Summer at the River

4 Mart 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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The rising sun foretold the heat it would bring this day as it reflected off the shallow streams of the once mighty Platte River. Already, loud airboats skimmed the surface of the water. On hot days like today, they would pass dozens of times skirting around sandbars, sometimes landing on them to deposit sun worshipers. There is no such thing as a secluded sandbar in the middle of a river; however, some folks do not care and strip off for an all over tan.

Along the south and north banks, small travel trailers and pickup trucks with campers parked. Some parked right at the river edge and others parked in the shade of trees. Although flood control dams tamed the Platte, many stretches are still wild wilderness areas with limited access. The one-mile stretch described here is one of those areas. As close to a major population as this section is, it is probably not much different from when Lewis and Clark explored it in 1806.

At the west end of this mile long stretch, I own a few acres of land adjoining the river. The property line actually terminates at the river. I can post no trespassing signs along the bank and property edges but by law, I cannot bar boats landing when safety issues exist. Most users of the river respect private property and do not trespass. A few think they have right-of-way and those few have cost me a lot of money for fencing and gates. More than once have people tried to sue me for blocking “public access.” Even signs stating private road no public access posted by the county roads department have little impact on some idiots. My last line of defense is a gate sign reading, “Security provided by Smith & Wesson Fire Arms Company,” and a last sign reading, “Private Property – Keep Out.” I never shoot but a holstered handgun is a deterrent.

I am not a river-rat, as some river property owners are known; I am a professional in the academic arena. I do not live on the river because flood insurance premiums are very high and getting a building permit is a might nigh impossible. I do have commercial power to the property and a deep well for mostly clean water. During the summer, I park a fifth wheel two bedroom camper and spend most of my time from work on the river. I am single and have a studio apartment in town.

Established, I am single and I work in academics. My name is Cassidy Mahoney, pronounced the Irish way – manney – to avoid confusion, I am male. I am 38 years old, in good physical health, not afraid of the gym, have good muscle tone but I don’t believe in muscle bulk. I am just over six feet two inches tall and hold my weight around 190. My hair color is brown that turns almost blonde from summers in the sun. I do like to invite friends to the river for parties, grilling sausage, hamburgers, and fish. Large groups bring their own campers or tents to spend nights if we enjoy too much beer. Sometimes, I prefer something intimate with one special person. That special person is whom this story concerns.

I met Amie about five years ago during a seminar on changing academic technology systems. She was 23 then and a presenter from the university’s IT department. Two things about Amie impressed me: first, she knew her topic and was very persuasive; second, she was very attractive. I am not an IT person and cannot explain in detail the changes she said were taking place, yet I can explain what my eyes beheld at the podium.

Amie stood about five feet nine inches in pumps, her oval face framed by her sandy blonde hair. I could not see eye color from where I sat then but I can tell you now, they are bright gleaming green. Her figure in her dress appeared to be maybe 34B or 36A, waist of probably 25, and hips of maybe 35. In time I was to find out my guesses were accurate.

I made a point to introduce myself and my job at the university, after the seminar. We chatted about the tech changes and how students and staff will use the changes. I wanted to get personal but avoided any risk of appearing smitten.

As the university moved into a new academic year, I invited Amie to talk with new student groups about tech applications and how to use them successfully. After a few weeks, we became personal in our conversations and had lunch a couple times.

Since the summer season was winding down, I planned one last summer event at the river before I had to lock down for the winter. My guest list included many people that Amie might know from the university and many who were not in academics. I was planning for a party of around 75 people.

“Amie, I am having a final summer party on my property at the river, would you like to join in? It will be a large group and probably go the entire weekend. Most everyone brings tents or campers; however, you could stay in the spare bedroom of my fifth wheel.” Suddenly, I realized I was being too forward and saw that reaction in Amie’s expression.

“I mean, you would fit in well with the group, you probably know many already. I am not recovering well am I,” although I wanted to recover escort bahçelievler from sounding forward and suggestive.

“No, you are not recovering and I feel somewhat insulted that you think I would come to a weekend party and sleep in a spare bedroom. We may be developing a relationship but I am not that far into it to accept that kind of invitation.” Amie’s tone told me I went too far.

“I am sorry Amie, I overstepped. Lets just let it be and move on. I know you are a professional and I presumed too much.” I shifted the conversation back to university matters doing everything I could to remain upbeat despite my mistaken belief she might enjoy a break.

Amie left, returning to her office and I refocused on student services needs for the school year. I had to project needs based on student population growth and changing patterns of first and subsequent semester enrollments. Numbers were boggling my mind when my phone rang. I didn’t check the caller ID since a particularly difficult assessment had my attention. “Mahoney,” I answered swiftly, “Student Services.”

“I’ll be there,” came quickly through the receiver followed by the caller hanging up. I then checked the caller ID to see it was Amie. What did she say? Did she say, “I’ll be there?Ó I realized it was the end of the day and she most likely called as she left her desk. I dashed off a quick email, “I’ll expect you, and here is the address for your GPS. Call me tomorrow.” I finished my figures and projections locking up the office about 7:30.

The next day I had a meeting with the dean of academic and student affairs. Entering the dean’s office, there sat Amie. “We are here for the same meeting Cassidy, sit down with me.” I threw my ream of printed projections on a table and took a chair next to Amie.

“Thanks for the call last evening, it was a pleasant interruption from that pile of projections.” I smiled as Amie smiled.

“I decided to come because, well, because I need a break from the rat race and all these new tech projects. I need to relight my fun fuse. You promise fun.”

“I promise fun.” The dean called us into the office for a two-hour session of figures, figuring, and overlapping responsibilities.

After the meeting, Amie suggested the staff lounge for coffee. “Gad, Cassidy, I’m too young to get hung up in all this political BS. I’m not even the head of the department.” There was a hint of anger, exasperation, and exhaustion in her voice.

“You are too good at your job, you know the business better than your director. That is why you are the go to person.” We grabbed coffees and donuts making our way to a clean table. “The political BS, it will get worse as your boss realizes he is loosing power to you. You have to prepare for that event. One benefit you have is outside support for your knowledge and expertise.”

“Are you keeping an eye on me, Cassidy?” The look in her eyes and the smile on her face told me she accepted the favor. I gave a simple answer that I knew her name came up in many tech related conversations at several levels.

“Find a mentor, become a protege, learn the ‘system’ and the politics. Learn and grow.”

“How about you, Cassidy?” It was a serious question and I had to calculate an answer.

“Not me, Amie. Find a mentor at a higher level, I will suggest names. You have to act on the suggestions as if they are your own idea.” I wanted to say that I have a growing personal attraction to Amie; however, here and now were both wrong place and wrong time.

The rest of the workweek was filled with the usual rigors. I spent a few hours after work buying food items I usually supply for big parties, cleaning up the areas were guests could set up tents and park campers. The biggest chore was setting up the portable showers in separate his and her locations and getting water to them, no comfort zones here, these are cold showers. Friday afternoon, six porta-potties arrived. I was the only one having comforts of my fifth wheel unless Amie took up my offer of the spare bedroom.

Some of the hardy partiers showed up Friday evening and helped string lights along the riverbank, shower area, toilets, and the main cooking, eating, and party area. To my surprise, Amie showed up about 9:30 with a small weekend bag.

There were introductions to people Amie did not know and hello’s from those she knew from the university. When I showed her to the fifth wheel and the spare bedroom, there were some comments about the special guest in the spare bedroom. I blew them off although I could tell Amie felt some embarrassment.

The spare bedroom was about ten feet wide and five deep. The bed was a double along the outside wall. There was a small dressing table and mirror and a couple built in drawers. I showed her the rest of the trailer before we ventured back outside.

There were some more comments and I decided it was time to cut it short. “Amie is a colleague and this is her first escort balgat time here, she needs to get used to our horse play before I throw her into the fray with all of you.”

Tents were already up and a couple campers parked. Tomorrow would be mass arrival. We drank some beer, wine, or whatever spirit people wanted, had a couple snacks, and drifted off to bed. In my trailer, I told Amie to use the bathroom while I secured for the night. Overnight temperatures were still high so the AC was important.

I heard the shower running for a couple minutes and 15 minutes later, Amie came out refreshed wrapped in terry bathrobe. I guessed the robe was all she wore. “I’ll jump in to get cleaned up now Amie. You can go to bed any time you’re ready. I’ll see you in the morning.” Amie did not answer as she sat on the couch smiling.

I took about as long as Amie had in the bathroom coming out in my workout shorts and t-shirt. Amie was still sitting on the couch. “Cassidy, my fun fuse needs lighting.” I dimmed the lights.

I pulled Amie up from the couch, embraced her tightly, and kissed her. She responded with enthusiasm and passion. Her hands pawed and roamed my back. She gripped my butt and pulled me into her. I found the belt tie of her bathrobe giving the simple half hitch a tug. The robe opened exposing the beautiful shape of a young woman. I was at full staff at the sight. Amie shrugged the robe off it fell to the floor.

At her invitation, my t-shirt and shorts joined her robe. I backed Amie onto the couch kissing my way down her body, licking, mouthing, biting her nipples made her moan. “My tits are sensitive Cassidy, play nicely,” she breathed and moaned again as I pinched one bit the other.

I worked further down, to the junction of perfectly formed hips and leg. “Will this help light your fuse,” I asked as I kissed her mound.

“You are getting close,” she moaned. I tongued my way down to the top of her hooded clit. “Oh fuck, now you are really close,” she moaned more than spoke. I bypassed her clit to lick just at her little opening. Amie jerked her hips thrusting upward as she cried close to orgasm. I delayed licking and sucking her clit until she begged for her orgasm.

I licked her lips from base to clit and gave her clit the first attention. I licked it, around it, and took it between my lips. I noticed Amie clutching a pillow to her face as she screamed out in orgasmic bliss. The river outside was not the only thing flowing at this moment.

Amie’s orgasm was intense and I released my hold on her clit. While she still rode out her orgasm, I closed the distance between us, lined up my cock, and thrust myself into her. Amie screamed again as her vagina exploded in another wave of orgasm. I made no movement as Amie slowly came down from two strong orgasms.

“Amie, you are a sensitive ball of nerves,” I said when her breathing came back to normal.

“I have never cum like that before, not once and never twice. I never felt sexual before tonight. Now I can’t get enough.” I began slowly moving in and out, just enough to keep an edge on but not enough to make her or me cum.

“You are a lovely woman, Amie and I want to keep your fun fuse lit as long as I can.” I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down when I told her she was lovely. I picked up my pace in her.

After several minutes, Amie began convulsing again as a third orgasm hit her. “Oh god, again, cumming again. Cassidy, cum with me, in me.” Pillow over her face again, Amie screamed out another strong cum and her sexual liquid gushed from her. After a few more strokes, I buried my cock deep in her pussy turning loose a couple billion tiny sperms in my own cum.

Amie’s screaming subsided and the pillow protecting her from telling the world of her sexual bliss fell from her face. In her eyes was satisfaction, on her lips, my lips made contact. We remained joined at the hip, to my surprise, I had not shrunken from my cum and Amie began to squeeze me with rhythm of more sexual want.

I pulled Amie into my arms, held her tightly as I carried her to the floor on top of me. Amie had a sexual energy that propelled her hard against my crotch rubbing her clit against me. She was forcing herself to another orgasm; she could not seem to get enough. After a fourth orgasm, she settled quietly on top of me. I was still hard in her.

“Cassidy, you are my first, I was a virgin when you drove into me. I had so much desire that I didn’t feel my hymen break, only your cock and my cum.” Shock must have registered on my face.

“Virgin, Amie, I could have hurt you thrusting in that hard the first time.”

“I have had four orgasms that have rocked my world, your cum is trapped in me and you are going to give me more. Do I look hurt?” Amie began bouncing against me with renewed excitement. She was bringing me close to my second cum in her demanding pussy. As we exploded together, we both screamed into the pillow.

This time, we did break escort batıkent contact at the hip, Amie leaked a flood of cum from deep in pussy, and I saw a tiny bit of virginal blood staining the mix. Then I realized we were not protected. “Amie we had unprotected sex, you may be pregnant!”

“Not going to happen, I am on the pill to control my cycle and I think it works to keep me safe from invading sperm armies.” She smiled, almost giggled about invading sperm armies and my concern about pregnancy.

I felt like a trapeze artist who just hit the safety net, relief must have shown in my face as Amie smiled again. “Were you concerned for me or for you, Cassidy?”

How to answer that question without tipping my hand, what could I say? “Amie, it isn’t about you or me. We just did something that is about us.” Had I said too much, expressed my unspoken feelings for Amie?

“Us? Cassidy, how do you mean us?” The look in Amie’s eyes and expression on her face showed interest and confusion.

“Us, as in don’t sleep in the spare bedroom, us, as in close and intimate. Us, as in I have more than professional admiration for you. Us.” I waited for her response as I watched her eyes and facial expression.

Confusion left her eyes as she began speaking, “Cassidy, do you mean you like me, have emotional feelings for me? I didn’t want to come this weekend because I worried about my feelings for you.”

“What a couple of academics we are,” I chuckled. “We talk to students, deans, administrators and never talked about ourselves. Amie, I like you, you are attractive, intelligent, and very sensual. I want us to be together.”

Amie chuckled with me, “I think we have the together part figured out.” Then she became more serious, “I like you also Cassidy. I wanted you to take me tonight, be my first lover, maybe only lover.”

“Amie, when the weekend is over, I don’t want you leave. I want to wake up with you Monday morning and leave for work with me, and Tuesday morning, and Wednesday morning, and all the other mornings.”

We embraced tightly and kissed passionately. The hour was late; outside we heard some of the late night partiers heading off to bed. Had we been heard, would there be an embarrassing fuss? Only daylight would tell.

“Cassidy, I really need to use the bathroom. I’m a sticky mess and a little sore, you want to wash me?”

“You want to sleep in my bed?” Amie nodded her head, as she began to get up from the floor, she pealed away from me where our love juices dried. “Uh, we are both a mess, a sweet mess my darling Amie.” We did shower, Amie was sensitive and sore meaning we only showered before going to bed, in my bed, our bed I hoped.

Different groups woke at different hours; it seemed breakfast extended into lunch. Amie and I emerged around 10:30 after having coffee inside. We had some breakfast from the items out on tables. One of the women came up to Amie, “Comfortable spare bedroom, don’t you think? First weekend I came, Cassidy offered me the spare. He is such a gentleman, let me have complete privacy.”

Amie agreed she was comfortable in bed. “I didn’t go directly to bed, we stayed up and talked some before we went to bed. I agree, he is a gentleman, I like that. It is nice to get to know him and some of you outside work.”

“Oh, you and Cassidy work at the university together, what section are you in?” Another woman asked.

“I am in the tech department, work with the new programs implemented this year.”

I interrupted, “Hey, no shop talk this is a party weekend. I asked Amie here to get away from those headaches.”

The others laughed saying, “We just want to know how it is beauty met the beast!”

The day was normal for this group, some went swimming, others rafted, some went out to explore sand bars, snacks and beverages remained out all day. I took my role as host seriously not letting anyone drink then go into the water or do other things that could get people hurt. Everyone could drink all they wanted knowing that someone would cut them off if they started acting stupid. In three years, I have never had an accident.

As the sun started falling toward the west, I got the grills fired up. The dinner meal was anything and everything. One grill was burgers and sausage, another was steak and pork, and a third was fish. I provided burgers and sausage, buns, condiments, cheese, plates, cups, and plastic ware. Everyone else brought what they wanted to share.

We had music and drink, snacks, and yard games to play. Couples broke off to dance, some liked to sing along with music, and there was always a lot of conversation. Amie and I had a few dances but spent most of our time in conversations with folks we knew or Amie had just met this weekend.

A couple women and men told me that Amie and I look more like a couple than colleagues. I played the political center, “I can neither confirm nor deny…” Secretly, I wanted to say, yes we are.

The evening progressed into night, the moon rose but only as a sliver of a new moon, stars shown brightly. Conversations began dying off as different people wondered off to tents and campers. The party would wind down early afternoon tomorrow so people could get home and ready for the Monday morning alarm and work call.

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