The Reunion Pt. 01

30 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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“When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things – not the great occasions – that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness.” -Bob Hope
You are warmly invited to hill Christ’s 10 years reunion
For the graduating class of 2005
Registration reception on Wednesday, July 7th
At 6:00 p.m.
Sapphire Lounge, hill Christ auditorium
New York City, NY
Activity itinerary to follow.

I read over the e-vite over and over until I can let my brain wrap around the idea of even contemplating the possibility that I might attend the reunion. I shouldn’t…I actually couldn’t because I had a meeting on the exact same day with a potential client, but maybe I could… uh, forget about it.

What do high school reunions entitle anyways? An august assortment of people exhibiting their exclusive spouses. Estrogen filled naive women having eyes open for their plausible mate or testosterone pumped men primed and lingering for fishes to bait. I wasn’t convinced if I would willingly want to put myself in a situation beforehand. Trying to recall a few people that used to be my friends, a few names pop up but the faces are a complete blur.

It’s the day of the reunion and I’ve definitely made up my mind that I’m not going to have any part of it. But then why did I postpone my clientele meeting. You know just in case. Better safe than sorry. I realize the trepidation I feel towards this reunion is not only useless but also wasn’t justified. I didn’t particularly lead a colourful high school life, very low-key, most of the time immersed myself in books and nothing more. I was also pretty sure I was the only one who was still a virgin during graduation. Well that changed quickly in my sophomore year when I got drunk and decided to lose it and all the inhibitions held with it once and for all. maybe I needed that liquor to take that edge off and make me bold enough to rub up against peter , my best friend’s thigh as he sat next to me casually chit-chatting about how Ms. Charles class held no significance in our academic career what so ever. The movement definitely caught him off-guard.

I’d met him on the first day of my college when he offered to help me with my luggage as I dragged it through the hallway in search of my dorm-room. Tall, slightly built, with messy brown hair and black rimmed glasses that accentuated his brown eyes and with a damn cardigan that made you believe he was the perfect good guy who was very capable of some bad, bad things, he was a walking, talking nerd girl’s wet dream. In the two years I had known him, he had always been a gentleman, never made a move to suggest he wanted to be more than best buddies and I was more than happy to never change the equation. But all that changed that night. Deciding I had to go bold or go home, I leaned forward pretending to reach for the tissues that were on the other side of the table. The action leading to brush my breasts “accidentally” along his torso.

I heard him suck in a breath but other than that, he made no other move for the next hour or so, even as I tried to very subtly and innocently let him know my intentions.

Deciding that it was perhaps a bad idea to want to jump into bed with your best friend, I nonchalantly made conversation with the rest of our gang. I was too upset about the fact that peter might not share the same intention I did towards him and I stood up excusing myself, feeling a strange buzz on the surface of my skin as I made my way towards the ladies room. I was stopped on the way by a very loud, very drunk man who seem to have been mistaken me for someone else.

“There you are, I thought I’d have to go home with blue balls after all that teasing you did and left me” he said clutching my arms tightly and trying to make me dance. I struggled in his grip but finally freed myself enough to stumble towards the restroom. I stared at myself in the mirror looking strangely wild, free. That was when I thought, if peter doesn’t want me, it’s his loss. But I was going to lose my virginity. Tonight. Perhaps with some stranger, definitely not the blue balls guy though.

When I left the restroom, it was empty which wasn’t that weird considering it was a Wednesday night and place wasn’t packed tonight. But what was actually weird, was finding peter right outside the door, waiting for me.

“I was worried. You’d been gone a long time” he said as a way of explanation.

Was I? Really?

“Okay, thank you” I politely said before turning away from him.

“Wait, I…”

“Yes?” I turned around.

“Do you want to go back to the dorm?” he asked as my heart did a flip and landed in my mouth.

I was trying to come up with some witty line through my fog of alcohol when he added “…you seem a little drunk”

He wanted to take me home for that! Not for making my body throb or sweat and so, I certainly wasn’t interested.

“No thank you, I’m sure I won’t be needing your chaperoning tonight” I was pissed and rightfully Antalya Travesti so. I finally had the nerve to make a move on him, and what does he offer? To tuck me to sleep in my bed.

“What? Is this about what happened earlier?” if he clearly had to ask then maybe I was better off with someone else.

“What do you think, Sherlock?” I spit out as I decided to hang out for a few more minutes with the gang and then get back to my man-hunt.

As I sat in the table, peter followed suit sighing heavily when I put more distance between us than earlier. Aptly, the topic of firsts came up, when I felt peter graze the skin between my knee and my dress that stopped mid-thigh with the back of his warm hands.

I stiffened at the contact and looked up at him, sipping my drink. He smirked, warming up my insides. His hand slid a little higher, pulling the thankfully not so tight-fitted sequined dress up along with his fingers.

I held the beer bottle tight in my hands, wondering what he might be up to next.

He nudged his hand between my legs, urging me to open wider. I looked up a little dazed that this is my peter doing this. Here. In front of everyone and surprised even more than this was me, opening my legs on his command.

“Good girl” he whispered in my ears as I looked around alarmed that our friends might’ve heard it. But they were long gone, immersed in their jokes.

I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand when his fingers oh so, casually touched my panties.

“Is this what you want? Is this why you’ve been torturing me all night?” he said again in a low tone making sure it was audible only to me.

Still unable to believe that it was him, I looked up making sure that those words were really coming out of his mouth and it wasn’t just something that I made up in my mind. I nodded, biting my lip when his fingers danced along the elastic of the panties before pulling them to the side with his adept fingers. I felt the cold air hit my most private parts in the most public of the places and even more embarrassing was that we were with our friends who could just lean over and see everything we’ve been up. My cheeks reddened and I hid it by ducking my head, pretending to wipe some dust off the edge of the table.

With one finger holding the panties hostage, his other fingers traced along my upper thigh, ignoring the area that needed to be touched. Desperately.

But every now and then, I would feel his touch on my outer lips and my body gave out a little tremors.

I looked up pleading him to touch me but he smirked that annoying manly smug one, before taking another sip from his beer.

His thumb tweaked my clitoris in the slightest and a sharp shriek escaped my mouth. Now this, didn’t go unnoticed by our friends.

“Are you alright?” James asked.

I showed my thumbs up, because I couldn’t form a coherent word.

“You look flushed, are you not feeling well?” Harley

“Maybe she had a little too much to drink?” Jessica

“They’re right. you do look a little at unease, are you okay?” peter had the audacity to ask and my mouth formed an o in shock as he started running his forefinger in circles along my opening still smiling with pride.

“I’m alright” I breathed out and my friends got back to their discussions of the next hottest TV show.

I always prided myself on being confident and going after what I want , but in that second when peter’s finger slipped in the barest inside me ,I could do nothing but clench my stomach muscles , shutting my mouth tight.

I couldn’t dare look at him, to ask him to perhaps continue this elsewhere. I just couldn’t. Instead I took the stack of tissues and placing them on my left thigh, started writing down with a pen furiously.

“Wht r u doing? Stop. V vl get caught”

I pushed it towards him, for a brief second he stopped his movements, squinting in the dark light to make sense of what I’ve scribbled onto the tissues. And once he did, his left hand which was on the table holding his beer came down and pulled the pen out of my grasp.

“Do you know how wet you are? Ty for the pen btw”

I didn’t know what he was talking about so I looked up, brows pulled together when I felt the cold tip of my pen in the exact same spot his fingers were not so long ago.

I exhaled loudly, gripping his knees for support and as a silent plea.

He pressed the pen inside me, and as it slipped further, I started feeling uncomfortable with the cold foreign object being pushed into me and I squirmed in my seat. He immediately withdrew the pen and used it to tweak my clitoris in the slightest.

My eyes went wide as he leaned back casually and said into my hair “would you prefer something a little warmer? My fingers?”

I squeezed his knee, letting him know my answer and in no time, I felt his finger slide up into me an inch or so and oh, it felt so good. So different. Even though I had masturbated a few times before that night, Konya Travesti I never had anything inside me, I only achieved a few orgasms with the clitoral simulation of the water from my shower head.

He twisted his finger in the barest, gaining entry and his finger slipped in another inch. I moaned and was met with a couple accusing eyes.

“This beer tastes so good. Mmm” I said having a sip when I felt him knuckle deep inside me. Another finger joining the first, I felt like something forbidden was happening, like this wasn’t natural feeling such sharp pain yet so much pleasure at the same time.

As talks of leaving the pub came on the table, peter’s fingers started to move, in, out in a determined pace to get me to climax before anyone left. And I felt that tug, the one that I hadn’t experienced till now, as he massaged my inner walls to perfection, twisting and pulling relentlessly. I noticed the fast movement of his forearm when I looked down and found him pulling my right leg onto his, spreading me wider. He leaned back, pulling me along with him as he started to stare at where his fingers disappeared and came out wetter every time, not caring that he might get caught or questioned. That did it, I pushed my head back against the couch, closing my eyes and losing myself to the feeling as his fingers rode out every wave uncompromisingly. By now, surely our friends would’ve figured it out. How could they not? They just saw a girl orgasm.

But they were too busy checking their phones, swiping through what seemed like something very important.

I heard peter say “I sent them the video of Claire getting lap dance from a male stripper just a few seconds ago”

No wonder they weren’t paying any attention. I was so thankful that peter thought of that to distract them.

“You like that? Did that feel good?”

“You couldn’t tell?” I asked with a sly grin.

“Oh I could tell alright but I’m taking notes, for the next time we do this…”

Next time? There was going to be a next time!

His fingers were still under my dress, soothing over my thighs, kneading them gently when I hear Jessica say

“This has all been fun and all, but we should go guys. This place is practically deserted now and plus I’ve got an assignment to submit draft tomorrow”

The others agreed except…

“Do you mind if we stay for another drink? We’ll catch up to you soon” said peter.

“Sure but jenny already looks like she’s had enough” it must be from the way my skin’s turned pink that they thought I was drunk. But to say the truth, I wasn’t. I barely had a couple beers.

“I’ll get her to the dorm safely, if that’s what you’re worried about. You don’t mind keeping me company do you?” he asked looking at me. His fingers still working on my upper thighs.

“No, of course not. I’m not that tired anyway”

He smiled in a predatory way. “Suit yourself” Harley said before they all left and the bar had just 4 people. Us, the bartender and another guy who was pretty wasted.

I started to ease my leg off him when he caught it mid-movement.

“We’re alone now” the twinkle in his eye told me what he had in mind.

“Not in the entirety” I glanced around motioning towards the bartender and the other guy whose eyes were glued to us.

“Afraid of a little show?” he winked at me pulling my body flush to his.

“Do you think they’d appreciate it if they knew what you’re fingers have been up to?” I asked biting his earlobe.

His eyes fired up to that question.

“They’d want a piece of you”

“And would you be willing to share?” I taunted him further. I didn’t care that we were being watched. Not in this moment. When I could see the struggle between control and letting loose behind those glasses.

“Fuck no” he hissed and stood up immediately, leaving me hanging.

“I’ll be back. Behave” he said when I pouted at him and saw him walk towards the bartender. A few minutes of discussion later, I saw him speaking on the phone with someone which further led to the bartender speaking on his phone. With this chain events being unfurled, it at last led to the bartender leaving, dragging the drunk guy along with him against his will.

He turned around with a triumphant smile as he strode towards me.

“Now we’re alone in the entirety”

How is that even possible? How did he..?

I knew this club belonged to peter’s friend, which was the precise reason it was our hang-out spot but I didn’t know he was capable of this. Some friend, he must’ve been.

“You’re unbelievable” I smiled standing up, adjusting my dress.

“Your wish is my command” he said bowing and giving his hand. I took it, distancing myself from the table.

“Hi” I said as he smiled down at me.

“Hi yourself” he pulled away a strand of hair from my face and pulled me closer to him.

I placed my lips on his without any more delay and he backed me up until my back hit the bar counter.

He held İzmir Travesti my hips and raised me higher, planting my backside on the counter. I was almost a feet shorter than peter but in this vantage point, I was nose to nose with him.

He bit on my lower lip and I spread my legs invitingly as he stepped between them. I could feel his erection ground at the apex of my thighs impatiently. I started to unbutton his shirt, when he caught my hand, stopping me.

“No, no time for that. You’ve got me so worked up and I’ve wanted you too long to wait another minute to be inside you”

With my dress still in place, he pulled my panties down to my ankles and onto the ground they fell. He unbuckled his belt and his jeans slid down a little lower as he unzipped himself. I was anxiously staring at his erection that peeked through his boxers.

I licked my lips in anticipation when he rubbed himself against the cotton of his boxers and I moaned pulling him by his collar towards me and kissing him senseless.

I felt the tip of him when he asked “when was the last time you did this?”

I hesitated before answering but he continued thinking it’d been long enough for me that I couldn’t exactly remember when.

“Are you on the pill?”


“Fuck, I don’t have a condom”

Christ! If he left me in this state I would not be able to walk even a few steps, let alone reach home.

“You could pull out” I suggested slipping my hands through his boxers and squeezing the hard muscles of his amazing ass.

“No, wait…” he groaned escaping from my leg lock as his entire upper body hung over the bar counter to the other side , his hands searching the underside cabinet.

His face lighted up when I heard the crackle of the foil. He held up his hand, showing off his discovery.

Not one but at least a dozen condoms.

“Wow, the bartender must be getting laid a lot”

He smiled, pulling himself out of the constraints of the fabric. As he sheathed himself with the rubber I noticed how big and thick he was, with nerves straining underside and the purple head slightly ticking under the dull lights of the bar.

“Oh my” I gasped when without any more hesitation he pulled my hips to the edge of the counter and rubbed himself against me.

He kissed my neck, nibbling on the skin.

“I shouldn’t do this to you. I should worship you, make love to you not fuck you on a bar counter like an animal”

I longed to see him naked, completely naked. To see his chest. To see those abdomen muscles that he hid so well behind those shirts.

He breathed heavily, waiting for my permission. I was revelling in the way peter looked right now and didn’t heed any attention to what he desired. As his hand came up to take his glasses off, I stopped him.

“No, please let them stay”

“Are you sure about this? It might kill me but I’ll stop if you don’t want this going any further. I’d be happy pleasing with you just my fingers and tongue”

“But they wouldn’t feel as amazing as your cock, would they?” I asked boldly using my legs as leverage to hold him still and I rub my heat against him.

His eyes flick upward, smiling a little amazed. He wasn’t expecting that perhaps.

He pushed a little after adjusting himself in such a way that a little movement of his hips would make him slip completely inside.

As the tip of his erection entered me, where his fingers had been earlier, I felt deliciously stretched. He was so much more wider than his two fingers. I caught his nape, digging my nails through his skin.

“Jesus! You’re too tight” he said in a throaty whisper and decided to get it over with.

He pounded once and for all so hard, that the entire length of his disappeared inside me. I cried out in the intense pain and at that second I regretted not telling him that I was a virgin. Only at that second. I felt like I’d been tore in half and a heavy sob escaped my lips.

“Fucking hell, I’m sorry. I…” he breathed, clearly as overcome of this as I was.

Without any more movements, he kissed all over my face, letting me get used to him. Maybe he was too worried that I was hurt. But as the burn reduced, I wasn’t. Just the feeling of being completely filled and possessed remained and I opened my eyes to see his eyes fixed on my face.

“You didn’t tell me…”

“…you’re a virgin”

“Was a virgin, not anymore” I assured him I’m alright by kissing him.

He pulled out slowly, carefully until only his head remained inside. I looked down following his gaze to see a thin streak of blood covering the condom. The evidence of my lost virginity.

He seemed to like that, to realize that no one else had been inside me because his hands became frantic, touching me everywhere, literally tearing my dress in half along the middle and roughly pulling at my bra to let my breasts pop out.

“You have such perfect tits, so full and ripe”

I moaned at the sudden unleash of his inner caveman and his head moved downward taking my right nipple into his mouth, biting on it hard.

“Ahhhhhh” I screamed at the assault as his hands spread my legs as far he could giving him a unrestrained view of my clitoris peeking under the hood and the clenching of my sex.

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