The Picnic

28 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Big Dicks

We decide to go out for a quiet afternoon together so I have picked a very secluded part of the woods in the next county from Julie’s home. In the depths of the forest, there is a glade with a large sun-dappled pool surrounded by grassy banks. It is there, I hope, that Julie and I can have some truly private time for ourselves. As much as we both love the baby, it is time for us today.

I had encouraged Julie to wear only the lightest of sundresses since the day is very hot and even wearing shorts would be unbearable. Allowing the slight breeze to blow up her flimsy light skirt – she wears no panties – will be much more comfortable. I decided on nothing more than light slacks with open sandals and a loose short-sleeved shirt for myself. I packed a bottle of champagne and glasses along with some fruit and some pâté with some crackers.

We drove for a couple of hours until we reached the empty parking lot about a mile or so from the woods. It was mid-week so the lot was empty and we were alone, as I had planned. We left the car and walked hand in hand across the soft grass field to the edge of the woods. I carried a picnic basket with the food and chilled wine along with a large blanket so we could have our picnic in a comfortable setting. As we neared the woods, I spied the trail through the trees I had earlier checked out and we walked down it until the arbour created by the crowns of the tall fir trees opened up to reveal the well-hidden open glade with the sparkling pool centred in it. The water was warm and shimmering in the early afternoon sun and the warmth of the sun had taken the chill we had experienced in the woods from our skins.

I spread out the blanket and our food and lowered Julie to a supine position and began to kiss the side of her neck as she tilted her head to the side with a smile. As my kisses slowly moved across her shoulder, I pushed the thin strap of her sundress down her arm until the top of her breast was exposed. My lips continued their agonizingly slow path across the rise of her breast until I reached the nipple that had Travesti grown firm in the coolness of the woods. I wrapped my lips around this tasty treat and lapped up the pearly drops of milk that were appearing at its tip. Such a sweet taste! With each successive sucking motion, milk continued to flow into my mouth and was quickly swallowed. Our baby hadn’t been fed since this morning so Mummy had lots left for my pre-lunch snack. I quickly drained the first full tit and moved to the other and repeated my joyous task – cradling each breast in the comfort of my hand as I did so.

Julie had her hands twisted in my hair and is pulling my face harder into her swollen breasts encouraging me in my mission. Cries of ecstasy echo off the trees – her cries, not mine! While finishing my feast, I reach under her arm to find the full-length zipper at her side that is holding the dress up and slowly slide it down. Once fully lowered, it allows the dress to puddle around her waist and I lift myself up to pull the dress from her body. She lays back with her arms outstretched over her head and, arching her back to force her tits outwards, smiles up at me and says, “Can we eat later, Daddy?”

“Not quite, my darling love! Daddy is hungry right now!” I smile as I stand before her and slowly strip.

When I am down to my briefs, she reaches for me “Let me, please!”

I lower myself to her side and her soft hands find the waistband of my briefs. With a little struggle to get them out and down past my raging hard cock, she slips them down my legs and off. I lowered my lips to hers and we started our erotic kissing with our tongues moving along each other’s lips and then inside the other’s mouth and repeated this over and over. With each kiss, the level of passion and the length of each rose until we were both gasping for breath. Our hands were roaming wildly over the each other’s body and finally her hands came to rest at my nipples; she began to tease them until I felt that they might burst they were so hard. I arose and crawled to knee at her head facing her Ankara Travesti feet and my lips dropped to kiss her from a reverse position (that is upside down). As I moved lower – ever so slowly lower – her lips and mouth were matching my own – as I kissed her chin, she did mine; as I reached her nipples, her lips sucked in mine. My pleasure surpassed hers since her warm mother’s milk was my reward but mine was the heat that spread to my ever-hardening cock as she bit on my own nipples.

I continued to move lower until my mouth was almost at her most intimate spot; meanwhile my cock had just brushed her lips and I felt her blow gently across my sensitive glans and into the pee hole. I returned in kind by blowing warm air over her now flowing shaven mons and watched as her pussy opened for me. Just as I felt my cock surrounded by her sweet warm mouth, I let my tongue reach into the very depth of her wide spread cunt! Her cum that coated my tongue was like liquefied honey – sweet and thick – as it rolled over my tongue and into my throat.

We continued to pleasure each other for over an hour with several orgasms rolling through her in that time. She helped me to hold off by exerting just the right pressure at the base of my cock when she sensed I was about to cum. Without that, I would not – no, make that could not – have held on that long! It seemed like an eternity before I could finally hold no longer and I started to suck on her clit and finger fuck her as hard as I was able as a sign that I was close. She pulled my cock from her throat long enough to mumble “Just a minute longer, darling! I’m almost there again!” and she then rammed my cock all the way to the back of her throat. She started to hum which vibrated my cock deep inside her and sent me over the edge just as she threw her hips in the air and squeezed my head between her thighs as she launched into a body numbing orgasm that seemed to go on forever! My cum was shooting in a constant series of spasms down her throat and her swallowing muscles simply milked every last drop from me!

Falling İstanbul Travesti together side by side, we entwine our fingers and turn our heads to gaze deeply into each other’s eyes. All I can see is the reflection of the love I feel for this woman!

We lay there for half an hour and then, as the sun starts to beat more warmly on our naked bodies, I stand and holding my hand out to her, I lead her towards the pool. The water has been heated to a comfortable level by the sun and we wade in together holding hands until we are immersed to our necks. I draw her to me and she uses the natural buoyancy to wrap her legs around my waist and pull herself close to me for many kisses. As she kisses my sensitive ear lobes and the side of my neck, I can feel my cock rising once again to the occasion – the effect this woman I love so much has on me! Soon it has risen to a full erection and is brushing against her warm pussy. Even in the water, I can feel the heat of her cunt’s arousal as she lowers herself until she draws me completely inside her. It feels like I am encased in a velvet sock so smooth and warm she is; using the water to lift her, she begins that magnificent slow motion riding my hard cock. Soon we are creating small waves with the speed of her riding me and I can feel yet another climax approaching. Julie throws her head back and cries out “Cum with me Baby!!” and we reach yet another perfect orgasm together! It is truly amazing and a gift that we have been able to read each other this well!!

We stand there – were it not for the floatation effect of the water, we would likely have fallen with exhaustion – until our breathing returns almost to normal. I lower her off my softening cock and we take turns hand washing each other. Returning to the shore, I help Julie out of the water and we return to the blanket to lay in each other arms until the warmth of the sun dries our weary bodies.

Finally, as the heat is down a bit, we sit beside each other – still naked – and share our repast. Of course, in the sharing and the occasional feeding of one another, we do create a mess that will require yet another dip – following by whatever may ensue – to clean up before we can return home.

A wonderful afternoon and a great way to spend the day! Thanks to my loving Julie for making it so special!

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