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Subject: Operation Pied Piper – part 60 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: There are references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ———————————————————————- I made my way back through the curtains and once I was ready, back out the door and back to the staffroom. Gregor was just laying out the coffee’s, Athol was doing some bizarre mime at me; what was that all about, I glanced down, seeing nothing wrong, I even wiped my mouth and I hadn’t even done anything. Gregor was trying not to laugh, he had obviously spotted Athol’s mime. `I think, he is trying to tell you to reposition your sporran, Mr Campbell’ Bollocks, I had forgotten that. Gregor winked and left. ***************** Operation Pied Piper � Part 60 Athol continues the story `Good Morning Boys, please be silent for the ten o’clock news broadcast from the BBC in London’ There was a light murmur that went round the room, then everyone sat in silence, as I turned on the radio. Beep, Beep, Beep “This is London, and now the news at ten o’clock. On Monday the sixteenth of September. The German Luftwaffe launched its largest attacks of the War yesterday, Sunday the 15th September, over one thousand enemy planes attacked targets in the South East including London. The Air Ministry has announced that our brave pilots shot down over one hundred and seventy enemy planes for the loss of twenty-nine fighters, with many of our pilots saved.” There had been a gasp from some of the boys at the mention of one thousand enemy planes, the battle was certainly intensifying. I glanced round, Davy was standing next to Forts, I saw Davy’s shocked face, he had turned to Forts and whispered something, Forts had shaken his head and given him a reassuring smile, I watched him squeeze his hand. I would have to speak to the Masters and remind them, to watch out for any of the boys getting upset at the news; it was sometimes easy to forget the boys ranged in age from eight to sixteen and all were from London. I psyched myself up. `Boy’s that’s amazing news, over one hundred and seventy Nazi Bombers shot down; let us all give three big cheers for our brave RAF pilots; lets see if they can hear us from here across the country all the way down to London itself. Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray’ The cheers rang out round the Great Hall; Forts glanced at me and raised his foot to stamp; oh yes, I nodded to him. The sound became deafening as the Prefects led by Forts, all started stamping their feet and clapping, I indicated for the Masters to join in then waved for the rest of the boys to do so too. God, Forts knew what people needed and this was needed; he was a true leader. The boys supressed worry and angst needed an outlet and this was just the thing; loads of noise. I watched as a couple of the Masters patted Forts on the back; God I was so proud of him. As the noise died down, I stepped forward again. `Well done, amazing boys, absolutely amazing, I am sure the King himself heard you all. Okay now settle down, I want you all to remember to pray for our brave RAF crews in your nightly prayers and for the Royal family, our King and Queen and the two princesses’ I saw Archie wink at me, how was I going to mention the linen Cupboard. `Boys one final announcement before the school song, and we sing God Save the King…The Linen cupboard is back open on the dormitory floor…if its needed…by any of you…Right Mr Evans please’ A couple of the boys elbowed each other, Archie was chuckling, he mouthed `chicken’ at me, what did he expect me to say, the linen cupboard is open for all your blow job needs? I winked at him and glanced skywards; I would punch him later. As the assembly began to break up, I was just gathering up my papers, when I heard. `Mr MacDonald, Sir’ `Hello Gary, what can I do for you? `I was given this by Maureen, it’s for Forts…I was going to give it straight to him…but …I heard there had been a problem’ I felt my heart sink, I took the envelope `Thank you, Gary, I will deal it’ He nodded and left to speak to Mr Duncan. I looked at the envelope, it smelt of perfume. I needed this like a hole in the head, I glanced round for Forts, I called over `Drageon, can I speak to you in the staffroom in a minute? He nodded; Archie came to my side. `Oh, you smell nice’ `It’s not me it’s bloody this’ I waved the envelope at him. `It’s for Drageon, …from that bloody land girl, Maureen’ `Ahh, …what are you going to do? `What can I do? I can’t throw it away; I will have to give it to him’ `Christ, well don’t let Davy see it’ `Are you free to come to the staffroom? I am just going to speak to Drageon’ Çeşme Escort `Well’ Archie chuckled `I have been getting winked at by Downton and Talon, most of the assembly, I was just wondering if maybe they were feeling lonely’ `No, they are not, I will see you in the staffroom’ `You’re a real spoil sport, Athol’ We both laughed, I headed for the staffroom, the envelope tucked into my papers. Archie soon joined me, we stood awaiting Drageon, he came in, and looked at us both. `What’s this, a welcoming committee? Archie nodded, I elbowed him. `No of course not, Drageon, this has arrived for you’ I handed him the envelope `What is it? He looked at it and sniffed it `Perfume? `Gary gave me it, Maureen gave it to him, to pass to you’ `Oh, thank you…is that everything?’ `Isn’t that enough? Forts turned to leave `Err, aren’t you going to open it? …like now!’ `But it is private’ `Drageon, how do you think Davy will react to you getting a private letter from Maureen? For god sake? Or don’t you intend to tell him? Drageon glared at me, he put the letter into his sporran `So, your starting again, with more secrets? Christ, Drageon, it hasn’t even been a week’ Archie, touched my arm `Athol, easy …Forts do you really think this is wise?’ I could tell Forts was getting angry, his glared aimed squarely at me and then Archie, he opened his Sporran and took out the envelope, he tore it into sheds and threw it at the floor. `Happy now? I would be surprised if you hadn’t read it anyway’ He turned to leave. `Don’t you dare, turn your back on me Drageon, nor will I be spoken to like I am the hired help, just who the fuck do you think you’re talking too? What’s gotten into you? You chose Davy, not that slut’ `Athol, easy, I am sure Forts didn’t mean any offense…Did you?’ Holding my arm again, Archie was returning Forts glare `Did you Drageon? The door opened behind him, before he could answer; it was Davy. `Oh, here you are, what’s all that? Davy walked towards the shredded letter. I looked at Drageon `Well Drageon? `Leave it Davy, it was just a letter to me from Maureen’ Davy’s head spun to face Forts, his smile had vanished, his face now one of concern. `I didn’t read it, I don’t want to, I tore it up’ `What did she want? `I don’t know and I don’t care’ Forts never took his eyes off Archie or me, Davy had crossed to him and put his arm round him. `Is there anything else Mr MacDonald, Sir? Davy glanced up at Drageon as if he had gone mad, Davy glanced back at me and then Archie; Archie gently shook his head. I lost it, the temper to match my red hair, came boiling over. `Archie, Davy, can you both leave us please, Archie can you make sure we are not disturbed, you stand there’ I stabbed my finger into Drageon’s chest, he stood impassively looking at me as Archie and Davy left. Archie takes up the story I ushered Davy out of the staffroom, even I knew, that sometimes it was best to just get out of Athol’s way. Davy looked really concerned `Archie, what’s going on? What’s happened? I gave him a hug. `Don’t worry, with the change in their dynamic, Athol being his dad now, they are both still finding their feet, working out what’s acceptable and what’s not’ `Was it about the letter? …Drageon didn’t want to tell me about it did he? I pulled Davy in front of me and locked eyes `Stop it, everything will be fine, he tore it up, he loves you, okay? Davy nodded half-heartedly. `I had better get off to my class, if you see Drageon, tell him I will see him later’ And Davy was gone, I stood outside the staffroom door, trying not to listen. `Hello Mr Campbell are you okay today? `Hello boys, Downton, Talon’ I felt my cock jump: I bit my lip as the two cherubs, smiled up at me; I began repeating in my head the mantra; I must say I am fine, I must say I am fine. `Yes, good thanks boys, hadn’t you better be getting along to your class? They chuckled, nudging each other, then disappeared. I was just watching them vanish, when the door behind me opened, it was Athol. `Can you come back in’ Forts was sitting with his head in his hands, he glanced round at me, he had obviously been crying. `Archie, can you have Drageon with you today’ `Yeah of course, I was only intending on visiting a few of the local farms, we can go together, take a couple of the horses’ I glanced to Drageon. `You okay with that’ He nodded and stood up, he was biting his lip, he crossed to Athol `I am sorry Dad’ Athol held his arms open and the two of them hugged. `Hey, we both have a lot to learn; me about being a parent and you about being a son, off you both go, I will see you later’ Drageon nodded and kissed Athol’s cheek, Athol kissed him back. `One last thing Drageon’ Drageon turned back to Athol `I wanted to say well done, for your idea in the Assembly this morning, getting the boys stamping and clapping, really got them involved, well done’ Athol patted Drageon on the back, he nodded and smiled. I turned to Drageon; I much preferred to call him Forts `Come on then Forts, we can pop up and get changed, we have got to look the part if we are meeting the plebs, don’t we? Athool, raised his eye brows as Forts nodded; there Çeşme Escort Bayan was that smile again; phew. `Archie, no teaching him bad habits please’ I winked and patted Forts on the bum. `Off you go then, I will see you at the entrance once you’re ready’ Drageon left, closing the door behind him. I looked at Athol `Is everything okay? `Yes, I think we are both just testing boundaries, I hope that’s it anyway’ `I am sure, you’re right’ I gave him a hug. `No one said adoption was going to be easy’ Athol nodded and went back to his papers. I changed as quickly as I could, Forts had beat me downstairs, he looked amazing every bit the young gentleman; he fitted his Jodhpurs perfectly and his black leather knee length boots, highlighted his fitted black Jacket, he turned smiling to me; that was the Forts I liked to see. `All ready? He nodded, we walked over to the stables `Are you up for a challenge? He looked at me questioningly. `Do you fancy taking Pegasus, he seems to like you, I will take Lightening’ Forts smiled broadly `Oh yes, I have wanted to ride him since he arrived’ We soon had the horses tacked up and set off, both of them stallions, they pranced round each other. `Don’t let him muck about Forts, show him you’re the boss’ He laughed at me `Maybe you should tell him’ We both chuckled and set off for my first visit. `Is everything okay now? Athol, you know, he only wants the best for you’ Forts nodded `I know, I just keep fucking it up’ `Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, growing up isn’t easy, and suddenly becoming a dad isn’t either’ A flash of a smile `Forts, tell me to mind my own business, but you’re not still intending to see Maureen, are you? I don’t think Davy could cope with that’ A sigh `Just try not to hurt him, you know, I care a lot about you both’ He nodded, as I kicked Lightening on; enough talking. Chris McPhee continues the story The cab driver dropped me at the door to the Castle, wow, well I was impressed, I looked up at the towering battlements, it caused the hairs on my neck to rise, I picked up my case and walked up to the door. I looked up, confronted by a very good looking blond; his hair short on the side, with a bit of a floppy fringe; he flicked it back, He looked amazing in his kilt with a fly plaid pinned to his chest, I felt my cock twitch; I wondered if it was true about Scotsmen. He was about 5’4 maybe a bit taller, he had an amazing cupid bow mouth, his pale grey green eyes lit up as he spoke, he thrust out his hand. `Hello, I’m Davy, well I am known as Thomas, can I help you at all? `I certainly hope so’ He blushed and flicked his fringe back again. `I am Chris McPhee; I am joining the school here as a fourth year’ `Well, welcome then, I had better take you up to see Mr MacDonald, he is the head master and also Laird of all this’ Davy, gave a broad wave with his arm. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, he began to sense I was watching him; beginning to blush. The noise of horses galloping towards us broke the spell, he had cast over me and had us both looking up towards the sound. `Oh, it’s Forts and Mr Campbell’ I watched as the two horses and riders came Galloping towards us, seemingly leaving it to the last minute to pull up their horses. They came to a halt, the horses, froth and spittle flying from their mouths as they pranced around each other, snorting and whinnying. The younger dark-haired guy had his eyes focused on me, I felt him looking me up and down. He jumped down from the black horse, still staring at me. `Who’s this Davy? `Forts, this is Chris McPhee, he is joining the school as a fourth year, for the next term’ I put out my hand as he strode towards me; nice those Jodhpurs didn’t leave much to the imagination, he looked every bit the country gent in his black Jacket and boots. `Forts’ He ignored my hand, `My friends call me that, you can call me Fortnum’ Davy looked at him `Forts, don’t be so rude’ He crossed to Davy and put his arm round him and pulled him close to him. `Davy, can you, take Pegasus and let him loose in the paddock, while I get changed, thank you darling’ Had I just heard him right, the other man stepped forward, his hand outstretched `Hello, Archie Campbell, Factor of the Castle Fraser Estates, pleased to meet you’ He turned to Fortnum `Drageon, you are the one who is dressed, to take care of horses, you don’t want Davy getting dirty, you take Pegasus, it won’t take you a minute’ I thought I saw a look exchanged between them. Davy looked at Fortnum `Come on, we can do it together’ That seemed to pacify the young Fortnum, he gave a nod and with his arm still tightly round Davy’s waist he led the horses off towards a building barely visible in some nearby trees, Davy gave a little look back over his shoulder, I winked at him, I was looking forward to getting to know him better; if I could. `So, Chris, you are joining us, it must have slipped Athol’s, sorry Mr MacDonald’s mind, sorry about that he has had a lot on recently, let me take you up to meet him’. Davy takes up the story I had intended to walk down to the stables to meet Forts and Mr Campbell, instead I found Chris McPhee; a soon to be new Escort Çeşme fourth year, getting out of a cab, having just arrived outside the Castle. I felt my heart missed a beat, he was gorgeous, at least six foot, dirty blond coloured hair, blue eyes and amazing stubble, I wondered if Mr MacDonald would let him keep that, he was dressed in a rather ill-fitting black suit with a waist coat on top of his white shirt, tufting out of the neck was yet more hair; he was one hairy guy, he had smiled as I approached and held out his hand, so friendly too, I thought to myself he would fit in just fine. I was just about to help him into the Castle, when Forts and Archie came back, galloping up to us on Pegasus and Lightening. As soon as he saw Chris, Forts face changed, in fact he was dam well rude to him, he wouldn’t even shake his hand. Next, he is asking me to put the horses away, Archie intervened, and as good as told Forts to do it. I thought it easier to offer to help, I wanted to speak to him anyway. I had smiled at Chris as I walked away with Forts, he was a good-looking guy, I was sure he winked at me, I felt myself blushing. `Well, Chris seems nice Forts, that’s good’ `Did you think so? I didn’t like him; I don’t like the way he looked at you’ `Oh, Forts, your jealous’ I hugged his arm tightly `Forts’ `Yes’ He smiled down at me `Did you, sort out that stuff this morning, with Athol? He nodded `Are you going to speak to Maureen again? `You don’t want me to, so no’ `We could go together, if you wanted? He smiled again and squeezed me back `Let’s see’ Athol takes up the story. `Come in’ `Archie, your back and who is this? `Good afternoon Mr MacDonald, I am Chris McPhee’ `Oh my god’ Athol glanced at his watch `I was supposed to meet you, Chris, I am sorry, I completely forgot, its been a bit busy recently’ I shook his hand, `Come in and let’s have a quick chat, then I can get you shown to your room on the fourth floor and we can meet up again after lunch, I can introduce you to a few of the other Prefects’ We sat down and Chris told me about himself and what had brought him to us; it was the usual, his old school had been bombed out, his parents had heard of us and here he was. I sat looking at him, he was a good-looking young man; very good looking, well built and very nearly six-foot-tall, I pointed to his stubble `I am not to sure about that, do you have a problem shaving it off? `Not at all Sir, but half an hour later, it’s usually back’ He chuckled `Well we can see, I will get Drageon to show you around and take you under his wing, he can show you how to put on the Long Kilt too, he is head boy and Chief Prefect’ Archie interrupted `He has already met Drageon, Athol’ `Good, good’ `Athol, I can show Chris upstairs, we can meet up back at Lunch’ I nodded and Archie led, Chris out and upstairs, he was soon back, in the meantime I had answered the phone; did it never stop round here? “Hello, yes this is Harrow Boys School…sorry what did you say? …No, we are not in Harrow…we are in Inverurie in Scotland…I know that’s not where Harrow is…who is this? …can you repeat your name? …Doctor Mardsen …what can I do for you Doctor? … yes, we have boys here, we are a boy’s school …Ages? … from eight to sixteen …do we do what? … I am sorry this is a terrible line …you have to attend and do what to the boys? … sorry did you say examine them? …to make sure they are developing okay and being properly fed? … well I can assure you they are …Your coming when? …Oh, … well I will see you then… Yes… good day to you too” Archie looked over at me `What was that all about? `Well, it was a terrible line, but I think he said, they are part of a Government team which goes to schools, checking on pupil development, apparently they have been looking for us for a while, and just found us, so they need to examine all the boys’ Archie gave me a smile `We had that at our school remember, basically some old perv gets to have a feel of your nuts, looks down your pants and tell you, you need glasses; don’t you remember? `I think I must have been off that day’ `Probably because no one was allowed to touch your jewels’ I crumpled up the paper I was reading into a ball and threw it at him, it bounced off his head. `Right its war’ Archie got down on the floor and I was rapidly bombarded with paper balls, it was just getting fun; with us both shrieking with laughter, when Mr Evans came in, he muttered something about “Children” before he became the target of our combined assault. **************** Guy’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest

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