Showing him the Way

31 Mayıs 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Mandy made up her mind. She was going to get drunk.

It was a little after 9 PM on a Thursday, college night at the local bars, and with a long week of school ending early thanks to good scheduling and no Friday classes, she was ready to let a bottle take the stress right out of her. Maybe even get her boyfriend take the stress out of her later, but for now, the bottle would do. Mandy opened a bottle of whiskey and gave herself a generous pour, following it quickly with coke and a hit from a plastic lime bottle she kept in the fridge. She took a big sip and sighed.

Her phone lit up, a text message from Matt “Sounds like Tiny Dancer tonight — are we good with that?”

Tiny Dancer was the local piano bar. Well drinks on college night were only $3, and the music was usually pretty good, so it met their needs. She said she’d be happy to go and flung herself on the couch to take another long drag from her drink. Matt. Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt. She loved the guy, at least as much as you love anyone at 21, but there was something off about their relationship that she couldn’t quite put into words.

Take last weekend, a lot of her friends had been back home with their families, so Matt and Mandy took an opportunity for a date night. It ended up being one of the best dates she could remember. He took her to dinner at a new restaurant downtown, where she ordered fresh seafood as an entrée and picked off his plate while they laughed about all the bullshit you run into your final year in college.

They held hands and finished their wine while they waited for dessert. Walked through a city park that recently hired an artist to turn a grove of trees into a brilliant light display. They kissed under an arch of lights, his left hand holding her right, as his right hand rode gently along the curve of her hip.

Matt looked at her after that kiss like he’d never want to look at anything ever again. It was magic.

They walked down the street from the park and ducked into one of their favorite college bars, but on this Saturday night there was a $15 cover and a live band. They went for it, discovering a blend of bluegrass and rock and roll that had them both bopping along and falling over as they danced, embraced, kissed, and laughed.

They went back to Matt’s apartment, thankfully empty of any roommates this weekend. They were both a little buzzed, but a long way from drunk. That didn’t stop him from kissing her deeply as they walked through the door. This time there was no gentle caress of the hip, his right hand landed on her thigh and explored up her dress landing on her butt. His left hand cupped her face, drawing her into him as he kissed her wildly. He tasted like gin and limes.

Mandy was kissing him back her hands moving wildly around his body, his back, his hips, finally coming around and starting on the buttons of his shirt. She made quick work of them and ran her hands along his body, his chest, his sides.

Matt had worked them back into his bedroom and he stopped to shed his shirt and belt as they stumbled across the threshold. Mandy kicked off her shoes as he leaned back down for another kiss, sending his tongue gliding along her lips, begging for entrance. She answered with her own tongue and ran her fingers through her hair as she pulled him closer to her.

His hands were on her legs again, venturing up her dress then back down again, sending shivers through Mandy’s body. He found the edges of the material and then broke his kiss, pulling upward in one motion but getting stuck as the dress tried to clear her head, leaving Mandy mummified in the flowered fabric. They both broke out laughing as Mandy detangled herself from the cotton. Matt threw his shoes to the side of the room and took two steps toward Mandy. She stood on her toes, expecting another kiss, but he grabbed her by the hip, spinning her around and running his hands along her belly, up her body, landing on the lacy bra covering her breasts. He buried his face in her neck, kissing, nibbling and kissing again. She could feel the hair stand up on her arms and legs as she let out a soft moan.

His fingers traced the flower patterns along the sides of her breasts, following their stems to her erect nipples, which he flicked lightly causing her to jump and laugh again. His hands settled there, palms rubbing across her nipples, fingers squeezing, as her laughs became soft moans. His lips continued to work along her neck, her jawline, her earlobe as his hands worked. She reached up with her left hand and let her fingers work through his hair, while she pulled her panties down with her right, they fell to her feet where she kicked them aside.

Matt’s hands were underneath the bra now, working her breasts in time with her quickening breath. She could feel the tip of his penis through his pants as she worked her butt against him. She leaned forward and quickly unstrapped her bra, letting it fall on the floor, forgotten. She leaned back again and turned Ankara escort her head upward so she could kiss him, his tongue finding hers among her moans.

Matt’s hands were back on her breasts, she shuddered as her nipples pressed into the palms of his hands again. Now his right hand was trailing downward again, over her belly and along the smoothness below her waist. “Thank god I shaved,” she thought to herself as his fingers traced along the blank canvas of her pelvis.

His hands continued down, finding her clit and giving it a gentle press, which she responded to with a shudder and a moan. He was fully erect now, she could feel his length running along her butt, pressing between her cheeks. She turned around and deftly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off along with his underwear. She took him in her hand and began rubbing. It was his turn to jump and moan.

Matt spun Mandy back around and resumed working his fingers downward. He spent a few moments working her clit before he allowed his middle finger to slip down and curl inside of her. “Oh, Matt,” Mandy moaned. His lips were on her neck as he pulsed in and out of her, his left hand still working her breast as Mandy’s hand worked up and down his shaft.

She was soaking wet now, and unwilling to wait any longer. She turned slightly so she was facing the bed and put a hand down on the mattress. The other hand, which hadn’t left Matt’s penis, guided her under her butt and between her now slightly spread legs. She felt his head at her entrance and pushed back with her hips, hearing his moan as he entered her fully. She moaned too and bent over, giving him a perfect angle inside her. His hands were on her hips now as he began thrusting, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Her moans found rhythm with his motion as she place both hands on the bed and felt him find his way into all the places she loved.

She couldn’t be sure how long they continued that way, perfectly synced to the other’s movements, but Mandy loved every second. She could feel Matt start twitching in his thrusts, and knew it would be long before he was finished. She wasn’t quite there yet, but that was ok, she took a hand from the bed and found her clit. Rubbing in small circles until she was screaming. Mandy felt a warm jet enter then spread inside of her, as Matt’s thrusts slowed and they collapsed together onto the floor. His fingers running small circles along her breasts.

The cleaned up and crawled into bed. They quickly tangled their legs and snuggled in for the night. Mandy kissed Matt softly, and said, “thank you, that was incredible.”

“Yeah, it was,” Matt replied. There was something there though that Mandy hadn’t noticed at the time — maybe a hint of disappointment?

She sat upright. She knew what it was. That nagging sensation she had with him. He wanted something, and he was holding back. Mandy already planned to get drunk. Maybe she could unlock whatever it was Matt needed from her too.

Matt was already at the bar with Cindy and Brian when the Uber dropped her off at Tiny Dancer. The pianos were blasting an interesting rendition of “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” which meant they’d been at it long enough to get into some of the wilder requests.

Matt lit up when he saw Mandy walk through the door, and gave her a big kiss once she made her way over. Mandy, warmed up from her earlier drinks, allowed her tongue to playfully trace across his lips.

“Careful,” he whispered in her ear, “You just got here.” She grinned at him, then rushed over to Cindy to give her a big hug and catch up on the week. Cindy and her husband Brian were a year ahead of Matt and Mandy, newlyweds who couldn’t wait to get married as soon as they threw those caps for graduation. Matt had classes with Brian off and on throughout school, so they got along well, no matter what they were doing.

The pianos had moved on to “Crocodile Rock,” which was working a lot better than the last set and, Mandy thought, would probably be played 3 more times before the night was over.

“So, what’s your plan for next year,” Brian was asking Matt. “Only one more semester, right?”

“Yeah, just one more class actually, but I think I’ll throw a few more in just to see if there’s anything I like. As for next year, I’m following her,” he nodded over at Mandy. She had been applying to graduate programs, and had interviews coming up at three schools next month, none of them in the same state.

“Ohhhhh rings coming soon then, eh Matty,” said Cindy, slapping his shoulder, “make sure you measure that finger while she’s asleep, Brian’s ring didn’t fit me.”

Matt laughed and looked at Mandy, who gave him a little wink. There was none of that off feeling here, even though they’d never really talked about marriage. Could it really just be the sex?

Mandy had a fantastic night drinking and dancing with her favorite people. She even got the pianos to play dueling renditions of “Come on Eileen” Ankara escort bayan that sent the bar into a frenzy. Just before 1AM, the couples stumbled into a pair of Ubers and headed home.

Matt couldn’t keep his hands off her in the car, but he did it with enough class that she didn’t feel embarrassed to be in the back of the driver’s car. His fingers found their way up and down her thighs, and at one point he grazed her panties, which she was sure he’d find were just a little damp. Mandy was slightly nervous about the rest of their night, but she was more convinced than ever that Matt was going to be the one, and she needed to figure him out.

Back in the apartment, the night was closing like many of their recent dates. Matts tongue was entwined with hers as his hands moved wildly around her body, not sure yet exactly where he wanted to start. She led him back to the bedroom and pushed him back onto the bed. He grabbed her hands and pulled her toward him.

“Wait,” she said, and almost lost her nerve at the disappointment that flashed across his face. “No, it’s not bad, baby.” She stepped forward and gave him a quick kiss, “I just want to talk for a second first.”

“O — Okay…” he looked at her skeptically.

“Look, I’ve been feeling for a while that something’s not right with us and I haven’t been able to put it into words, or maybe I’ve been too scared to talk about it, I don’t know. But tonight, I’ve been drinking enough to bring it up, so I’m going for it. Something’s off with us.”

“Hm,” Matt grunted, his eyes narrowing. It was not going well.

“No, no, please don’t take it like that,” Mandy pleaded. “I love you, Matt. I’ve just felt like there’s something you’re not telling me. And I realized today, when we were talking about marriage with Cindy and Brian, that I don’t feel it when we’re just hanging out, or when I think about the future with you.”

“Oh yeah, then when do you feel it?” He was still annoyed.

“After we have sex. We have incredible sex, and then it’s like… it’s like something’s missing from you, or you’re disappointed or something.”

Matt cut his eyes away from her, did his face soften a little? She was having trouble reading him through the alcohol. She needed to offer him something to show this wasn’t about to be a fight. She pushed the straps off her dress from her shoulders and let if fall to the ground.

“You’re incredible, I love you. I just need to know what this gap is so we can get it worked out. Will you talk to me?” Mandy sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed. She saw his eyes drift across her and then back up to her face.

“Only if you promise you won’t laugh or hold it against me,” Matt said. “I’ve never been good at talking about this stuff.

“Of course not,” Mandy said, and squeezed the foot closest to her gently.

Matt let out a big sigh.

“Okay, here’s the thing, I’m an engineer, ya know? My brain thinks in terms of processes and plans and math and all that. And you know I’m a nerd, I’ve always been a nerd. But before you knew me, before college, I was a SUPER nerd, fat, unathletic, mostly kept to myself. Then, senior year, everything changed. I had a growth spurt, I got contacts, I got really into pickup basketball and lost a bunch of weight. But I never really got in sync with the girls at school.

“That changed when I got to college, I got comfortable, got to know some women, even started sleeping with them.” Mandy slapped him playfully on the foot, which earned her the first grin since the conversation started.

“But I still never really felt comfortable. You know me, I like to know everything, to ask questions, to learn. But I never really felt comfortable asking these girls. I just let them take the lead. I ended up having really good sex, especially once I met you, but I always felt like there were gaps in my understanding. Like I could be doing more, again, especially for you because I care about you so much, and because you seem to like sex more than most of the girls I’ve been with.”

That part was very true, Mandy loved having sex, and while she didn’t broadcast it to the world or anything, she’d never been shy about making that clear to the guys she dated.

“I tried watching porn. I tried reading things on the internet, but it hasn’t clicked. And then the other night when you had to finish yourself with your hand while I was losing it in you, it made me feel like I failed, and that’s probably what you felt.”

Mandy looked at him, stunned. She chose her words carefully. “Matt, I loved the other night. I was just thinking about how incredible it was this morning — I just finished myself like that because it added to it, not because I was really missing anything. I had no idea or I wouldn’t have-“

“No, I don’t want you to lose anything, I just feel like I need a blueprint or something,” Matt laughed. “I want to be the best you’ve ever had.”

“Oh you’re already Escort Ankara the best I ever had,” Mandy said. “But I hear what you’re saying.”

She thought for a moment while Matt studied her hands. “Would you be interested in me giving you a walkthrough? Maybe I can… touch myself and talk you through it, what I like, why I’m doing what I’m doing. How it feels? Would you like that?”

“I would love that,” Matt said. “If it won’t make you too uncomfortable.”

“No way, let’s do it.”

Mandy crawled forward and gave him a big kiss, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a deep, long kiss. She could feel her excitement building as their mouths worked against each other, as their tongues entertained and Matt’s hands ran along her ass. She broke the kiss.

“Okay, let’s get started.” She jumped up and ran out of the room, still only wearing a lacy read bra and black panties that were so covered in lace they were almost see through. She came back pushing a small armchair, which she brought around to the foot of the bed. She sat down in it and extended her legs — they didn’t touch the bed. She pushed the chair forward and tried again, this time she was able to comfortably spread her legs while pushing her feet against the mattress.

“Perfect! Are you ready?”

“Yea- Yeah, I think I am,” Matt said.

“Alright here we go. Take notes,” she winked at him and mimed a kiss. “Okay, first thing, and you already know this and do it perfectly pretty much every time, but first thing is that turning me on usually starts from my boobs. Some girls aren’t like that and I don’t get it, but I could orgasm just from you playing with my nipples… and maybe did once, but that’s beside the point. So I love, love, love it when you start by rubbing my boobs. And of course, you’re a GUY so you’re always after my boobs.”

Mandy laughed and removed her bra, throwing it playfully at Matt. She started squeezing her own boobs, kneading them the way Matt did when he wrapped his arms around her almost every night.

“Mmmmm I’m gonna have to be careful not to just jump you while I’m doing this, it’s going to test my patience. OK so the way I like this is to start out with pretty rough, big hard grabs.” She took a few big squeezes of her breasts. “And then, once my body starts responding, slowing it down. I love when your palms hit my nipples as they’re getting fully erect. Sends shudders through me. So then I love for you to work into my nipples once they’re rock solid. This really gets me started, especially when you use your mouth.”

She took a nipple between her thumb and index finger and started tweaking them, a moan escaped her lips as she shuddered, “See, I’m already getting there.

“And again, this is all stuff you’re already perfect at. You handle me great, and it’s more than just my boobs, it’s a full body thing early on, and you’re great about getting me started then exploring me. I especially love how you’ll get my butt involved,” here Mandy ran her right hand down her thigh and gave her butt a playful squeeze.

“I even like how you get right up to the hole, even though I’m not an anal gal, it just gets me shivering. So once you get me going, and you’ll know because I’ll start moaning and sighing and whatever, then I’m usually ready for you to start going for my… what should I call it? Vagina sound so formal. I’ll go with Pussy, even though it gives me some real porn vibes. So once you warm me up, I’m ready to get my pussy involved. I’m always wet by that stage, so if you do a little exploratory reach around, you’ll know when you touch my panties.”

Mandy ran a hand over her crotch, pressing firmly against her slit so the little material there darkened slightly. She spread her legs so Matt could get a look. He had propped himself up with all of their pillows to get the best view.

“Mmmhmmm,” she moaned as she ran her fingers over a second time, “Yeah, that’s nice and wet. So, here’s where things get complicated, but only because I’m NOT complicated. I love your penis, so if you want to just start ramming me here, I’m probably going to love it. But if we want to take it to the next level, we have to start with my clit.”

Mandy pulled her panties off and ran her fingers up from the bottom of her vagina, up her wet slit and to her clit. She made two small circles on it, giggling as she went, then used her finger to pull the hood back and show Matt the tiny, throbbing nub.

“Now, you get me here all the time, so I know you know what a clit is, but it’s super sensitive, so I have to start slow. I actually start way back here.” She moved her fingers a few centimeters above her clit and started pressing down firmly. “I’m not sure what it is, if I’m catching the whole nerve or what but when I push firmly from here downward, it feels amazing. And when you happen to do it with your tongue, it drives me wild. So I go back and forth, pushing down here, running across my clit, down my pussy to grab some of the wetness building there, bring it back up across my clit. Uhhh yeah, that’s exactly it.”

“Mandy,” Matt interrupted, “Mandy do you mind if I, uh…”

“Oh Matt! Yes, of course, I want you to enjoy yourself, that’s what this is all about. Do whatever you want, it’ll just turn me on more.”

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