The stud farm part three(the propersition)

7 Temmuz 2020 0 Yazar: admin

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The stud farm part three(the propersition)Norfolk 1933Stella replied What’s it gotta do with you, you old tart?Then both women broke into smiles, unable to keep straight faces anymore. And Hugged each other. So when did you get back Dawn? Asked Stella. Last night replied the woman. Dawn Effingham was Sir Michael’s wife. They had been married for about 5 years now. How’s your dad inquired Stella with a concerned look on her face. Oh you know my dad replied Dawn. Indeed Stella new Dawn’s Father very well. For he owned the Riding school that Stella volunteered at, whilst she was at St Augustine Catholic girls school. Little thing like a Heart attack, wouldn’t keep him down for long. Glad to hear his making a good recovery. Stella replied. Dawn said. Could we go inside please Stella, there’s something I’ve got to show you. As they got inside, Dawn was asking Stella about the events of yesterday afternoon. Stella told her what had happened, But suspected she already new. This was confirmed when Dawn said. As I said outside I’ve got something to show you. With that she undid the button on her jodhpurs, pulled the zip down. Then pulled her jodhpurs and knickers down. Letting Stella see her thick Bush of Ginger PUBIC hair. Before turning round and Bending over and putting her hands on Stella’s sofa. As she did this Stella could quite clearly see six red wheel marks, That had obviously been left by a cane. Oh my, Stella said, Where did you get those from? From Mike, Replied Dawn. But why? Why did he cane you? Well he told me that he’d just gotten back from seeing you. And that he’d strapped your bare bottom. As Mike and I don’t keep secrets from each other. Yes but why did he cane you. Asked Stella again, still confused. Well you see aparantly it was my fault that he’d had to strap Anne, and you. As it was my idea to hire you, therefore, any mistake you make is my fault. Replied Dawn. Then he made me bend over the desk in his study, Lifted my night dress over my back. And gave me six hard strokes of the cane on my bare bottom. You mean you let him do that? Why? Asked Stella. Because he enjoys caning me when I’m bad, and I enjoy being caned by him. Makes me so wet, between the legs. Plus we then have fantastic sex. Replied Dawn. Stella said you poor thing, kissing Dawn’s striped bottom. As Dawn explained. As Dawn straightened up, and started to pull her knickers and jodhpurs up. Stella slipped her hand between her friends legs, and touched her ginger PUBIC hair. Stroking it gently, then she pushed a little deeper into Dawn’s PUBIC hair, Until she was touching her pussy lips. But she didn’t stop there, She kept pushing with her middle finger, which slipped easily into Dawn’s moist pussy. As she did this, Dawn slipped her hand into Stella’s jodhpurs and knickers, Doing exactly aliağa escort the same thing to her. The two women finger fucked each other, until they both had an orgasm. This was not the first time they had fingered each other and wouldn’t be the last. Both women kissed each other open mouthed there tongues interlock. About half an hour later, both women left Stella’s house. Dawn helped her with the leather riding tack that Stella had been cleaning the night before. They carried it the short distance to the tack room. As Dawn said. Bye Stella see you later, What you doing tonight. Nothing really that I know of. Replied Stella. Then please come to dinner, with Mike and I. I know he’d love to have you. OK thanks Dawn I’d love to come. That evening Stella had a Bath washed her hair, and shaved her legs. Got out of the Bath, towled herself dry. And decided what to wear for dinner. She settled on a tight fitting black dress. That hugged her figure in all the right places. She put on a pair of flat shoes. And decided to let her jet Black hair hang loose, as it was a lovely warm evening. Stella walked the short distance to the Effinghams house. Which like her little house was on the grounds, of the Stud farm. She knocked on the door, Which was opened by Dawn, who was wearing a tight fitting green dress, Her ginger hair was also hanging loose. Evening Mrs Effingham, Stella said. Please come in. Said Dawn. Stella walked through the front door, and followed her Friend to the front room. On her way thinking what a lovely old house this was. As she walked into the front room. Stella said Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner. Sir Michael turned round, and let out a little wolf whistle, on seeing Stella in her figure hugging dress. SWitt Swoooooo. You look absolutely stunning Stella, that dress really shows off your figure. Thank you Sir Michael. Said Stella. Oh for goodness sake Mike put your tongue back in your mouth and your eyes back in your head. And offer her a drink. Laughed Dawn. What would you like to drink asked Sir Michael. I’d love a G&T, please Sir Michael Replied Stella. Dawn laughed and said You can drop all the Sir Michael and Mrs Effingham stuff. As he told you yesterday call him Mike, And please I can’t remember the last time you called me anything but Dawn. That seemed to break the ice. Stella had a wonderful evening. Chatting with the Effinghams about this and that. As the even was coming to an end the subject got round to What was the worst caning you’d got at school. Sir Michael went first. I was about 18 I think, and me and a couple of chaps had sneaked some alcohol and cigarsInto our dorm at the Boarding school I went to. Well somehow old Hedgeman the Headmaster. Found out. Had us all marched to his office, where he gave us all six of the best with escort aliağa the cane on the bare bottom. Then made us watch as the alcohol was poured away. Bloody waste of good booze if you ask me. Then we gets another thrashing from our house master. Couldn’t sit down properly for a day or two afterwards I can tell you. Not sure what happened to the cigars, think old Hedgeman probably smoked them. Dawn went next. Well I think it was probably, Field trip from St Augustine Catholic girls school. Cleanliness is next to godliness. ONLY EVIL LITTLE GIRLS WET THE BED. DAWN and Stella said in unison. Really said Sir Michael. At my boarding school it was. Only Evil little boys wet the bed. In fact that’s my earliest memory of boarding school. Sitting outside the headmasters office and hearing the screams of eight year old boys getting a bare bottom caning. Knowing that you would be next. ************************************************************Please note this is also Sir Winston ChurchillsEarlist of memory’s at Boarding school. ***************************************************As I was saying said Dawn. Field trip to a Nunery. Taken to a Nunery on a field trip by Nuns. Who would of thought it. Well anyway me Jane and Tracey gets caught in the Chapel swearing. So in front of the whole class the mother superior. the old cow, canes us on our bare bottoms. Six hard ones each. Then washes our mouths out with soap. Yuk yuk can still taste the soap now. So Stella said Sir Michael come on then what was your worst caning and why. Well I was caned so many times, just cant think what one was the worst. Replied Stella. Come on stop teasing said Dawn, You damn well know which one was the worst. Now spill the beans before I tell it. OK ok I’ll tell it said Stella. 1923St Augustine Catholic girls boarding school. The great Assembly hall, in front of the whole school. For getting caught in the old summer house wearing hardly anything. Whilst performing a sex act on a local lad with my mouth. Oh and there was also a large sum of cash. I got 18 strokes of the cane…… 18 strokes interrupted Sir Michael. You did say 18 didn’t you. Yep 18 confirmed Stella. Six on my left hand, six on my right hand. Then a further six bloody hard ones on my bare bottom. Oh you poor thing, Said Sir Michael, hugging Stella and patting her bottom. Ahhh but that wasn’t all you got was it Stella said Dawn. Nope had to stay bent over whilst every girl filed past. And had a good look. Then after the last girl left, the old cow of a mother superior. Says this matter is not over, I want you in my office in the morning at 8:30So the next morning the old cow. Gives me another six on the bare bottom. Then tells me to come back in the morning at 8:30Where I got another six on the bare again. After which she tells aliağa escort bayan me I’ll be getting a final six at 9am the following morning. And not to be late. Well I was there little bit early and hears this other girl getting a caning from the old cow. Then I gets called in. And in front of this younger girl. She gives me another six. Saying to the other girl. THIS IS HOW I EXPECT I GIRL AT ST AUGUSTINE TO TAKE A CANING. You know I’ve heard a few versions of that story myself over the yearsRemarked Sir Michael. Well this is the girl it actually happened to, and exactly how she described it. Said Dawn. She used to volunteer at my father’s Riding school you know. That’s how I got to know her. Well they chatted a little longer. Then Sir Michael said how about ones virginity. How did one loose there virginity. Well said Dawn. You know how I lost mine. Yeah to the Butchers son wasn’t it? Or was it the milkman? You know full well it was to you my love. Replied Dawn. That’s right said Sir Michael. The milkman came afterwards, he always was late coming. And it’s no secret that when I was 21 my Father took me to see a Lady of horizontal refreshment. Said Sir Michael proudly. Feigning hurt Dawn said and you told me I was your first. No no and thrice no. Said Sir Michael. I said that you was the best Damn fuck I’d ever had. So come on Stella when did you loose yours. Who’s the lucky Barstard that popped your cherry? Stella went red in the face. Because even tho she was 24 years old she was still a virgin. Dawn suddenly said. Stella here is still a virgin. She’s waiting for Mr right. Isn’t that right dear. She doesn’t realise that Mr right doesn’t exist. Stella went even redder. Leave the poor girl alone dear can’t you see your embarrassing her. Said Sir Michael. Then Sir Michael said. I think it’s wonderful that your waiting for the right man. But if you should get bored of waiting. I’d be honered to take the virginity of A beautiful young lady like you. There you go joked Dawn Jump into bed with my husband quick. You’ll not loose your virginity to a nicer more experienced man. Stella just went red again. But saidYou’d really let your husband take my virginity? Of course. Replied Dawn I’d even hold your hand whilst he takes it if your scared. Sir Michael said in a very serious voice. Stella Brown would you do me the honour. Of letting me take your virginity? I-i-I don’t…….. Stuttered and stammered Stella. Who’s embarrassing the poor girl now said Dawn. Winking at her husband. Who suddenly coughed loudly. Saying my word is that the time. We’ve gotta be up early in the morning Dawn. Got that meeting to go to. Stella suddenly said. Are you serious about wanting to take my virginity? Very said Sir Michael. Well can I think about it and get back to you. Of course said Mr & Mrs Effingham at the same time. Winking at each other. Take all the time you need. With that they said goodnight. *************************************************************To find out if Stella excepts or not look out for part four

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