Tease Toy Orientation 06: Sunday

12 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Authors Forward: Before we start, a few things the reader should be aware of. This will be quick, I promise!

1. This is a sequel to another story I wrote called “Strip Club Tease Toy”. I recommend reading it first in order to get the full picture of how exactly Dan ended up in this situation. I’m certainly biased but I think it’s worth it.

2. This is ALSO the finale of a six part series (plus a prologue), which I also suggest you read in its entirety to get the full effect.

3. This is A. a fantasy and B. heavily about female domination, submissive men, tease and denial, tickling, anal play, and bondage. If it’s not your thing, don’t read it and then leave aggressively judgmental comments on a free story. That’s weird behavior! Just go find something you like and talk about that. I really don’t need the kink shaming.

That’s it! I really hope you all enjoy this: it’s taken me about 8 months all told to work my way through Dan’s first week, and I still sort of can’t believe it’s finally finished. If you’ve followed me this far through Dan’s journey: THANK YOU! I’ve had so much fun writing this, and I have MANY fun new adventures in store for the ‘lil poor guy.

Tease Toy Orientation: The Sunday Hearing

Dan lay on Destiny’s bed for hours, naked and moaning, his arms cuffed into a leather sleeve behind his back, and his ankles cuffed together with a pair of leather, pink fur lined restraints, as “the babysitter” did its job. The individual rings of the apparatus encircled his rigid, desperate cock, each activating at random moments and for extended intervals, sometimes squeezing gently against his cock, sometimes vibrating against it, sometimes both. And each of them felt as powerful as the Control Ring that had been tormenting him all week.

There were five rings spread along the length of him now: the original (which was also locked tightly around his scrotum), and the four attached to the long, curved wire that kept them in place against his throbbing member. At least 2 were working him at all times, but there were still ebbs and flows as the minutes dragged on and on. Every 30 minutes or so he would enter a valley where he was barely being stimulated, and then other moments would come where all five rings seemed to be attacking him at full power, sending him skyrocketing towards sexual ecstasy before letting him plummet back to earth once more, unfulfilled, as he howled and writhed.

Destiny had left a key for him on the downstairs table for his leg restraints, and his sleeve was set to unlock him “sometime” between 4 and 5pm. For the first few minutes after she had left, he contemplated finding some way to squirm off the bed and roll downstairs, so he could at least unlock his legs. But then he realized they might still be watching him somehow. And besides, what good would a key do without his hands anyhow? He was better off staying here on the bed, where at least he was comfortable.

Besides a few pieces of furniture, the only things that Dan could see in the room were the clock on the wall and the large portrait that Destiny had left beside the bed on the nightstand, angled right at him. It was a portrait of all five of the gorgeous, dominant, wicked, playful, teasing, strippers who owned The Tease (and had so quickly come to own him) each wearing nothing but stiletto heels. And despite the way it tortured his already desperate cock further to do so, he couldn’t stop staring at it.

As he did, his eyes crawling over ever inch of Sarah’s massive tits, and Lexie’s fiery crimson hair, and Krista’s incredible ass, and the tightness of Trixie’s lithe tummy, and Destiny’s juicy thighs, the “Babysitter” played his cock like a musical instrument, driving him near the brink of sexual insanity as it teased him up and down, up and down, over and over, with no escape. After a while he realized that he had to be careful to keep his cock near the edges of the bed if he didn’t want to spend the next five hours lying in puddles of his own precum: he was leaking uncontrollably.

Near the end of his first hour, Dan was going so crazy that he started seriously considering trying to hump the bed enough so that he could get off right there and then. But while he was certainly still concerned about the “email” that Sarah would supposedly send to his office if he did so, that wasn’t the reason he finally talked himself out of it.

All weekend long, he had been coming to terms with his date with Destiny, and as much as it was still difficult for him to admit to himself, he didn’t just want to cum anymore…he wanted THEM. To be dominated by them. To be teased by them. And (he hoped wildly) to be made to cum by them. And if he was going to put up with all of the maddening, mind melting teasing that he had been subjected to for the last seven days, the least he could do was enjoy his reward (Oh GOD he hoped tonight ended in a reward).

The problem was that, as exciting as he was to finally see what tonight would bring, he had no idea what gay porno to expect from this “Sunday Hearing” which they kept teasing him about. All he knew is that all five got to vote on whether he passed or failed for the week, and it had to be a unanimous pass for him to cum. Anything other than a perfect score resulted in what amounted to more maddening teasing.

He thought he had a good shot: as humiliating as it was to admit to himself, Dan had tried to do everything he could to stay on the good side of these girls this week. He had nearly been pushed over the edge during his little “conflict resolution” between Lexie and Krista the other day, but he thought that he had come out of even that fairly unscathed. But the problem was that, really at the end of the day, he had NO IDEA what to expect, and the girls had shown enough cruelty to him by now that there was a real possibility that one of them (probably Lexie, he though with a shiver, as he pictured her cold green eyes) would vote for him to fail just to fuck with him. It was a realistic enough concern to keep him worrying…

And with that painting there, and the “Babysitter” mercilessly teasing him with random, surgical precision, he found it difficult to think of much else. Before leaving, Destiny had suggested that Dan try to “get some rest” before the evening’s festivities began, and he thought that was probably good advice, but with the alternating rings vibrating against him, and the thoughts on his mind, he was only able to sleep in short, fitful bursts, often punctuated by combination sex dreams/stress dreams about what this “Hearing” was going to entail.

In the first dream, Dan was tied down in the break room of The Tease, his limbs stretched wide in “The Chair”, and all five of The Tease owners were tickling him mercilessly. Lexie and Destiny were each licking slowly and repeatedly against his exposed armpits while pinching lightly at his sides, giggling at his squirming reactions. Sarah and Trixie were down by his feet, each raking their hands mercilessly against his soles as he wrenched and flexed in insane and meaningless attempts to get free.

Krista was at his back, tickling his buttocks and biting gently at his earlobe, where she whispered the same thing over and over and over, driving him mad, “Stop laughing and we’ll let you cum Danny. Stop laughing at we’ll let you cum. Isn’t that what you want? Just stop laughing, that’s all. Stop laughing and we’ll let you cum.” As fingers poked and probed into every inch of his bound and wriggling flesh, he screamed and cackled, and wailed for mercy, but none came. He eventually woke up in a cold sweat, and found that the growing puddle of precum near his leg meant that he had to readjust on the bed again. He looked at the clock to find that it was barely 2:15pm and moaned.

After trying, with a very small amount of success, to calm down, Dan struggled through another intense session in which all five rings began buzzing and squeezing against him at once, this time lasting almost 20 minutes, before they mercifully fell back to a light and constant irritation once more. He tried to calm his mind as much as possible, to relax and let sleep take him again, just trying to get through this torture as quickly as possible.

Eventually, he fell back asleep, and this time spent almost 45 minutes dreaming that he was dangling in bondage, completely naked, over a large inflatable pool full of baby oil, and looking down to watch all five women grind and slid against each other inside, completely naked. From time to time, one of them would reach up lazily to fondle or stroke at his cock, playing with it slightly, but they otherwise ignored him, kissing and grinding, groping and slurping, licking and rubbing, as he begged again and again, his voice cracking with desperation, to know if he passed, to know if he was going to get to cum.

Dan finally awoke, screaming so hard in his dream that real noise was coming out of his throat as he burst back to reality, his cock pistoning helplessly against the air as he moaned and writhed through another crescendo from “The Babysitter”. It was 3:30pm now, and he started trying to calm down enough to cat nap through one more burst of this interminable torture: he didn’t know if the dreams were any better, but at least time went faster, and if he had any inkling of how the girls operated, the sleeve that was supposed to unlock between “4 and 5” was probably set to unlock at 4:59 and fifty four seconds, or something like that.

He finally dozed back off, and this time the dream he had shook him to his core, in a way that stayed very much with him when he woke back up. In the dream, he was tied to a table on all fours, resting on his elbows and knees, as Sarah, Trixie, Lexie, and Destiny stroked, kissed, licked and pinched along every inch of his body…except for his cock.

Krista didn’t take part in the teasing. Instead she stood behind him, wearing a large, thick, purple strap fetiş porno on dildo, attached with a leather harness around her wide hips, and teased the tip of it lightly against the back of his thighs, cooing over and over, “I can make you cum anytime you want Dan…I’m right here, I’m ready, you just have to beg me to fuck you…But no one’s going to touch your cock Danny, and I’m not going to make you cum unless you beg me to…Have you had enough yet? Are you ready to start begging? Do you want me to fuck you Danny? Do you want me to fill you up until you squirt?”

When Dan woke up from this dream, he was drenched in sweat, and found himself full of terrifying and confused feelings. Where the hell had that come from? And why was he so hard, so wet at the thought of it? He didn’t want anything like that…did he? Any further thoughts on the matter quickly dissipated as Dan realized that the sleeve had unlocked in his sleep. He ripped his arms free, desperately pulling the extra rings of the accursed “Babysitter” free of his screaming cock.

Then he lay back in relief for a moment, moaning with happiness as the Control Ring itself stopped vibrating and constricting when the rest of the rings were separated from it. After he gained his breath, he stood up carefully, and shuffled downstairs as slowly and safely as he could, looking for the key to the restraints attaching his ankles together as his cock bobbed. He had to hurry: He needed to be at The Tease by 6pm, and there was no way in the world he was going to be late for this.


When Dan entered the back door of The Tease Sunday evening at around 5:50pm, his heart was racing. He didn’t know if he’d ever truly wanted anything before in his life as much as he wanted this. He entered the back door to find the hallway empty as usual, although there was note written on Sarah’s now distinct electric blue stationary and taped to the wall which read, “Daniel, get undressed, and find your uniform for tonight in a white box in the Break Room. Put it on, and then come meet us in the main room. And don’t worry darling, we’re the only ones here. ;)”

As always, Sarah’s signature was punctuated with a wet lipstick kiss right over her name. Dan’s cock lurched again, and he started getting undressed as quickly as possible. The wet lipstick on the note was a sudden reminder of what waited for him in the main room as soon as he followed her instructions. After six days of some of the most electrifying, creative, bewildering teasing Dan could imagine, he couldn’t stop thinking about release, and when he moved to the Break Room completely nude, he almost sprinted.

As soon as he entered, he found a large white box lying on the floor in the center of the room, and opened it to find his “uniform”, as Sarah had called it. It took him a moment to realize what he was looking at, and he suddenly flushed with humiliation when he did: there were 5 bands of white fabric about 2 inches tall, and in varying circumferences sitting in the box. It wasn’t until he saw the cufflinks on the smaller 2 bands sitting in the middle, and the snug bow tie attached to the band at the top, that he realized what they were: ankle cuffs, wrist cuffs, and a collar.

The cuffs were designed to look like the white dress shirt cuffs that a waiter or magician might wear (minus the rest of the shirt of course), and so were the white dress collar and black bowtie that he strapped snugly around his throat. The cuffs for his legs were a more simple, plain band of white cloth. Each of them fastened with a hard click as he placed them around his neck and each of his limbs, and he found without much surprise that once they were fastened, he couldn’t seem to take them off again.

The effect, he saw in the mirror on the wall, was one that made him look more ridiculously naked than he would have if wearing nothing at all, and it gave him quite a lowly servant appearance. He also noticed that each of the bands was heavier than it seemed it should be, as if they were weighted somehow. He realized nervously that there might be more to this outfit than he thought…but then, after a moment of anxiety and consideration, he realized there was nothing he could do about it either way.

He sighed, resigning himself to his fate (although not without a growing amount of anticipation), and walked back into the hallway. Then, he took his final steps of freedom, and walked through the doors leading into the main hall of The Tease Club. All five of the women were standing or sitting at the stools and tables by the bar, to his right. As soon as he entered, completely naked except for these sleeves and this collar, his cock still locked in Trixie’s Control Ring, the women at the bar all turned to look at him, catcalling and cheering.

He blushed instantly, feeling the deep red of his humiliation spreading all the way to his chest, and he winced as he felt his cock twitch again in aroused nervousness. The last time he had walked through hamile porno this room with all five women inside, he had still been clothed: but tonight, he had not only already been the babbling and begging victim of every single one of them, but was now expected to walk around in this ridiculous mockery of a Chippendales “uniform” (minus the shorts) in front of all of them at once.

He saw without much surprise that the women were all more dressed than he, although to varying degrees. Trixie was leaning against a table, showing off her tight, thin, pale nubile figure, her black hair done up in purple ribbons, wearing nothing but a spaghetti strap, purple cotton tank top (through which her pierced nipples bulged prominently), a tiny black thong, a pair of black and purple striped thigh high socks, and a pair of black high top converse with purple laces. She was smiling as widely as he had ever seen her, and her dark eyes glittered at him through her boxy black glasses.

Destiny was sitting next to her, and Dan saw that she was wearing a skin tight, neck to toe, glittering body stocking which hugged every curve of her like cellophane, just sheer enough that he could see the shadow of a nipple in the center of each massive breast, and a pair of strappy red stiletto heels. She had been in deep conversation with Trixie when he had first walked through the door, and Dan was suddenly very sure they had been talking about his weekend with her. He thought back to the utterly confusing weekend of sexual torture, romance, intimacy, and mind games that Destiny had put him through, and again shuddered at the realization of how GOOD it had all made him feel.

Lexie and Krista were standing at the bar, and as far as Dan could see, they seemed to have both taken quite well to their newfound friendship since he had helped them resolve their differences on Thursday: when he first walked through the door, Krista’s tongue had been half way down Lexie’s throat, and her hands had been buried deep in the redhead’s crimson locks. But at the sound of the whoops and cheers from the others, Krista came up for air and turned to watch Dan enter with a pleased grin.

Krista was wearing a bright teal sports bra, which stood out in sharp juxtaposition to her bronze skin, a matching pair of high waisted teal cotton thong panties, and a pair of tiny teal stiletto sandals which put her feet entirely on display. Lexie was wearing a very expensive looking black lacy bustier, black silk panties, and a garter belt attached to her dark stockings, along with a pair of black, shiny fuck me pumps with red soles. The dark lingerie stood out against her creamy, pale and freckled skin. The two women never fully let go of each other, their fingertips tracing pleasant, slow patterns on each others skin as they giggled and jeered at their new and (almost fully broken in) naked tease slave.

Sarah was standing closest to the door, and bounced over to Dan as soon as he entered, her electric blue bangs dancing around her laughing eyes. She was wearing a small black bikini top which barely covered her jiggling, bouncing breasts, and a loose mesh tank top over that, so that her soft and smooth flesh bulged slightly through every tiny square in the mesh fabric. She was wearing a pair of black booty shorts which barely reached an inch down her thigh, and a pair of red, open toed heels with straps criss crossing up her shapely calf.

“Dan!” she squealed with excitement as she jiggled over to him, pressing herself against him and placing a long wet kiss on his cheek, “You’re finally here! Aren’t you excited to get started?” As she pushed against him, he could feel her massive, almost liquid tits molding against his arm, her sweet and fruity perfume overtook his senses, and he struggled not to moan as his cock suddenly lurched again.

He heard giggles from several of the girls, a reminder of how much every twitch and bounce of his cock was on display for all of them to watch. His face burning, he realized that there was truly going to be no way to hide his arousal from them now. He felt Sarah slide a hand slowly down his chest, until she slowly encircled his cock in her hand. Then she squeezed it for about 3 seconds, just tightly enough that Dan’s breath caught in his throat, before releasing him completely and stepping back.

“Do you like your uniform Dan?” Sarah giggled, staring deeply into his eyes and posing for him as she watched him try to steady himself, “Trixie made it just for you. Do you like it?” As she spoke, the other girls stood up from their respective spots around the bar and began slowly moving towards him. All five of them were looking him right in the eyes, wherever he looked, and all five of them had the same sly smile slowly spreading across their faces.

Dan was suddenly terrified, and was learning the hard way that his fear was doing nothing to slow his arousal…in fact, it seemed to be having the opposite effect on his erection, and his bobbing and bouncing cock head earned another round of giggles from the slowly approaching women. He nodded quickly, and croaked out a meek, “Y-yes I love it Sarah, thank you. Trixie,” he added in a terrified voice, turning to the dark haired tech whiz, “thank you so much for my wonderful uniform…”

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