The Way of the Goddess

8 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Kelly was beginning to think she wouldn’t get through the rest of the week without becoming annoyed with her boyfriend. Here she was halfway through her first vacation in Greece, starting to ask herself if the island Mark had chosen was in reality a little boring.

For years she had imagined that an exciting Greek vacation would include a whole lot of sun, beach activities like paragliding, and lots of nightlife. So that was what she thought she was signing up to when, one winter’s night, Mark suggested two weeks in Greece, including a week on a Greek island.

But, despite a good start, the last two days had fallen short of her imagination.

To be fair to Mark, Kelly actually considered the island of Folegandros to be a cute little place. Set high up on cliffs, with views to die for, the town of Chora was a rabbit warren of gorgeous whitewashed houses all with blue windows. Some of the houses also had small chapels each topped with a blue dome roof.

But, on the other side of the coin, Kelly now knew that Chora was really the only town on the island, and one with no nightlife to speak of.

For instance, on the two nights they had spent on the island, they had eaten well in two of the small tavernas that dotted the town. But dinner could only be followed by a drink or two in the central square watching the world, or at least the handful of people who lived or visited Folegandros, go by.

Unlike Kelly, Mark seemed oblivious to the absence of nightlife, increasingly preoccupied by the World Cup football on the big screen in the central square, even though it hadn’t yet involved England.

So, lying in bed on her second night on Folegandros, Kelly began to fear that she had already seen most of what there was to see on the island. Granted there were a couple of beaches with guidebook recommendations still to be explored, but Mark’s earlier idea of hiking was out of the question as she had, on arrival, decided that the barren landscape was more suitable for goats.

Despite her doubts about keeping themselves entertained for the rest of the week, Kelly had in fact loved her vacation so far, particularly their days in Athens, and was looking forward to the next day at the beach.

But after that she wondered with growing sense of unease, what does Mark think will happen after that. Kelly recognized that her frustrations were amplified by Mark drinking too much while he watched the football earlier in the evening and, as a consequence, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

If Mark didn’t have the best judgement when choosing Greek islands, she reasoned, he could at least try to make up for it by making love to her every day, preferably more than once.

Perhaps because she had missed out on sex, Kelly hadn’t been able to shake the feeling that had grown ever since they docked at Folegandros, namely that she had an itch that now badly needed scratching. So inevitably, despite knowing Mark was sleeping next to her, Kelly couldn’t prevent her fingers drifting down her naked body and grazing her pussy lips.

And as her fingers lightly then ran over her clit, Kelly welcomed what was a familiar touch, knowing she could pinpoint exactly when over the last winter masturbation became a more frequent pass time.

It was the day Mark had told her he had booked their Greek vacation in Athens and Folegandros. Kelly’s woke in the middle of the night dreaming she was naked outside, totally exposed to the male gaze. And she felt really hot like she had a fever. But there was no physical virus, her body temperature seemed to reflect the fact that her pussy was damp, well more like sopping to be truthful.

And for the first time her pussy felt really needy, a feeling she subsequently came to think of as the itch. The itch in her pussy seemed to demand immediate attention from her fingers, as she just had to release an orgasm from the shackles of the itch.

When Mark was in her bed and awake he was perfectly good at dealing with her needs. But increasing since that first night she found herself needing to deal with her needy pussy by taking matters into her own hands, or more accurately the fingers of her right hand.

Though now very talented at getting herself off without disturbing Mark, being forced to improve her skills at masturbation was, in Kelly’s mind, definitely second best to an actual boy doing the business.

But that night Mark was asleep and her itch seemed stronger than usual. So, spreading her legs just a little more, she scooped some moisture from her pussy and, this time more firmly, ran her now damp fingers over her clit.

Although her body had to be still when she got herself off, Kelly’s mind was free to wander. And over the previous winter her mind had wandered into fresh pastures so to speak, namely daydreams which, she soon discovered, made her orgasms all the more intense.

Not that her daydreams were in any way outrageous. Kelly had, when masturbating, replayed and enhanced her initial dream about hot guys, both looking yenibosna escort at them and having them look at her. And the idea of guys appreciating her slim body, peach shaped butt, c-cup breasts and longish brunette hair, resulted in very satisfying orgasms.

But, during the spring, a thought unexpected popped into Kelly’s mind. She could, if she wanted to, actually bring a little reality to her daydreams. So, acting on that idea, she purchased dresses that were a little shorter, tops that were lower cut and under wear that was a little sexier.

The results were amazing, Mark noticed and was more loving. But, more surprisingly to Kelly, the gaze of other males was now more frequent and lingered longer. And, even better, when she subsequently masturbated in bed recalling real boys looking at her with unabashed desire, well the intensity of her orgasms went up another notch.

As spring turned into summer, out of nowhere, another idea had popped into Kelly’s mind. She thought she might imagine more than just extra glances and gazes. Her daydreams became fantasies and she started picturing herself, or preferably Mark, taking control and actually being more adventurous in their sex life. Ideas like having sex outside the bedroom, such as on a beach or in a club had, for instance, become a major turn on for Kelly.

And that night as her damp fingers continued to caress her clit, she shivered in anticipation as she recalled what she had packed in her luggage. A new bikini, the skimpiest she had ever purchased, would be unveiled tomorrow.

When she had tried on the mail order bikini at home, she loved how she looked in it. And over the previous two weeks when she had imagined the reaction of guys, including Mark, when they actually saw her barely concealed body, she felt an intense buzz of excitement. A buzz that surpassed the excitement from the spring unveiling of shorter skirts and lower cut tops.

Tomorrow, therefore, was a day she had been looking forward to, the day when she would actually unveil the bikini for real boys. Just thinking that it was really about to happen caused her to shiver in anticipation. A shiver that foreshadowed the bigger buzz she expected from the reality of being seen in her skimpy bikini.

And the idea that a stronger buzz awaited her tomorrow definitely strengthened the speed and intensity of her approaching orgasm.

It didn’t take long for her thoughts about hot guys looking at her hot bikini and her active fingers to drive, accompanied by a suppressed sigh, an orgasm crashing over her in a wave of pleasure.

That, she thought, as her strong orgasm faded away in a series of delightful aftershocks, that was something else.

The next morning Kelly and Mark both woke contented from a solid night’s sleep. Recognizing, as she got ready, that the previous night’s orgasm was the most powerful she had given herself, meant that Kelly was already very pleased with the new bikini that she left the apartment wearing.

As the couple took the short bus ride down the hill to the dinky little port where they had arrived on their first day in Folegandros, Kelly recalled her concerns about becoming bored so she asked, “What are your plans for the rest of the week?”

“We can do whatever takes your fancy Kelly. I think the beach around from the port is good. Days there, maybe some hiking, dinners out. How does that sound?”

“Cool,” Kelly replied with a sinking feeling that Mark’s plans might turn into Groundhog Day, “But remember variety is the spice of life. Not only during the day, that means our love life too.”

“Yeah, sorry about last night. I fell asleep, but at least we made love the night before.”

An idea suddenly went through Kelly’s mind. Vacation seemed like the perfect time to breathe a little life into her daydreams, “That was cool, but on vacation not only do I want sex more often, I also think we should be more adventurous.”

“How do you mean?” Mark asked.

“Maybe we could try outside, different positions, whatever. I have a surprise for you today, feel free to surprise me from time to time.”

At first Mark could only focus on the word outside, “Someone might see us outside.”

“Mark,” Kelly said a little caustically, “This is close to a deserted island. I think we can take the risk.”

“Ok I guess,” he replied as the couple arrived at the port, not wanting to dig himself any deeper into the hole he had created by over reacting to Kelly’s less than radical suggestion of sex outside.

The couple happily explored that area in under an hour, and then took a cute little ferry boat around the headland to the nearby beach. It was a small but perfectly formed crescent of fine white sand and gentle waves.

As Kelly sat on her towel and watched the other four people from the ferry wander to the other end of the beach, she admitted to herself that she was majorly impressed by this beach. Mark had done well. But, even so, she hoped he had taken heed of her need for variety.

Mark, şirinevler escort however, hadn’t really thought much more about what they had talked about on the bus and was happily making the most of the day at the beach.

He quickly changed into tight board shorts and started applying sunscreen. But when he finally noticed that Kelly was, unexpectedly, just sitting on her towel, he asked, “So Kelly, are you going to get changed?”

“Sure,” Kelly replied, reminding herself to live in the present and actually enjoy the day, particularly as she was about to unveil her new bikini. She smiled at Mark, and answered, “My surprise is under my shorts and t-shirt.”

Kelly now had Mark’s attention and he totally focused on Kelly as she stood, turned away from him and then removed her t-shirt. Mark only saw the tie of her bikini top, but that was enough for him to recognize she was wearing a new bikini. As he had expected Kelly to have purchased some new vacation clothes, he didn’t actually think a new bikini really counted as a surprise.

But Mark was indeed surprised and knew exactly what Kelly meant by the word surprise when she, still facing away from him, slide down her shorts.

For his eyes were captivated, captivated by seeing his girlfriend’s exposed butt barely covered by a bikini thong. The thong she purchased online from the wonderfully named brand of Wicked Weasel. The thong which, although mostly disappearing up her butt, had just enough material at the top for him to know it was an attractive shade of blue.

But, more importantly for Kelly, the thong which Mark had instantly noticed was so micro that it showed off nearly all her cute peach shaped butt.

Slowly turning Kelly smirked, knowing that Mark would then see three tiny triangles of material, one hardly covering her freshly shaved pussy and the other two barely coping with the task of restraining her c-cup breasts.

When Mark genuinely whispered, “God, you look hot honey,” Kelly was thrilled. Her bikini was indeed a compete buzz just as she had imagined it would be.

But, when her boyfriend continued, “But isn’t it a little revealing,” he managed to seriously dampen her good mood.

“No honey. Not in Europe,” she snapped back.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Mark. Don’t be a killjoy. Look closely at the four people over there. All of them including the girls are topless. I like wearing this and I am fine wearing this.”

Kelly began to apply her own sunscreen feeling a bit sour with Mark as he had detracted from her enjoyment of her new bikini. While she had made some slightly more exhibitionist clothing choices over the spring, buying the new bikini was by far her biggest step. And her biggest step hadn’t met an equally big supportive response from her boyfriend.

Though Kelly already knew, no matter what anyone else thought, that she loved wearing her new bikini and, glancing at the European girls, she drew comfort from them. She obviously hadn’t gone that far given the fact that every other female on the beach was topless.

So, she concluded, a thong bikini wasn’t in the scheme of things actually that a big step, and her boyfriend would just have to get over his seemingly more conservative views.

In fact, Kelly had surprisingly found herself pondering on the plane over to Greece whether she would be brave enough to join those European girls and lose her top. In truth she didn’t like having a bikini line but she recognized that being topless would obviously be an even bigger step for her.

After she finished applying sunscreen, Kelly lay on her back and soaked up the warm sun, pondering a little more the pros and cons of sunbathing topless.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Mark, “Hey honey, I am sorry how I reacted when I first saw your new bikini. The bikini totally complements your body, it is a wonderful surprise and you look so good in it. And don’t ever think you need my approval, as a good boyfriend, I will always back your choices.”

Kelly felt a surge of warmth for Mark with his more supportive comments. She smiled happily and replied, “Thanks babe, I appreciate it. I really like this bikini and love how it looks on. Sorry I snapped before.”

“You were fine honey, I deserved it. Next time you surprise me, I will be more supportive.”

Kelly knew that, if she could bring herself to do it, her next surprise might well be going topless. So, as she didn’t want Mark blindsided if that happened, she felt it wise to share with him her indecision about acting more European, “The beach is really nice Mark.”

“Yes, perfect for sun bathing and the water looks good too.”

“Yeah, but I hate bikini lines. I have been, umm …wondering about sunbathing topless. All the girls around here are.”

Mark, as he acknowledged to himself, was a little spooked by that suggestion principally because he was not sure he liked others gazing at Kelly’s breasts. But he did have to admit, as he glanced over to the topless women bahçelievler escort who were walking down to the water, that he actually felt ok looking at other barely covered women.

So he knew he would be seen as a totally hypocrite if he admitted his concerns to Kelly. And he, therefore, made the reasonable decision that he shouldn’t further annoy Kelly by making a big deal of whatever choice she made, “Your body, your choice.”

“You have reservations?”

“Not reservations, you just took me by surprise. I want you to be you, and so I should only try and stop you if it is too risky or dangerous. And being topless doesn’t count as being risky.”

“Exactly….” Kelly paused realizing that Mark had actually helped her with her decision. Most people wouldn’t see being topless as a big risk or in any way dangerous.

Little did they both know, that in certain circumstances, being topless did risk something.

Their conversation stopped as Kelly and Mark both sat up surprised at hearing the sound of a motorized boat. They watched two people in a small dingy chug round the promontory and head for their end of the beach.

As the dingy closed in on the beach they saw more clearly the occupants who were young, around twenty-four like them. One was a dark-haired guy and the other a blond-haired woman.

After the newly arrived couple pulled their boat up the beach, they dumped their bags about five meters away. Kelly and Mark casually watched them unpack, both confident that their stares were hidden by the dark sunglasses they wore.

But the focus of their attention was different. Mark couldn’t take his eyes off the long-legged blond. She was just as slim and pale as Kelly though at 5 8 she was a couple of inches taller, and was beautiful in a traditional Scandinavian way, with long blond hair.

When she took off her shorts and t-shirt, Mark couldn’t help but notice that, like Kelly, she was wearing a petite bikini thong. But she hadn’t bothered with a bikini top and Mark instantly found himself comparing her a-cup breasts to Kelly’s much more well-endowed physique.

Kelly meanwhile focused on the guy. She had noticed the ripple in his tanned well-defined muscles as he pulled the boat up onto the beach. And she decided that his longish curly dark hair and olive skin marked him out as being Greek.

But when he turned and said hello to them, Kelly’s heart missed a beat. He was good looking, well truthfully, very good looking. His chest and abs were a thing of beauty just like some of the statues they had seen in the Athens archaeological museum.

“We should swim first,” the blond woman said to the Greek guy.

Kelly and Mark watched the dark-haired guy casually pick up the blond and carry her into the ocean. He waded out till he was waist deep in the sea and effortlessly threw her into the water.

She came to the surface laughing, and the guy dived in and swam a couple of strokes to get to her. And when he did he took her legs from under her and they rolled around in the sea continually splashing and dunking each other.

If they could have read each other’s minds, Kelly and Mark would have been surprised at how different their reactions to the couple were. Mark wondered whether the guy was a little too physical, whereas Kelly liked the idea of being swept off her feet and dumped in the sea.

After a few minutes in the water the swimmers walked back to where they had dumped their towels. Mark couldn’t help but notice that the cold water had hardened the blond woman’s nipples. But Kelly didn’t notice her nipples, she only had eyes for the rather impressive looking penis that was now better defined by the guy’s wet swimwear.

Earlier in the vacation Kelly had giggled in the Athens museum when she realized that all the statues of the Greek gods were gorgeous in every respect bar one. As she pointed out to Mark all the male statues seemed to have a very small penis. But clearly what was true of Greek statues was not always true of Greek men.

As the guy looked over to Kelly and Mark, he said in excellent English, “The water’s perfect for swimming.”

“Good idea,” Kelly replied, before turning to Mark and adding, “We should swim Mark.”

Mark enthusiastically jumped to his feet, took off his glasses and started towards the water. He had taken a couple of steps by the time Kelly stood up, so only she noticed that the Greek guy’s eyes never left her body. He was, she thought, totally checking her out and, despite being with another woman, he seemed to appreciate what he saw.

Kelly then took of her sunglasses and her eyes connected with the Greek guy’s eyes. Neither broke their gaze for three or more seconds. With the intensity of his gaze, Kelly felt caught, like a deer in the headlights, frozen in place.

Then the guy smiled sweetly. And Kelly smiled back, turned and sauntered down the beach following her boyfriend. She felt, or at least imagined she did, that the guy was still staring at her near naked body covered only by the line of material disappearing up her butt.

She had purchased the bikini hoping for the male gaze, and by the time Kelly reached the water it had occurred to her that if she got that much attention from guys as hot as the Greek guy, then the Wicked Weasel bikini was well worth the wicked price she had to pay for it.

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