The Contract

15 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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She adjusts her shirt, sitting back in her chair as she waits for the boy to arrive. This was the first meeting, the time for plain speaking and letting it be known how she operates. It is the time when she lays the groundwork for exerting her very strong will over the man who will be sitting in front of her.

She breathes deeply and contemplates what she knows about this man, his job, his need to be put under her thumb and made to obey. She knows she will have to be forceful with him, his submission will not come easily but she also knows that when it does, it will be divine. She knows it will take no small amount of work to break him down to nothing and rebuild him into what she desires and sees as the “perfect man”. She looks up as there is a knock at the door.

“Come in.” She watches as he walks in, watches how he quickly observes the room and how his eyes quickly come to rest on her. He strides quickly and assertively into the room, showing with his body language that he is used to being in control. He is dressed smartly but casually, she smiles appreciatively as her eyes rove over his body, eyebrow arching as she watches him pause, knowing he realizes she has just undressed him with her eyes as easily as any man would a hot woman he was sexually interested in. “Sit down, let’s begin shall we?” she asks him politely.

He looks bewildered as there is only one chair in the room, which she presently is sitting in, “I guess..I’ll stand?” She looks up at him and points to the floor in front of her. “Sit.” She watches him struggle with this idea, watches the pride and arrogance wash over his face as he considers refusing her. She waits, silently. Finally, he settles karabük escort himself on the floor, sitting indian style in front of her. Smiling, she nods and starts speaking quietly but firmly.

“From now on that is your spot, I expect immediate responses to my requests at all times. If you fail to do so, you will be punished severely. No questions, no protests, no arguments. You will assume the position of punishment which is face down flat on the floor, ass up in the air legs spread so your cock and balls are hanging freely. Understood? Just nod, no need to speak. Your time here is entirely dependent on you. If you decide you can’t or don’t want to continue to learn how to be a good bitch for me, all you need do is say so and I will gladly show you the door. If I decide you are not meeting the requirements that I am setting forth, I will show you the door as well. I expect this will be difficult for you, the things I am going to ask of you, so I do expect some resistance. However, if that resistance goes the way of complete disrespect for me, I will be through with you. Understood?” he nods, slowly.

She smiles and continues, “Your sole purpose in this household is to be of service to me. This includes everything from bathing, to cooking, to driving me around if I require it and everything in between. You will sleep every night until I think you have sufficiently learned your place in the kennels with the rest of the pets. Only good boys get to share my bed. As you prove yourself worthy of my attention and affection you will earn the rights of pleasuring me as well. I know you claim you are the best at these things, but that karaman escort remains to be seen. This of course means your cock no longer belongs to you. It is mine, which means until I am ready to use it, it will be locked away. I absolutely do not want to catch you touching it, so to ensure that once this conversation is concluded you will be fitted with the best chastity device for you. While we are on this topic, your ass will be trained as well. I fully expect you to be able to take my cock and any cock that I may find for you. “

She watches his face and laughs out loud “Oh, stop blushing. I know how much you want to be a good cock slut for me too. Yes, it will be fabulous watching you take cock in your ass and your mouth, watching you, the big bad ass man turned into a bitch. Treated just the same as you’d treat in woman you tried to hook up with. I do think it is about time you learned how to properly treat women, don’t you?” She pauses and stares at him, watching his body and his face for his reactions. Laughing softly, she leans forward suddenly and pets him, strokes her hand down his head to his neck.

Sitting back again, she starts speaking, “There will be daily punishments. Oh yes, I expect you will need them at least for awhile. You need to be reminded of your place, daily. The severity will depend entirely on how well you do during the day. You will find that I am a strict task master but I am not cruel for the sake of being cruel. Your attire while in my household will be nothing but the skin you were born with. If I have visitors you may be allowed some small article of clothing to cover my prized possession the cock kars escort between your legs. Of course, this is entirely dependent on the type of visitors I have. You will be expected to service whomever I choose for you, however they choose to use you within the boundaries of my rules. You can be assured that I will absolutely take care of you. My friends will follow my rules when playing with my toys or they will not be invited back. Are you agreeable to these terms so far?”

He looks at her having a difficult time processing everything but very sure in himself when he nods. He fidgets, still savoring the brief touch of her hand on his head. She smiles at him, crossing her legs she sets her foot to swinging directly in his face. “One other issue that needs to be addressed, I am a bit of an old fashioned lady, being this way means that I require gentlemanly behavior at all times. You are expected to open and close all doors and wait to seat yourself until I have sat down when we are in public. When we are at home, as I said before, your place is at my feet like you are now. If we are at dinner as the gentleman, you will be expected to place our order. This could change depending on my mood but as a general rule this is how I expect things to go. If you disrespect me in public, your punishment will be most severe when we arrive home. I will not tolerate rude behavior. Clear?” He nods.

“Now, is there anything you would like to add at this time? You may speak freely right now but once this chance is gone, you will always beg my attention before you are allowed to make a request. ” She waits for him to respond, her foot moving along his chest just lightly. He looks up at her, shuddering slightly and shakes his head slowly. “No, we have talked a lot in the past and you are very clear. I am ready for this, please.”

She laughs softly and nods. “Let the games begin. Disrobe, fold your clothes neatly and leave them by my chair. You won’t be needing them anymore.”

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