The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents:

6 Temmuz 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents:The Visit: Part IFriday’s are the best day of the week since I turned ** years old and my parents bought me my first smart phone. A year earlier my parents decided it was ok for me to have my first phone, which was a flip phone, and not a smart phone, as texting was difficult at times and the internet was horrible, but I managed. It had been three whole days since I had texted Liam and the secret adventure I had in the Wal-Mart bathroom. Way too long in my opinion. Something needed to be done about this, so I grabbed my phone under my bed ans started to text Liam. He was over twice my age and we’ve been chatting for almost two months now. He lived in another state but I just found out that he was going to be close by due to his work. After we texted for hours that night he told me he was going to be staying at a hotel in the city for the weekend. The city was San Fransico, which was about 6 hours or so from where I lived. He told me he had a rent-a-car and would have no problem driving up to see me, thats if I wanted him to. I was so nervous and excited at the same time, but I managed to tell him yes. I told him that I have a curfew and have to be home by 8pm every night. With a six hour ride from San Francisco, he mentioned the idea about comming to my house. I was speachless as there was a long pause before I texted him back with my response.Teaganella: Huh? What do you mwan come to my house??Pug Jones: Well I’m gonna have a long ride to where you are and I will have a long ride back. So thats 12 hours in the car and I have to be back at at my motel Sunday to get ready for my work appointment Monday morning. So I was thinking when I get close by near your town I will just text you and maybe we can go from there. What do you think about that?Teaganella: Ummm. . . .sure. . .I guess. So like you will text me when you come to Honeydew?Pugs Jones: Yeah. When I arrive I will text you and maybe you can tell me where you live and I an gps your address and maybe see you. I’m not sure how yet, but I believe we could figure something out. Are you ok with that Teagan?Teaganella: Ummmm. . . .yeah I think so. Its just sounds so crazy and risky. . . I mean my parents will be home tomorow night. They wont let me go out, so I will be here for sure. It just sounds impossible!Pugs Jones: Don’t you worry your little head Teagan. How many times have sneaked through your bedroom window at night since we started talking and I been in your room for hours without any interruptions?Teaganella: Ummmm. . . .never. But that was make-believe though.Pugs Jones: Yes Teagan. . . .and now all your dreams will come true. Just you wait my little strawberry. I will text you when I get to Honeydew tomorrow. Goodnight Teagan and sweet dreams! :)Teaganella: kk! Goodnight! :)The nex day I set the alarm on my phone to go off with plenty of time for me to shower and be ready before my parents came home, as they asked me to watch my little sister while they went out for awhile. Once I was finished with my shower I threw on some shorts and a tshirt and continued bursa escort to watch my little sister till my parents came home. As we watched the Disney channel my little sister fell asleep next to me on the couch. It was almost 6pm and all I could think about was Liam texting me that he was close by. I just wanted my parents to come back home so I could go back to my bedroom after telling them that I was off to bed. An hour later they walked through the door.”We’re back!” my dad said loudly as they closed the door behind them.”Hey mom, hey dad! How was your night out together?” I asked, but in my mind I didn’t really care.”Ohh…we had a wonderful time!” my mom replied.”Your father sure is the romantic, even after all these years.” she added.”You know it babe!” my dad replied back, not even looking my way as he started to kiss my mom.”Ummmm. . . .yeah, thats great guys. Can you two like get a room or something?” I said, in a joking manner. “Whats the matter Teagan, you act like you’ve never seen me give your mother affection.” my dad said as he looked at me and winked.”Ugghh gross!” I replied as I turned my back to them and faced the television.”Ohhh. . . wha’s the matter my lil daughter? Are we embarassing you?” as my mom came up from behind me on the couch and squeezed my cheecks.”Mom! Cut it out!! Your gonna wake up Lizzi!” I said harshly, but in a loving manner.”You guys been drinking. . . haven’t you?” I asked as I looked my mom in her face.”Thats none of your business young lady!” my dad said loudly, as he fumbled around in the kitchen.”Well. . . if you must know my lil daughter, yes, we had a few glasses of wine. So be it! So why don’t you do me a favor and put Lizzi to bed for me without waking her upo and get your lil behind in bed so your father and I can have some alone time downstairs and enjoy the rest of the evening. Can you do that for me Teagan?” my mom said, as she was slurring her words.’Yess!!!’, I said to myself hoping not to give myself away with any sudden facial gestures.”Sure mom. I can do that for you. You two deserve some alone time anyways. I’m just happy you two had a great night.” I said to her.”Ohh, Teagan. . .how’d you become such the perfect daughter? I love you soo much. Now only if we could get Chelsea back home and to behave.” my mom said, as she looked at me with watery eyes.”I love you too mom.” I said, as she gave me a big hug. I picked up Lizzi and held her over my shoulder as she was still sleeping and started to walk upstairs. “Goodnight dad! I love you!” I yelled softly as I began to walk up the stairs. He never did respond, as he had himself burried in the refrigerator.As I laid Lizzi in her bed without waking her up I kissed her on the forehead and turned off her light as I closed the door behind me. I walked down the hall to my bedroom as I also closed the door behind me.”Phewww!! What a night! That couldn’t have gone any better!” I said softly to myself.After placing my phone on the nightstand, I laid down on top of the sheets of my bed and thought about Liam. I just couldn’t get him out of my mind and I was so excited to bursa escort bayan receive his text. I couldn’t wait to finally meet him. I had a million questions running through my mind. When was he going to be in my town? Where would we meet? How long would we see each other? What was going to happen? All these unkown questions were driving me crazy. After what seemed forever, but was really only two hours, I finally heard my text alert. Sitting up, I scooted over to the very edge of the bed and grabbed my phone.Pugs Jones: I’m here!Teaganella: Omg!! Really??Pugs Jones: Yeah babygirl. Are you excited?Teaganella: Omg. . .yeah! So how are we gonna see each other? Where are you now?Pugs Jones: Lol. Relax babygirl. . .I will take care of everything. You need not to worry. Do you trust me Teagan?Teaganella: Yeah.Pugs Jones: Good. Thats real good. So listen. . .text me your address and when I’m next to your house I will text you a smiley face. When your parents are finally in bed and asleep text me back with a smiley face too and we will go from there. Do you understand? Teaganella: Yeah.Pugs Jones: Good girl. Ok. . . .so text me your address and keep your phone close by you. Ohh. . .btw. . .change your phone alert to vibrate and go check to see what the status is on your parents and your sister. Ok?Teaganella: KkPugs Jones: Ok. See you soon! :)It was now 9:16pm and I decided to go downstairs to get a drink and see what my parents were doing. As I walked sown the hall I peeked into my little sister’s room to notice that she was fast asleep surrounded by all her stuffies. I walked over to her bed and pulled the covers over her and kissed her on the forehead. I closed her door behind me and continued downstairs. I could still hear the t.v. on as I walked down the hall into the livingroom but nobody was in there. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a juice box. It was so quite and I didn’t see or hear my parents at all. “Are they already in bed?” I asked myself.As I turned off the lights in the kitchen I continued back through the living room and walked back down the dark hall towards my parents room. I noticed no illumination of their light under their closed door as I put my ear up to their door. Total silence.”They must be sleeping already.” I whispered to myself, as I got somewhat excited knowing that I’m the only one still up in the house. I didn’t have to go downstairs to the basement where my older sister’s room was because she has been staying with her friend’s house for some time now. I tried to contain all my excitement as I tiptoed back down the hall and up the stairs to my bedroom. As I entered my room I closed the door behind me and turned off the lights. I had a small nightlight near my window so it was just perfect. I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at my phone. It was 9:32. Teaganella: :)Laying back down I closed my eyes with my phone next to me as I thought about Liam. I couldn’t believe he was so close by. I couldn’t believe after all this time we chatted with each other over the phone that he actually drove almost 6 hours escort bursa from San Fransico, just to see me! My mind was racing like a thousand miles per second. I was so nervous and so excited at the same time. I have never done anything so sneaky before in my life. Well, except for the time in the Walmart bathroom and the time I met that guy Eric at the bus stop. Jezzz. . . .what a jerk he was. I never heard feom him ever again after he texted me thtat it wouldn’t be a good idea to see me or much less chat with me anymore because he was married and he felt bad what he did. Oh well, whatever. I didn’t care if I ever spoke to him again because now all I could tink about was Liam. “Oh Liam, where are you?” I said to myself as I pushed all my other thoughts out of my mind. Its been almost 30 minutes now and no response. I was starting to feel nervous again, as my mind began to wander again wondering if maybe he decided not to talk to me too, like Eric. “Stop it Teagan!” I said aloud to myself to break the cycle of my negative thinking. As I closed my eyes once again, I felt my phone vibrate next to me on my bed. I swear my heart skipped a few beats as I grabbed my phone to check to see if it was Liam. It was!Pugs Jones: 🙂 Soo. . .is that a go babygirl?Teaganella: Yeah! My parents are sleeping! I’m the only one up now! Where are you??Pugs Jones: I’m close babygirl. 🙂 So your bedroom is on the second floor right?Teaganella: Ummm. . .yeah. . .why?Pugs Jones: Can you do me a big favor Teagan? Teaganella: kkPugs Jones: Can you open your window and screen and put your light on so I know its your window? Also where does your window face? The street or backyard or something?Teaganella: Ummm. . . .it faces towards the backyard, near the garage.Pugs Jones: Perfect! So do you think your dad has a tall ladder in the garage or something Teagan?Teaganella: Ummm. . . .yeah, I think so. I think theres one outside actually next to the garage. Why?Pugs Jones: Because babygirl, if there is a ladder there, I’m gonna place it below your window and climb up to your bedroom my lil strawberry. :)Teaganella: Ohh my goodness Liam. . .that sounds dangerous! Are you sure this is a good idea?Pugs Jones: Yes babygirl. I do. Where is your parents room?Teaganella: downstairs.Pugs Jones: Perfect! Ok Teagan. . .now I want you to just relax and go lay down in your lil girl bed and I will see you soon. Can you do that for me baby?Teaganella: Yeah. Ummm. . .so is it ok if I just have my nightlight on? Its below my window and you could probably see it from outside. Pugs Jones: Thats fine. Just make sure the window and screen is up and I will be there soon enough.Teaganella: kk!Laying back down with my phone in my hand, more nervous and excited as ever before, I opened my legs a lil bit to let some of the cool, crisp air flow up my shorts to my lil sweetness. I was so hot down there, underneath my panties and shorts and my tshirt I was wearing. The cool breeze felt so nice and refreshing as it flowed over my whole body, enjoying the tingle all over my body. The thought of Liam coming through my window and seeing him for the first time, mixed with pleasure of the pure excitment and naughtiness and me being so sneaky with my parents sleeping soon made my little nipples hard through my bra and tshirt. The time was 10:10pm.

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