The Pecan Street Social Group

2 Haziran 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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“Okay folks. Gather round for a second. We need to decide what we’re going to do for the next party,” John, our host, announced to the assembled guests.

Kelly and I were one of eleven couples, all residents along Pecan Street, in attendance at the current party and we closed around John to discuss the theme for the next gathering. John was essentially the social director for the group, and had managed with his periodic events to create a scene that was unique for suburban life. His large house, at the end of the street in a cul-de-sac, with a pool, hot tub, spacious back yard and outdoor bar made it the ideal gathering spot. He relished the role of host and social leader, and because of his efforts and prodding most of the street residents would get together several times a year.

There were ten core couples that made most of the parties, along with a half-dozen more that would attend on occasion, and supplementing the group were participants from other nearby streets in the neighborhood or friends of residents that would often be invited in.

An interesting thing about the group was that it spanned all age groups. The youngest couple was in their late 20s and the oldest was in their early 60s. Kelly and I were on the younger end of the scale, both being thirty years old. Despite the disparity of ages, everyone got along well and enjoyed letting their hair down, and it was not uncommon for assistance to be needed in getting someone home after an evening of heavy drinking.

“Let’s do something wild,” Susan, the female partner of one of the forty something couples, blurted out.

“A woman after my own heart!” John replied, with a hearty laugh.

John was also a forty something guy and was tall, barrel chested with a smile that never left his face. He was one of those individuals that was instantly your friend and never met a stranger. Conversely, while John liked to be the center of attention, his diminutive, but very attractive wife Donna seemed to enjoy staying in the background.

“Let’s do something fun and different,” another of the wives güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri suggested.

“Like what?” John asked the group, as he nodded in agreement to the comment.

John loved playing the part of facilitator, and he was a master at getting the various members of the group to open up and speak their mind. I knew from past discussions like this that he had something in his head, but would let the group dynamics form and then interject his ideas along the way.

“How about a costume party?” Jill, the youngest of the wives, replied.

“I thought we were going to be wild?” one of the men answered.

“Well let’s think about this for a moment. Maybe there is a way to put both together. A costume party with a wild theme,” John stated.

“Bikinis!” Carl, another husband, yelled which brought a wave of laughter from everyone.

“We’re not in college, Carl!” a female voice quickly answered.

“T the liquor was going down fast and it wasn’t long before everyone was well lubricated.

I was purposefully trying to stay away from Kelly, as I didn’t want to come across as the jealous, clingy husband. Besides, I had Sharon who was not at all bad to look at, and we were enjoying ourselves. Still, I would occasionally look over my shoulder or step back from the group I was in to get a look at my wife.

“Let her have fun,” Sharon said during one of these moments, and I knew I was busted.

“Sorry,” I said turning red.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. All the husbands are doing it. Funny that none of the wives are,” she laughed.

“How do you know the wives from the dates?” I smiled, challenging her.

“Oh, it’s easy to tell,” she answered, without elaborating.

As the evening progressed it grew chilly so John fired up several outdoor patio heaters which brought everyone closer together around the warmth. Many people were quite drunk by this point and the conversations were getting looser, often with sexual innuendo thrown in. It was certainly a more risqué party than anything the Pecan Street crowd güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri had experienced before, and it was at that moment that I saw Cary, Craig’s pretty, mid-thirties wife, getting her butt fondled by her date. Strangely, rather than the volatile reaction I expected from her, Cary just smiled up at him and softly pushed his hand away.

“Looks like the girls are getting attention,” Sharon leaned in and said to me, having seen the same thing. When I just nodded and smiled she continued, “You might want to check on yours too.”

I had to look around to find Kelly and I finally saw that she was in a group with Josh, John, Darrell and their dates. Josh had his arm around my wife’s waist with her pulled snuggly to his side. Kelly’s arm was resting on his shoulder which caused her vest to ride up and exposed a hard, pointy nipple protruding through the thin fabric of her t-shirt.

“She’s a big girl,” I said, stepping back next to Sharon.

“Okay, but he’s got that look,” she replied.

“What look?” I asked naively.

“Hungry…very hungry,” she explained.

“Kelly assured me she explained to him like I did with you that it was all platonic,” I said to her, thinking she must be mistaken.

“Your wife is very good looking. Throw in the drinks and trust me he doesn’t remember anything she told him,” Sharon laughed, and when I gave her a troubled look she said, “Look over there.”

Following her eyes, I could see that Cary’s date had his hand on her ass once again and this time she was making no effort to get it off. I looked quickly around for Craig, and when I found him I saw that he was looking on as well but making no move to intervene.

“Wow,” I whispered softly to myself.

“I think there’s going to be some shenanigans on Pecan Street tonight,” Sharon whispered to me with a giggle.

It seemed like that now that I knew what to look for everything became much clearer, as there were multiple couples just a little too close or being a bit too flirty. Then, like Cary, there were a few güvenilir bahis şirketleri cases where it was more blatant because some touching was going on. While it wasn’t everyone, my guess was that with half something was going on and of those it seemed like the majority were the Pecan Street wives, and I realized that if I was honest, I had to put my own wife in that category as well. I could tell from the quick, furtive glances I was getting from others that they thought something was going on too.

John had cleared out a small area as a makeshift dance floor, but it had gone unused so far even though he had kept the music playing non-stop.

“Come on,” I said, taking Sharon’s hand, suddenly needing to move.

We instantly attracted attention when we began dancing and it was like “breaking the ice” because we were soon joined by several others. I turned to see John and his “Jane” dancing behind us very closely. Her breasts were moving quite freely in the small outfit which mesmerized me for a second before Sharon grabbed my arm and got my attention back. After three songs, we left, but now it seemed like dancing was the focus of attention and our place on the small floor was quickly filled by another couple.

“You sure this isn’t a swinger’s party?” Sharon asked me with a big grin.

“Well it wasn’t when it started. But who knows,” I replied, still somewhat amazed by what I was seeing.

We walked up and began speaking with Carl who had the young “hooker” date. He was trying to flirt with her but getting nowhere, although she seemed to be taking it with good humor. We found out her name was Stacy and that she was a friend of Carl’s daughter which only reinforced my view that he was a dirty old pervert.

I looked over Carl’s shoulder and tried to spot Kelly, finally finding her on the far side of the dance floor partially blocked by several couples. It seemed to take forever for people to move so that I could get a good look, but when they did I was in for another surprise. Kelly was turned with her back to Josh and his hands were on her hips, under the chaps, and calculating the position of his fingers as best I could, I suspected they were resting on her upper thighs and lower tummy. They were moving in a very sensual way, although by now I think everyone was so drunk and so much was going on that no one, other than me, paid them any mind.

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