Tabby’s Blog Ch. 01

22 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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This is the first time I’m writing an erotic story, it’s based on one of my experiences but facts have been altered for dramatic and privacy reasons with a liberal poetic licence; feedback would be much appreciated. Enjoy [:

I met Tabby very randomly through some common friends, at the time she was dating an old university buddy of mine, but I wasn’t aware of that.

She stood at five feet four inches tall, long lashes batting over green eyes set perfectly into a fair toned oval face that was framed by mousey brown hair. Her twenty two year old body was soft, full and rounded at all the right places and she moved with a sensual grace.

That first meeting with her din’t leave a particularly strong impression on me, frankly there were other young ladies present there who I felt compelled to pay more attention to; she on the other hand was quite impressed, as I was to find out later.

A few months after we met she called me, asking to get together on some pretense or other, having nothing else planned for that evening I agreed. Now the first time we had met she had been very casually dressed, this time she was dressed to impress. It was quite subtle, but the way her shalwar kamiz, a traditional South Asian dress, clung to her curves and plunged to her cleavage gave the game away, especially when she bent over in her seat to get her ciggerettes from her purse strategically placed beside her manicured feet.

At that point I was too entranced by the view down her shirt and the scrumptious way her curves stretched against her clothes to question it, only later did I realize that the show I was enjoying had been carefully choreographed and put on for my benefit, though I certainly wouldn’t have complained had I known.

We chatted, or rather she chatted and I ogled her for about an hour before she had leave, this time I made sure I got her number and planned to meet her again over the weekend.

Over the next few weeks we would get together for coffee every now and then, her green eyes would look at me tantalizingly over her mug as we flirted with one another shamelessly unaware of the people around us.

After about a month we were spending a large amount of time together and were quite liberal with physical contact, almost constantly holding the other’s hand, or casually stroking the other’s thigh under the table while grinning inanely at the people sitting around it. We had not even kissed yet or even been out alone on a proper date, nothing beyond sultry dancing in dark corners at parties and a little footsie under the table at coffee joints.

I bonus veren siteler enjoyed our time together, as did she, but even though the flirtation had hit a fever pitch we never moved beyond it, happy in the haze of mutual infatuation. As neither of us made a serious move on the other we continued to sit in corners gently caressing each other under the table as friends watched us wondering when we would wise up and get on with it.

Then, one fateful day, I stumbled across her blog. For an hour I sat and read her posts, she never mentioned my name, and it was an anonymous blog, but at the end, considering the dates of the posts and the events she vented about, it was crystal clear that she had been very infatuated with me for a very long time.

At first I didn’t understand, I had to read the blog twice before I could convince myself it was true. How could a woman as attractive and intelligent as her want me this badly? I was after all merely five foot six, slimly built and certainly din’t have movie star looks.

Before I could figure this out however I realized what a jackass I was being, a witty, sultry and sexy woman wanted me, this was a time for action not for thought.

I called her and we planned to meet at a friend’s apartment the next day to ‘watch a movie’. I spent that evening preparing everything like making sure my friend wouldn’t be home, picking up a few movies and buying condoms.

The next day I arrived early at the friend’s apartment that I had commandeered, it was a posh penthouse and lacked very few amenities. I set up one of the movies with the projector in the bedroom, straightened up the room a little and put a couple of bean bags in front of the screen so we could sit on them instead of the bed to watch. Its not that I din’t want to be in bed with her, quite the contrary, but I didn’t want to cheapen the night by pushing her straight into the sack. She was after all a very special woman and I felt I owed it to her to not take advantage of what I had learnt from her blog.

She arrived with a delicious smile on her face, purple outfit clinging wantonly to her body. When she hugged me hello her perfume surrounded and intoxicated me, her pert 36b breasts pressing into my chest as her arms encircled my neck. I inhaled her scent deeply and held her close as I welcomed her into the apartment, both of us lingering in the embrace before she disentangled herself and walked into the apartment.

‘I’m sorry I’m late, my hair just doesn’t seem to want to do what its told’ she said charmingly bahis throwing a smile over her shoulder, catching me staring at her bum as I closed the door and followed her in. Her bum was well rounded and perky, the kind of please smack me bum girls in rap videos have and when she walked its confident side to side sway was nothing short of mesmerizing. It wasn’t the first time she had caught be staring at her bum, but this time as she tossed her straight brown hair back over her shoulder and walked into the kitchen to grab a drink I knew I wasn’t imagining the extra little waggle in her gait.

I shook my head clear of her butt’s spell and followed her into the kitchen, discretely adjusting the rapidly growing lump in my jeans, something that I often had to do around Tabby, and smoothly started to say ‘Its a pretty woman’s prerogative to make a…’.

I would have finished smoothly saying it if I hadn’t walked straight into the sight of her bending at the waist searching for something deep the fridge. My breath caught in my throat as I took in her shapely form and mumbled out the end of my reply, ‘…man wwwaaaaaahhhmmmm’ with my mouth hanging open. It wasn’t the first time I had caught her displaying her blossoming body but for some reason today I couldn’t look at her without all the blood rushing down to my cock.

I didn’t know whether it was because of an effort of her part or because I now knew that this nymph wanted me to do a lot more that just playfully caress her, either way I didn’t have time to deal with this thought as she suddenly twirled around with a bottle of orange juice in her hand, a confused look in her eye and two pointy nipples straining for freedom in her top asking ‘To make a man what?’

I closed my eyes for a second shook my head clear again before replying with a sheepish smile ‘To make a man wait’, hoping the compliment would still have some impact.

She smiled knowingly at me, a sudden blush colouring her cheeks, ‘ooh’ she said as she twirled around and bent back into the fridge, ‘so what movie are we watching?’

She gently shifted her weight from one foot to the other, making her her body ripple sensually from her thighs to her shoulders. As I watched, mouth agape again, trying to articulate the names of the movies I had picked up it suddenly dawned on me that she was teasing me! My blood starved brain realized that I was the one in power here, I knew for a fact that she wanted me to, in her words, grab and grope that divine derrière and here she was presenting it in such a manner that had I even deneme bonusu not read her blog I should have recognized her desire.

Swallowing my uncertainty I stepped forward towards her, listing the names of the flicks I had picked up the night before, all carefully picked to be light comedies or romances. She continued to sway from foot to foot as I approached and from the way she kept examining only the middle rack I was sure that she wasn’t looking for anything at all in the fridge; her back stiffened as she heard me step up behind her, was it in anticipation or to accentuate the movement of her hips, which it certainly did, her bubble butt moving left to right invitingly. Two could play at this teasing game and I nonchalantly reached past her to grab myself some water, brushing my arm against her side as I deliberately stood close behind her, squeezing between her and the fridge door to get my drink, coming almost close enough to rub my rock hard cock in between her ass cheeks, but not making any contact with her other than brushing her side with my arm as I took the water out.

The second my forearm touched her she inhaled sharply and held her breath. Her bum stopped swaying and shivered as her legs trembled, I watched hungrily as I pulled my arm back, dragging my forearm over her hipbone. Now confident and sure of myself I casually turned around and sipping the water walked out, telling her that if she liked there was also a collection of movies here that she could pick from. I didn’t see her frozen in her spot bent at the waist with her knees trembling for a full minute as I walked out of the kitchen to grab a smoke, a good thing too, the sight of her bent over in front of the fridge with her ass stuck out and shivering, nipples fighting and winning against her bra’s resolve to contain them and eyes fluttering have open as she drew sharp short breaths would probably have made my straining cock explode in my boxers.

I grabbed a pack of smokes from the living room and headed to the bedroom as I lit one up, taking a deep drag and trying to control my raging erection. I was now sure that Tabby would soon be writhing in my arms, there was no point in rushing things. We had both been anticipating and craving this for a long time, now that we were finally going to get it it ought to be done right and not rushed through.

I took another deep drag and quickly surveyed the room, making sure nothing was out of place and was turning on the projector when I heard Tabby come out of the kitchen and call my name. I shouted out that I was in the bedroom as I reached down to turn on the power switch to the speakers. Her footsteps rang out through the open door and with each step the blood pounded in my cock, leaving me only a split second to adjust my once again rock hard member in my boxers before she walked in.

To be continued d:

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