The Captain

2 Ağustos 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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The CaptainEvery muscle in her body ached. She had been swabbing the deck of the large ship for several hours now. She desperately wanted a break, but knew that wasn’t an option until the sun set. The sun was hot and beat down mercilessly on her back, making her job harder.“Would you care for a drink wench?” a sailor walked up to her with a jug of ale and a cup.“What will it cost me?” she said, her voice, like her body tired.The sailor laughed wickedly and made a motion to grab her, quite suddenly the captain arrived and the sailor took off quickly, no use in making the captain angry.She sighed and went back to work, trying to ignore the fact that the captain was watching her closely.“You’ve been working quite a while, you may take a break if you like.” The captain said.She turned and faced the captain for only the second time since the start of her captivity, her green eyes flashing. “You will work from sun up to sundown every day that you decide not to visit my bed. That is what you told me. This is what I agreed to, I will work until sundown, I will not be your whore.” She spat out.“You do realize my dear; if I wanted to I could have already taken you.” He said quietly.“I’d rather die.” She said spitting on the ground in front of him.The captain chuckled, a little spitfire she was, but she’d come around, especially when I let the men make advances towards her he thought to himself.“As you will, what if I told you I’d let the men take turns with you?”“You wouldn’t dare! You, you promised me.”“My patience is wearing thin.” The captain said. “You have another week to come to terms with your situation, after that, may God help you.”The captain walked away, his heavy boots causing the boat to vibrate slightly in his wake.She had been a captive for three weeks now. Her ship had been taking her to her new husband when it had been brutally attacked. She fought as valiantly as she could (for a woman), but the ship was taken over. The sailors had been wise to not ravage her, she realized this when she met the captain, he was tall, had a domineering presence about him, his eyes were a stormy sky blue, his hair, unlike the men on his crew was cut short, and was a sandy brown color, his beard was also trimmed allowing her to see the line of his jaw. His lips were full and she’d blushed slightly when she wondered whether this man could teach her to kiss. He seemed tough, but kind. When a young boy, who had been her ships minstrel had been found hiding in the belly of her boat the men brought him to the captain.“Who do you serve boy?” the captain had asked.“My lady Elizabeth.” Came the shaky reply from the boy.“The lady Elizabeth will be serving me.” The captain said, “So you have a choice lad, death or your complete devoted service to me.”She had been standing there gagged or else she would have told the boy to take death rather than submit to this pirate. The boy looked to his lady helplessly and then to the captain.“You won’t hurt her will you?” he said.“Nay my boy, I will not hurt her.” The captain promised.Elizabeth had rolled her eyes not believing a word that this pirate said.“The day you hurt her will be the day you die.” samsun escort The boy said eyeing the captain carefully. He was young but would rather die trying to save the honor of a lady than to die for naught.The captain nodded and said “I promise you on the blood of Christ I will not force your lady to do anything she does not want to do.”The boy nodded and clasped the captain’s arm in a gesture of servitude.Elizabeth looked helplessly as the boy was led away and shown his new quarters.This was when the arrangement between the captain and the lady Elizabeth had been made.“You have a choice my dear, come to my bed willingly tonight, OR for each day that you do not come to my bed you will maintain the cleanliness of our ship.”“Kill me.” Elizabeth had spat at the captain, “I will not lie with any man that is not my husband.”“You have a choice my lady,” the captain reminded her, “you may see to the cleanliness of our ship as an alternative.”“Very well, I will clean your bloody ship, I will not lie with you.”A small man, the captain’s second had shown her where she was to sleep, a very small area near the galley, it was dry, and not infested with rats and for that she was thankful.Here she was three weeks later and had come into a routine. Wake before the sun rose, get breakfast for the crew. Suffer with the comments that were made about her body and what they’d like to do to a beautiful virgin. So far she had remained uns**thed. One man had tried to attack her a week into her captivity. The foolish man had been hung by the neck from the mast; which gave the other men on the ship something to think about before they tried anything similar.The remainder of the day was the same day in and day out. Swab the deck after breakfast, do the laundry, mending, prepare the meager lunch they ate, swab the deck again, med the sales, make dinner, swab the deck a final time and then go to bed.That night after the evening meal and after she had finished her evening chores she lay on her cot and succumbed to the tears that she had kept hidden for the past three weeks. She curled up in a ball, and sobbed, she’d never have a family, she’d never be anything better than the ships maid and if what the captain said was true their whore.She didn’t even stop crying when strong arms lifted her, under her legs and back and drew her to a broad chest. She cried harder.“Elizabeth,” a quiet voice said, “please, what’s wrong? Why are you crying.”She suddenly became aware it was the captain and tried to get away, but he held her firm.“Put me down!” she demanded.“Not until you tell me why your crying.” He said quietly, “We’ve been kind to you haven’t we? You’ve eaten well, your cousin is thriving, I think he enjoys the life of a pirate.” The captain chuckled slightly.“Just go away and leave me alone. I am a foolish woman, crying for no reason.” She finally said, hoping that would get him to leave her alone.“I don’t believe that. I’ve watched you, you are not foolish. Now tell me why you are crying.”“You sir are infuriating.” She huffed.The captain laughed, “I have been called many things by a woman, infuriating has never antalya escort been one of them.”“Please, just go away. I do not care to tell you what is bothering me. I doubt you care anyway.”“I told you to tell me. I care about the well being of all my crew.” She avoided looking him in the eye when she muttered “family.”“You miss your family?” he said eyeing her carefully“No you clod,” she spat turning her face to his, her green eyes flashing angrily. “I’ll never have a family thanks to you and your stupid crew.”“You could still have a family,” the captain said quietly running a calloused finger gently down the side of her face, “you know I want you very much, I could give you that family you desire.”She attempted to smack his hand away, but his hand grasped hers and he pressed a hot kiss to her mouth. Her lips remained tightly clamped. She was terrified. Never had anyone kissed her before, not like this.The captain pulled away and studied the young girls face, her eyes were closed tightly, her lips pursed together, but she was breathing hard, good, I have awoken something in her he thought to himself.“I am going to kiss you again.” He said, “But you need to kiss me back, it’s no fun if you don’t.”“I, I can’t.” she whispered.“Why?”“I don’t know how.”The captain laughed loudly, “Is that the only reason? I can teach you.” He set her down and walked her to his cabin. It was lush and beautiful a far cry from where she’d been staying. It was very similar to what she was used to at home and probably what it would have been like if she had made it to her husband.“Now my dear before I kiss you again, you must change. You have been in that garment for three weeks now and well, I’m sorry to say this but it reeks.”She gave the captain a horrified look and shook her head no. She was not going to disrobe in front of this man.The captain took two steps towards her, grabbed the garment at the neck and ripped. The garment fell from her body in tattered rags.He eyed her carefully, her head was down, allowing her long dark brown hair to fall over her shoulders covering her breasts, her belly was trim, her hips were beautifully spaced, he took a step around behind her and noticed her ass was trim and tight.“You’re stunning,” the captain said, “now, on with the lesson.”“But I’m naked.” She stammered.“Yes, you are. You will get clothes at the end of the lesson.”He grasped her chin in his hand and dipped his head until he was a breath away from her mouth. “Now, wet you lips slightly,” she did which caused him to smile, “and part them like this,” he demonstrated and was thrilled when she matched him. “and now, I simply press my lips against yours.” She was not prepared for this, she thought as the captain’s lips closed over hers, his tongue gently probed her lips, teasing the corners until her mouth opened further, causing the captain to growl appreciatively. He tasted of ale and tobacco, she tasted of rum and apples.“Very nice indeed my dear,” he said when the kiss broke. “now we move onto step two.”“Wait, no, you just said you were goin to teach me how to kiss.”“I said I would teach you, but I didn’t ankara escort specify what I would teach you.”He walked her backwards until her legs hit the bed and she trembled slightly.“I will not force you.” He said quietly, “I promise.”She nodded and he kissed her again, harder this time, his hands roving over her body, caressing her breasts gently, they slid lower to her ass and he drew her to him. She could feel him through his pants and she shook.“I will not force you.” He reminded herHis hands traveled lower still and he was pleased when he found her wet.“I want to see all of you.” He said suddenly and he picked her up and plopped her down on the bed.He studied her body for a moment before he started kissing her foot, his tongue sliding down the instep and up towards the ankle, she giggled which was the response he was hoping for. He continued up, nibbling on the back of her knee, licking the inside of her thigh. He stopped when he got to the badge of her womanhood.“I am going to kiss you here.” he said, and she looked at him puzzled, but only for a moment. When his mouth closed over her, there, she moaned loudly.“What?!” she managed, “It’s nay natural.”“Aye, it is,” he hissed, “and you’re delicious.” His tongue delved deep into her and she writhed. His finger joined his tongue, stretching her gently preparing her for what was to come.“Oh!” she moaned, “please!”“Please what Princess?” the captain panted, still lapping at her.“I don’t know, but please?!” “More?” he managed to gasp“Yes, yes more.” She groaned.The captain quickly removed his clothing and carefully, gently positioned his erection against her soft opening.“Slowly,” he said gritting his teeth as he entered her, widening her, “I promised I wouldn’t hurt you my love, but I’m afraid there will be a little pain, but I will take that away, I promise.”She moaned as she felt him stretching her, widening her world to a whole new feeling.He withdrew and entered again, slowly, filling her.“Please!” she moaned“I will take you slowly.” He said again, almost to himself.“Now!” she said, wrapping her legs around his, pulling him into her, ripping through her maiden-head savagely, causing her to whimper slightly.“Shhhh,” the captain said, kissing her forehead tenderly, “it’s over, now I can please you.”He slowly moved over her, and as he did she moaned again and again. “You like that?” he teased“Yes!” she hissed as she raked her nails down his bare back; causing him to hiss.“Bitch,” he panted, kissing her hard on the mouth. “and here you said you’d never come to my bed.”“I’m sorry, if I had known before….”“You wouldn’t have been so stubborn?”“No, I would have,” she said smiling sweetly, “you probably would have had to force me.”He rode her harder, faster smiling as she moaned louder and louder.“Scream for me Elizabeth.”“But the sailors?!”“Will know you belong to me and will treat you with respect. You will no longer be the ships maid. Scream for me.”“I can’t.” she stammered even as a scream started to form in her throat.“You want to, I know you do.”“No,” she said, “I can’t, I can’t,” she protested even as the scream started to escape her throat, “OH GOD!”“That’s my girl.” The captain said kissing her softly, holding her tightly as the waves of orgasm swept over her body.Several hours later the captain watched as Elizabeth slept, they had bathed together after; he got her a new gown and tucked her in. For the first night in three weeks she slept sound.

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