The Trip

30 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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There’s always some decisions you make which you come to regret later in life. Often, they concern a member of the opposite sex and what did, or more likely didn’t, happen. For me, this is one of those “what if …” stories.


When I was about 19, I was part of an outdoor activities club. You know, kayaking, climbing, mountain hiking and all that. Everything you couldn’t do around here. The South East of England has few hills, nothing you’d could pretend is a mountain or a fast flowing river. So, we practice our techniques and skills as best as we can and look forward to the next trip away to the more adventurous parts of the country.

When I was about 19, I also enjoyed hanging about with mates, playing sports and generally chilling through the summer months. There was this one afternoon I’ll never forget. About 10 of us had arranged to meet down the local park for our usual plan, play some footie, throw frisbees, have a picnic with a few beers and lay back to watch the stars come out.

And then my mate Pete arrived with a friend. I hope I didn’t stare too much, but as I think back to it, there was lots of ogling going on, not just by me. Pete introduced us all to Charlie and we all introduced ourselves to her. There was something about her that was more than just her instinctive, sensual beauty. Now, don’t get me wrong, she was stacked in all the right places with a quick first impression etched into my mind for later on. I had her down as a natural blonde, a slim size 8 or 10, with a generous B or small C breasts. Just enough arse to swing, but not too much, and man, oh man, I’d never thought a long Summer dress could appear designed for one individual. But it was more than her beauty: I think it was the way she pouted her thin lips when she thought – and there was a good amount of activity going on upstairs too, much more than was usual for your traditional, natural blonde teenager.

If I had just one word to describe her: elegant. The second word would be unreachable.

The main question in my mind though, was how on earth did Pete know her?!? And know her well enough to bring her along to a mates afternoon. He’s not the type to hang around with hotties, so why this one and what was he see to her? All questions for later on.

I was feeling rather tongue tied, so all I managed was “Hi Charlie, really nice to meet you. I’m Dave.”

“Nice to meet you too,” she replied and moved on around the group.

I went back to throwing the frisbee and every time I made a good catch, had a quick glance to check if Charlie had seen it. Pretty much every time I saw her watching us all, as she sat talking with a few of the girls. She seemed to fit in well, considering it was the first time she’d met us all – I need to find out how girls do that so easily? I noticed I wasn’t the only one struggling to focus on the frisbees that afternoon. Several of us were taking longer than usual to throw, often looking over at the girls before throwing or after a catch.

Soon enough, we tired of frisbees and got the football out. It was a welcome relief, as it demanded more of our attention to play. There were fewer pauses as it was only the goalies who could glance over at the girls so easily. So, it was no surprise that none of us noticed when she left. We finished our game, wandered back to the picnic site and she wasn’t there anymore. Gutted!

“Where’s Charlie gone?”, I asked.

“She had a family thing to get to this evening,” Pete replied. And that was it. Charlie was off the radar for the rest of the afternoon and evening. We chilled, picnicked, drank our beers and enjoyed the stars, as we’d planned to. Soon after midnight, we headed home. I was knackered, so went straight to bed when I got home, but woke in the middle of the night. Looking down at my duvet tent, the reason was obvious. I snuck down to the bathroom and was surprised how quickly I relieved the pressure, concluding it must have been a really good dream. Just a few happy movements and I’m there. Thinking of Charlie, sat there relaxing in that summer dress was enough. Normally I’d need to mentally undress a girl, but not Charlie. I hoped we’d meet again, but I had no idea how or when that was going to happen. After all, we’d only spoken 2 sentences to each other – hardly the basis of a solid, blossoming relationship!

The next day, I was working at home with Pete. He’s a good friend, but lives a few miles away so we don’t meet up that often. Today though, I had to find out more and asked him over to help me clear out the garage. It was another hot Sunday afternoon – an occurrence not quite as unusual as everyone expects in southern England. Ok, so it’s not something you can plan for, but it’s still almost universally appreciated.

We’ve been at it for an hour before I ask Pete the burning question.

“How d’you know Charlie then?”

“She’s a friend from college,” he replied, “who lives around the corner from me. We’ve been hanging around occasionally for ages and she’s been asking to meet my friends. Her parents are rather protective of her though, Osmanbey travesti so it’s not been easy.”

“She seemed to fit in with the others real quick though, for someone who’s not out that much,” I offered

“Yeah, she knew a few of the girls from college, and no doubt they got onto the usual girlie chats straight away. Shame you didn’t get more of a chance to talk with her though, she loves the outdoors and is hankering to see some of the wilder parts of the country.”

“Cool”, I replied, jumping for joy inside. All my dreams had true come at once! The girl of my dreams, well last night’s dream at least, shared an interest with me, and it’s one where people naturally spend a lot of time together! Sweet. “Our club heads up to the climbing wall every Wednesday. It’s probably the best place to meet some of the guys if she really wants to get involved and see more of the country.” Please say you’ll pass on the message, please, please.

“Yeah, sounds like a good idea,” he said. Yes! “Mind if I come along too, as she hardly knows you, and the others in your club not at all?” No! But I had to concede it was a good point though. “I’ll give her a call later and let you know this afternoon mate.”

True to his word, Pete called to say they would both be coming climbing that week. Pete couldn’t make most weeks as he has football training on Wednesdays, but would come along to keep Charlie company this week. Quality result.

The next three days were slow. Painfully slow. My right arm was getting more action than usual and the hour after a happy tug was about the only truly relaxed time I had. Minutes became hours became days with my one track mind stuck repeating its single track: Wednesday with Charlie.

Pete, it turns out, can’t stand heights. I’m not a great fan, but Pete struggles with escalators and second storey windows. So when the fateful evening finally draws near and I meet them in the sports centre car park, his first question is to ask what we want to drink before slipping off to the café leaving me alone with the object of my half week old fantasies.

“Pete says you enjoy the outdoors,” is my opening remark. I wasn’t expecting to be alone so soon with her tonight, so I’m thinking on my feet.

“Yeah, I love being outdoors and I’ve always wanted to try something more adventurous. Challenging myself is part of it, but what I’d really love to do is get to places most people don’t, or can’t easily if that makes sense.”

“Complete sense,” I reply. “I’m exactly the same. I enjoy the buzz of things we do with the club, and I love hanging around with the guys, but it’s the places we go to that really get me going.”

“Where have you been then?” she asks.

“Last year we went climbing in the Peak District. We were on one the long rock edges looking out over the valleys. That day I spent most of the time belaying at the top, staring out over the landscape. The year before we were kayaking down the River Wye near Wales. Loads of people go to Symonds Yat, the main rapids there. Don’t get me wrong, that was great and a real highlight, but I also throroughly enjoyed the 15 miles of countryside, towering cliffs and quaint villages with stone arch bridges on the way.”

“Sounds idyllic,” she said. “How often do you go away with the club?”

“We try to have one climbing, one kayaking and one mountain walking trip each year,” I told her. “Some of us get together and go on long weekends to fill the gaps too.”

“Guess I’ve come to the right place then. It sounds perfect.” And at that, my mind went Kerching! I should probably advise caution though, we always do.

“Well, before you make too many commitments, see how you get on this evening and we’ll go from there. For today, let’s just see how you enjoy climbing.”

Which took us to the door to the climbing room. I introduced her to Ian, our instructor for the session, paid my dues and told him Pete might be joining us soon.

“Guests get the first week free,” I told Charlie. “They also normally get told what to wear, but you’ve clearly thought ahead.” Her leggings wouldn’t interfere with the harness and the long shirt would protect her modesty when up on the wall. Unfortunately.

Fortunately for us there weren’t many others there that night, so I set about picking a nice easy pitch and gathered the equipment we’d need. Getting our rope ready, I explained a few of the safety principles.

“We’ll get you harnessed up in a minute and on the wall,” I explained. “If you want to get a feel for the holds, go ahead, but don’t use any holds up in the brown area so if you do take a tumble, you’re still low down.”

“Ok,” she said, approaching the wall for the first time. While she was making her first few, tentative moves, I was anticipating helping her put on a harness. It’s not the sort of thing you help someone with unless you get up close and personal with them. Calm down, calm down.

Two minutes later I’m ready and call her over. I explain to her about the harness and how it needs to be worn. She steps into the leg holes and I ask Ayrancı travesti her to pull the main loop up to her belly button. I step in beside her and tighten the waist band. “It has to be tight,” I explain, “but not painfully so.” Now I’m no pervert and I’m not deliberately trying to touch her up, but putting the harness around her waist means I can’t help enjoying some of her hip.

Kneeling down, I explain that the leg straps need to be fairly tight too. Starting on the right, I’m enjoying a good handful of leg, then afterwards on the left leg. Soon enough, it’s time to rope up. Standing directly in front of her I need to loop the rope through the harness and knot it tight. I’ve knotted up enough times so I can do it eyes closed, or better yet, while staring at 18 year old titties from just a foot away while their owner is convinced you’re concentrating on the rope. Got to double-check the knot at the end though – wouldn’t want any accidents!

And all completely innocent with our instructor, Ian, watching from across the room. I love climbing.

An hour of climbing later, with plenty of fun, laughter and staring up at one gorgeous, albeit covered arse, we finish up and tidy away. Charlie clearly enjoyed the evening and asks what else the club does.

“We practice our kayaking skills most weeks in the school pool and go away together a few times a year,” Ian answered.

“Where do I sign up?” Charlie asks. And with that, she’s coming kayaking on Friday. We head over to the café to collect Pete before heading out to the cars. I arrange to collect Charlie on Friday and head home for some much needed release. Once again, mental undressing is not on the agenda.

The second half of the week is almost as slow as the first, but Friday evening rolls around soon enough. I drive round to Charlie’s on the way to the pool and pick her up. It’s another warm, early Summer evening so she’s wearing a light, knee length skirt and string vest top. To my simple tastes, she’s looking fine, fine, fine. It takes all the mental effort and focus I can muster just to drive straight, without wandering eyes. In the evening light, as she’s sat in the car her skirt’s ridden up a touch, allowing me to see her legs in a warm, healthy light.

“You done much kayaking before?” I ask her.

“A little, back in school. We went out a couple of times and did the basics. You know, capsize, moving and turning. Nothing more complicated than that.”

“Well, you’ll see our boats used a bit different tonight. Just do as much as you can and soak in the atmosphere, but don’t try anything to difficult – you’ll just end up hurting yourself.”

“Ok, you’re the boss,” she offered. Obviously, I like the sound of that. What I liked more was a moment soon after arriving. I’d got changed quickly and was swimming a couple of lengths when she came out of the ladies changing room. Wow, wow and wow again. It was all I could do not to whip my manhood out then and there and cream myself in the middle of the pool. She wore a one-piece black swimsuit, cut fairly high on the legs and low enough on the front to show some good cleavage. What stood out though was what I’d guessed at when putting the climbing harness on her – she was slim and trim, I mean barely an ounce of fat and looking like she worked to keep it that way.

She dove into the deep end, smooth as you like, and swam underwater to pop up next to me. Being wet already, it didn’t look like I was drooling (that much). I suggested she warm up with a few lengths too and she soon showed me how much I had to learn in the water. This girl must be half fish to swim so fast without splashing.

Soon enough our kayak instructor, Matt, calls us all in and suggests that those who can, spend some time working on rolling tonight. He suggests Charlie gets comfortable with a boat and works up to to capsizing with a spray deck on. She asks to pair up with me – and who am I to say no to a beautiful lady?

We head to the back of the pool and get our boats ready. She selects her boat and paddle, while I find a suitable buoyancy aid and spray deck for her. She’s pleased when they fit well first time. I’m less pleased as her boobs and cleavage are now mostly hidden from view. Oh well. She climbs into her boat and pushes off. She quickly demonstrates the basics, forwards, stopping and turning, while I’m sorting my equipment out (the kayaking equipment of course!).

I jump in the pool next to her and start to explain the basics of capsizing safely. “You need to get your knees locked inside the boat here and here”, I say, leaning into her boat and trying not to focus too obviously on her crotch. It’s almost begging me to stare at it, with the cut of her suit pointing down like an arrow. “Then this is the part to remember: after you lean over and capsize, reach under the boat and bang on the bottom three times to attract attention from those around. Then, put your hands on the top of the boat behind you and push yourself out forwards. Got all that?”

“Ok, I think so. Lock knees, lean over, bang three times and push Cebeci travesti out from here,” she says, looking slightly apprehensive.

“Perfect. I’ll be right here next to you, and will have my goggles on so I be able to see how you’re doing underwater.” She looks more reassured at that and has a practice, working through the process above water. Mustering her confidence, she leans over and capsizes. I bob down and see her put her hands out of the water to bang on the boat before pushing herself out and moving to the surface.

“Brilliant!” I tell her. “Not many get that right first time. Want to try it with the deck on? There’s just one extra step to allow for.”

“Ok,” she says. “Is it more difficult or dangerous?”

“Not at all,” I reply. “You’ve just got to remember the same steps as last time but you’ll need to pull on the front strap before pushing out of the boat. Try it with your goggles on first, to get used to it. Think of it as the next step to challenging yourself.”

So, she jumps out of the pool and climbs back into her boat which I’ve emptied out on the side. I show her how the deck gets fitted to the boat, making sure the release strap is ready, and then she pushes off again, stopping in the middle.

“Ok, same as last time with one change: capsize, bang on the bottom, pull the strap and push yourself out,” I instruct her.

She nods and gets straight to it. This time, I stay above the surface and wait for her to appear. After the bangs, it only takes a few seconds and there she is.

“Brilliant!” I congratulate her again. “First time again!” She is beaming at having done that so well. She’d obviously known it was coming and had been worried about it. “It really helps being able to see what you’re doing underwater, doesn’t it?”


“The last time I kayaked with the school was in a dirty outdoor lake. Goggles wouldn’t have helped, even if we’d had them!”

“Yeah, too many places like that I’m afraid. Right, fancy helping me out for a bit? I’m going to practice a roll but I’m not sure I’ll manage it first time,” I ask her.

“Sure thing,” she replies. “It’s the least I can do.” So we put her boat back on the side for a bit and she jumps back in the water. I launch my boat into the water and stop next to her.

“Right, I need you to stand back a bit so I can move the paddle around without hitting you. You can pop your head underwater to watch if you want. I’ll try to roll, but if I don’t get up or get confused under there, you can help me get back up without me needing to bail out. If I bang on the bottom of the boat, its your signal to come in closer, jump to get your arms over my boat and grab this edge. Then pull it back towards you and I’ll get up easily. Ok?”

“Sure, I guess so,” she said tentatively. “What if I get it wrong?”

“You won’t, but I’ve always got the strap to pull if I need to get out.” So, she swam back a little and I capsized. I had wanted to fail this attempt to get her to practice a rescue, but I got quite the surprise it happened. After flailing underwater a couple of times, I banged on the bottom and with my goggles I saw her move towards me. As she jumped to reach over my boat, I got an unexpected eye full. Her swimsuit covered crotch was mere inches from my face. Unfortunately, the suit was seated properly, but I stared at as much as I could for the brief seconds before I felt myself being pulled up. I must have been slightly flushed as I breathed in, but I guess Charlie put that down to being underwater for a while.

We carried on the evening like that, thoroughly enjoying being in the water, and to a certain extent, I felt that we enjoyed each other’s company quite a bit too. The conversations were easy both in the pool and on the way home.

“When’s the next club trip away?” she asked as we pulled into her road.

“End of the month. We’re off to the Lake District for 5 days. Well, 4 if you take off the first for travelling and setting up camp. You interested? There’s still a couple of spots on the bus to fill if you are.” Please. Please. Please.

“Definitely. I’ve always wanted to see the Lakes. Count me in.” We sorted the financial details out and I got her the forms need to complete and sign. To be honest, I wasn’t sure which of us was more excited about the whole idea!

We went to the climbing and kayaking club sessions together again the following 2 weeks, looking forward to the trip to the Lake District. We’d been given the schedule a week before leaving and thought it looked great. Travel and setting up camp on day 1; hike up Sca Fell on day 2 before a kayaking lake trip on day 3 (suitable for several novice members); options for a quiet day 4 or a harder walk; break camp and a river walk on day 5 before driving home.

I’d arranged to collect Charlie on the morning of the trip. An early start for a 7 hour journey, but when she answered the door there was an excited sparkle in her eye. She’d dressed comfortably in not-too-tight jeans and a white top under a fleece jacket. The shirt, which wasn’t a strappy one, had a deep plunge down the front, showing the tops and a bit of the insides of her breasts and cleavage. The look on her face said she was definitely up for this trip. I was looking forward to getting there, but wasn’t so sure about the journey – I know how boring these journeys can be.

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