smile. “You remember Doug. He was at the office Christmas party.”“But it’s our movie night,” said John peevishly. But in truth, he actually looked forward to having company. He loved his wife, but they had fallen into a deep rut and movie night had become a bore. John recalled that Doug was a funny guy. Maybe he would liven up the evening.“I know honey,” said Megan pursing her lips and furrowing her brow sympathetically. “But it will be a nice change of pace to have company for once.”“Maybe you’re right,” agreed John amiably, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator and heading off to the living room to watch television.Doug arrived right on time at 7 and he brought a nice bottle of wine. They all enjoyed a friendly supper with Doug and John engaging in a lively discussion about the local football team which had made the playoffs. Megan was beginning to feel slightly neglected and oddly jealous of Doug’s attention to her husband. But as soon as her husband left the room Doug resumed his flirtation with a vengeance.“I’m very disappointed that you were fully clothed when you answered the door,” said Doug softly, leaning forward and gazing into Megan’s eyes. “Dinner would have been so much more interesting if you had heeded my request and gotten naked for me.”“Ha, it would have given us something to talk about other than football, I’ll grant you that,” replied Megan merrily. The idea of entertaining Doug and her husband in the nude both aroused and amused her. She was sure that John would have a heart attack if she ever tried something like that.Doug had enjoyed a few glasses of wine, and his inhibitions were down, so he put his cards on the table. “Well I have to keep John distracted with football talk so he doesn’t realize that I want to have sex with his wife.” He gave Megan a crooked smile, but in that moment they both knew that he wasn’t joking.“Really?” said Megan, her voice cracking slightly. She could feel her palms growing sweaty with excitement. “I didn’t realize you felt that way,” she said absently, bahis siteleri unable to make eye contact with Doug.“Oh, you realized it alright,” laughed Doug. “I think I’ve made it perfectly clear at work.”“Made what perfectly clear?” asked John jovially as he returned to the dining room.Megan was startled so badly that she nearly jumped out of her chair, but neither man noticed.“Oh, I’ve made it clear how tired I am of working at that damn place,” rejoined Doug smoothly. “But the job market is tough, so I stick with it nonetheless.”“I hear you, brother,” agreed John, shaking his head ruefully.“Ok, boys,” said Megan brightly. “Why don’t you two clear the table while I go change out of these work clothes?”“Yeah, you must barely be able to breathe in that sweater,” said Doug cheekily, giving John a sideways glance to judge his reaction.John just laughed heartily at the slightly bawdy joke and Megan chuckled along awkwardly, “Yes, well, I’ll be back in a few and we can open another bottle of wine and start the movie.” She hurried off to the bedroom as Doug and John helpfully cleared the dirty dishes.“You noticed how tight that sweater was, huh,” said John looking over at Doug mischievously once his wife was out of earshot.“I have to admit I did notice, John,” said Doug matter-of-factly. John bit his lip to hold back his laughter. “She’s got quite a rack on her, doesn’t she?” he asked.Doug was surprised at John’s candor and simply responded in kind. “I’ll say, you are a lucky man, my friend,” he said with a lascivious grin and the two men broke out in raucous laughter as Doug pictured what Megan’s breasts would look like if she stood topless before him.Megan heard the laughter from the kitchen as she stripped off her sweater and unsnapped her bra. Her large bosoms came spilling out, and she heaved a sigh of relief as she rubbed them absently. She wriggled out of her skirt, stripped off her stockings, and stood contemplating her body in the mirror. She had gained a bit of weight over the years, but she had retained her hourglass figure. She looked herself over critically and decided that she didn’t look too bad for a woman of 42. Then she went to the closet and pondered what to wear. She briefly considered putting on a sexy negligee and going out to rejoin her husband and Doug as though that were perfectly natural. The very idea made her giggle to herself like a schoolgirl, but she knew she would never have the guts.She settled on a nice pair of sweatpants that were comfortable but well fitted enough for company. For a top, she slipped into a t-shirt. Her breasts were jiggling and her nipples were poking through without a bra on, so she pulled a light cardigan over the t-shirt and headed back out to the kitchen.“Oh, I was hoping you would come out here in a slinky negligee,” commented Doug sarcastically when he saw how modestly Megan was dressed.John slapped Doug on the shoulder and laughed along rowdily. Megan could tell that John was a little drunk, so she opened her cardigan and shimmied her shoulders to make her boobs bounce back and forth. The two men stared in fascination at the motion of her knockers before Megan blushed deeply and pulled her cardigan closed. “Wow,” said Doug, clearly impressed.John just laughed even harder and strode over to his wife to kiss her on the cheek and slap her bottom playfully.“You don’t need to wear lingerie to be sexy with that damn body,” said John lustily.“Thank you honey, that’s sweet,” said Megan, looking at her husband warmly.“I’ll drink to that,” said Doug with a wicked smile and he poured out more glasses of wine and handed them around.The trio adjourned to the living room together to watch a movie. John wasn’t bothered by Doug’s flirting, in fact he found that he enjoyed having another man pay attention to Megan. He realized that he took her for granted a lot lately. She was still a sexy woman, and it was perfectly natural for other men to take notice of that fact.“So what movie should we watch, gentlemen?” asked Megan formally, holding her wine and bending over to examine the rack of DVD’s. Doug stared unabashedly at Megan’s gorgeous round rear as she bent over. John noticed Doug’s interest in his wife’s bottom, but he was surprised that it didn’t make him very jealous.“How about Showgirls?” blurted out John as he sank into his favorite recliner.“Oh honey,” laughed Megan nervously. “That’s a very naughty movie. I don’t think it’s appropriate to watch… with a guest over,” she smiled lamely at Doug as she said it. Her husband must be drunker than she thought.“Nonsense,” objected John merrily. “We are all adults here, aren’t we?” he said. “Put it on.”Megan looked at Doug inquisitively.“I haven’t seen it,” said Doug with a smile. “Is there a lot of nudity?”“You’ll see,” said Megan with resignation and she put in the movie and turned down the lights.Doug sat down on the daybed which was Megan’s customary place to sit in the evening and she hesitated to join him there.“Doug took your seat, huh?” commented John, noticing his wife’s uncertainty.“Ha, we really have our routine, don’t we,” laughed Megan.“Oh, I can sit somewhere else,” said Doug, looking around the room but not actually standing up to move.“No, no, there’s plenty of room here for both of us,” said Megan, sitting down next to Doug on the daybed where she liked to stretch out and relax each evening.As the outrageously bad movie stumbled from one gratuitous sex scene to another, the threesome mocked the bad acting but were drawn canlı bahis into the sensuality nonetheless. Doug and John both had raging hardons and Megan felt herself getting wet. As they went through the wine she found herself snuggling up against Doug and he slipped one arm around her back surreptitiously. John didn’t seem to notice and in fact seemed to be nodding off slightly as was his habit after a long day at work, a good meal, and a lot of wine.“Are you tired dear?” asked Megan lightly as Doug ran his hand hungrily up and down her side while sexy dancers thrust their crotches into the air on the screen before them.“No, no, I’m fine,” mumbled John sleepily, nodding off in his comfortable chair.Megan reached down and gripped Doug’s thigh and started rubbing his leg in a more than friendly manner. Her heart was pounding with excitement and her body was hot from the wine and from arousal. She couldn’t believe that she and Doug were feeling each other up right in front of her husband while he was distracted by the titillating movie and his own drowsiness. Doug started getting more and more aggressive and he slipped his hand under Megan’s t-shirt and slid it up her side closer and closer to her boob. Her breath came faster and faster until she was practically panting when he finally gripped her bare breast in his hand and sought out her nipple with his fingers.John glanced over and saw Doug and his wife rubbing up against each other and he snapped to attention slightly. “Hey, what are you guys doing over there?” he asked good naturedly.Megan clamped her arm down trapping Doug’s wrist in her armpit. Then she released it and pushed him away slightly as he hurriedly withdrew his hand from her shirt. Doug’s own heart was racing and his erection was pitching an obvious tent in his trousers.“Doug was just tickling me, dear,” lied Megan. “But it’s all in good fun,” she added lamely.“That’s my wife you are feeling up over there,” said John with a smile. “Show some respect, fella,” he added with a nervous chuckle. He had enjoyed a bit of harmless flirting between Doug and his wife, but John was starting to get jealous of how Megan and Doug were snuggling together on the daybed there. He was starting to regret his choice of movie. Maybe it was getting everyone a little overheated.“You know this movie is considered one of the worst of all time,” said John, trying to sound light-hearted. “Maybe we should put something else on.”“I’m enjoying it actually,” said Doug languidly, shifting on the daybed to try to hide his erection. “It has excellent character development.”“Liar, you just like the boobs,” laughed Megan, punching Doug’s shoulder playfully.“Well I do like boobs, I can’t deny that,” said Doug, giving Megan a smoldering look of passion.“Heh, heh, yeah, well, I guess we can leave it on then,” said John, but he felt his stomach twisting with jealousy at how familiar Megan was being with Doug. He drank a bit more wine and started to relax and was soon drawn into the movie as another sex scene commenced.“I’m usually just stretch out on this, do you mind if I lay down here?” asked Megan softly.“Go right ahead,” said Doug. “Shall I cover you?” he asked, noticing the blanket folded at the back of the daybed.“Yes, please,” said Megan stiffly. “Why don’t you lay down behind me?”“And spoon you?” whispered Doug.“Yes,” replied Megan. “Cover us with the blanket.”As the two coworkers rearranged themselves on the daybed with Megan laying in front and Doug laying behind her, John roused himself and took notice.“Now what are you doing over there?” he asked, trying to hide the annoyance in his voice.“I’m just stretching out like I always do dear,” said Megan innocently.“And he’s going to lay there with you?” asked John. His head was fuzzy with wine and sleepiness.“I guess so,” said Megan pulling the blanket up to her neck.“Uh, huh,” replied John helplessly. He didn’t like this arrangement, but he was too muddled to think of a polite way to object.Doug wasted no time and immediately gripped Megan by the hips and started grinding his stiff boner up against her soft round ass. Megan gasped in response and reached back to pinch the bulge in Doug’s pants between her fingers. Doug grunted in response and brazenly slid his hands up the front of Megan’s t-shirt, gripping one large breast in each hand and kneading them greedily as she squeezed his cock through his pants. John sat watching them wriggle and shift under the blanket.“What the hell ARE you two doing under that blanket?” snapped John testily, growing deeply suspicious.“Nothing dear, my goodness,” panted Megan, feigning nonchalance as Doug gripped her boobs in his hands and pinched her nipples. “We are just getting readjusted over here.”“Yeah, what if I came over there and pulled the cover off you two?” demanded John hotly.“Well then I would be cold,” pouted Megan sweetly.John didn’t know how to respond to that it really appeared to him as though Doug was touching his wife’s breasts under that blanket and his stomach flipped with anxiety at thought, but he was tired and drunk and couldn’t think of the right way to handle this. “I just need to get adjusted a little more,” said Doug to John and he gripped Megan’s sweatpants by the waist and slid them down to her knees along with her panties while she clutched the blanket to her neck and her heart pounded in her chest like a drum. Megan’s bare ass was pressed up against Doug’s jeans under the blanket and he took a minute to run his hands over her güvenilir bahis smooth butt cheeks before unzipping his fly carefully so it didn’t make too loud a sound. Her gaze flicking nervously between the movie and her her husband.John noticed Megan looking at him and gave her a mistrustful frown as Doug freed his cock and started pressing it between Megan’s thighs.“What’s the matter?” asked John grumpily as the head of Doug’s long stiff penis found its way between the folds of Megan’s swollen labia.“Nothing at all darling,” gasped Megan breathlessly. “I was just thinking how much I love you.”John was utterly disarmed by his wife’s sincere sounding proclamation. Doug bit his lip to keep from snorting at the irony of it all and forcefully thrust his cock into Megan’s how wet cunt from behind. She stuck her fist into her mouth to keep from crying out in passion as John looked at her strangely. Doug left his dick sunk deep inside Megan and longed to start poking it in and out of her, but her dared not for fear of drawing John’s attention. So he consoled himself by reach around Megan’s hip cautiously, careful not to disturb the blanket too much. He slid his hand around her hip and down into her crotch and soon found the slippery nub of her clitoris. She nearly choked in her effort to suppress a moan of pleasure. John’s attention was drawn back to the movie as a group of erotic dancers frolicked in the nude on screen. Doug peeked over Megan’s shoulder at John in his recliner and started working his dick slowly in and out of John’s wife fingering her clit the whole time while she whimpered soundlessly. He felt himself growing closer and closer to climax as her hot wet snatch gripped his stiff rod. Soon the daybed was creaking rhythmically with his efforts and John sat up in his chair.“Christ Doug, are you dry humping my wife over there?” he demanded groggily, the wine fogging his mind and his vision.“What? No of course not,” protest Doug as he increased his pace, thrusting his cock between Megan’s soft thighs and into her sodden snatch.“But what’s all that rocking back and forth?” demanded John, taken aback but Doug’s boldness.“I mean,no, I’m not dry humping her,” said Doug, reaching up and grasping Megan’s generous jugs in his palms again. The weight of them in his hands made his cock stiffen even more. For her part, Megan couldn’t believe that Doug would fuck her from behind and feel her up like this under the covers while talking to her husband. The sheer audacity of Doug and the wrongness of the situation brought her to climax. “I’m just, Oh shit,” exclaimed Doug as he felt Megan’s vagina tighten suddenly around his cock. She cried out in spite of herself as she came over and over.“Megan, are you ok?” asked John climbing to his feet with concern.“I mean we are just fooling around,” she gasped as Doug resumed humping her urgently and worked her boobs enthusiastically. “But you are making such a big deal out of it,” she whined, trying to sound offended and upset. Her face with bright red from passion and her breathing was fast and shallow.“I’m sorry, baby,” said John contritely. “But this is, Jesus, Doug, will you stop dry-humping my damn wife please?” he demanded angrily, turning to Doug.“Oh yeah, sorry bud,” panted Doug. He stopped humping her suddenly as he started spurting his load inside John’s wife. John looked on suspiciously as the commotion under the blanket suddenly ceased and Doug ground his crotch against Megan’s ass releasing the last of his seed inside her. Megan arched her back eagerly to receive his delivery. “I guess I got a little drunk and I got a bit carried away by having this big round ass right here,” admitted Doug, forgetting himself.John laughed in spite of himself. “That’s a nice way to repay our hospitality. Grinding your crotch up against my wife’s rear.” He had a sinking suspicion that Doug also grabbed Megan’s boobs in addition to dry humping her, but he didn’t want to say it.“I know, I know,” said Doug contritely, tucking his limp sodden cock back into his pants and zipping up quietly. He extracted himself deftly from under the cover, leaving Megan completely covered but with her pants down and he jumped off the daybed. “That was really out of bounds,” he said, running his hands nervously through his hair. “I uh, don’t know how to apologize properly.”John sighed drunkenly at Doug’s demonstration while Megan surreptitiously pulled her sweatpants back up. “Ok, Ok, I see how this happened. We had too much to drink and put on a movie with too much sexytime. I am partly to blame for picking the movie and for laughing along with your flirtation. Let’s just call it a night and talk it over another time when we are all sober.”“Ok, John. That’s big of you,” said Doug with a deep frown of respect. Then he turn to Megan, stretched out luxuriously on the daybed. “I am sorry for getting carried away, Megan. I hope you can forgive me.”“Forgive you? I thoroughly enjoyed it,” she laughed saucily. “We should do it again sometime. Soon.”“Megan!” exclaimed John in exasperation. “You aren’t helping matters here.”She looked up at her husband and shrugged, “Sorry, I guess I’m drunk,” she admitted.Doug just laughed and waved goodbye, “I will let you two sort this out then, thanks for the hospitality.” Then he hurried out of the room.“Yeah, yeah,” said John, waving him off dismissively. “Honey, how could you say that?” he whined petulantly.“Please don’t cry like a baby,” she sighed in resignation. “It doesn’t suit you. We were only fooling around. It was completely harmless.”Doug walked down the driveway and looked up at the stars, breathing in the cool night air. It was a good night to be alive and not to have been beaten up by a jealous husband.

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