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SubmissionChapter OneThe a*****ion It was a typical hot, sticky July Cleveland evening, with temperatures in the low-80’s, and humidity to match. My sleeveless tennis top and tiny skirt were drenched with sweat, and I felt as though they must surely be almost transparent by now, after three grueling sets against Maggie, my best friend. Finally, mercifully, we finished. I lost again, as usual. Maggie always somehow manages to just barely beat me, but she always wins. I wondered if there really was something to what she says about my being a submissive.Oh well, fuck it. Time to head home. After slaving away all day in a hot cubicle, writing boring code for some stupid application nobody is ever going to buy, God knows I’d needed the exercise. But now I was worn out, sticky, smelly, and anxious for a nice hot, relaxing shower.As I drove toward my apartment my mind again began to dwell on my submissive nature. Maybe I really was subconsciously letting Maggie winMaybe my fixation on being sexually dominated was starting to spill over into my everyday life as well as just the bedroom. Maybe– what the fuck was that??? Suddenly my car veered toward the curb, and I realized I’d somehow blown a tire.Great! I remembered I’d taken the spare out a week ago to make more room in the trunk, and now I was stranded on a dark street in a less than nice neighborhood. Suddenly I was frightened. Kara, you idiot, why didn’t you buy that cellular phone last week when you were thinking about it. What in hell are you going to do now???As I sat there, worrying, a car pulled up to the curb behind me. I locked my doors, but when I saw the guy who smiled down at me I suddenly relaxed. He was perhaps 45 or 50, old enough to be my father, but a hell of a lot better groomed. He was wearing a nice suit and tie, and appeared so safe-looking I was immediately filled with relief. I rolled down the window, and took a closer look at him. decided that even though he was older, he was certainly good looking. Dark hair, brown eyes, nice body… Something about him began to turn me on, and I wondered why.Gesturing toward my tire, smiling politely, he said, “Trouble?””Afraid so. I must have run over something and got a flat tire. Unfortunately, I don’t have a spare with me. God, I’m glad you came along. This neighborhood is creepy.””Well, roll up the window and lock your car. I’ll give you a lift to a service station, or if you prefer I can drive you home.” “Home would be fine. I can’t deal with anything until I take a shower,” I said, walking toward his car self-consciously, aware of my soaked shirt, thin bra, and visible areolas. He glanced at my tits, and I felt my nipples harden instantly. What the hell was going on with this guy, anyway.His car was nice, very nice… a new Mercedes convertible. “My name’s Kara. Nice car,” I offered, and he just smiled and said thanks.Once inside the car he pushed a button and the doors locked. As we pulled out he didn’t speak, and I suddenly wondered how he knew where to take me. “I live in–“”Where you live isn’t important, Kara. You said you wanted me to drive you home, and that’s exactly where I’m taking you. Home. My home.”Suddenly I was afraid again. Was he serious? Was he actually a*****ing me? I felt my stomach tingling with fear, as I meekly explained in a quivering voice that I meant for him to drive me to my apartment, not his place. He just laughed, and told me to close my eyes and take a nap.”You’ll enjoy yourself at my home, Kara. Once you learn how. You’re a very beautiful girl, quite the athlete, and you have the kind of body men like me know how to make very happy. But first you need to learn to submit to me, which you will, in time. Your life has changed tonight, Kara. Significantly, and you’ll never be the same again.””My God, what… what are you going to do to me?” I asked, as my hand secretly tried to unlock the door.”Don’t bother trying to get out, Kara. The car is equipped with special locks which you won’t be able to open until I want you to. As to what I’m going to do to you, I think you can probably pretty much figure that out for yourself, now can’t you. I’m going to introduce you to the kinds of pleasures one can only appreciate by becoming truly submissive. Until you let yourself go, completely, and until you learn to be my total sex slave, you can never fully appreciate how incredibly intense sexuality can be. I’m going to teach you that, Kara, and you’re going to love it.”Because his words were spoken so matter-of-factly it made them all the more chilling. Part of me was in total terror of this man, and my situation, yet another sensation, buried somewhere deep inside my brain was starting to surface. For an instant I felt the build-up of familiar waves of excitement in my pussy, and as I did as he instructed, closing my eyes, trying to relax my breathing, I began to wonder what it would be like to completely “let go,” to become the sex toy of a dominant man, or even a group of men. As I thought about it, for the tinniest of seconds, I felt as though I might enjoy it immensely.Then I recalled something my captor had said, and it frightened me. What was it he had said? I was “quite the athlete.” How had he know that? Simply from the clothes I was wearing, and my intense perspiration? Or had he actually seen me. Stalking me, while Maggie and I were playing tennis. I shivered, and not just from the coolness of the car’s air conditioning. I was truly afraid again, and wondered what fate awaited me when we got to his home, wherever the fuck that was….Chapter 2. The BeginningMy a*****or’s name was Robert, or so he said, and as we left the city and began to enter the countryside on the way to his home, something else began to frighten me. I realized he hadn’t even tried to cover my eyes to keep me from telling the police how to find his home. I shivered again, wondering if he was allowing me to see where we were going because he realized I somehow wouldn’t be able to tell anyone anything ever again.Seeing the worried look on my face, and as though he were reading my mind, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Kara. I’m not going to harm you. Well… that’s perhaps not exactly true. I will probably introduce you to several forms of varying degrees of pain, but only to heighten your sexual pleasure. In case you’re wondering, the reason I’m not trying to hide where I live is because I’m quite confident you’ll not represent a threat to me in any way after I’m finished with you. Not because you wouldn’t be able to, but simply because you’ll be so in love with what I’ve done to and for you, you won’t want to do anything to harm me.””Bullshit!” I snapped. Jesus! The conceited arrogance of this guy, thinking I’d be so grateful to him for a quick fuck or something I wouldn’t want revenge. He’ll see. I’ll show this bastard. I scowled, turning away from him, staring out the window.He couldn’t be right. Could he? I began to wonder again about what he was going to do to me, and once again I felt my pussy becoming damp from some weird perverted form of excitement. Kara, you horny bitch. Settle down. This isn’t supposed to be fun, you idiot. You’re in trouble. Still, I couldn’t help fantasizing again about what he was going to do to me. Would he tie me down, naked, while he ate me and fucked me? Would he pinch my nipples? Would he actually spank me, or possibly even whip me while making me suck his cock and eat his cum? Jesus I was getting hot. I squeezed my legs together as hard as I could to try to stop these horribly naughty thoughts from turning me on so much, and heard him laughing softly.”You can touch yourself if you want,” he said condescendingly.”Fuck you, you bastard!” I snapped, embarrassed he had noticed what I’d been doing with my legs, angry at myself, at my body for getting so worked up, yet still horny as hell. I could smell my body odor, now that the sweat was drying on my flesh, and my wet clothes were cold. I still wanted that hot shower, or better yet, soaky bath, and I wondered if he’d let me take one at his house before he did whatever he was going to do to me. Fortunately, I didn’t have much longer to wait.”Not much further now,” he said, turning into a grass covered lane. We drove through thick woods for perhaps a mile, passing no houses or buildings of any kind, and then turned off onto another lane for another half mile or so.”Here we are. It’s not much, but it’s home,” he smiled, as we pulled up to an iron gate. Robert push another button on the dash of the car, and the gates opened. We drove through, and they closed behind us. The entire property seemed to be protected by a very large stone wall, and as we drove another mile or so up the driveway I wondered what his house would look like. Then I saw it.”Holy shit,” I exclaimed, my mouth open. It was a fucking chateau, three stories high, also made of fieldstone, and looked like it could have been a country club clubhouse or something. I noticed horse stables off to the side as we pulled into a large brick courtyard. Robert hit another button to open one of four garage doors in a building large enough to be someone’s home but which was, instead, simply the garage.Once inside the garage, he turned off the car, hit the release button, and got out, walking around to open the door for me. Gee, how fucking polite. The prick. I followed him inside and we entered a large country kitchen, with a flagstone fireplace, gourmet six burner stove, cathedral ceiling, three sinks, two paneled refrigerators, and all kinds of fancy, expensive appliances.I was still gawking around at everything when Robert said, “I would imagine you’re cold and uncomfortable, Kara. Follow me upstairs and I’ll show you your room and bath.”My room and bath? What did he think this was, a fucking vacation??? “Look, you, I–“”Kara, please. You’re miles from the nearest house, and so far out in the country you’d never make it back to the city. There are some rather nasty a****ls roaming the woods around here. Why don’t we begin with a little dose of reality, okay?” Robert stared directly into my eyes, and I once again realized how very handsome this son-of-a-bitch was. He continued, “You are my guest here, Kara, or, if you insist, my prisoner. I’ve selected you because you have all the characteristics I’ve been seeking for… well, let’s just say you’re an ideal young woman for my needs at the present time.”His needs? Once again I wondered at the combined arrogance and sexual undertones of that statement, feeling a tingling sensation in my crotch as he rattled on… “and it is true that you are being kept here perhaps against your will, but other than that, you will not be forced to do anything you don’t wish to do. However things will go much easier for you during your stay with me if you relax and enjoy yourself. Beginning immediately. Now… let’s go upstairs, and I’ll draw your bath for you and get you something more comfortable to wear for dinner. Come with me.”I followed him out of the kitchen and into a long hallway, then up a winding stairway lined with old photos of men in foreign military uniforms. Everything was paneled in rich, dark wood, and when we reached the landing at the top of the stairs, we walked into a huge bedroom with a large, four poster bed against one wall, and a fireplace against another.”You may undress here. Leave your clothes, including your underwear, outside the door in this hamper and they will be laundered for you. After your bath you may select anything you wish to wear for dinner. The closets and drawers contain a fairly wide selection of styles, all in your sizes, and all new, purchased just for you.”What the fuck…. How could he have known my sizes without…. He HAD been stalking me. Jesus. This was really getting creepier and creepier, but he seemed to actually be a pretty nice guy, so I decided to go along with him. For now. Not that I had much choice.Robert went into the bathroom and began running water into a huge, circular tub. I smelled the essence of Vitabath, or some other kind of perfumed bath oil, and when the tub was filled, Robert came out and handed me a beautiful, royal blue and gold trimmed terry cloth robe.”Would you care for a glass of champagne to sip while you’re enjoying your bath?” he asked politely.”Well, yeah, sure, I guess so,” I mumbled, taking the robe from him.”Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back with it,” he said, closing the door as he left.I walked over to the window and looked outside. It was dark now, and I mean DARK. No lights anywhere around, just woods. I realized how right he had been when he said it would be silly to try to escape. To where?Sighing, I undressed quickly, happy to get out of the wet, rank clothes I’d been wearing. My body still smelled, and my nostrils flared from the odor of stale sweat. I went into the bathroom and felt the water. It was hot, steamy, but just right. A wonderfully relaxed feeling swept over me as I sank into the tub, beneath the scented bubbles.”Ahhhh… this is more like it,” I sighed, closing my eyes, actually beginning to unwind in spite of my situation. Then I heard a tap Escort on the door, and suddenly remembered Robert had said he would be right back.”Kara?” he said softly.”What.””I’ve brought your champagne. If you wish, you may cover yourself with a towel while I bring it in to you. Let me know when you’re ready for it.”What the fuck was with this guy. I was his prisoner, yet he was telling me he’d wait until I was decent before coming into the bathroom. I was really having trouble understanding this situation, but reached above my head and pulled one of the large towels into the water with me anyway, covering my breasts and crotch with it, even though the bubbles pretty well shielded me without it.”Okay. You can come in now,” I said, and he opened the door and entered the bathroom carrying an expensive looking sterling silver tray. On it was an elaborately engraved silver champagne bucket, and inside a bottle of something called Pommery champagne.”I know everyone raves over Dom Perignon, but I actually prefer this one. I hope you like it,” he said, sitting the tray down on a small table near the tub. He took the bottle out and poured us each a glass, handing one to me. Then he held his up in a toast, and said, “Here’s to us, Kara. To our new beginning,” and I found myself clinking glasses with him.We each took a sip, and I found the sparkling dry, slightly nutty flavor of the bubbly incredibly delicious. I had been dying of thirst, and to quench it with this awesome drink was actually quite wonderful. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.”I’ll leave you alone now, Kara. Drink as much of the champagne as you wish and don’t worry about the rest. You can even bathe in it if you’d like,” he smiled, again dazzling me with his handsome good looks. After your bath, if you’re tired you can nap a bit before dinner. Come down whenever you’re ready.”He left, closing the door behind him, but leaving the bottle of champagne. I was becoming more and more confused over this entire ordeal. This was definitely NOT how I had envisioned a k**naped young damsel in distress being treated. I felt like Julia-fucking-Roberts in Pretty Woman, not a potential **** victim. If the guy was going to **** me, wouldn’t he have done it when I was lying here naked in front of him? Very strange, very strange indeed….I settled back into the tub, took another sip of the champagne, and closed my eyes. Suddenly I giggled, remembering a line from the musical, “Annie,” where she said, “I think I’m gonna like it here.” Kara, you submissive little slut, you just might enjoy it here, yourself….Chapter 3. Kara’s ConversionAfter a long soak in the tub, I reluctantly got out and toweled off, then put on the robe Robert had left for me. Moving into the bedroom, I went into the huge walk-in closet and found a complete wardrobe of dresses, skirts, jeans, blouses, and negligees, all in my sizes. Remarkable. Most of the items were very tasteful, even elegant, although some were clearly more sexy than others, especially some of the negligees.What should I wear downstairs. I didn’t want to dress in a manner that would signal my acceptance of my situation, but at the same time, I secretly wanted to tease Robert a bit. I finally settled on a pair of Calvins jeans and a sparkling tee shirt. Moving back into the bedroom, from the lingeree chest I selected a pair of black lace, French cut bikini panties. Feeling rather naughty, I also decided against wearing a bra. I dressed in the new clothes, which fit perfectly, including a pair of fashionable sandles, then went to the dressing table to apply a bit of eye shadow and lipstick. I brushed my long, shoulder length brown hair until I was satisfied it had a sufficient amount of silky sheen to it, then examined my breasts. My areolas and nipples were just barely visible beneath the tee shirt, and on impulse, I pinched and tweaked my nipples until they were protruding enough to be clearly noticeable. Again I felt my pussy getting wet in anticipation of what lie ahead of me. Let’s see what Robert thinks about me now that I’m freshened up a bit. If he liked me before, he should love me now!Taking a deep breath, I turned out the light in the bedroom and went downstairs. Robert saw me pass by, and called out to me. I joined him in his study, a beautiful library, filled with books and decorated with black leather furniture. Naturally, this room also had a fireplace, as did every room in the house I was to learn later.”You’re lovely,” he said, smiling that fucking handsome smile at me again.”Thank you,” I said, deciding to be civil. “I needed a bath.””No, Kara. Actually you didn’t. I know it made you feel better, but I find the scent of a woman quite arousing. I believe they even made a movie by that name, didn’t they?””How can you find body odor arousing?” I asked, disgusted.”There are many things you’ll learn to appreciate during your stay here, Kara. One of them is the scent of a fragrant, beautiful woman. Especially her pussy. But time for that later. Are you hungry?”I wanted to argue with him, but suddenly realized I was indeed famished, so opted for dinner instead. “Yes, I’m quite hungry, actually.””Then let’s have dinner,” he said, taking my hand, leading me into a very large, paneled dining room. Twenty people could have dined in that room quite comfortably, probably more. But for tonight, Robert, or someone, had set two places at one end of the long table. He motioned for me to take a seat, so I purposely selected the one at the end of the table, forcing him to sit on the side next to me. He smiled at my little show of defiance, as though he had expected it, which pissed me off.”Ready, Opali,” Robert called out quietly to someone, and in a few moments a nice looking dark-skinned man entered from the kitchen, bringing a tray containing two bowls of some kind of pinkish bisque. It smelled heavenly.”Kara, this is Opali. If you ever need anything, from the kitchen or otherwise, please inform him and he will be quite happy to serve you.””Nice to meet you, Opali,” I smiled. He smiled back, rather shyly, and I was intrigued to notice the very clear outline of a thick cock in his thin white trousers. I quickly looked at Robert, and noticed him smiling. He had seen me looking at Opali’s cock, again as though he knew I would. I blushed, something I haven’t done in a long time, and Robert laughed.”I think she likes your cock, Opali,” Robert teased.”Yes sir. I think so,” Opali grinned, reaching across the arm of the chair as he set the soup in front of me. As he leaned over my arm, I felt his cock pressing into it. Immediately I jerked my arm away from him, and both Opali and Robert laughed.”What is it with you?” I snapped.”Nothing, Kara. Relax. Enjoy yourself. Sex can be one of life’s greatest pleasures if you simply stop fighting it and instead begin craving it. As you will soon see, once you agree to try it.””I’ve been fucked before,” I said defiantly. “I know what sex is like.””You know NOTHING of the true pleasures of uninhibited sex, my young friend. But you will. Over time.”I turned away and began eating the bisque. It was lobster bisque, my favorite, and as I began savoring it, Opali returned and poured a glass of some kind of white wine.Robert raised his glass again, offering a toast, “to limitless, perfect sex.” This time I didn’t return his toast, but did sip the wine. As with the champagne, this was superb. I looked at the label, and it said, “Meursault.” Another French wine, obviously, and it was wonderful.We were both silent during the remainder of the meal, which consisted of very delicate, thinly sliced pieces of veal sauteed in a white wine and shallot sauce. I adored the incredible flavor of the sauce, and the perfection of the veal, and finally complimented Robert on an excellent dinner.”Only the best for you, Kara. It’s what you deserve. In wine… in food… and in sex,” Robert said, staring deeply into my eyes. The room was bathed in only candlelight, and the shadows flickering across his strong face made him look even more handsome than before. I found myself fantasizing again about how wonderful it might be to have this man making love to me, fucking me, or better yet, sucking me, relentlessly, until I came a thousand times, after which he would fuck me with his long, hard cock.Suddenly I shivered, shaking me out of my reverie. Robert was staring at me again, a subtle grin on his face while his eyes were cloudy with lust.”Do you know why I selected you, Kara?” he asked.”No. Of course not,” I answered. He had just confirmed my suspicions that his meeting me hadn’t been a chance occurance.”Because you’re young, beautiful, athletic, and most of all intelligent. You are also capable of incredibly erotic, perverted sexual acts, once you begin to see how wonderously fulfilling performing them can be for you. I know you, Kara, better than you do yourself, and I’m going to prove it to you over the next few days and nights.””Like hell you are,” I snarled. “Just because I’m a prisoner here doesn’t mean I’m going to let you fuck me, or anything else.””Oh, but you are, Kara. You are. Tell me, do you have enough confidence in yourself to play a little game with me?””It depends, of course. What kind of game?” I asked, not about to agree to anything just yet.”A game of truth, Kara. We ask each other questions, and answer truthfully. Do you think you’re capable of submitting to such a game, Kara?”I thought about it. Was I? Would I be able to answer anything he asked me, truthfully? I doubted it, but agreed to try anyway. “Sure, we can play, if it would amuse you.”We moved from the table into yet another room I hadn’t seen, a very large den, family room, great room, whatever…. The wall next to the fireplace was completely covered with the most elaborate electronic stereo and TV system I’d ever seen. What in hell all those amplifiers and control panels were for, I had no idea, but it sure was impressive looking. Robert walked over to the system, pushed a few buttons, and some quiet, very beautiful piano music began to play through several speakers all around the room. I thought it was probably Tchaikovsky or maybe Rachmaninoff or somebody like that but wasn’t sure.Robert then walked into a small bar built into a corner of the room, and returned with two crystal glasses partially filled with a smoky amber liquid.”Do you like 20 year old cognac, Kara?” he asked, handing me a glass. The lead crystal glass was so heavy I almost dropped it.”No, not really,” I said, looking suspiciously at the dark liquid.”Perhaps you’d learn to appreciate many new things you think you don’t like if only you’d try them, Kara,” Robert said, motioning toward me with the glass, swirling the cognac around in it. He inhaled deeply from the sniffter, then sipped a little. What the hell, I figured, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I mimicked Robert’s actions, and found myself sipping something so smooth I could hardly believe it was cognac. All the brandy and cognac I’d ever tried before tasted like lighter fluid or something. This was so smooth, yet so powerful it took my breath away. Just as with the wines, this, too, was wonderfully delicious.Sitting back on one of the large leather sofas, I began to relax completely. What, I asked myself, is so bad about being in an incredibly expensive home, with a good looking, polite, sophisticated rich man, listening to beautiful music over a dynamite stereo system?”Ready, Kara?” Robert asked, sitting down next to me. “First question…. How many men have made love to you?””Not that many, I must admit,” I sighed, counting to myself. “Perhaps six or seven, maybe a few more. I’m don’t exactly remember,” I said truthfully. Between the champagne, the wine, and now this cognac I really couldn’t remember for sure.”Okay. Your turn,” Robert said, smiling, his eyes sparkling.Suddenly I felt hot flashes coursing through my body again, and on impulse, said, “Would you rather fuck a woman or eat her?”Robert grinned, and I felt myself blushing. Why the fuck did you have to ask a stupid, dirty question like that, Kara, you idiot.”Actually, Kara, I rather prefer sucking a woman, although I certainly also enjoy fucking. As I told you earlier, I am entranced by the scent of a woman, especially of her pussy, and especially when she is hot. I love the slippery texture of a woman’s cunt. I love running my tongue across the tiny little ripples inside the walls of her pussy. I enjoy holding the sides of her pussy open so I can get more of my mouth inside her. I love pushing my tongue as far up inside her as I can. I love the feel of her oily cunt juice on my lips, my chin, and my cheeks. And most of all, I enjoy listening to her screams of pleasure when I suck and nibble on her clitoris until she can’t take it any longer. Does that answer your question?”My cunt was so wet I felt as though I’d peed in my panties. There’s nothing I enjoy more than having my cunt sucked properly, yet only one guy of all those who have tried it on me has really done a good job at it. I still remember to this day how it made me feel, yet most guys act like they’re Escort Bayan doing you such a favor when they suck your cunt you want to punch them. Robert clearly seemed to sincerely enjoy going down on a woman, and I suddenly realized that’s exactly what I wanted him to do.”My turn again, Kara. Ready?” Robert asked.”Yes,” I whispered, clearly turned-on. I drew my legs up under me, and felt the tightness of the denim jeans rubbing against my crotch. I trembled and returned Robert’s deep gaze, both of us aware of how excited I had become. I knew Robert could see how hard my nipples were, and I purposely displayed them, and my breasts, for him, taunting him.”My question is, Kara, are you wet enough yet to allow me to do to you what I just described?”Was I? Almost, I knew that for sure. But was I ready to go that far yet, even though I knew by now that we were clearly going to be fucking before the evening ended?”I… I don’t know, Robert. Why don’t you try kissing me first, and we’ll see what happens,” I murmured, feeling my face turning crimson again.Robert took my drink and set it with his on the table next to the couch. Then he turned back to me, holding my chin in his fingers, staring deeply into my eyes until he was sure I was ready. I felt my heart hammering in my chest, and my cunt was tingling with excitement. When I moved I could feel my panties squishing from the leaking juices of my cunt.”Oh Robert. I can’t believe this–“His lips touched mine, so softly at first I could barely feel them. He was wearing a very subtle after shave, and I adored it. When his tongue moved against my lips, oh so softly, I didn’t resist as he glided it over my mouth, entering me slowly, probing gently, in, then out, then in deeper, like a cock in a waiting pussy.I made a little mewing sound, and we fell slowly to the couch, side by side. Robert crawled up next to me so our bodies were touching, and I could feel a massive cock pressing into my cunt. He still hadn’t pulled away from my mouth, and when I parted my lips further, he pushed his tongue deeper inside my mouth.With a moan, I touched his tongue with mine, feeling his hands touching my breasts now, feeling his cock pulsing against my pussy. Robert reached up underneath my blouse and his hand covered my bare nipple, pinching it softly, caressing my tit gently.He continued to fondle me for a long time, all the while kissing me, licking my lips, my neck, probing the inside of my ear with his tongue, which caused me to break out in millions of goosebumps.”Oh God, Robert, I’m so hot,” I sighed, knowing I’d do anything he wanted now, too far gone to resist, or to want to resist.”Let’s go downstairs, Kara. I want to show you something,” he said, helping me up from the couch. I would have been perfectly content to remain exactly where we were, although the thought of Opali walking in on us was a bit disconcerting. Maybe he has a special love room downstairs. Maybe he’s going to turn me into a raging sex slave slut, I mused to myself, smiling, thinking how much fun it could be if he did….Chapter 4. Kara’s SubmissionWe descended down a dark staircase lit with wall sconces containing artificial, dim amber candles. In the lower level I followed Robert down a dark hallway until we reached a room at the end of it. I felt like I was playing an X-rated version of a virtual 7th Guest or something, and it was exciting as hell.We entered the room and Robert flicked on a light switch. The walls of the room were covered with the same kind of sconces as the stairway, and immediately the room was filled with dim, dancing shadowy amber light. In the center of the room was a small stage, and on it a rectangular bed. At each corner of the bed, posts extended up from the floor. Wrought iron rings were built into the posts, and black leather wrist and ankle restraints were attached to chains, which were attached to the iron rings. The bed was covered with a black satin sheet, and two large black satin pillows were at the head of the bed.Robert and I stood looking at the bed for a moment. He was behind me, hugging me from behind, his hands gently squeezing my breasts beneath my tee shirt, and I could feel his cock pressing against my ass.”Robert I’m not sure I’m ready for something like this just yet,” I said, sobering up quickly.”You must trust me, Kara. I promise to give you only pleasure of the most intense kind, if you let yourself truly go. Come. Let’s begin,” he said, leading me over to the bed. I stood next to it, and from behind me he removed my tee shirt, then unzipped the jeans and pulled them down over my hips to the floor. I stepped out of them and began to remove my panties.”NO!” he exclaimed. “Leave them on for me. Please, Kara.”I did as he requested, and he lay me gently onto the bed. I felt the fur-lined leather restraints being attached to my wrists. Robert buckled them shut, then moved to my feet and restrained them as well. I was now totally helpless, spread, almost naked, like a giant figure X on the black satin sheet.”You’re so beautiful, my princess,” Robert said, and I noticed his eyes were moist. “I’m going to do things to you so exciting, so… well, let me stop talking about it and finally show you what I mean, my darling.” He took his shirt off, then removed his trousers. He was wearing a pair of black satin bikini briefs, and I could see the outline of his huge, very hard cock beneath them. I could also see a dark stain of pre-cum ejaculate where the crown of his cock was touching the underwear. I felt my pussy tingling again, and my own wetness seemed to gush out of me as well.Robert stood looking at me, not trying to hide his erection. Suddenly I wanted to see it, to see him totally naked.”Take your cock out for me, Robert. I want to see it,” I said, my voice low, throaty.He smiled at me, and slowly rolled the briefs down until they dropped to the floor. He stepped out of them, then picked them up and moved next to me.”This is for you, my darling,” he said, wiping my face with the damp spot. I could feel how slippery it was, and u*********sly my tongue darted out to taste some of it. You slut, Kara. My God, you’re a randy bitch. What will you do next….Robert leaned down and kissed me, wiping my face with the wet briefs. I moaned, and felt my pussy dampening again. I wondered if I had perhaps peed a little, I was so wet. Then I felt Robert’s fingers on my pussy, sliding the wet bikini panties over my clit.”Uhhhhh, oh yes, oh God, finger me, like that. It feels so good,” I groaned, closing my eyes.”This will feel even better,” Robert said, and I felt him crawl onto the bed, between my thighs. He kissed the flesh on the inside of both knees, then began working his way up my legs, alternating between them, kissing me, licking me, stopping occasionally to suck on one spot so long I knew he was giving me hickies. As he approached my cunt I knew he must be able to smell me, and to feel the heat coming from me there.”Can you smell me, Robert? Can you smell my heat?” I said brazenly. I was beyond control now, and I was committed to letting go completely, as he had wished.”Yes!” he hissed, “and I love it.” I felt his mouth kiss the very top portion of my thighs, and then his lips were slithering over my wet cunt, pushing the soaking material of my panties inside my pussy, then pulling them out with his teeth, moving them aside, revealing my sticky opening.”EEEEIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkk!” I screamed when his tongue began lapping my clit. I felt him slide a finger deeply inside my pussy as his lips clamped down on my swollen button, sucking it into his mouth, his tongue slathering over it, lapping back and forth a million miles a minute. “AHHHHH!” I cried out, my orgasm exploding inside me. I strained to wrap my legs around his neck, cursing the damn restraints that held me in place. I was gasping for breath, fighting to breathe, pumping my cunt up against Robert’s face as best I could, my captive condition holding me frustratingly in place. Robert’s tongue slid inside my pussy, and as he had so accurately described to me earlier, I felt him pulling the lips of my cunt apart so he could bury his face deeper inside my wet opening.”Ahhhh!” I moaned, coming again, feeling my body letting go, feeling a wet rush of liquid bursting from my cunt into Robert’s mouth. I wasn’t sure what it was, nor did I care. All I wanted to do was fuck this moving, darting snake of a tongue as completely as I could.”Oh yes, Kara, do that for me,” Robert gurgled, barely raising his face from my pussy to talk, then burying it inside my cunt again, his tongue licking and probing me incessantly, as were his fingers. I rs out of my cunt, and I cried out for him to please keep them there. Instantly his fingers were replaced in my pussy by his thumb, and then I felt a finger sliding inside my asshole.”Oh God, yes!” I hissed, raising up a little, feeling the combination of his thumb in my pussy, his finger in my ass, and his tongue sucking on my clit as another immense orgasm exploded in my body. My cunt was so wet I wondered if he would drown down there, but still he continued to eat me.When I could stand it no longer, I begged for him to stop. Reluctantly, he did, kissing my cunt again before raising up to his knees. He looked at me and grinned, and I could see the juices from my cunt all over his face. I fought to keep my eyes open, smiling my gratitude at him, unable to even speak I was so exhausted.My eyes fluttered closed, then open again when I felt Robert tearing my panties from my body. He crawled up next to my face, smiled, and began wiping my face with the sopping panties, just as he had earlier with his own. Then he leaned down and kissed me, tenderly, lovingly, and I could smell the heady essence of my cunt all over both of us.”Fuck me. Please,” I said, my eyes wet with tears of indescribable happiness.”Yes, my darling. I think it’s time,” he said, climbing on top of me. I felt the tip of his cock touching my clit, and my body twitched violently. Then I felt him entering me, sliding that white hot cock up inside me, and I began gurgling and crying out like a bitch in heat, which I was.”My God you’re spectacular,” he moaned, and I smiled, wanting to tell him how much better he felt to me. He was an expert lover, fucking slowly at times, then speeding up, playing me like an expensive instrument, using me, controlling me, forcing me to beg for his cock, then giving it to me, overwhelming me, driving me closer and closer to a monumental climax, then backing off, only to begin again, each time taking me higher and higher until finally, blissfully, mercifully, he began fucking me faster and faster, driving both of us to the precipice….”Oh GOD, Kara, take it, take my cum, my beautiful baby, here… it… COMESSSSS!” he roared. I felt his cock swell another inch in size inside my cunt, and I screamed as loudly as I could when the first jets of cum flew out of his cock, splattering inside my pussy. Waves of the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt slammed into me, and my orgasm lasted so long I thought I would die.”Taste you! I… want… to… taste… you… too!” I screamed, begging him to feed me his cock. He pulled out of my pussy and quickly scrambled up over my body, straddling my chest, his spurting cock still erupting ropes of thick, hot, wonderfully sticky yoghurt all over my face and onto my tongue. I swallowed it, relishing it, wanting more, sticking my tongue out toward his erupting cock like a baby bird in a nest trying to capture a dangling worm. He leaned closer to me, and I sucked his cock into my mouth, feeling the last few jets of cum splattering down my throat.Robert kept his cock in my mouth until we had both finally finished our orgasms. Then he gently removed himself from between my lips, and lay beside me, kissing me, moaning when I pushed some of his cum back into his mouth, playing with it with our tongues, our bodies wet with sweat, and our faces smelling and tasting like pure, raw a****listic sex.”I don’t know who you are, or why you selected me, but I’m happy to be here, Robert. Very happy, and I’ll do anything you want. Just ask,” I sighed, feeling him undoing the wrist restraints. He released my ankles as well, and we hugged, our wet, slippery bodies still hot from the frantic motions of our fucking.”I chose you carefully, Kara, because I could see in you the potential to become a phenomenal lover. I wasn’t wrong. You are, and will be even better as the days and nights here pass by. But for now, my darling, let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow night an even more exciting night. For all of us.”All of us? What could that mean, exactly. The surprises continue, but by now I’d learned not to be upset by them. All of us. Hmmmm. I could hardly wait….Chapter 5. Hidden Awakenings.Robert helped me from the bed, and we quickly dressed to go upstairs. We returned to my bedroom so I could select a nightgown from the many he had purchased for me, and on the way upstairs, I felt Robert’s cum seeping from my pussy, down over my naked thighs, making them slippery. In a strange Bayan Escort way, I enjoyed the sensation. It made me feel nasty, something I was growing to enjoy more and more during my stay here. I found I liked the feeling. A lot.In my room, I examined the choice of negligees available to me, and selected a very sexy, very dainty mint green, lace and satin ensemble, consisting of a baby doll nightie and matching panties. They were both wispy thin, and totally transparent. I felt as though I could use a shower again, especially with Robert’s cum staining my thighs, but I remembered what Robert had said about loving the scent of an unclean woman, so I simply began dressing in the delicate lingerie. Robert watched as I donned the nightie, and pulled the panties up into my sopping crotch. Amazingly, his cock began to get hard again.”Let’s go to my room, Kara,” he smiled, holding out his hand to me. He kissed me again, and I felt my nostrils flaring as I smelled my cunt juices on his face. I was beginning to see what Robert meant about the arousing powers of the scent of a woman, and I was beginning to become curious over what it would be like to eat another of my own sex.On the way to Robert’s room, we unfortunately encountered Opali in the hallway, coming up the back stairs from the kitchen. I was mortified, standing there practially naked. Opali stared at me, grinning, and his cock seemed to practically jump beneath his white trousers.”Good evening, Sirt… Kara…. You look lovely, miss,” he smiled, staring at my naked tits, and my dripping pussy. There could be no mistaking the wetness at my crotch, and as Opali stared at it, I found myself spreading my legs, allowing him to see all of me. My mind was on fire over what I was doing, shamelessly exhibiting my practically naked, just-fucked body to this stranger, this… servent, as though in a deliciously naughty dream. Yet I was doing just that, and Robert seemed pleased by it.”She’s lovely, isn’t she, Opali. And as good in bed as she looks, aren’t you, my darling.”I was jolted out of my reverie, and my face turned scarlett again. Opali and Robert chuckled, and Opali said good night, turning into what was obviously his room. As the door opened, I was just able to catch a glance of what I was certain was a young girl, in bed, staring out at us. Then Opali closed the door and we continued down the hall to Robert’s room. No mention was made of what had just taken place, and when we entered Robert’s room what happened next made me forget all about Opali.Robert closed the door to his room, kissed me, then excused himself and went into the adjoining bathroom, leaving the door open. I could hear him urinating, and was at first offended at such crudeness. Then I realized how natural an act like that must be to a man like Robert. He’d told me he’d lived for a while in Paris, and I knew from my brief travels abroad that something like this was not considered unusual over there. Inexplicably curious, I walked silently into the bathroom to join him.He saw me, and smiled, holding out his arm to me. I went over next to him, and he hugged me as I stared at his semi-erect cock, and the golden stream it was expelling.”Hold it, Kara. Gently,” he whispered, and I felt myself reaching out to softly grasp the penis in my fingers, aiming the flow into the toilet bowl. I felt giddy, lightheaded, and when Robert kissed me on the cheek, I felt his cock twitch in my fingers, startling me so much I almost let go of it.He laughed, and I giggled, punching him on the chest, embarrassed, feeling like a little girl. He finished, and flushed the toilet, then took my shoulders, and sat me down on it. Kneeling before me, he pulled my panties down to my knees, kissing the inside of each leg just below my thighs. “Your turn, Kara. Go ahead. Do it. From now on there are no secrets between us. Even this.”I felt my face turning crimson again as I relaxed my body, my eyes fluttering between almost closed and almost open. My stomach was tingling, and I felt faint, but somehow I managed to do it. I began to release my bladder into the toilet while Robert knelt there in front of me, watching. In one way I felt totally humiliated and deeply embarrassed, but in an exciting, slutty way, I was extremely turned on by the intensity of what we were sharing together.When I finished, Robert took a few squares of toilet tissue from the roll and began gently wiping me with it. I moaned, and brazenly spread my legs wider for him, giving him complete access to my wet pussy. He patted me gently, almost lovingly, rubbing my opening a few times, then dropped the tissues into the toilet, kissing my thighs again before getting up.As he helped me off the toilet a variety of acute sensations swept over me. Was this intimate sex, or simply the crudest kind of depravity? Could something this tender and loving, yet so nasty and perverted be acceptable behavior for two seemingly intelligent, rational adults? Was I to condone this, or should I be shocked and repelled? It was all to much for me to consider, so I simply returned with Robert to the bedroom, where we fell into bed together.Robert kissed me again, and I tasted myself on his lips, the familiar, sweet-sour scent of my femininity strong on his face. Daringly, I licked his lips and cheeks with my tongue, detecting the faint flavor of my cunt there. I felt Robert’s cock swelling against my crotch, and when he reached down and moved my panties aside, I rolled beneath him and wrapped my legs around his waist.He entered me easily, and incredibly his cock felt even larger to me than it had downstairs. I moaned, my head flopping to one side, then the other as he fucked me. My God it was glorious. I may have had larger cocks before, but couldn’t really remember one any bigger, and none as thick as Robert’s. It filled my cunt completely, and I bucked my body up off the bed to get as much of it up inside me as I could.”Shhhh… easy, easy little one. Be patient. Don’t rush it, Kara. Let it build up of it’s own accord. Good things take time, especially orgasms. Let’s fuck for a very long time, my darling, slowly… like this… and this….” he sighed, sliding in and out of me, almost all the way out of me, forcing me to grasp his waist with my legs to pull him closer to me, and deeper inside me, but he resisted, waiting until I’d fallen back down onto the bed again. Then he moved forward, deeper into me, slowly, oh so fucking, agonizingly slowly, until the head of his cock was pressed against the back walls of my vagina, when he would once again begin the slow process of withdrawal.Jesus, this man could fuck. Robert was right. Even though I’d fucked a few guys, I really didn’t know much about the art of lovemaking. Most of the guys I’d let fuck me had pumped into me as fast as they could, got off, rolled over, and gone to sleep. Or they acted like they were doing me such a fucking favor by holding out until I’d come that I couldn’t do it, so I faked it. Guys are such dumb shits, most of the time. All a girl has to do is groan a few times and they come. Every time. But not Robert. He was the one in control, I was the fuckee, not the fucker, and I loved it.After several minutes of this slow fucking, I felt the need building in me so badly I had to do more, had to have all he could give me. I begged Robert to fuck me harder, and to fill me with his cum again.”Yes, Kara, I can feel your wetness. You’re ready again, aren’t you, my baby. Just as you were when you parted your legs and showed yourself to Opali. You liked doing that, didn’t you, Kara?” he hissed.”Yes! I loved it. It made me feel like such a slut, Robert. It’s what you want, isn’t it? For me to be a slut. Your slut.””Yes, Kara. And so much more, as you’ll soon see. Oh God, I’m… cuming!” Robert groaned, and I felt that incredible cock swelling inside me again, driving me wild, driving me so insane I couldn’t breathe. I held my breath for as long as I could while his cock exploded inside me, and when the fourth or fifth burst of cum erupted inside me, I came. Oh sweet Jesus, God almighty, did I come.”AHHHHHHHHH!!!” I screamed, as loudly as I could, not caring if Opali or anyone else in the fucking world heard me. I began gasping for breath then, like a fish, lying on a sun-baked shore, pumping my cunt into Robert as fast as I could, my body drenched in sweat, my legs aching, heart pounding, brain searing from the white hot heat of my orgasm. Finally I felt myself falling, going under, as though I’d just received a massive injection of Demoral. I laughed to myself, incredibly happy, as the world turned fuzzy, then disappeared….The next morning I awoke in Robert’s arms. I could smell the sex on our bodies, and as quietly as I could slid out of bed and walked tip-toed into the bathroom, closing the door as silently possible. I turned on the shower and started to take off the negligee and panties. Then I realized how fragrant they must be, and on a whim, stepped into the shower still wearing them. It felt daring to be standing under a shower while still partially dressed, and when the warm water began to relax me, I even peed, right there, standing in the shower.I giggled, thinking how proud Robert would be of me if he knew, when suddenly I felt his arms around me. I jumped, and screamed, startled out of my wits. He laughed, told me he was sorry he had frightened me, then kissed me, hugging me to his body as the water cascaded down over us.Robert helped me take the negligee and panties off, then began scrubbing my back with a shower sponge. When he’d finished doing my back, including the crack of my ass, he reached around in front of me and squeezed my breasts in his hands, rubbing them with soap, cupping them beneath his fingers, fondling me softly. His fingers reached up and pinched my nipples, and I moaned. I knew I was his from then on, to use, to abuse, to do anything he wished with, and he knew it, too.”Do you want me to fuck you in the ass, Kara?” he whispered in my ear. Another of my fantasies, but one I didn’t think I’d ever let anyone fulfill for me. This was different, however, and I wanted it.”Yes,” I groaned, my voice throaty, hoarse, filled with longing.I felt Robert gently push my legs apart, then felt him inserting something in my ass. I turned to see what it was, and it appeared to be Vaseline. It felt cool in my ass crack, and when his fingers slid inside me, coating my anal canal with the grease, I began masturbating, rubbing my cunt, no longer concerned with appearances, making no pretense of how badly I wanted the kind of sex this man continued to give me.”Hmmm, yes, my baby, do that, play with your cunt for me. Ready, darling. Here it comes,” Robert gurgled in my ear. I felt my ass being spread apart, felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my anus, then felt it sliding into me, filling me with such an intense pain I thought I would cry. My eyes filled with tears, and I stopped masturbating. I bent over, unconscientiously trying to get away from the very cock I craved, unsure I could stand any more of Robert’s cock in my ass..”Oh God, Robert, it hurts so BAD!” I whined, then, comically, wondering for a moment about the correctness of the grammatic construction of what I’d just said. Should it have been “badly!” I wondered if I were going mad. How could anyone be concerned over something so trivial at a time like this. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Robert speaking to me.”Hold still, Kara. Don’t move. Get used to the sensations. In a moment they will change. You will begin to love it.”Neither of us moved for an eternity, or even spoke. The sounds of the water splattering down onto us seemed to become louder. Then gradually, the pain began to subside, to be replaced with a different sensation. I began rubbing my clit again, and like a wanton slut, I begged Robert to “fuck me in the ass.”He did, moving slowly at first, as the waves of pleasure-pain began to build in me, washing over me, coming in me so fast now I felt I would die if Robert didn’t come in my ass.”Oh my God, Robert, fuck me, FUCK ME, OH GOD YES, LIKE THAT, JUST LIKE THAT!” I screamed, bent over obscenely, fucking myself with the fingers of one hand while I squeezed my nipples with the other. Robert had his hands on my hips, and was pounding his cock into my ass now, and from somewhere far off I heard someone groaning in a crazy, demented wail.”Oh God, Kara, take it, here it comes, baby, take my cum!” Robert screamed, and I felt him coming in my ass. I rubbed my cunt as fast as I could until I, too, was coming, over and over again, spasming, twitching, jerking my body around so dangerously I was afraid we’d fall and go crashing through the glass doors of the shower stall.Somehow we didn’t, and finally Robert withdrew from my ass, brought me up to his chest, and kissed me, the water from the shower running over our faces as we kissed. I felt my breasts slipping over his chest, and felt his strong thighs pressing against mine until finally we parted.I looked up at Robert, his dark brown eyes still smoldering with passion, and I felt a chill, standing there under the hot water. “I think… I think I’m falling in love you, Robert,” I whispered, and he smiled a knowing smile, and said, “You’d better, Kara. I’ve been in love with you for a very long time….”The

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