The Concert

24 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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It was the last rock concert of the season at the local amphitheatre and the cool breeze of the September night sent a chill through his body. “It’s going to be a chilly night” he thought as he walked from the parking lot. The line of concertgoers snaked up the hill as the throngs took turns being patted down by security. He’d shown up by himself even though he had two tickets. His brother was supposed to be his “date” for the night but he cancelled at the last minute. There was no time to line up anyone else and now he had to deal with the scalpers, a prospect that made him cringe. He could see them milling just outside the ticket booth. He figured he would recoup some of the cost and put the money towards a t-shirt and a beer.

That’s when he saw her leaning against the wall off to the side. She was a bit younger than he was. She had blonde hair and was wearing a very short mini-skirt and black boots. He could tell instantly she had a great body. What if, he thought to himself.

He watched her surveying the crowd. Waiting for someone? What if she were stood up? What if she was looking for a ticket? No, she’d be talking to people if that was the case. She was definitely waiting for someone. Hell, a girl THAT good looking HAD to be with someone.

He hesitated a moment and then decided “What the hell.” He walk up to her. She looked at him, slightly startled, but not unfriendly.

“Hi, do you need a ticket?” he asked casually.

“Actually, I’m supposed to meet someone who has my ticket. If she ever shows up.”

The thud of a bass guitar was clearly audible. The show had started.

“They didn’t show up?” he asked, just to keep the conversation going.

“No,” she sighed. “And she was supposed to meet me at 7:30pm.”

He looked at his watch. It was already 8:15pm.

“Maybe she’s waiting for you somewhere else.”

“No, it was supposed to be right here. By the flagpole.” She sounded exasperated. “That’s the last time I arrange to buy a ticket on Craig’s List.”

“So, you don’t know the person?” he asked.

“No, and they probably just decided to blow me off. And Green Day’s my favorite band and now I’m going to miss it.”

She was clearly bummed.

“Not necessarily,” he said with a smile.

She looked at him, puzzled. It was then that he noticed she had beautiful green eyes.

“I have an extra ticket. My brother blew me off too. I mean, he bailed on me.”

She looked at him like he’d just found her lost puppy. Then her expression darkened.

“But I already bought the other ticket. I mean, I sent her a check in the mail…How much are you asking for it?”

He smiled kindly.

“You can have it. I’ll give it to you. No problem.”

Her face lit up. “Oh, thank you!” She threw her arms around his neck. He could feel her full, round breasts press against his chest.

This could turn out okay after all, he thought.

Walking to the venue, he glanced at her long legs striding, with her black leather boots click-clacking on the cement. She was talking excitedly, something about the tour the band was on, but he was lost in his thoughts. I’m going to be sitting with this incredibly hot babe. And she’s so nice. This is so great!

She paused her monologue. She was waiting for a response. Had she asked him a question? Jeez, get your head out of your ass, he thought.

“I said my name’s Amanda,” she repeated, helpfully.

“Oh, Jason,” he answered, smiling.

“Hi Jason,” she said, with a sexy twinkle in her eye.

They stopped to buy a couple of beers and then found their seats. They were good ones and she jumped up and down when she saw how close they were. They were ten rows back from the stage, off to the side.

They settled in their seats. He had brought a blanket in case the temperature dropped. He stuffed it under his seat. They “clinked” their plastic beer cups.

“Here’s to great seats,” he said.

“Great seats. Great music. Great company” she answered with warmth in her eyes. “Thank you, Jason. I owe you big time.”

“Don’t be silly,” he said, graciously. “You know, I feel like I’m the lucky one.”

A smile spread across her face. She pressed herself against illegal bahis him, slipping her arm through his.

“Well, I feel like I won the lottery” she answered.

They spent the time during the first act and the changeover talking face to face. Which concerts they’d seen. What music they liked. What music they didn’t. Where they lived and worked. He learned she was new to the area, didn’t know that many people yet (which explained why she wasn’t on a date.) She was single after being in a long relationship with a guy. They’d split up because he wanted to get married and she wasn’t ready. She said she wanted to live, to experience things, before she took that step.

She learned that he was a genuinely nice guy. He had planned to come to the concert with his brother but when he backed out he didn’t make him pay for the ticket. He didn’t have a girlfriend, not because he was unattractive (he was anything but) but because he didn’t want to waste his time unless he really cared for the person. She found him interesting, funny, and sincere. And the fact that he wasn’t a scam artist made him all the more attractive.

He realized they were having one of those honest conversations you can sometimes have more easily with a stranger than with someone you know. Like when you’re sitting on a plane and end up telling the woman next to you all about your past relationships. Something about the proximity, and the anonymity, made it easier.

By the time the next act was being announced, he felt like they’d been friends for a while. He wondered if she felt that same intimacy. He wanted her to.

“Get on your feet for Greeeeeen Daaaaaay! a voice intoned. They jumped to their feet along with 10,000 other cheering fans. She was bouncing with excitement. When Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer, came out and thrust his arms high in the air, she did the same. Fireworks exploded above the stage. She turned to Jason and hugged him.

He kept his arm around her as the band launched into their first song. The music was transporting. Loud, driving rock with great melodies and sardonic lyrics. They sounded great.

After each song, she’d turn to him as if to say “wasn’t that fantastic?” and she’d hug him again. He found himself anticipating that moment, when she’d shine those gorgeous green eyes at him and press her luscious body against his.

Billie Joe was singing:

“She’s a rebel

She’s a saint

She’s salt of the earth

And she’s dangerous

Is she dreaming

what I’m thinking

Is she the mother of all bombs

gonna detonate”

They danced together and he couldn’t help but watch her, moving, writhing, undulating to the music. She was bathed in the light from the stage and she looked glorious.

When the band began singing a ballad, they sat in their seats. He realized it was the first time they’d sat since the concert started. She glance at him and caught him watching her. She smiled and leaned so his shoulder was touching his. He reached over and gently touched her hand with his. She put her other hand on top of his, sandwiching it between her warm flesh.

“My beating heart belongs to you

I walked for miles til I found you

I’m here to honor you

If I lose everything in the fire

I’m sending all my love to you”

As the crowd erupted in applause, he turned to her, their faces inches from each other. He leaned to her, tilted his head, and kissed her.

It was soft, tentative, almost childlike. She looked up in his eyes. Then she leaned to him and kissed him back. Her tongue found his. It seemed to go on and on. His heart was pounding.

His hand slipped from her grasp and found the softness of her inner thigh. He felt her let out a sigh and sensed her legs spread slightly. She felt incredible.

“Are you cold?” she asked with wide, innocent eyes.

“Um, yeah, I guess I am,” he muttered, a bit baffled by this seemingly random question.

“Maybe…you should get your blanket?” She asked, arching her eyebrows.

Catching on, he smiled and quickly fetched the blanket from under his seat. He spread it over the two of them. The fabric felt soft and inviting, casino siteleri like a quilt on a featherbed.

She pulled the blanket up to neck and turned back to him. She kissed him hungrily, her hand caressing his chest. She could feel her pussy throb.

That was all the license he needed. He reached out for what he’d been longing for — he cupped her breast in his hand, feeling the firm nipple through the fabric. His cock stiffened.

She unbuttoned his shirt button and slipped her hand inside. His skin was velvety, and she traced the outline of his pecs until she found his nipples. God, he’s built, she thought to herself. She let her hands slide down to his stomach and felt his abs, hard and defined.

He was slipping his hand under her bra, replacing the lacy cup with his strong hand. His fingers rolled her nipple until it stood out. Her breasts felt firm and full, filling his hand perfectly.

Her hand found his belt and was undoing the buckle. He could hardly believe what was going on but it seemed so right, somehow…inevitable. She undid the buckle and unsnapped his jeans. He lifted his pelvis so she could unzip his fly. A moment later, his jeans were open, his hard cock was pressing against his shorts.

She was leaning her head on his shoulder, watching the show, while her hand slowly pulled down the waistband of his shorts. He felt his hard-on spring upward and he was so very grateful for the blanket.

As the music raged, she began to stroke him, making him big. And hard. So hard. She pulled the skin down and he felt the tip engorge and press upward. Oh my god, I’ve never been so tured on, he thought.

She slid her hand up and down his long shaft. He’s so silky smooth. And so long. My God, he’s really, really long. Oh, and thick too. Mmmmm. I guess this really IS my lucky day, she thought.

He was breathing heavily now. His reached down to her legs. They were fully spread now. She wants me to touch her, he thought. He reached under her skirt and slid his fingers down the front of panties, over her soft bush, and penetrated the folds of her pussy. It was as wet as any he’d ever felt.

She leaned back in her chair, lifting her hips to let him inside her. He slid his fingers deep inside her and he could hear her let out a moan. She was stroking him steadily and he fingered her with a pace that matched hers. She was so hot. So wet. His fingers were soaking from her juices.

“Everybody get on your fucking feet!” Billie Joe was yelling and they could see the fans around them jumping up to oblige.

Knowing it would be too conspicuous to remain half-reclined in their seats, they instinctively jumped up. He quickly stepped close behind her to hide his exposed cock and in one motion swept the blanket around his back so that it enclosed the two of them. She held the ends of the blanket in one hand covering them entirely.

His hands free, he caressed her from behind, feeling her tight torso under her blouse. He let his hands travel over her ass and down her thighs and between her legs. He cupped her breast with one hand while the other massaged her pussy. She felt her knees go wobbly and she leaned against the seat in front of her for support.

She swayed to the music as he unbuttoned her blouse. His fingers found the clasp behind her bra and soon her breasts were completely freed. He cupped them in both hands as she moved her ass against his rock hard cock.

One, 21 Guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, 21 Guns

Throw up your arms into the sky

You and I …

She was swaying one hand side to side, along with the crowd, while the other clutched the ends of the blanket. He reached under her mini-skirt and pulled down her panties. He slid his big cock between her cheeks and stroked it up and down the crevice of her ass. What a perfect ass!

She laid her head back, her mouth open, her free hand slipped under the blanket and reached back to grab his ass. It was hard and muscular, just like she liked it. She grabbed him and pulled him against her.

He bent his knees and slipped his cock between her legs, so the shaft was sliding along her wetness. She looked poker siteleri down to see the head of his cock sticking out in front of her betweem her legs. She made a circle with her thumb and finger and slid it over the head, again and again.

His mouth found her ear.

“Amanda, I want to fuck you,” he whispered breathily. “I want to fuck you like this. Right now.”

She could feel his animal desire viscerally and it made her so excited she could hardly stand it. She pumped his rock hard cock the way she wanted to be pumped. He was panting now.

“Is it okay?” he whispered. “Do you want to?”

She couldn’t speak. She could only nod her head, vigorously.

He reached down and rubbed the head of his cock along the folds of her pussy. She was so wet.

She leaned forward and arched her back, raising her ass, opening herself to him. Her legs were spread.

He slowly pushed tip of his cock inside her. The head popped in and he could hear her cry out. Just like the yells and screams of everyone around them. His fingers found her nipples, they were big and hard now. He pushed his cock into her, slowly, inexorably, deeply. He buried himself into her and started to slowly pump her. To the music.

One, 21 Guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, 21 Guns

Throw up your arms into the sky

You and I …

After they sang “One”, he took her by the hips and thrust his cock deep into her. In time with the thundering guitar. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Again the guitar rang out and again he pounded his hardness deep inside her.

When the quiet part of the sang came, he moved in close to her, holding her, letting her catch her breath. He slowly rolled his hips, and explored every corner of her pussy with his cock. She moved with him, perfectly in synch, undulating her body to receive him and to caress him in time to the music.

Suddenly the tempo changed. The band was playing a slamming punk number and the singer was yelling for everyone to “Bounce!!!”

All around them, the audience was pogo’ing to the music. Tenatively, they started to move to the fast rhythm of the song, bouncing up and down. Somehow they knew this would soon send them over the edge.

Wooaahhooohh! Christian’s Inferno!

Wooaahhooohh! Christian’s Inferno!

Faster and faster they bounced. To protect himself, he held her close, so they would move as one. With every bounce, he spread her lips and pushed so deep inside she was letting out cries of pleasure.

He lifted her in his strong arms so she was off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his. He pulled her close to him she he was pressed against her round ass. He felt a growing pressure gathering in his loins.

As they bounced to the beat, he rocked his pelvis. As he landed, he thrust upward into her. She lay her head back on his shoulder and felt him impaling her, again and again, his big cock rubbing against her swollen clit.

She wasn’t sure when her orgasm started or when it ended. It just seemed to always be there. One constant, gushing flow of pleasure as he held her to him, ramming his glorious cock into her from behind. “Fill me up” she was thinking. “I want you to explode your cum inside me and fill me up.”

The song was reaching its climax. He watched her face as he pounded her again and again. He was close too. I just want to try one more thing, he thought.

He switched into double time, bouncing twice as fast as everyone around them. The beat was already fast, but this was like a vibration. It felt like a jolt of electricity was firing through their bodies.

The song ended and the fans screamed. So did she. He felt the cum surge upward and spray out of his cock. She could feel the warm flood filling her. He felt the explosion again. And again. It was like a drug, hallucinatory.

It took a long time for their hearts to return to their normal rhythm. He held her there in his strong arms through the entire next three songs, his cock still deep inside her. He gently stroked her nipples while her hand reached back to his head, her fingers in his hair.

“It’s somethign unpredictable but in the end it’s right.

I hope you have the time of your life.”

As the band left the stage to thunderous applause, he could feel his cock starting to harden again.

“Is it over?” she asked.

“I don’t think so.” he murmurred. “I think there’s going to be an encore.”

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