Susie Helps

29 Mayıs 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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My names Susie I’m thirty six years old and five months ago I met Ian who is ten years older than me. Our meeting led me to have an amazing and rather unusual experience recently.

I was introduced to Ian by a mutual friend during a charity fundraising event and we hit it off straight away, spending most of the evening together. He is a very caring, loving and honest man and it wasn’t until three weeks later that we ended up going to bed together. He’d wined and dined me and we’d been out together several times on dates and it was after lunch on a Wednesday, after he’d brought me home that I seduced him and suggested that he should take me to bed.

It was definitely a good decision on my part and I was totally amazed when I finally saw his appendage. It’s the largest I’ve seen and experienced at a length of nine and a half inches with a girth just touching seven and a half inches. We had a wonderful afternoon and have had many loving encounters since and as I treasure these as private matters and don’t intend to go into further detail.

On the Friday following we met up again and Ian confided to me a rather different side to his life. He has an entry on a web-site where women who are interested in well hung guys can engage him to satisfy them (without cost). He said he wanted to be honest and truthful with me as he valued the friendship we’d developed. It took a little while for me to take it all in, but after chatting some more I felt I was comfortable with the situation and it ended up with him having me on the sofa in his lounge, his first but not last session with me out of bed.

As I was enjoying his company and our times together I didn’t ask much more about his alter ego and his ‘other life’ was rarely mentioned, that is until two weeks ago. We’d met on the Tuesday morning for a coffee and he told me that he had something to ask me and he made it clear that he wouldn’t be offended if I said no. I was intrigued and wanted to know more. He went on to inform me that Anna, one of his regular ladies from the web-site, who lives in South Wales, but they meet up in London when she’s on business ,had been in touch. It wasn’t her normal correspondence informing him of the dates she’d be in the city, it was something different.

Anna was making an enquiry on behalf of her eighteen years old daughter Enfys who would be turning nineteen in a weeks’ time. It was Anna’s intention to pay for a trip to London as a birthday treat for her and she wanted it to include a session with Ian. At first I couldn’t see a problem and wondered why he’d mentioned it, until he informed me that he doesn’t meet ladies under twenty five. He likes Anna and was prepared to make an exception if she was going to accompany Enfys but this wasn’t possible. He then told me about a compromise solution and asked me if I would consider ‘chaperoning’ the session. He said he was approaching me because he thought highly of me and trusted me. He explained that I would have to be present during the session, adding jokingly that I could take part. He said that I didn’t need to give him an answer immediately but he hoped I would give it serious consideration.

I must admit my mind was in a whirl with the surprise and nature of the request. I sat quietly for a while pondering. Ian was obviously keen on the idea, which guy wouldn’t be if given the opportunity to get their hands on a nineteen year old. I liked Ian, a lot, and he was going out of his way to fulfil Anna’s request, which he needn’t do, but he’s like that. I also valued the way he thought about me and that he felt safe enough to even ask. I eventually gave him an answer confirming that I would ‘chaperone’ the session and a look of joy crossed his face and he gave me a wide beaming smile.

It wasn’t until I was driving home, and later during the afternoon that the full reality and naughtiness of what I’d agreed to dawned on me. I’d never been involved in anything remotely like this before but just thinking about it was getting me excited and I had butterflies in my stomach. Two days later on the Friday Ian e-mailed me telling me that everything had been arranged for the following Wednesday, two days after Enfys’s birthday. She was travelling by train from Wales on the Tuesday and Anna had booked her into the hotel she uses on her visits, a five star, very close to Paddington Station. Ian and I would meet her there mid-morning on Wednesday, him having picked me up from home. He requested I wear my red with black trim satin lace bra and knickers set, which is his favourite, so he clearly intended that I’d be taking part, in some form. I spoke to him on Sunday and again on Tuesday evening when he phoned and confirmed that Enfys had arrived at the hotel and he’d be collecting me at nine-o’clock the following morning. I didn’t get to sleep easily that night and played with myself, without completion, until I dozed off.


As you can guess I was awake early on Wednesday morning. I felt a nervous energy, excitement mixed with a little apprehension, about the day to come and I’d canlı bahis woken up feeling far more horny than I had for a long time.

I got up, showered, put Ian’s requested lingerie on with hold-up stockings and finished dressing in a red jersey blazer and straight style skirt matched with a white and light blue striped blouse and black stilettos. Ian had advised that I needed to look like a business woman.

I was just finishing applying some lip gloss when the door bell rang. I pressed the intercom button, “Hello, it’s Ian here to collect Susie,” came a voice over the speaker.

“Hi! I’ll be down in two minutes,” I replied. I arrived downstairs and Ian was waiting, immaculately presented, as always, in a charcoal grey business suite, light blue shirt, burgundy and grey tie and black shoes.

“All set then?” he questioned as we made our way to his car.

“Yes, I’m quite excited,” I replied.

“I’m usually keyed up before meeting with somebody new but this one has me very stimulated,” he said as we got into the car. As we drove we didn’t refer to the upcoming mornings activities but talked about this and that, mainly about the traffic. We arrived at the hotel and drove into the parking area Anna had reserved a place as she always did for Ian’s visits. We got out of the car and Ian took hold of my hand as we made our way into the hotel. “Thanks for agreeing to this,” he said as we entered reception, giving my hand a squeeze as we did so.

We made our way into the lounge and found some seats at a table in the corner. Ian ordered coffee for both of us and we waited for Enfys to join us. Just as the waiter was delivering our drinks a very pretty, petite blond girl came into the lounge looking around nervously before making her way over to us. “Ian?” she said enquiringly.

“Yes, and you must be Enphys,” he replied whilst getting to his feet.

“It’s Envis,actually,” she said correcting his pronunciation. “It’s Welsh for rainbow.”

“I apologise, Enfys, this is Susie who as you know will be with us today,” he continued, introducing me.

“Nice to meet you Susie,” she said taking my hand and shaking it.

“Please, take a seat,” Ian instructed and both of them sat down next to each other on the leather sofa. “Would you like a drink?”

“Coffee would be great,” she said. “Cappuccino.”

Ian organised her drink with the waiter. “Good journey down?” he questioned.

“Yes fine, the train was on time and everything and it’s only a short walk to the hotel.”

“Good, have you had a good night’s rest?”

“I had a meal here last night and went up for an early night. The bed’s lovely and comfortable but I did toss and turn a bit, a little anxious about today.”

“There’s no need for you to feel apprehensive, everything will be fine, were here to enjoy,” he said in his softly spoken way that was very reassuring.

“Thank you,” she replied with a touch of relief in her voice. Her coffee arrived and we all had a drink.

“Have you got the papers?” Ian asked.

“Oh yes,” she said, opening her bag and taking out an envelope and handing it to him.

“Here’s mine,” he said handing her an envelope from his inside pocket. They opened their respective correspondence and had a quick read. “Yes, that’s fine,” he continued.

“And yours,” she said in agreement.

“Did your mum tell you there may be some questions?”

“Yes, she did.”

“O.K then. Can I ask if you’ve got a boyfriend?”

“I do, as it happens, Rob.”

“Same age as you?”

“Actually a year older.”

“Does Rob know you’re here today?”

“He knows I’m in London, but not about you.”

“I see.. but you both..?”

“Yes, he does take me to bed, if that’s what you mean?”

“It is.. and given your age have there been many who’ve..?”

“Three, including Rob, all longish term boyfriends.”

“How often do you and Rob indulge?”

“Two or three times a week.”

“Ian! Stop it, you’re embarrassing Enfys,” I intervened.

“I’m sorry, I do apologise,” he said.

“No offence,” she replied.

“Do you work or are you a student?” I asked trying to lighten the conversation.

“I work as a researcher for a television company.”

“That’s interesting. In what area do you research?”

“Current affairs mostly but occasionally we get special projects. Do you work?”

“I do, I’m a freelance graphic artist and I work from home. Ian’s the lucky one he’s a retired Chief Executive having sold his business a year ago.”

“What business?”

“Specialist haulage,” Ian replied.

“I do like your dress,” I informed her. It was a squared collar, shoulder cut out, knee length, wiggle pencil dress in slate grey. She was wearing black stockings or pantyhose and grey stilettos.

“Thank you, mum said the business look would be most appropriate.”

“Very appropriate,” I informed her. “You know that I’ll be with you and Ian, does it bother you?”

“Not in the slightest, it makes it even more exciting,” she replied. We were all finishing our coffee by now.

“Well you’ve met bahis siteleri Susie and myself so why don’t you go up to your room, have a good think about this morning and see if you still want to invite us up to join you,” Ian suggested.

“That sounds good, I’ll give you a ring in a little while,” she said before getting up and leaving us.

I waited until she was gone. “What were you doing asking all those personal questions,” I asked him.

“I wasn’t trying to make Enfys feel uncomfortable but I have to gauge my women on a first meeting. She’s young and I wouldn’t normally ask but I need to know how experienced she is to know how to approach the morning.”

“I see and I totally understand your position. And the envelopes?” I asked quizzically.

“Ah ha!.. hers contained a photocopy of her passport to confirm her age, a recent STD test and proof she’s on the pill. Mine was my recent STD test.”

I thought for a moment. “Are you intending to take her bare-back?” I questioned.

“Given the information we both have, I am now,” he informed me.

“Oooh! that’ll be the perfect experience for her,” I remarked. “What do you think of Enfys then?” I questioned.

“She’s not at all what I’d imagined. Anna’s a real MILF bordering on the Cougar. She’s not fat but is well-built with large firm natural boobs, a trim waist and generous hips. Like mother like daughter I’d thought.”

“And what you’ve got is a very pretty, petite, potential plaything,” I observed. With that his mobile rang and he answered.

“Hi Enfys.” … “That’s good news.”…”Room 542.”…”See you soon.” …

“We can go up, she’s waiting for us,” Ian said.

“So I gather.” We both got up and Ian held my hand as we made our way to the lift. We got in and he pressed the button for the fifth floor. “She may be young and inexperienced but she seems quite a confident young lady. I’ve no doubt you’ll give her a very pleasurable and sensual experience whilst enjoying having her at the same time,” I told him.

“Thanks for your vote of confidence,” he said, giving a little chuckle. “I hope you get some pleasure and satisfaction as well,” he added. The lift came to a halt and the doors opened. “542’s down this way,” he said pointing to the right.

We were standing outside the door of room 542 and Ian knocked. “Who is it!” Enfys shouted from the other side.

“It’s Ian and Susie here to service Miss Evans,” he replied, very formally. The door opened.

“You’d better come in then,” Enfys directed. There was no going back now and a shiver of excitement and anticipation passed through me as Ian and I entered Enfys’s room. It wasn’t just a room it was a suite with a lounge area as well as the bedroom area. “Take a seat,” she said,

“If I sit here, you two can sit there,” I said, indicating an easy chair for me and a sofa for them.

“Can I take your jackets?” she asked. We both removed our jackets and handed them to Enfys and we’d soon sat down as I’d suggested. “This feels a little awkward,” she said.

“Try and ignore me,” I told her. “Just treat Ian as a boyfriend, what would you do if he was your boyfriend?”

“I’d kiss him, I suppose.”

“Why don’t you then?”

“I’d love to,” she said quite enthusiastically. Ian put his hand behind her head and gently pulled her towards him whilst lowering his. Their lips met and they were soon kissing actively and their initial embrace lasted some time. “That was nice,” she whispered as their mouths parted and she looked into his eyes smiling. Their lips locked together again but their actions were less frantic this time and Ian had started to fondle her boobs, through her dress, which elicited some soft moaning from Enfys.

After a little while they eventually separated again. “I think you’d be more comfortable without the dress,” Ian suggested, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. He stood behind her and began lowering her zip. “You must have known I’d be doing this.. the zipper is full length,” he observed.

“Makes undressing me a lot easier,” she responded, “Not complaining are we?”

“Certainly not,” he continued as he completed the zips journey and then helped her out of the garment. She looked terrific in a pretty black lace bra and matching thong and she was wearing black hold-up stockings and her stilettos.

“I like your lingerie, I think black always looks good,” I informed her.

“Umm! It’s my favourite colour,” she responded. She wasn’t fazed by being in her underwear in front of Ian and myself and I felt my estimation of her confidence was well founded.

“Do you know what I think, seeing that Susie’s here we should get her stripped down as well,” Ian suddenly said, taking me a little by surprise. Enfys looked straight at me.

“That seems fair to me,” she said, giving me a big smile.

“Enfys why don’t you undress Susie for me,” Ian suggested. She didn’t say anything but came over and helped me to my feet. She unzipped my skirt at the back, eased it over my hips and let it slide down to the floor and I stepped out of it. She stood bahis şirketleri behind me, unfastened the buttons on the cuffs of my blouse before unfastening the buttons down the front. She slipped it off my shoulders, down my arms and off, before stepping to the side.

“You’ve gone for lace as well, red and black, very nice,” she said complimenting me on my underwear.

“It was Ian’s choice, his favourite from what he’s seen of my lingerie, ” I informed her.

“You are two gorgeous looking ladies,” Ian said flatteringly as his eyes looked us up and down. “Do a twirl for me.” The two of us slowly rotated round. “You both look absolutely stunning and Enfys your thong disappearing between those bum cheeks of yours looks really naughty.” She gave a little giggle. “It’s a pity, but I’m afraid you’re going to have to lose your lingerie for what I have in mind for you this morning, especially Enfys,” he informed us.

“Are you going to strip us?” Enfys asked with a mischievous tone in her voice.

“I think I should,” Ian responded. He moved and stood behind her, he unhooked her bra and worked it off. His hands came round the front and each cupped one of her breasts. “That’s nice, lovely little boobs,” he remarked.

“My titties are not too tiny are they?” she questioned.

“No! certainly not. They’re wonderful, such firm young mounds with gorgeous puffy areola and your nipples are hard and erect already,” Ian informed her.

“They look great to me as well,” I added reassuringly. “They’re small, but really well formed. You’ve no need to worry about them and you won’t be bothered by saggy boobs in the future,” I added, laughing. Ian came over to me and removed my bra in the same way and proceeded to fondle me.

“Nice and firm as usual Susie,” he commented. “Why don’t you take Enfys over to the bed and finish off getting yourselves naked whilst I get undressed and then I can join you.” I took Enfys’s hand and led her to the bed, we both stepped out of our shoes before scrambling on to the bed.

“Susie you’ve got lovely tits,” Enfys remarked. “Your nipples are big and fat,” she added.

“Thank you,” I replied. “Here lets slip that thong off for you,” I said as my fingers crept inside the waistband. She lifted her hips and bottom up to ease their removal. “Mmmm that’s a pretty looking pussy. I like the landing strip and little tuft, and I see you’re a natural blonde. Do you trim it yourself?”

“Yes, I wax the sides and trim the strip with electric clippers, except for my little tuft. Right! your turn, let me get those panties off.” I was kneeling as her hands worked my briefs down. I fell on to my back and she slid them over my legs and off. “It’s a full bush!” she said a little surprised.

“Yes I like it like this, I keep the length down with clippers and shave the bikini line.”

“I’m sorry if I seemed surprised, I’m just used to seeing mine and mums. She’s completely smooth, her hairdresser does it for her.”

“Thats an interesting conversation, two ladies discussing the tonsorial designs of their pussies,” Ian said as he approached the bed in his loose fitting black boxers.

“We’re naked, don’t you think you should be?” I questioned.

“Be my guest,” he replied.

“I think Enfys should do the honours,” I suggested. She sat on the edge of the bed with Ian standing on the floor facing her. Her thumbs hooked into the waistband and she nervously began to lower the black material.

“Wow!” she exclaimed loudly on seeing his manhood for the first time. “Mum said you were big, but this is substantially bigger than I expected,” she continued, not taking her eyes off his flaccid appendage.

“Well hung is a description very well suited to Ian,” I said. “But hanging is not how you want him though. It’s O.K to touch and hold him,” I said, attempting to stir her out of the daze she appeared to be in. She gingerly put her hand out and tentatively wrapped it around his shaft.

“That is big,” she observed. “And huge balls as well,” she continued, cupping her hand under his sack, as if weighing the contents. She was sliding her hand loosely over his shaft, gauging it’s length.

“He responds well to a warm moist environment and he tastes pretty good,” I said giving her an encouraging pointer. She responded to my hint and lowered her head. She stuck out her tongue and I could see his head becoming shiny as she licked all over it depositing a film of saliva on the surface. “Does it taste good?”

“Mmmmm, very nice,” she replied.

“Is he waking up?”

“Slowly, and I already can’t fasten my hand around him, it’s so fat.”

“That’s the reason your mums sent you hear, he won’t get much thicker but he will get harder and a tad longer,” I informed her. So far she seemed very happy and quite competent in handling him. She’d now opened her mouth and had taken in his head.

“Mmmmm! that feels good,” Ian said in response. “You’ve got a lovely soft touch with your hands,” he added. She was sliding one gently up and down his meat whilst fondling his balls with the other. She was enjoying herself with the occasional muffled moan of pleasure emanating from her cock filled mouth. “Accomplished oral skills must be an Evans family trait,” Ian suggested. “Young lady you’ve got a wicked tongue, just like your mum.”

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