S’s First Time

13 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I wrote this story for an inexperienced sub I met online. We met several times and developed the beginnings of a friendship, though a relationship never developed. We have since lost touch. I found this story while cleaning out old emails, and thought others might enjoy reading it. Reader comments are most appreciated.

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Our night together has begun as several before it have, with us meeting at a pre-determined restaurant for an intimate dinner. Tonight it is a beautifully small Malaysian restaurant, where I know the food is good and the ambiance excellent. I am dressed in a button-down shirt and black pants, fashionable yet understated. You are dressed in a simple black dress, elegant but not too dressy for this evening. Underneath you have worn stockings on this night, not because of any request from me, but because you know I favour them. You arrive to find me seated and looking over the wine list, and as you approach I can’t help but steal a glance at your petite, graceful form before meeting your eyes and smiling. I rise, kiss you gently, and pull your chair out for you. We both feel excited by one another’s presence, even though it has not been long since last we saw each other.

Dinner is accompanied by a lively conversation, ranging from our backgrounds, aspirations, likes, and dislikes to more trivial and sometimes flirtatious discussions. Ours is still a very young relationship, evidenced if not by our ease in conversation then certainly by the inordinate amount of time we spend looking into each other’s eyes. We are looking not only to enjoy the connection, but to search – is this really the person I seek? Who can bring so much that I want, unlike so many before? Weighty questions to be sure, but we each enjoy the process and so enjoy this evening both for what it is as well as what it may eventually bring.

Dinner complete, and this being a weekday, we decide on an early night and hail a taxi. An unspoken conversation between us has decided that we have the same destination, as we have a handful of times before. The taxi ride is at once brief and never ending, as you wonder whether this will be the night that we begin to explore the things that brought you to that Web site many weeks ago, in search of someone you knew only as an experienced, caring Dominant, someone with whom to enjoy the best of a caring, loving relationship as well as the satisfaction of exploring your desire to be sexually dominated. You think back to the events that have passed since, the first lunch we had together and the chemistry we each felt then, the first evening out, first meeting of our lips, first lovemaking, first animalistic fucking, first gazes into each others’ eyes bathed in sexual afterglow. It has been wonderful, you reflect, but not yet have we ventured into that world you so wish to explore.

Taxi driver paid and door unlocked, we fall into each other’s arms as we enter, both of us longing for the others’ touch. You feel my hands gently but firmly cradle your back, holding you tightly to me as our lips meet in a gentle, firm kiss that betrays my longings, and yours as well. My hand moves to your face, caressing your cheek gently, pulling back from you for yet another look into your eyes, before pulling you closer and kissing you more insistently. Your hands are on my chest now, undoing buttons while I kiss you still more insistently, and our breathing becomes shorter as you open my shirt and run your hands along my bare skin. Again I pull back, looking into your eyes with the lustful gleam you have seen before. Will this be the night? Your wonder is soon replaced once again with lust as I kiss you insistently, this time dropping my hands to your thighs and tracing them down the sides of your legs. Impatient for what you know is coming and in the hope of your introduction to the domination you crave, you eagerly break the kiss and pull me to the bedroom.

We undress each other completely, you taking pride in my lustful glances at your well-exercised body while perhaps a bit disappointed that I do not pay more attention to your stockings, which from a previous conversation you know to be a weakness of mine. But perhaps tonight is not about my weaknesses, you think. Perhaps it is finally the night that I will take control, accepting your submission and using your body for my own pleasure, xnxx in the process bringing you the sensations you so crave. Will tonight be the night? Anticipation is thick in the room, and you see on my face a smile of the sort you’ve not seen there before, as if I know what you are thinking.

By now the almost familiar feeling of my kisses on your lips give way to other touches you have come to love, my lips on your neck, your breasts, your stomach, teasing and enticing you as I bring us both to the bed and continue moving down your body. Your eyes lock with mine as I hover at your waist, tracing with my tongue the outline of the tops of your legs, your hands in my hair, urging me further downward. Downward I move, but to your thighs, licking and kissing the whole of your legs down to your feet, all the while maintaining the eye contact you initiated but can not seem to escape. Your breathing shortens further as I move back up, and your hands are now on your breasts, mimicking the actions of my lips a few long moments ago. You feel my breath on your most private of places now, as you see the raw lust in my eyes and know that yours must be betraying the desire you feel. My tongue is now slowly dragging itself across your labia, teasing you further as finally your eyes surrender and close briefly. My tongue and lips now moving closer and closer to your clit, knowing how much you want me there, and your hips betray your desire by thrusting up at my face. And then-

I pull away, and stop.

Your eyes, open once again, demand an explanation, but none is given. Again I begin kissing a trail up your thighs, and again you thrust your hips to meet me-

Again, I stop.

Your hands now in my hair again, pulling me towards you, but I hold firm. You realize you will get what you want only when I decide to give it to you. This is what you wanted, right? For me to take control? But this is not how you expected it to happen. You did not expect to be teased, you expected to be fucked!

Your mind is quickly brought back to the present as you feel my tongue on your labia again, licking, sucking each gently in turn, and finally finding your clit. Gentle licks with the flat of my tongue alternate with swirls, flicks, and the occasional suck, you concentrating all the while on not raising your hips. Eventually you feel yourself coming close to orgasm, remembering how it felt the first time I brought you there this way, and craving the feeling again. Warmth emanating from your core now to every part of your body, your head thrown back, your hands caressing your body, your knees moving back and forth astride my torso, your hips upturned against my face-

Again, I stop. This time it almost hurts, you were so close. You open your eyes almost in anger to see the same knowing smile on my face, although this time I show no signs of returning to my work. Instead, I move to lie next to you, looking you in the eyes all the while. From the bed stand I produce a piece of black silk, and place it in your hand. Your stomach falls as you realize what it is – a blindfold! You look up to me and again I smile that knowing smile, kissing you and bringing your hand to your face. You understand, placing the blindfold over your eyes and moving to allow me to tie it behind your head.

Although it looked light and certainly feels comfortable, you can’t see a thing. You are in your own world now, a new world where you can feel my presence, but you do not know what surrounds you. You realize that although you have been in this room before, indeed you’ve had incredible sex on this very bed with me before – you do not remember much about the room. You hear me opening a drawer and realize that you don’t even remember the room having a chest of drawers. You hear… shuffling of some sort, but you can’t make it out. The more you strain to make sense of what you are hearing, the more silent the room becomes. After what seems like an eternity but was actually only a few short seconds, you feel my presence again at the side of the bed. You turn toward me, and without warning are surprised to find your hands in mine, and the feel of leather closing first on one wrist and then the other. Fluidly, your arms are each brought to what you assume are the top corners of the bed, and your body moved to the centre. You can’t hear or feel bakire porno what I did, but you know that your wrists are now bound to the bed corners, and a quick test reveals that you will move from this bed only when I allow you to.

Now your mind is racing – it’s finally happening! But is this what you want? You realize how exposed you are, how vulnerable. This man whom you’ve known only a few weeks now has you naked, alone, and bound inescapably to a bed! You remember the safe word we agreed on before the first time we were together, the one you had wondered about many times since then, and contemplate saying it now, ending this scene here and now and demanding that I free you from your bonds. But no, you don’t want to be free – you want to be here, with me, at my mercy and under my control. The fear is exciting, and you can’t wait to discover what happens next.

Wait you do, for what seems like days but you know can only be moments, for my touch. It comes on the tips of your toes, the beginnings of a thorough foot massage that serves to calm your nerves and relax you a bit while maintaining your heightened state of arousal. You feel me massage your calves in turn, and you are surprised at how sexual this feels, how much energy is flowing through your body. Your thighs now, and then something different – my lips again on your skin, kissing your stomach, moving up to your breasts, lingering there, then again moving to your neck… your lips. We kiss passionately, and you feel that yours is not the only passion in the room. You can sense how much restraint I am exerting on my own desires; your restraint comes in the form of the leather bands around your wrists but mine is sheer will.

My lips again move down your body on a now-familiar path, and you feel my mouth again begin with your labia, exploring every bit of your pussy, licking, kissing, sucking, caressing. I continue the game of bringing you close, then stopping when you forget to hold your hips close to the bed. You know from past nights with me that I love it when you move your hips to meet me, but on this night I seem intent on not letting you. On and on this goes, until finally, having learned your lesson, you manage to hold still while I bring you right up to the delicious brink. Your hips are still, and you prepare to feel your orgasm wash over you. And then-

I stop once again. Your head comes up as if to look at me, but the blindfold has held firm. “Please!” you plead, “please let me cum!”

But I seem to be nowhere. You feel my presence in the room, but I am not touching you and you can’t tell where I am. You finally feel me at your feet again, as each ankle gets what you assume to be a leather cuff similar to those on your wrists. They are free to move though; it seems I have placed the straps there and not fastened them to anything. While you ponder what I am going to do with them, you feel me crawl up and sit astride your body now, my thighs grazing your breasts as I do so. Instinctively you raise your head and open your mouth – as you thought, you find something there to busy yourself with. As you lick the underside of my cock, you feel my fingers where my mouth was only moments ago, and your heart races in anticipation of what must be coming next. You strain to take my head into your mouth, sucking strongly, realizing what a sight you must be – naked, arms splayed and bound overhead, ankles wearing some sort of leather cuffs, cock in your mouth and fingers round your clit – the thought of the image makes you all the more excited, and you suck harder still.

Just as quickly as you found me there, you feel me move between your legs. My cock quickly finds your clit, and I drag it back and forth across your most sensitive area. I enter you, slowly and barely, so just the tip is inside you. Wanting more, you thrust your hips up to take more of me in.

Have you learned nothing thus far? You feel me move away from you and realize your mistake. This is my show, not yours. “Please fuck me” you whisper desperately, knowing that I will only when I want to. Instead of me entering you again though, you feel something wrap around your waist – it feels like a belt of some sort, only wider. You hear buckles, although you do not know from where. Only now do you feel me enter you, slowly and gently again, bedava porno and you vow silently to do what I want you to, not to raise your hips again, to let me do to and with you as I please. Your determination is rewarded as you feel me press more deeply into you, almost halfway now you estimate, enough for you to gasp lightly with the warmth and sensations washing over you now. “Yes, yes” you moan, wanting not only to show me how much you are enjoying this, but also to display your submission to me, your desire for me to take you as I please.

Slowly, deliberately, I enter you further with each stroke, and with each stroke I pull almost completely out of you. This goes on seemingly forever, occasionally intermingled with a caress of a nipple, or a roll of my fingers around your clit. Your body is on fire now, lost in the sensations I am lavishing upon it. Slightly faster now, I stroke in and out of you. You move your legs up to wrap around my waist, and in doing so realize the purpose of the belt – you can’t lift your hips off the bed at all! You test the bond; it does not yield. You are now bound both by your wrists and your waist to the bed, with your legs wrapped tightly around my waist.

I am having none of that however tonight however, and you sense that something has changed in my demeanour. I am rougher with you now, still loving but no longer gentle. I grab your ankles and force them out to the sides and far over your head, and in turn you hear metallic clicks. When I release your legs after these clicks, they do not come down – they are now somehow bound high above your body and far out to the sides.

Again you imagine what you must look like to an observer, and indeed to me, bound at the waist and wrists to the bed, blindfolded, your hair a sweaty fray beneath your head, your legs suspended lewdly in the air, and your pussy spread, engorged, and deliciously displayed for me. The thought of your complete surrender in this way excites you in way you’ve never felt before, and you can’t want for what most certainly must be coming next.

This time, I do not leave you waiting long. One sharp thrust and I am buried completely inside you, and your groan of pleasure and surprise serves only to make my next stroke harder than the last. “Fuck me! Fuck me!” you are almost yelling now, not because you know that I, like all men, love to hear such things, but because those words most clearly express all that you want and need in this moment. I do not disappoint, my thrusts becoming hard and quick now. Your hips, were they not fastened so securely to the bed, would surely be thrashing up to meet me, and even though you know you cannot, you still try to meet every stroke. I’m fucking you hard now, slamming my cock inside of you without any semblance of gentleness, and your completely powerless body is responding to this ferocious onslaught by coming desperately close to orgasm once again.

“I’m coming!”

Those words escape your mouth as your body begins to quake and you pass the point of no return, feeling the waves emanating from your centre and crashing over your every nerve. As you do, you feel my strokes shorten and my body tense in what must be my own orgasm. Together we come explosively, leaving both of us out of breath and my body pressed against your own. You feel my lungs filling with air as yours do the same, and our bodies entwine even as your bonds hold strong.

Finally, my lips meet yours again, firmly but lovingly, and our tongues dance as I remove your blindfold. Your first sight is my familiar eyes looking again into yours, savouring the emotion I see in them. Again we kiss as a few post-orgasm waves ripple through your body, the contractions causing me to jump inside you. Our lips release, and you look around. You were right, there are leather cuffs around your wrists and ankles, and they are bound to the upper bedposts, wrists directly by means of rope and ankles via longer lengths of rope connected via metal clips. I rise from your body to release your bonds, and you see the wide leather belt with the clips at the sides fastened to a strap running the width of the bed – you hadn’t even noticed this strap before, and you begin to wonder what else you have not noticed about this room…

Now completely free from your bonds, I hold you close and kiss you lovingly. Our bodies, spent for the moment, curl around each other as our minds drift to thoughts of what good things this relationship might hold. The moment lingers even as our hands start to explore each other’s bodies anew, and the second round begins…

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