THE NEW GYM TEACHER. A tale of Larry and Hugo.

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THE NEW GYM TEACHER. A tale of Larry and Hugo.It was a normal day on H.K. Isles as a certain chubby boy was hanging out with his close friend Grizzle Hog. The two were playing the new card game craze called “Island Battle Force”, focusing on all the Forces in Island Word. Grizzle had reached into his deck and he drew his favorite card. Hugo watched as a big smile came to the young boar’s face. Hugo just sighed: “Just end it already.” “As you wish then. Goofiness: 20″, Grizzle said triumphantly.”Damn it Grizzle! What card you were holding?”, Hugo asked defeated. Grizzle put his card down, showing it was “Scooby Oyama Wild”. Surrendered, Hugo threw down his last card, which was “Silver Wild”. “Guess that’s one thing Scooby could beat his dad in”, said Grizzle with a big grin. He grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them. “So, wanna play again?”, he asked. “Nah, I’ll pass”, Hugo replied. “Ok, how about we play again when I get Series 2 then? I saved up enough money to get them”, he informed Hugo.”Sure. And next time, I’ll be the one who wins!” ,Hugo said in a boasting tone. Soon the bell had rang, meaning lunch time was over and it was time to head to gym class. Grizzle grabbed his cards and put them in his backpack while they started to head for the door. He looked back only to see Hugo trying to catch up with him. “Umm, buddy.. You want me to wait for you?”, he asked. “Hey! I wasn’t trained by Scooby ya know. It’s kinda hard keeping up with someone who’s been trained by that guy”, Hugo said back in anger. “Sorry Hugo, but that training stays with you”, Grizzle quickly replied. “Just… Forget it! Let’s just get to gym class before the Coach marks us late and have us washing the other students underwear”, Hugo said annoyed as he walked past his friend and good buddy. As they were on their way, Grizzle had told him the old Coach was retiring yesterday and they were getting a new Coach. Hugo was about to ask him who would they be getting to replace someone like the old Coach when they both walked into someone. They backed away looking up to see a huge mountain of man glaring over his shoulder at them. “OH MY GOD! HAT’S THE NEW COACH ?! I THINK PRINCIPAL MULLIGAN HIRED A MOUNTAIN TROLL!!”, shouted Grizzle. The gigantic man slowly turned around to get a good look at them. The two k**s stopped in their tracks, paralyzed out of fear from the look in his eyes. Hugo quickly jumped behind Grizzle, pushing him towards the huge man, saying: “Quick, Grizzle take him down!” “What!? Why me?”, the boar k** asked, trying to back away. “Well, weren’t you trained by Scooby?”, Hugo answered back. “Yeah, but I wasn’t trained yet on how to fight guys bigger than me”, Grizzle replied. The mountainous man took out a clip board and asked in a deep grizzly voice: “Who the hell are you two?” “Wow… this guy’s voice is so deep it sounds like his balls just dropped below sea level”, Grizzle said to Hugo. “You do know I’m right here in front of you, right?” said the giant.”Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about that”, replied Grizzle. “Man, you really have been hanging around Scooby too much”, said Hugo. The colossal man looked past Grizzle to see Hugo hiding behind him. “Hey k**, what is your name?”, he asked. Hugo noticed the jumbo man was talking to him. “Oh!”, Hugo stepped from behind Grizzle and told him his name was Hugo. And Grizzle interrupted him telling his name was Grizzle Hog. He grabbed Hugo’s arm and pulled him away from the huge man telling him they had to get to class before they were late. Later in the locker room, just as all the other boys, Grizzle and Hugo were undressing and getting ready to put on their gym clothes. Hugo was sitting down putting his shoes on. He didn’t notice Grizzle was calling his name until the young hog put his hands on his shoulder. Hugo jumped up as Grizzle shook him from his thought. “Hey Hugo! Didn’t you hear me calling you?”, he asked him. Hugo looked at him. “Sorry Grizzle, were you saying something?”, he asked back. “Yeah! I was saying let’s go. Everyone’s already out on the gym court. Come on before that new guy sees we’re not out there as well”, he told him. “Ok, ok. Let me just tie my shoes. Man you’re really scared of that new Coach I see”, Hugo mumbled mockingly. When he was done, he followed Grizzle out of the locker room and on to the gym court. They saw the other boys standing in line waiting for the Coach to come out and see who was all in class. As they waited Grizzle defended himself to Hugo: “I’m not afraid of that guy. I just remember Scooby once telling me I should never fight and jump into battle for no reason.” “That’s strange. Doesn’t Scooby jump into battle for no reason at times?”, asked Hugo with a big grin on his face. “Hey! He’s a hero and I’m a hero in training and if I want I could beat that overgrown….” But before Grizzle could finish his sentence there was a vast shadow looming over him. He turned to see the new Coach standing over him. “Oh! Hi Coach. I was just telling my friend on how I would take somebody else on”, he said leaning back as the new Coach leaned in on him. “I don’t like your mouth, Hog And if you keep talking I’ll have you running around the Infinitum University for nine weeks”, said the Coach in a deep grizzled voice. “Don’t you mean one hour?”, asked Grizzle. “I said nine weeks”, he replied and he leaned in so close to Grizzle until their noses were touching, “that is unless you wanna make it nine months?” “No need sir! I’ll just keep my trap shut”, Grizzle said tittering to himself.The other boys started quietly chuckling at the two and their little back and forth.“Good. Now we can start the class”, the Coach said as he pulled away from Grizzle. He reached into his pocket to take out a small whistle and blew into it, causing all the boys to stop talking. He then yelled: “ATTENTION!!!” All the boys stood in place as if they were soldiers in an army. “Ok k**s, I’m your new Coach. My name is Larry Legros. But you can all just call me Larry.”He took out a clip board and moved down the line of boys, getting their names to add to it. While he was doing that Grizzle had turned to Hugo and grumbled: “Ghee, Hugo… thanks for telling me he was behind me.”“Me, I thought a hero in training was trained to be aware of his surroundings”, retorted Hugo.Grizzle just crossed his arms and said: “Whatever.”Meanwhile Larry was standing in front of Donnie Turnbull and Lunk. Donnie was doing all he could to keep from letting Larry see he was looking at the huge bulge in his pants. As soon as Lunk give him his name, Larry walked away to the next group of boys. Donnie without any warning spoke out loud: “Mmm… mmm… mmm, big dick in those pants”. He then stopped and thought about that for a minute and asked: “Did I just say that out loud?”Lunk just looked at him and said: “Yeah ya did, partner.”“Here’s a tip k**, keep it in your head and never let it out your mouth. And maybe one day I’ll show it to you. And if you’re lucky, I’ll show you how it works too”, said Larry slyly.Donnie lowered his head placing his hand on his face. The other boys broke out in laughter of how Donnie just humiliated himself like that. Larry soon heard the sound of something hitting the window. When he looked up, he saw that it was rain.“Well, looks like we all won’t be doing any outside training today”, he said. He reached back into his pocket and took out his whistle, blowing into it once again, and yelled out: “FREE PERIOD EVERYONE!!!”Well, I guess we get a break. How’s about we have a little snack?”, Grizzle asked Hugo. “Oh yeah, Grizzle, didn’t you say over the phone last night you wanted to tell me about your first time having sex with Scooby?”, Hugo reminded him. “Oh yeah, I did. Come on, I’ll tell you while we sit on the bench over there”, he said. “Mind if we join in on that little story?”, asked a voice behind him. He looked behind him to see Bruce Wild and his Pignite pokemon named Chubakkon, along with his boyfriend Sophocles and his pokemon Togedemaru. Also with them were Scutor W. Stomm and his boyfriend Toby. “Hey guys! Sure I’d be happy to share my story with you all”, the hog k** said greeting them with a big smile. “Oh before we get to that, I’d like you all to meet my friend Hugo”, Grizzle said, introducing Hugo to the others. Hugo made a peace sign with his fingers and coolly said: “Sup?” The others started to introduce themselves as well. Bruce went first. He held up his hand and said: “I’m Bruce Wild. But you can call me Bruce. Nice to meet you.” Next was Bruce’s Pignite Chubakkon who had his own way of introducing himself. He moved around Hugo’s body sniffing him all over. Bruce grabbed Chubakkon and pulled him away from Hugo: “Chubakkon! What did I tell you about sniffing people?”. Chubakkon just seemed to get very overexcited and said: “PIGNITE!”. Bruce just sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry. Chubakkon just loves meeting guys”, he informed Hugo. Hugo just smiled and replied: “It’s understandable.” Next was Sophocles and his pokemon Togedemaru. Togedemaru sat on Sophocles’ head as he introduced himself: “Nice to meet you, Hugo. My name is Sophocles and this is my partner Togedemaru.” “He’s really cute”, said Hugo. “Ummm.. My Togedemaru is a girl”, Sophocles informed Hugo. “OH! Then I should’ve said she is pretty then”, he said, feeling a little embarrassed. “It’s ok. Not everyone knows what gender their pokemon is”, said Sophocles. “Well, not if their pokemon isn’t ashamed of showing everyone its gender”, said Bruce as he was looking at Chubakkon.The next one to introduce himself was Scutor. The young tribred walked up to Hugo. “Hi, I’m canlı bahis Scutor W. Stomm, but you can call me Scutor for short”, he told Hugo. “Ok. Nice to know ya. Um, tell me, what does the W. stand for?”, he asked. “It stands for Wild”, Scutor told him. Hugo looked at Scutor. Then he looked at Bruce. “Wait, is your middle name the same as his last name?”, he asked Scutor. “Yeah it is. Why you ask?”, he said. “Does that mean you two are related?”, he asked them. “In a way we are. We’re both part of the same Bloodline”, Bruce informed him. “That’s kinda strange”, Hugo replied. “We can tell you more about it later. Right now I really wanna hear Grizzle’s story. So Toby, why not tell him about yourself so we can get to it before three o’clock?”, asked Bruce. “Ok, as my friend said the name’s Toby. I’m here spending time with my boyfriend here”, he said pointing to Scutor. Scutor started to blush until he was a red as a tomato. He started to back away and ran off telling the others he’ll be waiting for them on the bleachers. “I know what you’re thinking. So I’ll just tell ya now, he gets a little shy when I tell people we’re boyfriends.” “Wait, you’re not here to train to be a hero then?”, asked Hugo. “Oh no, I’m just here to learn a few fighting moves and learn some powerful abilities so I can protect my Uncle. I’m planning on being a train conductor like my Uncle Hudson when I get older”, he told Hugo. “I guess not everyone is here for that then”, said Hugo. “Nope. They might be here learning to fight to protect those dreams and make them come true”, said Sophocles. “Well, if we’re done with the introductions let us go listen to Grizzle’s story”, said Bruce. They started to head to where Scutor was. All except Hugo, who stopped and saw Larry looking around as he scratched the top of his head with a confused look on his face. The colossal man seemed as though he was trying to think of something. Hugo told the others he would join them soon but he wanted to see if Larry needed help with something. Grizzle told him they’d wait up for him.Hugo had nervously walked up to Larry and asked if anything was wrong? The new Coach had turned to him saying he was looking for the sack of balls that the students wanted to play sports with. But since he’s new he didn’t know where the old Coach would put them. Hugo told him that the old Coach kept them in his office. Larry just groaned in a deep grizzly voice: “That can’t be. I just was in there looking for them.” Hugo started to wonder if the old Coach had put them somewhere else. But then he noticed Donnie Turnbull and his gang having a laugh about something. He started to wonder and then it hit him. “Mr. Larry, I think I might know where your balls are.” Hugo took Larry’s hand and took him into the locker room. Once inside, Hugo had let go of Larry’s hand and went to the dirty underwear hamper. He reached inside and started throwing underwear around until he had found what he was looking for. “Gottem, Mr. Larry!”, he shouted triumphantly.”No need to be so formal Hugo, just call me Larry” , the gym teacher said as he patted Hugo on the head, “Tell me how did you know they were here?”.”I think Donnie and his gang might’ve put them in here to mess with you. Mis… I mean Larry”, Hugo snitched.”I see”, Larry said as he lifted the sack over his shoulder. When he looked back at Hugo he said in a very deep scary voice: “Me, Donnie and his little gang are going to have a little talk about jokes like this.” “Man, I’d hate to be them right now”, Hugo thought to himself. When they left the locker room, Larry told Hugo he was going to go and give out the balls and deal with Donnie and his gang. He thanked Hugo one last time and told him to enjoy himself.As Larry went in the other direction Hugo waved to him. Hugo decided to join his friends. He saw them in the stands waiting for him. When he reached them, he saw Grizzle and Bruce were in a heated card battle. It seemed like Bruce was the one winning. From what he saw Grizzle had only one card left. The young hog was backed into a corner. He looked at his card and wondered what category he should go with. He decided to go with the highest score on his card. He threw his card down and said: “GUTS: 28”. Bruce just smiled and calmly threw his card down, saying: “GUTS: 30! Looks like I won”. Grizzle’s mouth almost looked like it was about to hit the floor. He couldn’t believe Bruce’s card was so strong: “How in the world could I stand up to that?” .He looked at the cards and blushed. Grizzle’s card was his own image, while Bruce too held his own card. That meant a double defeat.”Hey guys! what did I miss?”, asked Hugo. Bruce held up the card of himself and replied: “Me beating the hero in training”. Grizzle just turned away and mumbled under his breath: “Now I definitely gotta get my series 2 cards”. When he looked at Hugo he saw the boy smiling at him. “What are you smiling about? And what took you so long?”, he asked. “First, seeing you get your butt kicked. And second, I was helping Larry”, he replied. “You seemed to really be into helping Larry I see”, said Grizzle questioning that. “This coming from the guy who hangs around Scooby a lot”, Hugo retorted while taking a seat next to Grizzle and hitting him in the arm. And he thought to himself: “But yeah, if he was in the cards, he would have a ‘20’ for SEXYNESS”, but instead he said: “Now tell us the story you promised”. “Ok guys this is how it started between me and Scooby……”, Grizzle started to tell the tale of his romantic time with Scooby. As time was slowly passing, the other boys were playing all kinds of sports. Larry was now standing not too far from them and writing stuff down on his clip board. All the while he had Donnie and his gang doing 30000 push-ups. He looked at his watch and saw it was almost three o’ clock. He took out his whistle and gave it one good hard blow, while yelling out: “Ok boys, time for you all to hit the showers!” .Donnie and his gang got up and started to head for the showers. “After all that, I can use a shower”, said Donnie in an exhausted tone as he wiped the sweat from his head. “I reckon I agree with you, partner”, said Lunk. Larry lifted his foot and gave the ground one hell of a stomp, causing the floor to shake under Donnie and his gang’s feet. “Where the hell you boys think you’re all going?”, he asked them. “What? You said everyone hit the showers”, replied Koreo. “I meant everyone else except you guys. You’re not hitting the showers until you all give me 30000. So get back here and GET PUSHING I WANT THIS FLOOR DRENCHED IN YOUR SWEAT, YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!!!”, Larry swore with an evil grin on his face. They all started to groan. They turned around and got back on the floor and started to continue their push-ups. “When I get my hands on the one who ratted us out I’m going to make his life a living hell”, snorted Donnie.”I say we put that vermin in a box”, Lunk joined in. “I think we’ll be doing more than that to him before the putting him in a box part”, added Koreo. In the stands the others were watching as Donnie and his gang were being punished for the trouble they had caused.”It’s nice seeing Donnie and his buddies get what they deserve”, said Bruce. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to hit the showers”, said Grizzle. They all nodded in agreement and started to head to the locker room. Well, all except Hugo who saw Larry who was picking up the balls and putting them away. “Um, you guys go ahead. I’m going to go help Larry put away the balls”, the fat k** said. “Ok Hugo, try not to take too long”, Grizzle replied. The others had already went ahead, leaving Grizzle and Hugo. At the door to the locker room Bruce was telling his Pignite Chubakkon he had to stay outside with Togedemaru. But Chubakkon started to argue with him and Bruce pressed his finger against his snout and told him he wasn’t going to have him running around the lockers and showers, sniffing all the other boys. Chubakkon quickly ran up to him grabbing his pokeball and moved to the side of him, throwing his pokeball into the locker room. Bruce gave his Pignite an angry look and went to get his pokemon’s pokeball. Just as he did that, Chubakkon took his chance and ran into the locker room behind him. Soon Bruce could hear yelling. “Chubakkon! I told you about doing that! Now stop it!”, he screamed at his pokemon.”And this is why I’m not going to be a Pokemon Trainer. Anyway, see ya Hugo”, said Grizzle as he headed for the locker room too. Larry was picking the balls and putting them in the bag. He soon heard a familiar voice behind him saying: “Here”. Larry turned around to see Hugo standing there holding two basketballs. He handed the two balls to him and Larry put them in the sack. “Thanks Hugo. But shouldn’t you be taking a shower now?”, he asked. “I’ll take it after I help you, if that’s ok Larry?”, the k** said while cutely moving the tip of his shoe on the floor. Larry placed his hand on Hugo’s shoulder and gave the boy a smile. “I’d be happy to have you help me”, he said with his deep voice.As they were standing there Lunk had noticed them talking. “So that’s the vermin who ratted us out”, he thought. He saw Donnie and Koreo were to pissed off to notice what was going on. He looked back at Hugo. “Oh well, looks like I get you all to myself. And boy, do I have some severe punishments for you little vermin. And when I’m done then I’ll turn you over to Donnie…. Whatever’s left that is”, he thought to himself. But Hugo didn’t leave Larry’s side, so for the moment there was nothing he could do. Besides, he didn’t dare to leave bahis siteleri the place in case the Coach got back and, noticing he was gone, ordered him to start his push-ups all over again.Hugo and Larry went about the gym, picking up the balls and bringing them to the sack and dropping them in. By the time both of them were done, Larry thanked him and told him he had better go take his shower. Hugo said he’ll do that right away. As he rushed over to the locker room the others were already done and waiting on him. “Whoa! You guys are done already?”, he asked. “What you mean? You’re just letting water run down your body as you soap yourself up. It doesn’t take that long to take a shower”, said Sophocles. Soon Grizzle walked up to him and the first thing Hugo noticed was that he had a huge smile on his face. Grizzle started elbowing him in the arm, all the while going: “Hmm.. Hmm… Hmmm…”. Hugo just looked at him and calmly asked: “Ok man, what is your damage?” “Come on! You think I don’t see what’s going on? Hugo, you like Larry!”, he replied. “WHAT?! Grizzle did you drink the shower water again?”, he asked. “Yeah. But what’s that got to do with this?”, the hog asked back. “I don’t like Larry. I mean he is a big beefy guy. But I’m sure he has someone already.” As he was saying that he was looking at Larry. The huge man was scratching his balls through his gym shorts and then he started to sniff his hand. “I highly doubt that”, said Bruce after seeing what Hugo saw. “Whatever. I’m going take my shower”, he cut them short. “You want me to wait for you then?”, Grizzle asked. “No, I’ll be okay”, he assured the young hog. “Ok then. I’ll see you tomorrow Hugo, take it easy”; with that Grizzle and the others left to head home. Hugo went in the locker room and took a seat on the bench and started to undress. He then went into the area where the showers were and turned on the water and took his shower. Hugo his mind wandered off. He was thinking about his new Coach. The other k**s might only see a big brute, but he didn’t see it that way. Maybe it was the distinguished smell of testosterone the teach gave way. Maybe it was the deep raw voice Hugo found utterly hot. It definitely was the huge bulge he kept in his pants. The boy felt attracted to the Coach in a way he couldn’t describe. It seemed to come out of nowhere, like love at first sight. He snickered when he thought of how Grizzle had shrunk when he first saw Larry and how he did teach Donnie and his gang of bullies a lesson. The new Coach was mean. But in a good way. Not one to mess around with. Thinking about Larry, Hugo noticed his dick got bigger. At the same time he had a warm feeling in his under belly. Feeling how his dick came alive , Hugo put his hand in his undies, swirling his dick like it was a baby lasso and playing with the foreskin. It grew in size. Slowly he started to jack off. Some boys liked to beat their meat franticly, but not Hugo. Hugo liked to take it slow. He had his dick out of his undies now and spat on it. He rubbed only the head and foreskin. The reaction came immediately and his dick grew more in size. Soon he was supporting a big and hard erection. He loved to switch positions when jacking off: leaning against the wall, with his hips pushed forward, then sitting down and finally he sat up on all fours. Slowly rubbing one out, switching hands from time to time. He made long, twisting strokes from base to tip. Then he palmed and pulled the head of his dick while masturbating with a full-hand grip before switching back to the classic three-finger grip. He got most pleasure out of holding his dick against his stomach and stroking the underside of the shaft quickly with his left hand. As he got closer to his climax, he moved his hips in a back-and-forth motion and increased the speed, while pulling down on his balls with the other hand. He was really edging it, stroking his dick right up until the edge of cumming, then slowing down and starting all over again, all the time thinking about his sexy Coach. Finally he reached the point where he really couldn’t hold in anymore and he shot his cum high up in the air, screaming out in a high-pitched voice: “Larry!”.When he was done, he left the shower area. He saw the dirty underwear hamper. “Since no one’s here I guess I can take a little whiff”, he thought to himself. He reached in to it and saw a pair of blue briefs. He grabbed them and took a deep sniff. He moaned softly and wondered if the person who they belonged to had his name on them. As he was looking for the name he heard a voice behind him. “I thought I was the only one who liked doing that.” He quickly turned around, only to see Larry standing over him. “Larry, I can explain”, he tried to say.But Larry just smiled: “It’s ok, Hugo. Like I said, I like doing that too when I’m alone.” “R-Really?”, he asked. Larry just patted him on the head. He looked Hugo’s body over, seeing the boy in just his tightly whities. “Hey k**, I like your undies. You wanna come back to my place and see mine?”, he asked. Hugo looked at him and blushed a bit. “Maybe”, he replied in a shy tone.“Well, it’s a deal then. I’ll be waiting for you outside”, Larry said and he winked at him.Hugo blushed while he got dressed. Could it be? Him and the new Coach? He felt excited and happy. That’s why he didn’t notice Lunk had entered the room, just when he was about to leave. “Well, well… Isn’t that our little snitch, our teacher’s pet?”, the big brute said while blocking the entrance. “Bu…But…”, Hugo started to say.“Bu… Bu…, what’s the matter you rat? Lost your speech? I am gonna kick out your teeth so you won’t be snitchin’ no more”, Lunk said while he tried to close Hugo in. Luckily for Hugo all those push-ups Lunk did had made his arms and legs weary and made him lose his speed. As fast as he could Hugo made it passed Lunk and to the door. After him he heard the bully scream: “You can run but you can’t hide, I am gonna get you and kick that ugly face of yours to pulp!!”When Hugo arrived at the meeting point, he was out of breath. “What’s the matter, Hugo, we’re not in a hurry, you didn’t have to run”, the teach said. Hugo decided not to make things worse so he kept his mouth shut about what had just happened.In his room Larry showed Hugo his parrot while he was taking out his shoes, shirt and pants until he wore nothing but his stained undies. He scratched his balls, putting both hands in his undies. Then he grunted out of pleasure and comfort. When he retreated his hands he sniffed at them. “Well, here’s good ole me in my undies”, he said.In a very deep voice, Larry told Hugo to go sit on the bed and he sat beside him. He put his hand upon the k**’s shoulders and pulled him closer to him. “Are you scared of me?”, he asked Hugo with his baritone voice.“No. But it is hot in here”, the boy replied.“Then why not make yourself comfortable and take off your clothes too?”, Larry smiled, “I can get you some ice cream if you want.”“I’d love that”, Hugo replied.Larry walked to the fridge. Hugo stared at his gym teacher’s hairy back and shoulders. They were as hairy as his belly. He looked awesome. Larry came back with a large bowl of vanilla ice and a can of whipped cream. He gave Hugo the bowl and put a mountain of whipped cream on top. Larry ate some spoons of ice cream, spilling the whipped cream on his belly. “Oops, I’m sorry about that”, he laughed. Larry wanted to wipe it off, but Hugo told him it might be sticky on his hands. So instead, the huge man took the bowl out of the chubby k**’s hands and told him to come and sit on his lap. Hugo did as he was told and the Coach started to lick off the whipped cream from his belly. He didn’t stop when the whipped cream was gone. Instead he started to kiss the k** while pinching his nipples. If Hugo was taken by surprise, he didn’t show it. His nipples being pinched hard did hurt a bit, but it felt exciting at the same time. Quickly, the kissing too became more vigorously. Larry’s fat tongue was filling Hugo’s mouth completely. And the k** could feel how Larry’s dick pushed through the fabric against his ass. The parrot in the room started talking and said: “Fuck me daddy. Fuck me hard.”“Do you want me to fuck you?”, Larry asked, “Can you handle some rough play?”“We can try”, Hugo said.Larry’s dick was by all means impressive. Uncircumcised, very hairy and of a respectable girth. It smelled sweaty. Hugo was still sitting on the bed when Larry stood in front of him.“Open your mouth”, he said while he pushed the chubby k**’s head a bit backwards. Hugo obeyed eagerly. He choked as the big man shoved his semi erect dick inside. “Now suck it till it’s hard”, he said.He didn’t have to tell Hugo twice. When it came to sucking, the k** was a pro. The other k**s didn’t call him “BJ” for nothing. He loved to feel how with each movement of his lips Larry’s dick got hard in his mouth. It grew in size rapidly and soon he had trouble taking it all in. But that didn’t stop Larry, on the contrary. It made him even more horny than he already was and the teach grabbed the back of the k**’s head and face-fucked him hard.“Oohhhhh…”, the room filled with the sound of low, almost inaudible moans of Larry on one hand and the choking sounds of Hugo on the other. Tears were rolling from the boy’s eyes. He had his hands around Larry’s ass and was pulling the hair vigorously, as to warn the man to slow down a bit. Larry felt the discomfort of the k** and stopped. “You sure you can take it?”, he asked.“Yes I can”, Hugo said. He didn’t want Larry to stop there. “But maybe it is better if I bottom up for you.”“Now bahis şirketleri that’s an idea”, Larry smiled and without a warning he ripped the undies of Hugo, literally tore them up. The parrot in the room had started talking again: “Fuck me daddy. Fuck me hard.”“Well, you heard the parrot”, Larry said, “It’s time to step it up a bit.”Larry gave Hugo a pillow to put under his ass, making it lay higher than the rest of his body. The k** lay on his back, head against the headboard, and Larry sat on his knees in front of him. He lifted the k**’s ass with his hands and spat on it. The spit ran down from his balls sack until it reached his hole. Larry started to lick the ass in front of him, buried his face in it and pushed his tongue past the ass muscle. It looked like the boy was very narrow and Larry liked that idea. All that could be heard were slurping sounds. Both of them were so in the zone, Larry didn’t realize it had been a while since he swallowed, so now he was vacuuming up all the extra saliva in and around Hugo’s ass.The ass was nicely wet, so he put his finger in. It slid in and out surprisingly easy and Hugo’s reaction came immediate. “Aahhhhhh… teach”, he said and when Larry’s finger hit the k**’s prostate the “Aahhhhhh” soon became “Aagggggghh…”.“Fuck me daddy. Fuck me hard”, the parrot continued.Larry bended Hugo’s legs closer to the body with one hand and slapped his dick on the k**’s buttocks with the other. “Lets’ step it up a notch, shall we?”, he asked Hugo.“Yes, pleeeaasse…”, the k** replied, still thinking about how good the finger felt up his ass. Off course, this wasn’t a finger anymore. Larry’s dick was fat and hard.Larry liked Hugo and he didn’t want to go rough on him immediately. The k** had to adjust to the size and the feel of his dick first. Luckily he had a lot of precum. It dripped from his rock hard dick and it surely made the penetration go much easier. But still, it was a fairly big amount of dick for the k** to take in and Larry saw how his body tensed up a bit.“Relax, k**do. It’s gonna hurt slightly, but the more it does the more pleasant it will become once we get the fucking going”, Larry said while he bend over to kiss Hugo on the back, as to reassure him.“O…Okay then, go ahead Coach, I can take it”, Hugo replied, biting his teeth.The k**’s ass was really narrow and Larry could feel how the buttocks squeezed his dick. The pressure on his veins made him even more hard and he used that hardness to pump it in deeper.“Aaauw…”, that was Hugo. But Larry decided to let it pass because he knew the sooner they got through it, the better it would become. So instead of retreating a bit he pushed forward. The k** heaved a big scream but Larry got all the way inside and rested on him. He patted the k** on the head and french-kissed him while slowly making circular motions with his hips and let his dick slide in and out ever so slowly. Soon he got free access and he started to pound more brutal. Larry loved brutal a****l-like sex. He loved it more than anything. In his experience he knew that there was a point where the ferocity was a step-up to the next level of pleasure for both top and bottom. The parrot’s chant was like a cheerleader: “Fuck me daddy. Fuck me hard.”Downstairs Raul opened the front door. The first thing he heard were the loud screams of Hugo. Hard to say what it was, he ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When he wanted to smash in Larry’s door he suddenly changed his mind. Instead he opened it quietly. These weren’t the sounds of a prince in distress. What he heard now were Larry’s monstrous grunts covering up Hugo’s screams. And what he saw was how the thin cardboard wall was shaking violently. Inside the room Larry fucked Hugo as loudly as a hurricane. You could hear him grunting “Aah, aah, aah”, each time his dick hit the bottom of the young k**. That and the sound of meat slapping meat when his underbelly was slamming up the butt . The matrass was squeaking like a pig in heat and each time Hugo’s head hit the headboard of the bed you could hear “Bong.. bong… bong”. Other sounds were more muffled, like the “Splish splosh” sound of Larry’s dick getting in and out. Or Hugo encouraging Larry to continue, saying: “Mmmmh, oh yeah, aaahhh…”. All that noise had even made the parrot silent. Larry’s studio appartment wasn’t all that big. To have some privacy he had placed a paper screen to divide his bed from the rest of the room. But from where Raul stood he still had a good sight on the action tho.There was a light shining from the side of the bed, pointed at the paper screen. When Raul shifted his sight he could see – projected on the screen – how Larry fucked Hugo. It looked like an Indonesian shadow play of Wayang. Behind the screen he saw the behemoth figure of Larry leaning over Hugo. But the shadows showed no distinction between them. Through the shadows they became one. At first it looked like an amorphous mass. But when he adjusted his eyes he could clearly distinguish different shapes. Like an alien life form coming alive. You know, like one looks at the clouds passing by and can see all kind of figures in the different forms and shapes.Raul saw what looked like a monster with a giant dick (Larry’s arm?) getting a spanking. The image got supported by the grunts and the screams Hugo and Larry made: “growl*aah-oh*ugh-ugh*aaarggll”. Then the shadow monster changed shape into something new. Raul saw two dinosaurs fighting a heroic battle. One a giant stegosaurus and the other one a triceratops (Hugo’s haircut?), wildly biting around. And again those sounds: terrifying roars, like growls that rattled the room. It was a witches’ brew of baby elephant cries, tiger chuffs and a gargling alligator.Raul blinked his eyes and the scenery changed once again. It now looked like a video of two turtles played in a fast mode, like one of those funny vids where they break the sound in short cuts and one hits the ‘continuous play’ button. The biggest turtle stuck his head in and out of his shell in rapid movements (Larry’s dick, no doubt), while the other turtle danced a strange dance on the rhythm of that weird soundtrack. Raul remembered he once saw two turtles fuck on the deserted beach of a pirate island. It sounded exactly like that. He had never forgotten those prehistoric sounds, carried all over the island by the wind: “Aaarrrrrrrrrr” repeated for hours.Watching the shadows had made him lost in thoughts, with a hard dick in his pants. He rubbed both his dick and his eyes. Then he looked away from the screen, back to the action behind it.Larry was panting, breathing heavily. This was a man who was giving it his all. You could hear the rhythmic grunts. “Grrrrrrrrr.” Deep grunts paired with thrusting.At the other side of the bed, Hugo let out some kind of half-sneeze, like he sort of hiccupped at the same time, like a weird yelp escaping his lips. “Hubulubuhubuh.” The k** was in a state of delirium, almost looking cross-eyed while his body was shaking heavily.It was raw and brutal and close to a primal force set free. As the bed was bouncing up and down, the floor was shaking. Hugo now let out high-pitched squeals, lost in the throes of passion, screeching uncontrollably. At the door Raul had taken out his dick as well, stroking it at the sight. Then he decided to call his buddy Munoz: “Munoz, where the fuck are you?” As it happened Munoz was standing at the front door. “Get the fuck up here”, Raul said.At that precise moment you could hear the sound of wood breaking. Larry broke the bed. Not bothered by it he lifted Hugo up, his dick still inside, taking it from the bed to his door. Raul quickly backed off as the door slammed closed, Larry and Hugo still unaware he was in the next room. “Damn it, I can’t see shit anymore”, he swore. “Hmmm, at least I have all that noise to put my imagination at work. Man what a racket, that Larry is a b**st”, he thought. Reaching the top floor, Munoz saw Raul with his pants on his ankles, supporting a huge erection. Raul signaled at Munoz to be quiet. They could hear Larry slamming it into Hugo as he had him pinned up against the door. And that crazy parrot in his cage continued to say: “Fuck me daddy. Fuck me harder.”On the other side of the door, it got Munoz instantly hard. He beckoned Raul to lean against the door as well, facing it, while he on his turn started to fuck his buddy. If the door would have been a window one could have seen how the four of them were like a mirror image.Larry was letting out very low steady moans in Hugo’s ear, like weird tantric chants.Munoz too let out muffled groans and moans into Raul’s neck, trying to hold back but unable to. “Ohhhhhh…Aaahhhhhh…Aagggghhh” ricocheted around the room. All four their breathing got really rushed and heavy. Again Hugo’s body started to shake uncontrollably. With a high pitched out-of-control-voice he screeched “Aahhh!” while he was shooting his cum all over the door. Larry too was close to cumming. He let out a scream like a rumbling thunder, pinching Hugo even closer to the door, and shot load after load of hot cum up the k**’s ass.Munoz and Raul’s moment of glory sounded like an echo. Raul wanted to shout: “I’m coming”, but Munoz hand covered his mouth as Raul too sprayed his cum on their side of the door. At exactly the same moment Munoz let his cum ooze out in long powerful streams. Unaware of what happened in the other room, Larry and Hugo went sitting on the broken bed again. “You’re a great k**, Hugo”, Larry said, “To be honest I wasn’t sure you had it in you but you took it as a man. Hell, I had men begging me to stop, but not you. Sweet soft ass too.”Hugo was still breathing heavily. “It was AWESOME !”, he said. And then, like a greedy k**: “I wanna do it again soon.”Larry laughed, a big rumbling laugh coming from the depths of his belly.

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