St Mary’s Girls: Hotel Encounter

14 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Sitting back in her seat, Shona took another sip of her coffee, sucked on her cigarette and returned her attention to her newspaper. Skim reading the pages, her eyes flicked over the lines of text without taking in their content. Lost in a world of her own, she ignored the mass of humanity that buzzed purposefully around her. She absently ground the stub of her cigarette into the ashtray in front of her. Pausing only to take another mouthful of coffee, Shona turned the page then reached for her bag. Seconds later, the filter tip of another cigarette between her lips, she flicked open her lighter and brought the flame towards the end of her cigarette. She inhaled deeply before expelling the smoke from her lungs with a sigh.

A voice intruded itself into her awareness. “Shona?” it said, “Shona Fraser? Is that you?”

Puzzled, Shona looked up. A woman, about the same age as herself, stood at the other side of her table. Her friendly smile and her deep, hazel eyes shone out from an attractive yet strangely familiar face framed with rich, shoulder length auburn hair. “I’m sorry,” said Shona, trying to collect her thoughts and figure out where she knew this person from.

“It’s me, Audrey,” said the woman, “We were at St. Mary’s together.”

“Audrey, of course,” said Shona warmly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognise you. At school, Audrey Baker and her twin sister Avril had been Shona and Jane’s arch rivals. Shona and Audrey had bumped into each other occasionally since school and while she still detested Avril, Shona had found Audrey, once she was away from her sister’s influence, to be a totally different person. They weren’t close but Shona would no longer go out of her way to avoid her. In fact, being away from home, it was quite nice to come across a familiar face.

Audrey shrugged. “Well, it has been at least six years since we last saw each other so that’s understandable, she said. “You haven’t changed a bit,” she added. “Mind if I join you?”

“Be my guest,” replied Shona, folding her newspaper and putting it in her bag. “What brings you here?” she asked.

“Work,” replied Audrey with a shrug. “I work for the company that owns this hotel,” she said, “I’m here for a couple of days doing an audit. What about you?”

“Much the same, I guess,” said Shona, “My boss is advising a local firm on their pension scheme and I’m helping out. This is where I’m staying while I’m in town.”

“So where’s your boss now?” enquired Audrey.

Shona shrugged. “Out being wined and dined by the company’s directors,” she replied.

“While you’re away from home, alone,” said Audrey, smiling sweetly.

“C’ est la vie,” replied Shona, answering with a smile of her own.

Audrey pulled out a chair and sat down at the table next to Shona. They drank and chatted, filling each other in about the events of the last six years. Shona learnt that Audrey’s sister, Avril, had got married to someone she’d met at university and was now living in Glasgow. She told Audrey how she and Jane had shared a flat for a couple of years before she’d moved to America shortly after marrying Geoff.

“So you and Craig never did tie the knot then?” Audrey enquired.

“No,” replied Shona, “it finally fizzled out about four years ago. We’re still very good friends and our paths still cross a couple of times a year.” She smiled, wickedly. “He’s still good for a damn good shag now and then.”

“Some things never change,” laughed Audrey. “I was always slightly envious of you and Jane when we were at school,” she added.

“Oh,” said Shona, raising an eyebrow enquiringly, “Why?”

“Well, it was just the way that the pair of you never used to give a shit about anything,” said Audrey. “You did what you liked with who you liked and didn’t give a toss about what other people thought. Your exploits were legendary and I wanted to be more like you.” She shrugged ruefully. “I guess that Avril had an inhibiting effect on me,” she said.

“It’s possible,” replied Shona, “although Avril was no angel. I can recall quite a few occasions when it wasn’t just her hair she let down.”

“I know,” replied Audrey with a small laugh, “she really was a total hypocrite. She was just jealous of the fact that Jane and you were more successful than she was. She was especially jealous of Jane and Matt. She fancied him like mad. The fact that Jane had him yet could still manage to screw any guy that took her fancy drove Avril crazy.”

Shona laughed. “The ironic thing is that Matt wasn’t afraid to play away from home either. He had me on a number of occasions, although Jane always knew about them, and I know I wasn’t the only girl he had while he and Jane were together, although I never knew if Jane was aware of that. My guess is that he obviously didn’t fancy Avril. If he had she’d have probably got lucky. He was well aware that she fancied him.”

“Poor Avril,” said Audrey, “she always tried to portray herself as pure and innocent. I don’t know cevizli escort what annoyed her more, the fact that you and Jane were able to have your cake and eat it so to speak, or the fact that I really was the goody-goody that she pretended to be. I think her annoyance was the only thing that made my frustration bearable.”

“But I thought you and Doug…”

“Yeah well, there was Doug, eventually,” Audrey said, cutting Shona off, “but he was the only one and even that wasn’t until the very last term. Oh, and at the end of school party, when we all got totally pissed, I did end up having a pretty serious snog with Sandra Moffat,” she added.

“Really?” asked Shona, her surprise clearly evident, “she never told me about that.”

“Oh yes,” replied Audrey, “we even kept it going for about six months until she and Martin got married. It was exciting but it was never really anything more than a bit of fun, especially for Sandra. She was devoted to Martin. She told me once that she liked to turn him on by telling him about what she and I got up to when he wasn’t around.”

Well that aside,” said Shona, grinning, “I guess you were pretty good, especially compared to Jane and me. Sandra had her moments too. She may have been devoted to Martin but I know he wasn’t the only guy at school that she screwed. She didn’t restrict herself to just guys either. But if you wanted to enjoy yourself more why didn’t you? I mean, we were kids. It was hardly anything serious. Jane and I had a lot of fun.”

“Dunno,” replied Audrey with a shrug, “lack of confidence I guess. Avril was the younger of the two of us but was always the dominating one. Despite that we were always very competitive. I wanted to be like Jane and you but I didn’t have the confidence. The only way I could be better than Avril was to be even more of a goody-goody than she wanted people to think she was.”

“That doesn’t really make a lot of sense,” said Shona looking puzzled.

“No, probably not,” admitted Audrey, “but it made things more bearable for me.”

Shona smiled and put a hand, consolingly on Audrey’s shoulder. As they’d talked, Audrey had slowly pulled her chair closer to Shona’s and Shona was aware, albeit, distantly, of Audrey’s knee brushing occasionally against her own.

Shona yawned. “I’m not boring you am I?” asked Audrey. There was a note of apprehension in her voice.

“No, no! Not at all,” replied Shona reassuringly, “It’s just been a long day and it’s starting to catch up with me a bit.”

“Well,” began Audrey, enquiringly, “if you wanted too, I could grab a couple of bottles of wine from the bar, then we could head upstairs and carry on chatting?”

The suggestion had been casual, friendly even, yet Shona had to fight back a momentary surge of excitement before answering. “Sure,” she said, pleased with herself that her voice sounded normal, “I’d like that.”

Pausing only to collect two bottles of wine and a glass each from the bar, the two women made their way to Audrey’s room. Once inside, Shona shucked off her coat and sat down as Audrey uncorked one of the bottles and filled their glasses. Handing one to Shona, Audrey took a long sip of her own drink then sighed deeply. “Make yourself comfy,” she said, “If you don’t mind I think I’ll grab a quick shower before I do anything else?”

“Go ahead,” replied Shona, “Oh, but before you go, can I get out onto the balcony? I could do with a smoke.”

“Still got some of your bad habits, I see,” said Audrey, laughing. She quickly unlocked the balcony window. “There you go,” she said, “I’ll only be a couple of minutes.”

“Ta,” said Shona as she watched Audrey make her way to the bathroom. She stepped quickly out onto the balcony, dug her cigarettes out of her pocket, placed one between her lips and lit up. As she drew the smoke into her lungs she wondered where the evening was heading. Had she read more into Audrey’s invitation than there actually had been? Could Audrey be looking for nothing more than a friendly chat? Shona didn’t know. At school they could barley stand each other but they had become friendly since then. Something in her manner had suggested that she wanted more than just to spend the night talking about old times. She had admitted to having a quick thing with Sandra and, even at school, Shona had never made any secret of the fact that she enjoyed sharing her body with girls just as much as she did with boys, sometimes maybe more so. She shook her head and decided to just take events as they unfolded. Finishing her cigarette, Shona made her way back inside. Shutting the balcony window behind her, she poured herself another glass of wine and sat down to wait for Audrey.

Audrey emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, dressed in a navy, fleece dressing gown, the crest of St. Mary’s School emblazoned on the left lapel. Shona smiled. “I’ve got one just like that hanging in the wardrobe of my room,” she said. Smiling, erenköy escort Audrey refilled her glass then crossed the room to sit next to Shona. Her dressing gown fell open slightly as she sat down, granting Shona a clear view down her front as she leaned forward to put her glass down on the coffee table. Trying not to stare too obviously, Shona smiled. Audrey had always had a good figure and even at school, despite the fact that she had disliked them intensely, Shona would have admitted that she found her and her sister, Avril, extremely attractive.

The wine, Shona found, had ignited a warm spot deep down inside her. The warmth slowly spread to engulf her. She found her gaze being drawn repeatedly to the opening in the front of Audrey’s dressing gown, an opening that grew tantalisingly wider every time she leaned forward to pick up or put down her glass. As her arousal grew, Shona had to fight back the urge to bury her face in Audrey’s cleavage, smothering herself between her large, full globes.

Audrey smiled. As her own excitement grew she could sense Shona’s arousal. Her breathing had deepened, the skin around her neck was flushed. Audrey opened her mouth to speak then, finding the words wouldn’t come, she closed it again. She caught Shona’s gaze, held it with her own and tried again. “Shona, I…” Before she could say another word she found herself in Shona’s arms, their lips pressed firmly together. Shona’s hands slid inside Audrey’s dressing gown to caress and explore her body while Audrey tugged at the buttons of Shona’s blouse.

Their passion quickly grew. Their kisses became more urgent, their tongues exploring each others’ mouths. Audrey shivered as Shona’s fingertips ran lightly up her spine. “Oh Shona!” she gasped, briefly breaking their kiss, “I’ve wanted this for so long. When I was with Sandra I used to cum by imagining that she was really you.”

“Sshh!” replied Shona before silencing Audrey by pressing her lips firmly against hers once more.

Having undone Shona’s blouse, Audrey reached behind her to unhook her bra as she began to nibble lightly on her neck. She felt Shona’s hand, warm against her left breast and felt her nipple stiffen in response. “Mmm,” she purred, “your hand is so soft.”

Shona tried to struggle out of her blouse. Audrey paused then helped her to remove it. She kissed Shona’s cheek then stood up. Holding out her hand she said, “C’mon, let’s go through to the bedroom.” Shona nodded, took Audrey’s hand and stood up. Her bra joined her blouse on the floor. Kicking off her shoes, she undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground. Shona stepped out and let Audrey lead her towards the bedroom.

Once inside, Audrey melted into Shona’s arms. They kissed. Audrey’s hands explored Shona’s body. Shona reached up and pushed Audrey’s dressing gown off her shoulders. Audrey stepped back and let it fall to the floor. Standing there, naked, she waited as Shona devoured her with her eyes. “Like what you see?” she asked, smiling coyly.

“Of course I do!” replied Shona, “You’ve always had a fantastic body. I used to love watching you in the shower after gym.”

“Really?” asked Audrey, breathlessly.

“Yes,” replied Shona before pressing her lips firmly against Audrey’s once again.

The kiss was even more passionate than before. As their hands explored each other’s bodies Shona felt Audrey tugging at her knickers. She let her push them down over her hips, felt them fall to the ground then stepped out of them. With their lips pressed firmly together Shona let herself be guided towards the bed. She let a small laugh escape her as Audrey gently, yet firmly, pushed her towards the mattress. Shona lay back, enjoying the scrutiny of Audrey’s gaze as she stared hungrily down at her.

“God, Shona, you’re beautiful,” said Audrey as she climbed on to the bed beside her. Smiling, Shona reached out and gathered Audrey to her. Their lips pressed together once more, their hands lightly caressed each others’ bodies, tenderly exploring as their tongues entwined in each others’ mouths.

Overcome with desire, Audrey broke away and began to kiss her way down Shona’s neck. Shona moaned, her fingers digging into the soft skin of Audrey’s back as she gently nibbled on her shoulders. Audrey moved down further, her tongue working its way around the curve of Shona’s breasts, her hands cupping and squeezing them lightly as her tongue explored their surface.

“Oh fuck, that’s good,” moaned Shona as Audrey coated her tits with a warm, wet film of saliva, her hands softly massaging it into her skin. Audrey lay with one leg between Shona’s and Shona began to grind her mound against her lover’s thigh, moaning softly as the friction of the contact stimulated her clit. Audrey increased the pressure of her leg against Shona’s pussy as Shona rocked her hips up and down, moaning softly as the pleasurable sensations spread through her.

Concentrating on Shona’s left esenyurt escort breast, Audrey sucked the nipple between her lips, flicking the tip with her tongue as she bit down gently on it. “Oooooh yessss!” Shona gasped, her hips bucking even more forcefully. Audrey moved her attention to the other breast, repeating the process, sucking as much of it as she could into the warm confines of her mouth. Shona’s head tossed from side to side, moaning softly in response to a warm tingling feeling that was spreading through her body.

Leaving Shona’s breasts reluctantly behind, Audrey began to move down further. Shona’s body trembled in anticipation as she kissed her way down over her flat stomach, pausing briefly to probe her bellybutton with her tongue. “That tickles,” giggled Shona, playfully giving Audrey a slap.

“Sorry,” replied Audrey, smiling broadly before beginning her downward journey once more.

Positioning herself between Shona’s legs, Audrey ran her tongue up the inside of her thighs. Shona sighed as Audrey teased her with her tongue, running it up the inside of her thigh, almost touching her enflamed lower lips before retreating down the other side. Again and again, she brought her mouth towards Shona’s pussy, pulling away each time at the very last second as Shona’s body trembled in anticipation. “Quit teasing!” Shona demanded finally, having endured what seemed like an eternity of torment. Smiling to herself, Audrey continued the slow approach and retreat of her tongue.

Shona moaned with frustration. “Audrey, you bitch. Eat me!” she wailed, “Eat my fucking pussy!”

Audrey decided to take pity on her. Moving forward, her tongue poked out, slipping between Shona’s wet lower lips. “Yeeeesssss!” cried Shona as she felt Audrey’s tongue work its way along her slit with a feather like touch. Almost at once she felt the first stirrings of her latent orgasm, Audrey’s teasing had aroused her beyond measure. Shona had to force herself to relax, to prevent herself from cumming too soon so that she could enjoy the sensations of Audrey’s tongue on her pussy.

Audrey savoured the taste of Shona’s juices as they flowed copiously over her tongue, coating her cheeks and chin with their warm, stickiness. She gently sucked on Shona’s enflamed labia, drawing each one between her lips and running her tongue along its edge. Shona writhed in ecstasy as Audrey’s tongue explored every fold and crevice of her pussy, darting occasionally in and out of her tunnel, lapping at her juices. She wound her fingers in Audrey’s hair, pushing her head forward, increasing the pressure of her lover’s tongue on her sensitive flesh.

“Oh fuck, yesss!” moaned Shona as Audrey’s tongue flicked over her clit. Her body shuddered involuntarily in response to her touch. She could feel the pressure beginning to mount once more, the warm glow of impending orgasm spreading through her body.

Shona’s fingers detached themselves from Audrey’s hair and began to clutch at the duvet as the sensations inside her increased steadily in intensity. Her clit throbbed almost painfully as Audrey’s tongue flicked over it rapidly. “Oooooohhhhhhh!” she moaned as she felt the first rippling contractions in her pussy. Biting her lip, Shona gripped the duvet even more tightly, her knuckles turning white as she fought to hold on.

Audrey could sense the growing tension in Shona’s body. She sucked the swollen bulb of Shona’s clit into her mouth and began to hum as her tongue flicked over its tip. Shona tried desperately to hold back, to savour the deliciously painful moment of pre-orgasmic release for as long as possible. She wanted to scream, every nerve felt as if it was on fire as she struggled to maintain control of her body.

The dam burst as Audrey sucked harder on Shona’s throbbing clit. Moaning loudly, her back arched, her hips bucking wildly as she came. “Oooooohhhhhhh!” she cried as powerful spasms shook her body. Audrey continued to lick, slowly working her tongue up and down Shona’s wet slit. Shona flinched with every touch, moaning with pleasure. Her thighs clamped tightly around Audrey’s head as her orgasm peaked, subsided then peaked again and again until finally, unable to take anymore, her body went limp.

Audrey moved up the bed, pausing briefly to plant a kiss on each of Shona’s breasts. “Oh hell, that was fantastic!” sighed Shona before pressing her mouth firmly against Audrey’s, tasting herself on her lover’s lips. The kiss they shared was slow and leisurely, their caresses lovingly tender as Shona recovered from her tumultuous climax, her body still trembling in the aftermath of her release.

“I hope you enjoyed that,” Audrey said softly.

“Enjoy it!” gasped Shona, “Are you for real? That was unbelievable, just what I needed.”

Audrey smiled. “Good,” she said quietly, “thank you.”

Shona laughed. “It’s me who should be thanking you,” she said, “and I will too. Just as soon as I get my breath back.” Her lips closed on Audrey’s once more, the intensity of the kiss slowly increasing. Shona’s gently caressing hands became more focussed, concentrating their attention on Audrey’s sensitive areas.

“Mmmmm, that feels nice,” Audrey sighed as Shona’s hands slid over her breasts, “I’ve waited so long for this.”

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