The Obsession Ch. 04

27 Eylül 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Creamy Pussy

One thing Nick knew was that being one armed really sucked. Every time he moved his injured shoulder, pain radiated down his arm and across his back. He held his towel closed over his hips as he looked around the locker room. Since he’d been given the shift off, he was back at the station to clean up and collect his stuff.

Because the other men were still at the warehouse, it made what was already a difficult situation a little easier. He let go of the towel. It dropping to his ankles as he pulled open his locker, unaware of the eyes watching him.


Nicola watched Nick with greedy eyes. She’d been assigned to assist Nick if he needed any help, after waiting around for him to finish in the shower she got back to the locker room just in time to see him drop his towel when he reached for his locker. Licking her lips, she took in his size, the water still dripping down his chest. Images of riding him filled her head; she could almost feel his girth spreading her, filling her completely. Nicola stifled a groan at the thought, and watched him pick up his towel and swipe the water from his legs.

Once he began putting on his boxers, her mind was made up she would render any assistance he needed. She knew a thing or two about massage, and it looked like he needed it, imagining the things she could do to his body to make him more comfortable. Licking her lips again, she salivated at the thought of his hard, rough muscles relaxing under her grip. Those massage lessons she took were finally going to pay off.

She would wait until he finished getting ready before the pursuit began. She was going to have fun getting to know his body more personally, and she slipped away from the locker room still thinking of his proportions.


Nick groaned as he tugged his shirt over his shoulder, gritting his teeth as the pain stabbed into him like a searing hot poker. He felt so wiped out, he was going to go home and crash after taking the pain killers Christian gave him, before heading back to the warehouse.

Picking up his wallet, he remembered what happened this morning. With a grin, he opened the billfold and slid out Evelyn’s card. He looked at the address and grinned broadly. It was only a block away, and even though he could walk there from the station, he needed to get home afterwards, so he figured he would drive. A block wouldn’t hurt too badly, he rationalized. Besides, if Evelyn could find an opening for him, a massage would help, and then he’d be able to drive home without as much pain.


Nicola wondered how long it was going to take Nick to get ready. He had to be ready soon or everyone else would be back, and she’d miss her chance to follow him, she thought as she leaned up against the brick alcove next to the exit. As soon as she finished that thought, the door creaked open and Nick stepped out, with his backpack over his uninjured shoulder. Before Nicola could approach him and ask him about helping with his shoulder, he got into his car.

Moving quickly, Nicola slipped from the alcove and hurried towards her car. She would not lose this chance to get Nick alone. Taking care of him at his apartment was an even better idea, but she wondered why he was driving with his hurt shoulder. While she cared for his shoulder, she planned to ask him what was so important that he couldn’t have gotten a taxi.

As he turned down the street, Nicola realized he wasn’t going home. Curious, she followed him until he stopped in front of a set of shops. He slowly got out of his car. His pain-filled movements caused her to grimace as she saw him wince when he shut the door and stepped up onto the pavement. He pulled a door open to what she recognized as a therapeutic massage establishment.

She quickly got out of her car and discreetly looked in the massive storefront windows to see the slut that had taken Nick from her at the auction. Slut greeted him and then showed him the way past the front counter disappearing from sight. Furious anger boiled in her veins. How dare she continue this with him? Nick was hers, she would have him. The slut was getting in the way and she would have to dealt with now.

# # #

Evelyn sighed as she looked at the paperwork scattered all over her desk, knowing she would have rather spent this time in bed with Nick, but instead, she was drowning in forms. An open schedule for a few hours gave her time to finish filling out everything that piled up. She sighed and heard the door open. Slipping off her chair, Evelyn walked out of her office and stepped into the lobby.

She grinned broadly when she saw Nick dressed in his station uniform standing at the door, “Nick! Well this is a surprise!” she called walking over to him.

He tried to return the grin, “Had an accident at work, and dislocated my shoulder, so the captain made me take some medical leave. Then I remembered your business card. I don’t know if you can fit me in, but a massage would be great right about now, my whole body aches, it was difficult Avcılar Escort to not think of you, now that I’m off work for a couple days.”

“I have three hours until my next client shows up, so I can take care of you now if you’d like,” said Evelyn.

“That would be good,” said Nick, wincing.

“Lets get those muscles relaxed then.”

Evelyn led Nick towards the massage room and said, “I assume you’ve just recently showered?”

“Yeah, I had to, we dealt with an intense warehouse fire. I never knew how much it sucked having only one arm,” Nick put his keys in his pocket, wincing as he pulled his shoulder.

“Ok, I’ll help you out of your shirt then you can get undressed and under the blanket,” said Evelyn, as she approached him.

Nick’s breath hitched in his throat as the tips of her fingers touched his abs and seductively skimmed his shirt up.

Evelyn grinned as she felt his muscles twitch under her touch. She pressed her fingers in closer, brushing the fine hair on his pecs, pulling his shirt over his shoulder and down his injured arm.

“Ok, you can leave your boxers on if you want, put the blanket on over you and I’ll be right back.”

Nick let out the breath he was holding as he watched her leave the room, his skin tingled from the slight touch of her fingers. He sat back onto the massage table and awkwardly pulled off his shoes and peeled off his socks. Then he slowly started to pull off his pants.

# # #

Evelyn’s fingers still buzzed with the sensation of touching Nick’s chest when she pulled off his shirt. She quickly prepared the massage oils, taking the bottle to the massage room. She knocked and then entered before he could respond. The sight of the thick bulge in his tight black boxers brought her to a dead stop as her eyes were immediately drawn to it, licking her lips as she remembered how large he really was. Thankfully, Nick didn’t notice her staring at him when he looked up at her. She gazed deep into his molten brown eyes that seemed worn and tired, lines stretching from his eyes further emphasized his exhaustion.

“This will make you feel better Nick, I promise,” Evelyn soothed, as Nick lay on the table and rested into the face mask

“Thanks, I’ve never actually had a professional massage before.”

“The massage usually takes around an hour, sometimes more. It depends on how tense the client is.”

Evelyn looked forward to spending over an hour touching his muscles, Nick was the most well sculpted man she’d ever had the pleasure of knowing. “Just relax. I’ll start on your hurt shoulder. It will hurt until the oil has a chance to work into the muscle.”

“I’m ready.”

He couldn’t wait to feel her hands on him again, an anxious tension settled into his muscles.

Evelyn grinned as she applied the oil to his tight bicep, Nick jerked at her touch. His bronzed skin glistening under the oil, and he grunted as her fingers gently ran over the contour of his shoulder. She felt the throb of the muscle under her fingers, so she knew she needed to be delicate with this area. It was tender from the dislocation, so she gently spread the oil and reached under his arm to spread it.

“After we’re done, I have a shoulder brace for you to use. It’ll give your shoulder more support so it will heal faster. I’ll let the oil do its job to relax your muscle before I get into massaging you properly.”


The pain and constant throb from his shoulder decreased the moment Evelyn’s feather-light fingers brushed his shoulder, the oil relaxing his stressed body.

“It’s starting to feel better now.”

“Good, I’ll get started then.”

Nick groaned as her fingers pressed harder into his shoulder. Hot darts of pain shot through him as she rubbed and kneaded. He gritted his teeth as she stroked the knot, working it, each pass she took reduced the ache until all he felt was a dull, numbed throb.

“That should have helped. Your type of dislocation was just simple bruising. If it was more serious, you’d be at home right now knocked out on pain meds. I’ve dislocated my knee once before, tore one of the ligaments. It wasn’t fun at all.”

“How did that happen?” asked Nick, concerned.

“It was stupid, really stupid. I was running late for class and I tripped on the edge of the concrete stairs at the college where I was studied for my massage certification. I hobbled on crutches for weeks.”

“Damn, that doesn’t sound fun at all, I’ve had experience with crutches before as well. When I first joined the firehouse, I sprained my ankle after a rough game of basketball. “

“Ouch, I’ll be starting on your back now then I’ll move onto your arms,” said Evelyn, as she rubbed more oil onto her hands.

Nick grunted his affirmation as he rested into the table more, he groaned as her hands swept over his back, a buzzing tingle moved across his skin where ever she touched him. He gasped as an unexpected surge of pleasure coursed through him as she massaged the Beylikdüzü Escort base of his back.

“That’s one thing I forgot to tell you about Nick, therapeutic massages can hit the pleasure receptors; it’s a natural reaction it happens all the time.”

He mumbled something incoherent as her hands stroked his spine sending another hot spike of arousal through him.

She’d never been aroused when massaging a client, but with Nick, every time her hands touched his tight muscles and she felt them relax under her grip, she experienced tingles of pleasure up her arms. Nick’s back glistened under the lights, her eyes locked on his flexing muscles as she applied more oil to her hands, and dug her fingers into his un-injured shoulder.

Nick’s pleasured moan fueled her arousal; his groans were so sexy, she was glad that she had hours to explore his body. She stroked the muscles of his arms, teasing and relaxing the muscles. Her breathing became shorter as the heat coming from Nick seemed to be resonating up her own arms, making her feel the same heat.

“Wow, Evelyn, this is amazing so far,” mumbled Nick, as the buzz travelled up and down his body. His back still sensitized from her touch.

“Got quite a lot to go, I’ll have you like jelly before I’m done,” said Evelyn, and how she would enjoy it.

# # #

Nick had two problems, his muscles had gone limp and he had the biggest hard-on pushing out his boxers. He could feel the heat flooding into his cheeks as Evelyn told him to turn over.

Evelyn’s eyes roved over his tight ass as she pulled the blanket off of his hips, it was time to get to his leg muscles. “Do you need help turning onto your back Nick?”

He grunted as he awkwardly rolled over, “You really worked wonders with my shoulder, there’s only a dull throb there now.”

Evelyn’s eyes were drawn down Nick’s chest to the prominent tent in his boxers; she couldn’t resist the urge to lick her lips as she oiled her hands again.

Evelyn admitted to herself shamelessly that she didn’t need Nick on his back for this but wanted to stare at his chest while she massaged his legs. She didn’t know where this new sex kitten came from, but it seemed to come out whenever she was around Nick for an extended time.


Evelyn was driving him crazy with the hot looks, every time she licked her lips, he was reminded of what she had done with them the day before. He groaned as her hands wrapped around one of his ankles and started to massage him. Streaks of fire burned up his leg as the trapped tension was released.

Evelyn licked her lips again as she rotated her hands around his muscles, rubbing the tension from them. She looked up at him and caught his eyes, no longer worn, but alive with lust. Oh yeah, all her subtle teasing had gotten him aroused. She grinned at him and moved up his calf muscle, squeezing the tension from him.

Nick groaned as she rubbed his calf, more sensations shot up his leg, and directly into his throbbing cock. He would have to relieve himself in the shower when he washed the oil off. It was obvious how she was teasing him; Evelyn was far from the innocent woman he thought she was when he first met her.

He was not expecting it when her thumbs scored up his thigh and pressed into his hip, it was like an electric jolt that had his legs spasming with pleasure, he groaned as she massaged his thigh, going a little further than one would expect from a masseuse. She was deliberately teasing him, he reminded himself, as another burst of sensation rocketed up his leg as she stroked the palm of his foot with her thumbs.


The new sex kitten that had seemingly taken her place, prompted her to be adventurous for once. She looked up at the clock and there was still just over two hours to go until her next client arrived. Thinking back to the conversation she had had with Natalie earlier today, she decided she was going to run with it. If her friend could be risqué and get away with it, so could she.

Evelyn quickly massaged Nick’s other leg, stroking his muscles with alternating teasing caresses and deep, hard strokes.

Nick lay back against the table with his eyes closed, enjoying the sensations as Evelyn stroked him. She was a goddess in his opinion, even though he had only known her for less then a day, he already felt a deep connection to her. He was broken from his thoughts as a sharp tug on his hips made his eyes pop open. Groaning at the sight before him, she had pulled his boxers from him and dropped them on the floor.

She smirked deviously like an imp and said, “One more thing then we’re finished here.”

Then she closed her hot oiled hands over his cock and stroked him between her palms rolling each part of him between her fingers. He gritted his teeth and growled as she sent hot surging pulses throughout his body from her touch. Evelyn was driving him to hell and back, and he moaned as her hands twisted around his cock, nearly strangling him with the heat Bahçeşehir Escort and the pressure of her touch.

If he didn’t break out of her hold soon he’d lose it, and he didn’t want that, not yet at least.

Having so much power between her fingers intoxicated her, made her feel more alive than she had in ages. She grinned devilishly as she stroked his cock again; rubbing the head with her thumb, the throb of his cock was almost like a drumbeat now, steady and hard. Nick’s deep groans shot right through her, she wanted him right here.

She had plenty of time left until her next client, she ran her nails under the rim of his cock and stroked him. A growl sliding from him as his toes curled and his thighs tensed.

She shrieked in surprise when Nick growled at her and pushed her off, he jumped off the table and looked at her with such hunger lurking in his burning, molten gaze, she froze on the spot tremors of desire washing over her.

“My turn to play now Evelyn, you’ve had your fun,” he growled at her. She shivered at his tone as he stalked towards her and then dragged her into his arms, kissing her hard and demandingly, devouring her lips, groaning against his kiss as he pressed his arousal against her.

Nick wanted her naked now, as he drank in her taste, cinnamon and honey. He pushed her against the table, pulled her shirt over her head and kissed down her neck. Evelyn’s hands dug into his hair as he descended, kissing and licking her. Her moan was hot and heavy, he growled as it added fuel to his own fire. He quickly unzipped her pants letting them fall, and he moaned when he saw she wore no panties.

“I never wear them to work,” she whispered, as Nick looked up at her.

He grinned and hoisted her up onto the table, the hot adrenaline surging through his veins. “You shouldn’t wear them ever,” he growled, climbing onto the table, he leaned over her and kissed her again.

Evelyn groaned, the heat from his body was like a furnace, and she was melting. She had a victory however; she had drawn out the dominance she knew had to have been lurking inside of him, like what she saw the night before when he took her against the wall.

“I’m going to take you so high Evelyn, you won’t know how to get down,” Nick growled, and he kissed her again, grasping her hips, driving himself deep inside of her body. He leaned back from the kiss and moaned loudly as the shock of the hard entry burned over him.

Evelyn grasped at Nick’s hips and cried out, the shock of the impact took her breath away. Pleasure seared her nerves, and then he started to move inside of her, “Oh god! Nick!” she screamed.

He panted, pressing inside her; every movement sent sparklers to flay his nerves. He slid back from her groaning then slammed back in, and started a fast rapid pace. She robbed him of all control while massaging him. He winced as his shoulder burned anew, an angry fire battling against the flames rampaging through his body.

Evelyn saw his momentary wince and decided to take matters into her own hand; she swung her legs over his then grabbed his hips and with a burst of energy flipped him over, underneath her. “You shouldn’t be exerting yourself, Nick,” she chastised. Then she leaned down and kissed him hard, plundering his lips as she sunk down over him, squeezing him ruthlessly, milking him.

He groaned and grabbed her hips, the pain from his shoulder held off his impending release just barely. He moaned louder as she rode him hard.

Hands on his chest, she threw back her head and screamed as she slammed her body onto his, losing the careful burning pace that drove them both crazy with need. The fire spread throughout her body, consumed by passion, Nick’s hands clenched her hips as he roared his own release flooding deep inside her.

Evelyn groaned and flopped on top of Nick’s chest, his sweat-slicked skin rubbing against hers, she looked up into Nick’s sated eyes. “I’ve never even considered anything like what we just did. The front door is unlocked and it’s not like we were actually being quiet. We also didn’t use any protection.”

“You blow me away Eve, just this last day has been amazing,” said Nick, still breathing heavily. “You don’t have anything to worry about from me, I’m clean, you’re the first woman I’ve ever had sex without using a condom.”

“Ok, that’s a relief. I’m clean too, I only recently had my you know, so it’s the wrong time for babies. Roll over Nick, I need to fix your shoulder again, you can’t exert yourself for a few days. Didn’t the medic tell you that?” said Evelyn, as she leaned down and kissed him, her hand combing through the damp hair on his chest.

Nick grinned sheepishly and said “Kind of, don’t tell Christian, he’d kick my ass for doing that. He’s the unit medic.”

“I will tell him if you strain your shoulder again,” she slid off the table.

Nick groaned as he rolled onto his stomach, “Ok but don’t play nurse with me, they can be pretty scary, you know.”

“Nurses are scary? What did you do Nick? Lie still, I’ll get that shoulder set again, and then I’ll go get the brace after you tell me how you came to that conclusion.”

As soon as Evelyn put her fingers on his shoulder, Nick grunted and said, “Your fingers are magic. How do you even do that?”

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