Sakura Pays Homage to Tiezo Hashimo

13 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Raion had spent the morning sitting near the Shinto Shrine at the edge of His village. He often spent time there alone, contemplating, enjoying the quiet breeze and in season the fragrance of cherry blossom from the beautiful orchard that formed a perfect background to the sanctuary. Today He felt particularly blessed. His spirit had been low, an emptiness had formed and taken hold of Him and would not be moved by any means. No matter how He meditated or pondered the truths of life He was not able to lift the blackness. Then wonder of wonders a small group of boys, undoubtedly playing truant from school had started to fly a magnificent Edo Kite. The decoration was a picture depicting a very beautiful geisha painted in the Ukiyo-e style, brightly colored in reds, yellows and greens. Raion watched as the boys expertly maneuvered the fragile creation in the light winds and was captivated by the dancing form of the geisha as she hung in the sky above Him.

It had been three days since the incident of the kite and Raion had been busy making preparations. Day one He had given up to consideration and design, always the first necessity, the second to construction and testing to ensure that everything was as full proof as theoretically possible. Today was the climax to His thoughts and labors and He waited impatiently for Sakuras arrival. She would be exactly on time of course. Precisely at eleven He would see her outline through the paper door as she knelt and silently slid the screen open to enter. Today she would be wearing a red kimono. She was aware of His liking for that hue and made it a habit to wear a particular favorite of His every Wednesday. She had become as much a creature of habit as He, perhaps finding the feeding of His pleasures as necessary as He found the nourishment.

Sakura waited patiently at the gate. She was always early, normally at least thirty minutes but would not allow even her presence to disturb Him for a moment before her allotted time. She had been training with Him for almost three months but still found it hard to judge if He was happy with her or just patient. From the first time they had met He had shown her great respect, far more respect than she either deserved or desired. Often at night she would lay and hope that tomorrow would be the day He finally used her as violently as she craved but each day He would take just a bite at the peach she offered to the very stone. The last two days had been unsettling, she had become used to their routine, she would generally spend the first few hours working on some floral arrangement or perhaps a little calligraphy and He would sit and read or write whilst occasionally taking time to praise or gently criticize her efforts. The afternoons would invariably bring some degree of shibari and she would finally feel the hands upon her skin she so desired. These last two days He had left her for long periods and she had begun to wonder if He was slowly allowing a distance to come between them.

Today being Wednesday sikiş izle Sakura had intended to wear the plain red kimono she knew He liked so much with a salmon pink obi and simply covered by a floral patterned happi. Her decision to change was one taken from feminine guile and a risk she had thought long and hard about. The kimono she had chosen was indeed red, but far more formal than any for normal wear. The sleeves were staggeringly long, almost reaching the ground and the pattern of peony on the lower half of the costume intricate and bright. The yellow obi she had chosen was the finest she possessed and her mother had clucked at her disapprovingly as she passed through the general living area on her way out. Kneeling at the doorway she could feel His eyes inspecting her through the translucent paper covering and slid the doorway open not quite knowing what to expect.

Raion nodded His approval as she entered. The girl had obviously made an unusual effort today, presumably for His benefit and He felt obliged and pleased to show appreciation. Actually it was not hard, she looked quite wonderful, but Good manners would not allow for any but the mildest praise. He was pleased, very pleased, her choices fitted auspiciously with His own dream and again the image of the geisha dancing in the spring sunshine above His head settled His very being. She settled at the work table, sitting seiza with the small comfort of a stool to allow her to remain in a poised form for as long as was necessary. The items He had chosen for her to utilize were simple but esthetically pleasing, pebbles from the stream, some moss and a selection of sprigs of budding Oyama Magnolia. The dish was plain but beautifully glazed in the imperfect form He so admired.

“Today I will introduce you to a new form. I will understand if you find the experience a little frightening at first but please be assured you will be perfectly safe under My hands.”

Sakura placed the cutting she was in the process of trimming upon the table and listened attentively.

“We are going to My private garden at the back of the house. You have not been there before, in fact very few ever get enjoy it. I hope you will find the experience enlightening. Please follow Me.”

Sakura rose gracefully and with eyes lowered followed Raion through the house. She was amazed how large a floor area there was, from the front the house looked quite small but it extended far further back than was obvious. She also noticed the scarcity of furnishing. Several of the rooms they passed through were totally bare except for matting and another simply contained a low table and cushions.

“As you see I find furniture somewhat unnecessary. Simplicity is best for the artist, allows him to focus where he should.”

The exit to the rear garden was thr0ugh a very large pair of sliding panels. The sun was shining brightly through the paper and Sakura could just make out the shape of a large shinmei torii in the distance.

“I brazzers have decided it would be best if you wore a blindfold at first. This is simply to allow you to concentrate on the task of relaxation and pliability as opposed to being distracted by different surroundings. Please remove your clothing now and place it to one side.”

Sakura adored undressing for Him. She was completely aware of the effect her nakedness had on Him simply because as much as He tried to seem nonchalant He couldn’t hide the difference in His pulse and breathing that were always audible to her sharp ears.

Raion took a simple red hachimaki from the folds of His kimono and carefully covering her eyes tied the narrow strip of fabric with a simple bow. He had no fear she might try to peep, cheating was not in the girl’s nature and she would obey His wishes to the death if necessary. The sliding doors led directly onto a finely manicured lawn. Raion spent hours on His knees meticulously removing the slightest trace of weed or wild flower. The lawn was truly magnificent and deserved more approving eyes than just His but the unfortunate disturbance to His routine that visitors bought made that happenstance unlikely. Taking Sakura lightly by the elbow He guided her forward, carefully having removed His own geta to preserve as much of the grasses lush texture as possible.

Carefully positioning Sakura beneath and slightly in front of the twin lintels of the torii facing towards the house He retrieved from the left upright the rope that controlled the large pulley above their heads and lowered the suspended heavy bamboo cross piece till it was parallel to Sakuras shoulders.

Raion started with a simple karada on her upper body, crossing the breasts above and below then passing over the shoulders in a diagonal pattern to tie the piece together. The main wraps were three double strands wide to give good strength and spread of pressure. Taking a fresh rope He made three passes around her ankles then trailing up the back of her legs repeated the passes around her lower thighs leaving the slack to one side momentarily. Lifting her arms to rest against the bamboo cross He used simple creeping hitches to adjoin her limbs firmly to the member. Recovering the slack from the thigh bind He passed the open end up and around the center of the bamboo using enough tension to arch her back. Utilizing a complete new length of rope He passed four complete loops around her belly at the front and the tension rope at the back creating a cradle for support, the slack He passed through a loop a second rope that passed through the block and tackle above and then attached the end to the bindings around her knees.

“I wish you to keep standing in a straight form as I lower you a little towards the ground Sakura.”

Grasping the twin ropes that supported the bamboo cross and connected to her belly and lower thighs Raion eased of the tension to the pulley above and lowered her face down towards fake taxi porno the lush grass. Sakura remained perfectly straight and true and He quickly adjusted the lengths of what now had become flying wires to obtain the exact body angle He desired.

Sakura had marveled at the dexterity of His hands as He had spun the cocoon of ropes that now supported her acute angle. Each touch had created a burn upon her flesh and she remembered each minute pressure with wondrous abandonment. She imagined the thoughts that filled His mind as He worked, hoped that they secretly ravaged her body as she so desired, ached for the day when she would finally feel Him possess her as only penetration of her orifices by His flesh could. The ropes were of little concern. Her body was toned and muscled by the long hours of toil and excellent diet she had the good sense to partake. Her breasts were captured in a perfect brassiere, squeezing her small mounds so they felt like a movie stars enhanced bust. Her nipples were rock hard and when He had brushed them inadvertently during the binding her cervix had danced from womb to urethra. Her thighs were clasped together from the wraps but she was certain they were also glued with her own stickiness that drooled from her vulva endlessly.

“My sweet Sakura I will now remove your blindfold. At first you will see merely the grass below but soon your view will be expansive.”

As He spoke He trailed the fingers of His right hand across her face to brush a strand of hair from her cheek and shuddering twice she climaxed and then urinated onto the grass below her thighs.

Again Raion took the twin ropes in His hands and slowly, emotionally He began to raise Sakuras crucified form upwards. The tori lower cross member was twelve foot above the lawn and he continued raising and adjusting till she was flying just four feet below. The wind was light but still buffeted her suspended body a little from side to side and pendulously back and forth, she indeed began to dance. Satisfied with her position He tied off the ropes securely and walked slowly back towards the house entrance. He avoided looking back till He reached the doorway and had placed a small stool in the center of the framework.

Sakura watched Him walk towards the house. His frame was large and even from this totally new perspective compelling. She had never ever dared to look at Him for any significant length of time before but now from this position her unrestricted view only further cemented the love and desire in her heart and soul. She felt totally vulnerable and had no chance of escape yet for the first time finally felt the overwhelming conditions of submissiveness and helplessness that freed her totally from human bondage.

Raion sat on the stool and sighed. Let the slow escape of spent air from His lungs bring the relaxed and meditative state that meant peace. He watched as His kite was buffeted by the breeze, smiled joyously as the sun seemed to throw its rays solely to create the halo burning at her edges. It was ten minutes before He spotted the first error. A simple thing, a slip knot turned in counter face to all the others, yet to Raion the very imperfection raised their creation from simple artistry to the sublime.

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