Tug of War

19 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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As quietly as possible, Alexandra unlocked the front door of her house and closed it. Inside, her eyes danced around the dimly lit living room out in front and the kitchen to the far right. She breathed a sigh of relief that her parents were nowhere in sight and crept on her toes towards the stairs in the left corner of the house.

Halfway there, however, her mother emerged from the kitchen. “Alexandra Horton, is that you I hear trying to sneak back into my home at all hours of the night?”

The two females resembled, both having dark brown hair, though her mother’s was up in a messy bun as usual, and hers flowed freely to the small of her back. She also had her father’s freckles and green eyes and was on the shorter side like him.

“Shit…” The younger girl muttered under her breath and went over to meet her. “It’s not all hours of the night, Mom…” She checked her smartphone. “It’s literally twenty minutes passed twelve.”

“And that means more than an entire hour since your curfew.” Mom glanced at her phone. “I called you several times, Alex. Why didn’t you answer?”

“It’s true. I watched her do it all seventeen times.” David, her brother commented with a smirk watching the whole scene as he leaned back on the sink counter, a muffin in his hand. “You really shouldn’t make us worry like that, Sis.” He was lean and had shaggy hair that he kept reminding himself to cut; peach fuzz was on his chin and his eyes were blue like his mother.

“Oh my god, shut up.” She glared at him. “You’re so annoying…”

“Do you know what happens after midnight? Nothing good. I don’t want to see your face on a milk carton.” The woman went on.

“I am fucking eighteen-years-old.” Alexandra raised her voice in frustration. “And no one puts missing kids’ facing on milk anymore, this isn’t the eighties.”

“Excuse me? The last time I checked, I was your mother. You will not speak to me that way.” She crossed her arms getting more serious.

“Yeah. You should totally wash her mouth out with soap, Mom. That’ll teach her and her sailor-like ways.” David took a bite of his muffin.

“You’re not funny, asshole!” His younger sister picked up one of the pillows from the nearby couch and hurled it to him in the shoulder.

“Abuse, abuse!” He grabbed the area.

“Stop it, Alex.” Their parent stepped forward.

“Then tell him to shut up!” She jabbed a finger at him.

“I cannot deal with this right now.” Mom sighed out loud. “You’re grounded for the next week.”

Her daughter’s face flushed. “B-But what about the Dustin Leiber concert? It’s this weekend!”

“You should’ve thought about that before, young lady.”

“This is such freakin’ crap!” Alex balled her hands into fists.

“You wanna be grounded until you have disrespectful children of your own? Just keep talking like that.”

“I don’t think she’s bluffing, Alex. I’d gracefully make my exit now if I were you.” The lone male in the room commented.

Alex glared at him for a bit before storming towards the stairs.

“Where did we go wrong with her, Sharon?” David shook his head, looking at his mother. “It seems just yesterday she was but a tyke frolicking in our tomato garden.”

“You’re not funny.” She turned to frown at him. “And that better not be the last muffin.”

All he could do with smile with his mouth full. The next day at their college, he was on his way to the next class and came upon Alexandra and her boyfriend, Jeremy, facing each other in the courtyard to the side. Getting a little curious, he stopped to listen.

“My friend said she saw you kissing Lindsey Jones at her party last week…” The long-haired girl shifted uncomfortably, looking at the ground. “That’s totally not true, right?” She timidly made eye contact once more.

The smooth-faced jock smiled. “What does it matter?”


“Listen, babe. You’re pretty but lets face it, I’m out of your league. You should just be happy to be dating one of the popular guys on campus.” He held his muscled arms out.

A wounded expression covered her face. “How could you say something like that…?”

“If you didn’t want answers then you shouldn’t have gone digging.”

Water welled up in her eyes as she twirled away and ran – heading straight into David. He didn’t react fast enough to her abrupt approach, causing a mini collision.

“Of course you’re here…” His sister wiped a tear and glared at him when she realized the situation. “Go head and make your fucking jokes. I bet you’re dying to let a few off.”

“I…” Instead, he didn’t know what to say, staring into her hurt face.

She sniffled a few seconds later, giving a confused look and bumped him as she fled pass.

“Even I’m not that big of an asshole…” David rubbed the back of his head as he watched her hurriedly leave the area. The event played in his mind for the rest of the day, forcing him to go up to her room later on in the night. “It’s the police, open up.” He knocked.

“Leave sakarya escort me alone, David.” Her tearful voice weakly called out from within.

“I’m coming in.” He opened the door to see her sitting on the edge of her bed in the back of the room.

“What the fuck? Are you deaf or just dumb?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she jumped up. “You know what, I already know the answer – both.”

“Ow. Even I have feelings, Alex.” He pretended to be hurt, putting a hand on his chest.

The eighteen-year-old’s mouth opened in surprise. “S-Sorry…” She sat back down with an apologetic expression. “But I’m not really not in the mood for your games right now.”

“I figured you weren’t after what happened earlier today.” David made his way to sit at her desk to the left side, spinning the chair to her before sitting. “Are you alright?”

She looked to the left and right, then him. “Am I being Punk’d? Where are the cameras?”

“Ha-Ha.” He rolled his eyes. “I know we haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye for a while now, but believe it or not, I do give a shit about you.”

“Eye-to-eye? More like tug of war…” She put on a wry smile. “But… thanks, David.”

“No sweat.” He shrugged. “And you really don’t need to be that upset anyway. That guy was a total idiot – knew he would pull some shit like that from the start. ”

“You did…? How?” Alexandra leaned forward in interest.

“I’ve seen plenty of douches like that in my time.”

“You’re only a year and some change older than me.” She frowned.

He put a hand to his chin thinking and grinned. “That one year is essential, Sis. It might as well be counted as ten.”

“What are you, a dog?” She laughed. “But… Jeremy may have had a point in saying how lucky I was to be dating him at all in the first place…” She shook her head with a sad smile. “Even though it burns my soul to admit that, he is the quarterback of the football team.”

“That’s BS. You’re easily one of the prettiest girls at Fakeazzshit College, hands down. No debating.”

She rolled her eyes, smiling skeptically. “Whatever.”

“Seriously… there are even times where… I, uh, gotta remind myself that you’re my own sister.” The nineteen-year-old cleared his throat and watched her for a reaction.

“W-What?” She sat up straighter, her eyes widening.

“That was totally weird, right? Totally weird! I don’t know why the hell I said that.” He laughed way too loud.

Alex pressed her lips together, then smiled. “A little bit… But it makes me feel better that I’m at least attractive to someone.”

“R-Right.” He was stupidly smiling, rubbing the back of his head. “You’re seriously distracting sometimes. I don’t know how many times I have to force myself to look away.”

“Really?” She giggled. “What do you find about me that’s so ‘distracting’ that you have to force yourself to look away?”

“I could tell you, but then I risk looking like a huge perv.” A sheepish expression was on him.

“You’ve already admitted you’re attracted to your own sister, so I’d dare say that ship has sailed and is somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.” She grinned.” Now spill the beans, mister.”

David swallowed the imaginary brick in his throat and quickly studied his younger sister. She was a bit short but didn’t lack for curves in the slightest. Her tits were large on her slender frame and sat up on her chest with no sag, though personally her bubble butt is what he was most attracted to. Even in the sweats and tank top she currently had on, he could make out her petite, curvy figure.

“Remember, you’re the one who asked me to be a creep…” He smiled wryly. “Well, for starters, you have amazing tits. They didn’t even flop when you were running late the other day – they basically defy the laws of physics.”

Alexandra snorted. “You’re so dumb… Is there anything else you like?”

“Is water wet? Hell yes.” He nodded immediately and looked at her supple hips. “While I do love your breasts, your ass is epic.”

She glanced back at it, laughing. “I don’t know about ‘epic’, but I do take pride in it… Thanks, David. You were the last person that I expected to console me, but I’m really glad you did…” Her smile was warm.

“Of course. I love you, little sis.”

A surprised expression made her pause. “I… I love you too.”

The teen male stood up with open arms. “Bring it in.”

She giggled. “God, you’re so sappy today…” She got up to go hug him, her face buried in his chest. “But it’s kinda nice.”

“Then, I’ll try not to be as much of a sarcastic asshole from now on.” He had his arms wrapped around her.

She moved her head back to make eye contact, smiling. “And I’ll try to be understanding when you totally are.”

“Touché.” He laughed and kissed her forehead; she stared up at him, still smiling and he kissed her a second later without thinking, feeling the sweetness of her moist lips.

She closed her eyes, letting the kiss linger for samsun escort a couple seconds before she abruptly stepped back, her eyes dancing around. “U-Um, we should probably head off to bed now…”

“Y-Yeah! We have academic lessons and schooling in the morn’.” David smiled awkwardly. “G-Goodnight.” He hurried out the room and leaned back against her door once one of sight. “I can’t believe I just did that!” He blurted under himself, then stood up straight and took a breath. “But I’m glad I did… Hopefully, she wasn’t too creeped out by it.” A tired sigh left his mouth as he went off to bed.

Back in her room as she struggled to sleep, Alex had similar thoughts, touching her lips for the millionth time. “I’m the pervert for actually enjoying that innocent kiss… Does that mean I’m attracted to him, too!?” She grabbed her pillow and smothered her own face to let out a frustrated scream.

In the morning, David was seated at the kitchen table eating a stack of pancakes when she entered.

“Good morning…” The short girl gave him a small wave.

He almost choked on his food. “H-Hey! What are you doing up so early?”

“It’s already eleven… and I have class today this time on Thursdays, remember?”

“Right, right…” He nodded. “I can give you a lift if you want since I just got back.”

“Thanks… My car should be out of the shop soon.” She gave a thankful smile and went to the refrigerator to raid through it, bending over.

Her exposed position gave him a perfect view of the round cheeks of her butt that were perfectly outlined in leggings. “There’s no milk… Do you mind if I take one of your pan…” She turned to look at him.

As fast as possible, he looked away, pretending to be preoccupied in thought. “What if the earth isn’t flat or round but actually a triangle or something?”

Alexandra raised an eyebrow and went over to sit down beside him so she could steal one of his pancakes with her hand.

“What are you doing?” He focused back on her, unhappy.

“Haven’t you ever heard? Sharing is caring, big bro.” She took a ripped off a big chunk, grinning.

“You’re lucky I find your chipmunk face incredibly adorable right now.” David was still frowning.

She giggled, feeling relieved that the awkwardness she expected was fast dissipating; he gave her a reluctant smile, feeling the same. Later on in the night as he laid down for bed, he got a sudden text from his sister.

[Prudish Little Sister:] By the way ur not as subtle as u think 🙂 Here’s a picture it’ll last longer. Above the message was her standing with her back and head turned to the body-length mirror, and her phone raised to take the pic of her in panties that barely covered her doughy ass, both buns virtually swallowing it in the deep valley they created.

He sat up in a hurry, almost falling out of bed as his dick evolved into its final form. “Holy shit!” He typed back a response after admiring it for a little while.

[The Giant Asshole:] U know that I’m totally gonna choke my chicken to this right? In her room, Alex giggled when she read the message. She had been hesitant to send the picture, but glad she did now. The way her brother had been so obviously checking her out made her want to tease him, just a little. It was funny to her how she had never noticed his wandering eye until he confessed his true feelings for her. “I should probably change his name in my phone…” She smiled sheepishly and sent back a response.

[Prudish Little Sister:] What u do with it is ur beeswax but I’ll make sure to pray for all the dead little sperms tonite RIP. David chuckled and went to reply when he received another one. [Prudish Little Sister:] U should let me see your soldier before he goes off to war 🙂 “So she wants a sexting battle, eh? You’re up, buddy. Make me proud.” A sly grin formed on him as he pulled out his stiff rod and took a picture of it.

The teen girl’s eyes nearly doubled at the digital photo of the thick slong that filled her phone screen. “W-Wow…” She had only been with a couple guys before, and her brother undoubtedly had the biggest penis when compared. Involuntarily, she touched the middle of her legs, feeling her twat that was covered by pink panties. “Would that thing even fit in me…?” She sat straighter in bed and shook her head. “W-What the hell are you saying, Alex? He’s your freaking brother…” She bit her lip and studied the veins popping out all over it for a bit longer.

[Prudish Little Sister:] A thing that big should have its own damn area code geez… The nineteen-year-old male laughed out loud and nodded at the object of subject. “I think she approves.”

For the next week, the two siblings exchanged even more raunchy pictures, and talked more than they had in the past few years. Going to her bedroom door, he knocked and was ushered in to see her face buried in a thick textbook at her desk.

“Still studying?” He walked over.

“Yeah. Mr. Foster’s exam is next week and I’m barely urfa escort holding on to my hard-earned C average as it is.” His younger sister gave a self-deprecating smile.

With no warning, he shut the book.

“What are you doing, David!?” She spun in her seat and glared at him. “I need to study!”

“A small break won’t kill you.” He gave a friendly smile. “I was thinking we could get some ice cream at Dairy King.”

“…Are you paying?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You’re like every girl who’s ever existed, ever.” He rolled his eyes, then laughed. “Yes, woman. I’m paying.”

“Then, why yes. I would love to partake in some dairy treats.” She grinned and jumped up.

They drove to the place afterwards and sat at one of the many tables outside with their ordered ice cream. Alexandra noticed her brother poorly hiding his gaze when she was licking her vanilla ice cream cone and held back a giggle. She then made a show of extending her long tongue and seductively lapping it around the top. David’s pants got tight in seconds as he stared openly at her now.

“You’re not even pretending to not watch anymore.” She let out the pent-up giggle.

“Hell, can you blame me? You’re mesmerizing.”

Alex blushed. “You’re exaggerating.”

He shook his head and checked that no other people were within earshot. “I don’t think you realize just how sexy you are. I’ve looked at your pictures on my phone screen so much this past week that I’m pretty sure I’m slowly damaging my retinas – totally worth it, by the way.”

She snorted. “You’re so stupid… Do you really like looking at my body that much?”

“I seriously do…” He nodded. “I would love to see it even more in person.” His expression was hopeful.

She immediately lifted her head to make eye contact again, chewing her lip in thought. “Alright… but you can’t touch me, okay? Your hands are on ice.”

“I won’t!” The short-haired male grinned excitedly and raised them. “I’ll even sit on them if I have to!”

“You’re such a horndog.” She giggled. “Come to my room when Mom and Dad are sleeping… I’ll leave my door unlocked.”

He did as told and snuck into her room late into the night to she was already sitting at the edge of her bed with her tank top and polka dot, pajama pants, he himself only with boxers. “Hey.” He kept his voice low as he made his way over.

“O-Oh, hi…” Alexandra’s fidgeted and stared at the floor.

David was just as nervous as her but was doing a much better job of concealing it. “If this is too uncomfortable for you, we really don’t have to do it.”

“N-No!” She raised her voice, looking at him now.

“Shhh!” He gave a scared glance back.

The pair stared at each other, then burst out laughing.

“Look, we both know this situation is weird and awkward… but I do really wanna see you naked, Alex.” His eyes were pleading.

She watched him for a moment, then nodded ever so slightly and stood up to remove her clothes.

“You are so gorgeous…” He gawked at the pale smoothness of her perfect skin; the tear-shaped tits that sat at on her chest, a pair of cute, pink nipples pointing at him.

The eighteen-year-old’s stomach was flat and also smooth with a belly button ring near the bottom. Below that, a rectangular patch of dark pubic hair led to her hooded clit and pink slit between two plump pussy lips.

“Can… you turn around?”

She nodded again, her face turning redder and showed him her full, peach-shaped ass, not even a pimple on it. Facing him again, she casted her sight down to his noticeable bulge. “I wanna see yours too…”

“A-Alright.” David swallowed hard and dropped his underwear to allow his raging boner free.

“It looks even bigger in person…” Her expression was a mix of interest and fear.

“Thanks, I guess.” He chuckled. “I know you said not to touch you… but do you want to touch me?”

“A-Are you sure?”

He smiled and put his hands on his hips. “Positive.”

His sibling giggled. “Okay…” She then took hesitant steps forward and grabbed his thick meat. “It’s really hot…” She studied it like it was a new breed of creature before unexpectedly stroking, her soft and tender hand causing her brother to suck in a sharp breath.

“Alex…” He managed to get out, groaning.

“The face you’re making right now is so cute.” She released a girlish laugh. “Does my hand feel that good?” Her grip increased and jerking got faster.

“Shit…” He grabbed her face with both hands to her surprise.

“D-David – ”

He pressed his mouth into hers before she could protest, and the teen girl squirmed at first but soon smacked her lips against his, at the same time pressing her doughy tits into him. Their tongues soon intertwined and wrapped around each other, the wet sounds from the passionate kissing sounding loud in the silent room.

She broke it off several seconds later to look up at him. “You can touch me, it’s okay…”

“A-Are you sure?” David’s eyes widened and went to her vagina.

Instead of answering, she took his wrist and guided his hand down to the area. He took over at once right after, putting two fingers together to run it along her already moist slit. “Wow. You’re really wet.”

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