Scoring My Brother Ch. 01

5 Ekim 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Sorry haven’t posted anything in a while. Was recovering from surgery & started going back to school.

As always, feedback is welcome!

**Any sexual activity happened with characters 18 or older**

Jon always felt out of place in his own family.

He was the older brother, handsome with reddish brown hair and green eyes that looked turquoise in the right light. He wasn’t skinny, but not obviously muscled. He was lean and firm from swimming laps in the family’s backyard pool. Jon wore his hair long with side swept bangs that always seemed to hang in his eyes. Instead of going out with friends, Jon preferred to be alone – spending his time drawing or losing himself in television and movies.

Hidden away in his room on the third floor, pencil and paper in hand, sketching anything he saw. At times Jon felt like his parents didn’t know he existed.

Jon’s invisibility wasn’t an issue. His parents had – as Jon referred to him – The Golden Child.

His brother Jim was 2 years younger. His parents favored him, and as much as they tried, did a poor job of hiding it. He had brown eyes and light brown hair streaked with blonde. He kept it short and tightly cropped to his head – easier to keep under a helmet or hat and easier to maintain when he sweat. He was muscled from weight training and playing sports. Jim was popular and always seemed to be traveling with an entourage. While Jon sought solitude, he always thought his brother would implode without someone nearby to massage his ego.

Jim loved all sports, but they weren’t only Jim’s passion, it was the Wolfe family pastime. Jim played baseball and football, his father coached the teams every league as Jim got older – eventually helping train him at home once he hit high school – and his mother took charge of every fundraiser imaginable. While everyone was at the fields cheering on Jim, Jon was home waiting.

Jon was left feeling Jim was the son his parents always wanted.

Their mother planned out their futures for them before high school even began. Jon was going to college to study accounting – a stable job always in demand – because the career in art he dreamed of was unrealistic. Jim was going to learn a trade – his Mother believed his grades weren’t good enough for college – so his mother chose carpentry. He could play sports in local leagues but any hopes of a professional career were squashed. No questions. Not open for discussion.

Jon took out student loans and worked two jobs to pay for college – he was assistant manager at a high end gift shop in the mall and worked as a front end supervisor at Bridges, a local department store.

Jim worked with a local construction company apprenticing his trade, working towards the goal of joining the union and living his life as a carpenter. He played weekend warrior baseball with a small team, Philly Phire and small club soccer wIth FC Liberty. Jim had a steady girlfriend and his mother expected marriage.

Neither young man was pursuing their dreams. Neither one was happy.

“Jonathan, take your bags upstairs” his Mother called from the front porch – her hand propping open the screen door “you can set them down in your old room.”

Ugh… he groaned out loud. His old room. He had nobody to blame but himself – no one forced him to move back home.

Jon’s father passed away two years ago. His aunt – worried that his mother still wasn’t coping with being alone – persuaded him to come back home.

Jim had selfishly moved out almost quicker than his Father’s casket was lowered into the ground. He rented a small apartment across town with his childhood girlfriend Rayna, leaving their Mother alone right away.

Jon could only afford to be away a short time – he had school and two jobs to get back to – he needed to head home quickly.

In hindsight, things happened fast – everyone resuming their lives – except their Mother.

“Oh, by the way, Jim and Ray are coming for dinner tonight!” she announced almost giddy. “Both my boys home together again.”

Jon forced a smile. He was 21 now and still harbored the same resentments to his family he did as a teenager. Nothing changed. He had to leave school – 6 months and not a day longer he promised himself – while his brother worked a menial construction job nearby. Why was he summoned back? Why was his life interrupted when Jim could have easily moved home instead?

“Great Mom” Jon said flatly. He no more wanted to see his brother as he would volunteer for a root canal. “I’m going upstairs to unpack my things.” He headed to his old bedroom, pretty much the same as he left it before he went off to Boston. It was inevitable he’d cross paths with Jim, but fuck – already – his first night back?

While opening suitcases and unpacking boxes Jon heard a loud engine pull up. He came down to the second floor and looked out the front bedroom window. A filthy, jacked-up truck had stopped out front. Climbing from the drivers side was Jim. Jon nearly creamed himself on the spot. Jim Küçükyalı escort was 19 and fucking hot, much hotter than he remembered the last time he saw him.

They hadn’t been together since the funeral, Jon making sure they were never in the same place at the same time. The world still revolved around Jim, but Jon made sure his orbit was never synced with his brother.

Jim walked up to the house, his normal short cropped hair replaced by a wild mane of curly, bushy light brown hair. He was clean shaven, except for a shadow of light stubble. Wearing torn jeans, a plaid flannel shirt – even though it was July – opened almost all the way down, and brown work boots.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Jon wondered what happened to his brother. He also wondered why his cock was getting hard! It was his brother for sure, but he looked like he just stepped off a porn set – playing the hunky repair man whose broke customer couldn’t pay. Ready to fuck the poor bastard raw.

Jon always felt an attraction to his younger brother. When they were kids, hanging around the pool in the backyard, he found himself staring at Jim. He didn’t understand it at the time – he chalked it up to being envious of him – but he grew to realize his brother turned him on. When their mother would call them in for dinner, she’d send them to the laundry room downstairs to take off their wet swimsuits. Jon started doing everything he could to see his brother’s dick – wanting to touch it.

Warm Summer nights the boys would swim in the dark, no lights except the stars and fireflies. While their parents sat on the patio at the other end of the yard, Jon and Jim would canon ball into the pool from the deck. Inevitably, someone – looking back now it would usually be Jon – would suggest they strip and swim naked. The rush of cool water over his bare body, and being near Jim, always made him hard.

Mom met Jim at the door “where’s Rayna?” she asked.

“Umm, yeah, about that” Jim stammered “she’s not coming tonight.”

His Mom looked at him puzzled “why? What’s going on?”

Jim just stared at the ground, he rocked back and forth on his boot heals before finally saying “Rayna kicked me out. We had a big fight and she just kicked me out.”

She stared at him, that disapproving Mom look on her face “what did you do?” she groaned.

“You know Mom, I’m your son. Why do you always assume it’s my fault?” Jim huffed

She laughed “I’ve known you for 19 years… I don’t have to assume.”

Jon came downstairs pretending not to have heard anything.

“Jim. Nice to see you.” He was lying of course, but out of respect for his Mother he wasn’t going to be rude.

His brother replied in the same cold tone, probably for the same reason “you too.”

Lies, all lies. Jon hated Jim. Jim merely tolerated Jon as well.

“So, where are you going to stay?” His Mother asked.

“I was hoping to stay here for a couple days… at least until Rayna calms down a little.”

Jon let out another low groan.

“Of course baby… of course you can” she brought him in for a Mom hug “I’ll just make some space in your old room.”

She had turned Jim’s old room into storage space after their Dad died. A sort of landing pad for things she wasn’t quite ready to part with. Her goal was to sort through things – keeping the memories and discarding the rest. However, after two years the room hadn’t been touched – and probably wouldn’t be.

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll just take the couch in the family room. It’s more than enough – fuck, I’ve had worse.”

“James! Language!” she shot back.

Jim turned to Jon and rolled his eyes.

Mom set the table, bringing out the fancy dishes and flatware she only used for guests and special occasions. Geez, this was hardly special Jon thought. He was forced to come home from college and his Brother just got kicked out of his apartment by his girlfriend. Not a freakin’ Norman Rockwell painting.

“You both get cleaned up, dinner’s almost ready”

The guys both headed upstairs to the only bathroom in the house. They shared it as kids, they’ll manage now.

“You go first” Jon offered “I assume you just left work?”

Jim slapped Jon on the shoulder “thanks man. We’re working at the turkey farm off Rt 95 and I smell like bird shit.” Ah, yes. Another prized moment.

‘I’ll make it quick… and I promise I’ll leave you some hot water.”

Jon went upstairs to continuing unpacking. He took his laptop from his book bag, launched an indie playlist he liked, and sat on the bed – closing his eyes and laying his back against the headboard – resting his head against the wall. The music quickly became nothing more than white noise. He could hear the shower running downstairs and all he could think of was his brother, wet and naked in the shower. Muscled and tan from working outside in the sun. A small part of his brain told him it was wrong to think about Jim that way, but that piece was quickly smothered by the lecherous thoughts Jon entertained.

He Kartal escort bayan popped all the buttons on his 501s, sliding his hand inside to fondle his growing cock. He wrapped his hand around the thick shaft, giving it a firm squeeze and a few solid tugs. A few drops of precum leaked from the head – Jon quickly ran his index finger through it and smeared it over his cock. Touching the sensitive tip of his dick sent shivers through his body.

Jon opened his eyes and listened. Was the water still running? Was Jim still in the bathroom?

Slipping his jeans down over his hips, Jon jerked his cock slowly until he was solidly hard – the pool of precum he created was the perfect lube he needed. He closed his eyes again – tighter this time – concentrating intently on his visions of Jim. Fuck! He was so aroused right now. Jon wrapped both hands around his long, girthy cock and switched to fast strokes, fucking the hole he created with his grip – an imaginary ass taking his his dick.

“Ummm, hem-ahem” the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped Jon back to reality. He was so engrossed in his fantasy he missed Jim coming up the stairs.

“Don’t let me stop you” Jim grinned as he spoke “just wanted to let you know the shower was free.”

“Shit! Shit!” Jon muttered, turning bright red “sorry… sorry.”

Jim, standing in the doorway – wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist – didn’t seem fazed catching his brother jerking off. He stood there broad chested and amazing abs – his body forming an almost perfect V.

“Dude, I’m sorry I interrupted. I tried calling you from downstairs but you didn’t answer”

Jon reached over to pause his music, embarrassed he was caught.

“Keep going” Jim said flatly “you’re obviously still… uhhhh… working something out.”

Jon turned to look at him, now fully aware his cock was still visible, hard and wet.

“Oh, god! For fuck’s sake.” He muttered. He looked for something to cover up with, finally just removing his shirt, dropping it on his lap.

Jim laughed “Christ Jon, I’ve seen a dick before” he continued laughing “I have one too.”

That phrase didn’t help Jon at all – now he was fixated on thinking about Jim’s dick.

“You don’t jerk off to porn?” Jim asked intrigued

Jon relaxed a little. Maybe his cock would too. “I just got here… I don’t have anything set up. I don’t even have WiFi yet.”

“Yeah, right, stupid question” he laughed.

Jon wondered why Jim was hanging around… didn’t he feel uncomfortable too?

“Ok, I’ll let you finish your business at hand” he laughed and turned to the doorway to go downstairs. “Unless you want me to stay?” he turned partially around, looking over his shoulder, waiting for an answer.

Jon was almost at a loss for words “NO! Oh my god Jim, no!”

“Alright, alright” he paused “It’s just, I have friends who like an audience… and I wouldn’t mind… ” his voice trailing off

Jon thought about it… really thought. Why not? Might as well jerk off to the real thing. “If you want” Jon replied, suddenly feeling bold.

Jim turned around, looking directly at his brother laying on the bed.

Jon removed his shirt from his lap, exposing his still hard dick. He began stroking himself again – still hesitant but wanting to cum. Jon closed his eyes again, trying to pick up where he left off. Only now, he had new images he could add to the slide show in his mind.

Knowing Jim was standing there watching excited Jon. He rapidly stroked his cock, taking occasional pauses to tease himself, and when he couldn’t stand waiting any longer, blew the long and creamy load he was working for. Blowing strong shots up his chest and onto his face.

He opened his eyes, panting heavily – fingers full of his own cum now dripping off his hand – and looked at his brother.

“You’re welcome” was all he said as he left the room and headed down the stairs.

Jon pulled himself together and went down to shower, unsure if that really happened or if it was part of a masturbation fantasy.

After he hurriedly dressed, Jon headed downstairs for what he imagined would be an awkward dinner.

Jim was already sitting at the table, wearing the same clothes he wore when he got there.

“You didn’t even change clothes?” Jon asked, a little disgusted.

Jim glared at him “I was going to change when I got home, but I wasn’t planning on being kicked out of my apartment.” He was pissed.

Their Mom interjected “Jonathan, get your Brother something to wear.”

“‘Fine. I’ll see if I have anything”

Jim relented a little “thanks, man, I’d appreciate it.”

“C’mon” Jon said “let’s look”

The guys made their way back up to the third floor again – neither one softening to the other. Jon still disliked his Brother, but his Mother wanted Jim in clean clothes. Apparently, whatever Jim needed Jon was obligated to provide.

Jon dug through suitcases until finally pulling out jeans, the largest size he had – all Escort Suadiye he wore were skinny jeans – that might fit Jim.

Even though Jon didn’t have the opportunity to swim as much as he used to, he still managed to sneak in few days a week for some quick laps at a campus pool… maintaining the same tight, muscled body from when he was a teen.

“These will probably be tight” Jon warned “you’re legs are a lot thicker than mine.” He also grabbed a white t-shirt and tossed it to Jim. He took the jeans and struggled to pull them up, finally getting them to his waist. Jim took a big inhale and forced them closed. He took the shirt and slipped it over his head. Jon watched as his brother lifted his arms, exposing that hot 6 pack again. The shirt was snug, hugging his body perfectly.

“How do you wear these pants? Oh my god they’re tight!” he laughed “they’re crushing everything down there.

Jon shook his head a few times, trying to shift his mind to another image – something other than Jim’s dick in those tight jeans.

“Sorry” Jon apologized “I’m a little slimmer than you are.”

“Yeah, I noticed that earlier” he smiled “but you’re a lot bigger in other areas.”

Jon blushed again. He’s always wanted his Brother, so maybe he was just imagining there was flirting going on.

“About earlier” Jon took a large breath “what was that all about?”

Jim laughed loudly “Did it make you uncomfortable?” he tilted his head “you looked like you enjoyed it.”

“Stop messing with me” Jon said, his tone a bit annoyed “what’s you’re game here?”

“Wow, you really don’t trust me, do you?” he wasn’t angry, more amused

Jon fough the urge to walk away, his usual solution when it came to dealing with his Brother. Not this time though, he welcomed the confrontation.

“No, I guess not. We don’t see each other for like 2 years – which believe me is more than fine with me – and you suddenly show up and offer to watch me jerk off? We’ve never been that Wally and Beaver Cleaver close.”

Jim stared at Jon – like a cartoon character with smoke coming out of it’s ears – and grit his teeth.

“Did it ever occur to you I’m trying to make an attempt to improve our relationship? Make up for all the shitty years?”

“Well don’t” Jon huffed “unless you can turn back time, the damage is done. I can’t forgive this family… or you. I was ignored my entire childhood while everyone focused on you! I’m sorry if I’m not impressed because your making a pass at it now.”

“Who was the one forced to change their life because Mom needs help!? I live hours from here while you live across town. I left school to be here when you could have easily moved in or checked up on her – but no, it’s only Jonathan, so who the fuck cares!” he was visibly angry and this time he wasn’t holding back.

“Fuck you Jon” Jim shot back “it’s not my fault you spent all of your childhood locked in your room. Did you ever think you were the one who pushed us away?”

“Pushed you away? Are you fucking kidding me!? This family did nothing but indulge every one of your whims! Football, baseball, cub scouts… whatever Jim wanted. I stayed in my room with my artwork because I didn’t have a choice!”

Mom called from downstairs “what’s taking you boys so long? Dinner is getting cold.”

Both of them weren’t in the mood to eat anymore, and certainly didn’t want to sit at the same table with each other, but their Mother went to the effort and they’d put their issues aside for her sake.

The guys ate their meals, everyone sitting in silence. Mom knew something was wrong, but didn’t know where – or who – to start to press for answers.

Jon finished his meal first “excuse me please, I still have unpacking to do. I’d like to set up my room” he said firmly. He took his plate and utensils to the kitchen and put everything in the dishwasher.

“What’s that all about?” their Mother asked.

Jim shrugged his shoulders “just Jon being Jon as usual.”

The evening was uneventful and quiet. Each brother making no attempt to speak with the other.

Around 2am Jon came downstairs to raid the fridge, as he walked into the kitchen he could see a light was still on downstair, in the family room where Jim was sleeping. Even though he felt everything he said was true, Jon was having regrets for putting his feelings out the way he did. Instead to taking the time to talk to Jim civilly – or ignoring him altogether as usual – he just released the whole resentment tsunami at one time.

Jim opened the door and came down a few steps.

“What?” Jim groaned “something more you want to blame me for?”

Jon took a couple steps closer “I’m sorry Jim, I really am. You didn’t deserve the way I unleashed on you.” He was truly apologetic. “I guess the years of animosity finally just burst out – this whole coming back home shit.”

Jim sat up on the sofa – covered in a blanket and an afghan their Mother knitted back when they were kids – turning to face Jon.

“I’m sorry too, man” Jim admitted “I told myself I didn’t know how you felt. Truth is, I always knew. I always felt I was treated better than you and I… well… I liked it.” Jim sounded sincere. “Plus, I think I took this whole Rayna thing out on you too. You were in the wrong place and I was the wrong time.”

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