Soccer Mom

1 Ağustos 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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Soccer MomGGOOOOAAALLLL!!!!The stadium around me erupted in ecstatic cheers as I ran for the corner to celebrate. I was overwhelmed with joy, I had just headed in a 90th minute goal in the cup final to make the score 2-1 to us. I slide on my knees and was soon piled on by my team mates all shouting and cheering. After a few moments of hugging we all climbed to our feet and got back into position.The opposition kicked off and tried to pass their way towards our box. There was only one minute left in the four minutes of injury time. The opposition came close to scoring a couple of heart wrenching times but we managed to hold out. The clock went red and they went for it and tried a long ball into our box.I just watched the ball sail over my head and my heart stopped, it continued to fly in the air and fell right into the hands of our goalkeeper who fell to the ground, clutching the ball in his chest. He took his time getting up, much to the anger of the other teams supporters, he kicked the ball high in the air and the most glorious sound came. The referee blew his whistle for full time. We had won the cup!It was the first time the club had won in a decade and you could tell it meant so much to everyone. The whole bench was on the pitch as the team celebrated in a mass of hugs and shouting. I fell to my knees, I couldn’t believe it we had actually won and I had got the winner. I was hauled up by our captain and dragged over to the rest of the team,”Come on Jonny you god send” he chuckled “let’s go get our cup!”I laughed along with him and joined the rest of the guys, exchanging hugs and high fives. Several moments passed as we watched the opposition receive their runners up medals. As the last of their team left the podium it was our turn and the buzz in the stadium turned up a notch. Davey our captain, grabbed my arm and pulled me back,”You wait at the back with me buddy, we are lifting that cup together”I was stunned “holy shit man, you sure?””Course I am, now put a big smile on and take this moment in” he joked as we neared the podium. The last few members of our team received their medals and it was now my turn. I shook the hands of the leaders of the football league and bent forward as the medal was placed over my head. I waited for Davey to receive his medal and be presented the cup. He then turned to me, offering a handle which I gladly took. We stepped to the front of the podium and hoisted the cup up. A huge roar went out around the stadium as our fans, team and coaching staff all cheered with joy. We then began our parade around the pitch as each player got a chance to hold the cup and thank the fans. After about 10 minutes of wandering around the pitch we were back in the changing room and the party started. The champagne was brought out and it was burst open and sprayed over everyone. We all laughed, drank and danced around the changing room. It was pure bliss. As the party continued I hit the showers and got myself washed up. I think I was one of the first in the showers and was the last one out. I enjoyed the sensation of the hot water pounding of my back and giving me a light massage. It had been a very hard game and the power shower was doing wonders to my aching body. By the time I wondered out of the shower, feeling very refreshed, pretty much the whole team had left. “About time Goldie locks” Paul, our defensive midfielder, joked. “If I didn’t know you, I would have said you were up to no good in that shower!””And you do know me so you don’t have to worry about that! Unless is your mother back in town?” I teased him back.”Haha you wish Jonny, my mum is far too good a woman for you!” Fred said as he finished doing up the tie of his suit. “Well let me met her and let her decide for herself” I told him as I sat myself down.”Yeah, maybe one day hot shout” he laughed “anyway hurry up and get dressed, we have lots of drinks calling our name!” And with that Fred walked out of the changing room leaving me alone to my thoughts. I still couldn’t believe I had scored the winner, this was the best day in my life. I didn’t think it could have got any better.There was a knock at the door and Samantha, our PR, stuck her head in the door. “Oh sorry to bother you Mr Boyd” she said shyly averting her eyes away from me since I was just sitting there in a towel. I was very proud of my muscular body and six pack so it didn’t bother me if she looked or not.”No trouble at all Samantha, what can I do for a beautiful girl like you?” I said back.”I have with me a young boy and his mother. I know this is totally out of the normal but he won a competition to meet his favourite sports player and he choose you. I appreciate the current situation and that we normally have player visits at training but…””Hold it right there!” I interrupted her. I could see by her reaction that she thought I was going to shout at her. “You have with you, a boy who could have met anyone he wanted. And he choose me?””Erm…” She hesitated “well yes Mr Boyd, that is correct”Oh wow, I have never had an individual fan before, I’ve only been here a short time and was still making a name for myself. Only twenty three years of age and I have a fan, I chucked to myself. “Give me two seconds to put some clothes on then send them in!” I called out, as I threw on ortaköy escort a training t shirt and shorts for quickness. “Ok Sam, send them in and please call me Jonny!”A few moments later Sam walked back into the changing room, followed by a drop dead gorgeous blonde and behind her was a very nervous looking six year old. As they approached I couldn’t help but look at the blonde the first thing that struck me was her beauty, small slim figure. Nice big round breasts must be about 34 DDs. She didn’t have a lot of make up on and she didn’t need too, her face was young and full of life. As she got closer the second thing struck me, I know her!”Well Jonny this is Greg and his mum Mrs Davis” Sam explained to me as she presented the pair.”Eh sorry it’s Miss Davis” the blonde shyly highlighted.”Oh my god. I’m so sorry, there must have been a typo error on our paperwork.” Sam apologised profusely.”It’s ok, the dad has been away on a trip for a long time now” the blonde spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice.”It’s very nice to meet you Miss Davis” I said, extending out my hand for her to shake which she gladly took. The surname Davis was starting to roll through my mind, there was an Ashley Davis in my year from school, could it be her?”Hi… Hi Jonny” as young voice spoke from behind his mother. I dragged my attention away from her and kneeled down.”Well hello there little man” I spoke softly “how can I high five my number one fan if he’s hiding behind mommy?” The nervous boy, began to emerge from behind his mom. “There we go, don’t be shy. Come on give me a big high five” I said as I held out my palm for him.He immediately lunged forward and smacked my hand with his. It didn’t hurt of course but I pretended that it did. “Ooowwe ouch” i fained, as I held my hand in pretend pain. “Some strength you have there Greg” I laughed, shaking my hand to pretend getting rid of the pain.Greg gave out a little c***d’s laugh and burst out “you are the best football player ever” he shouted.”Oh you think so?” I light heartily questioned.”Mhmn” he nodded “you were so so so good in the game today. And when you scored I cheered louder than anyone!!” He was jumping up and down with excitement. “Haha” I couldn’t help smile at the young boy who went on to ramble about things that had happened in the game and all the games he came to see. All the while my gaze keep falling back on Miss Davis, it was hard to concentrate on what the little boy was saying as I stared up at her busting chest. I could see she blushed every time she caught me checking her out. I need to get her alone I thought to myself.After about 5 Minutes of talking with little Greg, I stood up and turned to Samantha. “Hey Sam, I think our number one fan should get a little tour of our national stadium, all the behind the scenes places as well. Then stop by the shop and anything Greg wants, I will pay for.” Greg’s eyes lit up and he started jumping and clapping his hands with excitement. “Of course Jonny, the stadium should be empty by now.” Samantha smiled “come on Greg” she said as she held out her hand for him. “Come on mom, hurry up!” Greg shouted as he grabbed Samantha’s hand.”I’ll make a deal with you Greg” I said as I took a knee “you leave mom with me for boring adult talk and when you come back I’ll sign all the things you got from the shop? How does that sound?”Without even considering the deal, his shyness ancient history, “Bye Mom!!” He said as he pretty much dragged Samantha out of the room.”Haha bye then” the blonde laughed “be safe!!” She shouted just as the changing room door closed.”That is one special boy you have there, Ashley” I said moving a little closer to her.She turned with a shocked look on her face “You remember my name?””How could I forget?” I lied a little there, the first name only came back to me when I heard the second name. How could I forget though, she was one of the hottest girls at school. Every guy wanted to get with her, I included but only a few succeeded though.She shied away and as she did she squeezed her boobs together with her arms. Either intentional or accidental it was working for me. “What happened?” I asked sincerely as I took a seat and gestured for her to join me.”Well…” She took a deep sigh. “Remember Josh Davids, from school?” By the look on her face I could tell it hurt to say the name.”Eh yeah” I tried to rack back my brain. “You guys went out for a bit when we were sixteen but then you left!” Just as I finished saying it, it hit me, “Greg?” I asked.”Yeah” she looked down ashamed. “We only went out a few months and he pressured me to have sex with him.” She took a deep breath “I finally gave in to him. It was my first time and it was really bad. We didn’t use protection either.” She paused, I waited for her to continue. “After we had sex he barely talked to me, he used me. A few weeks later I missed my period.” She was getting a little angry but still sadness on her face. “I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I went to speak to Josh and tell him what was going on!” Her anger built a little “and do you know what that bastard said to me? He laughed and said ‘good luck with that'” “Oh wow Ashley, I am so sorry” I consoled her “how did you manage?” “Thankfully I eyüp escort had my parents” she said, her anger now vented a little “They said it was very bad timing as we were just moving house but ultimately they were going to stick by me and help me out.””How are you getting on now?” I asked sincerely as I took her hand in mine.”My life isn’t where I expected it be but I have no regrets. I especially don’t regret having my Greg, maybe would have been nice to have him in different circumstances but I love him with all my heart” she said I could tell she wasn’t spiteful and genuinely did have no regrets.”I must admit Ashley you have turned to be an incredible woman and your beauty is jaw dropping” I said as I smoothed her hand in mine.”Ha please, you’ve done alright for yourself” she gestured around the room. “I just got lucky” I lied, I had worked my socks off to get her but no need to throw that in her face. “You know I did always have a crush on you in high school” she confessed as she looked away. “You had one for me? I had a massive one for you!!” I explained.”Really?” She turned back to me shocked “but you never seemed interested in me?””I could say the same” I joked “You always had your girls around you or a tail of guys following you! Plus I never thought I had a chance.””Please” she said “you were one on of the hottest guys at school.” She was massaging my hand now and edged herself a little closer to me.”Well maybe we should act on our crushes” I said as I took a risk and out a hand on her leg.”What here? What if Greg comes back??” she questioned, not moving and not removing my hand.”Don’t worry” I said, sliding my hand up further. “The tour takes at least 20 minutes without the back scene stuff. The store is on the other side of the stadium.” I continued to slide my hand up further, “Then freedom of the store and then the walk back! We have at least an hour” I said as I leaned in and kissed Ashley on the mouth. It was a slow deep kiss and only lasted a few seconds before I broke off.”Uuhhh mmmm” she moaned, she bit her lip in thought. “Yeah fuck it, plenty of time, take me Jonny!!” And with that we were locked in a long deep passionate kiss. I pulled her closer to me by the arch in her back. She leaned more into the kiss and parted her lips and pushed her tongue out. I welcomed her tongue into my mouth and began to slide across it with mine. Our hands began to explore each other. With my one hand I slide it down her back to cup her ass, with my other hand I moved it up her stomach and caressed her right boob. She moaned lightly in my mouth as I gently squeezed her boob. I broke off the kiss and started kissing down her neck. She moaned and leaned her head back in pleasure “oh Jonny this feels so good. It’s been so long!” As she held my head into herself and ran her other hand up down my abs. I kissed and gently nibbled at her neck and her moans grew louder. The bulge in my pants was very clear now but I wasn’t ready to unleash him yet. I slide off the bench and kneeled down in front of her. She immediately unfastened her jeans and lifted her hips, as I tugged her jeans off down her legs. Once the jeans were round her ankles I quickly whipped off her shoes and pulled the jeans off. Once free she spread her legs for me and I moved in closer. She had pink satin panties on, that sat so perfectly on her hips. I edged in closer and pulled them to one side. Softly kissing around her entrance she leaned back in pleasure. Slowly I kissed my way to the top of her slit and kissed a little harder on her clit. “Oh fuck yes Jonny, that feels amazing” she groaned as I kissed deeper into her clit. Kissing up and down her pussy, slowly trailing up and down with my tongue as I went. “Mmmm hold on” she said as she stood up in front of me. She very quickly pulled off the jumper and top she was wearing and slung off her pink bra too. Just before sitting back down she slide off her panties and kicked them to the side. Sitting back down in front of me she slouched forward and looked me in the eyes “ok Mr Superstar take me!”Needing no second invitation I went right back to work on her pussy with my tongue. Lashing it all around, pressing it against her sensitive clit and giving it a flick as well. Her aroma was sensational, intoxicating too. I couldn’t get enough of it and pressed my face in further, trying to soak up all her alluring scent. I brought a finger up and slowly pressed it inside of her, this was received with a loud moan and a slight bucking of her hips. I pushed my finger in as far as I could before I began to gently pump it in and out. Her tangy sweet juices where in full flow now and already beginning to drip down my finger. “Uuuhhh Jonny” Ashley moaned as I pressed my finger in as deep as I could. Once all the way in I would curl my finger and twist it around. Ashley’s hips were moving around all over. “You have no idea how long it has been to be pleasures by someone else.” With this she grabbed my head with her hands and forced my face into her crotch. With no more room, I pulled my finger out and concentrated solely on her clit. Flicking, kissing, pressing, lightly biting, all the things I could to give her pleasure, and it was working. “Oh my god yes, yes right there, maslak escort keep going baby, keep …….” Her breathing quickened and she held tighter onto my head “Almost … I’m ….. Cummingggg…. UUUUHHHHHHHH” Ashley screamed as a massive orgasm overtook her and she began to buck her hips, while still holding my head into her. After a few more jerks with her hips, Ashley relaxed and realised my head. “Fuck Jonny” she panted “thank you, thank you””It was no trouble” I laughed, “Your pussy juices are so sweet” as I sucked the last of her off my finger.Ashley relaxed back onto the bench and I saw my opportunity. I whipped off my shorts and positioned myself up next to her. I lifted up her leg and pulled her hips towards me. She sat up in shock but shock quickly turned to a very large grin as she saw what I was doing. I rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit before slowly inserting it. As I pushed my cock inside her it was a little sore as she was very tight. “Go slow please.” She moaned softly “it’s been a long time. As I eased myself in held my cock inside of her and let her pussy expand a little. Although it was a little sore it first the pain was quickly turning to great pleasure. She was laying back down, breathing slowly. I watched as her beautiful breasts heaved up and down. It was quite the sight and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I slowly began to fuck her. Gently pulling myself in and pushing back in. I would only pull out a few inches before sliding back in again, letting her adjust to my size. Ashley played with her perky nipples as I picked up the pace a little. Her pussy was becoming more wet and my cock was pleasantly stretching her out. “You have no idea how good this feels” Ashely moaned as she massaged her tits in her hands, squeezing her nipples between her finger.”Oh I have a good idea how it feels” I groaned as I pulled myself almost out of her before plunging back in. I repositioned myself so I could thrust into her better. With one knee on the bench and my other foot on the ground, I held her right leg to my body as I held her other leg out to side. I was comfortable like this so I fucked her harder. Ashley’s breasts now bouncing up and down as she still tried to massage them. The changing room was now filled with the loud screams of Ashley and grunts from myself. Her pussy was still tight but I had stretched it enough to be able to pump in and out of her. I was now bottoming out in her, my balls slapping off her ass and making a glorious sound. Ashely had turned into such a beautiful woman and I have wanted to fuck her for a long time. Even though I am at a very high point in my life being a professional footballer, this is a moment I had thought as a teenager would never come. Ashley had now let go of her tits, she couldn’t hold onto them and changed her hands to try and grip onto the bench and wall. I held her tight to me as I drilled into her, her whole body shook as she lost control. I pulled her left leg into me and she wrapped it round behind my back. Her pussy began to tighten again and her breathing became very laboured. Ashley’s impending orgasm was bringing on my own. My balls tightened as just as Ashley’s pussy contracted around me it sent me over the edge and I couldn’t hold it in. The room filled with the loud moans as both our orgasms hit at the same time. Ashely arched her back up as her pussy juices flooded my cock, as shot after shot of my cum fired deep into her. “Oommggg” she screamed as another smaller orgasm hit her being set off from mine. Her back arched up further and for a moment it seemed she stopped breathing. But just as quickly she fell back down onto the bench and I collapsed on top of her. Ashley’s legs now wrapped around my hips as my cock was still buried deep inside. Our lips met as we shared a kiss. Our lips softly smacking against each other before she invited me into our mouth. Our tongues dancing around each other mouths and my cock began to become limp inside of her. I held myself with my hands on the bench as Ashley’s rubbed up and down my back.Eventually we broke the kiss as we looked each other in the eye. My cock now soft and fell out of her. “Thank you Jonny” she moaned softly. “I have been needing that.””You just made a great day perfect” I said. I know it was a cheesy line but it was true. “I don’t want to move but we should get changed.” She said with a sad look on her face. Instinct took over and I asked “have dinner with me tomorrow night!”She was a little taken back but a smile grew across her face. “If I get someone to look after Greg…. Then I would love too.””Good” was all I said before kissing her again with more passion this time. I pulled myself off her and sat on the bench, my limp cock hung over the edge. It was covered in my cum and her juices. “Oh dear look at that beautiful cock” she said, reaching for a towel. “Here let me clean you up” as she wrapped the towel around my cock and used her hand to stroke my cock clean.”Wish she used something else to clean it” I thought to myself.”I know what you are thinking” she said with a sly grin “I’ll show you my mouth skills on our date tomorrow” she said as she cleaned the last of the mess from my cock.—–About five minutes later, Greg and Samantha came back into the changing room. Ashley and I were now appropriately dressed as Greg showed off all the merchandise he got from the shop. True to my word signed everything he wanted signed.After Greg was quite happy with himself, Samantha led Greg and Ashely away. Ashley and I shared a lingering look and I could not wait for our dinner date tomorrow.

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