The Scorned Young Woman Pt. 03

10 Ağustos 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Chelsea took the purchases we’d made to the laundry room and sorted through them. The first load she did was her new underwear and lingerie. Once she had them in the washer she disappeared into the bathroom for a while. When she emerged she no longer wore the sundress, she was attired only in a pair of boy short panties and the white t-shirt she’d been wearing this morning, only now it was rolled up and tied close under her breasts, lifting and separating them. Her nipples were obvious through the cotton material. I hadn’t seen her in these panties before, the ones I’d laundered, they were only about six inches from the top of the waistband to the hem of the legs and showed at least half her ass cheeks. If I hadn’t already given her two loads of cum today, one in the last thirty minutes, I would have ripped them off her and taken her there on the washer. Instead, I slipped in behind her and settled for running my hands over her body. She smiled sweetly and then sighed as I pulled her hair aside and kissed her neck.

“Mmm, that feels good. I like the attention.”

“This is what a man should do for you, make you feel good, make you feel desirable.”

“You desire me, don’t you Mr. B.?”

“Mmmm, if you only knew the things I’ve fantasized about doing to your body, you’d never have come home with me,” I growled.

“Haven’t you already done some of those things?”

“Ha, I’m only getting started. You have no idea how depraved my thoughts are, little one,” I whispered into her ear as I continued kissing her neck.

“You like my curves, don’t you?” she asked as I ran my hands from her hips to her breasts.

“I love your curves.”

“You’re sure that I’m not too fat.”

“Where there’s fat, there’s flavor, and you look flavorful in all the right places.”

“Tell me I’m pretty.”

“You’re pretty fucking amazing, and you’re a gorgeous woman.”

“Thank you. I needed that,” she said as she laid her head back against my shoulder. I pinched her nipples raising them prominently, and causing her to gasp and moan.

“Can I ask you a favor?” she quizzed.


“Tomorrow is Sunday, can we have slow, gentle, sex, take our time, and spend the afternoon in bed.”

“You want me to consume you, inch by delicious inch?”

She turned around to face me, tears were forming at the corners of her beautiful blue eyes, she looked so sad.

“I want you to show me what it’s like to have a man make love to me.”

“Brady never made love to you?”

“I don’t know, I can’t be sure that he wasn’t thinking of another woman every time we had sex. I know you won’t do that to me, I know you’ll focus on me, on pleasing me, and I want to focus on taking my time and pleasing you.”

“We can do that, take our time, and explore each other, but I have an idea. Monday is going to be stressful so, let’s spend tomorrow in bed relaxing and talking. Besides, you’re draining my reserves pretty quickly, I’m not thirty any longer.”

“That’s probably a better idea.”

She melted against me and I held her.

“I know people would say what we’re doing is wrong, but I feel safe in your arms. When you touch me I feel desired, attractive, and even sexy. When you took me over the hood of your car I felt wanton, I laid there on the hood and luxuriated in the feeling of you using me for your pleasure. For the first time in my life, I felt like a sexual being, and you weren’t just my friend’s dad, you were a brute who was taking me and using me, and I loved it.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I just hugged her a little more tightly. When my daughter called me Friday night I had no idea that within the next twenty-four hours I would have sex with her friend, a woman whom I’d fantasized about for years. She was right, a lot of people, a lot of my friends, would say what we were doing was wrong. But I also knew that several of my male friends would high-five me if they found out, they’d drool over her if they saw her. My biggest concern at the moment was how to cool off this affair without hurting her, but also without ending it outright because I was enjoying the sex, I was enjoying it a lot, and the thought of possibly having a live-in lover, even if only for a couple of weeks, was exciting.

I kissed her softly and excused myself, saying I needed to go to the grocery to pick up some items for dinner since I normally cooked for only one. I also had another stop in mind while I was out, the pharmacy. I had come to realize that Chelsea was not highly experienced when it came to sex, she was good at what she did and her pussy was incredibly wet and tight, but I was pretty sure she’d never had a man in her ass, and I wanted her ass. An enema and lube were going to be necessary to introduce her properly to anal sex.

I made the stop at the pharmacy first, found the enema and lube, and picked up some condoms in case she didn’t want me to go in raw, if at all. On the bottom shelf near the condoms, I found something that surprised me, they called them personal massagers but they were dildos. I poked around through the selection cide escort and also found a vibrating butt plug. I grabbed up the plug and a nice silicone dildo and made my way to the checkout. The pretty young girl running the register turned bright red as she scanned and bagged the items, after initially greeting me she never looked me in the eyes again. I chuckled softly as I returned to the car. My trip through the grocery was quick and soon I was on my way back home.

When I arrived home, Chelsea was in the guest room and I could hear her talking to someone. I put away the groceries and the other items before creeping to the door so I could listen. I couldn’t tell whom she was talking to but it sounded like a positive conversation so I assumed it was probably Crissie and not Brady. I went to the kitchen and busied myself with preparing the vegetables for dinner — chicken with roasted vegetables.

Just before I finished with prep, Chelsea came bouncing into the kitchen. She confirmed that it was Crissie on the phone.

“So what did you tell her?” I asked.

“I told her that things were much better this evening, that you had taken me shopping for my new life. I told her I bought some veeerrrryyy sexy things, you know, to boost my self-esteem and confidence.”

“You’d didn’t say anything about us, did you?”

“No, Mr. B. You’re my secret guilty pleasure,” she grinned.

“I also told her you’ve treated me very well since our little incident this morning, making me feel safe and helping with my self-esteem.”

“I hope that you mean that.”

“Oh, I do! You’re helping me move through my grief. I’m over the initial shock now, moving between denial and guilt.”

“Tomorrow while we snuggle in bed, I think it would be good to talk about your situation. You don’t want to rush through things, particularly grief, but you also need to be thinking about what comes next. As a clear-headed third party, I think I can help you, and that’s what Crissie wants.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” she said as she moved behind me and hugged me, her tits pooling against my back. She hung out in the kitchen with me as I finished making dinner then we sat on the patio and ate as we watched the sun go down. Later we watched the evening game shows, she was pretty good at solving the puzzles and answering the questions. She was no dumb blonde.

Sunday came and we showered and then had breakfast before returning to bed, she wore one of the sexy nighties from the lingerie store, and I wore pair of boxer briefs hoping they would contain my erection and keep it from distracting her. Lying side-by-side in bed, I started our conversation with the most sensitive subject, her marriage to Brady.

After a couple of questions from me, she finally opened up and began to talk. She’d been married for four years following a six-month engagement. They’d gone on a Caribbean cruise for their honeymoon where Brady caught the attention of several female guests. They flirted with him in front of Cassie. One day he disappeared for about thirty minutes, and when she finally found him he said he’d been exploring the ship. After the event on Friday, she now wondered if he’d been unfaithful back then. When they returned home they settled into a routine, it was nice. There were occasional fights, nothing physical, just a lot of yelling because she was the only one with a stable job, he bounced from one job to the next. One time a neighbor called the cops for a domestic disturbance. Things went on that way until Friday.

“So this wasn’t the happiest of marriages, was it?” I asked.

“No, but neither was my parents’ marriage so I just figured that was how it was supposed to be.”

“So Friday, what happened?”

Turns out it was literally by accident. Friday afternoon the power went out at her office. After about 30 minutes her boss called the power company and found out there had been a bad accident down the line from them. One of the vehicles sheared off a power pole. It was going to be 7 pm or after before the power was restored so the boss told everyone to take the afternoon off.

When she got home, Brady’s truck was in the drive and there was a strange car parked on the street. She went in through the garage as normal and started to call out to him but she heard a woman’s voice, “uh, uh, uh, uh,…,” so she crept down the hall. The bedroom door was open and that’s where she found the woman, legs in the air, under him. Their butts were toward the door and she could see everything.

“I was shocked, Mr. B., there was MY husband on top of some woman in OUR bed! I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I just stood there, watching. He was thrusting into this unkempt red-haired cunt. Her hair was matted against her skin and I assumed he’d been eating her before he stuck his cock in her. That hurt because he doesn’t do that for me very often. Anyway, about that time he grunted and I saw his cock throb as he spilled his seed into her. She squealed. After he was done, he rolled off her and lay on the bed, breathing heavily. He told her, çiftlikköy escort and I quote, “That was the best yet, baby”, so then I knew this was not their first time. I saw some of his cum drool out of her and onto my side of the bed when she laughed at his remark. He started to sit up and that’s when he saw me.”

“What happened then?”

“There was a lot of yelling and screaming. She pulled the sheet up over her, trying to cover up. There was this satisfied look in her eyes and a weird smile on her face. Like she was happy I’d caught them, proud of herself even. Anyway, I ran out of the house and Brady followed me. We stood in the drive arguing, several of our neighbors were outside and they saw us. I was so embarrassed that our private life was going public. At one point Brady got mad and shoved me against the car. At that point I knew I had to get out of there so I got in my car, I didn’t know where I was going, I just drove. I called Crissie, and she got me to pull over so I wouldn’t have an accident, and we talked. We talked for a long time. Finally, she suggested that you might let me stay here but she would have to check to make sure. I was near Pie Town so she told me to drive there so you could find me. She didn’t think I should be driving across town. She stayed on the phone with me while I drove there and went inside.”

“Did the neighbors see him shove you?”

“Oh yeah, Mr. Dickinson, from across the street yelled at Brady to stop. Brady told him, “Fuck off old man, mind your own business” and I saw Mr. Dickinson on his phone as I drove away. I think he probably called the cops.”

“So now you’re at Pie Town, is that when Crissie called me?”

“No, I sat down and ordered some pie and while we were talking I broke down again. I was over the initial shock and was in full denial mode. I felt that this just couldn’t happen to me, that she seduced him and in a moment of weakness he gave in, that this was their first time and I’d just heard him wrong. I sat there eating pie and crying on the phone to her for probably another hour. I kept getting calls from Brady but I ignored them. I think I cried myself out and that’s when she hung up to call you. I can’t thank you enough for rescuing me, Mr. B.”

“You’re welcome. What’s happened since that night has been surprising, but you’re welcome. But that brings up the issue of your car. It’s still at Pie Town. We should go get it before they have it towed. Good thing they’re closed today.”

“Thanks for making me talk through that, I feel better having done it in a calm, adult, manner. You probably know more about what happened than Crissie because I was a sobbing, slobbering, mess when I talked with her.”

“You’re welcome, but what happens next? You’ve said that you can’t go back to him but are you sure?”

“NO! I can’t go back to him. If he’s been screwing that slut for a long time then god knows what he’s caught from her!”

“If he’s caught something from her then he may have given it to you, you should be tested,” and as soon as those words left my mouth, it hit me, “Fuck! That means I need to be tested too!”

Chelsea was horrified at the thought that she might have transmitted an STD to me, and the crying started again. She apologized profusely for risking my health. I held her while she cried, and I cried a little too.

“We’ll go tomorrow and get tested. Let’s not worry about it until we get the results, but we shouldn’t have sex again. We probably shouldn’t even kiss.”

There went my plan for plundering her ample ass, at least for a while, and having her here without being intimate was going to be tough since I’d already sampled her and found her to be a fantastic fuck. We lay there talking more after we got the crying under control.

“Do you have any idea why Brady would have an affair?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t understand it. Maybe if I…”

“Stop,” I told her, “you are not at fault for him choosing to go outside your marriage. If there was an issue he should have come to you, and you could have tried to talk it out. That’s what people do when they take their marriage vows seriously. Don’t you dare blame yourself for this!”

“Thank you, but I can’t help but feel that I’m partially to blame, even if I don’t know why. I’m just confused.”

“I suppose that’s natural. Are you sure you won’t go back to him? What if we, and he, don’t have an STD? Do you love him enough to try to work things out, maybe with counseling?”

“No, I’ve given that a lot of thought, believe it or not. We didn’t have that great of a marriage anyway, and now I find out he’s been having an affair, and then there’s the shove. That scared me because I’d never seen that side of him before. I can’t live with a man that I’m physically afraid of. I mean, what happens the next time we argue? Now that he’s assaulted me once, will he do it again? And might he become more violent? I can’t live that way. No, Mr. B, there’s no going back.”

“Sounds like you probably have a good case for filing divorce papers. Infidelity, although that çınarcık escort can be he-said-she-said, and the witnesses to his assault. I hate to wish an STD on anyone, particularly myself, but that could prove he was having an affair. Since I’m single and rarely have the same sexual partner twice, I get tested routinely. I was clean two weeks ago, and the only woman I’ve been with since is you.”

“That would be poetic justice, he gets it from his lover and gives it to me, then I give it to my lover and it proves he was unfaithful. Gotcha bastard!”

She hugged me and we lay there in silence for a while.

“I’m scared, Mr. B.”

“It’s okay to be scared Chelsea, you’re looking at a major life change. But you don’t have to go through this alone, you have Crissie, and you have me.”

“Thank you, Mr. B, I appreciate that.”

“You can stay here as long as you need to, but you know I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. And why don’t you call me Jason.”

“Thank you, Jason, and yes, I know you won’t be able to keep your hands off of me, and that’s okay. I want your hands on me. I meant what I said, my body is yours, and after we get through this little medical scare, I want you to take me whenever you please. You satisfy me more than any man I’ve been with.”

We spent the rest of the day together, fighting the urge to touch each other sexually. That night she slept in my bed again. Despite the worry about our possible medical situation, it was the best night of sleep I’d had in months. The feel of her warm body pressed up against mine was soothing.

Monday dawned bright and warm. The first thing I did was call my doctor and explain my situation. He was able to get me in right away for a test and agreed to see Chelsea since she was a potential source if it turned out I had an infection. His nurse took the samples needed for STD testing and then we saw the doctor. He explained that testing would take seven days during which it was important to avoid sexual contact with anyone, particularly with each other. As we were leaving he pulled me aside.

“Jason, I’m serious. If her husband has been having an affair then effectively you’ve had sex with everyone he had sex with. I understand your attraction to her, she’s incredibly attractive, but you can’t touch her until we know if she’s clean.”

“That’s going to be tough, she’s staying with me while she gets back on her feet.”

“I’m serious Jason, no intercourse of any kind, no kissing, nothing that involves an exchange of fluids. Your life might depend on it.”

“Got it, Doc, I’ll be a good boy.”

We left and headed to Pie Town to get her car. Fortunately, it was still there. I followed her to her house. There was no sign of Brady. Since this had been his house there was little that she owned other than clothes and personal items. She ended up leaving almost all of her clothes as they represented her old life. We walked out with a couple of medium-sized boxes. She left him a note letting him know she’d been there and that she wanted nothing that was left. She signed it “I hate you, Chelsea”

We drove back to my place, I let her park in the garage on the off chance that Brady might look for her car around town. He knew she and Cassie were still friends and he knew where Cassie had lived. This had the added benefit of keeping her presence somewhat of a secret. I figured I didn’t need word spreading that I had some sexy young blonde living with me.

While she was unpacking her few personal items that she would need we talked and I had the idea of taking her for a new cut and color. She thought it was a great idea, a new look for a new life. I called the woman who cut my hair and she agreed to work with Chelsea the next day.

We also talked about divorce some more. I described my experience, which was not the result of infidelity but just growing tired of each other, arguing constantly. I explained the process I went through, including the emotions involved and the timeline. I wanted her to know what to expect. She was still set on divorce so I contacted my divorce attorney and scheduled a consult for Chelsea later that week.

Another sexless evening passed but at least she was spending nights in my bed.

The next day I took her to the salon. My hairdresser, Rene, was great with Chelsea after she explained her situation. They decided to update her hair color to be closer to what she had in high school but a bit lighter, the color was called butter. They also decided to change her hairstyle, a side part instead of a middle part, and just a trim on the length. While Chelsea was in the chair I wandered down the street to the men’s store. I decided that with a live-in lover I should have some new underwear, mine were a bit ratty and dated. I selected several pairs of Brazillian trunks, basically short-legged boxer briefs, and went so far as to buy a couple of satin thongs. I also bought some new shirts that were a somewhat younger style and new pair of khakis. New socks completed my purchases. By the time I returned to the salon Rene was blowdrying Chelsea’s hair. I froze in my tracks, she looked like a new woman, an even sexier woman. Waiting for the test results just got harder, along with my cock. Chelsea was over the moon with her new hair, she danced around the salon, twirling and bouncing, and we all had a good laugh.

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