
31 Temmuz 2023 0 Yazar: admin

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3D Comix


This is a cumflation story about married couple who likes to RP ‘inc*st’ using stylistic terms. All characters have some hyper aspects (unrealistic sized body parts) and are “futanari” (i.e. having both male and female sets of genitalia) in this case one is a man and the other is a woman who are in a throuple relationship with another woman. All of this is fantasy with very non-anatomically and non-physiologically accurate bodies/functions/etc.


“Hey, Liro!” Anika chimed on her way in. She set her gym bag down and wiped her forehead. She stood staring at him with an open-mouthed toothy smile as she caught her breath. “When’s Dom-Dom due home?”

“Not till 6,” Lyn replied. He had his poker face on as he looked at Anika, his eyes flicking over her body. Her angular mouth still hung open in a breathless smile even though she’d caught her breath. “She just texted she’d be late.”

Anika closed her mouth to get some saliva going before concluding: “Then we have a good 4 hours to ourselves…” She flitted to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, chugging it down. The whole time, she made sure to give him a good look of everything, not that her workout clothes didn’t already give him a full view of her package, ass, and tits, but the trip also made her fat labia pinch out the back, framed beautifully beneath the fabric between ass and thighs.

Her thin-fit body framed it all nicely as she leaned against the counter. She winked at him before she started sipping her second glass. She took her free hand and grabbed at her massive balls and penis. Wrapped tightly in the special compartment of her athletic pants, she shook them playfully. It was obvious the elastic in the fabric was giving out because her huge genitals made big enticing jiggles.

“You ran in that, Bissa? Wasn’t it painful?” He asked slightly concerned.

Aww, is LITTLE ‘ro concerned for his BIG ‘sa?” She shot back teasingly, setting her half-empty glass on the counter before adjusting her big boobs stuffed inside her sports bra and shirt. “Don’t worry, Liro,” she grinned as she approached him. “I’ll be just fine.”

As she came up to her liro, she checked him out again. The thin, muscled lad she was about to fuck for the next 4-ish hours was the same height and just as well endowed below the belt as she was, but was denser.

His forearms rippled with muscle, one of his too-tight white t-shirts she loved to give him as presents was showing off the man’s washboard abs and cute pecs. His thick thighs stood like muscular drumsticks beneath the fabric of his boxer briefs, and his own big package hung loose inside their special pocket.

“Now that Bissa’s back from the gym, she can give you your hot, sweaty, afternoon snack, Liro.” Anika ran her brown fingers through the waves of her bleached-blonde hair. She gave her hairy, pale husband one last look from head-to-toe before getting too close to see more than his little round face with his big brown eyes and plump pink lips.

They kissed. She restrained herself from shoving her head down his throat and felt up his cute little butt as he felt up hers. As her big tear-drop titties smushed into his hard pecs, she began pulling her waist-band over her fat dick and balls. She was half-way down when her giant package made it impossible to continue.

“Hold on…” She stepped back and shuffled her pants till they lay at her ankles. Her massive dick was pumping harder as her fat-ass, sensitive balls rubbed against her thighs just above her knees. Meanwhile, her big labia dripped with arousal, tickling the other side of her thighs as the pre-cum cooled, rolling down. She began stroking the foot of half-chub in front of her, moaning as she felt her fingers along the growing length.

Lyn licked his fat lips as he watched his wife saunter back to him, her fat cock growing harder. His own genitalia twitched excitedly as she pulled him into a big hug, her now-erect slab of meat pinned between their bodies. They both moaned at the sensation. Her full mast reached just under their chins, and they kissed over the top of it.

Anika’s big, gaping dickhole flared as the two broke the kiss and she said, “Ugh, I gotta get outta this bra, babe.” She stepped back, still pretty close and started stripping off her top. Once she got her tits free of their restraint, she smiled brightly before saying “Ah! That’s better!” Lyn chuckled at the almost cartoonish way she said it and she responded “ugh, you have no idea…” as she came back to renew their kiss. She felt his full, soft lips on hers, and his strong shoulders beneath the fabric of his shirt, and then.. a surprise from below.

The big, bulging curve of Lyn’s fat, hardening cock bumped into Anika’s cum-bloated balls. She felt the restrained trunk of flesh twitch and spasm, Boğaziçi Escort his boxer’s fabric rubbing into her hot, sweaty cum-tanks. She ran her hands along his veiny arms, down to his sweet little ass, and she realized how desperate she was to strip him down.

She said as much and they both struggled to rip his shirt over his head, casting it a few feet away on the floor. Then he peeled his underwear off and kicked it to the side. She watched every ripple of muscle in his arms, torso and legs. She watched as his giant dick and balls flopped out, and she smelled his hot, wet pussy beneath his balls.

“Is that better… Bissa…?” She smiled and stammered before getting ahold of herself and teasing him back.

“Much better, Liro!” She seized one of his fat nuts and pressed into his body. He met her with his lips and they kissed again. As she sidled up, she pushed her cock down and made sure it got buried between one of his thighs and balls. She felt the heat as her shaft rubbed between them, bumping into his fat lips before being freed and feeling the air brush the sticky pre-cum leaking out of her big dick-slit.

She loved feeling her huge cock trapped between the muscle and cum-bloated flesh. She felt his dick twitch again against the bottom of her balls and caught another whiff of his pussy.

“Your scent is so strong, Liro, and your body is so hot…!” She growled. He grinned at her.

“Yours is too, Bissa” She gave him a quizzical look before remembering where she’d just been, and she smelled her own armpit.

“Well I did tell you you’d be getting a ‘hot sweaty snack’, lol. Is it bad?”

“No,” he said. “I like it,” and they kissed again. He moaned into her mouth. “Are we going to do this here, Bissa?”

“No,” she said. “Let’s go to Bissa’s room.

“Oh, Liro,” she continued as they walked, arm in arm. She could still feel her dick trapped deliciously between Lyn’s balls and thighs even as they walked out of the living room. Their massive dicks bobbing under their chins, the memory of what it was like to brush her sensitive glans past the hot skin of thigh, testicle, and labia deliciously present in her mind. Anika shuddered.

Once they reached her room, Anika threw Lyn onto her bed. He looked up at her from between a leg and his dick. His fat lips squished out a peek under his balls. Anika stared at them and licked her lips before spitting in her hand. She smothered it onto her head and then began stroking her shaft as she stepped up to the bed.

“Mmmn, sorry Liro.. Bissa needs to bury her big horny cock in that delicious fat pussy. Your snack will have to wait.” She draped Lyn’s balls over one muscular thigh and began moving her fat glans up and down along his giant lips, using Lyn’s pre-cum as additional lube. Lyn moaned and thrust his hips up.

“Please, Bissa. My pussy’s so hungry for all that meat. Feed my wet, hot, pussy please? Feed your liro’s big hungry cunt?” Anika smiled.

When Dommy, or Dom-Dom as Anika affectionately called her, was around, Anika played second fiddle… and she loved that! Being below their mommy-domme but above her shared sub-hubby in the thruple’s roleplay hierarchy was thrilling. It pushed all the right buttons for a switch such as herself. She thrived between the two extremes of her partners not only because it required different roles, relationships, and acts, but also because they could all play together in ways they would never have considered in pairs.

As an example, the big mommy-domme became interested in being melted into a helpless mewling puddle by her usually subby loy, and Lyn wanted to reduce his dommy into that mewling puddle. Those kinds of reversals with little twists and tweaks along the way to keep them engaged were special, and her ability and love for that were almost endless. But. There were times when it was nice to either let Fiona take complete control, or take complete control over Lyn.

As Anika sank her fat dick-head into Lyn’s pussy, she stifled a noise in her throat that probably would’ve sounded like a whine. She was so pent up and horny: her own fat pussy was clenching hard. So hard, that she wasn’t sure if it was trying to push something out or suck something in. She began panting desperately as she did everything she could to hold back. She was thrusting forward so slowly, biting her lip. But she had to stop and raise a fist up to her mouth to bite her knuckle before she could continue. Burying her meat deeper and deeper into Lyn’s eager pussy, she shut her eyes tightly. Each inch of her fat cock that slid into him made it convulse and her hips buck a little.

As their pelvises met and her giant dick reached his depths, every fiber of restraint broke. She stopped biting her hand and screamed ‘I’m sorry’ as her body thrashed and jiggled. Anika straightened as she pushed as far forward as she could. Lyn’s fat lips spread out on her pelvis. The sweet softness of his lips contrasted so delightfully with how much his pussy was clenching around Escort Boğaziçi her cock that she couldn’t help sinking down onto his hard torso. Her dick convulsing inside him, she moaned into his pecs.

“Ugh, Liro,” she panted, “I-I’m sorry. I-I couldn’t– I don’t–” Lyn brought a hand up to her chin. He gently directed her gaze into his and said softly: “That’s okay, Bissa, I’m glad I could help.”

The sweet tone and the softness in his voice combined with a gentle smile that spread across his lips, It took her off guard in a moment where he could’ve easily teased her, flipping the dynamic. And for some reason… She hadn’t expected him not to. He was a gentle, submissive man. But when he had the upper hand with Fiona, especially lately, he ran with it happily; though, he had been getting much more confident with her, too.

So, she was pleased to see he still had this sweet, caring side. Not because she was afraid of embarrassment or losing the power in their rp dynamic, but because it reminded her of why she’d wanted to date him in the first place. The rp and sex came secondary to the emotional connection outside of, or at least independent of, their rp and sex dynamics.

She kissed him deeply as her cock finished convulsing. She got up and slowly drew her softening member out of him. She’d pumped him so full of her ball-cum that his muscles bulged atop his inflated belly. As she surveyed her sexy hubby and his beautiful bloat, she felt at her deflated balls.

“Damn, Liro, your sweet, sexy ass drained Bissa’s poor, aching balls.” She leaned over for another deep kiss. “Thank you Liro, and thank you for being so understanding!” More kisses followed.

“Mmm, you’re welcome, Bissa!” He said.

“I want to thank you for that sudden and complete release. So, how can I? How can I serve my sexy little ‘ro, huh? Do I need to suck him off, maybe deepthroat this giant cock of his?” She reached out and began rubbing it and fingering the foreskin. “How can Big ‘sa pleasure you, Little ‘ro? Eat out this cum-stuffed pussy?”

She was leaning on one hand, bending over him as he lay back on the bed. She reached a hand down and began circling Lyn’s big, flared labia, stopping at his fat little clit and grazing the tip before circling around again.

The stroking of Lyn’s dick and the fingering of his foreskin were plenty of

‘compensation’ in the submissive’s eyes. Yet the amazing circling and teasing of his still-sensitive nether-lips was encouraging. He pushed his hips forward into her hand and took it, guiding it in and around his button and folds.

“Liro’s taking charge…” She thought. She felt her dick inflate again with lust as it hit the underside of her hanging boobs.

“Oh, Bissa,” he said. “It feels so good to have you inside me. I crave it sometimes. I can’t wait to get that huge meat stuffed up inside my big old pussy. He gets hungry for your dick, Bissa…” He quickened the pace of their hands as he talked, emphasizing certain areas by pressing harder and slowing down.

He breathed heavily but let the thought hang in the air. He stopped guiding her and instead brought her hand up to his lips, kissing the palm. Anika gasped and almost choked but recovered. She was brought so much closer to his face when he pulled her hand up. His desire was etched into the smugness on his face. His restraint wore away on her own. Her shaft was rubbing Lyn’s belly as it continued to convulse. She felt a little pre smear onto the underside of her tits and cool. As she thought about rubbing it off, she was interrupted–

“Do you have anything left in your sweet cum-tanks, Bissa?” Lyn asked. She blinked.

“Yes,” she replied, throatily, her mouth dry.

“Then how bout you feed it to my pussy? We can use it to fill my own reserves… so I can give it all back to my sweet, big ‘sa?”

Anika’s head swam momentarily, and she had to brace herself against him, a shock of pleasure went up her spine as the underside of her dick pressed into the cum-filled rock it had been rubbing against.

“Anika, are you okay?” Lyn asked, concerned. She took a big gulp and replied in a raspy voice: “Fuck me”.

Lyn positioned himself above Anika. He aimed his pussy as best he could as she helped from her end. He rubbed his pussy against the glans to help and started to sink. She watched him work hard to keep his balance with his full gut. She helped guide him down, and felt his lips begin to wrap around the edge of her head. She let out a moan, too tired to pretend. He moaned with her, saying: “It feels so good to be on top, Bissa.”

The smirk he had on his face was infectious as she chortled, “Shut up and eat me.” Lyn’s smirk grew broader into a smile.

“Anything you say, Bissa!” He chimed as he sank fast down the first half of her length. They both jerked and Lyn chuckled as he pulled back up, leaving only Anika’s dick-head inside him.

“Ugh, fuck me Liro,” she grunted, slightly annoyed.

“Yes, Bissa.” He sank and rose again on her Boğaziçi Escort Bayan pole, holding his own fat cock against him with one arm as the other braced against a thigh.

“Ugh, Lyn!” She growled.

“Yes, Bissa?” Down, and up.

“Fuck. Me.”

“Are you sure Bissa?” He went down and then came back up again, but he didn’t just hold her glans inside his entrance, he pulled up a little to make it feel like she was slowly sliding all the way out of him. “Maybe you have something to say about this fat, needy anaconda? Maybe something about how it craves my deep, hot tunnel? Or how it desires more than anything to shoot whatever little load is left in these drained balls of yours into my womb, to feed my uterus with every drop of your spunk, so Liro can turn around and feed it all back to Bissa’s starved little snake?” Lyn held eye-contact for the entire teasing rant and watched Anika’s eyes flash with frustration and need, and her face contorted into something he hadn’t seen before on her face. Then her face relaxed as she watched confusion wash over his.

“Yes, Liro,” she recovered, trying not to grin ear to ear. “Bissa’s needy little dicky needs to feel the warmth of that sweet, hot cunty.” Lyn rolled his eyes and smirked.

“A little too much, but if you insist…” He sank down. “Oh, Bissa, your fat meat fills my cunt so nice–“

“Oh, Liro!” She cried, cutting him off. “Your big sexy pussy feels so soft and welcoming. My cock is aching to come again in your sexy wet tunnel.” She thrust her hips up, playing a desperate lover.

“Hang on, Bissa,” he chided, jokingly. “Liro has to really milk this fat cock. We don’t want a repeat of earlier do we?” Anika blushed before she could get ahold of herself and wondered at her artfully dominant sub.

“Cheeky, Liro,” she praised. “Well played.”

“I learned from the best, Bissa” His rp was on fire, and her face betrayed her approval in spite of herself. Lyn continued consuming and releasing Anika’s dick. He had progressed lower with each down-stroke and was getting closer to her base.

Anika was getting more than her cock milked. The man above her was teasing her like he’d been doing this for years when it was only recently that she’d got him to take the reins with Fiona, and even then, it was a parade of compliments that drove the play, not teasing.

As his pussy clamped and stroked her dickflesh, she took a hand and fingered his navel. The fullness of his belly made the button deeper than normal as the muscles pushed out.

Lyn’s dick was pouring pre onto Anika’s ribs at this point, and it was becoming harder to control his vaginal muscles. His vagina convulsed on the down stroke, then again on the upstroke. The frequency increased as Anika’s meat twitched and spasmed inside him.

A little puddle of his precum formed on Anika’s belly and spilled over her sides as Lyn rode her faster. Up and down on her fat cock he slid, trying to keep his vagina squeezing in time. But as he began slamming down on top of her, his lips meeting her base sooner, tingling as they slapped into her crotch, he found he had no control and gave into the feelings as his body slammed down one final time.

Both lovers screamed. Their hands clenched in each other’s, their voices raspy from the yell. Lyn’s already full womb bloated that much more with what remained inside Anika’s balls. Lyn’s pussy drenched Anika’s crotch. His own dick painted the wall beyond the bed with a small spatter of cum, the rest oozed onto Anika’s ribs and belly before sliding off and settling onto the bed. Anika’s own pussy-cum had made a big puddle around her butt and thighs.

“Fantastic,” she gasped sincerely before accidentally putting a hand in the puddle and grimacing, repeating the word in an entirely different tone.

After extensive clean-up, the two lovers took a shower. Lyn seemed to delight in both scrubbing the workout funk off of Anika and the combined mess they’d made together. She adored how much he loved servicing his loves. Even Fiona couldn’t help gushing sometimes. And it made her want to do so much of the same in return.

Now, as she focused on cleaning him, she knelt behind him, gently washing pussy and ass. After running the cloth up and down between his cheeks, she began kissing his plump butt cheeks.

Hearing an “Oh, yes, Bissa!” she began to lick and suck at them, doing her best to stuff each into her mouth alternately.

“Yes, Bissa!” He encouraged, and she took his cheeks and parted them.

“Can Bissa clean your cute little butthole, Liro?”

“Yes, Bissa!” He gasped.

“Can Bissa eat your cute butthole, Liro?”

“Please, Bissa, eat it,” he groaned wantingly.

Anika smirked and continued. First she circled his anus, rimming around and around, slow then fast. Then she slowly shoved her tongue inside. Deeper and deeper before thrashing it all around. Encouraged by more moans, she circled and spun her tongue inside his colon, sharply resisting the urge to shove her whole head up his ass.

Finally, Lyn couldn’t take it and blew another small load.

Once their steamy shower was over, the two returned to the front room and kitchen to get water and food. Lyn absentmindedly stroked his shrinking belly as his body disposed of Anika’s trapped spunk and began using it to fill his own nuts.

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