Two Couples in Madison Pt. 02

9 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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This is a work of fiction.


Recap of part 1: Karen and Emily Ryan from Superior Wisconsin go to Madison Wisconsin for Gay Pride Day. The organizers have suggested that local people could let visitors from away from Madison invite the visitors to stay at their house. Step knew Karen as her professor at the University of Wisconsin- Superior years ago and when she saw that Karen and Emily were coming to Madison, asked her partner Jenny to host them.

Steph remembers Dr. Karen Ryan from the days when Karen was transitioning from male to female. That process is complete and Karen has had a vaginoplasty procedure.

Part I covered dinner and the Saturday evening before the Gay Pride march, when Karen and Steph match up and Emily and Jenny match up.

Part II starts here.


Karen Ryan slept great. The sex from last night was fantastic, but did wear her out. Next to her after a tryst with Jenny, was Karen’s spouse for 22 years, the last 10 years as her lesbian spouse, and the first twelve years (until Karen’s MTF gender change) as a traditional spouse.

Karen rolled over and found Emily was waking up.

Karen whispered (so Steph and Jenny wouldn’t hear) to Emily “How was your night?”

Emily replied, also in a whisper “Fantastic, no more than fantastic, great, tremendous, powerful, and just plain WOW.”

Karen whispered back “Sounds like my night with Steph. Overwhelming joy and great sex, but it was deeper than just sex. I sensed a caring person at the end of it.”

While Karen had been monogamous with Emily, she knew of lesbians who were sex starved and jumped from bed to bed to bed, without developing the relationship between the sex partners. Steph had been one of Karen’s students early in Karen’s transition and they had connected in a deeper way because of that. Both Karen and Emily had agreed that if sex with Steph and Jenny came up, they would share in the joyous experience.

For Emily and Jenny, who didn’t have a prior history, but knew their respective partners (who they loved) had a relationship helped them to go deeper.

Karen whispered “I need a shower.”

Emily agreed “Yes, you do; and yes, I need one too.”

Opening the door a crack and looking down the hall at the only bathroom in the apartment, Karen couldn’t tell if the door just was shut, or if somebody was in there. The only way to tell, was to tiptoe down the hall, knock discretely on the door and check it out. She did that and found the bathroom was empty. She quickly used the toilet, found the towels that had been set out and started the shower. She showered fairly quickly, but took her time in her pussy area, remember very lovingly how Steph had caused her to come to four orgasms last night.

Karen was finishing her shower when the door opened and Emily said “It is only me dear. I needed the restroom.”

Karen toweled off and looked down at the almost naked Emily. What a wonderful partner she was. Karen was so glad that Emily had stayed with her and had adjusted her lifestyle to be a loving lesbian to her partner. Karen also looked down at Emily’s beautiful vaginal area, her wild and bushy pubic hair and the opening underneath that Emily was using now to empty her bladder.

Karen said quietly to Emily. “If you want the shower, this might be a good time.”

Karen left the bathroom and into the bedroom and found her suitcase and put on jeans, printed t-shirt ‘Gay Pride” and fresh panties and a fresh bra. Looking at her iPhone, it was just 6:48 a.m.

Karen went out of the bedroom and out to the kitchen area. Maybe there would be a cup of coffee. She found a Keurig coffee machine in the kitchen and started making a cup of coffee when Steph came into the kitchen.

“Good Morning” said Steph cheerfully to Karen. “How did you sleep?”

“Like a million dollars” was Karen’s answer.

Steph put her arm around Karen’s shoulder and said quietly “Karen last night was very special for me. I appreciated you as a professor those years ago, but now I really appreciate you as a friend and as a woman, and a right sexy woman at that.”

Karen turned and kissed Steph. It wasn’t a kiss of passion like last night, but one of deep friendship and high regard.

“Thank you Steph. I’m not sure we need to stay for the Gay Pride march today, I had all the fireworks Betturkey and pleasure for many weekends last night.” Said Karen.

Steph cleared her throat. “Ah, Professor Ryan, that is Karen, Jenny wanted to get to know you better this morning and I wanted to get to know Emily better, if you know what I mean. Do you think that can work?”

Karen paused for a second “Steph, last night was so tremendous for both Emily and I. I didn’t want to water down that experience by having sex with Jenny today. I’m sure she is a loving and wonderful person, but maybe you two can come to Superior for a weekend and we can link up there.”

Steph nodded “I understand. I’m going to take a shower. Is that Emily in the shower now?”

Karen said “Yes. So, it will probably be a few minutes until she is done.”

Steph left and Karen sipped on her coffee.

In a minute Jenny came into the kitchen in her nightie. “Did you start coffee yet Karen?” she asked.

“I found a Keurig k-cup and made a cup of coffee. How do you make a whole pot, I’m sure I’d like another cup.” replied Karen.

Jenny put the regular Black and Decker coffee maker on the counter, got the beans and asked Karen to get 12 cups of water in the carafe. A minute later, Jenny pressed the ‘start’ button, the machine ground the beans and the water came through the beans to brew.

Jenny asked “How do you like your coffee?”

Karen said “Generally black, no cream, no sugar. How about you?”

Jenny replied “Just a touch of cream most days.”

Karen asked “So what do you do for the state?”

Jenny’s eyes lit up “I’m a budget and financial analyst for the state legislature.” She then added “I’m an economist, just like you.”

Karen asked “So what does that mean?”

Jenny was more than happy to talk about her work. She had to filter through income projections, state expenses, projected expenses, and determine the impact of various legislative initiatives on the budget.

Jenny said “For example, property tax relief is always a hot topic. But, if we ease back on property taxes, we will need to raise revenue from some other source. There is an old adage that the best tax is one you don’t pay.”

Karen smiled at that. “Yes, that is true. And with tongue in cheek, I think they need to raise taxes on heterosexual males and cut taxes on lesbians.”

The both laughed.

Jenny said “Just a second” and got her laptop. “I do a lot of writing and position making and I want you to see this analysis.”

Jenny pulled her chair next to Karen, and loaded up a document “The impact of reduced iron ore shipments on Lake Superior and Wisconsin revenue.”

She continued “I did this a year ago. I think you are an expert in this area?”

Karen blushed a little “I guess I do have some expertise in the area.”

Jenny said “Just a second” and scrolled to the bottom of the document and the references page. There over 2/3rd of the way through about 50 references were to two works to ‘Ryan, K.A.’.

Jenny laughed “Hey, I bet that ‘Ryan, K.A.’ is a real smart person with a lot of expertise in the field.” She smiled and the two laughed.

Soon the two were talking about economic forecasts and analyses. Karen suggested maybe they could do a joint academic paper, and Jenny agreed.

“Would you like more coffee?” Jenny asked.

Karen answered “Sure.”

Karen noticed as Jenny poured the coffee, that her breasts were very visible under her nightie. (And, they were very full and extremely nice).

Karen asked to use the computer and brought up some of her research, Jenny slid her chair even closer to Karen. Their legs were touching as Karen went through an analysis of forest products from northern Wisconsin from some of Karen’s recent publications. Jenny asked some questions, and put her hand on Karen’s arm. Karen started to lose concentration and turned to look at Jenny.

Jenny was looking at Karen – they leaned into each other and kissed. That kiss escalated quickly into a deep, sensuous kiss as their tongues intermingled.

Jenny said simply “I want you.”

Karen breathlessly said back “And, I want you.”

Jenny said “I think our partners are having fun.”

Karen stopped. Yes, it had been a while since Steph left while Emily was showering. Betturkey Giriş Then she got a big grin on her face. “I bet they are having fun.”

Jenny turned and smiled at Karen, “Not as much fun as we will be having in five minutes.”


Steph did go into the bathroom while Emily was showering.

Emily asked “Is that you Karen?”

Steph said “No, just Steph and I need a shower.”

Emily replied “I’m almost done.”

Steph stepped into the shower with Emily and said “I don’t think I can wait.”

Steph grabbed the body wash and started to wash Emily’s face, then her arm pits, then her back. She stopped and washed her Emily’s legs.

Stopping again, Steph said “Hmmm, those breasts really do need to get cleaned, there are a lot of fingerprints on them, maybe even some mouth prints.”

Steph put a lot of body wash on a washcloth and started to massage Emily’s breasts in a clockwise fashion.

Emily replied “I think those breasts are still dirty and need to get cleaner.”

Steph took the prompt and massaged Emily’s breasts with the soap again. This time she focused on the nipple and areola. Soon Emily’s nipples were straight out and firm.

Steph said “Hmmm … washing them doesn’t seem to work; let me try my tongue to get them clean.”

Stephs tongue now circled Emily’s breasts as the warm water flowed down their backs.

Emily said “I think they are getting much cleaner now. But, I think my vulva lips are dirty and might need some attention.”

Steph helped Emily spread her legs and held onto the stabilizer bar in the shower and she took the cloth to Emily’s vagina area.

Steph commented “I see what you mean Emily. This area is already wet and has an aroma. While the aroma is arousing and pleasant, it might be a sign of something else. I suggest we finish this cleansing process in my bed.”

Emily agreed and Emily used a towel to dry Steph off, including making sure Steph’s breasts and pussy area was dry.

Steph also dried off Emily, with special attention to Emily’s ‘problem’ areas.

They slipped out of the bathroom to Steph and Jenny’s bedroom. They could hear but not see Karen and Jenny talking about economic impacts in the kitchen.

Tumbling into Steph and Jenny’s bed, Steph quickly applied her tongue to Emily’s breasts to keep her excited and then slid down to Emily’s vagina. Emily’s outer lips were a deep purple hue, generally smooth, but with a few wrinkled towards the bottom. As compared to Karen’s lips last night, Emily’s outer vulva lips were a little looser. A quick touch led to a kiss around those lips. Emily was moaning and enjoying the activity.

“I’m cumming.” said Emily, from Steph’s kiss and touch on her outer lips.

“There, I got that flow – just in time” said Steph, keeping up the analogy of cleaning Emily off. Emily’s clitorius was firm and excited by the time, Steph’s tongue reached that area around that spot; which was so sensitive to being excited. Within a few minutes another shudder ran through Emily’s body.

Steph was so enthralled to be bringing Emily to climax. It was a joy to find a lady so receptive to being loved sexually. And, she knew that soon Emily would be bring her to climaxes too.

Wetting two fingers in Emily’s vagina, Steph rotated them around Emily’s inner vulva lips, first very gentle and then just a little more.

Emily gasped “You are so good.”

Steph replied “All the better to please you.”

Steph replaced her two fingers with her tongue along the inner lips and then back to Emily’s clit again. Another shudder and another orgasm for Emily.

“Oh Dear,” said Steph, “now you need cleaning there again.” as Emily’s fluids reached Steph’s mouth. She licked the delicious juices from Emily’s vagina. Steph couldn’t help but think how lesbians had the best of sex, longer lasting, fragrant, more erogenous zones, more orgasms, and deeper relationships.

Emily was sobbing lightly when Steph lifted her head up.

Steph asked “Did I hurt you.”

Emily answered “Oh no, these are tears of joy. Thank you and Jenny for inviting us in.”

Steph rolled to Emily on the bed and hugged Emily tight as Emily cried.

Steph said “You are such a sweetheart. I just want to call you ‘Aunt Emily'”

They laid together contented and happy for maybe five minutes.

Then Emily sat up with a start and said “I haven’t satisfied you yet.”

Steph retorted, “You have satisfied me so very much.”

But Emily didn’t get much time to work on Steph, as there was a knock on the door.

Jenny was using her knuckle on her index finger to knock on her (and Steph’s) bedroom door.

Jenny whispered to Karen “I didn’t want to spook them.”

Jenny then turned the doorknob and announced “we’re coming in.”

Karen immediately spotted Emily’s ass, and went out and planted a big wet kiss on it, and then a bigger kiss on her lips.

Karen whispered to Emily “I love you my precious wife.”

Emily returned the thought to Karen “And … I love you my dear.”

Jenny did about the same with Steph, a big kiss on Steph’s rear and then a bigger and longer kiss on Steph’s lips.

Steph said “Hey, you two still have your nighties on. You are overdressed. Get with the program.”

Karen and Jenny must have thought that was a reasonable request, and soon four nude woman were in the bedroom: two slightly older and two younger. The two that just entered sat on the end of the bed next to the two that recently were enjoying each other’s bodies.

Karen just had to laugh. “Is this like that nude camp you talked about last night?”

Steph laughed too. “No, this is about arousal and sex.”

Karen asked Steph “what next?”

Steph asked Jenny “Did you and Karen, um, have sex?”

Jenny answered “We were talking about economics and we didn’t get that far yet. We were getting to know each other better.”

Karen laughed “What a fun 24 hours, I’ve been romping with my partner and two friends. My pussy is as fulfilled as it ever has been (including dilation after my vaginoplasty). But I am truly celebrating being a woman, and you three have never known the alternative, and let me tell you, this is the right gender and the right activities for me. Sex for a male was so, ahh, one-sided, one-dimensional. My eyes looked (okay, ogled), I got excited, my penis came up, and -bingo- shot its wad, and I instantly lost my excitement and it was over. Here, I have been teased into multiple orgasms – and I have enjoyed my own orgasms greatly, but I’ve also enjoyed the orgasms of my partner at that time greatly. Feeling Steph shudder and then erupt was as exciting as having my own. Sharing deep, passionate kisses, sharing orgasmic fluids, and so much more. I have been blessed and honored to be here. You don’t know the other side. Well, Emily knows a little of the other side. And, I’m guessing she doesn’t want to go there. (aside Emily was shaking her head NO). I’m looking at three totally beautiful bodies, six fantastic and yet very different breasts (plus my two breasts), three pussies that I’d just love to get my nose into, and all of which with slightly different coloring and flavors. I’m not sure it would be the same if we had ten women in here. I’m guessing the dynamic would be different. I sense lesbian sex based on relationships are stronger.”

Karen continued “Jenny, we didn’t finish what we started. Emily and Steph can you help us reach utopia?”

Then Karen climbed on the bed next to Jenny, and commenced to kiss and love and excite each other to multiple orgasms. Emily and Steph watched their respective partner experience the joy of lesbian sex, cuddling, feeling, touching, licking each other to orgasm after orgasm. Forty minutes later, worn out physically, but inwardly so satisfied. Karen and Jenny laid back, arms and breasts together – and napped.

Watching their respective partners, Emily and Steph soon repeated their morning’s activities by taking a second shower together but this time Emily did the soaping and cleaning up of Steph’s body parts.

Emily and Steph made breakfast when Karen and Jenny washed off, with both of them doing a lot of soaping and cleaning of the other.

By the time they parked and went to the Gay Pride march and rally, they were tired but so fulfilled. They listened to the mayor talk about the contributions of gay men, lesbian women, transgendered people, and bi-sexual people to the community and world. Others around these four tried to involve them more in the applause and cheering, but these four were already applauding in their hearts.

Back at Steph and Jenny’s house, Karen and Emily exchanged hugs and kisses with their new friends.

Karen asked “When are you going to come to Superior to visit us?”

She smiled as both Steph and Jenny answered quickly “Soon!!”

The end.

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