She Summoned a Lover Pt. 01

30 Mayıs 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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The oil, in a slow drop by drop, dripped onto her left shoulder, and rolled down her chest, and ever so slowly over her breast, each rivulet an exquisite stimulation, more so when a stream chanced upon that distended center. Her eyes closed in pleasure, her mouth slack, jaw relaxed as she savored the feeling. She sat naked on her haunches, as if to straddle a lover, her curved hips and taut core a vision of perfection, twitching ever so slightly in response to the ministrations. The blindfold of silk, shiny like her hair in the light from the nearby candles, covered her gorgeous eyes. Deprived of her sight except for flickers of orange, her other senses seemed enhanced. Touch was the most important, this moment only the first of many to come. Hearing, next. His breathing had changed. Still quick as when he had come upon her, but of a different timbre now, not merely the rush this beautiful maiden’s psychic call, but of anticipation. From each new angle he viewed her, and there came ideas and yearnings, each more pointed than the last. That lover, summoned from her darkest desires, had yet to touch her save to bind her hands behind canlı bahis her, as he was instructed. He was behind her on a knee, holding the bottle above her. His nearness, his warmth, was electric, like a current passing between them.

He switched sides, repeating the dripping, but first lifting her hair firmly, bunched, tilting her head aside and allowing the drips to cascade down her slender neck, and onto more sensitive parts below. His hand, still wrapped in her locks, tugged farther gently, insistent and he put his lips to her sensitive ear. Ever so close, but not touching, she could hear and feel his breath, hot and powerful, the wet sounds of his mouth as it moved as if to bite but pulled back to the slightest touch of lip and tongue.

Desperate, but worshipping, he positioned himself behind her, matching her posture, and wrapped his arms around her. She felt him encircle her, both moving with purpose and holding back his full, terrible strength, born of both lust and devotion, a bottomless yearning, and fear of his desire for an endless possession. His right arm came across her bosom, his rough cheek scratching bahis siteleri gently on her neck. His left arm, seeking her most inner self, traveled under her curved rump, roughly over her wet folds, through to the front, and ended with his hand flattened against her lowest belly. These motions, passion-quick, pulled her backwards into his embrace at her shoulders, and forced her hips forward to press against his hand. Her hips bucked, and her nub rubbed against the bony part of his wrist.

They retracted, her full cheeks bunching, and repeated the motion, straining forward against the pressure of his hand, now again and again, moving in unison now as his thick shaft hardened against her ass. He paused as she again thrust herself forward and downward against his arm. He angled his hips downward, running his solid flesh flat under and against her now glistening core. His thickness nestled between her engorged lips, and now with each new movement, slid ever so slightly over her opening. She was riding a wave of pleasure as she tweaked her hips and nub to extract the maximum pleasure with each convulsion, balancing that with her bahis şirketleri attempts to enable his head to move back enough to slip inside and fill her to the hilt in a single stroke. He knew her needs, but also, her volitions.

He would tease as she had instructed when she summoned his form, and deny her that final, full pleasure. On and on this war went, her of two minds, both enslaved to her inner animal, the prize a hot blast of release, a building scream, a waxing groan. Her breathing quickened, deepened, grunted, forced with each thrust. His upper hand wrapped tighter, squeezing her heaving breasts. His lower hand could feel the muscles around her mound quivering like mad, their convulsions building. Her hand reached back and grabbed his hair, pulling mightily, and her other wrapped under his wrist and she humped and jostled her nub at a furious speed.

Her teeth gritted in a final spasm, her head lay back and a guttural scream broken by pressured grunts rent the darkness as her orgasm tore through her body, wave following glorious wave for many long seconds. Her scream softened to breathy whimpers, the wild animal receding, as a flood of emotion poured into her heaving chest and shaky breathing. Her glistening body softening, loosening, and they fell over in a heap, his arms untangling as she sobbed quietly in his arms into the night…

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