Saturday Twist

13 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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It was another typical Saturday afternoon for early fall. The day was cool and crisp, but brightened with the constant sunshine. Cindy was sitting at the table, sipping from a wine cooler, contemplating what to do for the evening. She hadn’t had a date since Nate and her broke up and was tired of sitting in her own self-pity, and she wasn’t in the mood for the meat market, yet. Cindy liked to play rough, and liked men who were good with ropes. Nate had been that way, but was more love bondage oriented than sadistic. Although he was a master at his craft and never bored her with his work, he just didn’t push her to the edge or beyond, like Cindy really wanted. In a way, Cindy missed Nate.

The fact that her roommate Tara was now dating Nate didn’t help her forget him. Tara had only been out a couple times with Nate, but it was enough to occupy Tara’s last couple of weekends. As far as Cindy knew, the new couple probably had plans tonight.

“Well, let’s find out, shall we?” Cindy mused to herself as she pushed away from the table and picked up her half drank cooler. Tara had a habit of laying out her clothes well ahead of time if she was going out. Barging right into Tara’s room, Cindy walked over to the bed. Tara wasn’t here to make a fuss, she was out jogging or “power walking.” Sure enough, laying on the bed next to some simple lingerie was a sleeveless little black cocktail dress, all nice and sparkly. It would hug all of Tara’s curves and accent the right places. Cindy should know, it was her dress.

As quickly as the anger boiled up within her, it subsided with a sigh. Cindy forgot that she agreed to let Tara borrow it for the weekend. The two were nearly identical in physical proportions. Both women stood roughly around five foot four inches, which made them the ideal height when wearing heels, and both women’s weight placed them in a size six, possibly a size four if they liked a tight fit. Each woman possessed a 36c chest, and sported it proudly, using it to turn heads every chance they got. The only difference was that Cindy was a green eyed brunette and Tara was a brown eyed red head.

Cindy looked over the rest of the articles of clothing. A black push up bra, plain yet silky, and panties to match. Tonight Tara was being adventurous, Cindy mused again, for she had laid out a plain black spandex garter belt and black lace top stockings. The only thing that was missing was Tara’s shoes, which Cindy assumed would be either her three inch heels or her four and a half inch stilettos. She was betting on the stilettos. Cindy finished off her cooler and walked out of the room.

By the time she reached the kitchen, Cindy heard the keys jingling in the lock, signaling Tara’s return. Setting the empty bottle next to the other three that she drank earlier, Cindy pulled out a fresh bottle and walked over to greet her roomy. Tara was dressed in running tights and a halter top, along with her running shoes. The material appeared as a second skin where it covered her body. She had a light jacket on over her shoulders, but Cindy could see very prominent goose bumps standing out on the exposed areas of Tara’s body, along with her erect nipples.

“Back so soon?” asked Cindy as she opened the cooler.

Tara bent at the waist and started to untie her shoes. “It’s a lot colder than I thought it would be, so I finished early instead of risking a strain or pull.”

“Wise decision. You do look rather cold.”

“I’m freezing. I quit after a mile and a half figuring that I didn’t want to ruin my date for later on.” Tara stood up and inhaled deeply. After watching Tara’s chest inflate and then resume it’s normal position, trapped under the tight top, Cindy had an inspiring idea.

“Why don’t you get out of those clothes and I’ll fix you a nice cup of hot cocoa.” She knew that Tara loved cocoa in any form.

Tara’s eyes widened at the suggestion and a smile spread across her face. She started walking to her bedroom after thanking Cindy for a very thoughtful gesture. Cindy moved to the kitchen again and proceeded to warm up some milk. After a few minutes in the microwave, she brought out the very hot liquid and mixed kürt porno in the appropriate amount of cocoa, and then added a bit of butterscotch schnapps. She poured the mixture into a mug and set it on the counter. A moment later, wrapped in a thick robe, Tara walked out into the kitchen and picked up the mug, blowing gently on the cocoa’s surface.

Cindy picked up her cooler. “What’s up for tonight?”

Tara blew on the cocoa and took a sip before answering. “I don’t know. Nate said to be ready to go out to someplace fancy. He said that he would be here around seven to pick me up.”

After taking another sip of the cocoa, Tara set the mug down and bent forward at the waist to stretch a little more. “Are you ok?” asked Cindy.

“Yea, just a little tight from the cold.” She stood back up and picked the mug back up for a few more sips.

“I’ll tell you what,” said Cindy. “You get yourself a hot shower and I’ll give you a message before you slip into your dress. And maybe a glass of wine to relax you a bit.”

Tara thought it over while finishing off her mug of cocoa and schnapps. “Sounds like a good idea, but keep it easy on the wine, I don’t want to be buzzing before I walk out the door.”

Cindy chuckled, “You need to build up your tolerance to alcohol. You’re the only person who can get sloppy drunk after a couple glasses of wine.”

Both girls laughed over her comment. Cindy took the mug from Tara as she made her way to the bathroom. She set it in the sink and then went into her bedroom. Once she heard Tara turn on the shower, she went to her closet and pulled out a medium sized duffle bag and set it on her bed. In it were the items she had bought for herself. There were a wide variety of bondage restraints as well of a good deal of soft nylon rope. Nate had the privilege of breaking in most of the gear on Cindy. She sat back on the bed while thinking of some of the more memorable moments of their sessions.

Cindy was brought back to reality when she heard the shower shut off. She got up off the bed and quietly moved to the door to Tara’s room. A little while later she heard Tara turn on her blow dryer and then opened the door to Tara’s bedroom. She walked into the room and set the bag on the bed. She opened the bag and pulled out a few small coils of rope and slid them under a pillow. The bag was closed and slid under the bed and Cindy walked out of the room. She sat back down at the table and finished off her last cooler before it got as warm as the room.

When Tara emerged from the bathroom, Cindy got up and poured her a glass of wine and then walked to the bedroom. She knocked on Tara’s door. “Come on in,” was the response from the other side. Cindy opened the door and walked in. Tara had already put her bra and panties on and was slowly sliding a stocking up her leg. Cindy stood back and watched as Tara bunched up and then slipped the other stocking over her foot and slowly slid it up her leg. Tara stood up and picked up the garter belt. Cindy walked up to her and handed her the wine and held out her hand for the garter belt. Tara traded her the garter belt for the glass of wine.

“Turn around.” Cindy told Tara. Tara turned her back to her and Cindy passed the belt around her waist. She situated it and then hooked the garter belt in place. Tara was sipping the wine and looking at her self in the mirror hanging on the far wall. Cindy slowly took the hooks from the garter and fed them the stockings, giving Tara time to get most of the wine in her system. After she had all four hooks fastened she stood up and turned Tara around to face her.

“You look hot enough right now, I think the dress would only take away from it.” Cindy commented and both girls giggled at the thought of going out dressed like that. “How about the massage?”

“Oh yes.” Tara smiled and then took one last drink from the glass before setting it on the night stand and crawling up onto the bed. She placed herself in the middle of the queen-sized bed and lay down on her stomach. Cindy offered her a pillow, but she turned it down. Cindy moved onto the bed and placed Tara’s hands to her sides and ladyboy porno then began to work her magic on Tara’s shoulders. Tara moaned in approval. “This is exactly what I needed.”

“Just relax and let me take care of you.” Cindy worked her hands down Tara’s back and then down her legs. The stockings made the massage just a tad bit more tricky, but not a lot. Cindy knew that Tara was a little insecure about her body when she was naked, so she didn’t say anything to her. Cindy was feeling the effects of her little drinking binge as a small buzz was working in her head. She hoped that Tara hadn’t noticed anything earlier, because Tara knew from past experience that Cindy could get mean when buzzed. Cindy took her time working back up Tara’s body, concentrating on her calves, thighs, and all over her back.

Cindy leaned closer to Tara’s head. “Tara,” she whispered. No response. Again she whispered Tara’s name, and Tara didn’t respond. Tara was out. Cindy tried one last time, only a little louder, and again Tara didn’t respond. The little bit of alcohol did it’s job and relaxed her into a hard sleep. Cindy reached back under the pillow and pulled out the coils of nylon rope. She set the extra coils down by her leg and unrolled one of them. She took the four foot length of rope and doubled it over, then laid it on Tara’s back, parallel to her spine.

Gently taking hold of Tara’s right arm, Cindy bent it at the elbow and laid Tara’s right arm on her back, with the rope under it. She let go of it slowly to see if it would slide off, but it laid still. Cindy gently repeated the process with Tara’s left arm, laying the left hand right next to the right. She slowly let go of that hand and watched to see it either hand would move. Tara lay perfectly still. Cindy took the rope that was now under both wrists and brought it over them, feeding the loose ends through the doubled end and then slowly drawing up the slack. She then twisted the loose ends a quarter turn and ran them to each side before laying them down. Cindy picked up Tara’s wrists with one hand and used her free hand to pass the two ends under them. Once complete she laid Tara’s wrists back down and brought the loose ends back up. She took her time drawing up all the slack before knotting off the rope. Cindy smiled to herself. If Tara did wake up now, she would be hard pressed to get out of the simple tie.

Cindy picked up the long coil and undid it, again doubling the rope. She passed the rope under Tara’s arms, jus above the elbows and then brought the ends up, again feeding the loose ends through the doubled end and pulling out the slack. Cindy did this really slow, pausing every now and then to make sure as the arms became more uncomfortably closer, they didn’t wake Tara up. When Tara’s arms were about five inches apart, Cindy stopped pulling in the slack and knotted off the loop. She then made another pass around the arms and knotted it again. With the remaining rope, she took each end and passed it under Tara’s arms by her armpits, and brought it back over her shoulders. The two ends were brought back down to the central knot and then tied off to the knot, making the tie complete.

Taking one of the remaining two coils, Cindy crossed her roommate’s legs at the ankles and looped rope around it until there was a little bit left and then tied them off. Tara had not moved any part of her body during this, which impressed Cindy. She figured that Tara would have at least tried to adjust her position to a more comfortable one, but she hasn’t. Cindy slowly made her way off the bed, as not to wake Tara up from the motion, and pulled out her bag. She sifted through it until she came across a ball gag. The ball gag was a little over two inches in diameter, but was made of a softer substance than the hard rubber of her other ball gags. Cindy slowly moved back onto Tara’s bed and positioned herself by Tara’s shoulders placing the ball gag by her leg.

Reaching across Tara, Cindy placed one hand under Tara’s shoulder. She bent low and whispered, “Roll over.” Tara only wiggled her arms and moaned slightly before drifting back to sleep. Cindy waited latin porno a minute or so and then repeated the command, “Roll over.” This time after she gave the command, Cindy gently pulled on Tara’s shoulder and guided her roommate onto her side. With Tara laying on her side and with no pillow to support her head, she still slept with her head on the bed, leaving a gap between her neck and the mattress. Cindy slid her hand through the gap and lowered herself onto her elbow of the same arm. With her other arm she reached over and picked up the ball gag.

“Now open,” she whispered to Tara. Tara opened her mouth just wide enough to spread her lips. Cindy took a finger and gently pushed on Tara’s chin, opening her mouth just a little more. Then she moved her finger away and let Tara sleep for a moment longer.

“Open,” whispered Cindy as she brought the ball to Tara’s lips. Tara opened her mouth a little wider. Cindy used her fingers to push open Tara’s mouth while slowly passing the ball gag past Tara’s lips with her other hand. She pushed the ball in, letting the straps dangle freely, catching one strap with her hand under Tara’s neck. She pulled it through the gap and around to the back of her roommate’s head. With her other hand, Cindy brought the strap with the buckle around and then fed the end through the buckle. She pulled slowly until the straps tightened, and then buckled the gag in place. Her entrapment was complete.

Cindy slowly backed off the bed, admiring her handy work. Once standing she noticed the last coil of rope laying on the bed. She unrolled it and then doubled over the rope. The doubled end was passed between Tara’s bound and crossed ankles and the free ends passed through it. Cindy cinched down on the rope, knotted it, and slowly pulled Tara’s ankles towards her wrists. The free ends of the rope were passed around the collection of knots in the middle of Tara’s back. Cindy pulled on the rope with one hand and guided Tara’s ankles back with the other hand. Once Tara’s legs were bent to almost touching her curvaceous rump, Cindy stopped pulling and knotted off the rope to the rope binding Tara’s elbows. For the fun of it, Cindy lifted up Tara’s head and placed a pillow under it. Cindy picked up her bag of gear along with her dress and walked out of Tara’s bedroom.

She looked at the clock, which read ten after six, and decided if she washed with a cloth and not shower, she could be ready by seven. Cindy set about getting ready. She wiped down, primped her hair, arranged her make-up and then got dressed. She put on her own black push up bra, a black thong, and black garter belt. She pulled on some black lace top stockings and attached them to the garter belt. For and added touch, she pulled on a pair of black satin opera length gloves. Nate had a thing for the gloves. Finally Cindy pulled on the dress and zipped up the back, then checked her appearance in the mirror.

The doorbell rang. Cindy stepped into a pair of black 4″ heels and snatched up her purse on her way to the door. At the door she pulled her long coat out of the closet and opened the door. Nate was standing there in a nice tailored suit, all charcoal except his shirt and tie. Suits always made Nate look sexy to her, and the charcoal set off his dark brown eyes, making Cindy melt. Cindy couldn’t help but look him up and down, and Nate returned the favor. Both of them smiled at each other.

“So where are you off to?” asked Nate.

“You didn’t get the message?” Cindy put on one of her best surprised looks.

“What message?”

“Tara couldn’t make it. Something came up and she told me to go in her place.”

Nate frowned a little bit. “Now wait a minute…”

“I’d have you ask her, but she’s not here to answer.”

“But,” started Nate.

“Listen, you already have plans, or reservations, or something in mind.” Cindy handed him her long coat. “Just do it with me.” She turned her back to him. “For old time’s sake.”

Nate was at a loss for words. He hadn’t planned on this happening. And Tara wasn’t available to answer his questions. It seemed very odd. But Cindy did look very hot in her dress, and he didn’t want to waste money on his tickets and dinner reservations. He opened the jacket and offered it to Cindy, who slid her arms into it before shrugging it on and buckling it up. Cindy turned and killed the lights before stepping out and shutting the door behind her, hearing it lock in place.

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