Roomies: Catching Kim

8 Mart 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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Pam McGuire covered her mouth as she yawned. Golly, she was tired. Although few who casually knew the brunette coed and her roommate Kim McCall would have believed it, she wasn’t tired from partying the night before. Instead, she and Kim had stayed up late studying, something they actually did far more often than they were credited. Kim had a particularly hard advanced Calculus exam today and Pam had faced a major Political Science test. So they had hit the textbooks instead of the fraternity houses.

This afternoon they had also faced their other school activities. Pam had a track team meeting and a short work out period. Kim and the cheerleading squad were scheduled to practice a recently learned routine. They had agreed after all that “nose to the grindstone” stuff they deserved to go out for beer and pizza tonight, regardless of the calories consumed. They figured they deserved it.

However, a nap was definitely the first thing on Pam’s mind. She checked her watch. It was about four, giving her a couple of hours before needing to get ready for the night’s planned fun. She and Kim had agreed on that, so before she went into their dorm room she paused and pried her shoes off before gently testing the door knob.

It was unlocked, the way they usually left it. Dorm theft wasn’t much of a problem in this year of 1967. The worst that usually happened was a raid on stashed cookies from home. Everyone on this floor was pretty well acquainted and could be counted on to turn a blind eye to the smuggling of a boyfriend to a room. Not that she expected it, but the discreet sign that she and Kim each left to tell the other that they were busy with a guest was not present. So all Pam had to worry about was waking her friend.

Or so she thought. When she quietly slipped through the door, closing it carefully behind her, she discovered that Kim was indeed in bed, alone, but not asleep. Indeed, Pam could tell that her best friend and sometimes lover was wide awake, although her eyes were closed.

Kim had kicked the covers off and lay nude on the bed the two girls often shared. Her knees were bent and splayed Ankara escort to either side, the soles of her feet drawn up and touching. One hand was between her legs, cupping her mound. Through the damp black curls, Pam could see Kim’s index finger had disappeared inside of herself.

The girl on the bed pumped her hand, slowly at first, then faster. Her hips squirmed and she let out a slight gasp as she added her middle finger into her pussy. The other hand wandered back and forth over the small, firm breasts, first brushing the hard nipples and then pausing to flick each one back and forth in turn.

Pam flexed her knees, quietly setting her gym bag on the floor. She leaned back against the door frame, her eyes locked on her friend. She had showered after her workout and was wearing nothing more than her team shorts and a tight little top with the bottom cut off, exposing her flat stomach. Neither proved any kind of barrier to the brunette’s questing fingers.

Curling fingers hooked under abbreviated shorts, pulling them up and giving Pam full access to her pussy, already wet from watching Kim. Her nipples were already hard against her tight cotton top, allowing her to toy with them as she began to imitate the actions of her friend. She muffled a grunt as she slid two fingers up into her pussy and began to slowly pump them in and out of her. She pressed her palm against her breast, rubbing it around in big flat circles.

The black haired cheerleader punched up with her hips several times as she drove her fingers deeply. Then she slowed and pulled them from her pussy. Lifting her hand, she waved those fingers under her nose, inhaling their scent. She giggled, then slowly slid one, knuckle by knuckle, into her mouth. She sucked it, then added the other one. A dreamy smile crossed her face as though the taste of herself was nectar.

Kim surprised Pam again. Her hand crept back down her body and between her legs. Suddenly she slapped her pussy with a quick pop of her hand. Again, and then again she brought her palm sharply against herself. A moan of excitement came from her as her other hand squeezed Ankara escort bayan her breast and her thumb and finger took the stiff nipple and pinched it.

Pam abandoned her slightly awkward position and plunged her hand down the front of her shorts, spreading her legs to give herself full access to her own soaking wet sex. Her clit was unhooded and throbbing even before the first touch. She couldn’t believe Kim still had her eyes closed. Her roommate pressed her feet together and arched her back, opening her pussy completely to the quick little slaps she was delivering to herself.

“Oh, mmmm, God yes,” Kim moaned. She lowered her head to lick her nipple as she lifted her firm little breast to her mouth. She slapped herself sharply, almost hard, once, twice, three times and then began to furiously rub her wide open slit.

Pam’s own hand was moving so fast between her own legs she imagined she could catch fire was it not for the flood of her juices already flowing from her. She pressed her soaked fingers against her clit, rolling and tapping and caressing it, even as she watched her sexy little roomie do the same thing to her hard pearl. The young athlete sagged against the door frame as the sight of her wildly masturbating friend made her own efforts at self-pleasure reach heights she had only dreamed of.

Kim began to thrash on the bed, rolling side to side. Her moans grew louder as her body arched into the air. Pam redoubled her own efforts, hoping to reach her peak at the same time as the other girl.

Just then, Kim’s eyes opened. For a long moment they gazed on her friend without any recognition. Then they widened in surprise.

“Oh CRAP,” Kim turned red. She tried to stop, or at least slow her hands down, but was so caught up in the rush of her on-coming wave she couldn’t.

“For God’s sake, Kim,” gasped Pam. “Don’t stop now.” The brunette girl shoved her shorts down and her top up, exposing herself to her nude lover. “Do yourself, Kim. Please. Its so fucking hot. Make yourself cum and I’ll cum with you.”

All Kim could do was moan her agreement and match the blurring Escort Ankara motion of her friend’s fingers with her own. Nipples were pinched, open slits stroked and throbbing clits rubbed until first Kim and then Pam cried out in happiness as they brought themselves to orgasm.

As both girls breathing returned to near normal, Pam sagged in the doorway and Kim relaxed the position she had been in. They avoided looking at each other, remaining silent until finally Kim giggled.

“I can’t believe you stood there and watched me!”

“What do you mean ‘watched’?” Pam replied. “In case you didn’t notice, and I suppose you could be forgiven if you didn’t, I was trying to match you stroke for stroke.” She blushed. “I really didn’t mean to, I mean, I thought you were asleep and I wanted to be quiet, and then I SAW you and I couldn’t stop.” Realizing she was babbling, Pam took a deep breath, and then laughed.

“And for heaven’s sake, you and I have been sleeping together since last school year. What I can’t believe is that this is embarrassing me.”

“Yes, well, I was embarrassed too,” Kim noted. “But mostly you almost gave me a heart attack when I opened my eyes and saw you standing there.”

“Teach you to keep those pretty eyes open.” Thoughtfully, “I don’t recall you closing your eyes when we’re making love, by the way.”

Kim sat up, making no attempt to pull the sheet up around her. “What? Now you’re taking notes? ” Another giggle followed. “Maybe you’re making a dossier?”

Pam shook her head, pulled her shorts up and her top down, then walked to the bed, “Not a bad idea. But for now would you please move over. If we’re going out tonight we need that nap I thought you were taking. There’s a really cute guy from the men’s track team who wants to ask you out. Since he’s petrified at the thought of being turned down, you need to casually bump into him tonight at the frat party we’re invited to attend.”

The two coeds snuggled together. Kim pulled the sheet up over the pair of them.

“Okay, one hour then,” yawned Pam.

“I can’t understand how you can always wake up when you tell yourself.”

“Me either.”

As the young women drifted off, Pam wrapped an arm around Kim and murmured “Some time we’re going to do this again.”

“Next time I get to watch you first,” said Kim before they both nodded off.

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