
31 Ağustos 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Subject: Top Dawg part 13 Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome ail If you’d like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109 These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18. Nifty is able to offer this service for us to share and enjoy stories. Please consider giving below to allow Nifty the opportunity to fty/donate.html I spent the rest of the weekend trying to forget the weekend. There was nothing but shame when I thought of letting Dax fuck me in the bathroom, I mean what the fuck was wrong with me? I needed to get this shit under control and fast. Also, the guys hate me? When the fuck did that happen? I thought we were all cool but in fact they hate my guts? Yeah, not the best weekend ever. Monday came and I felt like I was detached from everything. I sat with the guys, and they were all laughing and busting up, but all I could think of was that they really hatred my guts. They were all sharing stories of who they had met and fucked all weekend when Cooper turned to me. “And you Top Dawg?” That name just upset me now, knowing they were probably using it as an insult. “You know you don’t have to call me that right?” He looked at me confused, “But you were the one who told us to.” God was I an asshole? “I know, I mean I was an asshole and just forget it. I take it back.” They all looked at each other for a moment and then Cooper shrugged, “Ok, so what about you Archie?” “What about me?” “Who did you end up with?” My mind froze for a moment as I tried to find any other name to say except Dax. “Chick walked up and chatted me some. Took her to the bathroom and fucked her silly.” Wyatt and Tony high fived me but Cooper was just looked at me, “Some random chick let you fuck her in a public bathroom? Really?” I nodded, “What can I say, I have that effect on people.” “What bathroom?” Cooper asked. Fuck. “The one by the entrance, you know one way away from where we were?” Cooper just kept staring at me as I went back to eating. “Cool man, good for you,” he said after a second. And they dropped it, thank god. The week went by and I could feel my need rising. At first I was ok, I could watch the videos of Gray fucking me and get off but by Wednesday it wasn’t working and when I woke up Thursday morning my ass had an ache only a cock would fill. Which meant I had a couple of days to get fucked before this weekend’s match. No way I was going to ask Dax, fuck that shit. The Kid was out…I guess it was Grindr again. I loaded it up and it took about five minutes for a message to hit, it was from Gray’s dad. HUNGDADDY4U: BACK AT IT AGAIN? USER41335: YOU CAUGHT ME Shit, I wasn’t expecting him. HUNGDADDY4U: MORE OF THE SAME? USER41335: YEAH BUT THAT PARK SUCKS HUNGDADDY4U: I CAN TAKE TOMORROW OFF, MEET AT MY PLACE 10AM USER41335: AT YOUR HOUSE!! HUNGDADDY4U: NO ONE WILL BE HERE, ITS SAFE Well, his cock did fucking rock. USER41335: 10AM IT IS HUNGDADDY4U: BRING YOUR LETTERMAN JACKET Say what? Whatever. I agreed and logged off. I tried not to think about it too much, but failed at that. Friday morning I waited for awhile and then headed over to Gray’s house. There was only one car in the driveway, I was nervous but I had to hope he knew what he was doing. I knocked on the door and he opened it with a smile. “Archie, and you’re wearing the jacket! Perfect. Come on in.” “Thank you sir,” I walked in, nervous and anxious at the same time. “Nervous?” he asked closing the door. I nodded. “Don’t be, everyone’s gone, we have the whole afternoon.” I nodded again, nervously looking around the living room. I looked at the same photos I had when Gray fucked me, I could see the one’s behind them better too. There was one when Gray’s dad was my age, and fuck he was hot. He was standing in front of a school with four other guys that were just hands down the hottest men I had ever seen. “The good old days,” he said coming up behind me. I put the photo down and he turned me around to face him, I don’t care how old he was. He was still a fucking hot guy. “You ready?” I nodded eagerly. He held his hand out, “Come on.” I took it and he took me down the hall to his bedroom. When we walked in he pulled me in and kissed me, normally I would have balked but for some reason it was different. There was an energy with him that just pushed my buttons that no one else did. He consumed my mouth and then tossed me down on the bed. He pulled his shirt off and said, “Strip.” I practically threw my clothes off as I watched him undress. He had a fucking good body for his age. He had obviously been a jock at one point and even now, it was clear he was in fantastic shape. I mean he wasn’t perfectly cut, who was at his age, but what he had was fucking damn nice. When he stepped out of his pants though, that’s when the show started. I had already thrown my clothes off in a blur so by the time his tight, white briefs were exposed I was ready. His cock was soft but it still reached to the side of his hip. A fucking thick snake of cock that looked ready to rip the cloth at any time. When he saw me watching he smiled. “Come here,” he ordered and I scrambled off the bed. I got to him and he pushed me down to my knees. I knelt in front of him, looking up at that cock, my mouth literally watering. “You see this?” he asked, cupping his bulge. I nodded. “This, this is a gift. It was given to me so that I can share it with others. Do you know why?” I shook my head, not sure what the hell he was saying, I just wanted that cock. “So that they can get closer to God.” He paused for a moment, like he was actually praying and then looked me in the eyes, “Worship it.” Whatever man, I just wanted that dick. I leaned in and mouthed his dick through his underwear, the heat of the fucking thing made my ass tingle in anticipation. His hand guided my head over that fucking beast, I could see the material stretch and pull around his size. By the time he was half hard the head of his cock had slipped out the side, the underwear just having no chance to cover this much dick at one time. I licked his head like a lollipop, it was so fucking big, again I felt myself starting to get fuckdrunk without even being touched. I had felt the same way with his son’s cock, it just affected me somehow, lowered my ability to resist them. Once the front of his underwear was soaked he pulled the sides down, letting ten and a half inches Diyarbakır Escort of fucking horse cock free to slap up against his flat stomach. Easily reaching past his bellybutton. I just knelt there, open mouthed staring at it. It was fucking everything. I think he was speaking but I couldn’t hear him, all I could think of was his cock and how badly I needed it. “Archie?” I looked up at him and he laughed. “Your pupils are so open…” he marveled. I didn’t know what that meant but he just took my head again in his hand and pressed it to his cock. My mouth opened as he slid this plum sized head into it. I felt my jaw click as I tried to engulf his whole girth. It was just too much, but I wanted to try so I forced more and more into my mouth. He didn’t force an inch into me. He just held his hand on my head and let me try my damnest to lick as much of his member as I could. His precum was like fucking honey! I reached up and stroked his shaft as I licked, trying to elicit as much cocksnot out of him as I could. I was embarrassed to hear myself moan as as a nice drop escaped his slit and I head him chuckle. “Drink my seed bud…drink it up.” I did just that as my other hand fondled his fucking lemon sized balls, doing my level best to get him to precum as much as possible into my mouth. My jaw was burning and I could feel my ass twitching in protest. I slowly came off his cock, my eyes were watering from the effort. I looked up at him and he smiled at me, and the words, “Thank you sir,” fell out of my mouth. He nodded and held his hand out for me to stand, “Come on big boy, let’s give you what you need.” He led me to his bed and then tossed me on my back. He stood there, fucking magnificent cock just lording over me. My eyes moved to his face and he asked “How do you want to be fucked?” The words sending chills through my body. “Can I ride you sir?” He nodded and moved over to his nightstand. He took out a bottle of lube and a small yellow bottle. He sat down, back to the headboard and gestured for me to come. I crawled across the bed towards him, his cock was just pulsing there, my ass twitching just looking at it. I climbed up on his lap and he landed me the bottle of lube, “Prepare yourself.” I squirted a good amount on my hand and coated my hole and inside with as much as I could. “Gray uses the same kind,” I commented before thinking. “I usually buy an extra bottle for him when I buy mine. If he’s gonna be sharing his blessing I wanted him to have the right kind of lube to help.” I squirted some more and stroked his dick with both hands, just fucking an amazing amount of dick in my hands. It was like a warm snake, it’s one eye hypnotizing me slowly. Once I was done I moved to climb on him and he stopped me. “Hold on, do you know what this is?” he held up the tiny yellow bottle. I shook my head, “What is it?” “It’s usually called poppers, where I went to school we used them to enhance the experience.” “How does it work?” “You wanna try?” I paused, “I get tested a lot, I can’t have any drugs show up…” He shook his head, “No it isn’t a drug, come here.” I moved closer and he opened the bottle. He plugged one nostril and held the bottle up to the other one, “Inhale.” I did and it smelled like chemicals, I didn’t feel anything. He did it to the other and put the bottle down, “I don’t feel any…” And my whole world shrank. I felt him put his hands on my waist and push me down on his cock, but nothing in the world mattered. It was like I was above my body, just hovering… His cock entered me and I moaned as he pushed into me. The last time he’d penetrated me it had hurt like a motherfucker, but not this time. Instead the feeling of his cock moving into me was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was like the more he entered me the more my world started to become just that cock. He hadn’t even hit my spot yet and I was already trying to bounce on him, fucking myself because it felt incredible instead of losing my mind from my spot. “You feel that?” he asked as his horse cock slid farther and farther into me, “You feel it entering you?” I nodded as my mind just focused on him in me, it was like nothing I had felt before. This wasn’t me losing my mind because my spot was being stimulated. I wasn’t fuckdrunk or out of it, I was literally about to scream in joy from him fucking me. I was holding on to his shoulders as I pushed down, wanting more and more of him in me. I had to have more, I had to be fucked, I had to have it all. Before I even knew it I had all of him in me, my ass was grinding against his pubes, the feeling of fullness in me was off the charts. I felt like crying it was so much, not from pain, but from being complete. “You look happy,” he said, pressing up into me slightly. “Oh god…your cock…” I muttered, not even sure if I was talking out loud. “Want some more poppers?” I nodded and he picked up the bottle and I inhaled again, he put it down and I felt it starting to kick in. And that was when he started to fuck me. Holding my hips he thrust up hard, bouncing me once before sliding out, that fucking shaft dragging against my spot, but it didn’t throw me like it usually did. I felt incredible, but not the same way I had. This was beyond pleasurable, this was so past sex, this was…transcendence. I wasn’t crazy, I wasn’t losing it, I was being fucked and I loved every single moment of it. Normally my thoughts were so scattered, so fucking fogged I didn’t know anything but pleasure. But this…oh my god this. “Oh please fuck me…” I begged, meaning every single word, “Harder sir…please…” He sped up his pace and my whimpers became louder and louder. I began to slam my ass down hard, meeting his thrusts each time. The feeling of his cock stretching my walls was just amazing, it wasn’t pain, it wasn’t uncomfortable, it was fucking changing me. This felt like the first time I had ever been fucked. I had always been so out of it before, it had been like someone else was getting fucked. But this was all me. I was the one riding this cock, I was the one who wanted it all. I grunted with each thrust, whining with each inch he drove into me, begging for more. “Tell me how it feels,” he asked. And for the first time while being fucked, I had control of every word coming out of my mouth. “Oh please sir, your cock, I need your cock….” he slammed my spot and I felt my mind fog for a moment but then I was right back, “Please fuck me, fill my ass…oh god Diyarbakır Escort Bayan I feel so full!” “You seeing it now Archie? You seeing the truth?” I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just fucked myself harder and harder. “This is what you were born for, this is what you were made for. This body, this ass, it was all made just,” THRUST. “For.” THRUST. “Cock.” THRUST. “Yes sir! Cock, I need cock! Please….please….fuck me sir. Please use me…” “Feel that Archie? Feel how alive you feel? How perfect this is? This should be your life Archie, to follow, to get fucked…to…serve…the superior….cock….” The poppers had worn off but the feeling hadn’t passed, I was still in this nirvana state I never wanted to leave. Normally I would be just babbling whatever he said back, but I was here, I was completely here…and everything I said was from me. “I want to serve you sir…please…I live for cock….please…more sir….fuck more…” He grabbed my shoulders and then pushed me onto my back, he grabbed my legs and began to fuck me like a proper slut and I loved it. “FUCK SIR!” “Take this cock…take it and feel it…” he yelled, slamming into me with each word. “FILL ME SIR! PLEASE….FUCK ME…” “Open your eyes Archie,” he said softly. I looked up and saw myself staring back at me. There was a mirror mounted on the ceiling and I was looking at myself getting fucked. I could see every muscle in my body, every cut straining to meet his thrusts as my own cock leaked cumsnot all over my prefect eight pack. I looked amazing, I looked perfect…I looked like I was truly happy. “You see that son,” he said, really picking up the pace, “You see what you look like? That body? Those muscles? You see how beautiful you are?” I nodded, I couldn’t take my eyes off myself. “You were made for this, you were made this perfect so you could serve perfect cocks. You see it Archie? You see what you life could be? Serving cocks, on your back…loving…every….second…” I was arching my back as he fucked me, moving the angle so he hit me slightly, causing even more squeals to escape my mouth. Oh god this was incredible….fuck….he could have fucked me forever and I would have let him. Gray could have come in and I wouldn’t have cared. Fuck my dad could have walked in and I still would have begged for this cock to rule me. I didn’t care any more, not about being gay or looking stupid or whatever. I just wanted to be fucked. “Oh sir I’m close…” I growled, feeling my balls start to tingle. “you ready to give thanks?” he asked, sounding like he was close himself. I nodded, “Please sir….please…” He spread my legs wide and began to hammer me mercilessly, “Cum for me Archie…give me your gift…” I watched myself get fucked and actually saw my cock twitch as I felt my orgasm hit me. I gasped as I watched a fountain of cum rained over my body, I could feel the strings of warm spooge land on me as my whole body twitched. He never paused fucking me as I came, each thrust milking even more cum out of me as I just watched myself be used. I looked incredible, I was…I mean…I was perfect. Every line, every muscle, every piece of flesh worked…so I could look this good getting fucked. I felt my legs twitch as I came and came and came… “Good boy…now here’s mine…” he said as I felt that fucking godsend of a dick expand once and then fill me with seed. It was like a firehose in my ass, as he pushed and came I could see my own cock twitch in response, even though I had nothing left to shoot. I felt…whole as he came in me. I clenched my ass, trying to keep as much seed as possible. I wanted it all, I needed it all…my god…so much cum… He finally stopped and we both laid there, panting, covered in sweat and cum. I was about to thank him when he pulled his cock out, pushed my legs over my head and began to slurp his load out of my jock ass. I could feel his tongue reach deep into me and I felt my eyes roll back as he ate his own load from me. I felt my ass relax, surrendering it’s prize as I felt my orgasm start to fade… “Thank you sir…” I intoned as I felt my eyes close happy as I ever had been in my entire life. I woke up a short time later, I didn’t feel drugged or hungover like I normally did. I was alone in the bed, there was a picture of him and his wife on the dresser and it was a thrill knowing he fucked her in this same bed. I got up and threw on some underwear and then grabbed the rest of my clothes. I walked out and he was in the living room on his laptop, he looked up and smiled, “Hey, sleep well?” I nodded, “Yes sir, thank you.” I started to pull on my jeans and he shook his head, “No, don’t do that. We’re not done yet, that was one was for you, for your lesson.” I paused, “Lesson?” He closed the laptop, “Have a seat.” I sat down, putting my clothes on the floor. “So I went to a special school, where they taught boys like you and me a special lesson.” “Like you and me?” He smiled and flexed his bicep, “Perfect people, people that are blessed with looks,” he flexed, “Athleticism,” and he cupped his cock, “And other attributes. We were taught that these things were gifts and we were to share them with the world. Some were born to give, to make others see the perfection in an orgasm, and others were to receive, to bask in the glory of His gifts.” “Was this a church?” “It’s a religious school yes, but this isn’t about religion the way you think about it. Look Archie, what I’m trying to say is, you’ve been conflicted about all of this right?” “About…the gay stuff?” I asked ashamed. “Let’s not use that word ok? Gay is a lifestyle, I am talking about homosexual activity. You’re not comfortable with it right?” I was kinda confused, “Um…I’m not gay if that’s what you mean.” “No Archie, I know you’re not gay. But you are uncomfortable with having sex with other men, right?” I nodded, “Yeah, cause I’m not gay.” “Well one, figure out that having sex with men and being gay are two different things. I have sex with men yet am married with a child, I don’t associate as gay in the least, but I do participate in homosexual activities, like the one we just had.” “So what’s the difference?” “Well, being gay is just that being gay. You are involved in the lifestyle, it is your sexual preference, the whole nine yards. There’s nothing wrong with that, but some people are gay and some people aren’t. But there are far more people who enjoy homosexual sex Escort Diyarbakır than are gay. You’re one of them.” That made…sense? Kinda. “At this school we were taught that all men have urges, and that men are uniquely designed to fill these needs. Some lead, and some serve, you my boy, were born to serve.” I made a face cause I am not one’s bitch. “See? There it is, your conflict. You think what I just said was an insult and it wasn’t. In fact, it’s one of the greatest compliments you can receive. You see, it means you were born and made to fulfill a very special need.” He moved the coffee table aside and spread his legs, “You were put on this earth to make people like me…happy.” I could see his cock from here, it was swollen and god…it looked so fucking good. “See?” he said, pulling his cock free of his underwear and holding it, “You look at this and you see perfection. And you’re right, it is. I was given this to bring people pleasure, people like you. And you were put here…to serve it. Come here…” I slid off my chair and though he didn’t ask, I crawled across the living room to him. “See my school was made up of the best looking, the most athletic, the very best the country had to offer. And we were taught…how to command…and how to serve.” I was at the couch, staring at his cock with hunger. “Guys like you, big guys, athletic guys, alpha studs…you ll grow up thinking you’re the top of the food chain. But at Eden, they’re taught the truth…” He smacked my face with that club of a cock, “This, this is the only power that matter.” I desperately tried to lick it but he had no intention of letting me. He smacked me again and again, the wet smack of flesh hitting flesh filled the room. Finally he let it go and it shot up to his stomach. “Go put on your jacket.” I got up and slipped my letterman jacket on, I stood there, jacket and boxer briefs only. His eyes moved over me, pure lust on his face. “Get over here!” he snapped, and I walked over and stood in front of him. He reached up and slid my briefs down, exposing my hard cock, dripping, waiting for him to fuck me. “This is a nice cock,” he said gripping me, stroking me a few times, “And I am sure you will bring your gift to others…but honestly…” he pulled me onto the couch, I straddled him, feeling his cock slide between my cheeks, “This is where you shine.” He moved me back and I felt his head push against my hole. It was still slick with his cum and my ass hadn’t recovered from him last time. So he slid into me without pain and I felt my ass quiver as I closed my eyes. I could feel the fullness as my ass struggled to accommodate him…and then he moved over my spot. I don’t know why it hadn’t triggered before but fuck it was back with a vengeance. A low whine escaped my mouth and I felt my willpower just trickle out the head of my cock as it started to weep precum. “There’s my big stud…” he cooed as he kept pushing me down, “Big super jock…right Archie? How many girls you fuck Archie? What’s your body count?” “Dozens…” the number escaped my mouth automatically, it was a lot, but saying nearly a hundred was just bragging so I always said dozens. “Yeah you plowed their cunts hard didn’t you?” Another nod, “All night…” “I bet…such a fucking specimen. Flex for me Archie, show me that fucking body.” I raised my hands and flexed, he couldn’t see my guns with the jacket on but my pecs and eight pack flared and I felt his hands roam over them, “So fucking fine…such a hot boy…” I felt my ass hit his lap and my mind was still a little foggy. “All of that an you still get fucked like a cunt!” He thrust up and my eyes flew open as I screamed out, “DADDY!” “Yeah, fucking hot jock son….walking around here…showing off….you think I don’t notice that shit boy?” “Oh fuck…oh dad…..I’m sorry….please….please…” He was just savagely shoving his cock into me, I held on to his shoulders for dear life as I felt my spot start to cry out and the fuckfog fill my brain. “Oh daddy…oh fuck…” I whimpered as he grudge fucked me. “Yeah with that hot little body…fucking thinking you’re all that. You an alpha Archie? Huh? You a fucking Alpha?” “No sir…no…” I panted, grinding back when I could against that horse cock. He was destroying my hole, my spot was just pulsing every time he slammed into it, causing tears to come to my eyes as I begged. “No you’re not…you’re a bitch Archie…a fucking jock slut just begging to be used. You wanna be used Archie? Huh you want that?” I nodded and felt the sweat fall from my forehead, “Oh use me daddy, fucking use my jock cunt…please…fill me up,…oh god I can feel you…please…” I was losing it now as he just kept fucking me. “You think I don’t hear you jerking off in your room? Stroking your big cock…dreaming of fucking someone…but you really wanna be fucked!” I saw lights flash in front of my eyes. “Don’t you Archie? You wanna be fucked badly don’t you?” “Fuck me dad, please…fuck me….you own my hole…please….oh please daddy…” He was seriously railing me, I could feel his ass leave the couch when he pushed up, his fucking strong arms pushing me back on that meat, blurring my fucking sanity as drool dripped from my mouth. “So good….” I slurred, my head bouncing form side to side, “Daddy….oh…oh…” Words were slipping from me a I felt my hips just slam down as they could. My whole ass was his cock now and I felt my cock slap hard against his abs as he bounced his naughty jock son on his lap. “I own this ass, I own everything about you…” he growled, “You are mine…and you will serve…” It took me a second to feel his hands around my throat, I suppose I should have been concerned but all I knew was cock. “You’re gonna love this…” he said squeezing his hands. My air cut off and I felt myself try to breathe, he never stopped fucking me as I tried weakly to move his hands. “Stop struggling…stop…” he ordered, fucking me faster, my eyes rolled back as I felt my head start to spin from no air… He let go of my throat and slammed me down hard onto his cock, he crushed my spot and my world just collapsed. I knew I was cumming but I couldn’t move, I was just flailing around on his cock as he emptied his balls into me. I felt warm splashes of my own load hit my face randomly as I felt nothing but pleasure take over my entire body. The feeling from no air with cumming with my spot…it was like I was engulfed in a cloud of pure sex…I wasn’t cumming from my cock, I was cumming everywhere. Every particle of my body was having an orgasm. I felt his cock pulse a second time and then the world skipped and then stretched out like a broken film. I felt myself falling to the side…but never felt myself land. I had never been fucked so well in my life.

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