The Surprise

30 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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He had to get there early to beat the crowd. Lucky for him his friend Gary was working that night and let him in a little early. He found a nice little booth in the back in a dark corner, got a beer, and sat and listened to the band’s sound check as the crowd that was once outside slowly started to filter in. He checked his phone and there were no messages from Matt, who was supposed to meet him there. He probably flaked out again, and that didn’t really bother Les at all. He would enjoy the show, regardless.

Soon the little club was full of people, and he had to keep telling people he was expecting some friends so they wouldn’t try and sit at the small booth with him. Finally, the show started, and people stopped bugging him as they flocked to get closer to the band. Les closed his eyes and enjoyed the music, happy in his corner.

Suddenly, he felt an uncomfortable feeling wash over him, and he opened his eyes and looked around. There. About ten feet away at the back bar was Celeste, looking at him and smiling. As soon as his gaze landed on her, he saw her chuckle a bit and she made her way over to him, drink in hand. Les didn’t mind Celeste, and returned her smile as she made her way over. She was wearing a loose but stylish black sweater with dark blue jeans with bulky boots over them. She didn’t sit down immediately, and the corner wasn’t as insanely loud as the rest of the club might be, so when she started to talk he could hear her just fine.

“If ever I want to find you, I always know to look in the darkest, most secluded corner,” she said, smiling down at him. He shrugged up at her, and she waved a hand towards him, dismissingly. “What is the point of going to a live show if you can’t even see the band?”

“I don’t like them for their looks. I like the way the sound,” he answered, chuckling lightly as she rolled her eyes and then started to move closer to the side of the booth he was occupying.

“Scoot, and get ready for a cuddle. Creeper over there,” she said while making a face like she smelled something bad, motioned with her head the direction of said creeper. Les glanced up and saw exactly who she was talking about. The guy was trying to look like he wasn’t creep, which made him look even creepier. Les scooted over and lifted his arm, allowing Celeste to slide in next to him while he placed his arm protectively over her shoulders.

“You know, if you have become so fond of my cuddles, you just have to ask. You don’t have to keep making up this creeper bullshit,” he said teasingly. He really didn’t mind when she did this, and he had to admit that it actually felt really nice. Celeste had a way about her that made nothing ever seem awkward, or uncomfortable. When they had met a year ago at a mutual friend’s party, she had found him sitting alone watching a movie, and sat on the couch with him and started talking about the movie like they had known each other for years.

“Ha!” she exclaimed, while taking a sip of her drink. She shifted her shoulders away just slightly, only so that when she turned to face him her face wouldn’t be all up in his. “Wasn’t Matt supposed to be here?”

“Supposed to,” was all the answer he gave, and it was all she needed. Matt was the mutual friend, and they both knew how flakey he was. She shifted her shoulders back to where they were and relaxed into Les, making him feel some sort of way he couldn’t quite explain. Excited, yet at ease at the same time. They sat for a bit, just listening to the music and sipping their drinks. Then he felt her stiffen, and instantly looked around to see what had alarmed her.

Creeper had moved to a different Cihangir travesti spot but was staring right at them. He looked away as soon as Les made eye contact with him, but stayed at his perch, able to turn around and look at them whenever he wanted. Less was instantly pissed. Celeste shifted a little and turned and looked at Les. “Kiss me,” she said, and Les gave her a puzzled look. “Look, this guy wouldn’t leave me alone while I was waiting in line to get in here, and he pissed me off. So, I want to piss him off.” She relaxed back into the nook of his arm and placed a hand on the side of his face, gently pulling his face towards hers.

Les was amazed at how unusual this kiss did not feel. Their lips met, and it wasn’t lightning, or explosions, but a deep and growing warmth starting to creep up from the pit of him. He placed a hand on the side of her face and turned his head slightly, happy to find her mouth was opening up to his. He eased his tongue into her mouth gently at first, feeling hers slide against his which instantly sparked an insane lust that he didn’t even know existed. He groaned into her mouth and deepened the kiss, feeling her head pushing back into the arm it was resting against.

Les knew he needed to get away from her, now. It had been awhile since he had been with anyone, and she had just sparked something beastly and hungry in him. He didn’t know how she was taking this kiss, and he didn’t want to say or do anything out of line. He started to lessen the pressure he was pushing onto her lips, and started to pull away slowly. She quickly moved her hand from the side of his face to the back of his neck and pulled him back in, inserting her tongue deep into his mouth and moaning.

Knowing that she was having the same experience he was made pulling away all the more painful, but Les really didn’t feel like sharing this amazing moment with Creeper. He pulled away and looked in Creeper’s last known position, only to find it filled by someone else that was singing along with the band. Les turned his gaze back onto Celeste, who was looking dumbfounded and amazed. “Wow,” she said, laughing a little and looking back up at Les. “Fucking wow! What was that?”

Les couldn’t help but laugh a little at her. The look of amazement on her face was just priceless, and she was looking at him like she had never seen him before. “Seriously…Les…holy fuck,” and she started fanning herself, and he could see in the dim light that her cheeks were slightly flushed. She took a sip of her drink, inspected it for a moment like there may be some foreign substance in it, and then sat it back down.

She still had a piece of ice in her mouth when she turned to Les, her eyes wide and crazy looking. “Les, we need to have sex!” Les grabbed his jacket and started to scoot himself to the opposite side of the booth. “Where are you going?” Les stood up and started to make his way to the exit, and soon felt Celeste right behind him. The band was loud, and there was no way they could have a conversation until they got outside. They pushed their way through the crowd and rushed out into the cool night air, Les walking quickly and Celeste’s boots thumping beside him.

“What? What did I say?” she asked, and Les halted in midstride. He glared at her, and started walking again. She ran up in front of him and pushed against his chest to stop him. “Ok, ok, look,” she started, and when he stood still she took her hands from is chest and crossed her arms. “I know it’s been awhile for you. Matt tells me everything. Don’t roll your eyes! Ok. So, it’s been awhile for me, too. And if sex with you Fındıkzade travesti is anything like that kiss, I have to have it. Do you understand me?”

He was looking into her eyes now, and was slightly flattered at how incredibly sincere she looked. She took a step towards him so that they were only inches apart. The top of her head came up right under his nose, and he could smell her. She lifted her head a little and looked in his eyes again, and shrugged a little. “Please?” she asked, and planted a soft, light kiss on his lips. He kissed her back; he couldn’t help it, and he felt her smile a little as she kissed him again, this time a little harder. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, tilting his head and opening his mouth, letting their tongues slide against each other. He felt that warm, deep pull, and knew he had to get this woman to his apartment soon, before he threw her down on the cement and took her right there.

She was the one to pull away this time, and grabbed his hand and started to pull him down the street in the direction of his apartment. It wasn’t a long walk, and they practically ran up the stairs to his door. She turned her back to the door while he fumbled with his keys while she planted kisses against his neck as he unlocked it. He was pushing against her and nibbling on her neck when he turned the handle, and they exploded into the apartment in a roar of giggles and clumsy footsteps.

Celeste leaned against the wall and unzipped the sides of both of her boots and pulled them off. As soon as they were off Les was right back on her, pulling up the sides of her sweater to touch her skin. She felt goose bumps break out all over her when he touched her, his hands still a little cold from outside. They broke apart just long enough for her to take off her sweater while he pulled his shirt up and over his head, and then they were back to it.

Les reached down and undid the button-fly of her jeans, and then flipped her around so that the front of her was pressed up against the wall. She gasped as he pressed up against her, feeling his hardness press into her ass as he kissed her neck and ran his teeth along her shoulders. He started to tug at her jeans, and moved away from her just long enough to pull them off of her. He threw them to the side, and then started to kiss her back, moving his way down to her ass cheeks.

Celeste gasped into the wall, and spread her legs slightly as he took ahold of her underwear and pulled them off. He smacked her on the ass, making her jump a little, and then pulled her hips towards him so that she had to back up a little. He pushed on her back, making her bend forward against the wall, and then he started to slowly slide is fingers up and down the lips of her pussy from the back. She moaned softly and jerked against the wall when he passed over her clit, and he let out a little grown. He rubbed her clit again, and took a handful of ass cheek when she shuttered again.

His hand still on her pussy, he positioned himself beside her. She turned her head towards him, and he kissed her softly and deeply as he rubbed her clit slowly, in circular motions. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth while he slowly buried two fingers deep inside of her pussy, and she moaned into his mouth. He broke away from the kiss so he could see her face as he pulled them out and slid them back in, slowly. She could feel herself clenching his fingers while they were inside of her, squeezing them tightly and not wanting them to leave.

He did this, over and over, making her spasm and gasp into the wall. She was wet; so wet, Fulya travesti and Les was having a hard time of not burying himself in her and fucking her until he was spent and she was broken. He could feel her tighten against his fingers, and he pulled them out, wanting to prolong this as much as he could.

He turned her and pushed her against the wall and then knelt before her. She looked down at him in amazement as he scooted forward and buried his face in her pussy. Her hands went to the back of his head to pull him closer as he licked her folds, suckled her clit, and brought her to orgasm. She shattered against him, her legs starting to give out as she slid down the wall, her moans echoing off the walls of the small apartment.

He kept licking her, slowly, lapping up all the juices that were flowing out of her. After the last shudder went through her body, she started to feel the build growing inside of her again, and Les pulled away, and huge smile on his face. She started to try and stand up, and had to take Les’ hand in order to do so. As he pulled her up, she jumped him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply, tasting herself on his lips. Her attack was unexpected and Les was pushed back against the wall on the other side of the corridor. It was her turn to undo his pants, and she let them fall the floor, reaching down to stroke him through his boxers.

She gasped as she took hold of him, and moved away from him to look down. As she pulled off his boxers she knelt before him, looking up at him with baffled smile on her face. He looked down at her as she turned her attention to his cock. She started out by stroking it, kissing the underpart of his shaft, and licking her way to the head. She looked up at him again as she opened her mouth wide, slowly taking him into her mouth. He groaned at the feeling of her tongue against him, and jerked forward unexpectedly as the sensation flowed through him. She sucked lightly and then moved her head forward and back, always trying to take more of him into her mouth and stroking with her hand what she couldn’t.

He had to stop her. He pushed her away and put his hands under her arms to pull her up. He took her by the arm and practically dragged her to the bedroom, where he threw her onto the bed. She lay there before him in nothing but a bra, and that bra was starting to piss him off. She must have known because she reached behind her and undid the clasps. She pulled it off and threw it at him, and he swatted at it, making it hit the floor beside him.

She spread her legs wide as he crawled on top of her, placing the head of his dick at her opening as he leaned down to kiss her. He kissed her hard and deep, and then started to ease himself inside of her. He broke the kiss to look down at her as he thrust his hips forward, her mouth opening wide and her back arching towards him. He pushed himself all the way in and then pulled out, wanting to hear her ask for it before he went back in. “Please,” she gasped, sliding her hands down his back until she had ahold of his ass, pulling him towards her.

He thrust forward again, hard, making her cry out. He moved himself in and out, her moans bouncing around in his mind, making him push harder and faster. Her hands had moved to his back and her fingernails were digging into him, making him growl and pound into her harder. She was pushing up against every thrust, taking him as deep as she could. He was getting close to coming, and right at that realization he felt her tighten around him. “Oh fuck…oh fuck…” she was chanting, and then she was vibrating under him. The feeling of her tightening around him was all he needed, and he thrust one last time and unloaded inside of her.

They were both gasping for air, and he rolled off of the top of her, not wanting to crush her. What felt like an eternity later, he felt her lightly tap his chest. “See. Told ya.”

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