Summer Storm

25 Eylül 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Riding the roaring waterfall that used to be the street in front of my apartment building, a Hummer spun lazily around and around, unoccupied, the doors open and the radio blaring Heart’s “Barracuda,” if you can fucking believe it. The state was landlocked, so I wasn’t exactly afraid of it being an omen, but as far as timing went, it was about as perfect a moment as I ever saw.

I stood out under an awning watching the rain come down. There was a stick of beef jerky in my hand, mostly to keep myself from reaching for a pack of cigarettes in my pocket that didn’t exist. God hated a quitter, but I was giving it a shot for the umpteenth time since I started smoking.

For once, the media calling this “potentially the wettest year on record” was absolutely right. Ever since winter broke I was hard pressed to think of more than a couple days of sunshine. Rain, snow, sleet, hail, we had it all, and lately that was accompanied by winds so powerful it reminded me of my time in Florida, great, building-rattling gusts that always set my teeth on edge. That day, the wind wasn’t so bad, but thunder rumbled in the distance, promising more good times ahead.

The Hummer ping-ponged off a couple parked crossovers and a delivery van, finally bumping into a street pole at an intersection and coming to a stop. As if on cue, someone came out of an alley down there, a homeless guy stuffed into a makeshift garbage bag coat who couldn’t have weighed more than a buck thirty soaking wet, and he was. He clutched a pizza box over his head as an umbrella. Clever, I thought. He took a look around and scrambled for the Hummer, losing the pizza box when he was nearly swept off his feet by the water rushing across the intersection. But he made it, and pointed the Hummer away from the light pole. He had some trouble getting traction, but all of a sudden it jerked backwards into the torrent of rain heading down towards the financial district. This time, it didn’t spin out, and the homeless guy was gone.

“Good luck to you,” I said. I started to lift the jerky to my mouth when I heard a sharp peal of laughter from the same direction the Hummer came from. I turned and gaped as a slender figure rode down the hill in an honest-to-God canoe, flailing with an oar to try to steer.

“Mr. Waller, help!” the captain of the vessel shouted, and laughed again. I knew that laugh, and sure enough, when I stepped out onto the street, I recognized her, Ann Bellomy, one of the youngest residents of the building, and possibly its best looking. But that wasn’t on my mind at the moment. I dropped the jerky into the rush of water and leaned over to try to snag the canoe as it passed. I caught the lip, but it was so slick I almost lost my grip

What I did lose was my balance. I jerked the canoe towards the sidewalk and fell sideways for the trouble, water crashing over me and making me sputter. I heard Ann’s wild howls of laughter again as I rolled towards the sidewalk and pushed myself up.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said, hopping out of the canoe and nearly bending double with laughter.

“No, I get the hint, I needed a bath,” I said. The canoe started to slip away back towards the street. I grabbed it again and shoved it under the same awning I’d been standing under. There were plastic bags inside, tied tightly at the top and wrapped in even more plastic bags to keep whatever was inside dry. It looked like canned goods. Groceries. That sort of thing.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Only then did I notice that the side of my head stung. I raised my hand to feel the wound, and came away with pinkish water on my fingertips.

Ann’s smile vanished and she said, “Oh no, oh God, I’m sorry.”

“No no, it’s all right, it’s not bad.”

“Your vision isn’t blurred or anything, is it? How many fingers am I holding up?”

“Three, but I was never very good at math. Jesus, were you grocery shopping in this?”

“No. I was housesitting for my parents, but I needed to come back and check on my cat.”

I groaned. “Shit, I wish I’d known. I could have checked on it for you.”

“No cell service,” she said. “The news was saying expect power-outs too. So I grabbed a lot of canned stuff from my parents’.”

“Let me help you get all that upstairs.”

“Thanks, Mr. Waller,” Ann said.

“Daryl. Please.”

With her holding the door, I dragged the canoe inside. I unlocked my first-floor office — which was really nothing much more than storage for most of the tools I needed to keep up repairs around the building — and we put the canoe in there.

There was no helping the puddles we left in the lobby or the elevator on the way up to her floor. We both looked about as unsexy as we ever had. Ann’s usual auburn ringlets now were plastered to her head like seaweed, and I must have looked like a nearly-drowned bear. But I got to be close to a pretty young woman twenty years younger than me, and that was definitely all right.

Ann was classically beautiful, with slim, delicate facial escort features defined by a cute little point of a chin and big dark expressive eyes. Her body — when she wasn’t covered up by a parka a size or two too big for her — was quite a bit more sinful, with a big swell of an ass that usually led to every guy in a room watching her leave. Being the building’s super, I ran into her often enough to know she did database management for a company downtown, but her real passion was her community theater group. I technically wasn’t supposed to allow residents to post flyers in the lobby, but considering the management company I worked for was based out of Dallas and no representative had shown up in over four years, I didn’t much care about the rules. So I allowed her to put up flyers for the group often, though I’d yet to catch one of her shows.

“What’s your theater group working on?” I asked as we stepped out of the elevator. My fingers were going to go numb from the bags of canned food in the grocery bags if we didn’t get in her apartment soon.

She lit up. “We’re doing a stage adaptation of And Then There Were None.”

I hadn’t expected to have actually heard of the play her group was doing. “Good book,” I said, surprised. We stepped off the elevator together and headed down her hallway.

“Great play,” Ann said. “We’re kind of doing our own spin on the ending. We’ll have three performances with little tiny changes, and each night there will be a different killer. We’ve even got an app set up where during the intermission, the audience can vote on who they think did it. It’s fun.”

“That does sound like fun,” I said.

“You’ll have to come watch,” she said as we stopped in front of her door. She gave me an overemphasized wink as she set down a bag to fish out her keys. “I’ll play a seductress.”

“Well, now I definitely have to come watch,” I said.

She laughed throatily at that and we stepped inside. Ann made good money and had one of the nicer one-bedrooms in the building, which amounted to a larger kitchen and bedroom than the smaller one-bedrooms on the other floors. Her interior decorations were right in the midst of blossoming from college chic — a floor lamp with multiple heads vining out, mismatched threadbare furniture, a bootleg Stranger Things poster — and hipster, with lots of small potted and hanging plants and an old-school record player. Interestingly, she had no TV, just a bookshelf where one would naturally go. It was crammed with books, some anime figurines and detritus from a life well lived.

Ann led the way into the kitchen, and when we set down our bags, she waved her hands to get he feeling back into them. “My fingers were about numb too,” I said.

“Sorry. But the news said to expect more heavy rain throughout the week. I wanted to be prepared.”

Her cat, chubby and orange, padded into the kitchen, rubbed against Ann’s leg, and started to purr almost immediately when she reached down to pet him. I knew Churro from previous visits, and it wasn’t long before he came to my proffered hand for more pets before wandering to the living room.

“Good to see you, buddy,” Ann called after him. “I swear, I could have been gone a month and he’d still come to see me like, ‘S’up, you good? All right then.'”

“Cats are always going to cat,” I said.

“Come here, sit down, let me look at your head.”

“Oh, hey, Ann, no, it’s fine.”

“I insist. It’ll make me feel better.”

Once Ann shrugged out of her coat, she grabbed a first aid kit and towels from the bathroom. We patted ourselves down and I sat at her kitchen table. She applied some antiseptic and a bandage, though the bleeding stopped nearly as fast as it came on. I was all too aware of how close she was, and my body started to stir. Maybe other guys got less horny as they got older, but my libido seemed to rev into overdrive when I hit forty or so and had never let up in the five years since. But then again, given how sexy Ann was, I’d have to be a corpse not to react.

“No headache, no blurred vision, nothing like that?” she asks me, still lingering right beside me, her fingers on my biceps.

“Spoken like a nurse,” I said, my voice unintentionally low, but good God, she was fucking stunning. She belonged in Hollywood, not on a tiny stage in a shithole theater in downtown Vineport.

“My mom’s worked as one for fifteen years,” she said. “You pick up a thing or two.”

Our eyes locked, a tiny knowing smile playing at her lips. I fought the urge to clear my throat. “I’m doing good. Really. Just a scratch.”

“Good.” Finally Ann stepped away, and I wanted to pull her back, put her on my lap, and fuck her until she was goofy with it. Thunder hit, louder than the rumbles I heard outside, and she jumped. I smiled and she blushed. “I’m a little afraid of thunder and lightning.”

“And yet you set sail down the hill in the middle of a thunderstorm.”

“Yeah. Hey, let me pay you back.”

“Ann, you really don’t owe escort bayan me a thing.”

“Come on. Dinner in half an hour? That’ll give us both enough time to get out of our wet clothes.”

I would have been happy to get out of mine right then and there and I was pretty sure I was getting a similar signal from her. I knew I had a certain sort of dad bod appeal. When I wasn’t tending to the building, my life was pretty much working out and watching movies. I liked food too much to be cut, but the softness blended well with my thick muscles, giving me a slight cushioning I’d been told made for good cuddling. Yep, I’m a cuddler. Hey, I like warm, soft pretty things in bed with me, all right?


“Sounds great. Can I bring something?”

“Got anything to drink?” she asked. “I didn’t think to grab something from my parents’.”

“Wine and beer. What’s your preference?”

“Wine. Any kind.”

“You got it,” I said.

Ann gave me a demure smile. Even with her hair a damp fishnet mess on her head, she still made my heart feel like I was running a marathon.

My place was one of the small studio apartments on the second floor. It came with the job, along with a decent salary, and that was enough for me, at least for the time being. I used to work construction until I found my wife and my boss together in bed. No respectable company in the city would hire me after I put him in the hospital for that. I got a divorce, almost got remarried about six months later until I realized I was doing it just to fight the loneliness, and drifted through life as a handyman for a couple years. I did some work remodeling the very apartment I lived in, updating the cabinets and the bathroom flooring, and the old super, who was looking to retire, recommended me to the management company. It wasn’t exactly the American dream unclogging drains or dealing with our resident Karen’s constant insane complaints about the Black and Latino families in the building, but it was a simple, good life, and I liked it.

And things just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

Once I grabbed a shower and toweled off, I checked my teeth in the mirror, gave my hair a critical eye — my sandy blond was becoming more of a well-salted blond — and finally made up my mind and added two tiny dabs of aftershave on my neck below my ears. I’m not usually an aftershave guy, but for Ann, I’d try.

I spent a good minute trying to decide between a navy and pale blue shirt before finally muttering to myself that I was an idiot and threw on the darker blue. I left the top few buttons undone over my undershirt, not too casual, not too dressy. I had to get moving or I was going to be late. I snagged a bottle of white and red wine from the top of the fridge, wondering just how the hell old they were. Thunder boomed again as I locked up, rattling the walls of the building. Time to get back to Ann.

When I knocked on her door, I heard her call, “It’s open.” When I stepped in, I smelled nothing cooking, nor did I see her on the other side of the kitchen counter. What I did see was Ann strutting down the short hallway past the kitchen and bedroom to the bathroom dressed in nothing but a thong. It disappeared between her big shapely cheeks, making me nearly fumble the wine.

She looked at me over her shoulder, eyes twinkling. She’d brushed out her hair but done little else with her auburn locks, and a ringlet of it fell across her eye, adding to the mischievous look. “Be out in just a minute.”

I moved.

She didn’t shut the bathroom door behind her, and when I came in, she was bent over with her ass to me, sliding the thong down her legs. I had a full, unobstructed view of her juicy peach of a pussy, and muttered to myself, “Fuck.”

Ann laughed softly and stood back up. “Want to join me?”

I was almost too busy counting the freckles on her curvy ass when I caught on to what she asked. “Yup.”

She came to me, playful at first, dodging my attempts to kiss her with a naughty grin on her face, moaning when I cupped her tits and ran my thumbs across her small, dark nipples. They were bigger than I would have guessed, especially on her frame. I think she meant to suck my cock when she tugged down my nicest pair of jeans and my boxers. I’m pretty sure that was the move, but right then, the thunder hit again and she jumped. Literally jumped.

I gripped her shoulder gently as her eyes kept flicking towards the door and the general direction of where the windows would be. “It’s okay,” I breathed. “We’re safe here. We’re okay.”

She nodded, and this time, didn’t dodge my kiss. There was a time to take with my lips and there was a time to reassure with them. The taking would come. She needed me gentle and caring in that moment, and that’s what I tried to be. This time, when the thunder hit, she only shivered gently, and her hand strayed down to my hip, my ass. She pulled me backwards towards the shower, and I went, following her, feasting my eyes on her ass bayan escort again when she finally turned.

I moved with her in the shower until she had her back to the tiled wall, her smoldering brown eyes staring up at me, so timid all of a sudden. I cupped the back of her neck and kissed her again, my hard cock between us, pressed against her stomach. She lifted a leg and settled her foot on the rim of the shower, moaning as I snaked my fingers down to her wet pussy. The thunder hit, the loudest boom yet, but she barely shivered as I slid my middle finger into her, going for her spot.

“Dar-yl,” she moaned, and I kissed her again, hungrier this time. She met me in kind, hot, needy presses of her soft lips. She jumped when I brushed her spot, but I was too close for her to fall. She clutched the back of my neck, staring at me with her lips parted, slicing away the callouses around my heart with just those sparkling eyes.

My thumb brushed the thin line of her trimmed pubic hair and I dipped it lower, teasing her big prominent clit and alternating with my middle finger. When I added a second inside her, she hissed with pleasure and twisted her head to rest it on my shoulder, hips working to meet the rhythm of my fingers, her body jumping every so often.

I kissed the side of her head, burying my mouth and my nose in her hair. “I need you on a real date,” I whispered. “I can’t have just this one night.”

She turned her head back to me. The thunder boomed again so goddamn hard it was like a bomb went off. She yelped, and this time she really did nearly fall. My fingers shot out of her and I steadied her with both hands. “M-make love to me,” she gasped, and I was on her, gripping her by the thighs and lifting her up against the wall, my hard cock between her thighs. Keeping one hand under her ass, I adjusted myself until I was sliding into her.

Ann was so tight I thought I might hurt her, but she wailed, “Keep going, keep going, oh God, oh f-fuck…”

I couldn’t help thrusting into her harder, making her bounce up and down on my cock. Thunder again like a slap from God, and the power went out. Light still filtered in through the living room and the bedroom, but in that bathroom we were devoured by darkness. She cried out. I wish I could say it was from my lovemaking, but she was terrified and clinging to me and digging her fingernails so hard into my back that I was bleeding from it, but I didn’t care.

“I have you, I have you,” I said louder now. “It’s okay. As long as we’re together, it’s okay.”

She nodded frantically and thumped her head back against the wall. “I’m so s-scared but I’m going to come so fucking fast…”

I couldn’t help a chuckle, and kissed her again. The next time the thunder boomed, I still had my lips against hers. She gasped, but no yelp. My lips, I thought dazedly, it’s the kissing that’s helping her through this.

I slowed the fucking and made out with her, sloppy, eager kisses, longer, more passionate ones, everything in between. She responded timidly at first, then with more and more eagerness of her own, realizing what I’d realized without saying as much. I rocked into her like that, but this was not fucking to make either of us come, not yet. It was comfort sex, hot, wild, and unexpected, but it was about the sweetest lovemaking of my life because she needed it so much.

The lights flickered, came back on for about five seconds, and died again. In that time, I could see tear tracks on her cheeks, and these I kissed gently, whispering soothing things to her. “We’re through the worst of it. It’s okay. It’s okay.”

And we really were. The next peal of thunder was farther away. Still loud as fuck, but shifting away from the city. Ann’s shivering stilled, and her kisses transformed again into hot and hungry need. “Fuck me,” she whimpered, “please, I’m so close, I’m not sure how screwed up that is, but I’m close, Daryl I’m so close…”

Fear and sex went together like cookie dough and ice cream, I wanted to tell her, but I was too consumed by her orders. I began to thrust up into her hard again, bouncing her on my cock. Her arms roped around the back of my neck, pulling my face to hers. We kissed as we fucked, her gasps now definitely coming from something other than the thunder.

“Harder,” she whispered, “I can take it, I can… yesss, like that, oh my God, Daryl, just like that…”

“Fuck, Ann.”

“You can c-come inside me, I’m on the pill, I want to feel it, I want to… oh… ohhhhh!”

Her butt arched up as best as it could with her feet off the ground. She came with a quake around my cock, her tight walls gripping me, driving me into frenetic uncontrolled thrusts. I buried my mouth against her shoulder, grunting as I pumped into her, then finally shouting, “Ann!” as I came.

I never exploded like that before, but my come rushed out of me, filling her. She might have come again, or maybe it was aftershocks from the first powerful orgasm. Whatever it was made her laugh breathlessly, then again when I set her down and jerked her in a one-eighty, that magnificent ass to me. I dropped to my knees, not to be denied the real dinner I wanted that night, and I buried my mouth against that thick juicy ass.

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