Sissy Tammy

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Sissy TammyIt all started back in the 60’s, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a c***d I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games.My only real play friend was a pretty 11-year-old girl living next door to us, and her name was Jacqueline Taylor. We use to spend all of our free time together playing in the yard behind her house, getting into whatever we could find to keep our interest. It was an innocent time; both of us were immature and usually our play reflected that but my body was changing and unknown to me Jacqueline was developing other interests and it was these interests that led to my first experience with feminization.At this point I have to talk about Jacqueline’s beautiful mother Mrs. Taylor, or Mistress Amber as I later got to know her. She was a very outgoing, pretty woman in her mid 30’s that had lost her husband the year before in a tragic automobile accident. Mrs. Taylor had long auburn hair that cascaded over her shoulders in thick waves with green almond shaped eyes and full pouting lips. Though I was too immature to appreciate it at the time, she had a curvaceous, buxom figure of 38-24-36, which turned many men’s heads, but she had few real suitors because she was very picky and she was a woman on her own with a c***d to raise.On that fateful day I was out side playing with my playmate and we were having trouble trying to decide what we were going to do that afternoon. I suggested the usual things, trucks in the sandbox, hide and seek, and just poking around the backyard to see what we could find, but my little girl friend answered an emphatic ‘NO’ to all my suggestions.”Well, what do you want to do then?” I asked.”I want to go inside,” she replied. “Let’s go upstairs to my room, and play Barbie’s!”I’d never played with dolls before; not having any sisters or dolls of my own and I thought it was kind of a ‘Sissy’ thing to do, but things being the way they were between us, it really didn’t matter to me and besides I hand nothing else to do anyway.”Fine let’s play Barbie’s then,” I said and we went inside to see if it was OK with her mother.When Jacqueline made her request, Mrs. Taylor looked at me kind of funny. She knew how old I was and had always been a little mystified as to why I hung around with her sweet little daughter.”Do you want to go play Barbie’s with Jacqueline, Cammy?” She asked.”Sure Mrs. Taylor, why not?” I replied innocently.Again she gave me that funny look and shrugged her shoulders. “OK sweetie that’s fine, but if you two are going to be inside then I’ll have to come up and keep an eye on you.” Jacqueline and I both agreed that would be fine and taking me by the hand and we went upstairs to her room to play. What I didnt see was my playmate giving her mother a mischievous grin over her shoulder as we started up the stairs and her mother returning it with a knowing wink.Mrs. Taylor really didn’t stay to watch them; she appeared to be quite busy with other more important chores and she only popped in occasionally to check on them when they were quiet for too long. She found it a bit odd that a teenager like Cammy could be coaxed into playing dolls by her sweet little daughter, but she had noticed the boy had a few rather ‘feminine’ traits that seemed to come out when he was around her daughter, and they were totally inconsistent with a rough and tumble boy of thirteen. She’d had a few interesting thoughts about Cammy over the last little while, mostly musing about his orientation and his apparent feminine mannerisms and as she thought about it they flashed through her memory. In the end she gave herself a little mental shrug, then she left them to go fold some laundry.Cammy settled in with Jacqueline and she showed the boy all her pretty Barbie’s and how to play dolls, dressing them in all kinds of pretty clothes and playing with all the accessories. The boy didn’t get the concept at first but soon he understood all about playing house and the feminine role-playing that went along with it and he especially liked dressing the little plastic mannequins in their pretty party dresses. The two played happily till about 4:00 PM when it was time for Cammy to go home.As Jacqueline and Mrs. Taylor waked the boy to the door the older woman asked, “So did you like playing with Jacqueline’s pretty dollies Cammy?” Mrs. Taylor had asked the question a bit sarcastically expecting the boy to blush in embarrassment at participating is such ‘sissy-like’ activity, but his enthusiastic answer surprised her.”Actually Mrs. Taylor it was lots of fun!” the boy answered excitedly. “I wish I had dolls of my own at home! Can we play with them again tomorrow?”She could see the excitement in the boy’s eyes and thought it very curious. She didn’t have the heart to say no to his request and besides, she had the feeling that something interesting was developing here and wanted to see how it played out.”We’ll see tomorrow sweetie,” she replied and Cammy ran for home and his waiting dinner.Over the next few days Mrs. Taylor allowed Cammy play dolls with Jacqueline three more times up in her room, carefully observing the boy’s actions and mannerisms, but on the last occasion things took an unexpected turn. He and Jacqueline were happily playing in the girl’s room when they heard the downstairs phone ring. Mrs. Taylor hurried by the room and down the stairs to catch the call, leaving the two of them alone upstairs. Jacqueline listened for a few moments to hear when her mother picked up and started talking.”Hello, oh yes it has been a while since we talked. How have you been?” The girl continued to listen intently. “Sure we can talk for a while,” she heard her mother say loud and clear as if on cue and she looked over at the boy playing next to her.”Mommy is going to be busy on the phone for a while and I’m sick of Barbie’s, let’s play something else!” She suggested.Cammy looked up at her when he heard the strange tone in her voice and he reluctantly put down his Barbie and asked, “What would you like to play now?”The sweet young girl made a momentary pretense of thinking hard then blurted out excitedly, “Let’s play dress up!””I’ve never played that before,” Cammy replied a look of confusion on his face. “How do you play?”Jacqueline smiled sweetly. “Awe, it’s easy!” she said. “All you have to do is dress up!””Well OK, if you say soÉ” he replied with a shrug.ÓBut I don’t have any good clothes here. What will I wear?”Jacqueline gave him an impish grin; Cammy clearly did not understand his playmate’s intention. “I’ll take care of that!” the girl said with a giggle. “Go over by the bed and start taking your clothes off.”Jacqueline got up and moved about the room gathering what she needed for they’re first game of dress-up. First she went to her dresser and opening one of the drawers she quickly withdrew a few items. She was careful to use her body to block Cammy’s view so that his outfit would be a complete surprise.The confused boy was a little unsure of what he should be doing, so he went over and stood beside the girl’s bed and started to slowly remove his clothes. Even though Cammy was thirteen he still had a trusting c***dish innocence and Jacqueline was his best friend, so why wouldn’t he take of his clothes, they were only playingÉrightÉ?Cammy was down to his underwear and socks as he watched his playmate move around the room; excitedly collecting items of clothing for him wear, Jacqueline had almost gathered everything she wanted together, time to play dress-up!Jacqueline glanced in his direction and yelled, “You’re cheating! You have to take ALL your clothes off, and close your eyes! There’s no peeking or you get a spanking! That’s the punishment in this game!”The boy turned away from his playmate and slipped his underwear and socks off and stood waiting for the next step of their game of dress-up, his eyes tightly closed as ordered. The girl dug around in her dresser giggling to herself and warning Cammy repeatedly not to peek. To make sure that he didn’t see himself until she was done she quickly tied a dark blue scarf over his eyes blind folding him, then she went to her closet to get a few more items. Finally she came back to the bed and dropped an armload of girl’s clothing on the bed.Jacqueline picked up the first lacy item by the waistband and choked back a laugh, then bent down beside the waiting boy. She pushed on the Cammy’s right leg and said, “Lift this up.” The boy steadied himself on her shoulder and did as he was told, foolishly trusting his little playmate.Cammy felt something-soft brush over his foot and the sensation of something gathered around his ankle as the girl pushed his leg down. “Now the other one stupid!” Again Cammy did as he was told, and again felt the same soft brush of material against his foot as it slipped over it. Now there was a gentle tugging between his two legs restricting his movement a little as he put his leg down.”Don’t spread your legs too far apart, you might rip them!” the girl yelled out.”Rip what?” he asked, looking around blindly.Cammy had the sensation of silky fabric sliding across his legs as Jacqueline pulled the item of clothing up his legs settling them around his hips and waist with a sharp ‘SNAP’ of elastic. He would have turned beet red in shame if he could’ve seen that Jacqueline had made him wear a pair of her laciest little girl pink panties! The feminine little undies dripped frills, with pretty white lace accents around the waist, leg openings and several more rows across the rear. As an added feminine touch the pink undies had a big pink satin bow right in the center of the rear was with a lovely pink rose bud in the center.After she got her unsuspecting playmate dressed in her little girl panties, she sat him down on the edge of the bed to make it easier for her to finish her strange game of dress-up. Of course Cammy knew he had underpants of some kind on, he could feel them snugly gripping his waist and thighs, but the material felt different, not at all like his normal underwear. The unsuspecting boy hadn’t known that Ôdress up meant him being completely feminized as a little girl!Secretly Cammy had contemplated trying to get into sweet little Jacquelines panties before, but not quite this way! The young boys hormones had started to stir lately and he found himself admiring his playmates tight little ass as they played together. Little did he know, that Jacqueline had already far surpassed that type of innocent petting and moved on to more serious sexual activitiesÉbut thats getting ahead of the story.Jacqueline giggled to herself again as she looked down at Cammy sitting on the bed in a pair of her laciest panties. She wished some of her girlfriends were here to see this! It was fun to be dressing a boy in panties. Something about it gave her a feeling of control over her older playmate and she knew when she finished fully dressing him he would turn purple with embarrassment. It was kind of cruel to take advantage of her friend this way, but she had a dominant streak in her that she now needed to satisfy. Next Jacqueline had him lift his arms as she slid a matching pink nylon camisole over his head, covering his flat hairless chest. The silky pink camisole had the same pretty lace trim and ribbon detailing as the pink panties she had put on him and it made quite a feminine little lingerie set. She thought Cammy looked quite cute dressed this way and she could see that with a little more work, the boy would make quite a convincing girl. He was a couple of years older than she was but Jacqueline was maturing faster, both mentally and physically, and was already an inch or two taller than he was. Cammy had always seemed smaller and weaker than she, and she had always considered him to be kind of a Sissy, so why not dress him this way?Jacqueline quickly set about the task of completing the boys sissy makeover, dressing him in some of her most feminine clothes, with pink lace ankle socks on his feet, and a pair of her white Mary-Jane shoes which fit the boy remarkably well. All the while, Cammy sat patiently and could feel the various items of clothing that Jacqueline was putting on him, but he was trying to be the good playmate and not peek. He did try once, tilting his head back and trying to see under the edge of the blindfold, but Jacqueline caught him and put her hands over Cammy’s eyes before he could see anything.”That’s not fair! I told you not to peek! Now keep your eyes closed!” she yelled and pulled the blindfold down to cover more of his eyes.Jacqueline hauled the boy to his feet and spinning him around she smacked him hard on his pantied rear.”OWWW!” he screamed out in shock and surprise trying to cover his lacy rear with his hands. “Why’d you do that?””I warned you not to peek or you’d get a spanking! You have to wait until we’re dressed. THEN you can see!”Jacqueline pulled the boy over toward her closet. “Stay right there, don’t move!” she commanded and Cammy waited blindly while his sweet little girl friend quickly took off her sundress and put on a beautiful white satin party dress from the closet. Jacqueline zipped herself up and tied the wide pink sash into a big bow at the small of her back.”Put your arms up again Cammy,” she ordered as she removed a pink satin party dress from another hanger and getting the boy to bend slightly forward she pulled it over his head guiding his arms out through the short puffy cap sleeves.Unable to see what was happening, Cammy’s other senses were in a heightened state. He was almost overwhelmed by the soft caress of the pink party dresses satiny skirts and lacy white crinolines as she slid the girly party dress on him and then she quickly zipped up the back. Then she tied a big bow in the small of the boy’s back using the white satin sash at the waist. The girl happily fussed over the short satin skirt, fluffing and smoothing it over the under lying white crinolines so that the party dress now had the proper frou-frou style it was meant to have.As Cammy stood with his eyes blindfolded he could hear the soft rustle of the dresses crinolines as Jacqueline made the finishing touches until she was satisfied her new girl friend was ready. Then she shut the closet door and taking him by the hand Jacqueline excitedly said, “OK Tammy, open your eyes!”She whipped off the blindfold, and at first the boy was a little confused by what he saw in the mirror. There in the reflection he could see were two beautifully dressed little girls standing side by side, and then it dawned on him HE was the other girl! Cammy blushed furiously as he looked for the first time at what he was wearing!Jacqueline looked like the picture perfect little princess wearing her pretty white satin party dress, matching white lace ankle socks and black paten shoes and the other girl was; HIM! His playmate had dressed him in a pink satin party dress with lacy pink ankle socks and white paten shoes! From a certain, blurred perspective Cammy imagined he no longer saw a boy in girls clothing in the mirror, but a cute p*****n girl with short blond hair, but still a girl!In a daze he slid his hands over the silky satin of the skirt and grabbing the hem he lifted it revealing rows of frothy crinoline and the pretty pink little girl panties he wore beneath. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach as he traced the pretty ruffs of white lace around the leg openings of the undies till they disappeared in the rear.”Do you like it Tammy?” Jacqueline asked as she watched her playmate closely trying to gauge his reaction.”I don’t think I should be wearing this,” was all he could say as turned this way and that in front of the mirror, hardly believing what he saw. If anybody from school heard about this he knew he’d be in for the pounding of his life! As he moved he could feel the gentle caress of the dresses crinoline as it brushed against the smooth nylon and ruffled lace of the panties and he had a sudden urge to see more. He gathered up the rear of his flounced skirt and bent over in the mirror exposing the frilled rear of the pink panties for view.”Nice girls don’t show off their panties Tammy,” Jacqueline giggled.”Why do you keep calling me Tammy?” The boy asked as he looked at the big pink satin bow perched in the center of his pantied rear. He was over the initial shock of seeing himself dressed in such an ultra-feminine outfit, but he was still very uneasy with it and wanted to change back to his regular clothes before anyone discovered their game. He was positive that Jacqueline’s mother would take a dim view of the boy next door wearing her daughters frilly undies and dresses.”That’s your new girl name,Ó she said, a menacing tone creeping into her normally friendly voice. ÒIf you’re going to play Barbie’s, and wear my dresses then from now on you have to be Tammy!”Cammy quickly smoothed down his flounced skirts, covering up his pink panties once more and looked curiously down at the white paten Mary Jane shoes and the short lace frilled socks on his feet; this wasnt right! The boy was gripped by a sudden wave of panic as it washed over him like cold water.”I’d better change before your mother comes back,” he said and he reached for the zipper at his back, trying to undo it as rushed for his clothes on the bed.Jacqueline quickly jumped in his way blocking him. “No you can’t change yet, you’re my new sissy sister now Tammy! MOMMY!”Cammy heard Jacqueline’s mother quickly saying her good-byes to the other person on the phone and the hurrying up the stairs. The boy franticly tried getting around his playmate, the pink party dress rustling loudly as he moved. Jacqueline just laughed at the smaller boy’s frantic attempts to get to his clothes before her mother arrived, blocking his every move. Just then Mrs. Taylor burst into the room.”Well, well and what do we have here?” She said in mock surprise. She wasnt sure what she would find when she got to the room, but she had a sneaking suspicion based on the look her daughter had given her as they had climbed the stairs to her room.Cammy turned to face Mrs. Taylor looking shame faced and guilty both at the same time. “Tammy and I were playing dress up, but now she won’t play anymore ’cause she say’s she’s afraid!” Jacqueline said this last statement at the boy with a sneer on her face, and Cammy hung his face in shame as she turned to address him.”Tammy, is that your name?” The boy stood silently with his head down, his face bright red staring at his shoes.”I SAID is that youre NAME? Answer me GIRL!” she commanded.Jacqueline reached over and pushed the boy trying to prod him to answer. Cammy kept his head down and mumbled “Yes Mrs. Taylor.” A smile crept over the woman’s face as she heard the sheepish boy’s response.”Now what seems to be the problem girls?” She asked curtly.”We were playing dress-up and I put Tammy in my best pair of pink panties and my favorite party dress, but now she says she wants to change!” Jacqueline blurted out.”Is this correct Tammy?” Mrs. Taylor asked the boy mildly. She was trying not to scare him too much by forcing her voice to be as calm as possible.Cammy finally looked up at her, tears starting to well in his eyes. “I shouldn’t be wearing this stuff Mrs. Taylor, what if someone saw me and besides I didn’t want you to think I was a creep or something?” The boy dropped his face in shame again.Amber was actually very touched that he was so concerned about her opinion of him. She lifted the boy’s chin and smiled sweetly to reassure him. “Oh sweetie, I don’t mind if you play dress-up with Jacqueline? No harm done.”The boy brightened considerably when he heard her say that. “REALLY? You don’t mind?” he asked unsure if she was being sincere.”Why should I? Jacqueline doesn’t seem to mind sharing her pretty things with you, unless of course you mind?”The boy looked at himself in the mirror, remembering the look of the frilly pink panties he wore when he looked under the skirt, and he was very keenly aware of how the panties felt against his teenage penis as he moved. After a few moments reflection he said, “I don’t mind Mrs. Taylor, if you dont,” but he avoided direct eye contact with her.Amber reached out and turned the boy’s face toward her. “Do you mind Tammy?” she asked again in a commanding tone. Cammy looked into her eyes and felt an overwhelming urge to obey this woman. It was more than respect for an adult; there was an air about Mrs. Taylor that demanded obedience.”I don’t mind wearing Jacqueline’s pretty things Mrs. Taylor, honest!” he responded clearly while looking her straight in the eye.”Good girl. Now lets have a look at what you’ve got on.”Cammy stood before Mrs. Taylor as she reached out and flounced the skirts of the pink dress so that they were there fullest. “Turn around for me sweetie,” she asked and Cammy started to turn slowly for her.Her daughter had done a good job of feminizing the boy, right down to the white paten shoes and frilly socks he now wore, but she was curious to see how far the boy had let her daughter go. She lifted the front of the dresses frou-frou skirts and peered beneath. Framed by layers of lacy white crinoline, Mrs. Taylor could see that the teenager was wearing a pair of her daughter’s frilliest pink panties. She knew that pair! Those particular undies were one of the prettiest she had ever bought for her daughter. They were ultra feminine, dripping with lace and ribbon.”How sweet Tammy, what pretty pink panties you have on!” she gushed.The boy blushed furiously at having Jacqueline’s beautiful mother see him wearing such frilly little girl undies. Seeing that her comments were making the boy uncomfortable she decided she’d had enough fun at the boy’s expense, at least for the moment. She let the skirts of the dress settle back into place and abruptly turned to leave.”You girls go back to your game I’ve got things to do.” And she left the room.The two sat back down on the floor and started playing Barbie’s again, but now things seemed different. Cammy’s demeanor changed with that of his pretty feminine clothes becoming less boisterous and more submissive to Jacqueline. As they played it became apparent that the younger girl had definitely taken charge of the situation and anyone looking in on them would have sworn it was two beautifully dressed little girls happily playing dolls.Mrs. Taylor went back to the laundry room and continued sorting and neatly folding both hers and her daughter’s things including a lacy pile of lingerie. Her mind kept coming back to the femininely dressed boy sitting on the floor in her daughter’s room and she thought about everything she had ever noticed about the boy’s behavior.She had always thought that Cammy’s soft feminine features reminded her more of a little girl than of a boy and lately he had exhibited some very girlish traits. Over the last while she had been watching the two closely as they played, concerned that as he got older his rough and tumble ways would be too abrasive for her delicate little girl. After seeing the boy completely feminized it was obvious to her that her daughter was in complete control of their relationship, how else could you explain his miraculous transformation to that of panty-clad sissy boy.Mrs. Taylor peeked in at the two playmates on and off the remainder of the afternoon smiling at the change in the neighbor’s boy since donning her daughter’s panties and pretty pink dress. However, was starting to get late and she knew that Cammy would have to leave soon, so she decided it was time for him to revert back into a boy and go home for supper.Her daughter as visibly upset at having to loose her new girl friend, but she calmed down a bit when her mother assured her that ‘Tammy’ could come back and play again tomorrow. She supervised the two of them as Cammy changed back into his boyish clothes and her daughter dressed into something more appropriate for supper.Mrs. Taylor instructed the boy in how to properly remove his dress, and got him to put it and his shoes away in her daughters closet and where the laundry hamper was located for his discarded lingerie. She watched the boy intently as he wandered around in her daughter’s frilly undies thinking he looked quite cute as a girl and he was behaving like a perfect young lady. When the boy finally removed her daughter’s frilly pink panties to put them in the hamper all she could say was, “OH MY!”Even though the boy was only 13 years old his developing teenage penis hung down a good 5 or 6 inches even when flaccid and it was quite thick. She had seen other boy’s of his age nude before and their penises were usually quite small and immature at that age, not at all like his. She was sure that by the time the boy passed fully through puberty he would be very well hung indeed! Amber grew a bit flustered as she imagined just how big the boy’s penis could possibly grow to be and busied herself helping the c***dren dress to drive away her lewd thoughts. Once they were fully dressed, she and Jacqueline escorted the Cammy to the door and said their good-byes.”Thank you for letting me play Barbie’s with Jacqueline, Mrs. Taylor.”She smiled at his polite comment noting that he didn’t mention their game of dress-up. Since donning her daughter’s clothes today she had noticed a definite change in the sometimes-unruly boy. Feminization seemed to agree with him and she had to admit, she found it somewhat stimulating to be manipulating the teenagers orientation.”You’re so very welcome sweetie!” she replied. “Why don’t you come over early tomorrow and spend all day Saturday with us, wouldn’t that be fun Jacqueline?””Oh yes, Mommy! And can we play dress up again?” the little girl gushed.”That’s up to your little playmate honey. What do you think esenler escort Cammy? Would you like to play dress up again?”She wanted to see if the boy had any inhibitions about wearing girl’s clothes again. If he hesitated she wouldn’t allow it to go on, he might become upset and tell other’s what had happened. Better not to start a controversy over the boy dressing up in her daughter’s undies and things.”Can I? Thank you Mrs. Taylor!” the boy said happily. “Bye Jacqueline, see you tomorrow.” And he ran for dinner.The next time morning Cammy was up bright and early knocking on the Taylor’s front door. Fortunately, Jacqueline and her mother were early risers so they had been up for a little while before he arrived. Mrs. Taylor casually opened the door still wearing her nightgown and a short sheer pink dressing gown over top. Cammys mouth fell open in surprise as he stared at her sexy outfit and he could clearly make out the short pink baby doll nightie and matching panties she wore beneath.”Good morning Cammy, you’re here early.” She said with a grin, obviously the boy was raring to go. Good, she wanted him to be enthusiastic it would make things simpler.”I’m sorry Mrs. Taylor, should I leave and come back later?”Cammy didn’t want to seem pushy and bother Jacqueline’s mother, otherwise she might not let him come over and dress up today, and Cammy was REALLY looking forward to it. Secretly he had really liked the pink undies and dress that Jacqueline had put on him yesterday and later when he had put it away, he had seen that her entire closet was filled all kinds of pretty, feminine dresses and other equally interesting things.”Oh no, I was expecting you early Tammy, come in. Jacqueline is just eating breakfast in the kitchen, but I want to talk with you first for a minute.” She opened the door and led the boy over to the couch and sat down.”Sit down here next to me sweetie.” Cammy felt a wave of anxiety come over him. He wasn’t sure if he had made Mrs. Taylor mad at him or something worse, as he sat next to her on the couch.”Cammy what did you think when Jacqueline asked you to dress up like a girl yesterday?” she asked.”I didn’t know she was going to do that Mrs. Taylor and she blindfolded me and told me not to peek,” he replied innocently.”Well, you’re a very obedient boy Cammy. A quality very hard to find these days I can assure you.” Amber thought that her daughter must really have the boy under her thumb for her to completely dress him without resisting her once.The boys disposition seemed right for her little plan, now for the critical question she thought. “Cammy when you took the blindfold off and saw you were wearing a dress and other girlish under thingsÉdid you hate it?”The boy blushed deeply at that question and stammered nervously as he answered. “No Mrs. Taylor, it kind of surprised me at firstÉ but you knowÉI kind of liked it.”She decided to press the point a little more, as she wanted the boy to freely admit his weakness, then they could proceed. “Why did you like it Cammy?”The boy had his head down looking at his feet as if the answer could be found there. “Because the dress was so pretty, prettier than anything I own. And when I looked underneath and saw the pretty undies I had on I feltÉfunny.””If wearing girl’s undies makes you feel funny you don’t have to dress today. Is that what you want?” She said lifting the boy’s chin to look in his eyes.”Oh no Mrs. Taylor, I want to play dress up. Honest!Ó he explained. ÒI just meant it felt Ôgood funny not Ôawful funny, thats all.” She could see how earnest Cammy was being and she smiled and gave the boy a hug.”OK sweetie, but I have a few rules that you have to follow from now on, OK.””Yes Mrs. Taylor,” the boy said, happy that she didn’t want to discuss the difficult subject anymore.Here we go, she thought.”Rule one, from now on you will address me as Mistress Amber and Jacqueline as Miss, is that understood.””Yes Mistress Amber.” He replied with out hesitation.Cammy didn’t know it but this was the first step in Mrs. Taylor’s plan to train the 13-year-old in the proper ways of femdom. She had started formulating her plan the day before, shortly after she had seen without his panties on for the first time. She knew that if she taught him early, by the time he matured, he would be properly trained to serve and pleasure her, her daughter and her friends for years to come. ÒHow splendidly wicked,Ó she thought.She continued. “Good girl, I see we understand each other. Second whenever you’re here Jacqueline and I will refer to you either as Tammy or Sissy and you will answer appropriately, understood?””Yes Mistress Amber,” the boy replied on queue.”Very good Tammy!” She wanted to be sure to complement the boy every chance she got, at least for the time being, so that he felt he was doing well.”The next rule is that whenever youre in my presence, you must wear a dress and the appropriate feminine under things, no more boyish clothes, understood.””Yes Mistress Amber,” the boy answered again. To Cammy it all seemed to be some kind of a game; little did he know this was no game!”The final rule and the most important one is that no matter what happens you can never, ever, tell anyone what goes on when you’re in my house. Do you under stand Tammy?” The boy felt the gravity of the situation and answered appropriately.”Yes Mistress Amber.””Very good Tammy, you’re such a bright little girl! Now let’s go into the kitchen and see if your new sister is done with her breakfast.” The unsuspecting boy followed his new Mistress into the kitchen where Jacqueline was just finishing up her breakfast at the table.”Hi Tammy,” the girl said with a big smile on her face.”Hi Jacqueline,” the boy replied without thinking.Jacqueline quickly corrected him. “You have to call me Miss now; remember Tammy? Mommy and I had a long talk last night and she told me that you’re going to be my new Sissy sister. What was that other thing you said MommyÉpanty something?””That was ‘Panty Slave’ sweetie,” her mother corrected. “But we won’t get into that now.” The girl giggled at the humiliating reference aimed at her former male playmate.Now, Cammy knew what a Sissy was, some of the boy’s at school had called him that when they were picking on him and he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of Jacqueline calling him that. He had never heard the term ‘Panty Slave’ before during his short and sheltered life and it made him feel a little uncomfortable. If he had known better he would have run right back out the door, but he was already hooked on wearing lingerie and the urge to dress up in Jacqueline’s pretty things again was too strong in him, so he didn’t say anything.Mrs. Taylor looked at the boy expectantly. “You’ve been spoken to Sissy how should you respond to Jacqueline?”A confused look spread across the boy’s face for a moment. “Yes Miss?” he replied hesitantly.”That’s correct Sissy. We have to maintain the proper decorum at all times, remember the rules.” She knew it would take a little work to properly adjust the boy’s attitude to his new subservient role and the only way to do that was to enforce the rules whenever possible.Mistress Amber walked over to Cammy and felt his hair with her fingers. “Did you have a bath this morning Tammy?””No Mistress,” the boy replied. “I did wash my face and brush my teeth though.””Filthy little urchin, that’s a start, but a proper young lady has a bath each morning and does her daily beauty regiment. You must project cleanliness as well as beauty and femininity.” She instructed. “Well girls I think it’s time we got cleaned up and ready for the day ahead. Upstairs and we’ll all have a bath.”Cammy was made to follow behind the women as they made their way to the second floor and into to Jacqueline’s room.”Strip off those boyish clothes NOW Tammy!” Mistress Amber ordered and Cammy scrambled to obey.As the boy removed each item of his clothing Mistress Amber gathered them up, placing them in a canvas laundry bag. Once she had everything she pulled the drawstring tight at the top and locked the bag with a small pad lock. Cammy was red-faced with shame at having to strip nakedin front of the women but when he saw his new Mistress lock up his clothes his shame was replaced with anxiety and a bit of fear over what was to come.”Just a precaution Sissy,Ó she said seeing the boys concern. ÒJust incase you chicken out on us and try leaving before Im done with you.” She left the room to run the bath and hide the boy’s clothes for the day.Jacqueline giggled and pointed at the boy when her mother had left the room. “You should see the look on your face Panty Slave!” She said mockingly.Cammy was hurt by Jacqueline’s use of that humiliating term and he hung his head again, his face burning in shame. When Jacqueline saw his reaction to her calling him a ‘Panty Slave’ she laughed out loud. She was happy to know she could use that humiliating term on Cammy to put him in his place. Her mother was grooming her to dominate her former playmate and properly humiliating him would be part of her new authoritarian role over the would-be sissy.Jacqueline stripped off the top of her yellow baby doll nightie and tossed it on the bed, quickly followed by her panties as she also prepared for their bath. This was the first time Cammy had seen his girl friend with all her clothes off and he swallowed hard as she shamelessly stood nude before him.She was a couple of years younger than he was, but Jacqueline’s p*****n body was starting to show early signs of maturing. The small pointy mounds of her breasts were almost totally nipple and stood out proudly both from excitement and the cool temperature of the room. Her young body was slim and nubile not yet showing the womanly curves of maturity, but her p*****n rear was well rounded and firm. Cammy’s eyes roamed over her body coming to rest on the deep cleft between her coltish legs. Jacqueline’s smooth puffy mound was completely hairless because puberty had not yet touched her.Cammy felt a weird tingling between his legs as he stole glances at his playmates sweet young body and he quickly averted his eyes when she caught him staring. Of course, Jacqueline had noticed the boy gawking at her and was equally curious about him.”What’s wrong Tammy, never seen a girl before?” She came over beside the boy who had his head down staring at his feet and his hands covering his crotch modestly.”I spoke to you Sissy, my Mother’s rules say you must obey and answer!”Cammy’s head remained down, “No Miss I haven’t seen a girl before,” he mumbled.Jacqueline wanted to see what her new sissy sister was hiding and reached over and pulled away his hands, Cammy’s half-erect penis popped into view and the girl’s eyes widened in delighted surprise. The naked girl licked her lips sensuously in anticipation and slowly reached for the boys growing penis, curious to feel it pulsing in her hand. Just then her mother re-entered the room and the girl jumped back in surprise and Cammy quickly covered up again as she looked at the two of them suspiciously.”OK you two, no playing around just yet, into the bath.”His new Mistress led the way down the hall, followed by Miss Jacqueline and him again bringing up the rear. He couldn’t help but stare at Jacqueline’s sweet rear as she walked in front of him and was watching her so intently that he almost ran into her when they stopped in front of the bathroom door. “In you go ladies,” Mistress Amber said motioning them to enter. Cammy could see the steam rising from the large standing tub and it was overflowing with fragrant bubbles.Jacqueline climbed in and settled down into the tub and after a moments hesitation Cammy followed her, any chance to hide his current embarrassing condition. Mrs. Taylor came over to the edge of the tub and taking off her dressing gown she picked up a large bath sponge and started scrubbing the c***dren. Cammy had never been scrubbed that thoroughly in his life, and his Mistress seemed to pay special attention to his genital area. He couldn’t help but stare at her large 38-DD breasts as they jiggled invitingly just inches from his face. Add to this the sheer baby doll she wore had gotten wet, and as she had washed them, it molded itself to her large firm breasts leaving nothing to the imagination.Suddenly he jumped in surprise as he felt his new Mistress grab hold of his penis and balls with her hand as she gave them a through examination under the water. Cammy squirmed around uncomfortably in the tub as her hands roamed over his teenage penis and then between the cheeks of his rear, her red painted nails brushing against his tight sissy hole.”I’m glad that you’re fairly hairless down their Sissy, but I think we need to be sure, don’t you agree Jacqueline?”Yes Mother,” the girl replied and she giggled.”Stand up Tammy, you to Jacqueline and we’ll deal with any remaining unsightly hair!”Mistress Amber pulled the plug on the drain and as the two stood dripping in the tub, she retrieved a large plastic squeeze bottle and a pair of latex gloves from the medicine cabinet. Cammy watched nervously as his Mistress put on the gloves with a loud ‘SNAP’ and squeezed a large dollop of smelly white cream into the palm of her hand.”I think we’ll start with you Sissy, since you’ve never had this treatment, you’re bound to need it more.”His Mistress reached for his penis and started to spread the smelly cream all around his genital area. Repeatedly she filled the palm of her hand, generously spreading the cream over his entire body all the way up to his neck. In the end every inch of skin was slathered in the smelly goo and Cammy was forced to stand with his legs apart and arms up while his Mistress performed the same procedure on her daughter. Once she was done Amber pulled the latex gloves off her hands, tossing them into the trash.”You two must stand there for the next half-hour while the cream works its magic,” she said. “Then I will rinse you off. Tammy you’ve never experienced this before so don’t be alarmed. You will feel a slight discomfort, but it won’t kill you, Jacqueline can testify to that.””That’s right Sissy, it won’t kill you,” said Jacqueline, and she gave Cammy an impish smile.Mistress Amber left the room to prepare for the next phase of her Sissy’s feminization, leaving the two standing awkwardly in the tub. Jacqueline stood watching Cammy, a slight smirk on her face waiting for the show to begin. Cammy had no experience with depilatories so he had no idea what to expect. All he knew is that Jacqueline was staring at him with that a snotty, know-it-all smirk that she always gave him when she thought she knew something he didn’t and it was making him mad!”Quit staring at me Jacquie!” the boy hissed.”You can’t call me that anymore Panty Slave!” the girl snapped back at him. “My Mother told you the rules Sissy! You are to address me as ‘Miss’ from now on! Otherwise you’ll be punished!””If you don’t quite calling me Panty Slave, I’m going right home!” the boy threatened.”We’ll see Tammy, we’ll seeÉ” the girl whispered, her eyes narrowing to slits.Cammy didn’t like the way his playmate was acting and he especially didn’t like being called a Panty Slave. That term made him very uncomfortable, but at that moment something else was also starting to irritate him as well. About twenty minutes had passed since Mistress Amber had covered him in the thick smelly cream and an uncomfortable burning itch was starting to develop around his penis, and it was starting to spread all over his body. Cammy started to fidget, touching himself in a couple of places where the burning seemed to be more intense.”Mistress Mommy told you not to move Sissy, I wouldn’t disobey herÉ” the girl warned.”But it’s hurting!” Cammy whined.Just then his Mistress re-entered the bathroom to clean her two girls off and get them ready to dress. Amber had intentionally done her new sissy boy first knowing that he would be covered in the depilatory a good ten, or more minutes longer than her daughter would. All the more time to burn every last sprouting male hair from his body, nothing better than a silky smooth sissy!Amber could see that the boy was suffering some discomfort. She had anticipated it. “Well I think it’s time I got my two girls rinsed off? What do you think Sissy?””Oh yes, pleeease Mistress!” the boy begged.Amber handed the boy a washcloth and turned on the water through the rinse hose. “I want you to rub your skin briskly with that cloth Tammy while I rinse you off.”Amber stared at the top and worked her way down over his slight body. The boy had very little hair before, but as he rubbed his skin what there was wiped away leaving him as smooth as a new born baby. Cammy didn’t really notice the hair loss on his arms and legs as it wasn’t very substantial and he was blond anyway, but where he did notice it was where his burgeoning pubic patch had been.Cammy had been proud of the little patch of fuzz that had started growing down there as the symbol of his passage into manhood. He had been rubbing his crotch frantically as his Mistress rinsed him, trying to stop the prickly burning of the cream. Now that she had finished with him and the burning had stopped, he took stock of what the cream had done to him. His skin was a little pink, not really sore, but as he ran his hand over the surface of his arms he could feel they were perfectly smooth, not a hair left over. It was then that it hit him!Cammy looked down at his pubic area, tears welling up in his eyes. His little patch of pubic hair was gone and in its place was nothing but smooth pink hairless skin! In one fell swoop his Mistresss smelly cream had reduced him to the status of hairless c***d again.”What’s wrong Tammy?” Amber asked innocently knowing full well what was troubling the boy.Cammy stood there in a daze rubbing his hands over his now nude pubic area and genitals. He looked up at his Mistress and said, “All my man hair is goneÉ””Why of course it is Tammy,” she said. “For one thing you are no longer a MAN and as far as I could tell you never really were! I mean honestly, what MAN would allow his playmate to dress him up in panties and a pink satin party dress? WellÉ” Cammy stood silently in the tub his head down in shame recognizing the truth of what his Mistress had said.”You’re nothing but a panty waist. From now on you are Jacqueline’s and mine Sissy Panty Slave! This is one of the new rules you must obey Tammy: Sissy’s keep their bodies free of any offending pubic hair at all times, at the pleasure of their Mistress! That is because they are immature little girls and they will be treated as such! “Cammy kept his head down and answered, “Yes Mistress Amber.””Very good Tammy,” she said. “If you maintain your current level of obedience we’ll be able to whip you into a first class sissy in no time, but remember if you don’t obey there will be punishment!”Amber let that threat hang in the air as she finished rinsing off Jacqueline, then she wrapped them each in large fluffy towel and led them back down the hall to Jacqueline’s room. Once there Jacqueline sat down at her vanity and started brushing out her long brown hair while her mother went to the dresser and collected several items she had set out in advance.Cammy stood in the middle of the room feeling awkward and unsure what to do. “Come here Tammy,” Jacqueline said. The boy walked over to her and she took her brush and combed back his damp blond hair. She had just finished when as her mother dropped a lacy pile of items on the bed and motioned for the two of them to join her.”Today Tammy my daughter and I are going to introduce you to all things feminine,” she said picking up an item from the lacy pile and holding it up for him to see. It was a white lace garterbelt embroidered with pretty baby-blue flowers on the front panel and trimmed with baby blue ribbon. Amber smiled as she saw the sick look on the boy’s face as she stepped behind him, wrapping the feminine undergarment around his waist and fastening the hook and eye closures at the back.This pretty little garterbelt was not the usual play item that women sometimes bought to wear for their men, but a practical piece of lingerie that could be worn comfortably all day. Amber had altered it for her daughter when she had bought it, adding extra lace and ribbon accents to make it especially feminine for her. She thought it the perfect item to start her new sissy out with on his road to femdom, after all nothing in the world made a girl feel more feminine than wearing a garterbelt and silky stockings.Cammy looked down dejectedly at the frilly garters dangling around his thighs and the large baby blue bows attached to the end of each one. His little game of dress-up with Jacqueline yesterday had been a fun innocent thing, but now that her mother had become his Mistress it now seemed more of an exercise in control and humiliation.Sure, he thought the lacy garterbelt was pretty and after his first experience in cross-dressing he now felt an overwhelming urge to wear Jacqueline’s pretty lingerie and party dresses. However, he knew in his heart by allowing them to dress him and treat him in this degrading way, it was taking him down the road to feminine domination that he probably never would have, had he not willing submitted to them.While all this was running through his mind his Mistress picked up a pair of sheer white nylons from the pile and handed one to the boy. “Now Tammy quit day-dreaming and pay attention,Ó she scolded. ÒI want you to gently roll the nylon this way,Ó she demonstrated. ÒAnd be ever so careful not to snag them as you go.”Cammy mimicked her actions perfectly until he had the first silky nylon rolled up in his hands, then she instructed him on how to properly point his toes and work the nylon up his leg keeping it taught until fastened to the frilly garters. He struggled a bit with the garter tabs, not being use to the way the small rubber nubs fitted into the channel of the clip, but once he got the first one fastened the others were a snap. Once the Sissy-boy had his nylons on to her satisfaction, Amber picked up the next item of lingerie from the pile.”Hold your arms up Sissy,” she ordered holding up a lacy white training bra for him to wear.Cammy looked at the soft padded insides of the A-cups as his Mistress slipped the straps of the lacy little undergarment up his arms. The padding was designed to protect a young girl’s budding breasts from the rough lace of the cups and to provide just a little additional bust size. On Cammy the bra cups were almost flat against his chest, but his Mistress corrected this by putting jelly-like inserts with nipples into the small cups. Now the cups were filled out to capacity and the small nubs of the artificial nipples could be seen poking out the lace in front.”Now you’re starting to look like a proper young lady,” Mistress Amber told him with a smile.”No fair mommy, he has bigger boobies than me now!” said Jacqueline stomping her foot down in displeasure.”Don’t worry sweetie before too long your boobies will be much bigger than Tammy’s,” said his Mistress trying to calm her daughter.Cammy looked down at the white lace cups of his bra and the small points of his artificial nipples. Amber had also altered the bra and accented it with the same pretty lace and baby blue ribbon to match that of the garterbelt and in the center between the cups was another large baby blue bow to match the ones on the end of his garters.While he was looking down at his newly expanded chest Mistress Amber picked up the final piece in his first full sissy lingerie set, a pair of beautiful white lace rumba panties. Amber had put together this ultra feminine lingerie set for her daughter’s first communion just last year and she had scoured local clothing stores trying to find the prettiest, laciest undies for her little girl to wear under her communion dress.The panties were a full cut style of brief made of the softest white nylon she had ever seen, appearing almost sheer as she held the undies up to the light. A 2-inch ruffle of pretty flowered lace rimmed the waist and each of the leg openings and it had pretty baby blue piping made of satin ribbon woven through it. Across the rear were 7 rows of the same pretty white lace making the rear a mass of feminine frills; like a lacy white cloud. As a final touch in the center of the rear just below the waistband, Amber had added a large baby blue satin bow with a pretty baby blue rosette at its heart.Cammy’s mouth went dry as he stared at the lacy panties his Mistress held up in front of him. He had never seen anything so totally girlish in his life except for some baby panties he had seen at his Aunt’s one time and they weren’t nearly as feminine as these! He couldn’t believe Mistress Amber was going to make him put those on!A sense of dread came over him, and Cammy knew that once he put those lacy little girl panties on, he really would be nothing more than Sissy plaything for Mrs. Taylor and Jacqueline. The more he thought about the prospect of having to wear those undies, the more frightened he became and he started to slowly back away from his new Mistress towards the door.Amber had been admiring the beautiful detailing of the undies when she caught the boy’s movement out of the corner of her eye and quickly reached out, grabbing the boy by the arm and holding him in place.”Where do you think you’re going, my sweet little Sissy?” she asked.Cammy’s mouth worked silently as he tried to formulate an answer for his Mistress. Mistress Amber could see this was going to be her first real test of wills with the boy. Up to this point she had been surprised at how easy it had been to feminize the boy. He seemed to be quite subservient taking one humiliation after another without much complaint. Finally the boy was showing a little spark! That was the thing that made forced feminization so satisfying, resistance and the breaking of the boy’s unruly will!She held Cammy firmly and gave him bahçeşehir escort shake to show him she was still the dominant and could easily overpower him.”Cat got your tongue my little sissy pantywaist?” she said. “I am your Mistress and don’t you forget it! When I speak to you, you WILL answer. I haven’t disciplined you YET Sissy, but DON’T push it!”The boy started shaking, completely cowed by his Mistresss veiled threat. He couldn’t guess what awful punishment might be in store for him if he disobeyed his new Mistress, but the tone of her voice made it clear he didn’t want to find out!After his mouth worked soundlessly for a moment Cammy finally blurted out, ÒNothingÉnowhereÉI’m not going anywhere MistressÉhonest!” Mistress Amber held the frightened boy’s gaze with her own and slowly moved around behind the boy to ensure he didn’t escape.Mistress Amber leaned down behind him close to his ear. “Were did you think you were going to my little Sissy. Hmmm? Just look at the way you’re dressed. Did you think you’d be able to run home to your Mommy looking that way?”Cammy looked down at what he was wearing and then at his reflection in the mirror on the closet door. Where could he run, partially dressed in Jacquelines frilly girl’s lingerie? He didnt dare leave the house like this, even to run the short distance home. And what would his mother say if she saw him like this? He looked down at his hairless penis, framed by the snowy white lace and baby blue ribbon of the garterbelt and his shoulders sagged in resignation.His Mistress was right; he had let them go too far. They had exploited his weakness for pretty feminine things and then used Jacqueline’s pretty party dresses and lingerie to ensnare him in a virtual sissy prison; he was trapped! Now there was no-where for him to go. Mistress Amber could see the boy understood his predicament when his shoulders suddenly slumped in submission.”Jacqueline,” Mistress Amber called, “Come here for a moment and help me finish dressing our new Sissy Panty Slave,” Amber said holding out the lacy rumba panties for her to take.”Sure mommy, but arent you forgetting something?” she replied gleefully.ÒYoure right darling I almost forgot,Ó she continued. ÒYou better bring me that special piece of jewelry I got for Sissy.ÓJacqueline giggled and threw Cammy a wicked smile and then she went to her vanity and opened the drawer. Cammy couldnt see what she retrieved until she handed the item to her mother; it looked like a large silver ring. It was too small to be a bracelet, it wasnt an earring, Cammy didnt know what it was until the two women switched places with Jacqueline holding is arms and his Mistress knelt down in front of him.Taking the sissy boy by the pecker she slipped the ring over it and down to the bottom, then holding him by the sack, she forced his first ball through the tight ring and out the other side.ÒOWWW!Ó The sissy boy screamed out in pain.Cammy struggled to free himself from Jacquelines grip on his arms, but she held him firm. Taking little notice of his discomfort, Mistress Amber squeezed his other ball through the tight silver ring. This time Cammys legs almost buckled, but he took the pain without crying out and Jacqueline helped support him. When she was done, the ring squeezed the sissy-boys balls and cock into a tight little package that looked quite cute and very fem with no hair on them.ÒThere,Ó his Mistress said standing once more. She reached out and took Cammys chin in her hand holding his face so that he was looking straight at her.ÒDo you know what I just put on you Panty Slave?Ó She asked.ÒNo Mistress Amber,Ó the boy replied, a tear running down his cheek from the pain of having his young balls squeezed mercilessly into the ring.ÒThats a cock ring Sissy.Ó She explained. ÒThat means that you belong to me now and you have been branded.Ó Cammy didnt understand what that really meant, but he would come to know in the future.ÒThat cock ring is your token of submission to me and you will wear it at ALL times.Ó She commanded.ÒButÉbut how will I explainÉat school and at home?Ó He stammered out.Mistress Amber squeezed his face in her hand to emphasize her point. ÒI said you will wear it always as your token of submission to me, is that understood.The boy looked down and mumbled, ÒYes Mistress,Ó but Amber wasnt having any of that.She tilted his head up again and said, ÒWhat? I didnt hear you, did you hear him Jacqueline?ÓÒNo Mommy I didnt,Ó the girl answered with a sneer.Cammy looked his new Mistress in the eye and clearly said, ÒYes Mistress Amber.ÓÒGood, now lets continue. Jacqueline you may have the honor of pantying our protZgZ since you brought him to our attention.ÓJacqueline had been holding the boy happily watching her playmates growing humiliation, as her mother skillfully feminized and degraded the boy. On queue she switched places with her mother and knelt down before the mortified boy. Cammy looked down at the lacy panties before him as his former playmate used her fingers to spread the waistband of the undies open and held them before the newly minted Panty Slave to step into. He felt trapped between the two women with nowhere to go except deeper into his dominants feminization trap and his own degradation.Mistress Amber gently pushed on the back of his right leg from behind urging him to step forward into the panties and his total submission. With nowhere to go the sissy-boy reluctantly lifted his leg, and pointing his toe in a decidedly feminine way, he daintily slipped his foot past the waistband and through the lace-rimmed leg opening.”Good Sissy, put your panties on!” Jacqueline said and she started to giggle.With one leg in the panties Cammy had now committed himself to total feminization, so without further hesitation he put his other foot into the opposite leg opening and the girl and her mother both quickly pulled the lacy undies up his legs. Once again, Cammy felt that weird, sensual feeling come over him as the frilled undies slid up over his nylon sheathed legs. As his Mistress and Jacqueline adjusted the fit and settled the panties over his hips and waist the soft buttery nylon of the undies brushed invitingly against his little sissy pecker and it started to harden.Since they had used the depilatory on him, Cammys skin felt ultra sensitive, almost tingly, and he was now acutely aware of the fit and feel of the white lace panties especially wearing the cock ring. He loved the way the narrow, frilled elastic of the undies hugged him around his waist and legs, tickling him a little as he moved; the sensation was much different from the cotton Y-fronts he normally wore. As well, the dainty nylon of the panties gently caressed his growing hard-on and each movement became a gentle caress that sent little shivers of pleasure through his young body.”I think he likes wearing my panties Mommy,” Jacqueline said with a giggle as she watched the expression on the boy’s face change from one of fear and loathing to pleasure.Jacquelines expression changed to one of surprise and she pointed down at the front of the white lace rumba panties. “Look Mommy, his things got all hard too!”Cammy’s face turned bright red as his playmate let out a high pitch giggle and pointed at the front of his panties.”Well, wellÉ” said his Mistress as she looked down in admiration at the 6-inch hard-on tenting out the delicate nylon of her daughter’s lacy communion panties.”You are a proper little Sissy aren’t you Tammy? Only a real Sissy-boy would get so excited over wearing such pretty little panties.”The boy averted his eyes and bowed his head in shame as his Mistress did her best to humiliate and degrade him in front of her daughter. Cammy didn’t know that his Mistress was very impressed that a boy of thirteen could raise such an impressive boner and she looked forward to properly training her Panty Slave to bring out any other hidden talents the boy possessed.Mistress Amber pulled the boy to her as if to hug him and let her hands slide down the front of his body to the silky soft nylon covering his swollen penis. Cammy looked up at her in surprise as she gently wrapped her hand around his protruding tent pole and started to slowly move her hand up and down.The Sissy-boy’s breathing became irregular as she gently milked him and she could feel her new Panty Slave start to push back against her hand as she masturbated him through the front of her daughter’s lacy white rumba panties. Cammy loved this new sensation as the buttery soft nylon caressed his teenage penis, especially as it was his Mistresss hand doing the manipulation.To this point in his life Cammy had only ever masturbated a couple of times as his sexual desires had only recently started to awaken. The boy was too naive to realize that all this was part of his Mistresss master plan to seduce him into loving cross-dressing. That’s what made Amber and Jacqueline’s feminization of the trusting boy especially cruel. By enslaving the boy now they were sentencing him to a life of perversion and servitude, because from this day forward he would always associate sexual arousal with the wearing of women’s lingerie.Jacqueline still knelt before the newly transformed Sissy-boy and watched in growing fascination as her mother manipulated the boy’s penis through the front of her lacy communion panties. When she had first dressed her playmate she had no idea that it would lead to this kind of kinky activity. It had just been her own dominant tendencies coming to the fore, and the lonely neighbor boy was a convenient target for her.Forcing Cammy to dress in her lacy lingerie was a real turn on for both her and her mother. It was her mother who had devised the plan to enslave and use the boy and when she had explained it to her daughter, she had been more than willing to go along. Jacqueline started to get that familiar tingling sensation between her legs and her hand slipped through the opening in her dressing gown and between her legs where it started to move. She was no stranger to this type of open sexual play, having been encouraged to do so at a young age by both her mother and her occasional boyfriends.”My, my, you are a horny little Sissy-boy aren’t you Tammy? Do you like Mistress playing with your little doodle, Tammy?””Yes Mistress Amber,” the boy replied as if through a fog. He could feel his Mistresss heavy breasts pressing into his back, and her breath was hot against his ear.ÒThats my sweet little panty-boy! You look so precious in your lacy undies Tammy, and you have such a beautiful little cock for such a pretty girl. Does my Sissy like the new undies we chose for her?” she asked.”Oh yesÉyes Mistress Amber,” the boy replied as she gently continued to milk his penis through the front of his panties.Amber leaned in close to the boys face looking him straight in the eye, the tips of their noses almost touching. ÒAre you Mistresss devoted Panty Slave?” she asked, almost in a whisper.”Yes Mistress Amber. I want to please youÉI want to be your devoted Sissy Panty Slave?” In the back of his mind he screamed at his response but his newly emerged subservient side was now in control and he was too distracted to realize the gravity of what he was saying.Mistress Amber gave the boy a soft kiss on the mouth with her full red lips. Now that she had gotten the answer she was looking for she suddenly stopped her soft ministrations, breaking the sexual spell that held them all and she slapped the panty-clad boy playfully on the rear.”We’ll explore this in greater detail in the future Sissy. Right now let’s finish getting you two dressed.”Cammy stood there half dazed for a moment and then looked down at his playmate Jacqueline who was just withdrawing her hand from between her legs, the same dazed look on her face. The boy followed his Mistress as she entered Jacqueline’s closet again and returned a moment later carrying a beautiful white satin communion dress and a full lacy crinoline slip.The short white satin dress was the personification of little girl femininity and it literally dripped with lace, ribbon and chiffon. The short bodice of the dress was covered in beautiful flowered lace and had small seed pearls sewn into it at regular intervals. At the neck was a 2-inch white lace collar and it had short puffy cap sleeves that were made of sheer white chiffon with a lace ruffle at the bottom. The lace ruffle of the sleeves had elastic sewn into it to tightly grip a young girl’s forearms and maintain the puffy appearance of the sleeves and each was accented with a large baby blue satin bow.The short white satin skirt of the dress flared out immediately from the bodice high up on the waist and would form a satin cloud around the wearer when flounced out by the multiple layers of lacy crinoline beneath. Accenting the dress at the waist was a wide baby blue satin sash that would be tied into a huge bow in the back. Around the bottom the satin and lace of the dresses skirt was gathered at regular intervals around the hem with matching baby blue satin bows sewn at the top of each gather and this gave the dress a pretty scalloped. The over all effect was the kind of over the top, elaborately feminine outfit that you might dress a cherished doll in.The boy felt his face burning as he looked at the ultra feminine dress that his Mistress held before him. She quickly removed the crinoline slip from its padded hanger and with her daughter’s help slipped it over the Sissy-boy’s head. Cammy was now totally resigned to his Sissy fate and passively submitted while his Mistress and her daughter dressed him.As the feminine undergarment floated down over his head, he had the sensation of being enveloped in a delicately perfumed lace cloud as the women quickly settled the crinolines around his hips and zipped him up. Jacqueline fussed over him as she gently flounced out the multiple layers of the slip to ensure he had the proper frou-frou look once he had the dress on.Once Mistress Amber was satisfied the boy was properly primped she removed the beautiful white satin creation from its hanger and unzipped the back. Cammy started to tremble as his Mistress and Jacqueline pulled the communion dress over his head, guiding his arms through thesheer puffy sleeves until it was settled on him. Jacqueline giggled like a schoolgirl as she straightened the skirt of the dress over the full puffy crinolines the boy wore; lacy edges of the feminine undergarment peeking out where the skirt gathered around the hem.Mistress Amber adjusted the puffy cap sleeves at his shoulders and smoothed out the fit of the dress on the boy making sure it suited his figure. “Now you are starting to look like a proper Sissy-boy Tammy,” she said as she pulled up the zipper in the back and fastened a cleaver little lock at the top. Amber had added the device yesterday when she had come up with her plan to feminize the boy. Couldn’t have him undressing without her permission.Cammy had heard the little ‘click’ at the back of his neck as his Mistress had secured him into his sissy outfit. Alarmed, he reached back to feel the small device and his Mistress said, “Don’t worry Tammy, just a little precaution. Now, let’s seeÉyou still need a few more feminine touches.”His Mistress went back to the closet and returned carrying a pair of the now familiar black paten Mary Jane shoes and from her daughter’s dresser she retrieved a pair of short lace frilled socks.”Sit down on the edge of the bed Tammy,” she ordered.”Yes Mistress Amber.” the boy replied properly, and in a rustle of crinoline and the whisper of satin he perched himself on the edge of Jacqueline’s bed.Cammy watched in surprise as the skirts floated up around him, threatening to envelop him in a satin and lace cloud. Jacqueline was watching the expression on his face and said, “You like your pretty lacy dress don’t you Sissy?”The boy dropped his eyes in embarrassment and replied, “Yes Miss,” as he had been instructed.Mistress Amber smiled at the boy’s obedient and increasingly submissive behavior as she took him by the ankle and slipped the ruffled socks on over the nylons on his feet. The little girl socks had a blue lace ruffle around the ankle and a large baby-blue satin bow on the back that matched his outfit perfectly. The she slipped his feet into the black paten shoes and fastened the strap. The boy was now dressed head to toe in frilly lace and lingerie.Mistress Amber pulled the boy to his feet and admired their transformation. Cammy was now styled as the picture perfect little Sissy princess. She could hardly wait to see the boy’s expression when he saw himself in the mirror, but there was one more yet to be done before the boy’s feminization was complete.”Wait right here girls I’ll be back in a moment and Jacqueline make sure our Sissy stays away from the mirror until I return.””Yes Mommy,” the girl replied.His Mistress left the room leaving Cammy standing awkwardly by the bed while Jacqueline stood with her arms crossed watching him. She returned a few moments later carrying a curly blond wig on a foam head form.Amber had purchased the wig years before and it had been a favorite with her husband when they had played their own dress-up games. She had taken great care the night before to style the shoulder length hair of the blond wig into a mass of big looping curls similar to the style that Shirley Temple use to wear in her old movies. It just wouldn’t do for Jacqueline’s new Sissy sister to have a boy’s plain short hair.”Jacqueline, seat little Sissy Tammy over at your vanity will you.” She instructed.”Yes Mommy, come along Tammy,” the girl ordered, taking the sissy-boy by the hand and leading him over to the stool. Cammy looked down at the surface of the vanity and saw a number of cosmetics and beauty tools had been set out for use in advance. Jacqueline sat him down facing away from the mirror and his Mistress moved up beside and tilted his head up with her hand. Amber first took a pair of tweezers to the boy’s un-kept eyebrows. She wasn’t going to tweeze them as much as she would like, Amber would have preferred the sissy to have pencil thin eyebrows which she found much more feminine and alluring, but small steps were better at first.Instead she opted to groom them just a bit to give them some feminine shape, which for the moment would be less obvious and easier to maintain. As time went on her plan was to slowly transform her sissy to the proper feminine degree, as anything more dramatic would immediately be brought into question. After all he wasn’t hers, Cammy still had to go home to his parents at some point.Next she took an eyelash curler and used it on both of his lashes. One of Tammy’s more feminine attributes was that he already possessed very long beautiful lashes; she would just work to enhance that. Little by little she used blush, liquid eyeliner, mascara and pale blue eye shadow to totally make the boy over to the image of a pretty young girl. She had to admit that the boy’s naturally full pouting lips looked especially sweet in the pretty shade of pink lipstick she had chosen for him.As the final touch in his makeover Amber fitted the wig to Cammy’s head careful to coiffure the big blond ringlets so that they perfectly framed his angelic face. Amber took a baby blue ribbon from the top of the vanity and gathering the mass of curls into it she tied a big bow on the top of his head and pinned it in place.”There all done,” Mistress Amber announced. “Come over here to the mirror Sissy boy and see your transformation.”She and Jacqueline each took him by the hand and lead the boy over to the full-length mirror hanging from the closet door. Cammy looked at his reflection in the mirror and his jaw dropped in amazement! If he didn’t already know he was a boy, he was sure no one would have been able to tell, that under that mass of blond curls it wasn’t a pretty pre-teen girl rather than a panty-clad Sissy-boy.The satin dress he wore looked a little short on him with the frou-frou skirt ending about even with his crotch. The dress did little to hide the feminine under-things the boy wore beneath, but that was Mistress Ambers idea. Even standing still everyone would still be able to clearly see the lacy mass of crinolines that puffed out his skirt. Sissy Tammy’s face burned with shame as he saw the tops of the white stockings he wore were clearly visible just an inch or two below the frilly hemline. The feminine baby blue bows at the end of each of his long frilly garters were prominently displayed for anyone to see. The boy felt sick as he took in his reflection because from head to toe, he was festooned in satin and lace.”Turn around for us Sissy and bend over a little,” his Mistress ordered.Cammy did as he was told and daintily holding the hem of his skirt he watched his reflection as he turned and bent slightly forward. As he did so, the short skirts of his little girl dress stiffly rode up exposing the little girl panties he wore beneath. Cammy stared at the multiple rows of frilly lace across the rear of his undies and the big baby satin bow perched right in the middle of his bum and he felt sick. He had never been so humiliated in his life! He was totally mortified at having been turned into this ultra-feminine display of lace, ribbon and lingerie at the hands of his playmate and her mother. What made this even worse was that he had willingly allowed them to enslave and degrade him in such a way.”This will have to do for the time being, we’ll explore some of the more feminine arts later Tammy,” Mrs. Taylor said. “You’ll need further Sissy training on how to properly applying your make-up and doing your nails, but for the moment you can accompany me while Jacqueline prepares herself.” Mrs. Taylor said.”Yes Mistress,” the boy replied. Cammy took one last look at his himself and followed his new Mistress down the hall to her room.During his visits to play with Jacqueline Cammy had never been in Mrs. Taylor’s room because it had always been off limits to them. Now, as he followed her into the master bedroom for the first time, he looked around to take in his surroundings. The first thing that struck him was a huge 4-posted king size bed, topped with a lace trimmed white satin canopy, which dominated the whole room. Besides the bed, there was a large 3-mirror vanity in the corner with numerous beauty products s**ttered across its polished glass surface, and a large armoire in the corner. The room was decorated in a tasteful and feminine style, but not as to be overpoweringly so.”Sit here on the edge of the bed Sissy and don’t move,” Mrs. Taylor commanded pointing to where he should sit. Cammy hurried over and perched himself on the edge, the skirts of his dress puffing out around him. “I’m going to bathe, and when I return you will assist me in dressing. From now on, this is one of the duties you will perform for my daughter and me. Understood?””Yes Mistress,” the boy replied on queue.Mrs. Taylor went to the armoire in the corner and swung open the carved wooden doors. Cammy could see it had several large drawers to one side and a section for hanging a small number of items on the other. As he watched she removed the short pink baby doll jacket she wore and let itfall to a sheer lacy pile at her feet. It was quickly followed by the short pink nightie and Cammy’s mouth fell open as she bent slightly and slipped her lacy pink panties down her shapely legs and daintily stepped out of them.Cammy stared at her naked rear as she searched through the items hanging to one side and then removed a sheer full-length black dressing gown from a padded hanger and slipped it on. Tying the black satin sash at the waist she turned and came back over to where her Sissy was perched on the end of the bed. Cammy could see her large firm breasts outlined through the translucent black material of the gown and her large nipples strained against the flimsy material.”Pick those up Sissy and put them in the hamper,” she said with a wave of her hand. “I’m going to bathe and when I return I want to see you sitting right back where I left you. Understood?””Yes Mistress,” the boy said, scurrying over to gather up his Mistresses discarded pile of lingerie. Mrs. Taylor strode from the room a grin on her face.Cammy picked up the jacket and nightie, his Mistresses perfume wafting through the air as he disturbed the silken pile, then he picked up her lacy pink panties and was overcome with a sudden urge to put them to his nose. As the Sissy brought them to his face he could feel the sheer pink undies were still warm from her body heat and he could smell her delicate musk coming from the crotch. The sissy-boy felt his teenage penis start to harden inside the lacy confines of his Sissy panties.Holding his Mistresses sheer undies to his face with one hand, his other slipped under his own lacy skirts to stroke his growing hard-on through the front of his panties. Cammy was feeling over whelmed by all the sheer nylon and lace that he had been made to wear, the erotic smell of the still warm undies and the excitement of being feminized and humiliated by his playmate and her mother. He was just moments away from orgasm when he heard someone moving around down the hall and in a panic he quickly ran over to the laundry hamper and stuffed his Mistresses lingerie inside, then he ran back to sit on the edge of the bed once more. His heart pounding, he could feel his Sissy cock strain against its silky nylon prison, begging for relief, but fortunately the full skirts of his dress hid that.Cammy sat anxiously on the edge of the bed for almost a half an hour waiting for his Mistress to return for her bath. Every once in a while he would shift position to ease the ache of his still hard penis as it strained against the delicate nylon of his white lace sissy panties. The boy was in a constant state of arousal now; seduced by the all the pretty feminine lingerie the women had dressed him in and in and in anticipation of seeing his new Mistress başakşehir escort nude once more.Even though he was only thirteen, Cammy had been sexually active for almost a year now; in so much as he had been masturbating himself. A couple of times when he had been playing with Jacqueline he had been tempted to try and ‘touch’ her but had been too shy to try. In an attempt to ease his growing sexual tension he had started borrowing some of his mother’s panties and masturbated into those. He loved the soft sensual feel of the cool nylon against his penis and the pilfered undies helped to satisfy his growing erotic needs, but his mother didn’t have anything like the panties that Mrs. Taylor and Jacqueline had dressed him in. As he sat thinking these perverse thoughts, his Mistress re-entered the room from her bath.”Very good Tammy! It’s gratifying to see that you do as you’re told.” Cammy blushed at the slight praise from his Mistress. “Did you give my panties a good sniff Sissy?” The boy’s face turned bright red and he hung his head in shame. How did she find out? Had she been watching him?Amber had started the water for her bath and had come back to make sure the boy had followed her orders when she had spied the Sissy with his face buried in the crotch of her still warm undies. The 12-year-old was a constant source of surprise to her. Not only was he easily manipulated and feminized, he was also highly submissive and full of perverse little traits, like panty sniffing and masturbation while wearing panties. It was all too, too delightful!”WellÉ” Mrs. Taylor asked again. “Yes Mistress.” She could hear the tremor in the boy’s voice as he answered. Cammy had never done anything like this before, and it made it even worse to be caught at it by his playmate’s mother. The boy’s mind was a whirl of confusion but even in the midst of this new humiliation his penis throbbed in his Sissy panties as he looked up at Mrs. Taylor.Her long black hair was still damp from her bath and she had combed it straight back from her face. Moisture still clinging to her body had molded the sheer black dressing gown to her curvaceous body in all the right places, especially over her breasts. The twin mounds could be seen clearly now as well as her dark brown areola and large rubbery nipples. She could see the Sissy boy gawking and smiled.”Well I suppose it was to be expected from a weak panty slave such as yourself.” She said, “Stand up Sissy and bend over the edge of my bed.” She commanded. Cammy did as he was told confused by the request, but now he had become too submissive to question his new Mistresss orders. As he bent over the white satin comforter covering the bed, the multiplelayers of lace under his skirt rode up to expose the frills across his pantied rear.Mrs. Taylor stepped over to the armoire and retrieved a 3-foot bamboo cane that was hidden inside. She came up behind the unsuspecting Sissy and in one smooth motion she swung hard, THWACK laying the switch across the exposed flesh between the tops of the boy’s nylons and his frilly panties.”AHHHHHH!” the Sissy boy let out high pitch scream just like a girl and jumped up. Tears welled in his eyes as he frantically rubbed the soft flesh of his thighs where the switch had bit him. At the sound of the scream Jacqueline came running down the hall from her room to find her Sissy boy playmate standing by the bed rubbing his rear.”OWWW! Why did you do that?” the boy whined.”Jacqueline come here to me,” her mother ordered. Tears streamed down the boy’s face as the girl came over to stand by her mother. “I am your Mistress, never question my actions! Is that understood?””Yes Mistress,” the boy answered sullenly as he continued to rub the backs of his thighs.”Jacqueline I want you to know what a perverted little Sissy Tammy has turned out to be! Just a short time ago I caught him sniffing my panties after I had ordered him to gather up my things and place them in the hamper!” A look of surprise spread across the girl’s face and then she started laughing and pointed at Cammy saying, “You were sniffing mommy’s panties! YUCK-O! Have you been sniffing my panties too?”The boy hung his head in shame and mumbled, “No Miss. It was only just this once honest!””Remember this Jacqueline,” her mother said. “You will always have to keep an eye on Sissy Tammy whenever he is around. He can’t be trusted to behave, and that is why you got the whip Sissy! Now say you’re sorry!””I’m sorry Mistress.” The boy said.As Cammy was rubbing his legs he had unknowingly been lifting his skirts ever so slightly and when he did it again Jacqueline pointed and yelled out, “Look Mommy!” She lifted the front of the boy’s skirts exposing the tented out front of his panties for his Mistress to see. “Look Mommy his thing is hard again!” Cammy blushed deep red again as both of them laughed at the site of the Sissy boy’s hard penis inside the lacy panties.”Well, well! Seems our little Sissy girl enjoys the humiliation that comes with being our little panty slave Jacqueline! Don’t worry Tammy, we’ll make sure the fun never ends for you!”A sudden chill ran through Cammy when he heard this statement. He was starting to feel very uneasy about the way their game of dress-up developed. Sure, he had willingly let Jacqueline and her mother feminize him, and he had basically submitted to Mrs. Taylor’s superiority and given her dominance over him, but he was a young and naive boy not prepared emotionally for the demands his new Mistresses would make on him.He had only agreed with Mrs. Taylor’s terms because he found it so arousing to wear panties and pretty satin dresses and she would have put a stop to that if he had balked at her terms. Now he was trapped in this subservient, feminine role until it was time for him to go home. He hoped the time passed quickly!”Sit down on the bed Jacqueline while I instruct Tammy on how to properly assist a woman in dressing,” Mrs. Taylor instructed her prissy daughter.”Yes Mommy,” the girl replied as she perched herself on the edge of the bed, the skirts of her pink dress puffing out around her. Jacqueline crossed her legs and folder hands in her lap in true lady like fashion and sat back to watch her mother’s continuing humiliation of her Sissy-boy playmate.”Come with me Tammy,” his Mistress ordered as she led the way to her armoire. She started opening drawers and withdrawing intimate items, handing them back to her waiting panty slave. First there was a sheer black lace circle stitch bullet bra, the kind that gave women that beautiful pointed chest look so popular with sweater girls during the 50’s and 60’s. Next his Mistress handed him wide style black lace garterbelt with 6 frilly garters suspended from it.The flowery lace on the front panel matched the lace of bra and each frilly garter was accented with a large black satin bow and a length of ribbon to hide the tabs at the ends. To go with this she also passed him a pair of silky black full fashion nylons with a seam up the back and re-enforced Cuban heel and finally from the top drawer she handed him a pair frilly black lace panties in a full brief style.Cammy lingered over the panties running the buttery soft nylon between his fingers and admiring the lace and ribbon detailing that made up the feminine undergarment. The panties were at least 12 inches at the side seam making them high waisted with a wide, double nylon mushroom crotchthat was popular in panty fashions during that era. Starting at the gusset in the front and running all around the leg openings was loads of black flowery scalloped and ruffled lace. Again black satin bows had been added as accents at both the hips and in the center of the waist and the elastic waistband featured fancy intricate pleats and gathers. It was a sexy feminine undergarment that any woman would love to include in her lingerie selection and that the panty boy lusted to wear.Mrs. Taylor smiled as she watched the Sissy boy fondle her sexy panties knowing full well what he was thinking. Cammy blushed hotly when he looked up to see his Mistress staring at him as he absent mindedly continued to play with her undies. She brushed past him effecting not to notice his perverse actions, a knowing smirk on her face and stood waiting for him beside her daughter near the bed. Cammy followed her red faced with embarrassment at again being caught fixated on women’s lingerie in front of his beautiful Mistress and her daughter. Then Mrs. Taylor did something quite unexpected she removed her sheer dressing robe and tossed it on the bed.She stood there calmly hands on her hips as Cammy drank in her curvaceous 38DD-24-36 figure. Her breasts were large, round and firm standing out proudly and her waist was tiny but as his eyes traveled lower his mouth fell open in surprise. Mrs. Taylor was completely hairless between the legs! Cammy had seen Jacqueline’s small hairless slit when she had changed, but it was quite different to see the same thing on her beautiful mature mother! Her smooth hairless mound had a deep clef that looked puffy and glistened with moisture.”Place my under-things there on the bed Sissy and we’ll start with my garterbelt.” Cammy did as instructed and picking up the wide, lacy garterbelt he moved in behind his nude Mistress. Cammy was trembling as Mrs. Taylor held her arms out inviting the boy to wrap the feminine undergarment around her narrow waist. As his arms encircled her, the boy could feel his Mistresses body heat as he drew the garterbelt around her and fastened the hook and eye closures.”Next the nylons Sissy and be sure to roll them as instructed. And if you put any snags in themÉ””Yes Mistress,” the boy replied, thoroughly cowed by the veiled threat.Cammy picked up the first of the nylons and carefully rolled it, as he had been shown. He went to hand it to his Mistress, but she just looked at the offered nylon and said, “Kneel.”Cammy did as he was told as his Mistress placed her foot on the boy’s knee pointing her toe. The Sissy boy knew what was expected and carefully rolled the nylon up her shapely leg, his eyes continuously straying to her cleft of her bald mound, now only inches away from his face.His hands were shaking as he finished fastening the first three garter tabs to the tops of her stockings, his hands in close proximity to her hairless mound. This was repeated with the second nylon until the silky stockings were properly smoothed and fastened in place to his Mistresss satisfaction.Amber looked down in amusement as she watched the sissy-boys hands shake as he worked to dress her. She could see the young boys eyes constantly dart back to the cleft of her hairless crotch in curiosity, and for her part she was completely aroused by their submission game and her juices were now flowing freely.When he finished fastening the last garter to the top her silky black stocking he remained on his knees before her, face level with her crotch, awaiting her next instruction. ÒTime to put this boys talents to the test,Ó she thought to herself.ÒYou seem to be overly curious at to what lies between my legs Sissy?Ó She asked.Cammy dropped his eyes in fear, not sure if he had offended his Mistress by staring at her hairless slit.ÒYes MistressÉsorry MistressÉI didnt mean to be rude.Ó He stammered out.ÒThats alright little girl,Ó she replied the tone of her voice turning husky. ÒI think you should have a closer look, after all were all girls here, arent we Sissy?ÓCammy looked up when he heard the curious tone in her voice. ÒYes Mistress Amber.Ó He replied.Amber lifted her left leg placing it on the edge of the bed next to where Jacqueline sat, in effect spreading her crotch wide before the kneeling sissy-boy. Cammys eyes went wide as he watched his Mistresss flower open before him and she placed a hand on the back of his head urging him forward. As Cammy was drawn to the open hairless cleft he caught a whiff of his Mistresss heady musk and his sissy pecker jumped in his lacy panties.ÒThats it Sissy,Ó she cooed as she drew his head closer.The sissy-boy could see the moisture on the lips of her smooth snatch and the swollen pink nub of her clit poked out from beneath its hood. For some reason Cammy had an overwhelming urge to lick that little nub and his tongue flicked out to taste it.ÒOooooh yesss! Thats a gooood Sissy!Ó His Mistress exclaimed pushing his head deeper into her crotch. ÒGently now, I want you to lick the entire length of my slit, then flick your tongue over my clit.ÓCammy kept his tongue buried in his Mistresss smooth snatch, but nodded his head in acknowledgement. He did as he was told, licking and slurping at his Mistresss snatch, flicking his tongue at her clit as he finished each long lap at her pussy. Amber ground her crotch into the feminized boys upturned face covering the boy in her juices.ÒOH GOD, THATS GOOD YOU SISSY BITCH! YESSS KEEP IT GOINGÉNOW CONCENTRATE ON MY CLIT! OOOOOOH!Ó Amber moaned out in ecstasy.Jacqueline watched spellbound as her mother used their new sissy-boy panty slave to pleasure herself. The girls own little pussy was tingling wildly at the lewd spectacle before her and she climbed up onto the bed, and pulling the full skirt of her pink dress up, she slipped her hand down the front of her own lacy pink panties. Jacqueline was panting as her middle finger found her own little love button and started to frantically rub it, trying to relieve the itch between her legs.Cammy could see his playmate on the bed, skirt up, legs apart, her hand moving under the pink lace rimmed gusset of her panties. Her rude display really turned the sissy-boy on and urged him to new heights as he sucked frantically at his Mistresss swollen clit.Amber was also watching her daughter masturbate on the bed. She had encouraged her daughter to freely express her sexuality ever since she had approached her with questions about sex at the age of 10. Jacqueline was maturing rapidly, a trait common with women on her side of the family and her daughter was no exception. She herself had experienced her first period when she was only 10 and Jacqueline had hers shortly after her eleventh birthday.One thing Amber knew about her daughter saw that she was an incorrigible flirt and promiscuous as well. In the past she had caught her flirting shamelessly with her boy friends when she wasnt around and she knew for certain that her daughter had entertained a couple of her former boy friends in her bedroom at night when they had thought she was asleep. She could just imagine what her dirty little girl had been up to.Her rude thoughts coupled with the sissy-boys talented mouth soon pushed her over the edge and she buried the boys upturned face into her wet snatch holding his head there firmly with both her hands. Mistress Amber screamed as she let her orgasm go into the boys hot mouth.ÒYEESSSSSS GOOD GIRL! AHHHHH!Ó She moaned her juices flowing into the sissy-boys mouth.Cammy could taste his Mistresss cum flow into his mouth and he worked hard to lap it up until her orgasm had relented. Finally she released his head and he fell back onto the floor panting from the lack of air. His Mistress had been holding his head to her pussy so tight at the end it was difficult to breathe.Jacqueline sat up on the bed when she heard her mother finish, her hand still down the front of her panties and embedded in her own tight slit.ÒMommmmmy, you finished before I did!Ó She moaned. ÒThats not fair!ÓAmber saw that she would have to share her sissy slave to deal with her daughters own selfish appetites.Mistress Amber looked down at Cammy as he sat massaging his jaw after his first hard session of licking his new Mistresss pussy.ÒSissy, attend to my daughter.Ó She ordered. ÒI want you to lick her until I return, and make sure she has a proper cum, understood?ÓÒYes Mistress Amber. Thank you Mistress Amber.Ó The boy replied obediently.Amber left the room to go clean herself up and as she left she heard her daughter give a gleeful Ôwhoop and hop off the bed. Jacqueline wasted no time and reaching under he own full skirt, she pulled her lacy panties down around her ankles and stepped out of them.The girl stood over her feminized playmate and said, ÒPick up my panties sissy-boy!ÓÒYes Miss,Ó Cammy answered completely subservient to his younger playmate.Cammy picked up the girls panties where she had left them on the floor. He could feel they were still warm from her body heat and the crotch was soaked with her juices.ÒPut my panties over your face panty slave and sniff them, just like you did my mothers!ÓÒYes Miss,Ó the boy replied, and taking the dainty pink lace panties by the waistband he pulled them over his head, the damp crotch covering his nose. Cammy peered out at his playmate through the lace rimmed leg opening, breathing deeply and taking in Jacquelines sweet musk. His sissy cock was throbbing inside his own lacy panties and he watched as the girl climbed back onto her mothers bed and leaning back on her elbows she bent her legs at the knees and spread them wide.Cammy was greeted with his first full, unobstructed view of Jacquelines sweet hairless slit. Her love button was pink and swollen, sticking out prominently at the top of her pussy lips and she was very wet!ÒCome here Panty Slave and lick my cunt, and dont stop until I tell you to!Ó She ordered.Her mother hated that term preferring something a little more genteel like Ôpussy but Jacqueline loved the word Ôcunt because it made her feel dirty and slutty. She also loved using the term Panty Slave to call Cammy, because she knew it bothered him and it was the perfect degrading term for the feminized boy.Cammy eagerly leaned forward to lick his younger playmates pussy and he went to remove her pink panties from his head.ÒI didnt say you could remove my undies from your head Panty Slave, leave them on!Ó She ordered.ÒYes Miss Jacqueline,Ó he replied obediently. Cammy pulled the damp gusset aside and leaned in close again between his playmates wide spread legs. The sissy-boy stuck out his fat tongue and licked Jacquelines sweet pussy from rosebud to clit and then sucked on her swollen little bud.ÒOooooohÉyes, thats itÉÓ she moaned out and she grabbed the sissy boy by the back of the head holding his face to her slick hairless slit. Cammy licked her sweet little pussy drinking in her juices and jabbing is fat tongue into her tight hole. While he licked he slipped his hand under the hem of his dress, grabbing his swollen pole and stroking it through the buttery soft nylon of his white rumba panties.Even though he had never done it before, Cammy was a natural at eating pussy and soon he had Jacqueline withering around on the bed in ecstasy. He reamed her tight little rosebud, he jammed his tongue into her tight pussy hole, and he sucked and nibbled on her love button until finally Jacqueline gushed cum into his waiting mouth. With her release Cammy also came for the first time feminized as a pretty young girl, shooting hot goo all down the front of Jacquelines lacy panties, messing them completely.ÒUghhhhhh GOD! That was great Tammy!Ó The girl exclaimed after her orgasm subsided. She sat up and pulling her discarded panties off his head she took his head in both hands and kissed him. Cammy felt her hot little tongue dart into is mouth and he jumped back in surprise.ÒWhats the matter?Ó She asked, surprised that he had pulled away.ÒWhy did you stick your tongue in my mouth?Ó The innocent sissy-boy asked. He had never kissed a girl before let alone had one stick her tongue in his mouth.Jacqueline laughed when she heard that. ÒHavent you ever been French kissed before?ÓCammy blushed, ÒNot for a while,Ó he lied. Actually it was more like never.ÒWell come here and let me refresh your memory.Ó She said.When their lips met again, Cammy opened his mouth and the girl once again pushed her tongue into his mouth. This time the sissy-boy intertwined his own tongue with his young playmate in a passionate kiss. Cammy didnt know where Jacqueline had learned all this stuff but he was glad one of them was experienced. He didnt know that his playmate had experience at this and a whole lot more, learned at the hands of some of her mothers ex-lovers, but he would eventually experience all that she knew and more.Just then Mistress Amber re-entered the bedroom. She had stayed away to give the two playmates more time to become Ôintimately acquainted and for her daughter to have a good cum. She had seen Cammys busy hands at work under his skirts and was sure what had taken place. Good, it would help with the transition to the next level of his training.She strode over to the two of them, a statuesque vision with her large 38 DD breasts standing out proudly as she walked. She went straight over to Cammy and said, ÒLift your dress for me sissy.ÓCammy did as instructed and gathered the multiple layers of crinoline and satin in his arms and lifted them up. Mistress Amber put her hand on the front of white lace rumba panties directly over his shriveled sissy cock and then withdrew it rubbing her fingers together. Suddenly her hand darted out dealing the feminized boy a hard, open handed slap to the face.ÒYou little cunt!Ó She said, in a low menacing tone. ÒI told you not to cum unless I gave you expressed permission.Ó Cammy recoiled in fear and surprise at the sudden blow.ÒYes MistressÉsorry Mistress.Ó He stammered out.Mistress Amber held up a hand, cutting off any further protest. ÒTurn around and lean over the bed.Ó She ordered.Cammy knew what was coming and whined, ÒNoooo, not that Mistress? Im sorryÉreally! Not that, pleeease?ÓMistress Ambers face remained stern, and all she did in response was twirl her finger, indicating that the sissy should turn around and lean over the bed. Reluctantly Cammy did as instructed and as he bent over the edge of the bed his skirts again rode up, exposing his lace frilled rear and the tops of his shapely nylon covered legs.Mistress Amber retrieved her long bamboo switch from the armour and flexed it as she took up position behind her panty slave. She drew back and in one smooth motion she swung hard, again catching the feminized boy across the soft exposed flesh of his thighs just above the tops of his nylons. He let out a high pitched screech in response, just like a girl and his hands started furiously rubbing the backs of his thighs trying to relieve the sting.ÒWhat do you say Sissy?Ó She askedEven though it stung like hell, Cammy knew the proper response. ÒThank you Mistress.Ó He said between clinched teeth.Mistress Amber nodded her head in response; lesson learned for the moment, time to get dressed. “My panties next Sissy,” Mistress Amber ordered the boy. Cammy stopped rubbing his thighs and picked up the silky black briefs from the lacy pile on the bed and kneeling before his Mistress, he spread the waistband open with his fingers and held them out for her to slip on.ÒHold it there for a moment Sissy! Jacqueline put your panties back on and go and fetch my camera, I want a picture of this.ÓCammy looked up into his Mistresss face, his eyes pleading, ÒPlease Mistress no picturesÉI beg you?Mistress Amber merely waved her new panty slaves worries aside. ÒNonsense Sissy, we need to start properly chronicling your transformation and submission. I should have started taking pictures earlier but from now on were going to capture every degrading moment on film.ÓCammy got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. If anyone ever saw those pictures there would be no end to his humiliation, and he knew that Jacqueline would lord those pictures over him for the rest of his life.Jacqueline watched what had transpired without uttering a word, she knew better than to interfere with her mother, but she was more than happy to participate in further humiliation of her playmate. With the swish of her skirts the excited girl jumped off the bed and quickly pulled her discarded pink panties back on. She hurried out of the room, but quickly came rushing back in carrying her mothers Polaroid camera.ÒTake your time dear and line up the pictures properly,Ó his Mistress advised Jacqueline. Soon he heard the ÔCLICK CLICK of the camera as his playmate circled around them snapping shots of the sissy-boy being subservient to his Mistress.ÒTurn and face the camera Sissy and smile prettily for Jacqueline,Ó she ordered. Cammy put a forced smile on his face and reluctantly turned to face the camera. Jacqueline took a step back to make sure that she got her sissy playmates full body in the centered in the picture and that you could clearly see that it was him holding up a pair of lacy black panties before her mother.After snapping a couple of more shots, Mistress Amber was apparently satisfied with the level of humiliation imposed on the new panty slave and waved for her daughter to stop. She motioned for Cammy to properly suspend the offered black lace panties before her and stepped into them. Cammy quickly pulled them up into place, settling the around his Mistresss trim 24-inch waist. Finally he picked up the black lace bra from the bed and holding it up by the straps before his Mistress, he helped slide it up her arms and the moved around behind her to fasten the back.Once she had the bra comfortably adjusted she turned to Cammy and said, ÒGo fetch my black 6-inch pumps from the closet Sissy,Ó she ordered.ÒYes Mistress,Ó the boy replied and hurried to do her bidding.Mistress Amber sat down on the edge of the bed and turned to her daughter. ÒI think its time our sissy took a trip to the attic Jacqueline,Ó she said in an off handed tone.Jacqueline knew what that meant, having been there herself a couple of times and a malicious grim spread across her face. ÒExcellent idea Mommy,Ó she said, happy that it wasnt her that was making the trip upstairs.Cammy returned a moment later with the required shoes and knelt before his Mistress to assist her inputting the on. He placed them on each foot in turn doing up the delicate buckles of each strap and then waited on his knees before his Mistress, waiting for her next command. Mistress Amber stood up and started to walk out of the room, when she casually said over her shoulder, ÒFollow me girls.ÓCammy obediently fell into place behind Jacqueline and his Mistress as she led the way down the hall toward a closed door at the end. If Cammy knew what lay beyond that door he would have run away, feminized or not, but it was too late now.

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