Revenge on Lottie

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Revenge on LottieThe StageHe stood waiting, silently in the night. His heart racing, his senses on high alert for anything out of the ordinary. From his vantage point, he could see the huge hulking shadow of the man he hired to do the dirty work. The hulk’s name was Harry and he cost a bundle. He was a massive 6-foot-tall, dirty, biker. He was perfect for the part. Harry was disgusting and someone you don’t want to be around, not only because of the smell, but because he would do anything for money. And tonight, he had been hired to do a job and help make her pay for what she did. The night was the culmination of months and months of planning. Mark had been thinking of little else these past 6 months. He was going to get his revenge on her for what she did! She was going to get what she deserved. He was so excited for tonight; he actually had an erection pushing painfully against his jeans! Oh, how he remembered her body and her insatiable desire for cock. He remembered how good she was, how hard she liked to fuck! Oh yeah, he remembered it well.Suddenly, there was the familiar click of high heels coming down the street. He had been watching her. Learning her routines and tonight was the night for him to make his move. He saw her come into view. She had a slight lean to one side as she stumbled her way home from drinking with her girlfriends. It was the same routine every week. She would stagger home after getting drunk and after getting some cock. It was a sad, Thursday night routine and he had been watching her, studying her, preparing for tonight.Her name was Lottie, and she was made to fuck. She had a tight, fit little body and full ripe breasts that she flaunted to everyone! She loved to be treated like a trashy, little, slut. In truth, she never felt satisfied. She needed sex to feel loved and desired. A nice stiff cock made her feel good, even if it only lasted a couple hours. Soon enough the emptiness returned and all she wanted was a fat, hard, cock again. And oh, how she loved watching those boys fight for a chance to rub their cocks on her, when they danced. It just made her feel so excited, knowing that they all wanted to fuck her and were fighting for the chance. She knew she was a slut, but she just could not seem to help it. The thought of a cock getting all hard for her was just too much to handle! And now she was drunk, horny, and about to walk right into a trap! Mark watched as she approached her house. He could see Harry, waiting just near her front stoop. The light bulb had been removed creating a very dark corner, that hid him perfectly. It was as if someone had planned it. Harry had been paid well, but he was also just looking forward to a little rough play with this little freak. From how she was described to him, she might even like what he was going to do to her. He didn’t care, but it was hot to imagine it!Mark was trembling with anticipation as she drew nearer to his trap. Only he knew the full extent of his plan, but soon he would have her right where he wanted her. He was really going to enjoy it. His cock was raging, and he was sweating under the black cap that was pulled down low over his eyes. He checked the street for any unexpected visitors that could ruin his plan, but he saw no one. She was almost there. Harry was in position and the time was now.Lottie was not happy walking up to her stoop tonight. She had spent most of the night drinking and rubbing up on a couple guys with potential, but one too many shots had sent her into the bathroom, and she missed her chance. Her potential suitors were gone before she managed to pull herself together and get back out there. Now she found herself walking home with wet panties, bar breath, and she was sure to have a nasty hangover tomorrow. She just wanted to get into bed and sleep forever. Harry moved in like a flash, at just the right moment as she turned the key in her lock. She was small and he could grab her around her torso and hold both of her arms with only one of his. His biggest problem were her two big tits! They pushed out against his arm when he grabbed her, and the size was not missed on him. That left his other hand free to grab her mouth and keep her from screaming! He pushed her into her house and pushed the door closed behind him. He stood silently inside her home, holding her tight and not letting her move. He knew her mind would realize the futility of struggling and then start to negotiate for her safety. That’s what they always did.Mark saw Harry snatch her up and was impressed with how quickly and quietly he got her into her house. Mark sat quietly and watched the street for any sign that anyone had seen anything. The whole street was dark and silent. Mark was surprised at how easily you could snatch someone from right in front of their door. Pretty scary thought! Once Mark knew that he had made the grab without being noticed, he smiled and headed towards her house. He was really going to enjoy this night.For Lottie, the situation felt vastly different. Her drunken haze made her reactions slower. She had to really focus to get her key in the door and turn the lock. The alcohol made her feel slow and uncoordinated and then suddenly she was held in a vice like grip and her mouth and nose were covered by a huge hand and stifled her startled scream. While Lottie was a slut, but she was not prepared for what was about to happen to her.Inside the houseOnce inside the small house, Lottie realized that she was being completely controlled by the man holding her. She could feel an arm, that felt like steel, holding her. She could feel how hard his big strong, his barrel chest was on her back. She felt him pushing her downward, so she had to keep her feet under her, to keep from falling. This kept her from being able to kick back at him as well. Harry knew what he was doing, and he had Lottie right where he wanted her. Harry felt her struggle start to subside. He knew she would see the trap she was in and try to negotiate her way out. He leaned his head down and whispered softly in her ear, “I can just snap your little neck and kill you right now!” He gave her head a slight twist that showed her how vulnerable she was to him. She immediately stopped struggling and froze. Fear had Lottie wide awake and focused now.Harry turned her around so she could see his face in the darkness and with a smile said, “Oh I’m going to enjoy you.” Lottie was terrified, she had never seen this huge stranger before, he was a big man so she would have remembered. Normally, if she saw a man that size, she wondered about the size of his cock! But this man was terrifying, and she just went limp in his arms. Harry looked into her eyes and saw her grasp the helplessness. He told her that if she made a sound she would not live through the night. If she shut the fuck up, and let him do what he wanted, she had a chance. He removed his hand, ready to strike if she made a peep. Lottie was so scared that he was going to kill her, she just decided to let him have her. Harry felt her loosen her body and felt her head give a very slight nod. Harry smiled and said, “yeah, that what I figured. Shit, from what I heard about you, you will probably enjoy it.” Lottie felt her face redden; he knew her! He was calling her out for being a total whore! How did he know? Lottie felt humiliated. How did he know??? She felt dizzy, scared, and slightly curious as to what he was going to do. She liked being controlled, she just didn’t like to admit it and she liked being a bossy bitch. Tonight this man was in total control.Harry half lifted and half dragged her deeper into the house. According to the plan, Harry was to take her and tie her to the footboard of her bed. Mark knew the layout of her house since he had been there many times before. He planned everything down to the detail and Harry had no problem finding his way, while dragging her limp, terrified body towards her bedroom. Lottie mind was racing.OutsideMark stood outside for a long as he could stand it. Seconds and minutes were ticking, and he was desperate Escort to get into Lottie’s house. He didn’t want to miss anything. He had a hard-on for this night for months. After what seemed like an eternity, he made his way down the street to her house. He crept to the back door. Once Harry had her subdued, blindfolded, and gagged her, he would come open the back door for Mark to sneak into the house. After what felt like an eternity, Harry popped his head out the back door, smiled, and said, “welcome home pal,” with a chuckle. Mark barely looked at him as he was so focused on getting his revenge on her for what she did to him and his life.In the BedroomMark followed Harry into the bedroom. Mark couldn’t withhold a gasp at the sight that waited for him in her bedroom. The bedroom he had spent many nights enjoying her. When he walked in, there was a light on near the bed, that lit the entire room. Mark’s eyes were drawn to Lottie and that’s what caused him to gasp. Lottie was bent over the footboard of her bed. She was fully clothed still, but that was part of the plan. What wasn’t a part of the plan, was how hot and sexy she looked bent over that bed. Her arms were pulled out wide and her hands were tied to the frame of the bed holding her in a chest down position with her big titis pressed tight on the top of the wooden footboard. Her ass looked amazing sticking out as she bent over. Her little skirt had ridden up and you could see her white, sexy thong nestled comfortable between her ass cheeks. Mark could see her fat pussy bulging out between her legs. She had a fat pussy that Mark loved to feast on, a long time ago. Her big, round, tits were being pushed towards her face by the flat board, that ran along the top of her footboard. The height was just, perfect for her to have to stand up straight to lessen the tension on her arms and wrists. Her feet were loosely tied the legs of the bed. Loosely so they could move, but not kick backwards. It was all perfect.Lottie, had heard him gasp. She tried to talk thru her gag, but barely made a sound as she tried to speak, “Are you there?” With her eyes and mouth covered her hearing was heightened. She heard the gasp that sounded like surprise, but how could he be surprised? He had man handled her into a very vulnerable position at the foot of her bed. Suddenly, it occurred to her that there was a second person there now. She could hear the floor squeaking as they both moved around the room. She was very scared now. Were they going to hurt her? She knew that they wanted more than just to get into her house. She had been tied up for a while and heard no noise in the house. What were they doing there and how did they know her? She felt so exposed with her ass sticking up in the cool air and her arms were going numb because of the tight ropes. As Mark took his designated place in the corner chair to watch, he had to regather himself. Seeing her like that, had a much stronger effect on him that he expected. He had loved this woman for years. Cared for her, supported her, been there for her always and she just tossed him away without a care. He sat down and watched her very closely. He was having second thoughts, but when he looked over at Harry, he knew that was no turning back. Harry had that look in his eyes, that Mark had seen too many times. Lottie was just hot and she used it perfectly. She trapped men with her looks and sexual prowess and then moved on to the next victim. She would use them too and then continue her search. Always searching for something and never finding itIt BeginsLottie finally heard a voice say, “So Lottie, I hear you are quite the little whore around town.” Harry was moving in on her. He continued, “I hear that you are such a whore that you cheat on your boyfriends.” Lottie’s face turned red. How did he know so much about her? Who had he been talking to about her? She had cheated on a lot of boyfriends, so it was impossible to use that clue. The deep voice continued, “You have no real friends because they all know what a whore you are and that you cannot be trusted. You are alone and all the cocks in the World can’t fill you up, enough. You are a sad, lonely woman and I am going to give you all you can handle tonight and let us just see how much of a whore you are, really!” Harry remembered that lines that Mark had written for him. Mark was impressed.With that last statement Harry reached down and grabbed her thong, right where is covered her asshole, and gave it a vicious yank! The lace fabric gave way, but not until is cut deep into her fleshy thigh. Mark could see the bright red mark it left there. Lottie suddenly pulled away from the pain, but just moved a bit against her constraints. She suddenly felt very exposed. It was one thing to be bend over like that, but to have her pussy and asshole exposed to and her attacker, gave Lottie a jolt of adrenaline, but it was short lived as she realized that she could barely move. Harry was really enjoying himself. He gave her a hard slap on the ass to settle her down. It was hard and so loud that Mark jumped. He was feeling very guilty right about now, but was so caught up in the action that he didn’t know what to do. He saw Harry start to unbuckle his belt. The time had come, Harry was going to take her. Lottie was very scared. She had tried to fight, but the slap on her ass had hurt a lot and she could barely move anyways. She was totally helpless against this monster. She resigned herself to what was about to happen, her fears were flying though her mind. Did he have any diseases? Was he going to cum in her? How much would it hurt when he stuck his cock in her pussy? How big was this monster’s cock? All this was running through her head as he came around in front of her. Mark was sitting behind her in the furthest dark corner. When Harry removed her blind fold, Mark was a little surprised, he could not let her see him. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair. Mark’s cock had been hard when he came into the room, but it was not hard now. He felt very guilty and afraid for her and himself.Harry was having none of the fear that Mark and Lottie felt. His cock was hard and this little bitch was gonna get it! He moved around in front of her because Harry had a big 8 inch cock and it was thick. He liked to see a woman’s face when she first saw it. He liked them to see the size of it before he gave it to them. He positioned himself, on his knees, on the bed, right in front of her. His huge cock was inches from her face. This affect was not lost on Lottie. When the blindfold was pulled roughly from her face, it took as second for her to focus her eyes, but when she did, she was looking at the biggest cock she had every seen! It was long and it was as thick as her wrist! Holy fuck! What a cock! She could not help but be impressed at the sheer size of it! It was a veiny, piece of man meat that, she suddenly realized, was going to be forced upon her! She started to feel dizzy and her head started to droop, but Harry wasn’t going to fall for any fake fainting. He grabbed her under her chin and held her head up real close to his fuck stick! Lottie could smell the very familiar musky scent of a cock and balls. She was dizzy and her pussy started to moisten as she came back to full conscience. The smell of that cock was intoxicating, her pussy started to get wet in anticipation. She realized that she was going to get fucked and she didn’t have anything to say about it. Her heart started to race again, and she started to sweat. She felt herself staring at it and licking her lips.“Ha Ha, you are one horny, little bitch! You are staring at my cock like a hungry dog! You actually want to suck this fucking dick, don’t you?” Harry was slowly moving his cock back and forth in front of Lottie’s eyes and enjoying how her eyes followed it like she was hypnotized. He pulled up hard on her chin and it hurt the back of her neck so she squealed. He raised his hand as if to slap her, and Mark stood up and said. “Hey!”Harry stayed his hand and glared Escort Bayan at Mark, Mark was supposed to keep quiet! Harry looked back down at Lottie and said, “last chance, make so much as a peep again, and I will shut you up, permanently.” “Now, I am going to let you suck it,” Harry said as he pulled a knife out from his pocket and flipped open the long thin blade. I know what you’re thinking, you think that if you make me cum with your mouth, I may not take your pussy from behind, right? I’m sorry sweetheart, but I have had whores like you sucking my cock for decades. You will not impress me, but who am I to deny a woman her chance?” Harry then, grabbed her by her face hard and squeezed her jaw until her mouth started to open. He forced her mouth open wide and then laid the head of his cock right on her bottom lip. He then took the knife, which Mark watched very carefully. He put it in front of Lottie’s eyes. Lottie was terrified as he brought it closer and closer to her face. Harry smiled and said, “Honey you might be thinking about biting my cock. Now I’m going to tell you this, a person can suffer a lot before they die. Are we clear?Lottie, was staring at the light, shining off the blade of that knife as she opened her mouth as wide as she could and carefully slid her mouth down on his cock. As she felt his fat head push into the back of her throat she closed her eyes, relaxed her throat, and almost had an orgasm when he grabbed the back of her head and started to push harder to get deeper into her mouth. Harry had never seen a sexier sight than this tight, young, little thing, with her ass sticking up in the air, just close her eyes and swallow half his cock! She was a dirty little cock-sucking bitch! Harry loved it!Mark was transfixed. He felt guilty, but watching Lottie deep throat that massive cock, had his head spinning. Was she really getting into it? What kind of sick bitch was he dealing with here? Mark watched her and saw her start to slowly, pull back away from the cock as soon as Harry pulled his hand off her head. What none of them could understand was why, she suddenly stopped, and then willingly started to force herself back down on his cock! Mark knew she was a sick, cock hungry whore! Harry thought she was one of the best cocksuckers he ever had, and that she was just trying to keep him out of her ass. And Lottie, well she had lost control. She was unable to stop herself from just trying to get as much of that perfect piece of meat to fuck her mouth. She fucking LOVED, the way it was filling her mouth and throat and there was still more! It was a fantastic cock. The man wielding it was a smelly dirtbag, but what a cock! After just a few minutes of fucking Lottie’s throat, Harry felt his balls pull up into him as they prepared to launch a full volley of his hot, sticky cum, directly down her throat. “Oh yeah, oh fuck… You are going to make me cum aren’t you,” Harry announced.Mark was shocked because the plan was for him to take her ass. Lottie never tried anal and she always said that she never would. She thought it was disgusting. If Harry came now, would he be able to stay hard?Lottie was ashamed to realize that she felt a sense of pride in the fact that she was better than all those other whores that had gotten to this magnificent cock first. Sorry girls, but Lottie had talent. Lottie would have smiled if she could, but her face was stuffed full of a big, throbbing cock. Harry felt Lottie actually speed up and suck harder when he told her was going to feed her his cum! That did it. It pushed Harry over the edge and his cock erupted into Lottie’s mouth. Harry pulled back so that he could give her the taste in her mouth, before slamming his cock, root deep down, her throat and depositing the rest. Lottie latched on to the head of his cock as he started to pull away. She felt a heavy volley of salty cum hit her tongue and then another hit her in the back of her mouth. He then grabbed her head and shoved it back down her throat. Lottie could feel it pumping the cum into her and suddenly her whole body was racked with spasms as she convulsed in her strongest orgasm ever. She again felt dizzy, she fell into a semi-conscience state, but she continued to nurse on that cock like a baby on a nipple. Mark and Harry both just froze in shock! Harry’s cock started to harden again and Mark realized that his pants were soaking from his cock leaking precum into them. She had just had a powerful orgasm and both men were mesmerized by every teenage boys greatest dream. An absolute whore, that would suck and fuck any cock. She had just cum from suck her own attackers’ cock. Wow.Harry’s JobHarry came out of it first; he was a man on a mission and he always took care of business. He pulled his cock from her mouth slowly, then moved off the bed. Lottie came out of her orgasmic slumber and reality hit her like a brick and she started to cry. Sobbing away as she felt him get off the bed. At least she can say she did it to keep him from putting that thing inside her. That is what she told herself. Then suddenly she froze as she felt his hand grab a hold of her hip from behind. “Um, Uh, what… what are you doing,” she stuttered.Harry felt her tighten up and was about to give her another warning when he heard her speak. The entire room shook with the violent sound of Harry slapping Lottie on the ass so hard, Mark jumped again. White light flashed in front of Lottie eyes and a searing pain shot through her body. Harry reach down and grabbed her hair from behind and turned her head slightly, “What did I tell you about talking?”Mark was preparing to step in and try to stop this whole thing, but then he heard Lottie whimper and say, “I’m sorry Daddy.”Mark collapsed back into the chair. Harry laughed and thought, man this chick knows all the tricks. Suddenly Lottie’s eye flew open and she felt something warm and wet land smack dab on her exposed asshole. Harri had dropped and big drop of spit right in her ass. Lottie suddenly realized that he was planning on putting that monster into her ass. She turned her head to protest, but then remembered that slap. She felt the plum sized head of his cock start to push on her asshole. Lottie had read about it and spoken to friends and boyfriends about it. It just always seemed so dirty to her that she never wanted to try it, Well, she was about to get it now. Lottie was not a weak woman by any means. She was tough and strong, so she set her feet, gritted her teeth and prepared her body for the assault. She tried to relax her sphincter as she felt it starting to succumb to the pressure of that strong pole pushing through her.Suddenly a sharp pain, and Lottie quickly gasp as she felt her ass being penetrated for the first time in her life. She pain was sharp, but the feeling of having that cock head inside her was somehow fulfilling. It hurt. She thought she felt some trickly of blood run down her leg as he ripped her open in order to accommodate the girth of the head. Suddenly, to her dismay, she felt him start to push harder and force more cock into her. Oh God, she could feel herself stretching to try to give way for that huge fucking cock to fit inside. Harry was in heaven, she had the tightest little ass and watching his long thick cock push up into it was a sight to remember. Harry knew he was going to cum again, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone. He was paid to force this woman into anal and he had done that, now he was gonna cum and go! He chuckled to himself on that one. Harry set his feet and started to slide in and out of Lottie’s tight little ass. He was impressed with how she managed to take it and still stay quiet. Harry liked this one. He wasn’t even slamming her the way he would normally do. This was her first time, and he gave her a nice smooth fucking and then started to feel the cum boiling up through his cock. Harry grunted and he shot his load into Lottie’s ass. Lottie felt him throbbing and she knew the same feeling when he pumped his load into her throat. Bayan Escort Lottie was grateful for the feeling. She felt good that she had taken that cock and it had made her feel good. She even felt a bit down when she felt it leave her body. The feeling was still in her mind, but she knew she would never get the feelings of that cock ever again. She was exhausted and she let one knee fall awkwardly down and she rested her weight on it. It was over, or so she thought.Marks TurnThe room went dark and Lottie was suddenly in the dark again. She heard the big man buttoning up his pants and getting his clothes in order. She figured, even a man with that much cock was done, after emptying those two huge loads into her. She was right, but she had forgotten about Mark, who was quietly sitting in the corner watching her every move. Once Harry was gone, it was just Mark and Lottie. Mark sat there for a while feeling a whole range of emotions. He loved and hated this person for what she did. And yet here he was sitting here watching her get taken as he had planned. Lottie had tried to stand quietly for as long as possible. She had pretty much decided that the other man had left as well, but then she had heard him move quickly and quietly into the bathroom. Lottie was scared again. What he the one that was going to kill her after his friend was done? Maybe she could entice him to let her go? That was when she started talking. What happened next shocked her even more.Lottie felt her legs and arms aching. She could take it anymore and said, “Please sir, please. Are you still there? I know there were two of you. I know you are the good one. Please help me, my arms and legs are falling asleep. Mark suddenly leapt from the chair and went straight to the bathroom. A place he had been many times. He grabbed a washcloth and put in under warm water. He grabbed her robe and walked back into the bedroom. When she heard him return to her, she tensed herself for pain.Mark took her robe and d****d it over her shoulders, tying it around her to warm her up. He then kneeled down behind her to inspect the damage. He took the warm cloth and start to wipe the blood and dried cum of both Harry and Lottie. He would hear Lottie whimper ever so slightly as he cleaned her with a soft gentle touch. When she felt the soft touch of the warm cloth and his soft hands, she liked it. This man was soft and almost loving. There was something familiar about him. Was he the one that knew her?Lottie could not see anything, but the feel of the man’s touch, was so soft and caring that she felt herself again, getting turned on. Her head screamed, what the hell is wrong with you Lottie, you slut! But despite her disgust with herself, she felt her pussy start to prepare itself again. She felt him lift her slightly to her feet and she knew he was down on his knees behind her. She knew he was behind her because she felt him cleaning and wiping the blood and whatever else she had back there, after taking that great cock. When she felt his breath on the back of her thigh, she realized he was really close to her exposed pussy and asshole. When that realization hit her, she felt her body go on automatic and she actually started to squat lower to get her pussy closer to that hot breath.Mark was kneeling behind her and carefully cleaning her up. He felt really bad for hurting her like this and he was trying to make up for it. He sighed as he was almost done and then she was pushing her pussy right at his face. What the hell? How did she know where his face even was, but before he could even think, he heard a soft, “please,” escape her lips. Mark was drawn like a moth to flame. Before he knew it, he was moving his mouth into position on her pussy. Mark placed his hand on the backs of her thighs and pulled slightly to make her pussy bulge out between her legs even more. As he did that, he felt her arch her back and push back towards him. Mark felt pure lust as he slid his tongue into her from behind. Lottie felt her breath freeze as she felt the most incredible sensation of her life. Her pussy was welcoming this little intruder as if she loved him? As Mark started to lap at her pussy lips, Lottie felt in pure ecstasy. Whoever he was, he was making love to her pussy, she only knew one person that ever-made love to her like that, AND THAT WAS WHEN SHE KNEW! Holy Shit! Lottie’s eyes snapped open, and it all fell into place. It was Mark. He did this to her, and she had him now. Lottie felt the anger trying to rise up, but the sensation of Mark eating her desperate pussy was too much. Her legs started shaking and she felt her release starting to build. Mark felt her start to cum and doubled his efforts. Lottie’s eyes rolled back as she unleased a powerful orgasm right in Mark’s mouth.They both took a second to recover and Lottie knew what she wanted and how to get it. Lottie regained her footing after that last big one and then said, “please, I need you. Please fuck my hungry pussy, she needs you. Please”Mark jumped up and release he rock hard member. The head was shiny from all his pre-cum. He quickly lined up behind her and just pushed his cock slowly into a very wet pussy. Mark couldn’t help but gasp as he slid into her. Her pussy was alive, like the jaws of a snake, opening up to pull him in deeper and deeper. Lottie smiled again. Mark always made that noise when she gave him her pussy. She had no doubt that her ex Mark was now slowly fucking her brains out from behind. Her pussy was on fire and it felt like his cock was just feeding it. Lottie had forgotten her situation, her feelings about Mark, and the pain left from that huge cock. All that matter was the feeling of that wonderful cock sliding into her. It didn’t take long for her to explode in another orgasm. As she was coming down, she felt Mark quicken his strokes and she could tell he was getting close. She squeezed her pussy down on his cock, just the way he liked it. Lottie didn’t know where it came from, but she her herself saying, “Please, please cum in my ass!”Mark could not believe his ears. Did she really?Lottie felt him swell inside her and she said it with more urgency, “Please. Please put in my ass. Please fill my ass with your hot cum!”Mark, pulled his raging cock from her pussy and lined it up against her anus. Mark hesitated, but Lottie couldn’t help it and she slammed her ass back onto his cock. After the earlier fucking her ass was still open and before he knew it, Mark was balls deep and pumping his cum into her perfect ass!Lottie knew that she had done it, but she didn’t know why. Her body felt the need to have Mark be the last one in her ass, not the stranger. She wanted to have Mark take her ass. Once she felt the fat spongy head of his cock touch her asshole, she pushed back with all her strength and impaled herself on his cock. The pain was instant, but when she felt him pumping his cum into her ass, she felt an intense orgasm rack her body and steal conscience from her. Mark felt dizzy himself, as he drained his balls into her. He stepped back and realized that she was u*********s, and he had just taken her ass and her pussy! He was fucked and he had to get out of there. Mark started to panic and gather himself. He headed towards the door when he looked back and knew he could leave her tied to the bed. Lottie smiled to herself when she heard him come back and start to untie her. Mark really did love her. She pretended to be out to see what he would do next. She was out cold, or so he thought, so he quickly untied her and carried her softly to the bed. He left her blindfold on and faced her away from the door and covered her up. He then rushed to the bedroom door. Just as he got there and step into the hallway, he heard her moving behind her. He looked back into the room and he saw her laying, facing him, but her eyes were still closed. Lottie snuggled up under her covers but was careful to keep her eyes closed. She smiled to herself. Wow, what a night. Her ass was sore but for the first time ever, she felt really satisfied. She had been well fucked. Mark looked back and saw her snuggle comfortable into her bed. He turned to sneak out when he heard her call out, “Bye Mark, I’ll call you later…” and then he heard… “thank you Daddy.”Mark smiled and headed out the back.

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