The Preacher’s Daughter

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Billy Tucker was finishing up the repair to the screen on the back porch of the parsonage, which was located behind the First Pentecostal Church in Johnson City, Tennessee. He was glad that he was finishing because the temperature was dropping fast and the wind was picking up. The gusts felt as if they were going straight through him.

It was Saturday afternoon and he had a date with Bethann Long at seven-thirty. He and Bethann had dated for almost two years and even though they had not made any wedding announcements, everyone kind of thought they would marry in the spring after they graduated from high school. Billy knew that he would probably marry Bethann but only his sexual urges made him want to do it sooner rather than later.

He and Bethann kissed a lot but that’s all their religion would allow then to do until they were married. He had accidentally touched her breast through her dress one evening when he was reaching for her hymnal. She was quiet upset and almost broke up with him in case he did it on purpose. He finally convinced her that if he would ever consider touching her in that way, it would not be in church. Being alone with Bethann and kissing her was all it took to send him home with a raging hard on. Even though in his mind he knew it was wrong, he would masturbate in the shower until he would send ropes of white cum into the hot water swirling down the drain.

He went into the parsonage through the back door and helped himself to a cup of hot chocolate that Sister Frances, Reverend Martin’s wife had told him was there for him. He sat in the breakfast nook warming himself with the heat of the house and the hot chocolate.

“I thought I heard someone back here,” Lucy Finch said.

Lucy was the married daughter of Reverend Martin and Sister Frances who was visiting her parents. She had a four-month-old daughter and was carrying her as she entered the kitchen. She had been in town for almost a month but this was the first time that Billy had been alone with her. Lucy’s features were still a little rounded but she had done a good job of losing the weight she had gained during pregnancy. She looked good, especially her big breasts. Billy thought that she looked really good for an older woman. She had to be almost thirty.

“I just finished repairing the screen on the back porch and was warming up a little before going home,” Billy explained. “If I’m bothering you, I can leave now.”

“Not at all,” Lucy replied as she sat in the seat opposite Billy in the breakfast nook.. “It gets kind of lonesome around here sometimes. It’s good to have some company. Almost every day, mom and dad are off tending to the needs of the flock and I don’t have anyone to talk with.”

“Well, I don’t have much time but I can visit awhile.” Billy said as he was trying to think of something to say to be cordial. “It’s good for you to spend time with your parents. I know they must be happy to have you visit.”

“I don’t know how happy they are that I’m here but I guess they are kind of stuck with me for a while at least,” she said. “I know they would be devastated if it got out that my husband and I are separated. Can I trust you to keep my secret?”

“Yeah, sure,” Billy replied with a proud smile that this older women was treating him as an adult by sharing a secret with him..

He audibly gasped when Lucy loosened her blouse and released her right breast to feed her restless baby daughter. He caught himself and tried to maintain his composure to keep from appearing to be a child.

She noticed his discomfort and asked, “Feeding my baby doesn’t bother you does it?”

“Well, I, uh, know that the baby has to eat but it’s just that I’ve never, uh, seen, uh, a, you know, one of them, a breast before,” Billy stuttered.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Lucy asked.

“Yeah, but she would never let me see her breasts!” Billy exclaimed.

Billy was holding a conversation with Lucy but his focus had never left her white, milk-laden breast. He was recording it into his memory. It was round and had a brownish areola about as big around as a silver dollar. Her breast seemed to turn up a little at the end with a big hard nipple that stuck straight out as if begging to be sucked..

“So, now that you have seen a breast, what do you think of it?” Lucy asked.

“It’s beautiful,” replied Billy in a kind of dreamy voice.

Lucy’s baby had stopped nursing and as babies are apt to do with full stomachs, she fell asleep. Lucy carried her daughter into her room and lay her in her crib and returned to the kitchen. The first thing that Billy noticed was that Lucy had not put her breast back inside her blouse.

As if reading his mind, Lucy explained, “I produce more milk that my baby can use so I have to pump it out. If I didn’t I would be leaking all the time. That is unless you would like to help. I hear that it tastes pretty good.”

Before he could consider what Lucy was talking about, she had placed her nipple against his lips. He sucked it into his mouth and began aggressively suckling her bursa escort breast. He was rewarded with the warm sweet taste of mother’s milk.

“Easy Tiger,” she said as she placed her hands behind his head and gently stroked his hair. Billy slowed down and sucked titty. Without knowing it, he tortured her nipple with his teeth. It felt good to Billy but it was glorious to Lucy. It had been a long time since she had received any attention to her breasts by anyone except her baby, Tiffany.

“Oh God, that feels good,” she said as she audibly moaned. “How would you like the job of doing this every day? I need it done a couple of times a day.”

Billy instinctively stopped sucking as the milk quit coming but continued licking and kissing Lucy’s nipple until she pulled away to bend down and lightly kiss his lips. She knew she had crossed some invisible line and didn’t want to go too far until she knew how Billy would react. Billy didn’t know what to do or how to do it but he was reacting just fine. He stood up, put his arms around Lucy, and kissed her. Lucy had noticed the tenting of his pants and was feeling his respectable sized cock burrowing into her stomach as he held her close.

Lucy stepped back a little and reached down between them and squeezed the head of his cock through his pants. That was all Billy’s inexperience would allow him to take. Billy’s body shuddered as he shot his pent up load into his pants. Lucy knew what had happened and felt kind of good about the fact that she could turn a young guy on so much that he would climax with no more stimulation than she had provided but Billy was embarrassed. He turned away from Lucy and almost ran through the parsonage and out the front door. As he was getting into his car, he noticed Reverend and Ms. Martin at their mailbox.

“I’m running late and have to go,” he yelled. “I’ll see you in church tomorrow.”

He jumped into his older model Ford and sped off before they had time to see the wet spot that was increasing in size on his trousers. On his way home, the events that had just occurred kept playing through his mind. He had seen his first breast and got to touch it or better yet, he got to suck it. He had just had the best orgasm of his life and the only one in the presence of a woman. He couldn’t understand why his dick was still so hard. There was a nagging thought that he had sinned but his dick was so hard that all he could think of was getting relief.

He was glad that his mother was not home when he got there. He rushed through his bedroom to his bathroom and stripped. His dick was larger than he had ever seen it and was almost pressed against his stomach. He stepped into the shower and started to stroke it as he stood under the warm water cascading over his body. Here in his safe place, he stroked his cock and thought about Lucy. It wasn’t long until he brought about a powerful explosion. It was not as good as his earlier orgasm with Lucy but lasted longer. He felt relief but he did not have the complete satisfaction that usually followed masturbation. It was as if he had moved to another sexual plateau and self-excitation was not enough anymore. He washed his head and torso but when he reached his midsection, he found he was hard again. He wrapped his hand around his cock and started stroking again. Stroking and thinking of Lucy, he brought himself around again. He finished his shower quickly be cause the water was getting cold.

He dried and went into his bedroom. He hid his cum soaked underwear and trousers up high in his closet until he knew his mother would be away from the house long enough for him to wash them. He glanced at the clock and it was almost six o’clock. He thought of Bethann, his girlfriend with whom he had a date in an hour and a half. She had not crossed his mind since Lucy came into the kitchen earlier in the afternoon. Suddenly he was awash in guilt and shame for his actions. He couldn’t understand how he could feel remorse for what had transpired and still be horny, especially since he had climaxed three times this afternoon. Normally, when he was confused about something he could not talk over with his mother, he would go to Pastor Martin but that avenue was closed in this case.

He could just hear himself, “Pastor, I sucked your daughter’s breast and when she touched my hard cock, I came in my pants. It made me so horny that even though I have had three orgasms, I’m still horny.”

He didn’t know much about what was going on within himself but he knew that he could not see Bethann in this condition. So he called her. “Honey, would you mind a whole lot if we didn’t go out tonight?” he asked. “I’m not feeling very good and was considering going to bed.”

“Of course not,” she replied. Would you like me to come over? I could fix you some soup.”

“Not unless you want to rip your clothes off and jump into bed with me,” he thought but said aloud, “No, I don’t think so. I just want to get some sleep. I’ll see you in church tomorrow.”

They said their usual good-byes malatya escort and love-yous. He put on his pajamas, wrapped a robe around himself, and went into the kitchen. When Bethann mentioned soup, it sounded good. Billy had not heard his mother come home and was startled when she came into the room.

“Well, what’s my good looking son doing home dressed for bed this early on a Saturday night?” she asked. “Is there trouble in paradise?”

“No Mom,” Billy answered. “I just didn’t feel all that good and decided to stay home tonight.”

His mother came over to him and placed her hand on his forehead using the time tested method to check for a fever. Finding none, she gave Billy a light hug and kissed him on the cheek. Billy was self-conscious that he had about half a hard on but if she felt it, she did not take exception to it. She had seen him come home several times from dates with Bethann comically trying to hide a real boner until he could get to his room. She knew that it was just a part of growing up. Sometimes she would try to engage him in conversation at those times to watch him fidget.

Betty Tucker celebrated her fortieth birthday two months earlier but did not look her age. Her husband died in an accident at the silk mill nine years ago and she and Billy have been on their own since then. She had received his insurance money and a settlement from the mill. While the amounts were substantial, it was not enough to retire on at thirty-one. So, she took a job as a secretary in the largest real estate firm in town. She found out that she liked it and took the necessary courses to pass the necessary tests to get the necessary license to sell real estate. She was one of the top salespeople at People’s Reality enabling her and Billy to live comfortably.

Billy heated up a can of minestrone, crumbled a handful of saltine crackers into it, and ate it quickly. He excused himself and hurried into the relative safety of his bedroom. He tried to read his bible but it seemed that everywhere he turned it was about adultery, fornication, or sex in some form or other. He gave up reading for the night and got down on his knees at the side of the bed to pray. He poured his heart out to God and after twenty minutes or so, he felt better about his condition. He climbed into bed and fell asleep.

His sleep was not without dreams, however. It has been said that dreams are one of the ways our psyche deals with unresolved conflicts. If this is true, Billy’s dreams could be offered as evidence. He dreamed of Lucy and himself running naked through the woods. Her pendulous breasts were swinging free and he chased after her beautiful rounded ass. When he caught up with her, she leaned against a tree while he knelt before her and lovingly sucked the warm, sweet, white nectar from her breast. He suckled slowly but her breasts were bountiful and produced milk faster than he could drink. Warm milk was flowing out of the corners of his mouth and down across his chest. He looked down and saw that she had fluffy blond hair at the junction of her legs. His right hand was on the inside of her creamy, white thigh. She spread her legs as he slowly slid his hand toward her pussy. Just as he was about to touch her pubic hair, he was awake.

He lay there in a daze. He was breathing hard, sweating, and had a massive hard on. His right hand had caressed his raging cock and was stroking it with determination. He was out of control. He stroked the length of his hard cock faster and faster until it erupted in a tremendous orgasm shooting ropes of cum into the air and cascading back down on his pajama shirt. He lay there exhausted then dutifully put his pajamas into the top of his closet with his cum-stained undershorts and trousers. He slept fitfully the rest of the night. Every time he went to sleep, he would dream of Lucy. When the alarm went off, he was tired.

Normally on Sunday morning, he would jump out of bed, shower and dress, grab a bite to eat, and head out to church. He would help set up the church for Sunday services, teach a Sunday School class, and then enjoy the sermon. This Sunday morning was an exception. It was the first time that Billy could remember that he did not want to go to church. He did not want to face Lucy, he did not want to face Bethann, he did not want to face Reverend and Mrs. Martin, but most of all, he did not want to face his God. But he knew as his mother had told him many times, maturity is doing what you should do instead of what you want to do. He got out of bed, showered and dressed, got a bite to eat, and headed to church.

Billy was glad that there was a lot of work getting ready for church. He straightened the rows of chairs in the classrooms, picked up what little trash there was, and distributed the hymnals throughout the sanctuary. He was finished about a half-hour before church was scheduled to begin. He went down to the basement where the classrooms were located and went into his room to look over the lesson for the day. He was just about ready to go up to the çanakkale escort sanctuary for the opening when Lucy came into the room.

“Hey, how are you doing?” she asked with a big smile that made Billy see just how beautiful she was. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

Billy thought he was ready to see her but his composure melted as soon as he saw her and she spoke to him. He said, “I was just getting ready to teach my Sunday School class.”

“I was wondering if you could help me out,” she said as she unbuttoned her blouse exposing her breast.

No other words were needed. Billy did not stop to think let alone pray. He almost dove into her succulent breast which were so full and slightly turned up at the nipple. He licked and sucked each breast until they were empty and he was full. He was full but not satisfied. His cock was straining against his trousers, a fact not lost on Lucy. She quickly and deftly unbuckled Billy’s belt, unzipped him, and held his cock in he small hand.

Lucy stroked his dick a couple of times and before Billy could object, she was on her knees between his legs with his raging hard on in her mouth. She moved her head back and forth on his cock as she jacked him off with her right hand. He did not know or care if she was an expert cocksucker or a novice. This was his first blowjob and all he knew was that her warm, wet, mouth sliding back and forth on his cock was letting him experience feelings that he did not know existed until now. He was not worried about right or wrong, good or bad, or sin and holiness. He only knew that at this moment, he felt closer to heaven than at any time that he could imagine. He felt like shouting hallelujah but didn’t because he didn’t want to alert the congregation upstairs as to what was happening in the church basement.

He looked down at Lucy and saw his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Her big blue eyes were gazing up at him through her blond tresses. He felt his balls tighten and his cock begin to pulse as he start to climax. He fell back in his chair as a low guttural sound emitted from his throat. He pumped rope after rope of cum into her mouth and throat as she swallowed it all. She cleaned his deflating cock with her mouth and tucked it back into his pants. She stood up and put her breasts back into her blouse.

Billy did not want to move but he stood up and put his pants together. Lucy kissed him, sliding her tongue through his lips and into his mouth allowing him to taste the salty remnants of his own cum.

“Se you later, Tiger,” she said as she turned toward the door. “There is so much more.”

He followed her out of the classroom and watched her as she exited the outside door of the basement She went up the steps as she headed back to the parsonage. He heard a noise behind him and turned as the good people of the church were coming down the stairs into the basement and filing into their various classrooms. He saw Bethann turn the corner and come directly to him.

She said, “I was worried about you when I didn’t see you upstairs. You don’t look so good. You look flushed. I’m not so sure that you should be here.”

“I’m O. K.,” Billy said as he tried to smile. “I’ll teach the class and see you afterwards upstairs for church.”

“Not another word out of you,” she said. “It won’t hurt you to miss one Sunday. Now get out of here and go home. I’ll teach the class and call you this afternoon.”

Billy went out the same door that Lucy had used earlier. As he went up the steps, Bethann was glad that he was going home to rest but he had other ideas. He headed to the parsonage to see Lucy and his cock seemed to grow with each step he took. He tapped lightly on the front door and when Lucy opened it, he stepped in and pushed the door closed. He took Lucy into his arms and passionately kissed her. For once, he was the aggressor. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and while their tongues dueled he cupped her ass cheeks in his hands and pulled her womanhood tight against his raging cock.

He stopped kissing while his trembling fingers fumbled with loosening her blouse. He wasn’t suave but he successfully freed Lucy’s heaving breasts. She loosened his tie and removed his shirt. While he was trying to determine how to get her skirt off, she opened his trousers and let them fall to the floor around his ankles. He found the snap on her skirt, released it and let it fall. He shucked his shoes and stepped out of his trousers. He fell to his knees and began to lower her panties. Her pubic hair came into sight and he leaned forward to nuzzle it. He smelled the fragrance of her sex. It heightened the fervor of his desire to the boiling point.

He wanted to give Lucy the same wonderful sensations that she had given him earlier in the classroom but he didn’t know how. She thought that he wanted to kiss and lick her pussy but knew that it would be very difficult with her standing up. She reached down and pulled him up. Taking him by the hand, she led him into her bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and opened her legs. He knelt between them. Billy had never seen a vagina before even in a magazine. He was fascinated by it and bent his head down and kissed in the middle of it. He then ran his tongue the length of her crack from her asshole to her clit. Her moans indicated to him that he was doing something right so he repeated the action several times.

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