Panties raid

30 Temmuz 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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panties 1:
(13:57:03) * Anala Blackblade hops over to the female mare bowing to her lighlty hello miss”
(13:58:22) * Katase smiles”hello sir”
(13:59:17) * Anala Blackblade tilts her head a bit to th side asshe looks at her “ummits miss my name isanala and i was whondering if i ould buy your panties”
(13:59:21) Anala Blackblade: could*
(14:06:57) * Katase” what their mine not for sale and sorry for the sir “
(14:08:05) * Anala Blackblade frowns a bit as she looks at her “i will do almost anything miss”
(14:10:12) Katase: “i can tell but y my panties”
(14:11:26) * Anala Blackblade blushes a bit looking at her “umm well i was ordered by my mistress to go out and grab 20 pairs of panties from females i do not know”
(14:13:17) Katase: “but these are all i’m wearing and i’ll be almost fully naked”
(14:13:50) * Anala Blackblade looks at her a bit “i can give you my panties and my skirt in exchange”
(14:15:37) * Katase takes her bakini panties and hands them to anala “take them and make your mistiss happy “walks off to her locker and pulls the same pair and puts them on
(14:16:12) * Anala Blackblade smiles as she bows to her” thnk you oh so very much” as she hops away with the first pair of panties”

panties 2:
Anala Blackblade hopps over to Sarah as she loks at her and blushess lightly “miss can i ask you a favor i will repay you in any way i can”
Sarah Syberia tilts her head aside “whats the favor?
Anala Blackblade blushes a bit more “can i have your panties??
Sarah Syberia looks her over “why dear?
Anala Blackblade looks down “well you see my mistress has ordered me to go out and grab 20 pairs of panties”
Sarah Syberia nods “I see, did she say why?
Anala Blackblade nods a bit “just for fun she wishess to see if i can do it or not”
Sarah Syberia giggles “well what happens if you can’t?”
Anala Blackblade frowns lighlty “i dont whant to know”
Sarah Syberia giggles and slips out of her panties giving them to the other
Attention in the school, a security sweep is being done. If your door unlocks, please relock it to show that it is in use.
Anala Blackblade smiles liglhty as she bows taking them into her hands “thank you oh so very much miss”
Sarah Syberia giggles “have fun

panties 3:

(14:25:38) * Anala Blackblade walks up to the female bowing lighlty “hello miss can i ask you a vafor i will repay you in any way i can”
(14:28:19) * Letters perks up and looks to him, “Hmm?”
(14:28:29) Letters: *her[]
(14:29:52) * Anala Blackblade blushes a bit “i know it an odd favor bu could i get your panties??” [her]
(14:30:16) Letters: [I know, sory. Use to saying him. lol.]
(14:30:26) Anala Blackblade: [[lol]]
(14:31:00) * Letters cocks her head to the side and looks at her, giggling softly, “My panties?”
(14:31:39) * Anala Blackblade nods her head lighlty as she looks at her “yes your panties. i will return the favor to you in amost any way”
(14:33:41) * Letters stands from her seat, very curious as to why a random female would want her panties, “May I ask why?”
(14:35:28) * Anala Blackblade blushes a bit more “mymistress requested that i fetch 20 girl’s pantied from girls i dont know if i come back with less i will be punished”
(14:39:22) * Letters’ eyes get big, repeating the word ‘punished’. “Well, I don’t know what I’d do if you were to be punished because of me.” Leaning over she starts to lift up her skirt, “I’ll do it.” She lifts her skirt just high enough so that she could reach her hands under and pull her panties down without showing to much. Letting her panties drop, she steps out of them and picks them up, handing over her green and black panties to the girl with a friendly smile, “Here.”
(14:40:51) * Anala Blackblade jumps up a bit fealing rather happy “thank you so much miss i dont know how to repay you” she kissed her lips soflty and then blushed

panties 4:
Anala Blackblade hops over to the female “hello miss can i ask you a favor??”
Katie Gallen blinks a little and nods “sure”
Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty “can i posibly get your panties i will return the favor in any way i can”
(14:29:02) Aeries Tai has logged out.
Katie Gallen Giggles some and blushes a little as she leans against the wall “why do you need my panties hehe?”
Anala Blackblade loks at her a bit of a blush on her cheeks “well its my mistress orders”
Katie Gallen Hmm’s some and gives the cute girl a soft kiss on the cheek before looking down at her own skirt “sure you can have em.”
Anala Blackblade smiles soflty as she was kissed on the cheek and giggles “Oh thenk you so much” as she looks at her waiting for the panties but then thinks she whanted her to takr them off her “did you whant me to take them off for you??”
Katie Gallen Hmm’s a moment and nods softly to the lapine
Anala Blackblade slowly leans down infront of Katie and looks up to her “very well” as she sliped her hands under the girls skirt and slowly startedto feal around looking for the panties sides to pulling them down
Katie Gallen Giggles a little and watches her with a soft smile, wriggling her hips a little to help slide em down
Anala Blackblade slowly slides them down to her feet as she moved her hand to slowly ease Katies foot up then sliping the pantis under it then the next one as she smiles holding the panties in her hands “thank you very much miss”
Katie Gallen Smiles sweetly and gives the girl a soft kiss to the cheek before leaning back against the wall “no problem sweetie.” she said in a soft tone
Anala Blackblade giggles a bit as she leans in to the girl giving her a deep kiss on the lips “no thank you miss”
Katie Gallen ohhs it to the kiss, murring slowly as she would stroke down the kind girls sides “Mmm..”

panties 5:
Caitlin Powell blinks and looks to the woman who spoke. “Umm yeah?”
Cooke: [fuck you commands -.-] sry
Anala Blackblade blushess a bit as she looks at them all “can i get your panties i will repay you all in the best way i can”
Ria the Pok?eeder: “Uh….” Cowgurl that was wearing just crotchless chaps said, “AH don’t have any of mine… But at home Ah have some mah guests forgot…”
Caitlin Powell blinks a bit at the statement from the other femme. The lovely pokemorph a little surprised by the comment to say the least. “umm…and why would you want them?”
Anala Blackblade blushess even deeper “well my mistress asked me to go out and gather 20 female pantied from strangers if i bring any less i get punnished”
Ria the Pok?eeder: “Uhm, Ah think Ah can manage three, at least!” Replied big redhead tapping hir temple in concentration, “Wait fr a few minutes, okies?”
Anala Blackblade nods lihlty awaiting for the panties she could only keep one “miss i can only have 1 per persone”
Caitlin Powell was much too reserved to actually give her panties away to someone else. Though she did feel for the other sub she would still shake her head and say “I’m sorry…but…well I don’t think I can do that for you…” her cheeks a soft shade of red as she spoke.
Ria the Pok?eeder: that had three panties in hir freckled hands gave one to Ana and then glanced at Umbreon girl, “How about me giving panties to you and you giving them to her?”
Anala Blackblade giggles a bit ” that will do just fine” a she looked at them bolth finding them bolth very sexy
Caitlin Powell looks to the other woman, her exotic colored eyes peering from behind her glasses. “Alright…that I’d feel a lot more comfortable doing.”
Ria the Pok?eeder: “Oh, no probs at all!” Smiled at hir tll and almsot naked farmgurl, “Glad to have helped ya!”
Anala Blackblade bows lighlty “f you ever need a favor simply ask and i will do my best” as she grabed bolth pairs of panties

panties 6:
(16:24:43) Caitlin Powell: Well do you at least remember how she tends to seduce other women?
(16:26:01) Anala Blackblade: will pinch your nipple or rub your legs as she talks to you. she might licks your lips or kiss you
(16:27:09) * Caitlin Powell blushes a tad “hmm…well hopefully I can keep my wits about me.”
(16:29:17) * Anala Blackblade licks at her lips lighlty “im sure you will at worst she might make you her pet like me”
(16:30:24) * Caitlin Powell’s blush darkens a bit as she sees the other femme licking her lips. “Re-really?”
(16:31:58) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit “ofcourse what do you think part if this mission of panties of to do??”
(16:32:49) * Caitlin Powell blinks a bit “Well…I…I’m not sure actually…I thought it was just to get the panties”
(16:36:46) * Anala Blackblade holds the female close as she looks at her “umm like i sayed it had another part in it. but thats only of you whanted two and if she likes you
(16:38:08) * Caitlin Powell’s cheeks were a soft shade of crimson at this point. Her entire focus being on the other woman as she spoke. “Wh-what may that be?”
(16:41:39) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit as she leans in and kissedher lips gently pressing he boddy closer to her then breaking the kiss “comme one who knows you might like being at the mercy of somme one else”
(16:43:32) * Caitlin Powell let the other femme press her body against her. Her lips suddenly being taken into a kiss, the likes of which she would eventually return before it broke off. “I…well…maybe…” she would stammer out softly.
(16:48:17) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit looking at her “umm i can tell you liked that near the end” she looks at her her hands moved to her hips and pulled her closer to her
(16:49:37) * Caitlin Powell’s gaze would avert slightly as her burning red cheeks flared from being called out like that. “…yeah…I did…” she’d say softly. A quick eep escaping her lips as she was pulled closer to the other femme. Her body lightly pressing against her.
(16:52:50) * Anala Blackblade looks at her as she moved her hips a bit her hardening cock could be fealt under her own skirt as she looked at her ” feal that your sexy body anf my hunting for this panties has done??”
(16:54:28) * Caitlin Powell could actually feel the growing member that lay just beneath the skirt. The realization appearntly a bit of a shock to her as her eyes would widen a bit. “Yeah…I feel it…” she would say, her voice a lot softer than before.
(16:57:25) * Anala Blackblade pressed her self in closer to her as she kissed her cheeks soflty “so what are you going to do abou it hun” as she moved her hands to the grilsbreasts and slowly rubed them
(17:00:23) * Caitlin Powell felt the kisses upon her cheeks and shivered softly within the other femme’s touch. Her mouth already opening as if to speak when suddenly the hand would find it’s way to her small yet supple breasts. The fondling just as quickly drawing a soft moan from her lips instead of words.
(17:21:40) * Anala Blackblade smiles to her soflty as shelicked at her lips liglhty still rubing at her breasts looking at the waiting for her to do sommthing to her “comme one hun tell me what your going to do with this hard cock in my skirt”
(17:28:23) * Caitlin Powell felt the tounge gracing her lips, added on top of that the hand still working at her breast and she would begin to get rilled up rather quickly. Her body squirming against that of the other femme. Her hips grinding against the other femme as she squirmed. “Wha…whatever you want…I’ll do anything…” she’d pant out softly.
(17:34:14) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she takes a step back from her “oh realy then i want you to start fingering your self and not lighlty eather”
(17:39:39) * Caitlin Powell heard what the other woman had asked of her and for a moment she would just stare at her. Her cheeks still all nice and flustered as her gaze would draw away from the other femme. Her hand already begining to move, slipping past the hem of her pants and down towards her heated folds. It would be in that moment she would press her fingers into her sex, pumping them in and out vigourously as she was told to do.
(17:45:13) * Anala Blackblade licks her lips liglhty as she looks at her “umm yes thats it do just that show me how much you whant to be fucked” as she pulled her skirt up showing her cock and cunny a bi of pree at the tip of her harden cock “tell me what this slut wants”
(17:52:42) * Caitlin Powell continued to pump her fingers into her rather damp slit. Those eager little digits working upon her sex, playing upon the areas she knew full well would drive her wild. Her breathing had already turned into shallow pants as her body squirmed from the rising pleasure she was giving herself. “Th-thi…this slut wants…wants to be f-fucked…” she’d pant out, her voice a whole lot softer and breathier now that she was so worked up.
(18:04:29) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she moved her hands over to Caitlin’s pants and slowly started to pull them down her legs looking at her “umm yes that it keep beging show me how much of a whore you are like me”
(18:12:11) * Caitlin Powell could feel as the other femme began to undo and lower her pants down. Revealing the lacy sky blue panties that lay beneath, and the rather damp spot from the lovely pokemorph’s necter. The other femme would also be able to see the quickened pace with which her fingers assulted her sex. Her body aching now, craving more pleasure. “oh…oh…gods…please…please just fuck me…” she’d cry out, trying her best to keep her voice at an even pitch. The speed with which she attacked herself making it a rather hard task to do.
(18:19:55) * Anala Blackblade finaly one the pants and paties where off she spreads at her legs as she pulled her hands away from her cunny and looked down at her “umm such a juicy cunny you have my dear ” as she slowly pessed the head of her cock to it and pushed it into her all the way
(18:26:51) * Caitlin Powell might have found it a bit ironic that Anala finally ended up collecting the panties the pokemorph refused to give away. Though with the condition of the panties by this point were far more wet than when she’d originally asked for them. Caitlin’s legs would end up being spread with little to no fight at all, then her fingers would end up being pulled away next. The other femme’s words being the last thing she heard before she felt the head of the other woman’s member press against her drooling lower lips. Focing the shaft within her tight sex as she herself cried out in a long lingering moan.
(18:31:51) * Anala Blackblade leaned in and kissed her deeply as she clossed her eye’s lighlty and holds the kiss her hips bucking against Caitlins hips to meet once in deep she rotated her hips a bit as her hands pulled and twistd at the girls nipples
(18:43:04) * Caitlin Powell’s eyes would end up closing as she felt the other femme’s lips press against her own. Her own lips would end up parting as the kiss deepened, surrendering her mouth to the other woman. The feel of the other femme’s member buried deep within her form. Her quivering sex pulsating causing her muscles canlı bahis to contract and grip on the shaft buried deep within her damp and heated sex. Her body desperatly trying to keep it within her. As the other femme’s hips began to rotate she would moan out once more. Her hands quickly moving to the other femme’s sholders to keep her quivering form stready. Her hips rocking in time with the other womans to increase the pleasure.
(18:52:17) * Anala Blackblade pants lighlty as she keeps pumping her pree pouring into Chaitlin as she moans holding the kiss as her tounge pushed deeper into her mouth her eye’s clossed fealing that tight cunny araound her cock made he feal like she was not going to lasttwo long sh pulled and tristed her nipled harder whondering howmuch pain she could take if she could take enought she might be good for aeries
(18:59:17) * Caitlin Powell let out another long moan into their kiss as she felt the other femme twist her nipples harder. The pain and pleasure blending together, mixing to great an even greater sensation within her body. Her hips would all the while continue to rock in time with the other femme, increasing her pace shortly after she felt the speed increase from the other femme. It was all so she could do to keep building upon the pleasure. Wanting that burning ecstacy to consume her as the other femme fucked her.
(19:08:03) * Anala Blackblade pounds her harder and harder as she lets go of her nipple and moved her hands down and pulled at the girls clit tighlty as she clossed her eye’s and arched her back pushing her cock all the way inside as she pumped her seed into her [join me my mistress]
(19:13:31) * Caitlin Powell felt the grasping of her clit and that was the last straw. She simply could not take any more and that pleasure that kept building within her consumed her. Her orgasm pouring through her body, filling her entire form with such wonderful pleasure as the heated seed of the other femme filled her body.
(19:15:42) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she pulled out of her and licked at her lips lighlty leaning down a clraning arpound her cunny before getting up and and taking the panties placig them inside her bag “umm i realy hoped you enjoyed that beccause my mistress will use alot of pain on you”
(19:19:53) * Caitlin Powell was left panting and weakened by the time the other femme began to clean up the mixture of her juices, and cum from around her slit. The sensation causing the poor girl to squirm about as she did so. Her eyes all the while fluttering open only as the other femme finished and had moved to collect her panties as well. “I…I did…” she would say, her voice soft and breathy for rather obvious reasons.

panties 7:
(15:45:51) * Anala Blackblade walks over to Crystalin as she looks at her “miss can i ask you a favor??”
(15:46:56) * Crystalin tilts her head to one side, “Yes? What do you need?” She asked quietly.
(15:47:31) * Anala Blackblade looks at her as she blushess a bit “could i get your panties please i will repay you how ever you like almost”
(15:49:49) * Crystalin blinks, “Why do you need my panties?”
(15:50:09) * Anala Blackblade frowns a bit “its my mistres orders miss”
(15:50:30) * Crystalin frowns, “Yeah.. I don’t see why not.”
(15:52:07) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty “thank you so much miss”
(15:53:06) * Crystalin slowly removes her pants, slipping them off her legs for a moment before taking off the pair of pink panties that clung to her. She revealed herself for a moment before retrieving her pants and slipping htem on, holding her panties out to the other female.
(15:54:16) * Anala Blackblade bow lightly to her “thank you so much miss” she leans in and kissed her lightly “how can i repay you??”
(15:54:30) * Crystalin shakes her head softly, “I don’t need to be repayed.”
(15:55:54) * Anala Blackblade bows lighlty “thank you” and hopps away”

panties 8:
Bynlie blinks and looks up from the sketchbook she was doodling in at being addressed, brow lifting slightly as she glances to the other femme. “Eh?”
Anala Blackblade she looks at her and blushed a bit more “miss could i ask you for a small favor i will repay you in any way you like prior to doing it”
Bynlie blinks slowly, her expression still cool as she pondered the inquiry. “Guess that depends on the favor.”
Anala Blackblade looks at her lighlty as she whispers “could i have your panties”
Bynlie simply stares in silence for a moment. “…Why?…”
Emily Morrison wonders how exactly someone can look at someone “lightly”.
Anala Blackblade blushess a bit “it was a request made by my mistress to go and get panties 20 at least”
Hey want some more excitement? Please join one of the sister dreams and check them out! (URL: furc://theslavemarket:slaveauctions/) furc://theslavemarket:slaveauctions/ (URL: furc://FurrabianHospital/) furc://FurrabianHospital/ OR just hop into the boat in the front of the school!
Emily Morrison also thinks that eternal blushing is probably a sign of bad circulation.
Bynlie coughs slightly to smother her original reaction to the information. “Well…that is a rather bizarre request…Can’t go shopping for her own, eh?”
Anala Blackblade giggles a bit as she looks around the room “not so much that as she whant me to gather thies if i get any less i will get punished”
Bynlie leans back, fingers tapping over her sketchbook as she considered, amusement glinting in her eyes. “If you would give me money for them..why not just go buy twenty of them?”
Anala Blackblade nods lighlty as she looks ay her “yes of course o will pay for them how much would you ask miss”
Bynlie rolls her eyes slightly, her logic obviously having been completely lost on the other. Being a bit of an ass, she replied; “Two hundred and fifty dollars. They’re very expensive, name brand and all that.”
[Advertisement] The Kyoote Virus is dieing out! This is your FINAL WEEK to get (URL: Floofs and Fluffs! Catch the fluffy bug! But better hurry, this is one fever you may not like the cure for!
Anala Blackblade rolls her eye’s lightly as she looks at her and pulled out a wad ofcash holding it out to her “i think this will cover it ” she did ot even bother looking at the amount and hands it to her [about 350$]
(You see Cadden.)
> He was slender and small, with girlish hips and a round rear set perfectly atop those long, shapely legs. A cheerful pink glow seemed permanently set upon those cherubic cheeks and that plump little mouth was a merry rose hue. A pale fae countenance was framed by straight, sapphire blue locks. Normally seen wearing very little, it could be anything from women’s underwear to a pair of tiny shorts. To top it all off, a pair of devillish little black horns protruded from his brow, just on either side of his bangs. (URL: f-list – (URL: Site+pics [Too shy to whisper.]
Raven Moon could of bought a hooker for less than that and got the panties for 20$
Bynlie stands, taking the money and shoving it down the front of her shirt. “It’s a deal.” she laughed, wiggling her panties off from beneath her skirt, tossing the silken undergarment at the other
lapine female.
You say, “[[brb]]”
Bynlie settles back into her seat, primly crossing her legs to compensate for her now pantiless state.

panties 9:

(16:31:31) * Anala Blackblade looks at her and blushess a bit “miss could i borrow your panties??”
(16:33:09) * Jenny XJ9 blushes some herself and looks at her ” but but what will i were if i let you use my panties?” she ask as her cheeks turns blue
(16:34:57) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit as she looked at her “i could give you mine in return or would you prefer a return the favor in another method and you walk naked im shure the men here you enjoy it”
(16:36:58) * Jenny XJ9 blushes some mroe as he cheek starts to turn blue more ‘ well i guess i could let you use mine” twitches a little ” but why you want to use mine?”
(16:38:49) Jenny XJ9: ((sorry didnt see your post in furcadia, looking for picture for my new char))
(16:38:49) * Anala Blackblade lookes at her lighlty as she pressed her self against the bunny “umm why not hun??”
(16:38:58) Anala Blackblade: [[its fine]]
(16:39:47) * Jenny XJ9 her cheeks continue to turn blue ” well ummm i dont know, it just a werid request and ummm my programing doesnt know what the response suppose to be”
(16:40:32) * Anala Blackblade looks at her as she smiles a bit “umm tell you whant you give me your panties and i will give tou mine ad just so you know ther enot to wear”
(16:43:01) * Jenny XJ9 nods some as she looks at her ” well i guess that make sense” she smiles some as he slowly steps back and lifts up her skirt some. She would hook her thumbs around her panties and slowly starts to pull them down revealing her metalic behind
(16:46:34) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she looks at her loving the form and shape of the metalic rear “umm thank you so much hun if i can return the fafor in any way please just aske me” as she pulled off her own oanties lifting her skirt and pulling them down revealing her slit and semy hard cock
(16:48:11) * Jenny XJ9 blushes some as her programing could not determind gender. She stood there looking at her cock, tilting her head to the side some “ummm ummm programing error?” she mumble as she handed over her blue thong to her
(16:51:11) * Anala Blackblade licked her lip’s lighlty as she grabed the pantie sna dplaced it into her bag then looking at her pulling her own skirt down to hide her semi hard cock “thank you miss how can i stop your error??”
(16:53:46) * Jenny XJ9 blinks a couple of time and looks at her ‘ ummm i dont know, that never happen before to me” she rubs her head some ‘ just that for a second it told me that your were a female, than male than back to female, which is inpossable for a carbon-base life form to do. Right?”
(16:54:31) * Anala Blackblade shakes her hea lightly “not if your like e and are born a herm then you have bolth male and female genetals”
(16:56:20) * Jenny XJ9 tilts her head to the side ” Herm? sorry that word is not matching anything in my database” she said as she again looks down at her skirt’ so a herm is a mixture of male and female at birth due to a birth defect?”
(16:56:39) Jenny XJ9: ((sorry for making her act like a robot so much))
(16:59:17) * Anala Blackblade tilts her head a bit to the side as she thinks “well yes tecniacly it is but most dont see it that way” as she looks at her still whondering if this robot girl was okay [its fine]]
(17:00:41) * Jenny XJ9 tilts her head to the side again looking at her ” so than how am i suppose to look at it than miss Herm?”
(17:02:22) * Anala Blackblade sights a bit “3rd gender herm. more of a hybrid then anything” she looks at her “full name being Hemaphrodite”

Panties(BRA) 10:

(17:22:17) * Anala Blackblade bows to the female lighlty ass he giggles lighlty “hello miss could i have your panties please??”
(17:22:24) Kisha Orrin: Uh, no.
(17:23:36) Kisha Orrin: I don’t wear panties.
(17:24:03) Kisha Orrin: You can have my bra?
(17:24:05) * Anala Blackblade nods a bit to her “oh okay i see”she ggigles a bit “umm what do you wear then??”
(17:24:20) Kisha Orrin: Just a sundress and a brazierre
(17:24:27) * Anala Blackblade thinks a bit “that will do nicely. what would ou like in return??”
(17:24:39) Kisha Orrin: Um, I don’t know.
(17:27:12) * Anala Blackblade looks at her lighlty “well its only if you want to ofcourse”
(17:27:51) Kisha Orrin: I don’t mind :)…
(17:34:50) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit “realy” as she holds her hands out waiting for the bra unless she whanted her to take it off for her
(17:35:36) * Kisha Orrin unclips through dress and pulls the straps down over her arms, tugging it from her dress and handing over the yellow silk bra.
(17:38:46) * Anala Blackblade bows lighlty “thank you oh so much hun” as she leans in and kissed her soflty

Panties 11:

Caressa wriggles her french lace panties off her legs, and tosses them to Anala

panties 12:
(17:23:42) * Anala Blackblade hopps over to her and gigles a it “hello miss could i ask you a favor?”
(17:31:45) * Shelly Foxx Returns and finds you have hopped to her.. “Um, sorry about that {was in bathroom].” she says taknig off her earbuds so she can hear you. “Um, favour? what favour?”
(17:32:52) * Anala Blackblade blushes a bit “um could i have your panties hun??” sh looked ather and smiles hearing her talk
(17:34:34) * Shelly Foxx meeps some, crossing her legs tighter as you ask the question. Well at least you are more forwards about it.. seems like most want them for some strange reason. This leaves her feeling some nerviousness. “Wha?!” she asks back though, finding this a bit of a strange question to be asked.. “No! Gah, why?”
(17:37:22) * Anala Blackblade loks at her “well you see me mistress asked me to go get 20 pairs of painties from 20 difrent women so thats what im doing please give them to me i will return he favor to ou as best as i can” she looked at her lightly “if i bring any less this canadian bunny will get punished”
(17:41:25) * Shelly Foxx meeps and sighs.. she guesses she could go find a pair for you.. A sigh comes from her lips as she shakes her head, “Well I don’t want you to get punished.” She gueses she could go to her gym bag to get an older pair for you.. “This sounds like a really stupid thing to ask of you.. I would think some people would smack you for asking.. Its not nice that yoru mistress would ask this of you.. ” She goes to her locker quickly, coming back withher bag over her shoulder.
(17:43:20) * Anala Blackblade looks at the female as she smiles lighlty “i would actualy prefer getting the freash ones that you are wearing now” as she smiled at her “i will return the favor how ever you like miss”
(17:45:37) * Shelly Foxx meeps and clenches up agian.. She is not in the habbit of taking off her panties for anyone. “Um.. No.. these are my favourite. Theyfit just right, and Ihave yet to find another like them.” she says with a huff “Why does have to be the ones I am wearing?”
(17:47:01) * Anala Blackblade shrugs a bit “becauee in only whanted the freashest ones for my mistress but i will take the others if you like” as she looked at her and smiled a bit turned on by now with all the panties shehad gathered
(17:49:38) * Shelly Foxx sighs and gives you the spare pair she keeps in the bag.. she wore them in gym class eairlyer, butonly for gym. They are faded, but solid, a soft cottony pair with a pail blue and pink floral dots. “Well these are semi fresh, i guess.” she sayswitha sigh.. “You mistress sounds weird though.” she says holding out her hand.
(17:51:28) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit as she shakes her head lighlty “not weird she whants me to show kaçak iddaa her howmuch of a slut i am for her”
(17:54:28) * Shelly Foxx nodnods.. that is probably why she finds it weird. This foxy is far from slutty, she does not enve know how to be really.. she is more nerdy than anything.. Comic books, tabletop games, WarCraft, and Star Trek.. yeah.. she is a fangirl of sorts. “That sounds weird to me” she says with a bit of a giggle. “I sort of had a petonce. All iwanted my pet to do was loev me and keep me cuddled.”
(18:03:19) * Anala Blackblade leans in and kissses her lips lighlty as she ggigles” well thank you very much for the panties maybe if we meet again i can change thet”

panties 13:

(18:37:08) * Anala Blackblade hopps over to Hatomi and looks bows lighlty “sorry miss but could i ask you for sommthing??”
(18:38:25) * Hatomi blinks purple eyes and looked at the other lapine. She head tilted to the side.” Depends on what your asking.” she said in a polite tone and smiled.
(18:39:21) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit “wel you see i need to gather panties and was whondering if i could have yours”
(18:41:18) * Hatomi Blinks a few times and giggles a bit. She shrugged her shoulders.” I just put a new pair on but I guess.” She Wore a long dress and half the time didn’t have any on anyway but the ones today were silky and a purole and blue color that matched her dress. She took them off and handed them to the other.”There you go.” fresh ones anyway so that didn’t bother her she had just changed in the bathroom to her normal clothing.
(18:42:36) * Anala Blackblade bows lighlty as she looked at her “thank ou very much hun how can i reay you??”
(18:43:15) * Hatomi smiles some and chuckle.” You don’t have to . Don’t worry about it its only oanties anyway.” she winked a purple eye.
(18:44:22) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit ans winks back lightly as she decided to licks the panties lighlty before placing them into her bag

panties 14:
18:37:08) * Anala Blackblade hopps over to Hatomi and looks bows lighlty “sorry miss but could i ask you for sommthing??”
(18:38:25) * Hatomi blinks purple eyes and looked at the other lapine. She head tilted to the side.” Depends on what your asking.” she said in a polite tone and smiled.
(18:39:21) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit “wel you see i need to gather panties and was whondering if i could have yours”
(18:41:18) * Hatomi Blinks a few times and giggles a bit. She shrugged her shoulders.” I just put a new pair on but I guess.” She Wore a long dress and half the time didn’t have any on anyway but the ones today were silky and a purole and blue color that matched her dress. She took them off and handed them to the other.”There you go.” fresh ones anyway so that didn’t bother her she had just changed in the bathroom to her normal clothing.
(18:42:36) * Anala Blackblade bows lighlty as she looked at her “thank ou very much hun how can i reay you??”
(18:43:15) * Hatomi smiles some and chuckle.” You don’t have to . Don’t worry about it its only oanties anyway.” she winked a purple eye.
(18:44:22) * Anala Blackblade giggles a bit ans winks back lightly as she decided to licks the panties lighlty before placing them into her bag
(18:47:04) * Hatomi chuckled to the lick and smiled.” I doubt anything is on there but guess my smells there.” she laught and looked away [how random but funny 5 whispers at a time all saying the same thing “Rawr” thats funny]

panties 15:

(18:47:28) * Anala Blackblade hops over to the female and bows lighlty “hello miss can i ask you for a favor in return i will do anything you like”
(18:48:18) * Ronee Dickson’s ears and brows perked at the sudden approach of this lapine but returned to her relaxed position and came to ask,”What favor?”
(18:50:44) * Anala Blackblade blushedd deeply “umm well i need to gather panties i was whondering if i could posibly have yours”
(18:52:09) * Ronee Dickson giggled and nodded,”Sure. They’re Yoshi undies but I hope they help.” She smiled as she easily and carelessly dropped her pants and lightly stepping out of them, she slipped her crimson and white panties from her ankles and held them out to the bunny.
(18:53:39) * Anala Blackblade smiles as she leans in to grab the panties and looks at them “Ohh there so cute my mistress will love thies” she then stoped a bit and loked at the herm cock and cunny “what would you like me to do in return??”
(18:54:20) * Ronee Dickson giggled and waved her hand lightly,”Nothing, really. Not wanting you to get in trouble with your mistress.”
(18:56:29) * Anala Blackblade chuckles lighlty “very well thank you very much” as she looked at her and leaned down and gave the cock a small kiss “here is my thank you”

panties 16:

(21:01:00) * Anala Blackblade hops over to Sasha having almosr finnished her task as she looks at her “hello miss could i please ask a favor from you i will repay you for it”
(21:26:40) Sasha Tanenbom: [sorry I missed your whisper] Looks up “Hmm possibly what can I do for you?” she asks.
(21:27:29) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit as she looked at the female “umm i was whondering if i could procure your panties”
(21:28:58) * Sasha Tanenbom Stands up and stips off her black lace thong, and hands it to her not taken aback in the least by the request. “Here you go, and no I do not want to know what you intend to do with them.” she says with a wink, sitting back down once more.
(21:30:12) * Anala Blackblade giggles lighlty as she bows to her “thank you so much hun would you like a favor in return?? she asked her as she looked at her expecting like most others nothing from her part
(21:31:30) * Sasha Tanenbom Pulls her down to her level and kisses her strongly, letting her tounge run over her lips, before letting her go and gicing her a wink “There paid in full” she says.
(21:33:37) * Anala Blackblade blushess lighlty as she murred to the kiss her eye’s closed one the kiss was broken she licked her lips and smiled “umm i got to remembe rto stal your panties more ofthen”
(21:36:04) * Sasha Tanenbom Giggles at her and gives her a wink “Anytime, just ask.” she says. And you just know she means alot more by it. Once more she relaxes against the wall. “Anything else I can help you with?” she asks nochallantly.
(21:42:20) * Anala Blackblade shakes her head lighlty looking at her as she blushed a bit “umm well i got what i realy was here for” as she looks around the coridor “umm maybe i could use a bit of umm company been running after panties all day”
(21:44:12) Sasha Tanenbom: “Well when you want some “company” just come back and see me and we can go from there. And as far as the panties goes you must have a fetish or want them for some other purpose that I do not need to know. Just enjoy them, I got a taste of your lips in return, maybe next time I will taste the other set.” She says with a sly grin.
(21:45:55) * Anala Blackblade blushes a bit as she started to hop away “i look forward to it” asshe hopped away she waved lighlty and took a small whiff of the panties they where for her mistress but thies panties she liked she whondered how she would react if she found out she was a herm
(21:47:35) Sasha Tanenbom: [Tell your mistress to enjoy them, and as far as herms go well there good for certain things have a good evening.]

panties 17:

(23:22:57) * Anala Blackblade walks over to Syriah as she bows to her” hello miss could i ask you a small favor from you please you may ask any price you wish in exchange”
(23:25:39) * Syriah watched her approach and raised a brow. “And what is this favor you ask for?”
(23:26:44) * Anala Blackblade points at her panties “if i could have thoes i will repay you in any method you asked of me”
(23:30:38) * Syriah blinked at her. “My underwear?”
(23:34:22) * Anala Blackblade nods a bit looking at her as she smiles “yes could i please have then ask me your price cash even my body if you like”
(23:43:11) * Syriah looks around the hall as if she were looking for somebody snickering at this joke. “Ok…let me ask you again…are you serious?”
(23:44:07) * Anala Blackblade shakes her head looking her with a very serius face” does it look like i am joking miss im willing to pay any price for your panties”
(23:44:44) * Syriah frowned. “Okay…five dollars?”
(23:46:37) * Anala Blackblade tilts her head a bit pulling out the 5 dollar bill and hainding it to her “did you whant sommthing else with that hun” she looked at her “like i sayed any price including sexual not just money”
(00:00:25) * Syriah shook her head as she slipped off her panties and handed them to the girl.
(00:02:09) * Anala Blackblade smioles as she takes the panties and bows” tank you very much miss” as she walks off slowly

panties 18:

(00:19:06) * Anala Blackblade hops over to Angel and bows to her lighlty “hello miss could i buy your panties of you for any price you ask??”
(00:20:25) Angel Shiva2: “and why would oyu want my panties miss?”
(00:21:49) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit “because my mistress ordered me to go pantie hunting i need to get 20 pairs of panties”
(00:22:29) Angel Shiva2: Hands you two pears of her panties
(00:23:09) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty “thank you mis what would you like in return??”
(00:23:37) Angel Shiva2: “you can just take them miss.”
(00:24:37) * Anala Blackblade smiles thank you” and hops away

panties 19:

(11:25:03) * Anala Blackblade hopps over to the girl as she blushess lighlty “hello hun could i ask you a small favor??”
(11:26:35) * Jessica Emberfall tilts her head softly and looks over the girl, shrugging softly and smiling. “Hiya, what is it?”
(11:28:09) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit as she looks at her “Umm well miss i need to gaher panties and i was whondering if i could have yours i will return the favor how ever you like”
(11:29:06) * Jessica Emberfall’s ears perked up lightly and she giggled, sticking her tongue out at the girl. “Why do you need panties? If you took them it’d make me rather playful..”
(11:30:51) * Anala Blackblade looks around a bit “umm well mymistress whanted me to gather some panties so thats what im doing and they must be from girls i dont know”
(11:31:48) * Jessica Emberfall chuckles and nods her head softly, shrugging her shoulders a bit and turning, leaning back in her seat a bit and pushing her legs out forward. “You can take them, then..”
(11:33:23) * Anala Blackblade smiles as she elans in and slowly pulled the panties down her long softly legs tracing them as she did “thank ou oh so very much how can i repay you??
(11:34:31) * Jessica Emberfall rests her elbows on the table behind her, licking her lips then biting her lower lip softly, shrugging once more. “Well, you don’t have to pay me back, but if you’re free for a bit..” She spread her legs out a bit to reveal her now naked underbody.
(11:36:21) * Anala Blackblade leans her head between her legs understqanding what the girl whanted as she licked around her cunny lips and then pushed her tongue into her wet cunny lips
(11:37:00) * Jessica Emberfall nodded and giggled, biting harder on her lip, spreading her legs out more and letting out a soft, quiet moan. “Good girl, exactly what I needed..”
(11:38:22) * Anala Blackblade pushed her tounge ito her cunny even deeper as ti twisted inside her squirming lookong for every stop that would make this girl squirm her tongue must of reached in atleast 6 inches by now
(11:39:38) * Jessica Emberfall moaned louder and wiggled around a bit against the table, reaching an arm down to rest on the girl’s head, playing with her hair and looking down at her. “Oh my.. What a long, lovely tongue..”
(11:41:55) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she pushed the tongue in toher deeper and deeper her tongue then stoped and pulled back out before pushing back it hiting every spor that made the girls swquirm as she did
(11:43:48) * Jessica Emberfall squirmed around in circles and bit down on her lip harder, trying to keep her legs widespread, pulling at her hair a bit harder and letting out a loud moan. “A-ah.. oh god..”
(11:48:52) * Anala Blackblade keeps tongue fucking her as she looked into her girls eye’s her head shaking a bit to stimulate her clit with her nose as she takes in a deep breath taking in this girls scent
(11:49:50) * Jessica Emberfall let out a loud moan and scream as she came to her first orgasm, her wet pussy leaking out even more of her own female juices onto the girl’s tongue and into her mouth, muscles tightening as her body tensed up. “Mmm..”
(11:53:23) * Anala Blackblade smiles lighltyt as she keepes tongue fucking her for a bit more till she stoped squirming then pulled her tounge out and licked her lips liglhty “i hope it was worth giving your panties away”

panties 20:
11:49:30) * Anala Blackblade hopps over to the girls as she loks up at her “umm hello miss sorry to bother you but could i ask you a small favor??”
(11:50:07) * Vicky Vixen nods softly and smiles” Well of course ask away sugar.”
(11:51:24) * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit “could i have your panties miss??
(11:53:02) * Vicky Vixen giggles and smiles” You want my thing do you sugar?”
(11:54:06) * Anala Blackblade tilts her head a bit as she blushed a bit “well i need your panties i will reutrn the favor in any way you like”
(11:55:14) * Vicky Vixen smiles softly and gently removes her jean shorts. She removed her black thong and slide her jeans back on. ” there ya go sugar ” She smiled and winked.
(11:55:49) * Anala Blackblade smiles holding the black thong “thank you so much miss”

panties 21:
05/04/10 21:24:32 * Anala Blackblade had climbedher way into the Prilla’s dorm room and was opening her draws looking for her panties
05/04/10 21:26:05 * Prilla walked to her dorm after having left class. All she wanted to do was rest after a long day. She walked into her room only to notice Anala going through her drawer. “What are you doing..?”
05/04/10 21:31:52 * Anala Blackblade opens her eye’s wide as she looks at Prilla and blushed a bit “um um um i was just i …..” she seemed to have no realy anser she was known as the slave the pet she fallowed orders of a higer student called aeries “umm i was here to make shure every thing is clean”
05/04/10 21:34:18 * Prilla closed the door behind her and set her bag down. “Uh.. alright then?” Prilla wasn’t too convinced that that’s really what was going on. “I didn’t know they had people here that cleaned the dorms. They must have just started that..?”
05/04/10 21:38:43 * Anala Blackblade smiles a bit as she looks about the room a bit more and then walks up to Prilla “umm well it was new they must of not told you yet itwas suposed to be told last week”
05/04/10 21:39:56 * Prilla nods, “I guess I just didn’t get the memo.” She looked the girl’s body over for a few long seconds, “You are a bit too beautiful to be a cleaning lady, if kaçak bahis you don’t mind my saying so. What got you into that line of work…?”
05/04/10 21:41:27 * Anala Blackblade looks about a bit as she looks at her self “umm well i guess its a mater of needing to make a living?” she tilts her head a bit and sights lighlty
05/04/10 21:42:44 * Prilla chuckles softly, “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” She made her way over to the bed and sat down. “What’s the matter, hun?”
05/04/10 21:44:06 * Anala Blackblade looks around the room a bit “umm well your room is umm very clean where do you keep your dirty laundry??”
05/04/10 21:44:38 * Prilla points to the bathroom, “In there. Why?” She looks at Anala, a bit confused.
05/04/10 21:50:14 * Anala Blackblade walks over to where she pointed looking in it a bit as she looked for a pair of panties “oh i was told to look for any place that could hide drugs while at it suprisingly meny people his them in laundy baskets”
05/04/10 21:53:15 * Prilla nods, “Well, feel free to check. I certainly have nothing to hide. Also, I hope you don’t mind if I change? I’m so tired of this uniform.” Before waiting for an answer, she walks over to the closet and begins to unbutton her blouse.
05/04/10 22:25:39 Anala Blackblade: hello
05/04/10 22:25:44 Prilla: Hi.
05/04/10 22:25:45 * Anala Blackblade forwns a bit finding no panties in the laundry mat as she gets up looking at the girl then walking over close to her and smiling “need some help with that hun she asked
05/04/10 22:27:21 * Prilla smiles, nodding a bit. “Actually, that’d be nice. Could you get the zipper on my skirt..?” She asks as she pulls off her top and drops it onto the closet floor.
05/04/10 22:29:06 * Anala Blackblade smiles lighlty as she slowly moved her hands to the girls skirt zipper and pulled it down very slowly then let the skit drop to the ground as she looked at her almost naked body “there we go” she smiled lighlty
05/04/10 22:31:59 * Prilla kicks her skirt to the side before pushing her underwear down her thighs. “Do you often help girls undress in their dorms?” She smiles, pointing to her back, “Could you maybe unhook my bra, too?”
05/04/10 22:36:51 * Anala Blackblade slowly unlocked her bra as she blushed “umm well mymistress yes but no one else” as she looked at her finding her very beautifull
05/04/10 22:40:58 * Prilla turns around to face the girl, “Well, I guess I’ve just helped you change that.” She smiles, reaching forward to brush a strand of the girl’s hair out of her face. “Does your mistress allow you to kiss other girls? Because, I have to be honest here, I’m having a very hard time keeping my hands and lips off of you…”
05/04/10 22:46:11 * Anala Blackblade blushess lighlty as she looks at her “umm no she does not” as she slowly pulled the girl to her as she looks into the girls eye’s “umm thank you your very sexy your self Prilla”
05/04/10 23:02:26 Anala Blackblade: hello
05/04/10 23:02:34 Prilla: Hey.
05/04/10 23:03:28 * Prilla rests her hands on Anala’s hips, “Oh, that’s a shame…” She pulls the girl over to the bed and sits down, looking over her body again as she stands in front of her. “Thank you very much.”
05/04/10 23:05:26 * Anala Blackblade shakes her head a bit as she pulled Prilla closer to her” instead she demands it” as she clossed her eye’s tighlty and kissed her deeply
05/04/10 23:08:16 * Prilla moves her hands to rest on Anala’s ass, squeezing a bit tightly as her tongue slipped pass her lips. Prilla pulls the girl onto the bed and quickly climbs on top of her, straddling her. She presses her hips against Anala’s before pulling away from the kiss, “I hope you don’t mind my taking charge. I get carried away when I’m in the presence of a sexy girl.”
05/04/10 23:11:51 * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit as she looks at her and licked her lips “umm by all meens hun take charge” as she blushed a bit fealing her own little suprise in her skit pressing against it her cock hardening but her cunny juices could allrdy be smelled if she sniffed the air
05/04/10 23:18:10 * Prilla licks down her neck, then nibbles on her collarbone. One of her hands rubs up Anala’s side and rests on her breast before she pulls her top off. Prilla makes a wet trail with her tongue, stopping at the nipple and biting it gently before she sucks on Anala’s breast.
05/04/10 23:20:30 * Anala Blackblade closses her eye’s and lets out a very light moan as she arched her back pressing her breasts out into Prilla’s mouth her hands moving to the back of rpilla’s head and rubbing her hair gently
05/04/10 23:26:18 * Prilla massages Anala’s other breast gently, circling her thumb across the nipple. A few long moments and a large hicky later, Prilla begins to make her way down to Anala’s crotch. “I bet you taste as nice as you smell, darling.”
05/04/10 23:30:37 * Anala Blackblade moans out lighlty as she lifted her hips up to let Prilla slide her skirt down if she so wished her hips rolling a bit as she looke at her whondering to see her face once she saw she was a herm “umm you will need to tell me”
05/04/10 23:36:35 * Prilla’s fingertips trail down the middle of the girl’s stomach, getting a bit wide-eyed as she notices the cock. Her fingers run along the length of it, “This puts a very.. kinky .. twist on things.” She looks up to Anala and grins before kissing along the inside of her thighs.
05/04/10 23:37:55 * Anala Blackblade bucks her hips a bit as she spreads her legs letting her hands as much room as she whanted a deep blush on her cheeks “umm i hope you dont mind” her hands moved to her own breastsas she rubbed them gently
05/04/10 23:42:11 * Prilla shakes her head, “Mm, no. I don’t mind at all.” She nibbles along the girl’s thighs before letting one of her hands grab ahold of Anala’s cock. As she strokes it slowly, her tongue slips pass her pussy lips and flicks back and forth.
05/04/10 23:51:57 * Anala Blackblade moans a bit morre as she arched her back and pulled on her noppled hars her cunny juices driping out of her her cock slowly forming a pree drop at the tip “umm Prilla dont stop”
05/05/10 00:01:34 * Prilla circles her thumb along the tip of Anala’s cock, nibbling on her clit slowly. She rubs her other hand along her leg, slowly working her way up. Prilla pulls her head up and flicks her tongue along the tip of her cock, “Mmm. You taste amazing, babe.” She shoves her tongue back against Anala’s clit before letting it slide into her sweet little hole. Prilla’s tongue shoves in and out of Anala as her hand grips tighter onto her cock and strokes faster.
05/05/10 00:09:09 * Anala Blackblade closses her eye’s as she feals her self close to cumming almost over the edge as she moans loudly mmm hun im fealing my self abut to cum you tounge feals so good” her own tounge slides out the sid of her mouth as she pants
05/05/10 00:23:19 * Prilla grins as she shoves Anala’s cock into her mouth, letting the tip hit the back of her throat as she shoves three fingers into her pussy. Her thumb quickly flicks against her clit. “Cum for me.”
05/05/10 00:27:55 * Anala Blackblade moans ot loudly as she bucked her hips a bit her body started to shake a bit as she lifted her hips of the bed her eye’s opening wide as she looked at her her cock exploding her seed into the girls troath her cunny juices squirted out from her cunny a bit “oh god yes”
05/05/10 00:34:02 * Prilla pulls herself up after sucking up every bit of juice that Anala has spilled and kisses her way up to her neck. She continues to pump her fingers in and out of the girl, biting and tugging on her neck roughly. Prilla then presses her lips to the girl’s and kisses her passionately.
05/05/10 00:35:55 * Anala Blackblade closses her eye’s as she kissed her back her hips roatating abit to the finger as she moans her tongue sliding into the girls mouth
05/05/10 00:38:36 * Prilla presses her tongue against anala’s, pulling her fingers out and letting them interrupt their kiss. She then gets back on top of her and pushes her hips hard against Anala. “Fuck, you taste amazing.” Her hands cradled the back of the girl’s neck as she began to kiss her again, moaning into the kiss as their pussies rubbed together roughly.
05/05/10 00:41:29 * Anala Blackblade murred lightly into the kiss her murrs muffled b it as she sldies her toung ino the other girls mouth kissing her back with jst as much passion her own hands played with the grils tail a bit before moving to her reand and holding it tigh
05/05/10 00:51:44 * Prilla kisses her for a few more minutes before sitting up, grinding against her. She grabs ahold of Anala’s hands and guides them up her body, letting them rest on her breasts. Her hand rests between her own legs, fingers flicking against her clit. “Mmm.”
05/05/10 00:56:20 * Anala Blackblade rubs hr her breasts soflty asshe licked her lips lighlty fealing there size and there shapes gripping them a bit to feal there firmness as she then rubbed her niples soflty and pinched them “mmm you like that??”
05/05/10 00:59:26 Anala Blackblade: [[night]] (Offline message sent May 04, 11:59pm FST)
05/05/10 01:09:40 Anala Blackblade: : rubs hr her breasts soflty asshe licked her lips lighlty fealing there size and there shapes gripping them a bit to feal there firmness as she then rubbed her niples soflty and pinched them “mmm you like that??” (Offline message sent May 05, 12:09am FST)
05/05/10 01:18:46 Prilla: [sorry. internet was being stupid.]
05/05/10 01:19:41 Anala Blackblade: [[its okay]]
05/05/10 01:22:26 * Prilla moans softly, “Mmm, yes.” She pushed her hips roughly against Anala’s, pushing one of her hands to her pussy. “You’ve gotten me soaked, hon.”
05/05/10 01:24:15 * Anala Blackblade blushess a bit as she leans in to the girlandlooked at her soflty “umm does that meen yo whant me to clean you or you whant my cock inside your tight little cunny” as she keeps on playing with her breasts bucking her own hips liglhty to rub bolth there clits togeather
05/05/10 01:30:43 * Prilla slides off of her, grabbing Anala’s hands and pulling her on top of her. “I want you to lick me clean, then shove your cock in me and make another mess.” Her hands slide down to Anala’s ass, pulling her hips down. Prilla groans as Anala’s cock slides against the outside of her pussy lips.
05/05/10 01:36:38 * Anala Blackblade noces lighlty aas she leans down and licked at the girls cunny softly
05/05/10 11:00:18 Anala Blackblade: [[hey sorry power outage last night]]
05/05/10 11:01:04 Prilla: [It’s alright.]
05/05/10 11:01:18 Prilla: [Would you like to continue?]
05/05/10 11:01:23 Anala Blackblade: [sure]
05/05/10 11:02:42 * Prilla pushes her hips up, shoving herself against Anala’s face. “Mmmm, yes.”
05/05/10 11:08:08 * Anala Blackblade smiles as she pressed her small cold bunny noze against the girls clit her tounge then slies inside of her pushing inside suprisingly her tongue was much longer then it semme as she pushed in about 4 inches her hands wraoing aroud her legs to hold her to her face
05/05/10 11:11:46 * Prilla moans out, hands resting on her breasts. She circles her hips around and bites onto her bottom lip, panting heavily.
05/05/10 11:16:44 * Anala Blackblade was starting to whonder how dirty this girl realy was she pushed her toungs in a bit more her tounge laped over eits self doubling in thickness the tip of the tongue comming out f her cunny and circles the girls tail hole
05/05/10 11:19:57 * Prilla curls her toes as she grabs onto the back of the girl’s head, knotting her fingers through her hair. She arches her back and shoves her hips against her face again, “Gah, fuck. This feels …amazing.” Prilla gasps, a tiny squeak escaping her lips as she felt Anala’s tongue exploring new places.
05/05/10 11:21:11 Anala Blackblade: the tounge pushed in deepd into her cunny as she looked at Prila’s reaction her toungs fucking her like a hard cock as the tip of it pushed into the girls tail hole
05/05/10 11:26:34 * Prilla shivers slightly as she got closer to her orgasm, one leg wrapping around the girl’s back. She moaned out, massaging the back of Anala’s head.
05/05/10 11:34:33 * Anala Blackblade closses her eye’s lighlty as she pushed started to push more of her tongue into bolth holes and started to pump into her cunny and tailt hole as hard as she could her head shaking to stimulate her clit
05/05/10 11:38:17 * Prilla lets go of Anala’s hair, gripping the headrest on the bed as her sweet juices began to seep out of her pussy. She pushes her hips forward again, shoving herself against the girl’s face.
05/05/10 11:40:17 * Anala Blackblade pressed her face agains the girls hips she she closses her eye’s tightly her mouths sucking on her cunny to taste and drink her juices asshe her self moaned as how ecited this girl was
05/05/10 11:45:44 * Prilla grabs onto the girl’s hair again, pulling her face away from her crotch. “Mm, come here.” She pulls the girl up, quickly shoving her tongue into her mouth in a passionate kiss. Prilla’s hands slide down the girl’s sides and push her hips against hers. One hand then rubs on her ass for a few seconds before giving it a firm slap, other hand making its way between the girl’s legs. Her fingers press against her clit and massage a bit roughly.
05/05/10 11:47:41 * Anala Blackblade moans to the girls touch as she closses her eye’s she kissed her bakc letting some ofthe girls own juices slide into her mouth as she pushed her hips a bit then broke the kiss “you whanted my cock now i think??”
05/05/10 11:49:14 * Prilla nods, “Mm, yes. Fuck me.”
05/05/10 11:51:07 * Anala Blackblade pushes her thick fully harden cock into the girls cunny as she looked down at her once all the ay inside shestarted to pump her hips one of her hands moved to the grils rear and fingered her tail hole finding that she liked fetting it fucked by her earlyer reaction to the tongue
05/05/10 11:58:53 * Prilla wraps her legs around Anala’s waist, fingernails digging into her asscheeks, “Mmm, you feel .. so .. good.” She bites onto the girl’s neck, tugging at it roughly before nibbling and sucking on it.
05/05/10 12:02:52 * Anala Blackblade pumps into her harder and harder as she closses her eye’s “oh my god yes” she pumped harder and harder into the girl tight cunny her mouth nibbled on her neck as she closed her eye’s
(12:14:07) * Prilla groans, gasping each time Anala’s hips met with hers. She knots her fingers through her hair again and pulls her head back, neck more than visible as she begins to leave red bite marks all over.
(12:16:24) * Anala Blackblade keeps on pumping as she closses her eye’s and moaned her hand pushed a second and third finger into the girls tail hole as she panted lighlty note sure howmuch longer she could fuck her for
(12:19:21) * Prilla lets out a squeal as Anala entered more fingers into that tight hole of hers, “Cum for me..” She shoves her hips forward, grinding against Anala’s cock.
(12:22:02) * Anala Blackblade pants lighlty as she pulled the girl to her “pushing her fingers all the way inside and then letting her seed filled cock explode into her her cock pumping all her seed into the girls womb as she kissed her deeply

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