The Long Weekend

21 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Big Tits

“Okay, here’s the plan,” Patty said. We’d been sitting in TGIFridays since work finished for the day chowing down on appetizers and smoothies. I guess it was more of a summit than a meeting. We didn’t all work at the same place – Patty and Casey worked for an insurance company, and I worked across town in a dental lab – but our husbands all knew each other. Even though we’d all become friendly, our husbands were the reason for this particular meeting.

Casey’s husband works in IT and he was forever buying gadgets. Well, his ongoing project was to wire the whole house up to a central computer so that it would do anything – turn on the lights from work, make your breakfast, yadda yadda. The offshoot of this being that since he had acquired such massive computing power it was also perfectly suited to host a LAN party – not that I speak the language, but I’d been hearing about it for weeks. To our husbands it was all gee whizz, but to the three of us it was just a total geek-fest. Not that we mind what our boys do – it’s far more desirable than getting sloshed every weekend and coming home drunk. No, our husbands were simply big kids with disposable incomes and a whole marketplace replete with built-in obsolescence. Being the sophisticated ladies that we are (!) we decided that the boys could have the basement of Casey’s house for the whole weekend and we’d – well, we’d do something less nerdy.

“You finally found something you want to do?” Casey said. We’d been mulling it over for the best part of two hours.

“Let’s fly up to Minneapolis and go to the Mall of America,” Patty said, with a smile that positively radiated with an ain’t-I-smart glow. Patty was every bit as childish as her husband, Tim, a writer for one of the two local newspapers. Well, childish isn’t really the word, I guess, but they sure liked to goof around.

“I already suggested that!” Casey said.

“You said drive up. That’s a seven hour drive. You think I want to be stuck in a car with you for seven hours?” Patty said.

“Eat me, Bitch,” Casey replied and chugged down her smoothie.

“Not that I agree with Patty – you know about being stuck in a car with either of you – but flying up there would be cool,” I said. “Yeah, that’s a really good idea.”

“Yeah, and Orbitz has the best deals. That’s where I got the – “

“Tickets to San Francisco,” Casey and I both said.

“Well screw you guys,” Patty said. “So what d’you think?”

“Hell yeah!” Casey said.

“I’m in,” I said. So, after that, we realized that it was going on 7:30, and it would probably be a good idea to be getting back. I left already excited by the trip. I’d never been to Minneapolis before, and I love malls, so this was perfect. I wondered why I hadn’t been the one to think of it.

Getting Fred to agree with it was a snap. When I mentioned it during supper he was all for it. “Sure, go for it,” he said. “You won’t see me for two days anyway. We’ll all be locked in Tim’s basement and the only thing you’ll hear will be the screams of dying Jedi.”

“And you’ll smell like last week’s laundry too,” I smiled. “Another good reason for me not to be here.”

“You guys have fun,” he said. “I know I’m gonna.”

“If I’d have known you were this much of a geek before I married you – ” I started.

“You’d still have married me.”

“Yeah,” I smiled back at him. “I probably would have.”

A week later, we flew from Midway to Minneapolis, just the three of us as planned. It was a short flight, but Casey still managed to nod off, and she was a bear to wake up when we landed. After getting our baggage, she was fine, but almost had a heart attack when the cabbie charged us $15 for the five minute ride to the hotel. We almost had to drag her into the hotel, kicking and screaming.

We checked in, and went straight to the room. Since there were only three of us, we thought it was a neat idea to get a suite. It had a king-size bed in the bedroom and a big fold out couch in the living room, and best of all, a huge jacuzzi in the master bathroom. “This rocks,” Patty said. All in all, the $200 plus spending money wasn’t a bad deal at all.

Casey flopped on the bed, and I said, “Okay, what’s the arrangements? Who snores?”

“Casey,” Patty said. Casey threw a pillow at her.

“Patty, you got the room, so you can take have first dibs on the bed. Do eenie meenie minie mo with us.”

Patty whittled it down to Casey, leaving me with the couch. “Fine,” I said. “You can have Casey. I didn’t want to sleep with you anyway.”

“Oh, you did too,” Casey said. We laughed.

Actually, we laughed a whole lot that weekend. We found that other than the Mall of America, the Twin Cities is just as dull as any other city not called New York, but it was cool being in a different place regardless. We spent Friday night at the mall checking out the stores, then had a few drinks at one of the bars on the top floor, then took off back to the hotel for the night. I slept like a rock.

The next day, we scored Twin tickets and went to the Metrodome in the afternoon, then went right back to the mall again to pick up some of the stuff we’d looked at the day before. We were pretty much done by 10;30, and we had decided earlier in the afternoon that the jacuzzi was just too good to waste. We had a morning flight back to Chicago the zenci porno next day and we didn’t want to get snockered, which is what we probably would have done.

We got back to the room starving. We hadn’t eaten since breakfast, other than a couple of ballpark hotdogs that afternoon. Casey began filling the jacuzzi while Patty and I debated supper. I wanted pizza, but Patty – notoriously fickle Patty – couldn’t decide. “Call the front desk,” Casey called out from the bathroom. See who delivers.”

The front desk clerk gave me a few names – all pizza places – so after much hand wringing, Patty settled on a veggie lovers from Pizza Hut, which suited the rest of us just fine. We changed into our swimsuits, and broke open the case of wine we’d brought back, and climbed into the tub, collectively sighing.

“What d’you think the guys are doing right now?” Casey asked.

“Drinking, swearing, and grabbing their joysticks like crazy,” I said. “You know – guy stuff.”

“They are so geeky,” Patty said while Casey poured the wine. “D’you know Tim has seen Lord of the Rings ten freakin times?”

“It’s like genetic or something,” Casey said. “Ray’s dad’s got this big ass train set in his basement. I mean this sucker takes up half the basement. He’s been like building it forever.”

“And Fred’s dad builds model airplanes,” I said. “You’re right, Patty. It’s got to be genetic.”

“But!” Casey said, “They DO make decent money, so here’s the first toast of the night: to big ass geeks.” We toasted our dorky-but-loveable hubbies, and went on our way.

Somewhere along the line, I got lost in the conversation; Casey and Patty were talking shop, and I was absently flipping through channels and that Real Sex show was on HBO. The segment was on strippers. The one chick being interviewed didn’t seem to have two brain cells to rub together. “I thought strippers were all college chicks working on phds,” Patty said.

“Yeah, right,” Casey said. “This chick is totally stupid. Listen to her. “And like I did this, and then I like did that.””

“She’s pretty hot, though,” Patty said.

“What?” Casey said. “You think she’s hot?”

“Yeah,” Patty said. “I’d do her.”

“Whatever!” Casey said, and flicked water at Patty. Just then, someone knocked on the door. “Pizza’s here,” Casey said, and got up, reached for a towel. After she left to go get the food, I looked at Patty and said, “You really think she’s hot?”

“Sure,” she shrugged. “I’m bi.”

“No way!” I said. “Are you really?”

“I haven’t done it with another woman since college, but I’m attracted to women.”

“Now that’s a shocker,” I said. “Does Tim know?”

“I’ve mentioned it, but we’ve never brought it up.”

“I’ve experimented in college too, but that was it for me.”

“Never thought of it since?” she asked.

“Not really.”

“Too bad,” Patty said, and gave me a lingering look. I could feel my nipples getting hard under the water, but I was suddenly embarrassed. When Casey burst into the room I was glad for the distraction.

“Oh my God,” she said. “I had this crazy idea.”

“What? Where’s the pizza?” I asked.

“I haven’t got it yet. I looked out the spyhole, and it’s a guy who delivered it.”

“Well, go get it,” Patty said. “We’re starving.”

“D’you dare me to answer the door naked?” she said. “That would be a total blast.”

“So do it,” I said. Casey took off her one-piece and primped her hair. She had a nice body, sort of bony, and she had small breasts, but she was well proportioned. Tight little butt.

“Well, damn it,” Patty said, standing. “If you do it, I’ll do it too.” Patty was wearing a small two-piece, and she had huge tits. I mean, you’re probably talking 36D here. Boy, when she whipped off that top it was an eyeful. I looked away, embarrassed. The pizza guy knocked the door harder.

“Just a minute!” Casey said, and looked at me. “Ok, Claire,” she said. “You gotta do it too.”

“I knew this was coming. Sure,” I said, “Why not?” Patty watched me take off my bathing suit while Casey went to the door. “You guys ready?” she asked. “Go in the room.”

I followed Patty into the living room, looking at her body. Her long blonde hair reached down to the small of her narrow back, pointing down at her behind. My nipples were swollen and rock hard, like little pebbles. I suddenly thought of the girl I’d been with in college. It had just been a couple of times, and then she dropped out of school and I never saw her again. She’d promised to keep in touch, but the letters dried up after three months, and I never heard from her again.

Patty turned to me and said, “Here, lay down on the rug and I’ll pretend to massage your back.”

“Okay,” I said quietly. I lay face down, and Patty straddled me. Her hands pressed themselves on my lower back and she began to rub slowly. It felt heavenly. “D’you want to mess around after Casey goes to sleep,” she asked me.

“Uh … I don’t know about that,” I said.

“You guys – ” Casey said. “Here goes.”

Casey opened the door and I heard her telling the guy to bring in the pizza. When she stepped aside and he saw us, his jaw dropped. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. He had no idea what to do except try to pretend he saw this sort of thing all the time.

“Damn,” zorla seks porno Casey said. “I don’t have enough for a tip, I’m sorry … ” she pouted.

“Th – that’s okay,” the poor guy stuttered. I looked at his crotch. He had a rocket in there, that was for sure. Patty’s hands rubbed my back in a circular motion, relaxing me.

When the pizza guy had left, Casey cracked up and that made us laugh too. “Oh my God,” she said. “Did you see the look on his face?”

“Seeing the look on your pizza delivery guy’s face when he sees you naked – priceless,” Patty said. She rolled off me and took the box into the room. We sat in a circle and ate casually. Not really talking by that point. I think it would probably have been a good time to put our suits back on, but we didn’t.

“I didn’t know you shaved,” Casey said to Patty. “Isn’t that itchy when it grows back?”

“I don’t know,” Patty replied. “I don’t let it grow back.”

“Does Tim like it?” I asked.

“He sure does. He likes to lick me right after I’m done shaving.”

“Ever cut yourself down here?” Casey asked.

“I’m really careful. I wax my butthole too.”

“No way,” Casey gaped. She was totally in awe.

In reply, Patty turned around and got on all fours, stuck her butt in the air. I looked at her huge tits hanging down, swaying as she moved. I couldn’t take it anymore. I put down my pizza and knelt beside her and ran my finger across her butthole.

“That’s pretty smooth,” I said.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you just did that.” Casey said.

“Did this?” I said, doing it again, slower. With my other hand resting on Patty’s upturned cheek, I could feel her shudder. With my eyes still on Casey, I wet my finger with my mouth and pressed the tip of it against Patty’s asshole again, and began to rub across it harder. “Are you going to sit there and watch, or be all disgusted?” I asked her.

“I didn’t think you guys were into this,” Casey said. “I’ve never – you know – “

“Come on over here and put your tongue where my finger is,” I told her. I moved my finger away, and put a hand on each of Patty’s ass cheeks and spread them wider apart. “If you don’t like it, you can go watch TV.”

Casey blinked, unsure about what to do, then she went on her hands and knees and crawled over and put her face right by Patty’s ass. She put her tongue out and I watched her touch Patty’s asshole with it. Patty quivered. I tried spreading her cheeks wider, but they were already spread as far as they could go. I looked down at Casey, who was suddenly lapping at Patty’s waxed, bald asshole like a cat drinking milk. My pussy was wet, and my clit was tingling. It turned me on to see Casey eat Patty’s ass like that. I let go of Patty and went behind Casey and started to rim her slowly at first. Her ass wasn’t waxed, but her hairs were soft and fine. I licked the edge of her tight little hole and it made her shudder hard and push herself back on my face. I took that as an invitation to lick harder until I stopped and began to push my tongue into her ass, slowly, little by little, until her hole was good and wet, then I started probing it as dee as I could, faster and faster. Casey squirmed against my face. I could smell her wet pussy, and it was making mine wet too. I moved down from her ass to her pussy and licked her there a little bit, but it was a bad angle, so I stopped and stood up, went to the bed and watched for a while. Patty rolled over onto her back and Casey lay on top of her and they started making out hard. Patty’s hands were holding onto Casey’s little ass as their tongues probed each other’s mouths. I opened my legs and touched my clit as I watched them. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch two women making love.

I sat there for a while rubbing my clit and finger banging myself until I thought I was close to cumming and I stopped. Patty and Casey joined me on the bed and we knelt facing each other. Soon we were making out with each other; me and Casey, me and Patty, Casey and Patty again. Casey was a passionate kisser. Whenever we’d start kissing, she’d look into my eyes and kiss me small on the lips first. That was sexy.

Patty lay down and Casey and I lay on either side of her and took one of her huge tits each. “Yeah, suck my nipples,” Patty said. It was really turning her on. Her nipples were big and hard, and her titties were so heavy. While I licked and sucked on Patty’s left nipple, I watched Casey do the same. We made eye contact a lot while we were doing that, and that turned me on. I really wanted her.

I reached down between Patty’s legs and touched her bald pussy – her smooth skin was slick with her juice. I smeared it all over her lips and over her clit. She opened her legs for me and I rubbed her clit harder until Casey turned around and put her head down there and started licking my finger and Patty’s clit.

“Oh that feels so good, you guys,” Patty moaned. Casey crawled on top of her and sixty-nined her. I felt a bit left out, just watching again, but watching them while I fingered myself was just so hot that it didn’t really matter. I wished we had a dildo or something like that. A big, thick, long dildo that I could cram into my wet pussy and ride hard until I came, watching my two best friends making love. I made do with my hands until Casey crawled off and over to me.

“I’ve wanted to eat you out for months,” Casey said. “I’ve never been with a woman before tonight, but there were times when I’ve wanted you so bad.” She put her head between my legs and when her tongue touched my clit I felt electrified. I opened my legs and thrust my hips up at her, and then I felt her thumb pressing against my asshole. I relaxed and let myself slide down onto it, and God that felt good. While Casey ate me, she fucked my asshole slowly with her thumb, and I felt I was going to cum again, so I pushed her off me and back on the bed. This time it was her turn to be eaten. She laid back and I went right down on her, flicking my tongue over her clit and fucking her pussy with my tongue. Patty knelt over her, so her tits were hanging down in front of Casey’s face. Eager to please, she reached up and held those big titties and sucked them one at a time. That was really hot to watch.

“Damn, we should have gave the pizza guy a huge tip,” Patty said. “I really need to feel a big cock in my pussy.”

I looked up and said, “I was thinking a big dildo would be nice right about now. My pussy’s so wet for something big and hard.”

“Me too,” Casey sighed, then looked at me. “God, I feel so nasty.” She did have a slutty look on her face as she looked at me.

“What are you thinking,” I asked her. “You’re thinking of something nasty, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I was, as a matter of fact … ” She paused and said, “Fist my pussy, Claire. Stick you whole hand right inside my cunt.”

“You’re serious?” I asked. “That’s pretty adventurous.”

“Do it, Claire,” Patty said. She got down on her elbows with a deeply interested look on her face.

“If you’re sure … ” I said, and Casey nodded. “Ok, tell me when to stop.”

I fingered her wet pussy a few times, just with one finger first, then with two. It felt pretty tight when I got the third finger in, but the pinkie was a little easier. “How does it feel so far?” I asked her.

“Shit, it feels good, Claire, don’t stop.” Casey said. She was breathing really hard. I folded my thumb against my palm as close as I could, then put the tip of it into her and slowly pushed my hand in right up to the knuckles. “Oh my God,” Casey moaned really loud. “Your hand feels really big.”

“That’s because your pussy is so friggin tight,” Patty said. “She’s got it almost all the way, Casey.”

“Okay,” I said, “Here’s the hard part. Ready?”

“Do it,” Casey grunted. I twisted my hand around a little to the right and pushed in. After my hand got past the knuckles, it just popped right in there. Casey squealed and moved her hips up and down on the bed. She sure didn’t look as if she was having fun, but I could recognize the sounds of sheer pleasure coming from her. She sat up on her elbows and said, “Patty, rub my clit until I cum. Oh Jesus, that feels so good in my pussy.”

Patty got her finger wet and rubbed Casey’s thick little clit, round and around, faster and faster until Casey gave a strangled sound and said, “Oh my God, I’m cumming. Keep rubbing my clit.” Patty rubbed faster, and it wasn’t long after that that Casey came, and she came hard. I could feel her pussy contract like a fist around my hand, tight. It was sort of funny to watch her cum, because it looked as if she was giving birth. After she had stopped cumming, I took my hand out of her pussy a bit faster than I had put it in so it wouldn’t be so intense. Casey flopped back on the bed, totally drained. “That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had,” she sighed.

“I can’t believe you took her whole hand all the way inside that tiny pussy of yours,” Patty said. She sounded really impressed. “After this I’m going to want to fuck you with my big black dildo. It’s almost as thick as a summer sausage.”

“I’m up for that,” Casey said.

“I think we should have these get togethers more often,” I said. “It really turned me on to fist you like that. You guys gotta make me cum now. I can’t stand it.”

“I’ll do it,” Patty said. “Then you can do something nasty for me too. Maybe you both can, actually.”

“What?” I asked.

“Just lay back. I’m going to eat your pussy until you cum on my face, okay?”

“Okay,” I said and lay back, opening my legs for her. She put her tongue right in my hole right away, and it sent a shiver up my spine, making me all tingly. While she started to lick me, Casey rolled over and starting sucking my nipples. That was so unbelievable to have two cute girls paying attention to my body like that. It felt better than it ever had at college, when I didn’t really know what I was doing. Patty took her mouth away and leaned up on her elbows, took one of her titties in her hand and began to rub her nipple across my clit. That sent waves of sheer pleasure rippling through me. Casey straddled my face and sucked my juice from Patty’s nipple, before Patty rubbed it across me again. As they did that a few times, I put my face up to Casey’s asshole and began rimming her deeply, pulling her ass down on my face. I guess she liked that. I started thinking about my husband’s cock filling her tight asshole with me in that position. I’d be able to look up and see his cock sliding in and out of her asshole perfectly. I imagined him withdrawing from her ass and sliding his cock into my mouth, where I’d suck it in, tasting her, before he filled her ass with it again. Thinking that, just as Patty started to eat me out, pushed me over the edge and I came hard too, my thighs pressing on either side of Patty’s face, until I eventually relaxed.

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