Sun Hee Ch. 09

27 Nisan 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Sun Hee was finally coming back from Korea, and that meant my chastity would be once more in her hands. Or so I hoped.

The international terminal at LAX was a sea of Asian and Indian faces as I waited eagerly for the Korean Air flight to come in. I couldn’t wait to see my precious Sun Hee again even though she had made it very clear that I was only there to “give her a ride from the airport.”

Sun Hee had made no promises about getting back together, I knew that, but I had hopes!

In fact, I was so excited to see her again after the long holiday break that I was here almost an hour before her plane was scheduled to land. That was ok. I didn’t mind the wait. But I did start to feel uncomfortable amidst all these strange and vaguely unfriendly faces.

Surely it was all just in my head, but I felt like some of these Korean ajummas (middle aged ladies) were giving me the stink eye. No doubt they guessed right that the white college boy was here waiting for one of their young Korean girls, and they didn’t approve. They feared I was corrupting their precious daughters.

If only they knew, I chuckled to myself ironically. Under my jeans my cock was locked securely away in my chastity cage – I was no danger to anyone! I wore it as tribute to Sun Hee. She hadn’t asked me to wear it, but it just felt right. With Sun Hee finally coming back, I wanted to show her that I truly was ready to submit to her, entirely and completely.

It felt right that my cock be locked away.

And as for corrupting anyone, experience showed pretty clearly that Sun Hee was the true danger. A delightful little danger, but a danger nonetheless. And as Sun Hee’s confidence grew, her adventurous and dominating spirit grew with it.

So here I was waiting in the airport, under the watchful and judgmental eyes of all these Korean ajummas, with my cock hopelessly locked away. There was no way I could change my mind either – I had recklessly sent the key to her in the mail. It was waiting for Sun Hee in her campus box. At least I hoped it was! I was committed.

Amidst all these ajummas, of course, were all kinds of young women, some alone, some in groups. Some greeting boyfriends returning from abroad, or tearfully kissing them goodbye. It was a strange and sublime experience being surrounded by so many hot young Asian girls, and yet knowing I was so utterly useless. I had never had sex with Sun Hee – and never would.

Long legs flashed under short skirts. High heels clicked across tile floors. Firm breasts strained against tight blouses. Perky bottoms perched on stools and chairs. White teeth and painted eyes flashed. Lipstick stained coffee cups. I don’t mean to sound sex obsessed, but it was six days now that I had been locked in chastity and the cage was having its powerful effect. At this point I think I would have happily offered the key to be held by any of these women, though of course it was Sun Hee I hoped would accept my offering.

A Korean Air flight attendant, impeccable and lovely in her eggshell blue uniform, walked past me, and I experienced a deep, submissive twinge as I imagined impulsively offering her my key. She would look surprised and confused at first, but then smile with a mysterious satisfaction as she came to understand that the key I offered controlled any opportunity to cum or gain an erection. As long as she held the key she held the future of my orgasms in her hand. She would smile and close her hand around the key, thrilled at the power of being able to end my sex life. As a flight attendant, she would already be off to some far away city or even back across the far Pacific to Korea, taking the key with her. She would place the key on the nightstand of some hotel a world away and delight in the certainty that I would never again enjoy an orgasm. All because of her.

My body ached with the finality of such a possibility.

Behind her came another group of flight attendants, similarly impeccable and lovely in their eggshell blue uniforms, silk scarves tied precisely around their dainty necks. They talked and laughed loudly with the confidence of women who knew their value. Following them was a stream of well-dressed businessmen and fashionable young women. Even the older ladies looked fit and sexy, defying their age with smooth skin and narrow waists. Long before the passengers from Sun Hee’s flight finally began to emerge through the Customs door, I had already noticed how well dressed everyone was around me. Koreans take their fashion and propriety seriously. None of the casual sloppiness of Americans.

I looked down at my torn jeans and cheap shirt, and felt awkward and slightly ashamed. I was just a boy in their eyes. A boy masquerading as a man. How could someone like Sun Hee or Jin Sook take me seriously? No wonder they saw me as beneath them.

My cock shrivelled in my pants at the realization, and I swear the Korean ajumma lady beside me looked down at my crotch and then urfa escort up at my reddening face. She knew!

It was another forty minutes before Sun Hee finally came out through the door, so long that I started to worry I had somehow missed her or come to the wrong gate. The relief – no, the joy! – I felt when I first saw her face was astounding.

Sun Hee was back!

She looked as beautiful as ever. Light brown and golden highlights accented the lustrous hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Sun Hee had colored her hair while back in Korea, a new look for her, and I liked it. Her lips were full and wide in an easy smile, carefully painted a delicate red, and her little elfin nose scrunched in a way that was irrepressibly adorable.

Best of all were the way her large dark eyes, highlighted by her trademark cat’s eye makeup, lit up when our eyes finally met. Sun Hee’s face seemed to glow with happiness, and I felt myself come alive, my heart surging to meet hers.

She was happy to see me – and my heart swelled painfully in my chest. God, she was so beautiful, my angel, and I loved her so, so much!

It was all I could do not to duck under the barricade and run to her.

Sun Hee gave me a brief wave, a cute little flash of her hand held shyly at waist level, but already she was looking back over her shoulder and talking to someone else behind her.

It was Jin Sook.

Apparently they were travelling together and Sun Hee hadn’t thought to tell me. And just like that my fantasy of a Hollywood movie-style airport reunion with the two of us running into each other’s arms and spinning round and round lay in tatters at my feet.

As the old saying goes, two is company but three’s a crowd, and as the two women finally wound their way past the barricade to where I was waiting, I was struck by a confidence in Sun Hee that further heightened my own uncertainty. Sun Hee seemed new, different. I couldn’t place what it was, but there was something about her.

It showed even in the way Sun Hee walked as she threaded her way through the crowd toward me. She moved with a kind of pluckiness and spirit that seemed to make the crowd fall away as she passed by.

Already I had been unsure what kind of greeting Sun Hee would want, just as on a larger scale I was very much unsure of the nature of our new relationship – where we back together? just friends? somewhere in between? I didn’t know – and this new spunkiness in Sun Hee, combined with Jin Sook’s unexpected presence, threw a wrench in all of that.

Whether deliberate or not, Sun Hee had a knack for knocking me back on my heels.

In the end we settled for a warm yet flirty smile and a much too brief hug that left me gasping for more. Still, feeling her in my arms again made everything feel right. My left hand slipped around Sun Hee’s narrow waist in a way that felt glorious and right, and I longed to pull her into me for a full and proper embrace. But Sun Hee held back so that our bodies barely touched, no more. It was just enough for me to inhale the flowery scent of her hair and feel the soft fullness of her breasts press against my beating heart. The familiar smell of her and the heat of her body made my cock twitch, and the sudden dilation of her eyes made clear she felt the chastity cage press against her.

Sun Hee reached down to give my caged cock a quick little pat. How must it feel for her knowing I was caged because of her? The corner of her mouth twitched into a knowing smile, her lips a bright and perfect red, but already she was pulling away.

I wanted nothing more than to hold onto this moment with Sun Hee as though she were the only other person in the world. But alas, Jin Sook was right there, and politeness required I greet her too. Jin Sook, who was Sun Hee’s rich and alpha-girl roommate, carried herself with a posture and poise that always intimidated me and left me flustered. She was from Gangnam, the most stylish and exclusive part of Seoul, and more than used to getting her way. Everything about her spoke of money and class. Which is to say – unattainable. Jin Sook was way outside my league, and she was never shy in letting guys know that. Where Sun Hee was bright and open, with a girl-next-door beauty that had earned her the nickname “Sunny,” Jin Sook had the fine features and stern, haunting beauty you would expect to find in an ad for Chanel or Bvlgari.

Add to that the fact we barely knew each other. Aloof and judgmental, Jin Sook tolerated my presence as Sun Hee’s boyfriend, but never seemed to concern herself with my existence beyond that.

It flustered me, then, when instead of the indifferent handshake I expected, Jin Sook too greeted me with a polite hug. Quick and cursory to be sure. But surprise enough that my pelvis pressed against hers without thinking, her lithe body slender and fragrant against mine.

Jin Sook’s eyes flashed open with surprise. escort urfa Confusion showed plainly on her face.

She definitely felt it, the hard plastic of my cage pressing against her lissome frame – even if she had no idea what it was. I flushed furiously, caught off guard and mortified by this accidental encounter. Surely she could not guess the strange bulk she felt in my pants was a chastity cage, but what would she think?

As Jin Sook pulled away, her dark eyes betrayed curiosity and speculation.

“It’s so good to see you!” I said it to both of them, but as embarrassed as I was with Jin Sook, it was Sun Hee only that I had eyes for. She looked so lovely! Such a happy and welcomed sight after being gone so long. Too long.

Jin Sook’s eyes prickled at the back of my neck, but she had the good grace to look bored as I attempted to engage my girl in awkward conversation about her flight. Sun Hee assured me the flight was smooth, but then, declaring she was eager to be home, this newly self-possessed Sun Hee casually slipped her hand under her friend’s arm and was already guiding the two of them toward the big automatic doors of the terminal exit.

“Be a dear and take care of our bags, please,” Sun Hee called back to me over her shoulder. “It’s been such a long flight.” Her voice was firm and commanding, but the look she threw over her shoulder had a glimpse of the playful warmth that I loved her for. That new confidence showed again in the way she led Jin Sook toward the doors, her hips swaying languidly.

Both women were dressed beautifully, and despite the 16 hour flight, looked fresh and alert. Sun Hee wore a bright blue flower print dress, whose plunging v-neck and wrap-around style gathered neatly as a bow at the left side of her waist highlighted her petite figure and full breasts. She paired the dress with an ivory suit jacket, a new look for her that was both sexy and imparted an air of sophistication and authority. This sophistication was highlighted by a colorful scarf tied smartly at her neck, and perched jauntily atop her head was a pair of sunglasses with big, over-sized lenses. The new golden accents in her hair made her face seem to glow with a playful youth and energy, and the way the dress hugged her figure flaunted the curves of her petite 5’4” frame.

Mine weren’t the only male eyes following my sexy girl as she sashayed across the terminal either. Sun Hee’s big tits and narrow waist drew their gaze like magnets, and several of the men who ogled her clearly wanted to fuck her. Her tailored jacket drew striking attention to her plump ass, especially perky for an Asian girl. A well dressed Korean business man near me stared after her with an openly lecherous gaze that shamed me, as if he imagined bending Sun Hee over the railing and pushing his hard cock inside her wet and willing pussy. The knowledge that he could fuck her like that, while I literally could not, made my cock throb achingly in my cage.

He was staring at Jin Sook too. Tall and slender Jin Sook had the body and demeanor of a model, with long and lustrous hair that came down to her mid back. She was dressed in a bright yellow maxi dress whose cut and linen fabric spoke unmistakably of style and expense. The finely made fabric fitted tight around her bodice, and the linen was light enough that her lacy bra was plainly visible, holding her small, firm breasts high and proud. Then an empire waist sent the dress billowing about her willowy frame in a most enticing way. Her narrow torso and thin legs disappeared beneath the sumptuous dress which plunged all the way down to her delicate ankles, yet as she glided across the terminal the fabric of the maxi dress periodically fell against the curve of her legs in a way that hinted at the tantalizing smoothness of her thigh and high, arching curve of her narrow hips.

Jin Sook’s glossy black hair made a sharp contrast with the yellow of her dress, and around her neck and at her ears, she wore simple pearls. Real, no doubt. The kind of elegant jewelry that does more by being less. Contrasting the simple jewelry was a rather gaudy Chanel purse hung precisely on the crook of her elbow, and perched atop her head she wore a wide brimmed white hat accented with a ribbon whose yellow perfectly matched the yellow of her dress.

Both girls were more beautiful than they had any right to be, young and vibrant and lively. Jin Sook’s skin was surprisingly pale and perfectly smooth. She wore thick straight eyebrows in the Korean style that accented her dark eyes that flashed darkly and smoldered with an intimidating intensity. By contrast, Sun Hee’s face was a little rounder and her skin a golden honey. She cherished her little rebellions against convention, and instead of the properly feminine make-up of her friend, Sun Hee wore dark eyeliner around her large eyes that she drew out into a striking cat’s eye style that emphasized her epicanthic urfa escort bayan fold. The effect was to make her eyes look almost impossibly large, with a kind of puckish energy.

Both of them, of course, wore shiny stiletto heels that clicked and clacked across the polished tiles of the international terminal as I struggled awkwardly with their luggage. Each step of their heels sent their dresses flashing around their slender thighs and flexing around the muscular curve of their pert butts. The way Sun Hee’s tight wrap-around dress clung to every curve of her hips and narrow waist made my cock ache painfully, and although Jin Sook’s maxi dress was arguably more modest, the way the linen floated above her impossibly long and slender legs hinted darkly at delights I could scarcely imagine.

I had to wonder what the Korean ajumma ladies saw when they watched us together. Did they see me as the conqueror they feared, a confident American man who would take one of their Korean daughters? Or would they see the truth? A chastized and submissive boy who served with the barest hope of tasting the delicious treasures between their legs.

Whatever they saw, Sun Hee deftly put me in my place. She simply left her luggage behind, rather imperiously, with Jin Sook following suit. And I loved her for it. I recognized it for the test it was, and I was determined to pass.

Already the two of them had switched back into Korean and were speaking with animated energy ahead of me as I struggled helplessly with their bags. They were two beautiful young women in their prime, enjoying the privileges that gave them.

I have to confess something here. I have never flown internationally before, and never with a woman. I was totally unprepared for the scale of their luggage. Sun Hee had a large suitcase, together with a sleek and striking mauve carry-on on wheels, and a large shoulderbag. Jin Sook had much the same, but hers were a matching set: two large pink leather suitcases with expensive looking gold stitching, a matching carry on, and a blessedly light but surprisingly bulky hat box.

At first I thought to handle it all by hand. I wanted to look manly for them, carrying their baggage. Plus, it was the thing I knew to do. But that was hopeless. I somehow managed to drape their shoulder bags and hat box across my back, their weight making me pant and strain, but as soon as I tried to get the large roller bags in order, everything came crashing down in a loud tumble. Their luggage spilled across the floor.

Already some twenty feet ahead of me, the two of them turned back at me and exclaimed loudly. In fact, the whole terminal of Koreans were gawking at me, including a nearby family and another group of flight attendants. The businessman who was ogling Sun Hee snorted muttered something I couldn’t understand. A deep flush crept up my back and shoulders, and reddened my cheeks.

Jin Sook covered her mouth as she laughed at my misfortune, but Sun Hee let her teeth show. She said something in Korean that made the two of them laugh louder, and they shook their heads at me.

“I’m sorry, Sun Hee,” I apologized, calling across the terminal. “I’m sorry, Jin Sook.”

“Get a cart, silly boy,” Sun Hee called back in exasperation. Her voice rang like crystal in the busy terminal. “And don’t scuff our bags.”

I laughed off my blunder, but in truth the way she was ordering me about sent warm tingles down my spine and I hopped to obey. A cart, of course. It was silly of me not to think of that. As I dashed off to find a cart rack, I felt the two girls’ eyes on me, but by the time I returned, pushing a cart noisily through the crowds, they had returned to their own private conversation in Korean. Sun Hee was pulling her wavy hair through her hands, a deliciously feminine gesture, and rearranging the way it fell across her shoulders, while Jin Sook fingered the pearls at her neck, her left arm akimbo at her waist in a way that conveyed impatience and disregard in equal measure.

A time or two I caught them looking as I struggled to pile their bags onto the cart, and knowing I was watched felt oddly exciting. Working more systematically now, I positioned Sun Hee’s bags onto the cart and then strained to heft Jin Sook’s up on top, then their carry-ons, and finally, balancing it delicately, the hat box. By the time I finished I could barely see around their luggage to steer.

The thing towered and wobbled toward them; I had practically disappeared from view behind the cart. Seeing that I was finally ready, Sun Hee patted her thigh the way she would summon a pet. “Come on, then.” She was calling me to heel, and I quickly obeyed. The gesture felt demeaning and yet also strangely endearing, and feeling so small as I pushed along behind them made my balls ache and my cock swell helplessly in its cage. As my erection pressed against the implacable wall of the cage, I meditated on the strange course my life had taken since I met Sun Hee. I had never felt this way before, so eager to serve.

“It is rather nice to have our own personal bellhop.” Sun Hee was looking at me, but she spoke the words to Jin Sook. “Chop, chop!”

She said it in a sportive, as an obvious joke, and I played along. “Yes, m’lady. Right away, m’lady.”

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