The Three Day Pass Ch. 22

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Female Ejaculation

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to contact me – all E-mails will be answered to the best of my ability.

I would like to thank all of you that wrote and told me how much you like the story so far. Keep the letters coming and send in a donation to the site you are reading this on.

End of chapter 21

On the way back to the city Rich said, “Now I have her to contend with? You are supposed to be my lover. It looks as if I am going to have to fight half the men and women in the tri-state area to keep you. If I did not know better I’d say you were Bi and be jealous as hell.”

Reaching into his pocket the soldier removed the card Dina had given him, “Here read this!”

Chapter 22

When Joseph awoke the next morning he found the bed beside him empty. Rich must have been up for some time because he could smell the odor of fresh coffee and hear the shower running. Fighting off the temptation to sneak into the shower and surprise him, the soldier just lay back and waited. A few minutes later he heard the bathroom door open and saw Rich’s nude body emerge as he was vigorously drying his hair with a big fluffy towel. As he rubbed his hair, his big cut cock and large balls were swaying to and fro, almost sending Joseph into a hypnotic trance. Shaking himself back to reality, he cursed himself for not acting on his earlier impulse. Damn it, he looks so good, I should have grabbed him in the shower for a quickie while I had the chance he mused.

Realizing that Joseph was awake, Rich said, “Good morning, lover,” then asked, ” Did you sleep well?”

“Yes I did, so well, that I did not even hear you get up.” Joseph said. “How come you’re up so early? It is only eight-thirty. Come back to bed and let’s make love again. We have plenty of time. We don’t have to be at the Port Authority till eleven-thirty.”

“We? You didn’t tell me that I was invited too. If I had known I was invited, I might have changed my plans for today.” Rich said in a rather annoyed tone as he continued to get dressed.

“Plans – what plans? I thought the only thing we had planed was that little get together with Frank Gordon and that’s for nine tonight. You told me you were getting a understudy to take your place tonight and that you were taking off.”

“You know I have school on Saturdays. I did not think I should play hooky since you usually either come with me or you stay at home. Did you forget that?”

“Shit I guess I must have. I’m sorry. If I had remembered I would have made the appointment for another time, but that damn note did sound rather urgent. Anyway it either slipped my mind or I just assumed that since you had arranged to take off this evening that you would also take the whole day off. If you want I can call her and make the appointment for another time?”

“No don’t do that. You are right that note did sound rather urgent. Look I’m sorry about the mix-up, but you go and take care of your business and I will see you back here at about six or so. Then you can tell me all about your hot date with that Egyptian cock teaser.” Rich said as he finished dressing and gave Joseph a parting kiss. “There is some dry cereal in the cabinet for breakfast or if you want there are eggs in the refrigerator. Sorry, but I did not have time to buy those sausages or that Canadian bacon you love, but there is fresh coffee in the pot. Help yourself. When I get back tonight we can have a light bite together if you want. We don’t have to meet Frank until nine. Although maybe instead of a light bite we could…”

“Say no more, my man. I’ll be all showered and ready for you babe. I will also order in a Pizza for us, if you like.” Joseph said as he kissed him goodbye. “Go ‘Break a Leg’ or is that the wrong thing to say?”

“Good luck to you also and be careful. That Dina looks like she could be the big sister of that cobra she tries to emulate in her dances.”

“Have no fear! I have my anti-venom shots.” The soldier said as he got out of bed and went into the bathroom. “I have you and that’s all I need or want. Now get going or you will be late.”

The hands on the big clock at the terminal showed 11:30. The sun was shining as Joseph approached the statue of the T.V. bus driver. He spotted Dina pacing back and forth waiting for him. She looked beautiful with her long hair covered with a black headscarf that allowed only her two dark eyes to show. The only uncovered part of her body was a small patch of the smooth olive colored skin from her fingers to the elbows. The package was rather sexy and Joseph found himself intrigued all the more by her. You know, he thought, it’s really true mersin escort that the more a woman covers up- the sexier it makes her appear. American women expose themselves too much in public…it leaves almost nothing to be ‘discovered’.

“Sbaah El Kair, good Morning.” Joseph greeted her in Arabic and English. “Have you been waiting long?”

“Well yes – just a little.” She answered. “But it is my fault, I came early as I did not want to take the chance of perhaps missing you. I did not sleep well last night. I was up most of the night with thoughts of you and that party of yours! Before we even say another word let’s get that bit of business out of the way. I have decided to perform at that party. I called my agent and even though he does not approve, I told him I just had to do it. He wanted to call your friend and negotiate a deal. I told him that this was one of those charity appearances and there would be no deal and no commission to be made. He was furious, even threatened to drop me as a client, but I finally got him to agree by promising to meet with him and another club owner later. So about an hour ago I called your friend and we made all the arrangements.”

“I’m sure Fazzi was thrilled. He told me how disappointed he was at the prospect of not having you perform.”

“Yes, the old guy was very thrilled. I could even see him drooling over the phone. He even offered to double my usual fee. As well as provide a place for me to stay so that I did not have to travel back and forth to the city that day. He said I could use your old apartment on his property, but since I have to work that evening, I can go home from the Cafe as usual. As for my fee he could use it to pay for the musicians or donate it to the club as my contribution to the cause. He told me he was going to call you right away and tell you, but I begged him not to as I wanted to tell you myself.”

“That was very nice of you, but surely that did not keep you awake all night.”

“No, there was something else that disturbed my sleep and it has been keeping me awake for several nights now.” She answered.

“We can talk about that at lunch. For now I’m very happy that you decided to perform. I know how busy you are and I’m sure your performance will delight the Arab/American community, as well as those of us who are not Arabs.” He said as he placed his hand under her elbow and started to gently lead her away from the statue. “A friend of mine recommended this nice bar and grill down the street. While it is a little early for drinking I hear the food is excellent. Will that be OK for lunch? Do you object to going to an establishment where alcohol is served?”

“No, no objections. I am not that old fashioned. It will be fine as long as they have booths where we can be unobserved and talk in private together.”

“By the way, speaking of privacy, where is your body guard today?” Joseph asked. “I don’t see him around.”

“I did not think I needed him today. One of the advantages in living in Manhattan is that people usually do not recognize me and I can live a more normal life here.” She explained and then shyly asked him. “Do you think I need him around with you?”

“You never can tell,” he said as they found the place, entered and were seated in a private booth. As they sat down beside one and other, Dina after looking around the place, let her black headscarf fall to her shoulders and ran her fingers through her hair to fluff it out. Joseph, using it as an excuse reached over and using his fingers adjusted her head covering over her shoulders. The waiter smiled, handed them menus and asked if they wanted anything to drink before they ordered. Coffee, just coffee for now, they both requested and started to look at the menu. When he returned with their coffee, they ordered and while waiting for the food to arrive Joseph asked her, “So tell me what kept you awake last night?”

“Who in the name of the prophet are you?” She asked as she turned to him and took both his hands in hers.

“I’m Sgt. Joseph Benson, US Army.” Joseph said, kind of bewildered and taken aback. “I thought you knew that. Didn’t I tell you?”

“That is what you told me, but that’s not what I mean and you know it. This past Tuesday evening before I went to work, two rather rude and big Syrian intelligence officers or so they claimed to be paid me a visit. They almost broke into my apartment and after roughing me up a bit they began questioning me about you. They wanted to know all kinds of things about you and our relationship. They asked me if you were working for the CIA, the FBI or even Army Intelligence?”

Joseph started to laugh. “Army Intelligence? Now there is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. There is no such thing!”

“This is no joke, you idiot. These people are dangerous. They could just as soon kill you as look at you. One of them grabbed me from behind pinning my arms to my sides and the other used his hands to feel kocaeli escort me up while he questioned me. It was as if they already knew the answers but were just using the questions as an excuse to abuse me. The one behind me was rubbing his you know what on my backside. They were really enjoying their work.”

“I’ll just bet they did! I’m really sorry this happened. I hope they did not hurt you. But, Dina, I have no idea why they should question you or even for that matter, how they would know that you know me. Last night, when I was at the Club, Mr. Amos the Cafe Casablanca owner mentioned that you had been asking about me since my last visit a while back. Perhaps they overheard you and thought that you knew me. The truth of the matter is that, yes, they must and should be interested in me because of my involvement with Fazzi Muhammad and his family. You see Fazzi at one time was a big wheel in the Syrian government apparatus. During my Army studies of Arabic and Muslim culture, I happened to attend services at Fazzi’s mosque where I met and became friendly with him and his family. So friendly and so close, in fact, that I also became engaged to his daughter. Add to this the fact that I have started working with Fazzi and the Arab/American community on this Investment Club and you can see why they would be interested in me. If you want to know my guess it is that they are trying to gather information about me. And that includes those I associate with. I hardly know you that well and really cannot understand why they would bother you.” He explained, as their lunch arrived. They continued talking while eating, Joseph telling her all about his public life. “So I guess it’s just a case of them wanting to make sure that I’m not going to steal the money or that I’m not running some kind of a scam.”

“There must be more to it than that.” She insisted. “They wanted to hire me.”

“Hire you? What on earth for?”

“They said they would pay me well to spy on you and find out every thing I could about you. They said they want me to find out if you are a homosexual. They asked me to make love to you and take you to bed. They wanted to see if you were attracted to women.” She laughed.

“Oh so that’s the reason for the whip and your hand under the table last night.” Joseph returned her laugher. “Look, if you want maybe I can get Fazzi to use his influence with the government to get them to lay off you. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t care what you report to them. In any case, I guess you can report that I’m at least normal in the horny male department.”

“Judging by last night, I would say you’re more than normal.”

“Perhaps you might like to do a more clinical examination. You know, just to earn some of that money they promised to pay you. I don’t know about you, but I would love to do a more intimate exam of you. I could get us a hotel room. I assure you that you would not be disappointed. From what I saw and felt as I held you in my arms last night, I know I would not be disappointed in you.” He half jested. “However please keep this in mind, my little spy, while you are a beautiful woman, and you are tempting, and I would love to ravish you, I must confess that I’m hopelessly in love with Kasemah, Fazzi’s daughter. Nothing, my little Mata Hari, will change that.”

“What or who is this ‘Mata Hari’?” she asked bewildered.

“Oh! She was some female spy a long time ago in WW1.” Joseph laughed. “Come to think of it she started off as a belly dancer also. Anyway, just so you understand, I am engaged to Kasemah Muhammad, or Kassie as I call her and we are very much looking forward to being married next year. I would not do anything to prevent or jeopardize that. However, as you already know from last night, I am still a man and a horny one at that. And since Fazzi has sent Kassie and her mother to live with relatives in Dearborn, to keep her pure and out of my arms and I have not had another woman….”

“To keep her pure? Oh! Yes, the old bed sheet bit. I have heard of that custom. It is rather old fashioned and no longer practiced, at least not in Egypt. Well maybe you might find it done, as you Americans say in the back woods, but really we no longer practice it.” She said. “I did not think that anyone even bothered any more as too many couples were using the blood of animals to fake it.”

“Well Fazzi is doing it to us as a test of some sort I suppose. It has been so long since I have been with a woman that I think you will have to instruct me…” He said as his fingers reached for her hand under the table.

“You are getting naughty now.” She said as she felt his hand enclose hers and guide it palm up to his lips and then place it on his lap atop his growing cock. “Yes, it would appear that you are quite naughty as well as normal. I can feel that and I don’t think you will need much instruction. Perhaps, instead of the expense of a hotel room, you would like to come up to my apartment? samsun escort We can talk more freely there and I can serve you your dessert.”

“Now who is shall we say, being naughty?” He said as he put one arm around her, pulled her body closer to himself, while his other hand pressed down on her hand that was now rubbing his cloth covered cock. “Be careful we would not want to cause an eruption just yet. Is your place far from here? I have my car we can drive or is it within walking distance?”

“It is uptown and you can drive. This time of day parking is not so difficult to find.”

Joseph paid the bill and led the way to his car.

“A BMW! Now I’m convinced that there is something you are keeping secret from me.” She smiled as Joseph held the door for her and she slid into the car.

“The car was a combination engagement and graduation gift from Fazzi. He said he could not allow his daughter to be seen driving around in a cheep broken down American car. I have lots of little secrets; the car is not one of them…. The rest of them you will soon see for yourself.” He said as he slid into the drivers seat beside her.

“Ohhhh” she said leaning into him and placing her hand again on his crotch as she kissed his lips. “I can hardly wait to uncover them one by one. Perhaps I will be able to make you soon forget about the daughter.”

“If anyone could-it would be you.” The soldier said pulling her to himself and kissing her deeply. Her lips parted as his tongue entered her mouth and she sucked on it. His fingers encasing one of her cloth covered breasts, while her fingers deftly and sexually lowered his fly zipper as she reached in, searched for, found and extracted his naked cock holding it in the palm of her hand. Gently closing her fingers around his shaft she moaned and said, “Your ‘ZIP’ is hot, I love hot ‘Zip” for dessert. Let’s get going or I’ll start right here.” She cooed. “Just head up town to East 88th street and Third Avenue. I have a brownstone there.”

Joseph tried to place his cock back into his pants, but she placed her black shawl over his lap and said. “No, you just drive the car-I’ll hold your joystick and keep it warm, primed and ready.”

“For the life of me, I’m forgetting that name… What the hell is Fazzi’s daughter’s name again?” Joseph said as he drove the car away from the curb. “Be careful Dina I would not like to get your shawl all messed up to say nothing about the car seat.”

The drive uptown was agonizingly slow. As they proceeded along their way truck drivers would glance over at them and seeing what was going on they would give Joseph the ‘thumbs up’ sign. Joseph smiled back with a look on his face that said something like ‘what can I tell you?’ And the truck drivers smiled honked their horns in a salute…

“See, over there, that’s my place. You can park anywhere this time of day.”

“Ok, but get your fingers off my penis and let me park.” He gasped.

He found a place to park and then zipped up his fly, and they got out of the car (he wondered if the Arabic word for Penis ‘Zip’ had anything to do with the word zipper, the crazy things that can go through the mind at a time like this). The two of them made their way into the brownstone.

“Wow! Do you own this place?”

“Yes there are three apartments I rent out the basement and first floor apartments. The second and third floors, I turned into one apartment and made it into my home.”

“You must do well as a dancer to afford all this.”

“I do very well, but renting the two apartments sure does help. I also have other investments that will help me live well when I can no longer dance. Anyway it was a rundown dump when I brought it but I had it gutted and fixed up. Everyone told me that it was a waste of time and money to rebuild it but I liked it and it is close to the center of things and the neighborhood has changed for the better since then.” She said as she opened the elevator door and they went up to the second floor landing where they got out. She unlocked the apartment door and they stepped into a small foyer. As soon as the front door was closed and locked she was in his arms again. Her fingers almost ripping his shirt off and letting it fall to the floor. She pulled his undershirt off and then started to undo his belt, letting his pants and under shorts fall to the floor leaving him almost nude and led him upstairs into her bedroom. Somewhere along the way his loafers and socks were discarded. He was glad that he had locked up his pistol at Rich’s place this morning. He had debated about taking it with him, but decided against it. He was glad he had, as it might have been difficult to explain why he was packing a gun. He looked around the bedroom-it was decorated like a Turkish Harem, very sexy and very Levantine. In the center of the room on a slightly raised platform stood a huge four-poster bed with colorful overstuffed pillows and stuffed animals (a leopard, a lion and two very angry looking tigers). Red drapes with fancy white lace netting surrounded the bed.

“My protectors.” She said, pointing to the stuffed creatures.

“You should have warned me to bring my hunting gun.” He joshed

“I think the one you are waving at me will be big enough to tame any of the ‘pussies’ in the room now.”

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