Tim’s Story

31 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I was not sure which category to place this in so I went with mature while it could have either been erotic couplings or romance as well. All persons engaging in sex are way over 18. Again, thanks to KIKI for her editing tips.

Tim Patterson sat at the desk in his home office one Saturday and had just finished uploading his story to Literotica. It was a romance story he had spent the last few weeks writing during his lunch hour at work. Tim was a CPA and worked for a medium sized accounting firm in New Orleans. While he wrote at work, he had to upload it from home since his firm had a policy about going to porn sites. When his wife Martha had caught him reading some stories on the web site, she out right laughed at him. He could only imagine what she would say if she knew he wrote some of them. Tim wrote them for fun. He really didn’t care too much about the comments, especially from the anonymous haters. Anyway, in about three days, it would be posted.

It was a Wednesday evening 2000 miles away and Angelica Cortez was in her room reading a newly posted romance story on Literotica. Her two kids were finally in bed and she was alone again in her Santa Clarita home only with her tablet. AJ her asshole husband was at work. He chose to work at the plant during the night shift rather than be home with his family. Anyway, Angelica really liked the story and it gave her a good feeling. While she was more into (obsessed really) with non-con, she really got into this romance. On a whim, she decided to send an e-mail to the author to express how much she enjoyed the story.

Tim was checking his personal email when he noticed one regarding the story that he had published this past week. It was from a girl named Angelica and she seemed to really enjoy his latest work. As any polite person would do, Tim responded to her email thanking her for her kind words. Even though he had written four previous stories, this was the first time he received an email. He replied, not ever expecting any further correspondence.

The next day, Angelica was looking over her email. She saw a reply from the author of the romance she had responded to. It was a nice well written thank you. Curiosity got the best of her so she replied and asked some questions. She wanted to know if some of his story was autobiographical, especially the parts of his family and his education. She had to keep it simple and very platonic because she knew her asshole husband reads all her emails. He is very controlling.

Tim for his part responded back to Angelica. He was intrigued with the woman who would write back. She had a profile on Literotica so he decided to look her up. She was about thirty years old or would be in May. She was attached and had an affinity for non con. While not really his taste in literature, Tim figured she may be a good pen pal and maybe even sext with him. He had no idea about what a prick her husband was. He asked her to describe herself and what she liked to do. It was Tim’s idea to try to learn as much about her as he could.

You can imagine Tim’s surprise when the next email came and Angelica’s picture was attached. It was only a head shot but she turned out to be very beautiful. Angelica was of Hispanic decent but with extremely piercing green eyes. Her thick pouty lips where just made to suck cock. She had the cutest dimples that made you want to love her with her beautiful smile. She had medium length auburn colored hair that was layered giving her and exotic sexy look. All Tim could think about was some lucky bastard got to fuck that woman every night. Angelica went on to say that she was 5’3″ and 180 lbs. She had 40D boobs and thought she was more of a BBW. The lovely woman said she liked the beach and baking. She then asked Tim to describe himself.

Tim was about 6′ tall and weighed in about 240. He worked out quite a bit but still had a bit of a belly. He said he was as hairy as Bigfoot but that didn’t mean he had a big dick. He had a B.Sc. in accounting from Tulane and an MBA from LSU. He was married to his college sweetheart, Martha, who was and MD. He was 54 and had two kids. After going back and forth between emails, Tim thought it would be good if they could start texting. Reluctantly Angelica agreed. It was then that Angelica revealed to Tim that they had to be careful what was sent. Once she explained how AJ would read all her texts, Tim began to wonder about the future state of her marriage and if she was happy. This was further questioned when one day Time received a phone call from Angelica’s home phone. She had a sweet sexy voice than any man could fall for. She said the reason she called was to confirm some of the things that Tim told her about himself. She reasoned that if she called his number and someone else answered etc. that in all likelihood, Tim was a fraud. She was pleasantly surprised that he was the real deal.

Angelica and Tim kept exchanging texts. They were becoming more and more personal. One day a couple of weeks later, Angelica told Tim that after lunch with her husband, she had a couple of new görükle escort rules. The first is he could no longer call her baby. Tim must also quit asking for certain pictures of her and finally that they could never ever meet in person. Apparently even though AJ allowed his wife to correspond with Tim that was as far as it would go. As time went on, Tim found out more and more about Angelica.

Angelica was indeed very beautiful and had a great heart. She also had a very low self-esteem brought upon by both her husband and her mom. She had no friends outside her family and even in high school rarely dated. Living near the Los Angeles area, most girls were expected to be a size zero with similar intellect. To add insult to injury, Angelica had two boys and the whole family was living with Angelica’s parents. It was a very tense situation. He husband AJ was a high school dropout and had a history of drug abuse. Angelica met him at a party and they started dating. Well one thing led to another and she got pregnant. They married but her family disowned her. She became very depressed. Eventually she made up with her parents and moved back home.

Tim’s life was much better. His kids were grown and successful and his house was paid for but still something was missing. Growing up he was told that he was never going to amount to anything and had a tumultuous relationship with his mom. He got good grades in high school and got into Tulane University and graduated in accounting. He passed the CPA and went on to get his MBA. While at Tulane, he met his wife who was in Pre-Med. They began dating and married a year later. She went on to get her M.D. and specialized in Internal Medicine. At first, even with the intense studying, theirs had become a passionate marriage. After over 30 years, things had become routine if nonexistent. Tim liked to be a little freaky and enjoyed the nudist lifestyle. Martha his wife was much more conservative and adhered to a strict Catholic upbringing. She was actually a very pretty woman who was about 5’2″ and 125 pounds with medium length strawberry blonde hair. She did aerobics 4 to 5 times a week and stayed in great shape. She was 35C -25- 36. If only she would use her body like she kept it up. The couple had two boys who were eleven years apart. The oldest was an executive with the local medical supply service while the youngest was a petroleum engineer just starting out. Anyway, almost anything Tim wanted to do in the bedroom (or other places) was met with “I don’t want to do that, or I don’t care for that.” Even a simple blow job or sex was met with “Maybe later.”

Angelica and Tim began to text every day. Tim thought it was a little weird that Angelica’s husband read all her texts but allowed her to continue. This continued for about 4 or 5 months until Tim got an email from Angelica. Apparently AJ and she had gotten into a huge argument and she was given an ultimatum: Either cut ties with Tim or lose her husband and her kids. Angelica sent Tim a text telling him to check his email. She had created a new account on Yahoo so she could continue talking with Tim. It was very enlightening. Angelica filled him in on the conversation. AJ was afraid that Tim was going to leave Martha and come to California to steal his wife. Angelica tried to explain that Tim was married and would not leave his wife but she and Tim were just friends. AJ further explained how she had changed over the past months and that he didn’t like how Tim offered to buy her little things. To get her husband off of her back, she sent Tim a fake email saying how they could no longer communicate and to have a nice life. In her Yahoo account, she told him to disregard the fake email.

When Angelica had first texted Tim that she had opened up a new email account, he replied with a flippant response: “So I can use this email address to profess my undying love for you right ;-)” Over the next few emails, Tim began to understand that there was more to this relationship and that love was developing.

“Tim, are you in love with me…it won’t change how I feel about u but I need to know?”

“Why do you need to know and what if I were?”

“Tim, no joking I need to know the truth. I’m making a huge sacrifice I need to know.”

Tim began to search his mind and his feelings and thought then that maybe he was developing feelings for this strange woman.

“The truth is even I don’t know. I know I want to talk to you more like on the phone. I wish we could somehow meet. I am also somewhat afraid for you. Despite what you say, I think you are beginning to love me too. I am curious. What if I said that in fact I was in love with you? Angelica sweet, tell me exactly what is going on and what is happening. I told you the truth as much as I know it. Are you having issues that you are thinking of leaving him? Don’t beat around the bush and tell me exactly what is going on in that pretty head of yours. ALL the details.”

“Thank you I just wanted an honest answer from you. I don’t know how I feel either it’s all happening so fast. bursa escort bayan I really care for you and wished we could talk on the phone and meet each other all the time. I feel like you’re the only person who truly sees me differently than anybody else, and that makes me want to fight for our friendship.”

“I agree. We have only known each other for 5 months now. I want to fight to keep what we have. We have already admitted to each other as being in an emotional affair. You don’t know how many times I wanted to call you but didn’t because I have to protect you. You are a beautiful woman both inside and out. I am very perceptive and probably do see you better than most. I do know what I feel for you is so much more than infatuation. There are so many things I sense about you and want to talk to you about.”

Yes I feel the same way…but it’s going to be so much harder now to talk to you because my husband is going to be extra cautious to make sure we lose contact. Which means there’s no way I’m going to be able to call you. I feel that you’re a great guy Tim and I feel this strong pull to you and I want to explore that but I’m also afraid because I’ve only been with one man my whole life. I’m going to need your help in finding ways to stay in contact without any traces. My husband is very smart with technology and he will be looking for any contact between us.”

“That’s fine. I’m OK with email as long as you’re protected. For now this will have to do. One option is getting you a separate burn phone but that could be dangerous if he finds it. Let me think about this. We will work through this. I can always set up other email accounts as well. I have to ask; what brought all this to a head???”

Angelica went on to explain how her and her asshole husband got into another argument. It was then she really began to think about how Tim treated her with respect and as a person and not property. After a several more texts, she finally let herself believe she did love Tim.

“I really want to pursue this with you. But I need you to be honest with me and tell me where exactly do you see this relationship going? I know you want me to be your mistress but if I do what do you expect out of me? What if six months from now your wife finds out about us?”

“Like any relationship, it has to continue to evolve. You have to ask yourself the same questions. I am 25 years older than you. I’m not sure we will ever meet in person, though I would love to. What I expect out of you is nothing more than you want to give. I enjoy are conversations. I won’t lie to you I do want sexting to be involved, but mostly your love and friendship. I want to help you grow as a person and in self-confidence. What if in 6 months you get tired of me. You may wake up one morning and ask yourself “Why am I even dealing with this old fart?”

“Hopefully neither of our spouses would find out. If mine were to, since I deal with so many women in a professional sense, I could tell her you are a coworker from another office or vendor LOL. Over the last 5 months, I have developed love for you (there I said if first 🙂 and I sense that you have too. We just have to see what direction this path takes us.”

“I really like that idea let’s just see where this path takes us. Our age difference really doesn’t bother me….and I doubt I could ever get tired of you lol. I feel that you have changed me. I never thought I would cheat on my husband, but this feels so natural. As for the whole sexting I’m not comfortable with it now but maybe over time. I’m happy you admitted your feelings for me which you know I care deeply for you and am beginning to fall in love with you. If we never meet in person I’m happy to keep this going over the phone…but hopefully one day we can meet!”

Tim was a bit confused as why a gorgeous 30 year old woman would want to spend so much time texting and talking to a guy 25 years her senior. Was she hoping to get out of her current shitty marriage and she realized he was comfortable financially? Tim decided that he was not happy with his present life and maybe she really could be interested in him. After all there are a lot of May – December relationships. At this point he had nothing to lose. He and Angelica made arrangements where he would buy her a burn phone. With her new phone, they could talk and have real conversations. During the texting, Tim joked about having Angelica as his mistress. While she said she was nervous about the idea, she didn’t reject it either. She just didn’t know what was expected of her and was concerned that if it didn’t work out, she would have to return any money or gifts. After much reassurance, she agreed but wanted to be considered his girlfriend rather than mistress. Angelica reasoned that a mistress was just a play toy and she wanted a deeper relationship. Tim heartily agreed. Much to Tim’s delight, it also opened the door to some serious sexting of which Angelica was a much willing participant.

Angelica started off the sexting easy enough. She had already sent a couple of pics bursa escort of her in a swimsuit on her old phone. AJ was OK with that. When she got her burn phone, she first sent a couple of pics of her in only her bra. Then she moved to topless and nice ass pics. Since Tim’s birthday was only a couple of weeks away, she thought pics of her smoothly shaved pussy would be a great present. She did send him a few wearing only a thong and some thin panties teasing him. She had also asked for Tim to send her a couple of his hard on and strangely his hairy ass. Go figure. Tim was more than happy to comply. Finally, on his birthday, Tim received several wonderful pussy pics and some were even close ups showing her clit and of her fingering herself. Tim about blew his wad as soon as he opened them. Angelica then requested that Tim send her a video of him jacking off and cumming. Tim was again only too happy to grant her request. The sexting got hotter and both had no issues in granting the wishes of the other. As noted earlier, Tim liked to be freaky.

While texting was great, the phone conversations were even better. You can’t base a loving relationship solely on sex. The new couple began talking almost every day except when the respective spouses’ presence would not allow. They discussed all sorts of things from current events to politics to social issues whatever. Tim was pleased that despite having less education than him, Angelica was a very bright and articulate young woman. She had been dealt a bad hand when she met AJ and gotten pregnant. She wanted to go to a four year college but that didn’t happen. She did go to community college and was a care giver for a local home health agency. Because they could speak more freely on the phone, the two got to know each other in a much deeper sense. They were able to discuss issues about each other’s day and carry on like a regular couple, even if they had yet to meet in person. They had discussed meeting in person and hoped to make that happen one day.

A lucky break had come a couple of months later when again Angelica and AJ got into a huge argument over Angelica’s paycheck. AJ was pissed and blamed her for her check not being direct deposited on time. During the blowup, she decided to leave and go to her grandmother’s. When she returned home the next day, most of AJ’s stuff was gone. He returned home a few days later stating that he was taking a job in another state and they would be moving. Angelica broke the news to him that she would be staying and wanted a divorce. She and Tim had been discussing strategy about her filing for divorce as she had wanted to over the past years but was afraid. With Tim at her virtual side, she now had the confidence to end the marriage. While it would be a few weeks until asshole left, the pretty girl could now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It took conversations with Tim for her to realize she really was in a mentally and emotionally abusive marriage. She thought back to several things including her husband’s last birthday where he slipped some ex into her drink to “looser her up.” Hell, she was a sure thing for him. He was always belittling her and insulting her and calling her names. When they took short trips to Vegas, he would fuck the strippers rather than her. She finally came to the conclusion that she was done. While she had no idea how she was going to live, she hoped against hope that it would eventually be with Tim, a man she knew she loved and more importantly loved her like she wanted.

An opportunity presented itself a couple of months after AJ left. Martha was going out of town for a conference. That gave Tim and idea. He immediately called Angelica and asked if she could come to New Orleans. She jumped at the chance. Tim arranged to get her a ticket on Southwest the day Martha left for her conference. Instead of staying at his house, Tim decided to get a room at the Hilton Riverside on the Mississippi. It was a tall hotel with nice rooms and was over the Riverside shopping mall. It was also within walking distance of the French Quarter and had a streetcar line running hear it along the river. Nearly across the street was a casino and was also within walking distance up Poydras to the streetcar that took you to the Garden District.

Because Angelica was coming from the west coast, she would not arrive until around seven that evening. Tim worked late that Thursday the day of her arrival. At 5:45, he left his office on Canal Street, but not before removing his wedding ring as per Angelica’s request, and jumped on to I-10 until he reached Louis Armstrong International at about 6:20. He parked in the garage and nervously walked across to the terminal. The elevator ride down was very slow. By the time he got to the arriving gate, he still had about 35 minutes. Fortunately the flight status showed her to be on time. In order to kill time, Tim paced the entire length of the airport about three times. Finally, the announcement of the arrival of Angelica’s flight was made. Tim figured he had about 5 to 7 minutes until she deplaned. He went and took a last minute piss. He didn’t know what was going to happen but figured if she wanted to blow him in his truck in the garage, he wanted it to be good. In previous conversations, she did mention she wanted dinner and good conversation before anything sexual happened.

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