The Case File of Mark & Sara

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The Case File of Mark & SaraPROLOGUE:My name is Dr. Judy. I’m a personal relationship counsellor. My specialty is assisting couples in resolving problems which threaten the harmony and/or stability of their relationship. The case study for review this time involves Mark and Sara (not their real names). They were engaged at the time I initially began counselling them. Through my efforts, they went on to resolve their problems, which threatened to break up their engagement, and went on to get married. It has now been some 11 plus years since their wedding.What contributed to me presenting this case was a testimonial from mark thanking me for my help over the years, now that he and Sara are married and have 5 c***dren.With he and Sara’s concurrence and valuable aid, this case will be presented from not only my perspective, but also that of the principle person I counselled and provided therapy to over the years – Mark.Mark gratefully even turned over his recent reflective writings as well as a diary he secretly kept while I worked with the couple in resolving their marital differences over the years.The story will be written primarily from Mark’s perspective, including select excerpts from his diary. You’ll also see my professional comments interspersed throughout. CHAPTER 1: THE BEGINNINGMy name is Mark. My wife’s name is Sara and we have been married now for some 11 years and also have 5 k**s.Things have not always been rosy for us. Early in our engagement, I discovered that Sara was cheating on me with not one, but several tall, macho, muscle bound, jock type guys.In reference to myself, I’m not handsome, tall, well built, or the jock type. I’m only 5’5″ and weigh about 135 pounds – which puts me on the light side compared to the men I discovered she’s been secretly slipping around with.In a way, I could understand a girl like Sara desiring such handsome, well-built guys, but it appeared she was more of a tramp for them than seeking serious relationships. That really disturbed me, since she it was me she appeared to be trying to establish a serious relationship with, but all the while she was having lurid and lascivious relationships with her many other studs.To add fuel to the fire, Sara denied me sexual intercourse prior to us getting married. You see, I was a 24 year old virgin, as well as very inexperienced sexually. Sara wanted me to save myself for her on our wedding night. Believing her intentions to be honourable, I respected her wishes about pressuring her for intercourse. She did however, introduce me to Cunnilingus, or oral sex on her, to sort of make up for me not being able to “put it in” her. This was something new to me, but it did please me to be able to be intimate with her and to provide her pleasure too. And it was obvious that she got off quite well under the actions of my flitting tongue and sucking lips.Sara refused to orally do me because she said it was much too much like me penetrating her, which I had to wait to do until we were married. I saw her point, and we went along with her desire for me to masturbate for her each time after I’d performed oral sex upon her rather tasty and juicy muff.I was a bit shy about jerking off in Sara’s presence, but she insisted. She said it would bond us even closer. She won me over and I did as she wanted.After becoming engaged, it was then that I accidentally discovered that Sara was cheating on me.Sara revealed to me that she had been having sexual relations with several boyfriends she’d dated before we began our relationship.Needless to say, I was very distraught over all this. I knew any future relationship between us was doomed, even though I adored and loved Sara dearly. She truly was the girl I longed to have as my wife. In short she was the dream of my life. She had a stunning figure then, and today is still very beautiful. Despite her having have been pregnant 4 time, with one of those deliveries being twins. She has retained her shapely figure which still turns men’s head when she walks by.Sara is a brunette and has a classic hourglass figure. Her face is very photogenic and her hazel eyes are so enticing. Needless to say, as I am attracted to her, so are many other men. In a vulgar way of putting things, one might say Sara is a “dick magnet”.However, I digress, and am getting ahead of myself. But back then, her deceiving me with her many sexual relations with other guys was just too much for me to tolerate, hence the reason I was about to terminate our relationship a year before we eventually got married.When I confronted Sara about my discovery of her sordid activities, she sought to explain to me why I shouldn’t be upset at her for her deception. I hated to do it, but I knew I had to break up the relationship. Sara and I had several discussions about what she’d done and my hurt feeling. Her sort of cavalier explanations and rationale made things even harder on me. I remembered one of the last discussions we had about the matter before we started our counselling sessions with Dr. Judy, the Relationship counsellor.”Mark sweetheart, I’d been trying to come up with a way to tell you what you discovered on your own. I want you to know darling that I don’t love you any less or disrespect you in any way, because of my liaisons with the guys. It’s you I truly love.””B-But Sara, if y-you t-truly love me, w-why…””Why did I sleep around? Well Mark, it’s because I love you, that’s why I went out with other guys. I knew they could handle my pussy much better than you could with your little prick.””B-But Sara, I-I remember y-you saying I-I was small. B-But y-you assured me that my s-size wouldn’t make any difference.””I meant that darling, that is between you and I, because I didn’t see your little cock as the primary instrument of sex between us darling. I saw the big dicks of other men as the main stay of satisfying intercourse for me, even after we were married. However, I see your mouth and tongue as the mainstay of very satisfying marital sex between us. It’s this sort of arrangement I was desirous of, that I didn’t know how to present to you. With you being a virgin and your background of sexual inexperience being limited, I knew I had to come up with a way to work up to all this with you.””S-Sara I-I still can’t believe y-you’ve deceived me so. Y-You seriously can’t believe I-I would e-ever a-agree to such an-an outlandish a-and outrageous situation where o-other men would be having intercourse with my wife a-a-and I would be relegated to-to basically giving oral sex, a-and especially with t-their stuff s-still in y-you. Sara, I-I get so-so upset when I-I think about all this. I-I don’t care h-how lit…, err, h-how less endowed I-I am.””Mark honey, after we’re married, I’ll let you put it in me the way other guys do me now. That is from time to time. However, I may get busy with the guys, and occasionally, I may be too tired to let you do me. But I promise you I’ll continue to help you jack off, just like I have several times since we’ve been engaged. Like I’ve told you many times, it gives me a thrill to see you jacking off after you’ve sucked me out.””S-Sara, I-I’m having a hard time with all this. The nonchalant a-and matter-of-fact way you talk about this doesn’t help one iota. It’s so-so unbelievable w-we’re even having this discussion. I-I have to say this, e-even if it hurts you. B-But I-I just feel you’ve taken advantage of me b-because I-I am s-so inexperienced.””Not taken advantage of, but sought to build a wonderful loving relationship around it despite you being virginal and less of a man between your…, well you know what I mean darling. And never think I mean to hurt you in any way when I say you have a short little dick, Okay? Now where was I? Oh yes, you know saving your virginity for me means so much to me, and your mother too, I might add. So when I discovered what an excellent pussy sucker you were, I cast all my concerns of our incompatibility to the wind. I knew I really loved you and had to have you as my husband, despite that you would need help satisfying my pussy from other men with bigger dicks.””S-Sara, t-that’s so-so insensitive. P-Plus there is j-just no-no excuse for y-you having fed m-me a-and had me eating t-their stuff out of you j-just because I-I-I didn’t know what it was. Y-You knew h-how gullible I-I was. I-I’d never done o-oral sex before. You taught m-me how to l-lick a-and suck y-you out. It-It meant so much to me to-to please you that way. I-I just don’t think you respect me-me at all.””That’s not true. I do respect and love you dearly Mark. As I’ve repeatedly told you sweetheart, it was an accident the first time I had you mouth me out after I was freshly fucked and there were traces of spent jism in me. However, that eat out by you of my juicy, but previously fucked pussy, was so ecstatic and delightful. And to add to all that, you too raved about how tasty and tangy I was too and how good it was for you that time too. In other words, Mark, the joyous feeling was just too sweet for me to not give us both that delightful experience again.””Sara, y-you have such a way of explaining things a-and making this situation seem not as catastrophe as I see it. I-I really don’t see where us going to a relationship counsellor is going to help matters. I-I just can’t see h-how I-I, with any self respect, can continue our engagement or even think about doing the things you’re expecting of me.””Personally Mark, I see you as over reacting about all this. And I believe your mother shares my viewpoint too. But even if you don’t do it for me, do it for her.”It was shortly after that conversation with Sara that we began seeing Dr. Judy about the problems I had with continuing our relationship. I personally was not excited about doing so, but Sara’s mom, and especially my mother, insisted. It was troubling to me that my mother agreed with Sara’s perception of things. That is, that I was over reacting about Sara’s lascivious activities with other men, while denying me sexually as well as having me taste the results of her sexual liaisons with those other men.Mom seemed genuinely sympathetic to my concerns, but her words made me feel just as uncomfortable as Sara’s did.”Mark dear, as your mother, I only want what’s best for you. You really love Sara. It’s so easy to see you do. However, I do feel your pain at your perception of her having done you a misdeed.””M-My perception! A misdeed? Mother I-I can’t believe you’re t-taking this s-so lightly.” I stammered in a loud reply.”Now Mark, there is no need for you to raise your voice at me! I’ll not have you speaking in that tone to me. Now apologize this instant!””I-I’m sorry m-mother. I-I apologize. I-I’m just upset about…””I realize you’re upset dear, but as I was about to say, you also must realize that in life, we sometimes have to accept compromises to get what we want or need. I think that applies here in this situation with you and Sara.””Y-You do?” I replied in astonished tone.”Yes sweetie, it does. You have an opportunity to have a wife who is beautiful and charming, even if you’re upset because she’s also a bit more experienced sexually than you were aware of.””Mother! E-Experienced? She’s a slut!””SLAP!” The sound of mother’s hand bouncing off my face seemed to echo around the kitchen as I fell to the floor.”Mark! I warned you about raising your voice at me or using that tone. Plus, I’ll not have you calling Sara such words. You’re talking about your future wife and my future daughter-in-law.””I-I’m sorry mother. It-it won’t happen again. P-Please forgive me.” I softly and meekly replied after recovering from being momentarily stunned from being knocked on my ass.Even though I’m 24, mother doesn’t mind reminding me whose in charge in our house, which I still live in by the way.Mother and I continued our discussion for another 2 hours or so. In the end, she prevailed and persuaded me to do what Sara had wanted me to do. That is, to at least visit Dr. Judy to hear what she had to say. Reluctantly I went along with her suggestion. Well, really, it was more like a demand. You see, it’s always been difficult for me to disobey mother, even though I’m an adult. She’s very much a take charge and in-charge type, just the opposite of my personality. And with me being of small stature and her being big boned and taller than me, she can easily impose herself physically upon me too.Mother has continued to subject me to corporal punishment every since I was teen, even though I’m an adult now. She’s whipped me several times since I was 21.Anyway, I cowed to mother’s demand. I was scared enough to think she might be serious enough about me seeing Dr. Judy that she just might take me across her knees about the matter. Yes, as I said, she still spanks me if she sets her mind to it.I guess this is a good time to make a side note about size and personalities. Sara is half a head taller than my 5′ 6″ height, and as I have noticed on occasion, likes to have her way at times too. I call it her “mean streak”.It’s recently dawned on me as to that mother may feel some strange camaraderie with her for that reason, despite my misgivings about the horrendous way Sara has humiliated me, and evidently desires to continue to do so in the future.The other thing that puzzled me was how easily mother accepted Sara’s explanation of her disgraceful lascivious activities, and took her side over mine, her own son. “Mark, Sara has a perfectly legitimate and sound explanation for what she did. I don’t know why you’re so obstinate about seeing things from her perspective. Maybe Dr. Judy can talk some sense into you.” Mother said to me on the eve of when Sara and I were to have our first visit to see Dr. Judy.***OUR FIRST VISIT TO DR. JUDY***After Sara and I saw Dr. Judy on our first visit, Dr. Judy came to the conclusion that she wanted to only see me during the next visit. She further stated that I was to have several sessions alone with her in the future.It became rather obvious a short time into our first session with Dr. Judy, that she too assessed that Sara had done no wrong and that it was me that was looking at things askew. This not only angered me, but also alarmed me that no one except me seemed to perceive Sara as being the errant one in our engagement.But little did I ever think I would change my mind and indeed see that I was wrong and would apologize to Sara in a way I’d never imagined in my wildest of dreams. Little did I know that Dr. Judy’s advice, counsel, and therapy would change my life forever. This revelation happened in only a month after my first session alone with Dr. Judy.I think it would be a good thing to give you the reader more details about my story if I go back in time to my first session alone with Dr. Judy.*****COMMENTS BY DR. JUDY*****Before we go further with Mark’s story, it is important for the reader to note that in my professional judgment, it was best for Mark to adjust to Sara’s needs on her terms rather than her attempting to compromise toward his desires. Sara is an attractive and self assured woman, who knows she is sexually desirable to men and is not ashamed to also add that she is also drawn to physically handsome men and actively seeks out sexual liaisons with them. She even described herself as a “dick magnet” and even indicated to Mark, that he needed to accept this as part of any future relationship with her, in order for their marriage to be harmonious. Sara did not hesitate to be forthright and honest in her feelings with Mark, something I was very impressed with this about her. This always seems to work out better for the couple’s relationship, where there is a male who has a latent tendency to be timid, and a woman who is assertive and absolute.”Mark, I do love you dearly, but you must know, you just don’t measure up to my expectations as a real man in bed, at least not physically. Emotionally, yes, you are the husband for me. You’d make a great helpmate and emotional soul mate. After you ate me out so wonderfully that first time, that is, after I had been thoroughly fucked by one of the guys, I saw this as a way for you to pleasure me, as well as compensate for your inadequacies. Mark I just can’t describe how ecstatic I felt having your head in my wet crotch, and hearing and feeling you licking and sucking up after a real man had fucked me. Your mouthing actions, and your desire to pleasure me by suck-cleaning my pussy, stole my heart. If anybody is to blame for me getting hooked on your oral delights, you have nobody to blame but yourself. After all, I never thought of this before you did that for me, and it was just too good to stop you from doing it to me Mark sweetheart.””No Mark, it’s not the same if I haven’t been fucked before you do your sucking-out of my pussy.” Sara replied quickly to Mark’s suggestion that she get rid of her other “real physical men” and then it might be more acceptable for him to please her orally. It was at this point in the discussion that Sara asked my opinion, since I was a woman also, about her need for the dicks of her “real men” to complement Mark’s skilful tongue and cunt vacuuming lips. Trying to stay neutral, I provided the couple the following comment:”Mark, I can see Sara’s point of view here. From my case files, it’s obvious that many women find it difficult to get along without the good feeling that only comes from deep penetrating coital intercourse that is from a “reasonably endowed” male partner. No Mark, mouth to pussy coitus is at most an effective supplement – as in this situation between you two – but not a substitution for a robust and proper length of erect penis to vagina coitus.”Mark, as I expected was very disappointed and unsettled with Sara’s expectations for his role as her future faithful, the in-the-background soul mate cuckolded pussy sucking husband role.I didn’t have to say it, but Mark knew he was the one that logically would have to make the greatest adjustments in there was to be a future relationship between he and Sara. However, he willingly agreed to come to the next session alone so that he and I could talk about his options, since it was obvious, he really did love Sara despite all that had happened. Now, let us resume with Mark’s narrative.*****CHAPTER 2 DR. JUDY & I ALONE: SESSION #1*******”Mark in order to get rid of all the foolish self pride that’s plaguing you from having a great relationship with Sara, you must first let yourself go of all negative pride.””Dr. Judy, I-I’ve never heard of negative pride. What does that mean?””In simple terms, you must not be too proud to do what others expect of you, or to do what they need, or want you to do, despite how Society perceives it. In other words Mark, what Sara needs in your relationship is very logical when all the factors between you two, are taken into consideration. It’s just a matter of you understanding and agreeing to do what needs to be done to capture this beautiful, free-spirited woman – who you admit that you love dearly – as your soul mate.”B-But like I-I told you earlier, after all she’s done to me, I-I just can’t see h-how…””Don’t say another word. You’re being a defeatist and creating negative vibes. I’m trying to help you see the reality and the positive aspects of things here. Okay? You are open minded, are you not?””W-Well I-I try to be Dr. Judy.””Well then, if you are, you’ll try my therapy to rid yourself of negative pride and focus on the positive pride in this whole situation. If you do, I’m predicting you and Sara will be back together and both satisfied with your new relationship.””Y-You really mean that?””Yes Mark I do. I’m sure the two of you will be happier than before. Despite that at the moment you’re having a very difficult time not seeing her as nothing but a slut. That is, because of what you perceive as her cheating on you for the last 8 months.””I-I don’t know what else you can call it Dr. Judy.””You might even call it needs satisfaction or relationship building, but definitely not being sluttish. Okay? But let’s not dwell on that at the moment. Things will fall in place as we go. Trust me. Okay?””O-Okay Dr. Judy.””Now Mark, we must try to envision you as removing all your value judgments about things like what Sara has done and had you participate in unknowingly over the last few months.””Y-You mean not seeing h-her dirty tricks a-and cheating on me or-or dating other m-men w-while I was home cleaning her apartment? O-Or her h-having me l-lick her p-p-pussy a-after s-she’d h-h-had sex with…””Okay, that’s enough, I get your point, but yes, all those things. However Mark, you must try to see her actions in a different light, not the negative derisive perspective you currently are stuck on.””Dr. Judy, a-as y-you probably can tell, it-it’s going to be difficult for me to do that. I-I just can’t bring myself to…””Never say can’t, Mark. However, I fully understand how you feel. But your feelings are all because of your false belief that you have to be manly to be a good partner and spouse to Sara. She’s willing, and is very desirous of you being her husband, despite your not meeting her criteria as a “real man” physically. If she can accept you as being a lesser man, physically, why can’t you?””W-What? A-Are you saying I-I should willingly accept b-being a lesser man b-because she desires it?””Mark, it’s not really because she desires it. It’s because you’re basically that. You are under endowed, right? Can we agree on that?””W-Well… T-That’s not fair Dr. Judy. Besides, if-if Sara really loves me s-she should give up those other men and be faithful to me.””She’s emotionally faithful to you Mark, even if she shares her body with other men. She’s giving you the chance to fit in a marriage that is well suited for both of you. You just have to be as open-minded as you claimed to be, and not be wrapped up in your false assumptions of what you perceive the way things have to be. In your case, being less than a real man, physically, actually makes you more emotionally compatible to her.””I-I sort of s-see your point… I think. I-I guess, I-I just don’t know h-how to deal with all this Dr. Judy?””I understand how intimidating that can be for you Mark. However, that’s why I’m here having this session with you. We have to build up your confidence to be a better man, emotionally that is. You can do it. All you have to do is put your mind to it.””O-Okay if you say so Dr. Judy.””And I do Mark. One of the first things we must work on is getting rid of your insecurities and false assumptions of believing you have to be physically, or mentally, macho to be a worthy partner and spouse to Sara. I want to start you on my Physical Attributes Negation & Subservience Inculcation Therapy. We sometimes also refer to it as P-A-N-S-I Therapy.””B-But Dr. Judy, isn’t PANSI a-an odd name f-for…””Mark, I am a professional. I can’t help if the acronym for a the****utic treatment mimics a word with other meaning. Now Mark, let’s get on with what PANSI is all about. Okay?” “O-Okay Dr. Judy.” I replied softly, but now even more leery of Dr. Judy.”Now Mark, the purpose of PANSI is to help you stop feeling negative about your lack of physical endowments. It also is to help you be more comfortable and at ease with the fact that you are unpretentious and are not geared to be a real man in your fiancée’s eyes. You may not accept it, even though Sara has been telling you so repeatedly, but your unassuming, easy going, innocent makeup is really why she’s attracted to you.””Y-Yes, I know that she says that she doesn’t feel the same type of tension between us as she does with other men w-who are focused on getting into her panties a-and getting her into bed.””You may not realize it Mark, but it is this area of your relationship with her where you have the edge over her other men, the men friends she refers so aptly to as her “real men””. “Dr. Judy, I hate that term. Can’t we not…””No we can’t Mark. In fact I want you to be sure and use it repeatedly when you refer to or compare yourself to any of Sara’s lovers or studs from now on.””W-WHAT?””You see Mark, your strong point in holding on to Sara is that she doesn’t perceive you as being in the same Ball Park as her “real men”. To make sure that you keep that edge over her “real men”, you have to perceive yourself as being different from them.””S-So am I-I to t-think of myself as not being a man?””Just think of yourself as simply being less than her real men. Think of them as the alpha males. As you know, this concept is very common in the a****l kingdom. You should think of yourself as a male, but not as a man. That’s what the subservience inculcation part of PANSI is about. It will teach you how to turn your physical weakness and unassuming nature into an emotional strength and help you feel good about being a male who accepts the fact that he doesn’t meet the measure of being a real man. At the same time though, it will also help you to feel at ease and comfortable in your lesser role, as well as showing real men, the respect they deserve for being better than you.””Dr. Judy, t-this is s-so confusing. I-I think I-I was right at first. Sara and I are better off g-going our separate…””Mark, your willingness to give us so easily is just another symptom of your meek, weak personality. However, for now, let’s take a break. I want you to try some of this herbal tea. It relieves stress and helps one to think clearer.”I took the cup of tea that Dr. Judy prepared. It had a very pleasant cinnamon flavoured aroma. As we drank tea, Dr. Judy and I kept discussing my “less than a man” role in my relationship with Sara.Dr. Judy’s assertion that I should give up trying to be a “real man” like Sara’s studs, and instead embrace that I was indeed subordinate to them in every way, except when it came to being Sara’s emotional support partner.About half way through the cup of tea, I indeed did feel more relaxed and what Dr. Judy was saying began to become much more lucid in my thoughts. I blurted out un-expectantly that I saw her points and that what she was saying finally was making sense.”That’s very good Mark, very good. So we will began several exercises that will help you strengthen and adapt to seeing yourself as less than a man, in your eyes as well as Sara’s.”Dr. Judy and I continued to talk as we finished our tea. After the tea, I was a bit nappy, so she suggested I take a nap on the nearby divan in her office. As she helped me to it, she also suggested that I listen to some soothing relaxing music while napped. She placed headphones over my ears so as not to disturb her as she sat at her desk and worked on other cases.I thought that was wonderful of her. The music was so soothing. It complimented the wonderfully mellow, but drowsy state, I was in.I didn’t realize how long I’d been asleep, but I awoke 2 hours later.Not only was I not on the divan, I wasn’t even in Dr. Judy’s office. I was in apparently one of her labs. In addition, I seemed to be handcuffed and secured to some sort of apparatus such that I was I was bent over from a standing posture with my legs straight, but tightly secured also. I could hardly move them. Actually, it was more a wiggle than any serious movement.In short I was tightly bound to some sort of platform where I was bent over. And as best I could tell, to my surprise, I was nude from the waist down. However, I seem to perceive that my pants and shorts were down around my ankle.I also seem to sense another strange feel about my predicament, as I started to call out for help. However, I was more focused on being tightly bound to the strange fixture I was attached to.It was then that Dr. Judy walked into the room.”Hello Mark. I see you’re awake after you nap. There is no need to be alarmed.””W-Where a-am I Dr. Judy? A-And w-why am I bound up like this?””No need to worry, you’re safe. You’re in one of my labs. You appeared to have had a nice rest, so I decided to go ahead and get you started on my PANSI Therapy, rather than wait until the next session.””B-But why a-am I-I bound up like…””Well, Mark, the focus of PANSI Therapy treatments are designed to assist the patient to reach a level of contentment where the patient is comfortable and at peace with himself about being subservient to others, especially to those that he loves and cares about. The therapy seeks to help the patient see that others have the liberty to control what he does. The patient’s reward comes from having done what is desired of him by others. What better way to get you in the mode of thinking in that manner, than a good flagellation treatment with several whipping instruments.””W-WHAT? Y-You’re going to whip me!””Yes, Mark, it’s necessary for you to feel the pain from this treatment so as to condition your mental consciousness. This provides you the incentive to not have second thoughts about being submissive, when directed to do something you are told to do. Pain is a very effective deterrent to help you focus on what is correct for you.”P-Please Dr. Judy, n-no please don’t do this. T-This can’t be happening. It-It’s i*****l for you…””You signed a release Mark. It gives me the right to subject you to reasonable treatment that, in my professional opinion, is needed. You need this treatment to help you feel more subservient. Therefore, I plan to beat you with a variety of flagellation instruments during this session. You won’t need this full treatment often, just a periodic touch up so to speak.”Those will be a lighter, more like refresher treatments on a monthly basis. Sara, her mother, or your mother, aunt or other female relatives can give you them to keep you in tune with the focus of the PANSI Therapy. “I believe it’s probably better if a female relative whips you, so as for you to be constantly reminded that you are a mama’s boy. Being reminded of that compliments and reinforces the the****utic merits of PANSI. However, an occasional thrashing by a manly male relative, or even one of Sara’s or even your mother’s lovers wouldn’t be bad for you either. That would further drive home the issue that you should be respectful to superior males. Anyway Mark, I’m really doing you a favour by giving you this full treatment now. This will ensure by the time your wedding roles around, you will be fully at peace with yourself and your new role as Sara’s husband.””DR. Judy, N-NO! PLEASE! T-THOSE ARE REAL WHIPS!” I shouted as Dr. Judy folded down a compartment on the wall in front of me. Inside were a complete array of flagellation whipping devices including thick wood and rubber paddles, leather whips, short and long tawses, and many types of canes.”Yes, Mark, these are the real thing. I only use the best for my patients. Your regimen today will encompass an initial round of smacks with a perforated wooden paddle. The drilled holes have been optimally sized to impart the maximum discomfort to your buttocks. The perforated holes momentarily form a partial vacuum on the impacted skin, and slightly pull it up after each smack on your ass. The additional discomfort this causes to your bruised, blistered ass cheeks further helps you to remember to avoid any thoughts of disobedience. You will be given two minutes of smacking your posterior with this fine instrument. It imparts discomfort treatment over a wide area, and is an excellent conditioner for treatment to follow from other instruments.”Next, I’m going to use a three thong knotted whip, commonly called a dog whip instrument, to narrow the corridor of pain and discomfort to smaller zones of your rear end. I’ll take another two minutes or so doing that so that the flagellation treatment gets focused and reinforced.””B-BUT DR. JUDY! Y-YOU CAN’T DO…””Lower your voice Mark, and please do not interrupt me until I finish telling you what treatment I’ve prescribed for you today. Besides, the room is very soundproof. So no one will hear you anyway. “Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Now after the dog whip, I’m going to use a tawse to spread the discomfort to a broader, but not as wide an area as that inflicted by the paddles. I’ll be whipping you for about three minutes with it. It’s also give you time to rest from the dog whip, but feel the discomfort of the less intense tawse. The tawse, because of its split leather ends, does an excellent job of spreading discomforting stinging sensations around the edges of your buttocks.”Following the tawse treatment, I’m going to give you a full minute of treatment from a whippy cane. This instrument is known for its burning and stinging sensation, which sends a very clear message to the recipient.”I mentally shuddered as she held and flexed the thin pliable instrument while looking at me straight in the eyes as she stood so imperiously. The image of her scared me to death. I was in total terror.”After that Mark, you will be given what I call a cool down treatment with one minute of lashes from a knotted, thin extension cord and the last minute will be from a perforated rubber paddle. Now it’s time for your prescribed treatment to begin.””P-PLEASE! Dr. Judy, please don’t do this. T-There must be another way, I-I…””SMACK!””OUCH! OH NOOO! THAT HURTS!” I cried out in pain as the thick wooden paddle made contact with my tender butt.”Mark, there is no other way. This is what you need.” Dr. Judy spoke as she seemed to be inhaling a good breath in order to prepare for another stroke on me.”SMACK!””OUCH!””SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!””OUCH! OH MY GOD! PLEASEEEEE STOP! PLEASEEE DR. JUDY! PLEASE! THAT-THAT HURTS!”Dr. Judy increased the rapidity of her paddling and the pain increased exponentially with each additional smack of the fearsome instrument.I cried out loudly, but it was in vain. I bucked and wiggled as best I could against the tight constraints, but it also was to no avail. I was bound tight and knew that I would have to stay in place and girth myself to endure the painful “treatment” ahead for me at the hands of Dr. Judy.”WAAAAHHHHH! NO! NO! PLEASEEEEE STOP! WAAAAHHHHH!” My loud wailing surprised even me as I screamed to the top of my voice. However, the pain was still there and the blows from Dr. Judy kept descending. After a while I was cried out, and was only whimpering. I was on the verge of losing my voice, finally the painful paddling stopped. The intense pain was still there.”Well Mark, you’ve made it through the first stage. You cried just like a baby. I expected that. That’s good. It shows you’re not ashamed of acting like the soft and delicate mollycoddled mama’s boy you are. As you may have noticed the intensity of pain reached a point where it doesn’t increase but reaches a plateau. My goal is to sustain this plateau of pain and alter the type of pain, with the remainder of your flagellation discomfort treatment. Your cognitive memory of this painful experience, as well as the monthly refresher whippings should serve as a reminder for you to not to want to experience this again, should you chose to be uncooperative to those who love you, especially Sara.”As I continued whimpering and trying to make sense of what all was happening to me, Dr. Judy walked away briefly and returned holding something like a ball with tubes attached.”Mark, since you’re all cried out. This little device is a pump up gag. It’ll help you from screaming and preserve your voice.””What…” As I opened my mouth to talk, Dr. Judy quickly pushed the small ball in and began to pump on a small rubber bulb, which was concealed in her hand. The ball in my mouth began to swell and before I could spit it out, it filled my mouth and was wedged in tight.”There, that’s good. Now that we got that done, let’s get back on with your treatment.””UMMMMMMMMM!” The only noise I made came out muffled, as I tried to again plead with Dr. Judy to stop this insane thing she was doing to me.”I love using the dog whip. It has such good balance and is fun to see the welts pop up after they bounce up off the flesh. I don’t mean to be cavalier Mark, but those welts will be beneficial for your remembering what’s good for you. Okay? Well anyway, get ready mark. Show time.””WHAP!”The pain from that first lash seemed to go through me. The pain was so different. It was like three trails of fire in an already hot bed of coals, all sitting on my blazing ass cheeks.As the whipping session went on, Dr. Judy made comments about the benefits and effects of each of the whipping instruments she used on me. I was writing in pain and just wished she would cease the whole effort especially her clinical comments about the merits of each whip or cane and the pain inflicted. After all, it was my ass feeling the pain, not hers.I can truly say, the whippy cane did seem to stand out in reference to the type of pain Dr. Judy described. I was so glad it was all over with. My backside was enveloped in searing pain.COMMENT BY DR. JUDY:Reader, at this point, I’m going to switch you over to a historical excerpt from Mark’s Diary, as it offers a more accurate first hand personal description and insight of his experiences at that point in time.ENTRY FROM MARK’S DIARY (The Whipping Session)Dear Diary,My rear end still aches from the PANSI flagellation treatment Dr. Judy gave me 5 days ago. It was so painful. I thought I was going to die. In a way I did, at least the way things use to be with me, but more about that later.Even though mother has punished me several times, the pain that Dr. Judy inflicted on me was of a higher order of magnitude than I’d ever experienced before. After my painful experience with the flagellation instruments she used – a thick wood paddle with perforations, a three thong knotted dog whip, a thick leather tawse, a whippy cane, and a thin knotted folded electrical extension cord – I felt indeed submissive.Besides the pain and the humiliation of being beaten, I found out that an electronic chastity device had been placed on my balls and prick. Even though I was crying and wailing profusely, after she removed the ball gag from my mouth, the reality of what had happened, as well as my projected future of subjugation, came down on me like a thunderbolt.I was full of questions and pain as I frantically hobbled around the small room with my pants and shorts around my ankles. I vigorously rubbed my naked bottom and felt the pronounced welts and bruise blistered swollen areas of my ass cheeks.Diary, I was in a very confused state. I was howling in pain and crying like a baby. I tried to soothe and console my ravished buttocks. They seemed as if they were literally on fire. However, as I think back, not once did I think of retaliating against Dr. Judy for what she’d done to me. I remember just not having any fight in me.Besides Diary, that would’ve been foolish since Dr. Judy is taller, big boned and has more weight and strength than me. Well anyway, I settled down a few minutes later. Dr. Judy helped me wipe my face and promised some ointment to soothe the ache, stinging and burning sensation.”No ointment for you at the moment Mark and everything will be fully explained to you in a few minutes. I want the discomfort to linger with you a while. This way you’ll get the full benefit of this very effective and the****utic treatment, which will get you off on the right foot as a PANSI husband-to-be.”Diary, I had many, many questions. Little did I know at the time how the answers would change my whole world.To my further discomfort, Dr. Judy wanted to do some counselling while I was in this state of pain and confusion.”Now Mark, I know this may be a little difficult for you, but I must ask you a few question which I expect you to answer full and truthfully. Otherwise, I may have to give bahis siteleri you some more treatment before you get your ointment. You don’t want that do you?””NO! N-NO Ma’am!” I blurted out.”Good! Now Mark, your lovely fiancée will expect you to be more understanding, as well as accepting of her past and future involvement with other men. This treatment has been given so as for you to be reminded of your inadequacies as a man, as well as to remind you that subservience and compliance to her needs are of paramount importance for you from now on. This will make you stronger emotionally in her eyes and bond you both closer together in love. Y-You do love her, correct?””Y-You know I-I do Dr. Judy. It-It’s I-I just wish that I-I didn’t have…””Mark! I need a yes or no answer! I don’t have time for one of your wishy-washy responses. I’m trying to help you! It’s time for you to stop your wishful thinking, and stand up and say you’re not a man, but a milquetoast mama’s boy who wants to do what it takes to have the love of the woman you love! NOW SAY IT!”Diary, surprised at the tone of Dr. Judy’s voice and the suddenness of her actions, I quickly became cowed and responded as she asked of me.”I-I’m not a m-man. I-I want t-to d-do whatever it takes to h-have Sara’s l-love.” I softly and meekly replied as I hung my head. Dr. Judy was standing tall and authoritative over me. Her handling and flexing one of the whippy canes also influenced my quickness too. I didn’t want another message from that little monster.”GOOD! Very Good Mark. So anytime in the future you may tend to feel like being non-compliant with Sara’s wishes, you are to remember your treatment her today. It is to be a reminder that you voluntarily submitted to make a statement about your lack of manliness and a commitment of love for the woman you love. In other words Mark, you must see this as a proud and noble experience you’ve undergone here today. From now on if you’re treated as less than a man, or being whipped like a little boy, or called names such as a cuckold, or even a sissy, or a pantywaist, you must not object. You should see those as opportunities to let the person, or persons, know that you will do or be any of those things to show your fiancée that you are not insecure with your un-manliness, but as proof of what you will do for her love. By your actions, Sara’s real men will know they have no chance to woo or steal her away from you with their handsome muscular physiques and big sturdy dicks, compared to the type and quality of your demonstrated love. Also, others will only be able to marvel at your noble stance and commend your courage and fortitude of love.”Diary, the tone of Dr. Judy’s statement did have an air and tone of projecting me as being proud and noble, but I still didn’t feel totally noble about myself at the moment.Dr. Judy went on to congratulate me for the fortitude and endurance I’d shown in taking whipping that I’d just received.”Mark, you may not feel it now, but you should be proud of having undergone such a thorough flagellation treatment as you have today. Even though, you’re not much of a man in other ways, you can take pride in the fact that you take a whipping rather well. I’m sure that aspect won’t be lost on Sara either. This is just another edge you’ll have over her real men. In addition, Mark, I think you have the right stuff to make Sara happy. I don’t see you having a problem adjusting to any further opportunities of demonstrations of your love for Sara in the future either. Sure, society and others may deem them as disgraceful acts of humiliations, but to you they’re golden possibilities to show affection in a way that only a non-alpha male like you can, for the woman he loves.”Well, that’s enough for now. We’ll talk more about these things in future sessions.” Spoke Dr. Judy as she abruptly brought her counselling session to an end.Diary, even though I wanted to ask Dr. Judy more questions about aspects of the things she talked about, my mind quickly returned to my painful ass. I desperately needed relief back there. Sensing that I was about to be given the promised ointment for my aching rear, I again raised the question about the device on my prick and balls.Again Diary, I didn’t have any idea, but this was truly to be a day of surprises. Dr. Judy replied to me in the following manner.”Mark, all will be made clear to you in a moment. Take your pants and shorts completely off and lay across the examination table there. I’m going to get the ointment I promised you.”Dr. Judy left the room and I complied with her request. As I lay across the table, my thoughts were all over the map. However, `How could this be happening to me?’ seemed to be the most predominant thought I was having. Moments later the door opened and my anticipation of just Dr. Judy returning was shattered when I heard and saw who was with her. In my surprise and shock I tried to sit on my ravaged bottom, but the pain was too great. I had to jump on the floor from the slightly elevated exam table.”Mark, honey, you are such a darling. You took your whipping so bravely. I just know we’re going to be so happy now that you understand things better now.” Spoke Sara, with a broad beaming smile on her face.”Mark, sweetie, you really made your mother and I proud to see you trying to wiggle your little ass as Dr. Judy laid into you, but you hung in there and took your whipping with pride, just like a good little boy.” Spoke my Aunt Monica, my mother’s sister, who I hadn’t seen in a while.”Yes, you did make me proud sweetie. I’m so delighted that you did what mommy said and agreed to see Dr. Judy. It’s so wonderful to know that you’re doing the right thing and not trying to be a real man, but instead are making a serious commitment to capitalize and optimize your manly inadequacies so as to give you parity with Sara’s real men. In addition son, this can’t but help you keep the competitive edge as you work toward becoming Sara’s husband. I truly and proud of you Mark. Let mommy hug her baby.”While mother was embracing me, Sara’s mother also congratulated me for what she’d seen me go through. It was then that I was told that Dr. Judy had arranged for my flagellation treatment to be seen on close circuit TV in another room, where the women saw the literal blow-by-blow on my rear end.Despite the fact that I was naked below my waist, it was too late for me to be embarrassed. Mother volunteered to rub the soothing and anesthetizing ointment onto my pain wracked rear. However, before Dr. Judy would give me the ointment, she insisted I drink at least half of another cup of her special herbal tea to relieve any stress I might be feeling after my ordeal.The warm cinnamon flavoured beverage was welcomed. I’d come to welcome the mellow feeling it gave me as well as the clarity of thinking, from having drank it several times before. I hadn’t been able to reason why when I drank the stuff, Dr. Judy’s reasoning seemed so much more understandable to me.Finally, Dr. Judy was about to hand me the much-desired ointment, but it was mother who interceded and took it from her. She decided “I was her baby” and therefore she was the one to rub it on my “tenderized” bottom.”I was even more embarrassed that she wanted me to lie over her lap. I wanted to apply the ointment myself, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She even asked Dr. Judy for permission to use the whippy cane on me if I continued to be recalcitrant. That did it; I quickly obeyed and went back to being a mama’s boy.Dr. Judy quickly seized upon my action as the positive benefits of painful discomfort that changes “behavioural attitudes” – her words.To make matters worse, as I was laying across mother’s lap, and enduring the embarrassment of having her apply ointment to my backside – just as she did when I was a baby – Dr. Judy chose to lecture the women on the proper way to flagellate me, should they be called upon to do so.The atmosphere was so unreal as I lay there and heard Dr. Judy go in the fine details of using the various whips, paddles, straps, and canes she had in the compartment on the wall.”So remember ladies, let the instruments do the work. All you have to do is apply the right amount of wrist action and don’t be heavy handed. We don’t want to injure Mark, only to make sure that he gets the message that we are trying to help him to be cooperative with us as we do what’s best for him. Remember, a little goes a long way with these fine behaviour adjustment tools.” Again, the smug look on Dr. Judy’s face didn’t bode well with me. But then again, what could I do about it? I felt so helpless.And yes, Diary, there were disparaging comments about my small prick. “But don’t you worry a bit Mark Darling, you may not have it there like my real men, but you have it where it counts for me – in your mouth.” Spoke Sara as she boasted of my pussy suck out prowess, and that she was looking forward to my head being back in her wet, drippy, shot-off-in snatch, after her real men had used it.The other women applauded her, as well as congratulated her for getting a prize catch, me, who was willing to go to go to such lengths for her.The whole atmosphere in the room was total devastating to any shred of manliness I may have possessed. I should’ve been totally and unequivocally outraged. However, with all the talk about me being proud of being less than a man, and having been recently whipped, I just didn’t have any will power to refute or not agree with anything that was being said. I had to accept what was being said, and due to the mellow sate I was in from the herbal tea, I even felt a great deal in agreement with what was being said. As a result, what was being said just didn’t bother me. Maybe Dr. Judy’s treatment was working already. Was I becoming desensitized to being seen as less than a man?”Diary, finally, the talk got around to the strange, but apparently strong thin heavily plastic coated cable and plastic modules surrounding my waist and wrapped strategically around and about my genitals.”Mark, and Ladies, this is the latest in behaviour and attitude conditioning management as a supplement for males such as Mark undergoing PANSI Therapy. It is small, lightweight and highly reliable. Mark will not be hampered by it, as it will not impact any of his normal body hygiene, or excretory function. As you can see, there is no encasement over his little prick in the lease. It has a smart microchip that can detect when he is handling himself and will prevent that, if desired. It is an excellent device to prevent or control his masturbation. That control will be in your hands ladies.” Spoke Dr. Judy with what I thought was a smug unprofessional expression her face.Diary, as I listened to how the electronic cock lock worked, I almost started crying. If I got an erection and sought to try and relieve it, whether by rubbing off or pulling my peter, the device would provide small electric shocks to deter me from doing so unless the holder of one of the remotes gave me electronic permission to jack off.In addition, each remote was customized to each of the women in the room. The key to activating the remote was a electronic fingerprint impression in a recess on the side of the remote. There is also a voice code they had to speak into a small mike, on the front of the unit. So no matter if I got the device, or someone else, it still wouldn’t work for them or me. To make matters worse, even if I ran away, it had a built in GPS location system and was linked to the cell phone system, so that I could be given a behavioural electric jolt no matter where I was. Dr. Judy was very firm in her warning to me about trying to remove the device or not coming in to see her staff about replacing/recharging the batteries every two months. Her explanation of how my balls could be fried, if I did either, was enough to encourage me to never try to remove the device or forget to keep the batteries fresh or charged. Diary, after all I’d been through, I can’t believe even to this day, that Dr. Judy used her device to give me a strong punishing jolt which caused me to double over. Then about 2 minutes after I’d recovered from that, she let all four women use each of their devices to give my balls a milder, attention getting jolt; from their devices to be sure they had the hang of operating them. Overcome by the reality of what was happening to me, and on the verge of tears, I begged and pleaded with Dr. Judy and Sara and the others to have the device removed.”Mark, sweetie, this is for your own good.” Spoke mother.”Mark, darling, if you love me enough for me to become your wife, you’ll stop whining and give your PANSI training time to work. Plus, Mark, it’s going to make me so happy to know that I’ll be able to control when you can jerk off. And you do want to make me happy, don’t you?” Sara said with another bright smug smile on her face. She was also fingering the red button on the small, pager size, remote, which controlled the jolts I’d been receiving.I looked around the room. There was silence. I could tell by the looks on the other women’s faces, they were hoping I would give Sara an opportunity to use push the button. I knew I was beaten – both physically and emotionally.”Y-Yes Sara, I-I want to-to make y-you happy.” I replied sheepishly as I hung my head.”That’s better Mark. Don’t worry, you’ll have these moments of anxiety initially until you fully adapt to and become fully adjusted to being a truly PANSI male and husband.” Spoke Dr. Judy with yet another smug and unprofessional smile as she put her hand on my shoulder.All of the electric shocks, mild or not, let me know I was now truly a PANSI prisoner and had been committed to be under the control of others, whether I wanted to or not.I was ready for this day to be over. I was sure that no more indignities could be imposed on me, even if the intent was to help me secure my relationship with the woman I loved. I was still wondering if the price I was paying for Sara’s love might be too steep, that is, in terms of my self-esteem.I assumed that after the ointment rub I would be allowed to get dress and then leave. It was then that I noticed Dr. Judy and Sara off to the side talking. They walked back toward me and the group.Dr. Judy spoke to the group.”Everyone! Sara has just informed me that she has a date with one of her “real men” studs in about a half hour.”Diary, Dr. Judy looked me squarely in the eye as she stressed “real men” and paused momentarily in her broadcast to the group. I know I looked pathetic as I hung my head once more. She continued speaking after she got the obviously desired reaction she sought from me. The feel of the other eyes in the room was also on me.”However, all this activity here has aroused her, and she needs Mark to perform Cunnilingus for her, so as to reduce her sexual anxiety and calm down her heated cunt. She wanted to take Mark in another room and have him suck her pussy there. However, I have suggested, and she has agreed, that he should do her right here while we watch and evaluate how well he does her.”Diary, once more I was surprised at such a brazen proposal. It would only further humiliate and shame me. I was so dumfounded. I literally could’ve been pushed over with the proverbial feather.”Yes, that’s a great idea.” Cried out Aunt Monica.”Super idea!” Yelled Sara’s mother.”Not only that, but he can give us all some tongue so we can all make a better, you know, first person assessment. Plus, I’ve wanted to have my sweet Mark put his mouth on my pussy for some time now, every since I’ve found out he’s been doing it for Sara.”There was a loud murmuring of agreement in the room on mother’s idea. Which absolutely flabbergasted and made me speechless.”Why, that’s a delightful idea.” Dr. Judy said in response to mother’s idea. “Your idea has so much merit. Not only will it do what you said, that is give each of you ladies a firsthand data, but it will also help in mother son bonding. Which will further drive home to Mark that it’s quite all right to be a mama’s boy and still hold onto his mama’ apron string.” Spoke Dr. Judy as she again stared momentarily upon my astonished face. She had a sickly cruel smile that went way beyond smug, and eons beyond professionalism.”Another benefit will be to reduce mother-daughter-in-law jealousy too. In addition Sara, you shouldn’t mind if your darling fiancé‚ here sucks his mama’s pussy as well as other family members’ pussies, you know, so as to keep his tongue and lips and mouth suction muscles in fine form for you, would you?””Oh no, you’re absolutely right Dr. Judy, I wouldn’t mind in the least. You’re correct of course, the exercise of those important muscles can only be good for our relationship and eventual marriage.” Sara replied to Dr. Judy’s outrageous assertions.I was so overwhelmed at the unreal atmosphere in the room and what was going on, I couldn’t speak.While standing there not believing my eyes and ears, Sara was shown to the exam table nearby. In the back of my mind, I could hear Dr. Judy instructing her how to position herself for easy access of my head on her heated crotch. As I turned around slowly, I could see Dr. Judy positioning the stirrups on the sides of the table for Sara’s beautifully shaped legs. Sara was waiting for me to kneel before the apex of the perfectly formed vee that was formed by her legs and her neatly trimmed pouting pussy mound, and slightly agape gash.The sight was very appealing, even if horribly embarrassing in other ways. Sara beckoned me toward her, and Sara’s mother took my arm and led me toward her daughter, all spread out and positioned to be tongued by me, before she went out on a date with one of her real men.I was way too weak to resist, plus I already knew that it was useless to try. In addition, Dr. Judy insisted I consume the rest of the herbal tea she’d brought in just for me, before I began my “mouth love’ of Sara. I did as she asked.”That’s right Mark, kneel down here and show my daughter that you’re a good and decent fellow who just made a little mistake by saying she was a tramp because she has let so many men fuck her.” Spoke Sara’s mom as she guided me to my knees before the expanse of her daughter’s white fleshy inviting thighs.Sara added to her mom’s comments, as she lay back awaiting the arrival of my tongue in her heated muff.”I forgive you Mark darling. I can understand how you might’ve come to such an utterly erroneous and wrong conclusion just because I’ve had over 300 different dicks in my pussy over the last 10 years, or that I go out with groups of guys and suck and fuck their dicks soft. Mark, it’s just my nature. Sometimes, I like to be the only woman in a group of men, and put out for them. But don’t worry darling, I really, really do love you and want to marry you. You’re very special to me. Just knowing I’ll be marrying a decent innocent virgin like you means so much to me sweetheart. It’ll be so good to bring my dick battered and overflowing pussy home to share with you, so you can soothe it with your wonderful loving kisses, licks, and sucking lips.”I know I mean more to you than a cunt to stick your dick in dear. That’s how other men see me. And I appreciate that of you Mark. I know you really love me honey. And to let you know how much I appreciate you Mark, I want you to know that since we have been dating and engaged, that no matter how many men have fucked me, you’re the only one I let put his mouth on my frequently fucked and creamed-in pussy.””Oh that’s so romantic. I’m telling you Mark, if that doesn’t prove to you that Sara respects and loves you, I don’t know what does.” My Aunt Monica injected after Sara’s soliloquy.”Now c’mon Mark honey, please lick my pussy. I need your tongue lashing darling.” Spoke Sara with a sense of urgency in her voice. Simultaneously, her mother’s hand was on the back of my head pushing forward to her daughter’s very popular and almost public cunt. A cunt, that many, many others have fucked and that I’ll have to wait months to get my less than manly prick into. In the meanwhile, I’m still in love with and attracted to Sara. Something in me says I still should walk away from her. But now after all I’ve been through, I still want to be near her and want to be intimate with her, even if only in this way. Actually, I don’t have a choice at the moment, so I do what is expected of me.”OOOOOOHH! Mark, your tongue is so heavenly. That feels sooooo goooood.” Sara’s moans filled the room as I settled my face into her attractive and neatly trimmed hairy crotch and let my tongue work over her heated sex meat. It had been a while, but it felt so good to have my hands grasping her shapely soft bottom and the taste of her soft succulent fervent cunt meat under my tongue. Diary, her pussy tasted good, but yet a bit blander than the way Sara has fed it to me for the last few months. The reason was obvious. She hadn’t been freshly fucked and there was no semen flavouring. I hated to admit it to myself, but her used snatch spiced with spent jism had a richer, more full-bodied taste, than without it.Even though my head was clamped between Sara’s thighs, I heard all of conversation going on in the room around me.”Your son is so happy to have his right head back in my daughter’s cunt. Why look at his little hard-on.” I heard Sara’s mother said as she talked to mother.”Yes, he is. He’s right where he belongs. That’s why I persuaded him to go to Dr. Judy to work on rebuilding his relationship with your lovely daughter. He’s such a decent, mannerly hard working boy. You’ll have to forgive him for saying the things he did about Sara. He’s naive and inexperienced about the world and what’s good for him.” Mother replied.”Mark is so lucky to have such an understanding mother who persuaded him to see me.” I heard Dr. Judy speaking.”Thank you so much Dr. Judy. A mother tries to do what’s right for her baby.” Was mother’s reply.”Mark is deeply in love with Sara. He knows what he wants, but was slow to understand what necessary changes he had to make in the relationship, once he discovered Sara was as promiscuous and popular as she was with other men. But with the PANSI Therapy, he’s already beginning to see things in their proper light. In no time, you’ll see him fully adopting the appropriate attitude for his rightful role in a long term harmonious role with Sara and her real men.””Dr. Judy, you’re a saint. Thank you so much for your efforts and the interest and care you’re taking with Mark to help him be with the girl of his dreams.” Mother replied warmly to Dr. Judy.She and mother continued to discuss things that I only heard bits and snippets of. Sara was starting to juice up quite a bit from my tonguing and mouth suctioning of her soft warm pussy meat. And my slurping noise was interfering with my ability to hear more of what was going on beyond my ears. In addition, Sara was starting to bump and grind and scrub her now wet juicing pussy bush all over my face.But I did hear Dr. Judy tell mother “Thanks to you, Mark is a very well mannered young man. And you are to be commended for your masturbation management of him even though he’s an adult. It’s probably why he’s still a virgin. More mothers should have such foresight and diligence as you. Then more girls like Sara could find decent, hard working, devoted, faithful, mollycoddled virginal fiancés. Its husbands-to-be like Mark who make such excellent emotional helpmates to the Saras of the world, even if they need real men to take care of their other sexual needs.””Why thank you, Dr. Judy, I’ve done my best for Mark. And you’re right, I see your point about a vibrant girl like Sara and my Mark, who’s such a mama’s boy, do make such a sweet couple.””And you’re done a very fine job. I cannot praise you enough for keeping him under your thumb, attached to your apron strings and instilling the true spirit of being a mama’s boy in him. But in order to have him in full harmony as a PANSI male and husband, Mark’s behaviour has to be adjusted such that he is totally at ease with feeling inferior to Sara, and especially to her real men. He must feel a need to be obsequious, even more than his unassuming sheepish self at present. He must feel a newfound freedom in feeling this way. He must see this as a lifestyle that allows others to use him for their benefit and pleasure. He must understand that not only should he derive pleasure in being used, but he must also see it as a strong point of his character. He must also be self-confident, willing, and not show any reluctance to letting people use him for their sexual pleasure or other benefit.” “Oh yes Dr. Judy, I will do whatever I can to make Mark well adapted and happy in his new role as a useful PANSI male and husband. And believe me, I am in full accord with your philosophy concerning whippings being an effective way of fully stripping away false pride and superfluous feelings of grandeur and false importance. I’m a firm believer in using the rod to maintain proper discipline and mental well being for those who need it, as well as for those who give the whippings.””You’re a wise woman. Not everyone has the advanced and mature insight that you have. That is, that the whipper’s mental well being is benefited. In most cases, the whipper’s mental well being is enhanced, from inflicting whippings on a recipient, whether the recipient deserves a whipping or not, other than the fact that the whipper has the need for an urge to beat the recipient to satisfy the whipper’s mental well being. “That is part of the reason that I’m prescribing monthly refresher whippings for Mark. He needs to become desensitized to being whipped and accept that it’s just part of his obligatory duties, as a loving husband and emotional helpmate to be lashed at the discretion and prerogative of Sara, or you or other family fems.”Diary, that’s all I could hear clearly from mother and Dr. Judy, as they slowly walked away and continued talking. Also, Sara became nosier as her moans became louder. She also began to furiously heave her shapely bottom off the table and even humped my face even more vigorously, as she got off with a series of short brief intense orgasms.To my chagrin, the other woman applauded my efforts. I at first was embarrassed, especially since I had an erection. But, I smiled and accepted that they all meant well. After all, I did feel a certain pride in getting my fiancé‚ off in a way I now know I couldn’t otherwise.”Thanks, Mark darling. You are the greatest sucker. Gotta run now. I don’t want to be late for my date. But don’t worry, when I stop by your place later tonight, my pussy will be nice and creamy, like you’re use to it. Actually, it will be extra creamy, since I will bring you more fuck froth that I have before. So, don’t eat too much at dinner sweetie. Save some room for the creamy pussy pie my date and I are going to make for you.” Said Sara as she was composing herself. I was still on my knees with the wetness of her pussy smeared across my face as she quickly blew me a kiss before she left.As she left me there on my knees, I felt no shame or embarrassment at what had transpired. I was rather mellow and contented at having pleased Sara, even if it was to take the edge off her horniness for her date with another man. I concluded that what I’d done for the love of Sara is the type of thing a real man would find difficult or impossible to do for the woman he loved. But this was relatively easy for someone like me, especially after what had recently occurred to me in the last hour or so. In a strange surrealistic way, my ego was boosted to know I did something for Sara that her real men wouldn’t do.Diary, I noticed that my ass was not hurting near as much as earlier. The ointment had worked wonders. The pain was almost completely gone, even if only temporary. Dr. Judy told mother it was to be applied every four hours.After Sara departed, my Aunt Monica was hot to have her pussy licked by me so as she could begin her assessment of my tonguing efforts. I think Sara’s mother really wanted to be next, but she was a bit more bashful than my aunt was.My aunt quickly pulled my head to her thick mature bush and urged me to get down to business pronto. I did. Her thick hairy muff bush was still attractive, even if there was quite a thicket of pubic hair there.The taste was not as tasty as Sara’s was, but still flavourful in any case.My mouth and tongue were getting quite a workout, but I managed to get all the women off, including Dr. Judy, to their satisfaction. And all gave me a good evaluation of how well I used my tongue, lips and sucking to appease the lust in their pussies.Diary, I had eaten out Sara, Aunt Monica, Sara’s Mother, my Mother, and Dr. Judy. My mouth and jaw and tongue muscles were tired, but in a strange way, it did my ego good to have gotten all five women off with intense, rousing, and in all cases, multiple orgasms.While I was eating the five hairy boxes, I pondered some of what I’d overheard mother and Dr. Judy discussing. And the boost to my ego seemed to fit right in with Dr. Judy saying I had to feel self-confident and be pleased in doing what pleased others.However, I wasn’t angry with her or the women for having demanded I eat their pussies for their pleasure – not my pleasure. Yet, I was very pleased at just having gotten them all off.Another thing I had to contend with and for which I had no control over, was my own sexual relief. Dr. Judy made it clear. I would only be allowed to jack off every two weeks until further notice. She made sure I and the women heard her.I was not only shocked at her pronouncement, but also embarrassed to hear her say this in front of mother and the other women, despite all the other things that had just happened to me. “Mark, it’s important for your well being to abstain sexually. That’s why your jacking off has to be controlled. You are so fortunate that your mother instilled in you the merits of masturbation to preserve your virginity until marriage and to save yourself for your future wife. You are a good son for having followed her advice as well as having gotten accustomed to having done so under her surveillance over the years.””Thank you for your warm compliments, Dr. Judy. I made sure that Mark always beat his meat off, rather than risk the loss of his precious virginity. And I always had him report to me whenever he pulled his little peter.””Mark, you are indeed fortunate to have such an thoughtful and insightful mother.””But before you say anything Mark, yes, you’ll have a hard aching dick for a few days between the times you’re permitted to masturbate. However, PANSI Therapy requires you to have blue balls and suffer a bit with an aching throbbing prick. I’m sorry, you have no choice but to accept this. Okay?”I was too stunned to reply. I just looked at Dr. Judy as I stood there with my still erect and already suffering prick. Two weeks seemed so long, especially since it’s not unusual for me to have to jack off twice a week normally, and more than that when Sara gets me all heated up.”Your sexual suffering will help you appreciate the joy of getting off better, whenever you do get a chance to jerk off. In addition, you’ll be a better person for knowing that your sexual pleasure is in the hands of another. Plus Mark, I want you to begin accompanying Sara on her dates, especially her sexual outings, and especially her group sex parties where she’s is the only woman having sex with the strange men there.”It’s imperative that you observe her juicy warm, raw, soft cunt meat being invaded and wantonly plummeted by strange throbbing dicks, while your prick is locked up, and aching and straining in your pants. You’ll find that your sexual suffering will only make you want her more, and love her more.”And Mark, it almost goes without saying that you are to eagerly suck her used, messy pussy clean of the lusty leavings of these real men fucking her. Your efforts will also send a strong message to these men that you have an ultra love for her, and are willing to prove it, no matter that other better endowed men are fucking her and you’re not.”Mother and the other women were silently nodding their heads, showing their total agreement with Dr. Judy. With such total accord of those closest to me, I knew I had no choice but to resign myself to undergoing what Dr. Judy was describing. Dr. Judy continued talking. “You’ll find that as you place your head in her messy muff, soppy and gloppy with the numerous ejaculations of these real men, you’ll find that your suffering aching little penis will enable you to focus your sexual energies to your mouth. You know that this gives Sara the greatest pleasure as you clean her out. She expects you to do a great job, and I know you will Mark.”An another thing Mark, you’re going to get an added bonus. The bonus will be the delight of you tasting and consuming the abundant thick viscous gelatinous spent sperm that her real men will have deposited in Sara’s hairy frothy gash. Your enjoyment of the relatively small amounts you’ve had to eat out of her to date is guaranteed to ensure your delicious delight in feasting on fuller loads of the men’s slimy, thick rich, creamy gobs of sperm in the future.””And Mark sweetie, because it’s all natural and full of proteins, their jism, fresh from their balls, is nutritious for you too.” Spoke mother, in a motherly tone. As she smiled brightly and put her arm around me.I said nothing, but a part of me was ashamed that my mother and the others knew I had ever admitted I delighted in the taste of spent dick cream in Sara’s pussy. However, another part of me was anxious to be intimate with her, even if I had to taste Sara’s hot messy and ripe creamy hair pie, which I suspect would happen later that night when she came by our house.Yes Diary, my mind was in conflict. But with Dr. Judy being so adroit and professional in explaining why all she was inflicting and imposing on was beneficial for me, I did find it difficult to fault her reasoning.The repeated theme of that reasoning was that humiliation means happiness for me. That by nurturing humiliation, self-abasement, lowering my self-esteem, and delighting in being subjugated, Sara’s love is guaranteed to be mine.I did want Sara’s love, so I concluded that I must also want what went along with getting that love. I remembered something Dr. Judy told me in our first session alone.”Mark, it’s going to be a challenge for you to meet the high standards of being the kind of fellow Sara needs in a husband. You’ve got a good start, but you could lose out at anytime if you fail to continue to be strong at what you’re best at being strong at. Mark, your strength is in being servile, cowardly, accepting humiliation as normal, and embracing and not being ashamed of your inferiority as a man.” As my mind came back to the present, I heard Dr. Judy advising mother, and the other women that they should not pass up any opportunity to feed me their cunts, when they’re full of semen, as a result of their getting fucked in the future.Almost in unison, everyone committed to feeding me any gash fuck froth resulting from their having intercourse.My nagging mental conflict that maybe I was paying too high a price for Sara’s love, was still on my mind. After I drank the last bit of herbal tea, as Dr. Judy had prompted me, the conflict seems to have taken a back seat in my mind. The last bit of tea boosted my existing state of being relaxed and very mellow. “Now Ladies, as you may have observed, Mark still has a firm erection of his little prick.” The women, almost in unison, softly chuckled at Dr. Judy’s comment.”Don’t worry nephew, when you think back to all this, you’ll laugh just thinking about how silly you were in thinking you could use it to satisfy a woman. What Dr. Judy is doing for you is good for you. Okay?” Aunt Monica said to me in a sincere and consoling tone of voice.”Y-Yes ma’am.” I replied softly, still hating that my prick was the subject of further ridicule. “As I was saying, Mark’s penis has maintained an erection throughout all he has been through today. That is absolute testimony enough that he’s quite satisfied with what we are doing for him is correct.” Dr. Judy said with an obvious tone of confidence and authority.”Remember ladies, I need your support as I continue to give Mark his PANSI therapy treatments. I’m counting on you all to assist, encourage, and provide him affectionate moral support, as I help him to become proud, confident, and secure with his un-manliness and becoming a well rounded PANSI male. I also need you all to support, praise and remind Mark that humiliation at the hands of Sara and her real men, is not only very good for him, but will bond him closer to the woman he adores, loves and eagerly and willingly seeks to please.”The women applauded Dr. Judy’s little speech and loudly and in virtual unison, promised to do what she asked of them.Diary, all I did was stand by, with my prick still rigid. Nothing I could do could will it down. I didn’t dare touch myself because of the device, but also the wrath of the group.”Also ladies, when and if Sara calls upon any of you to participate or perform Mark’s monthly flagellation refresher, I expect you to put what’s best for Mark in the fore front of your minds. Don’t be persuaded by his pleas for mercy until he has had his prescribed mix of lashes from whatever is prescribed for his whipping. You’ll be doing him a disservice if you fail to give him the full set, and forcefulness, of prescribed lashes. Okay?”I shuddered, as mother and Aunt Monica led the group in indicating to Dr. Judy they would not heed my cries for mercy, and wouldn’t short-change me in any way, if called upon to be my whipper.I of course hated the idea of monthly flagellations, but Dr. Judy did say I should have an open mine and trust her that I would find pleasures in the pain others inflicted on me, especially Sara. She said that by taking whippings Sara gave me, I was in essence proving my love to her in a way none of real men could or were brave enough to do. It was so strange, but her words really boosted my ego and self-esteem, even if it meant receiving such intense pain.As I thought about the whippings mother gave me on occasions, the only real pleasure I got out of them was when she stopped beating me. However, after being beat by mother, there was a strange and, well sense of having atoned for whatever the offense was that I was being punished for. The after effect was one of starting out again with her with a clean slate. Maybe this is the type of pleasure and mental well being Dr. Judy was eluding too.Oh well, Diary, I’d already concluded that it really didn’t matter what I thought about becoming PANSI-fied. Sara and mother, and the others had fully bought into it. And with the shock cock lock on me, I didn’t see that I had much chance of fighting city hall, so to speak.Diary, before I left Dr. Judy’s that day, I had to suffer another blow to my ego in front of the group of women, who even if they were close to me, it still cause me some degree of embarrassment, despite the relaxed, accepting and mellow mood I was in.”Mark, as part of your therapy, and especially today because of your sore bottom, I want you to start wearing women’s panties. I’m giving you a starter complimentary set. The soft sheer lacy material will feel much more soothing than those rough cotton briefs you’ve been currently wearing. Don’t ask any questions now, we’ll talk more in our next session. Just do as you’re told now, that’s all.”Diary, once more, I was to be canlı bahis shocked and dumbfounded. Seeing my utter confusion and the agitation on my face, Dr. Judy took my arm and pulled me aside. Still nude below the waist and with an erection sticking out that I could do nothing about, I followed her into a distant corner of the room.As we talked in a whispered hush tone, she put her arm around my shoulder.”Mark, I can see by the look on your face that you feel like you’ve reached rock bottom in regard to your image and esteem of being manly. If so, this is good. But is that the reason for your downcast and shocked look and possible thoughts of refusing to wear these pretty panties?””O-Oh, Dr. Judy, y-you’re virtually reading my mind. P-Please d-don’t make me wear t-these…””Mark, these are not what you think they are.””T-They’re not? T-Then w-what…””Sure, they are pretty and lacy and only made of fabric. But they represent far more than that when you slip them on and wear them. They then become a symbol of your courage and audacity, to show that you have a different type of strength. A strength that most, if any, real men have. A strength to be strong through what society would call a lack of manliness. Now Mark, as part of our earlier discussions, you’ve admitted being called a pantywaist several times before, by both men and women. Am I correct?”I silently nodded my head up and down in response to Dr. Judy’s question.”Mark, you’ve also become less sensitized to being called a pantywaist as well as sometimes a wimp and a sissy too, haven’t you?””I-I, err, w-well, uh…””I’ll take that as a yes. That’s what your face is saying. Anyway, the important thing is that you do acknowledge that you meet the criteria of being a pantywaist or a sissy or wimp, since several people of both sexes have labelled you as such. However, I’ve never heard you say once that Sara has called you any of those names. Am I right?”I silently shook my head side to side.”So you see Mark, while others called you what society has defined as unmanly terms, you have been Sara’s shining knight. She adores you despite others have labelled you as being unmanly. She has found a way for you to give her pleasure comparable to the way real men please a woman, even though you both know, you’re not a real man. You derived pleasure from the way she lets you please her, because your make up is geared to doing that for her. Nature prepared you for this. Face it Mark, you’re a pantywaist, but a pantywaist that has the love and adoration of a beautiful woman. You know you don’t want to give up or disappoint Sara. If Sara can accept you as a pantywaist, why can’t you?””Dr. J-Judy, y-you make things s-sound s-so simple b-but…””Mark, things are simple for you. It’s time you stop whining and take action to be stronger in what society has labelled as your weakness and unmanliness. Mark, your strength comes from being unmanly, non-confrontational, compliant with and acquiescent to others, especially to the woman you love. This is the only way for you to ever be contented with yourself. You need to wear these as your badge of courage.” Said Dr. Judy as she held up the lacy pink feminine garment.I just looked at them with a lump in my throat.”Don’t be afraid of them Mark. It takes courage for you to wear women’s panties. You’re a courageous person Mark, I know you are. It takes courage to accept becoming desensitized to being called a pantywaist, sissy and a wimp repeatedly. You’re comfortable at being obliging, compliant, mild-mannered and, well in general, cowardly Mark. These are positive attributes of your strength.””I-I k-know that I-I’m not as strong as other men, b-but…””But Mark, you have an inner strength at accepting what society calls humiliation and shame. You should take pride in this. You’ve shown bravery in the way you took a very good and, I might add, a very professional whipping, earlier. I know you will be just as brave in the future for the subsequent monthly whippings you will be receiving. You were pretty meek in accepting that your cock and balls were under lock and key and were to be controlled by women. This too is an indication of your bravery in admitting that you were too cowardly to resist. Further, you’ve made up with your promiscuous fiancée, on her terms, and have accepted that you will be faithful but yet will accept her current wanton unbridled promiscuity and future adultery, after you two are married. This, despite that she’ll be denying you up until the time you’re married, and only allow you to masturbate for your relief, but will require you to suck her fucked cunt. In addition, Mark, you’ll be showing your love to her by draining and sucking the viscous ejaculatory deposits her real men make in her almost public snatch. If that’s not an outstanding example of gallantry, I don’t know what is.””I-I g-guess I-I’ve never thought of m-myself being gallant before.””Yes Mark, you are. You’re a gallant, pussy sucking, semen eating pantywaist. Put on your shield of courage and symbol of bravery. Make Sara, your mother, and the other women proud of you. Have confidence in yourself and wear these panties proudly. After all Mark, what is a confident and brave pantywaist, without his pretty panties on? Here, show me your bravery.” Dr. Judy said as she handed me the delicate lacy pair of sheer, pink, lace trimmed panties.As I took them from her, Dr. Judy had indeed made me feel so much better and confident at the prospect of wearing such finery.After pulling them up over my beaten and bruised bottom, I had to admit they were more attractive than my cotton briefs, despite the slight bulge of my small erect prick.Dr. Judy walked me back to the centre of the room. She further bolstered my new unmanly ego by applauding as she had me turn around to and directed mother and the others to feel how proper it was for me to wear them and how well they fit me.”His little peter is so cute sticking out and causing a little wet spot because of his pre-cum.””It sure is. It’s more like a clit than a prick.” Said Sara’s mom, to which the group all chuckled loudly.Accustomed now to the constant teased and ridicule about the size of my 3-1/2′ prick, I could only smile. I had to accept that it was indeed not up to the job of pleasing a woman such as my fiancée. And after Dr. Judy’s various words about how well I took humiliation, I was able to take this in stride even better than before.”Well Mark, it looks like you have another name for your little peter. I think it’ll be good therapy for you to refer to it as a clit-prick. Okay?””Y-Yes ma’am.” Sensing she wanted an answer, I meekly and softly replied to Dr. Judy. “I’m so proud of you baby. You look so lovely in panties.” Mother said with tears in her eyes as she hugged me tightly.”He’s going to make you a fine son-in-law.” My Aunt Monica said to Sara’s mother, both of which had watery eyes.”Yes he will. My Sara is so lucky to have made such a good catch.””Yes she is. Mark is going to make a fine, pussy sucking and sperm eating pantywaist husband and son-in-law.” Spoke Dr. Judy. With all the women providing another round of unsolicited comments about my pussy sucking and the positive morale and confidence booster talk Dr. Judy had given me, I was now blushing with pride, rather than shame, at the accolades I was receiving. It was indeed a good feeling to be complimented. After getting dressed, mother drove me home. Despite the soothing effect of the ointment, I had to lie face down across the rear car seat, as my bottom was too sensitive to sit in the front.As mother drove, she had only warm praise for me. This comforted me somewhat, despite my sensitive bottom.”Dear, your pussy sucking was superb. You really made me proud of you as a mother to see her son with his head in the hairy bushes of five women and work so diligently to tongue lick and suck up the abundant pussy juice and please us all with your wonderful mouth. It’s too bad our cunts hadn’t been fucked. I think that would’ve been a welcomed treat for you and us. By the way, does Sara’s pussy taste better fucked or un-fucked? Don’t be shy dear.””Mother do we have to…””C’mon sweetie, where is your strength and confidence, you know it’s good to you. You’re a sperm eater. Admit it. Be strong and confident. Remember, you’re a proud pantywaist.””O-Okay mother, if-if you say so t-that I have to be strong in these things. I-I guess f-fucked is-is more f-f-flavourful.””That’s a good boy. There’s nothing wrong with getting it out, just like you did with accepting and admitting you’re a pantywaist. Doesn’t it feel better just admitting to me you like eating better men’s sperm from your fiancée’s well fucked pussy than having it all bottled up in you and creating stress and pressure?””Y-Yes, I-I, uh, g-guess so.””Good! But I want you to admit the same thing to Sara too dear, the first time you get a chance. Okay?””O-Okay, if-if you s-say so mother.” I replied to mother. I also got up the courage to tell mother I did liked sucking her pussy.”I did too baby and you can count on having your head between my spread thighs many more times. Remember. Dr. Judy said it was good for you to suck mommy’s pussy too. And son, the mere fact you’re telling me that you liked sucking my pussy brings joy to my heart.” I could tell she was happy with me. It was apparent in her voice. Oddly, it made me feel good to please and have mother’s approval for something that was definitely unusual and something that before today, I would’ve considered perverted. Now after having done it, it didn’t seem so perverted or un-natural as I once would’ve considered it to be.For the next few minutes I brought up what I’d heard she and Dr. Judy discussing earlier, while I was eating Sara out.”Son, you have to be whipped for your own well being. It’s just your nature. It’s best for you to be under foot, and chastised for your own good. That’s why I want to make sure that, one, you have a wife that loves you enough to do this for you. I can tell by your tone, you’re not fully in agreement with this, but you have to admit Mark, you are indecisive and wishy-washy, and in a word weak. Am I wrong? Tell me!””Mother, I-I know it’s hard for me to make quick decisions a-and that I’m not that strong, b-but…””Don’t even try to explain sweetie pie. You have to face it Mark, you’re a wishy-washy mama’s boy. You’re of marrying age, but you need guidance, control, and oversight dear. And I believe Sara is the right woman to give it to you.””B-But mother, why c-can’t we be equal partners rather than her b-being over me?””Honey, sure marriage is a partnership, but in any marriage, one partner tends to be more equal than the other. And that certainly is the case with you and Sara. She’s more sexually experienced, has better leadership qualities than you, and she’s certainly more decisive than you are. No son, it’s much better for you to be the subordinate partner in the marriage. You’re a born follower and will do well under someone like Sara who will lead and help you be the responsible husband she expects you to be, and should be for such a beautiful and talented woman.””Mother, y-you’re just like Dr. Judy. I just can’t seem to get my points across w-without them b-being turned around a-and against me. Sure I love Sara, b-but it seems as if the price is high for…””Not a high price, but a bargain son. Second, she’s offering you a love that is priceless. Where else could you find such a beautiful woman that is giving you the chance to be her husband, and all you have to do is be loving, adoring, devoted, obedient and do as she tells you? Besides that, she’s found a way for you to sexually please her, that is mutually beneficial and ideal, despite your diminutive manly endowments.””O-Oh mother, I-I guess it doesn’t matter what I-I say. It-It looks like y-you and Dr. Judy a-and Sara will find a way to turn them around a-and make things sound s-so simplistic. I-I guess the deck is-is stacked against me.””Son, don’t sound so despondent. It’ll all work out. Just give Dr. Judy’s therapy a chance and you’ll see that it’s right for you.””I-I just w-wish there was no pain. Those whippings a-are going to be hard to get use…””Just remember sweetie, no pain, no gain. Where is the courage you showed earlier tonight? If you stop trying to be courageous enough to become stronger and more confident in your unmanliness, why I would assume that Dr. Judy might have to increase the number of whippings for you to, say 2 or 3 times a month until you show promise of…””T-Two or three! N-No not that!””Then sweetie, doesn’t it make sense for you to do what it takes to make the therapy a success?””Y-Yes ma’am.” I said meekly after a moment’s pause, but the tone of my voice showed my feeling of being vanquished.”And as we’ve told you, Sara will be the perfect wife, overseer, and manager for you, just as you’ll be the perfectly well mannered husband for her. That is, after you get all the the****utic treatments and training Dr. Judy has planned for you.” I remained silent and said nothing in reply to mother. As I again seemed to mentally come back around to the same conclusion. That is, that the only way for me was the way Dr. Judy and the women in my life wanted me to go.”Another thing son, your attitude shows that you’re getting over the shame that I know you had before starting Dr. Judy’s PANSI therapy. I just know that her therapy is going to do you a world of good. Why just look at you, willingly putting on and wearing such pretty lacy panties, not to mention your admitting you’re a proud pantywaist. That’s a very good sign of things to come. Another thing is your acceptance of being worthless as a man and your committing to further enhancing yourself as a PANSI Trained male and husband. These were good and courageous things for you to have done Mark. Don’t put yourself down for having done so, but have pride in yourself.” Mother’s praise did help me to recall the strange sense of courage I felt making the pronouncements she mentioned. And that seemed to boast my confidence and to gird myself to weather the upcoming two weeks of abstinence, which meant I wouldn’t be able to play with myself at will.I remembered what occurred at Dr. Judy’s office, when I had barely given my throbbing prick a good stroke. That caused a warning light to flash on all the remotes that the women had. It was an alarm feature indicating that I was trying to handle myself. In addition, I got a very mild warning sensation of an electric shock. Which was sufficient to make me lose interest in touching myself. It also caused me to lose the hard-on I had. It was still a mystery to me as to how the electronics in the device could tell I was stroking myself, even though there is nothing covering my cock. I felt truly as if I was under lock and key and helpless. I knew I had to go along with was expected of me.Well Diary, I guess thinking in that context was making made me feel more confident in the manner that Dr. Judy desired. That is, that thinking positive and happily adjusting to conditions that others impose on me, was excellent therapy for me. COMMENTS BY DR. JUDY:As the reader can see, from a description of the events previously described, including entries from Mark’s Diary, Mark and Sara are back together as a couple, with Mark well on the road to understanding the need for his PANSI Therapy. And based on his own observations, that subordination of his self for the use and benefit of others, especially Sara, and other family female relatives, is being seen as a positive for him.He also has accepted that he must keep an open mind about being whipped, and has accepted the inevitability that he has to submit to such for his own good. In addition, it’s clear to me that Mark knows that his mother is very much in favour of him receiving the monthly whippings I have prescribed for him. Because his mother has done such an excellent job of training him as a mama’s boy, Mark needs and wants to please his mom. Therefore he has rationalized, and very appropriately so, that it is correct for him to be flagellated and deserving of the ensuing pain that results from such whippings. It’s valuable for him to have experienced whippings at the hands of those that love him, because it drives home the point that they the resulting pain is good and necessary for him, because a loved one is doing the whipping.As a professional, it is so rewarding to see a patient accept what is good for him and to admit that he is worthless as a real man, as well as accepting that he is better off being a subjugated PANSI class male. This will be a male who is at ease and totally comfortable pleasing others sexually, as well as who will be pleased himself with being used in the process.Also, I can’t say enough good things about Mark’s mother and her diligence in helping him find happiness and harmony in a marital relation, that’s suited to the pantywaist he really is. In addition, with them both comfortable with him sucking her pussy, his mama’s boy disposition can only be positively enhanced.Additionally, it’s not popular with him, but he knows that he has to accept that his genitals are under electronic lock and key, and that Sara and the other women relatives are in control of his masturbatory sexual relief.At this juncture in his treatment, I saw Mark as definitely being ready to accept that his only concern is to be supportive to the woman he loves, and that loves him. My purpose was to get him closer to enjoy doing things in a subservient and obsequious manner, for the person he loves, while not worrying about what society thinks.In the end, the result will be him understanding the special pleasure that comes from his willingness to degrade himself – that is, in the eyes of society. But in his fiancée’s eyes, it will be seen as a series of strong demonstrations of his love and commitment to her.Mark has to understand, and accept, that abasement is ideal for his personality type; since it provides his fiancée a type of pleasure that none of her real men can provide her. My goal therefore is to show him that what society sees as humiliation, is really his way to better cement the bonds of love between himself and Sara, his fiancée and wife-to-be. MORE SCENES FROM MARK’S DIARY -“WIMPISM”Dear DiaryThe session I had yesterday with Dr. Judy was another milestone in my relationship building with Sara. Sara was also a part of this session, even though I didn’t know she was supposed to be in attendance.So that I don’t get ahead of myself or forget the facts, I’ll start from the beginning after I arrived at Dr. Judy’s office.”How are you today Mark?” Dr. Judy asked me upon entering the waiting room.”Fine, Dr. Judy.” I replied.”Good. Now Mark, this session is going to be another significant one in regard to the further successful development of a strong relationship between you and Sara. In today’s session, we’re going to explore the concept of wimpism and why it’s important for you to not only continue to be the wimp you are, but to be stronger at it, as well as not shying away from admitting you’re one or feeling any shame about it also. In fact I’ll want you to boast about it.””W-Wimpism? B-Boast about it? Dr. J-Judy, p-please, It’s bad enough I-I’ve had to admit being a pantywaist a-and to wear panties for Sara, b-but is it-it necessary for me to…” I stammered as I replied and stumbled with my words before Dr. Judy cut me off.”It is most necessary for you to not be shy about the fact that you are a wimp. Remember that your strong point in this relationship is being weak and showing Sara that you’re not insecure with that. Okay?””I-I know we’ve discussed this before Dr. Judy, a-and I know that I-I’m not as assertive as some men, b-but I-I don’t see w-why I have to boast about the fact t-that I-I don’t have a-an aggressive or assertive personality.””Mark, there you go again falling back into that same old trap of faulty logic and denial. Mark, you forget. You’re not that much of a man, you’re a wimp. You have to accept that. Now look me in my eyes and answer the following questions. Does a wimpy male wear panties?”I knew Dr. Judy had trapped me with her very first question. I sat silent and hung my head. She answered her question for me.”So you’re slow to answer huh, well the answer is yes, which you do, that is wear panties. And by the way, your mother told me you should be wearing lavender ones with pink lace trim today. I’ll check on that later when I have you show them to me. However, let us move on to the next question. Speaking of your wonderful mom, do you admit to being a mama’s boy?”Again Diary, I parted my lips to reply, but decided not to, as I knew it was hopeless not to play into Dr. Judy’s hands in regard to me being a wimp.”So again, you can’t answer an obvious question. Yes, you are a mama’s boy and a very good one at that. You should not be ashamed to admit that in any way. Now, here`s another question for you. Does a wimpy male suck his mother’s pussy and especially so when it’s full of another man’s semen?”Again Diary, I sat silent and stared at the floor, knowing full well that Dr. Judy was intent on getting her point across while beating me mentally down. She was succeeding, but I didn’t want to let her see my red blushing face to know she was doing so.Dr. Judy again answered her own question in the affirmative as well as several others. There were two dealing with me watching mother get fucked by her new black boyfriend and me having to lick and suck her pussy clean between their fuck sessions. Dr. Judy also targeted me admitting to Sara how good I found her fucked gash and how it was obvious I relish sucking her out now that I know it’s other men’s sperm she’s feeding me.Diary, as you can see, Dr. Judy was taking liberty with the facts and twisting things around. But nevertheless, there was little I could say in response. There was so much truth in all she was saying, even though I was adverse to how she was saying, what she did say.”Mark, I hope you see in all I’ve said here is that you’re not a real man, and you should not be offended in any way because of it. I can tell by the look on your face that you’re distraught or saddened by my words. You shouldn’t be, because you’re a wimp and a pantywaist, and should be proud of it because that’s what Sara sees you as and wants you to be. To be otherwise would displease her and I know you love her too much to dissatisfy her. Am I right?””Y-You’re right Dr. Judy, b-but I-I’m hoping t-that after we’re married and she g-gets more settled that I-I can be m-more to her than j-just a wimp.” I replied, trying to control my nervousness.”And Mark, there is nothing wrong with that. However, for now, you have to be steadfast in being a wimp to insure you make her your wife first. Therefore, I’ll continue to treat and train you such that you’ll be a good wimp and pantywaist husband for Sara. Understand?”Diary, it was so paradoxical, but I could not fault what Dr. Judy said. Therefore I nodded that I was in agreement with her reasoning.”Good! Now Mark, being the wimp you are, you respect the authority of those that demand it from you. To your credit, you’re a natural doormat. However, to be sure that you don’t waiver in this regard, you, as all wimps, must be periodically reminded of their subordinate place. That’s why I’ve prescribed monthly whippings for you. “Additionally, wimps should wear on their person a constant reminder that they are not insecure in being less than manly. Hence, your wearing frilly feminine panties. By the way, I’m going to prescribe a few more additions to your underwear attire to further bolster your feelings of security as a proud wimp.””M-More women’s u-underwear?” I blurted out.”Yes, just a garter belt, stockings and maybe a nice set of lacy camisoles to match your panties and garter belts, that’s all. They’ll compliment your wearing panties quite well.””P-Please Dr. Judy. P-Please don’t have me w-wearing…””And your saying just what you’re saying, is another important characteristic of you being a wimp Mark. You see, wimps often say one thing, but their mental and physical makeup really is saying something completely different.””T-They do?””Yes they do. As an example, answer this question. I know you were upset at Sara for having been promiscuous and feeding you her other men’s semen when she had you suck her fucked pussy. But can you truthfully say you were angry with her for doing this? For if you were truly angry, you wouldn’t have forgiven her, no matter what your mother and I did, nor would you have gone back to slurping up the slimy spend from the same men that were fucking her before. See my point?””B-But Dr. Judy, y-you all w-whipped me a-and p-put this c-cock lock device on…” I replied before she cut me off.”Mark, a real man would’ve continued to resist. It would’ve been just too much against his nature to do what you’ve done to date. But as the wimp you are, sure you have complained and protested somewhat, but for the most part you’ve accepted what has been imposed on you because you know it’s what you and your mental makeup needs. In most cases, wimps don’t know what they need until others in authority impose it on them. Then they adapt rather well. You’re no exception. You’ve adapted to wearing cute panties. You’ve accepted that your new bride needs real men to satisfy her in a way you can’t. You’ve adapted to having your cock and balls under lock and key and to be under supervised masturbation – both before and after your genitals were in the chastity device. Additionally, you’ve accepted that you will need to suck her used pussy for your contribution to her sexual satisfaction. We all know you delight in oral clean up of Sara after she’s been fucked. Otherwise why did you come in your pants while eating her out? By the way, your mother was so proud that you came in your shorts while eating out her black stud’s jism cream too. Mark, need I say more about what a wimp says is not a true indication of what he really needs?”Diary, I was so flabbergasted at her reply, I just shook my head from side to side to avoid any further examples of how my behaviour fit her profile of being a wimp. In retrospect, the mere fact I did not challenge her further, in my own mind, seem to validate her assessment of me as a true wimp.Diary, what happened next caught me completely off guard.”Mark, stand up and take all your clothes off, except for your panties.”Diary, I know I looked like a deer in a car’s headlights. But when Dr. Judy repeated her request, more like an order, with a sterner more authoritative tone, I did as I was told.While I was undressing, Dr. Judy left the room and returned with a large garment bag.”Your mother was correct. The combination of such soft feminine colours such as lavender and pink, especially that exquisite lace, really looks good on you Mark.” Dr. Judy said upon returning and seeing me standing in the middle of room in only the panties mother had picked out for me that morning. I really hated that mother had to call Dr. Judy and tell her what colour and style panties I wore each day.”Now Mark, slip those lovely panties just down below your cheeks and bend over this table. I want to check for any tell-tale signs from your last whipping.”Again I did, as Dr. Judy desired, not thinking in the least. After all she was the doctor. Additionally, she had obvious authority over me too.”Good! You’re well healed.” Was all she said before I got the wakeup call that was to usher in a new day for me as being a wimp.”WHAP!””OUUUUCCH!” I screamed in surprise after realizing that Dr. Judy had lashed me with one of her whips. As I snapped my head around to see what had happened, I immediately saw that it was one of her feared three thong knotted dog whips.”W-WHAT WAS T-THAT FOR!” I howled out as I rubbed my tender bottom and felt the rise of three rows of welts on my fleshy ass cheeks.”You don’t have to worry, there won’t be any more of those unless you want some more. You see Mark, I’m going to be demanding you to do some things today in our session. That little tap on your bottom was just to establish a reference point for you and whether you’ll need any further positive pain reinforcement to do what is expected of you.””O-Oh no! I-I’ll do what you ask!” I responded quickly in a clear and loud manner so that Dr. Judy clearly understood I had no plans to disobey her, even though I didn’t know what was going to be asked of me. I guess at the time, my first concern was not to receive any more lashes. Diary, as you know, I don’t handle pain well. My thought at that very moment was that maybe I was a wimp in that regard. Dr. Judy seemed to have been reading my mind as she spoke.”Good! Spoken like a true wimp. I thought I could count on you. But if you need any further reinforcement, I’ll have it handy.” She said looking at and stroking the awesome instrument of pain.”Now Mark, I’m not going to put any ointment on your little discomfort on your rear. The sensation there will be a constant reminder that you’ve promised to be a good wimp for me today.” Said Dr. Judy as she began to zip open the large garment bag she’d brought into the room with her.I was a bit offended by her constant use of the word “wimp”, but I knew better than to protest in any manner.”Aren’t these simply gorgeous?”Dr. Judy was holding up a very frilly set of matching lace adorned garter belt and camisole. They were both pink and lavender. It was almost as if the panties I was wearing was part of the set.Stunned, conspiracy between her and mother immediately flashed in my mind.Dr. Judy directed me to put on the additional feminine apparel. The lingering burning sensation from the whip was a powerful deterrent to any objections I ordinarily would’ve had. I meekly took the two delicate items and put them on with her guidance. “My you look so sweet and effeminate, just the way you should look to boast of your pride and lack of insecurity at being a pantywaist wimp. However, there is something missing and guess what, here they are Mark.” Dr. Judy said with a tone of drama in her voice as she pulled a pair of sheer bright pink stocking from the garment bag. To my chagrin, the sexy gaudy nylons even seem to have a slight shimmer to them too, which made them stand out even more. I’d never put on nylons before. Dr. Judy watched me closely to be sure I didn’t snag or tear them. I was surprised they went on so easily.”You look lovely Mark.” She said as I stood before the mirror encased in a complete set of women’s very lacy pink and lavender sexy undies. Dr. Judy thought I needed some additional adornment, so she produced a makeup kit and had me put my hands out to her. The thought of wearing makeup caused me to be very vocal with her as I withdrew my hands behind my back.”Mark there is nothing to fear but fear itself. A splash of colour will adorn your pretty undergarments so well. Now you don’t want me to give you some more encouragement with the whip and run the risk of possibly damaging some of that beautiful apparel you’re wearing, do you?””P-Please Dr. Judy. I-I d-don’t think I-I’m ready for nail polish. P-Please can w-we wait until…””No Mark, we can’t wait. Don’t be such a scaredy-cat. Be courageous. Besides, I think you’re ready and that’s what counts, okay?””P-Please Dr. Judy, I-I know y-you know what’s best, b-but nail polish w-will make me l-look so…””So pretty, that’s all it will do. Now if you don’t present your hands to me, maybe you’re telling me you need a bit stronger encouragement.” At that point, Dr. Judy fingered the remote hanging around her neck, as she withdrew it from inside her blouse. At that moment, all the sensations I’d ever felt before due to that hellish device I was being forced to wear, came back into my memory. I knew I didn’t want any more memories from it.Without another word and almost without thought, I quickly drew my hands from behind my back and spread them fully open before Dr. Judy, as I meekly hung my head.Her action clearly reminded me I was not my own person, but one who was at the person of others who had power and control over me.”That’s better, much better. Remember Mark, compliance is so much better than confrontation for you, okay?””Y-Y-Yes ma’am.” I replied sheepishly, still hanging my head down averting her eyes.It was here that Dr. Judy went out and returned with a piping hot cup of the same herbal tea she had me drink on previous occasions. Before and as now, the soothing tea did make it easier to swallow my humiliation, so to speak. In a short while, I began to feel a bit mellow and more accommodating to what Dr. Judy was demanding, and well, forcing upon me. The bright pink polish that was spread on my nails really did compliment the colour of the women’s undies I wore. The name of the lipstick shade was Passionate Pink.With the completion of my nails, I felt more feminized than ever before. A strange sensation flowed over me as I realized just how feminine I looked as I glanced over at a nearby floor length mirror I hadn’t really noticed before.To make matters worse, Dr. Judy decided that my toenails were also to be painted too. That required me to take off the nylons I wore. I again wanted to object and refuse, but the look on her face and my recalling of what she’d told me earlier concerning compliance, caused me to passively abide by her wishes.After my toenail were finished and dried, I had to delicately put the nylons back on. To my surprise, Dr. Judy presented me with a pair of open toe bedroom slippers with pink furry fake fur on then. I think they’re called “mules”.And if that wasn’t bad enough, she next opened a jewellery box and produced a 3 strand pearl choker and matching earrings and bracelet.I gasped at the sight of the pearl jewellery. Not because of the beauty of them, but the obvious effeminate implications of them. There is nothing masculine about pearls. Again, I felt an urge to attempt to resist, but somewhere within me, a voice came back and told me it was useless to fight back.There was more jewellery. A pearl ring for each hand. To balance out the three strand pearl bracelet on one arm, she added a very effeminate ornate watch to my other arm. It had a strap composed of three pearl strands and the watch face was tri-colour gold, which drew much attention by its glimmer.Dr. Judy had truly feminized me. I also have to say, to my chagrin; I had to admit that I didn’t look half bad in drag either. As Dr. Judy had me stand before the mirror, it was easy to see that my hips and legs, which I worried were a bit feminine anyway, were well complimented by what I was being made to wear.Dr. Judy also brought up these same physical characteristics of mine and added that she wasn’t going to do a thing with my eyebrows this time. “Mark, your eyebrows are just naturally arched and pretty, which gives you a naturally girlish look, and especially so with the glossy lip colour and that delightfully stunning choker.”After Dr. Judy was satisfied that she had me looking the way she desired, she was about to lead me to another part of her office complex.”B-But Dr. Judy, surely I-I’m going to have to wear a medical gown or robe or something. I-I can’t go out dressed only this way.” I spurted out to her. After all, I was only wearing a lacy camisole, garter belt, sheer panties, nylons, and of course, the pink fuzzy slippers. “Well, maybe a robe is in order. I guess you don’t want to be flaunting your charms so wantonly.” She said smiling and with a slight, but very unprofessional giggle in her voice.She stepped back to a closet in the room we were about to leave. The sound of hangers being slid back and forth on a closet rod could be heard before I saw her pull out a pink dressing robe that was heavily trimmed in large scalloped white lace. The material was so sheer, you could read a newspaper through it. It was beautiful, as sexy robes go, but it wasn’t the kind of medical gown I had in mind.As I began to express my surprise and apparent displeasure, which formed, on my face, Dr. Judy cut me off even before I could speak.”Don’t say a thing Mark. You wanted a robe. I’m giving you a robe, so put it on and not a word from you about it. Okay?” She said sternly as she again fingered the plastic control around hanging around her neck.I meekly accepted the robe and put it on without saying a word. I knew what best for me. The robe was a generous fit and for some reason, I clutched the fronts of the robe to keep it together, like it would make a difference, since it was so sheer. What I was wearing underneath would be no secret to anyone seeing me.Dr. Judy led me out of the room, past some of her staff, who snickered and chuckled openly at me. I was so embarrassed and my face became flushed. We continued on and went down to a sort of basement area where there were several rooms. It seemed rather like a tomb in this area since it was so quiet.Dr. Judy let me know that section of the building was heavily sound insulated for her therapy sessions that may require some vocal expressions from her patients, which shouldn’t be heard by outsider. I remembered that the room in which I got my first whipping apparently was heavily insulated also.”Mark, if you remember, I wanted you to accompany and be present with Sara when she’s having sex with her real men. So in order to jump start that process, I’ve taken the liberty, along with Sara’s cooperation of course, of helping you get over the first time of you doing this as well as, in a matter of speaking, breaking the ice with her other men, her real men.” Dr. Judy said to me as she unlocked the blue metal door and literally pushed me into the room behind the door.BEHIND THE BLUE DOOR:Diary, as my eyes adjusted to slightly dimmer lights, Sara, who was on a large bed with four men, greeted me. She and them were totally nude. Two of the men were Black. The other two were white and Hispanic respectively. Their big hands were all over Sara’s tits and cunt. All had rather large penises, which seemed either erect or semi-erect. I couldn’t help but be intimidated by such a combined display of masculine endowment.Diary, to say I was shocked and in awe of the scene before me, would be an understatement.”Hi Mark darling, you really look beautiful. Guys say hello to Mark, my fiancé. Doesn’t he look sexy? He’s come to watch how real men sex a woman.”Dr. Judy took over. She had Sara introduce each of her studs. To make matters worse, she told them to call me Martha, because of how I was dressed. Sara thought it was such a cute name. I was speechless at Dr. Judy’s action.”Now Martha, go shake the hands of your fiancée’s real men.” I looked at Dr. Judy wildly. Surely she couldn’t expect me to do that. However, it only took one look at her face to see that she meant business.Clutching the sheer pink robe to keep it close, as if it made a difference, I proceeded to offer my hand to the men.Their hands were so much bigger and rougher than mine were. Their grips were quite strong too. One of the men’s hands was damp from having been in Sara’s pussy. The group, including Sara and Dr. Judy, just laughed when I noticed it after shaking his big black hand.Dr. Judy next went on to explain to everyone why I was there. Her words basically echoed what Sara said earlier. Except Dr. Judy injected some professional mumbo jumbo, as she had earlier with me, that me being an observer dressed the way I was, would make me a better husband and helpmate to Sara, as well as bond Sara and I even more.Of all the lewdness by Sara and the studs in this room, the scene between she and güvenilir bahis the handsome black man seem to burn itself in my memory.Having to watch the two of them fucking was emotionally painful, even if I had a difficult time taking my eyes away from the action of their copulation. There was something intriguing about the contrast of their skins.The man’s long black thick dick was quite a specimen of manhood and he knew how to use it on Sara. I was also surprised how deep his long rod – it had to be at least 9″ – would disappear in her – at least 7″ – 8″. I could only look on in feared awe. The noisy juicy wet sound of their coupled genitals seemed much louder than I suspect it actually was, but it resonated in tune with the moans and guttural sounds of the two of them in their lusty union.Time seemed to stand still, yet he fucked my Sara twice in her cunt without stopping. That is, he appeared to come in her twice. He didn’t pull out between comes either.After he pulled out, he looked at me with a slight smirk and spoke.”It’s all yours now.””C’mon sissy Martha, get busy! Get all that dick scum cleaned up before I stick my dick in her fuck hole.” Shouted the last of the studs yet to fuck Sara.I looked at the slimy frothy mess the black man had just made in my lovely fiancée’s crotch. Such a sight no longer disgusted or caused me revulsion. I mentally sighed. I knew what I had to do. My face was still covered with a slight film of dried fuck gunk from the pussy tongue douching I’d done for the two earlier men. Even though, Dr. Judy had given me a damp towel to wipe the sliminess from my face, it had become saturated with slimy fuck residue, from my earlier sucking efforts. The men’s loads were so copious and gooey and gluey.After inviting me to clean up the fuck mess he’d made in Sara’s cunt, the black man next straddled Sara’s face and pushed his stout rigid gunk covered dick into her eager lips, which she eagerly and greedily sucked in. With all the jism and cunt gunk coating his shaft, the slimy drool from her moving lips, as they slid to and fro on his still hard shaft, was significant. It hung from her mouth in strands of ropy frothy slime.The man suddenly started making a guttural noise. He was coming again. It was obvious that Sara was collecting his ejaculating jism in her mouth as she had a grasp on his dick and wouldn’t let a lot of it go deeper in her mouth, as she let him do earlier when she first started the sloppy obscene suck job.The man’s moaning gradually stopped, but he kept moving his dick in and out of Sara’s eagerly receptive mouth. When he did pull out, Sara kept her mouth open, while looking at me with one of the most blissful looks I’ve even seen on her face. To my total shock, I watched as a slow, but steady mass of thick frothy slimy semen ooze and slide from Sara’s parted lips, and cascade onto her magnificent, but heavily manhandled breast, which had the imprint on the black man’s hands all over them. He pawed her extensively while fucking her.To make matters worse and to my disbelief, my fiancée began to lotion her tits with the abundant dripped viscous ejaculate. Even in my shock, I was in awe at the amount of sperm that streamed from her lips. After all, this was the black man’s third come.THE NEXT DAYDiary,The following day, Sara and I discussed the previous session we had with Dr. Judy. The one where I had to witness Sara getting fucked by 4 of her regular well hung studs.Sara was so tired out after the session that she literally slept all the way home as I drove.Even though I was required to suck and clean her overflowing cunt clean 10 times during the session, when we got home, she was too tired to discuss the evening, but not too tired to insist I tongue her out one more time. Needless to say, after this last suck out, she fell soundly asleep. To make matters worse, before she dozed off, she was too tired to give me electronic permission to masturbate and relieve my throbbing erection.It was a difficult night for me trying to sleep with an aching very stiff hard-on as well as trying not to mentally recall all that I’d been force to observe earlier. The sight of the group of men’s large cocks going in and out of Sara’s mouth and cunt was so vexing for me to watch -especially the black stud and his stout, hard meat truncheon.However, Dr. Judy’s repeated comments that one day I would have the same privileges as the men I was watching, did offer some solace, but I still had to endure the turmoil and torment of knowing it was going to be 6 more long months before I did. Until the wedding, I would have to retain my virginity, suck many loads of spent cum from Sara’s frequently fucked pussy, all the while jacking off for relief – that is by permission only.The worst part being that I had to jerk off under her or one of the other women’s supervision. However, I had to admit, by now, after only a month or so, I was becoming less sensitive to pulling myself off in front of Sara or Mother, or Sara’s Mother, or my Aunt, or Dr. Judy.Another thing I hated but had to live with was that Sara also refused to let me touch her magnificent milky white breasts. She also was saving these for our wedding night.It added to my torment to see other men touching, groping, handling and manhandling her tits so roughly as well as slobbering all over them, while they were totally off limits to me, her devoted loving fiancé.It caused me much anguish to see the traces of their many hand prints on her white flesh from their rough treatment, which by the way, Sara didn’t seem to object to.It was during my first visit to Dr. Judy when I told her of Sara’s restrictions on my desire to touch her.”Mark, this is just another treat she is saving for you. You should be thankful that you have a woman that wants to save another pleasure for the joy of your wedding bed. Not many women would have the tenacity to have her fiancé‚ wait for so long before letting him partake of such charms as her lovely chest. You are so fortunate to be marrying a woman who has conviction and principles.”Dr. Judy’s words did little to comfort me. Chapter 2: NES FROM MARK’S DIARY:SARA & MARK IN BED AFTER ANOTHER DR. Judy Session”Oh that was so lovely of you Mark darling. No don’t move, keep your delightful tongue in my pussy. It’s so good to have you with your head buried in my cunt and soothe my puffy gaping gash with your lips and mouth, after the guys give me such a good fucking. You’re so sweet and wonderful Mark. I just know we’re going to be so happy after we’re married. It’s going to be so sweet being your wife and bring you my well fucked pussy home, so we can be together now just like this. Just us two, being so affectionate to each other and showing each other the depth and closeness of our love.”Even though not totally in agreement with Sara, Diary I had to say it was good to have her all to myself, despite she was used, and by her own admission, well fucked. I’m sure many men, rather real men, would see this situation as untenable and unacceptable to them. But to me it was a strange situation also, but in a strange way, acceptable to me too. That is just to have a chance to be with such a beautiful woman, despite her being a slut. I had to admit I was in awe of seeing her take such large stiff pricks – and so easily too – in her luscious juicy snatch.I also felt a bit put upon having to guide them in her cunt at Dr. Judy’s insistence. However, after doing it the first time with the four studs, the other times became easier. I eventually had my hands on the humongous dicks of all four studs.The other most humiliating thing besides having to handle the men’s very large erections, was having to kiss them before guiding their dick heads to the entrance to Sara’s cunt, and now routinely having to lick pussy fuck gunk off them, after they pull out of her.This was all done at the insistence of Dr. Judy, who asked if I needed any positive reinforcements when I was the least bit hesitant to place my mouth on the men’s dicks. Again, after the first time, it became easier. Dr. Judy, Sara was very excited and pleased that I passively clean up the men’s genitals who fuck Sara now rather than show any reluctance or resistance.That first session pretty much adapted me to seeing her get fucked and filled by her “real” men, as well as orally soothing her with my mouth – that is, basically cleaning her of their residue in their presence. Yet, with Dr. Judy’s guidance, she taught me to see this as a good moment for me, especially as my fiancée ground her wet slimy pussy against my mouth and got her rousing orgasms in the process.Diary, the more I thought about all this, the more I came around to seeing myself being the wimp, Dr. Judy said I truly was, and should be. That was the last thing I remember before falling blissfully asleep with my head in Sara’s hairy crotch, and my tongue stuck in her gaping, pouting, well-fucked snatch lips.Chapter 3: MORE SCENES FROM MARK’S DIARY: DR. JUDY TEACHES ME TO SUCK DICKS & I LEARN TO ACCEPT MY WHIPPINGS”Mark, now that you’ve had your lips on other men’s penises, I thought it was timely for you to acquire another skills as Sara’s loving husband – that of becoming a cocksucker.””B-But Dr. Judy, p-p-please Dr.-Dr. Judy, it-it’s embarrassing enough I-I have to-to put my mouth on…” I slowly stammered in reply to her blatant attempt to have me completely humiliate myself further with my fiancée’s studs.”Mark, as far as you’ve come in bonding with Sara’s men, going a step further and becoming a cocksucker is so logical and correct for you at this time. Besides, you’re well over halfway to becoming a pussy mouth for the guys, my guiding down this path can only be beneficial for you. Plus, this new skill should come in very helpful in the future, considering all you had to do at our last session in which she was the centre of a gangbang.”Thinking of all that happened at that session, I couldn’t find words to reply. She was right. As much oral attention as I gave the men, I might as well have been their cocksucker.Knowing that any resistance was futile to Dr. Judy’s strong will, I meekly silent and listened.”Now Mark, this is one of my “How To Perform Fellatio” Manuals and Video Kits. I want you to take the kit home and study the book and watch the video with your mother. She’s expecting you to bring it home today and to get started studying how to suck men’s erect penises. I’ve already talked to her and let her know that I want you to become a cocksucker. This will only be an asset for you and make you a true helpmate to your future bride, in her sexual entertainment of her many real men.””I-I see.” I replied with an air of quiet resignation to what I knew was being imposed on me.”And Mark, with your acclimated taste for spent sperm and having eaten so much of it from Sara’s pussy, you should have no problem dealing with the taste of hot ejaculated loads of sperm gushing between your lips. You primarily need to concentrate on breathing and not gagging or choking as you let your mouth be used as a delightful mouth-pussy.”Again, caught off guard by Dr. Judy, she asked me to step with her to an adjacent room. It was dark except for a very small lighted circular area. On the floor there was a pad. She directed me to kneel after having me to drop my pants, which exposed the lace trimmed lavender panties I was wearing.”Those look so pretty on you Mark. I almost want to call you Martha. They really hug and caress your cute little rear so nicely. Don’t you guys think so?”It was then that I became aware of three other men coming out of the darkness and who responded to her at the same time, almost in unison.”Yes ma’am, he sure does have a cute ass.”Diary, to make a long story shorter, Dr. Judy introduced the three black men to me. She had them there for me to practice and learn how to suck their dicks.Their penises were nearly totally erect and it appeared the more they looked at me the more rigid their members became. Again, I was a bit terrified, but also intrigued that I was somewhat responsible for their arousal.Diary, again Dr. Judy had me put my face in another black man’s hairy crotch and instructed me to tongue and suckle his hairy soft nut sac, before lapping his long hard meaty shaft. After that, I dipped the tip of my tongue in the slit of the man’s giant dick head slit. I’m amazed at how well the tip of my tongue fits in it so well, as I lap up the big drops of forming clear gluey pre-cum.After gently suckling the man for about 10 minutes and swallowing his hefty load of hot sperm, Dr. Judy instructed me on how to suckle and keep the man’s softening dick well soaked and wet with my drooling softly sucking lips.”Men love for their dicks to be milked after a suck off. It’s good for you to do that not only for the man’s enjoyment but it’s also the****utic for you too.””It-It is?” I replied in a puzzled tone of voice to Dr. Judy.”Oh Yes Mark. You see, since one of the primary reason for you to let men push their manly dicks in your mouth in the first place is to keep your masculinity in check by letting your mouth become a pussy for hard dicks. As you know, your little dickey is more like a clit, but when you have a nice long dick sausage stuffed between your lips and down your throat, you can’t feel too macho. Right?””I-I, err, y-yes.” I stammered a reply, when it became clear she wanted a response. I didn’t want to, but had no choice.”And that is the desired outcome of me recommending this therapy for you. The sole purpose is for you to understand what it feels like to be a pussy and to better understand what your wife experiences when she handles and takes dick. And when real men fuck a pussy, they love to soak and keep their dicks in a warm wet juicy cunt as it softens down. That’s the same thing that happens when you’re milking the man after he’s shot off down your gullet. So, by slowly milking him, he’ll feel as if he’s in a real cunt, and you can have the satisfaction of knowing you have performed and used your mouth as an excellent surrogate cunt.”Diary, I did the other two men she’d brought in for me to practice on. It was amazing to me, but my second suck off was much easier than the first, and the third even easier than the second. To make matter worse for my own any image of masculinity I was secretly trying to hold on to, I had to admit to myself mentally, after sucking all three of the “practice dicks” I got surprising enjoyment out having had them in my mouth and suckling on them. The moment of ejaculation and the transfer of their hot spewing sperm was particularly delightful, despite me trying to think otherwise.Diary, after a couple more practice sessions, Dr. Judy had me trained so that I was sucking dicks with not only Sara watching me do so, but also the rest of the women in the family.Sometime the women in my life saw me in person, and always if there was a video of me sucking on a man’s hard horny meat.MY WHIPPINGS:Diary, as you know, all of the family women – Mother, Sara’s Mom, my Aunt, and of course Sara – all whip me. As you also know, all have remotes to the cock lock I’m forced to wear. When allowed to masturbate, it’s always done under their watchful eyes and supervision as well as them insisting I consume all of my ejaculate. I have to cup my hands and catch it as well as lick it all off my hands.It was very embarrassing to have my wife see me sucking dick that first time, but as I did it more and more in front of her, I became less sensitized about doing it. The same was almost the case about my monthly whippings. I became desensitized about knowing I was going to get them. It was always painful to endure them, but I had no choice. Dr. Judy said I had to be beaten, and that was it.At first, I was very depressed at being so humiliated by all that was happening to me. But it has waned over time and it doesn’t bother me near as much anymore. Which Dr. Judy says is excellent progress, as she wants me to not be sensitive to humiliation or feeling disgraced or being subjugated and ridiculed.”These are all feeling that just cause you useless shame. My goal is to help you become shameless and to achieve a genuine feeling of satisfaction that comes from doing what your wife-to-be desires you to do, no matter what others say or think.Through Dr. Judy’s extensive counselling and discussion, not being ridiculed and subjugated makes me feel worthless now. She has taught me that it does make me feel good to be worthy of being treated in what society might say is in a degrading and humiliated mannerChapter 4: MORE SCENES FROM MARK’S DIARY: STROKING ITDiary, the scene that follows is one of many where Sara oversaw and managed my masturbation relief and training.”That’s it honey, stroke your thing a little slower. That’s good sweetie. You can’t come yet. And that’s right, keep your other hand cupped properly to catch your stuff.” Sara instructed me as I knelt at her feet masturbating and trying to hold back until I was given permission to ejaculate. I was perspiring profusely as I was trying to hold back until she permitted me to release my 2 weeks old load.”P-Please s Sara. I-I can’t hold b-back much longer. P-P-Please l-let me s-shoot off. I-I beg you. P-Please.””Why it’s only been 6 minutes honey, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that to qualify for only 2 weeks of prick lock up, versus us making you abstain longer from letting you jack off. You’re going to have to make your meat beating time last longer. But before I allow you to come now and not give you a demerit, you have to promise me that you’ll be more friendly and pleasant when the guys wipe their dicks across your face after they pull out from fucking me. Twice yesterday, I saw a frown on your face as Roger and Sam wiped their wet dicks across your face, lips, nose and hair. Do you promise to be more cheerful and part your lips so they can draw some of the gunk on their dick goes in your mouth?””Y-Yes, Sara, I-I will. P-P-Please let m-me c-c-come.””Okay, but you’ll have to hold your little load at least two more minutes. If you can’t, remember, you get another few lashes at your next whipping.” Sara said with a smug imperious expression on her face as I looked up at her shapely fleshy crossed legs. The sight of this sexy sight was also going to make me lose my load. I knew I had to do whatever it took to avoid more lashes of whatever I was going to be whipped and beat with at the next whipping session.”O-Okay M-Sara… I-I p-promise. P-Please let me. P_PLEASE!” I pleaded. The strain and tension in my voice was at the breaking point.”I accept your promise darling, now keep stroking, you only have a minute and 40 seconds to go.”Diary, I don’t know how I made it without getting off as Sara timed me, but I did. I strained to hold back and keep from failing my fiancée.”Times up! Very good! But remember, cup your hand properly to catch your cream. Okay, go ahead, shoot!””OOOOOHHH! AWWWWWWWW! OOOOHHH!” I moaned loudly as I stroked my aching prick and directed its creamy gooey outpouring into my cupped left hand, also being careful to catch every drop of ejaculate. This was a mandatory practice laid down by Dr. Judy to instil discipline and remind me that being allowed to ejaculate is a well-earned privilege and not a right for a pantywaist PANSI trained male.I slumped back and continued to stroke my shrinking penis, making sure that none of my cum spilled or leaked from my in my cupped hand or smeared over the edge of my cupped hands. After a brief moment of relaxation, I knew what was next.”Oh thank you so much for such wonderful sex Sara. Please, may I eat my own cum to show you my devotion and faithfulness. I would rather eat my own cum than be unfaithful to you.” I recited the ritualistic words I had learned from rote practice under Dr. Judy’s tutelage.”You’re so sweet Mark. Yes, you may eat your cum for me.” Spoke Sara with a delightful smile on her face. Diary, I know others may say me doing this is a depraved thing. And at first I hated to do it too. However, with Dr. Judy’s guidance, she got me to understand that knowing this pleased Sara, the woman I love dearly, made it all worthwhile. Especially that wonderful smile that spreads across Sara’s face from knowing I’m sexually suffering and humiliating myself for her love.Dr. Judy has explained to me that Sara sees this as true love, on my part, and that is something Dr. Judy says I should be extremely proud of doing for Sara.CHAPTER 5 – MARK’S DIARY: TEN YEARS OF MARRIAGEWell Diary, here it is some 10 years later and I don’t know where the time has gone.Sara just let me know that we’re expecting our fifth bundle of happiness. True to her word she’s spaced our k**s out about 2 years apart give or take a few months.Diary as you know, I’m only the daddy of them and that they were all fathered by her “real” men.After our second c***d, I’ve become less sensitive, to her getting pregnant on me by other men. Now it doesn’t phase me that much, except to wondering how to support more mouths to feed. However, somehow, we tend to manage supporting our growing family. I guess I have to thank both Sara’s studs and Dr. Judy for helping us out there, no matter how unorthodox their assistance has been. I say unorthodox because one of the ways that Dr. Judy has helped me defray, or pay for the cost of her therapy having extra money is her contracting me to out to individuals or groups of men for blowjobs and for bukkake parties. At these parties, I get my face and open mouth splattered and filled with copious ejaculate from many horny men.After that, I then have to drink the collected jism that has dripped from my face and mouth. Often times, there is as much as a half a quart of cool slimy semen I have to gulp and let slide down my gullet. It’s not the same as sucking fresh hot sperm from a heated hard dick, but I have gotten use to it.Even though it may sound nasty and disgusting, I have become acclimated to drinking glasses and bowls of bukkake collected semen. Dr. Judy’s therapy was so helpful as it was her who caused me to form a bond and affinity and taste for the cocks and sperm of “real men”.Dr. Judy has let me know that she feels that she is being rather generous in that she only collects 80% of what I earn from these activities and lets me have the other 20%.In addition, several of Sara’s “real men” have also helped me earn extra money to take care of the k**s they have fathered by also acting as my part time pimp. Sometimes I even get to keep 50% of what I earn when they whore me out. Most of the time though it’s only comes to about 25%. But I guess I have to be thankful, it’s better than nothing. Right?So Diary, you can see what I mean about Dr. Judy and my wife’s men’s assistance being a bit out of the ordinary. That is, as compared to what the general public would find normal. However, if nothing else, Dr. Judy has taught me that normal, like so many things, is relative.Diary, as you know, Dr. Judy has helped me see that Sara and I could have a very normal and happy loving marriage, that is, for one between a strong willed wanton slut and a mollycoddled, under endowed, sissy wimp.Dr. Judy’s PANSI training really helped me to better understand my proper role while Sara and I were engaged. So by the time of our wedding, I not only was deeper in love with her than before, but I very grateful she chose me to be her husband.Diary, as you know I was firmly entrenched in the wearing of frilly lacy panties and other feminine under garments by the time of our wedding. In addition, I was not only aware of just about all the various men Sara was having sex with, but I had started accompanying her, on her sex and gang bang dates with them.As you know, it was Dr. Judy who initiated and encouraged me doing this. The purpose was threefold. One, for me to gain more sexual experience since I was still virginal and didn’t have much sexual experience. Secondly, it was to better understand my fiancée’s need for strong, muscular built, better endowed, “real” men and what they had to offer her. Lastly, to reduce my jealousy of her other men and be totally at ease being the lesser male.Of course diary, you know at first, I was still resistant to doing as Dr. Judy wanted of me, but through her and Sara and Mother using the cock shock lock and their various whipping instruments, it didn’t take me long to come around.Even though I begrudgingly went along with what was being imposed upon me, one day I woke up to the fact that if I wanted to keep Sara, I had to share her.So through Dr. Judy’s patient counselling and the****utic treatments, I became more comfortable with my subordinate role around she and her “real” men.It started out with me just watching them hump and fill her with their abundant quantities of pent up cum.As I became less sensitive to that, Sara had me guiding their huge dicks in her pouting juicy pussy lips. Shortly after that, she initially had me using a damp wash cloth to wipe fuck juices from her men’s languished still dribbling cocks. Not long after the first time, Sara had me kissing the men’s cocks after they pulled out of her sloppy well fucked snatch. Soon after that I was washing their man meat with my tongue and sucking them clean with my lips and mouth.Of course, I always had to clean her very wet and oozing slimy cunt with my sucking lips.By this time, I had no will to resist Sara’s or her men’s dictates, especially after now fully understanding that I could never be the alpha male to the woman I loved, or satisfy her with my own less robust tool.The rousing bouts of fucking she and her men put on, simply awed me. In fact I couldn’t help but feel praise and pride for how well she appeased their lust and extracted the volumes of thick cum from their big lengthy rigid rods.Sara so much liked me being there to lick and suck her very sloppy slimy pussy after her fuck sessions. So each time, I did so, I grew to feeling so much more useful and needed by her, and her “real men”. In addition to Dr. Judy helping me to see that this was mutually beneficial for both of us. She indicated that my ego was always boosted by the rousing orgasms my mouth, tongue and lips would bring to the wanton sluttish woman I loved.I was getting her off as good as her “real” men, even though I didn’t have their endowments. Additionally Dr. Judy’s sessions illustrated that I should feel good that not only was I giving Sara something that she mentally needed, but that it was something I never had to fear her studs would do to prove their love for her.”Mark, the more things you do for Sara, that real men wouldn’t dream of doing, the more Sara will love you. She needs a male like you. She could never respect or love you as a real man. But as a wimp and a pussy eating and cock-sucking sissy, she adores and respects you in a way that’s fulfilling to her.”Sara seems to parrot Dr. Judy’s words as she also praised me for being me. “Mark darling, it does me so much good to have you along with me while other men, better men than you fuck me and get what you have yet to get, namely my juicy hot pussy. Or have you see them mauling and kneading my tits, which you have yet to play with and feel their warm softness. And the utter thrill is when I have your face under my wet, dripping messy pussy and rubbing other men’s jism running from my snatch, all over your face as you lick and suck me out.”Yes Mark darling, that is my true love for you. That’s why I do those things. It does something for me that no real man can ever give me.”CHAPTER 6 – MORE EXCERPTS FROM MARK’S DIARY: Dr. Judy’s Whipping Prescriptions”I’m sorry sweetheart, but there is nothing I can do, or you can do. We both must follow her directions for the benefit of our marriage and our love for each other. It’s simply part of your PANSI conditioning treatments. It’s all for your own good.”I must use this cut length of automotive fan belt section to whip your ass cheeks hard, just as she’s prescribed. Here, take a look for yourself.”Sara handed me the prescription. It was just as she said. It read:”Use this fan belt to lash Mark at minimum 10 times with very hard force. Separate the lashes with no more than 15 seconds between them. Secure Mark as needed and give him no more than 5 additional lashes if it is felt he needs them to be more cooperative in his conditioning.”I shuddered as I read it. However, I knew Sara was right. Dr. Judy had written it. I recognized her handwriting well. I knew there was nothing more for me to do except take the lashes as prescribed. As Sara had stated, Dr. Judy meant for this to be done to me, therefore there was nothing else either of us could do.Sara had to carry out Dr. Judy’s directions and I had to accept that, despite it would be painful for me.The skinny fan belt was about 3/8″ wide and maybe 3/4” thick. I knew it was going to hurt and cause me to have thick welts on my rear.However, that’s was just the way it was with Dr. Judy’s therapy treatments. The directions had to be followed to the letter for the correct results to be obtained.I mentally sighed, and placed the prescription on a nearby table and began to lower my pants and panties for the treatment Dr. Judy had prescribed.I meekly positioned myself across my wife’s lap as she directed me.Satisfied at my placement, she gingerly rubbed my bottom and then began issuing the lashes.The pain of the impacting and burning belt caused me to jump and buck, but Sara held me firm, while warning me that she would have to give me five additional lashes if she didn’t apply them correctly due to my movements.Nevertheless, the pain caused me to move even though I tried not to. In the end, I was given the maximum number of lashes because Sara wanted to make sure she didn’t cheat me out of a good treatment.As usual Diary, even though my face was awash with tears from my sobbing and crying, I thanked Sara for the treatment. “You’re quite welcome darling.” She replied as she kissed me on the forehead and pointed in the direction of the corner where I was to stand and shake my naked but for 10 minutes to keep my blistered bottom cool. This was also one of Dr. Judy treatment recommendations.CHAPTER 7 – MORE EXCERPTS FROM MARK’S DIARY: More of Dr. Judy’s PrescriptionsDiary, Dr. Judy has written other prescriptions for improving and sustaining the relationship between Sara and me.One was for my continued wearing of lacy panties and other effeminate clothing such as camisole, garter belts, nylons and women’s sleeping attire, such as baby doll style pyjamas.Another prescription was for performing oral intercourse with Sara’s lovers and studs and swallowing all their cum when they ejaculated in my mouth. In addition, I was to discuss each episode with Sara and give her a complete description of all that occurred.At first, it was so embarrassing to do as Dr. Judy prescribed, but the more times I sucked Sara’s men off and the more talks she and I about my experiences as a cocksucker for her studs, the less embarrassing it became for me to discuss them with her.Just as Dr. Judy had told me, Sara didn’t lose any respect for me. She even seemed to think more of me.”Mark, I don’t think any less of you as a man than I already did. In fact, my love for you has only grown deeper because of your willingness to shows your measure of how much a man you are compared to my “real” men.” Sara told me with the cutest smile.I would’ve phrased what she meant to say a little different, but I was sure she meant what she said in a positive way. Taking her words in a positive light, they boosted my self-esteem, because it was obvious I was making points with her.The forerunner of the above prescription was the one that required me to mouth clean Sara’s men’s dick after they’d had intercourse with her.As with all Dr. Judy’s prescription, I don’t know why, but for some reason, they had to be followed as she prescribed. In my mind, not doing as she said was not an option. In other words, what she prescribed, or said to do, had to be done.CHAPTER 8 – MORE EXCERPTS FROM MARK’S DIARY: The WeddingDiary, the wedding is finally over. Even though I was shocked at the wedding ceremony and how the preparations for it were perpetrated on me. However, at least it’s over, and Sara and I are at last “woman and husband”. I guess I should be thankful that at least the minister at least alluded to my gender; despite that I was wearing the wedding dress and Sara wore a tuxedo type outfit.I was not aware of this “reversed” type of dress arrangement, that is until the white frilly frothy lacy dress was delivered to me the day of the wedding.I was totally shocked and dismayed. I was so upset and agitated that Mother gave me a somewhat strong electrical shock via the cock lock. I quickly calmed down.”Feel better now dear?” Mother asked after having triggered the remote hanging around her neck.”M-Mother h-how c-could you do t-this…” I stammered as I was riding out the feeling of the genital shock.”Mark dear, you should know by now that it’s not your nature to be belligerent and non co-operative. So you should see my actions as nothing more than me doing my motherly duty to help you be your normal unassuming amenable self.”After saying that, Mother became more consoling and tender towards me.”Sweetie, Dr. Judy and I and your Aunt decided it would be best for you to dress as a sissy bride so that it can signal to all, especially Sara’s real men, and most importantly to yourself, that you know your place in this marriage.”Diary, the wedding has to be something that I’ll never forget. Besides having to wear the frothy lacy wedding gown, it was Sara’s idea for me to kneel during the ceremony and suck off each of her four “real men” studs, who, by the way were “our” best men.The minister waited patiently for me to do all four. But to my surprise, he was the fifth. I was so outdone as he pulled out his large black dick. I had no fight in me at all. I just opened my mouth for his thick erection and sought to make the best out of what I had to do.He also roughly fucked my face and shot off a very large load of thick ejaculate down my throat just as “our best men” had before him. I guess I have to be thankful for the Dr. Judy’s cocksucker training in order to have endured all the mouth dicking I got at the altar.The area around my mouth and lips were very slimy and there were numerous stains on the front of the frilly white lacy dress I wore. There was so much slimy gooey dribble that drooled from my being face fucked by five big dick men.”I now pronounce you woman and sissy husband.” Spoke the minister after I stood up from my knees with my jism smeared lips.Later at the reception, the same minister told Mother “Your son is an excellent cocksucker, he’s the best I’ve had on the end of my dick, bar none.”Mother thanked the reverend for his compliment and replied that she was proud of my being able to please men with my mouth.The wedding attendance was somewhat small as it was primarily select friends of Sara’s – several men and slut girlfriends of hers. Mother and Auntie also invited several of their men “fuck buddy” friends.At the reception, I was required to go around to each table and mouth dicks and clean up used cunts as a way of thanking the wedding attendees. There was a lot of sex going on at the reception. It was more of an orgy than anything else.Even though this was my night to consummate my marriage to Sara, seeing her give herself to our best men and others at the reception, you never would’ve guessed it.I ate out my new bride’s sloppy slimy bruised puffy pussy 6 times. She had been relentlessly fucked. If she wasn’t calling me over as her “Sissy cunt sucker” in an obviously tipsy tone of voice, it was one of her fuckers who didn’t want to put his dick in frothy slimy cunt until it was freshened up by my mouth.Mother and the other women were also getting their share of fucking and I also was kept busy keeping their cunts orally freshened up too. I also had to lick clean many, many dicks that had been used in all these well-fucked pussies too.Everyone seemed to get a cheap thrill – except me – out of me wearing the wedding dress and trying to manage its frothy bulk, and train as I went about my oral efforts. In addition, the wedding gown was ruined by all the cum slime and ropy drool that had dripped and collected on the ornate frothy lace, down the front of the dress. I had eaten a lot of jism and fuck gunk when the reception was over; however, I was still a bit hungry. On the way to the bridal suite, I was able to get a few finger sandwiches down before we left.CHAPTER 9 – MORE EXCERPTS FROM MARK’S DIARY: The Wedding: The Bridal SuiteDiary, I was so excited to finally be in the bridal suite with Sara. We were finally alone and I could finally take off the sperm and cunt fuck gunk soaked wedding gown.My new bride’s cunt was so stretched, I literally was rubbing my smallish prick against one side, to get enough friction to get off in her. However, despite her slovenly state and condition, it was so ecstatic for me to finally get to put it in her delectable pussy.And even though her tits were coated and crusted with dried jism from sucking on many dicks, I also finally was able to feel mammary softness despite the combination of dried and wet slimy jism drool caked on them. I feasted on her nipples despite them being semen-covered too. Diary, I had waited so long and endured so much for this moment. I just knew I had to suck and slurp on them no matter their condition. I was just so thrilled and delighted to have the freedom to have access to them after all the time they were denied to me.EPILOGUEDiary, despite all I’ve been through, I have to say that Dr. Judy has helped me become the husband of a beautiful woman, that without her assistance, I never could’ve dreamed of being married to.Her guidance and the****utic treatments helped me see that it was my duty, as a husband, to help my wife in her sexual liaisons with other men. Men, all of whom were so much better endowed than I.”If you love Sara, you’ll help her get the sexual fulfilment you can’t give her that she can only get from other men. And after they’re through giving her what you can’t, then it’s time to give her what you’re best at – sucking up the men’s leavings from her wet frothy well fucked cunt.”Diary, Dr. Judy was so right. I do love Sara a lot. And with Dr. Judy therapy, I now see that there is no shame of being a cuckold and a lesser man since it’s to provide my wife the sexual pleasure I can’t. Since she wants me to help out in keeping her men happy, she has asked me several times to fill in for her and suck their dicks as well as let them fuck me when she’s unavailable to have intercourse with them.I’ve been trying to get her to cut down on the number of lovers she has, but she says it would be unfair to just cut them off. She’s accused me of not being in the spirit of truly helping her out. So rather than be seen as being uncooperative, I long ago stopped bring the subject up.It’s been ten plus years of being married to Sara, and all in all, I’ll have to say that it has been trying, but I’ve learned to accept and adapt to what was required of me.I have to live with wearing a electronic shocking cock lock, ask permission to jack off if Sara is not up to letting me have some, as well be supervised when permission is granted. I always have to suck clean her drippy, well-slimed cunt, after her studs fuck her.She’s often not in the mood to let me put it in, but I have yet to see her say no to her lovers and even strange men. And Diary, as you know, she often asks me to fill in for her if she won’t be available and one or more of her men friends come around and are horny.In addition, to all that, I also have to endure my monthly whippings, as prescribed by Dr. Judy.##THE END##

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