One Scary Good Night Ch. 03

6 Haziran 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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I really recommend reading the second chapter. Like always comments and ratings are appreciated. Thanks!


I was alone in the empty room. I had just received one sweet ass blowjob from one of the hottest girls I have ever met and her identical twin sister. If it didn’t just happen to me I wouldn’t have believed it myself.

I relived the fresh memory in my head and yearned to see Sarah again, but I would have to wait for her to text or call me. She had my number but I didn’t have hers. I was too dumb struck by her farewell to have asked for it. Waiting would be a nightmare.

Fortunately I had another class to attend and that would provide a good distraction. College level trigonometry. Math was a subject that came naturally to me since it lacked subtlety. It was very straightforward, like myself, and if you followed the rules you knew what you were doing. I gathered my things, made my way out of the photography room and headed towards my class.

I walked to the classroom expecting the door to be closed. Today the door was wide open and inside was my professor. My math professor was never late to start class but he was never as exceptionally early as today. Inside he was at his desk with a cup of coffee. The addictive aroma was floating in the room.

I walked into the classroom, first one in. I went to the front of the class and sat in the front row. My professor, Mr. Krimmel, greeted me like usual. He was a fifty some year old, but the coolest math teacher I have ever met. He was never in a bad mood and always kept class fun, as fun as math can be.

“You’re early, Carlos” he said. “I mean earlier than usual.”

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized he was right “I am huh?” I replied.

“Why are you here so early Mr. K?” I probed. He and I would talk about anything, even things a teacher shouldn’t talk to with a student, when there was a moment of peace between the two of us.

Only once have I encountered him off of the college campus. We ran into each other at the grocery store and he made the innocent mistake of thinking that my sister was my girlfriend. His mistake caused Nidie, my sister, to throw a swift punch into my stomach. It was very comedic to everyone except for me.

“Why am I here so early?” he repeated “It is a doozy of a story. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

The class didn’t start for about another twenty minutes. So for about fifteen minutes this class would be empty. “We have some time to kill. What happened?” I replied.

“I am sure you know of that Halloween party on the weekend.” he started off.

“Yeah, I was there.” I smirked.

“You must have had a hard Sunday morning then.” he commented.

“No, Mr. K, I was the driver. Don’t worry though I had a fun night.” I tossed an even more devious smile at him.

His face lit up. The look on his face was a combination of a compliment and a question. Almost as if the expression spoke ‘Is that so? Good for you.’

“So go on, Mr. K” I said.

“Right, my son went to the party with a group of his friends and those idiots simply drank too much. I can understand that it is a college party. You want to get laid and the easiest way is to get a girl and yourself drunk. I was doing the same thing as him at his age, but what he did, I would never have even considered no matter how much I have drank.

“One of those morons was lucky enough to spend his night with a pretty young thing. He went on his phone and texted all of his friends at the party what was about to happen. I mean really advertised the girl and what they were going to do. My son was the idiot of the night. Instead of giving his buddy his high five or whatever, he comes up with a ‘brilliant’ scheme.

“He went to his car and got his camera. My son returns to the party and found the room that his friend that was getting laid in. My son waited until they finish doing their business. Then he barged in on the two of them with the camera and tried to blackmail the girl.

“He said that he had her on video and was going to release it on the internet if she didn’t do what he said. The girl was too drunk to realize that not only was the camera not on or that the door was closed so he could not have filmed her at all.”

I just heard the story that would turn me into Sarah and Susan’s Superman. I was ready to run out of the class to find the pair, but Mr. Krimmel’s story still had not explained why he was here so early and I wanted to hear the rest.

“She broke down and started crying. It was real drunk girl behavior. She begged them to delete the video and my son said that he would delete everything if he had sex with her right then and there. She agreed and he thought that was that.”

That last bit was completely different from Susan’s story, but it would be a safe assumption to say that Mr. Krimmel’s son was part of the group that was trying to blackmail Susan.

Maybe they all thought that they could repeat their success or perhaps became greedy and wanted more than ümraniye escort on the spot sex. I would just need to convince Mr. K to make his son delete whatever they had, if they had anything on Susan.

Mr. K continued with his tale “My son thought he was off the hook, free as a bird. Sunday came around and the girl must have sobered up or been mad about being blackmailed. So she called the police and told them what happened. So she gave the police a description of him and what party he was at. That was barely enough to make a profile on him, but my son had some really bad karma coming his way.

“One of the cops knew exactly who she had described. So while I am out doing some errands the police showed up at my house and arrested him on the spot for extortion. They take him to jail and the processing did not finish until around nine last night. I got a call that he needs me to bail him out so he can go to school tomorrow.

“I did not go right away. I was going to teach him a lesson about being so stupid so I let him spend the night there. I woke up early in the morning to get him out and to drive him to school. That is why I am here so early.” he made a dramatic show of exhaling. Exaggerating how exhausted he was from the adventure.

“That was a doozy. Mr. K can I ask for a favor? I would really appreciate it.” I asked.

“What do you need?” he asked.

“If it isn’t too much trouble can you make sure that your son or his friends don’t have any videos of any other girls.” I asked. I tried to sound impartial, but I was draped with worry for Sarah’s sister.

“Who is the girl?” he shot at me. I was very transparent. He didn’t seem upset that I was going out on a limb for a girl. I thought he was just curious over who I was trying to play hero for.

“I am not giving names, but she is the sister of this girl I really like. Do you think you can help me out?”

“You mean help ‘her’ out right?” he retorted with a stern look which turned into a warm smile “Don’t worry I will make sure there is nothing he or his friends can use.” as he said that a few students started to trickle into the classroom. Our private conversation was converted into a classroom and it was not the place to discuss sex and blackmail.

Mr. K turned from my friend to a business as usual teacher and immediately dove into his lecture. It was about some simple arithmetic and geometric sequences. Child’s play to me so instead of paying attention, I went to ponder over Sarah’s last words before she and her twin left me alone. ‘… Using that big dick of yours to make a hot girl cum…’

She could not have been referring to herself. We were just by ourselves with all the privacy we could want. Was it because we didn’t have a bed to be in? No, that can’t be it either. A girl that sexy must have had sex in places outside of the bedroom. Although I would never voice that kind of assumption around her.

Maybe Sarah was talking about Susan. That was most likely not the case. Susan had the personality of a girl that when she had an itch she would find somebody to scratch it for her. Another thought I shouldn’t ever share with the twins.

I must have the wrong approach because it is suppose to be a favor for her. I shot Sarah in between her eyes with one of the biggest loads of cum I have ever shot in my life. That load was a second away from being in the back of her throat if she didn’t pull her mouth off of my dick so quickly. What could it possibly be?

My train of thought was derailed when Mr. K asked me for the answer to the problem on the board.

“Um… err… uh” I was stalling for time while I worked out the problem in my head. I am not a super genius but the problem was pretty simple. A short arithmetic. A few more seconds of random sounds and I had the answer.

“36” I answered.

“That is right.” said Mr. K and then resumed with his lecture. Seconds later my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

I very sneakily took a peek at my phone. It was a text from a number that wasn’t in my contacts. It must have been Sarah. I read the text message.

‘Hi Carlos its Sarah :)’

I was correct. I surveyed Mr. K and expected him to be busy lecturing. I quickly sent my reply.

‘Hey Sarah what’s up?’

Her reply didn’t come until after a few minutes. It was a very long message, well long for a text message. The gist of it was to be at an address, her house, by 6:30 and to bring a box of condoms and a tube of lube.

A box of condoms? I assumed she was on the pill our first night together and that was why I didn’t wear a condom. I came in her pussy a lot that Halloween night. I was not ready to have a kid anytime soon and Sarah seemed as unprepared as me. An issue that we would have to talk about later.

Also why lube? She took me in her pussy with absolutely no problems last night and Sarah didn’t strike me as an anal-lover. I sure as Hell wasn’t having anything inside of me, especially something that required lube to get in.

I texted pendik escort her back ‘I will get everything and be at your place. See you later :)’

‘K sexy ;)’

The class ended and I went straight home. I went into my room and I plowed through my homework. I finished by three and was about to leave to pick up the box of condoms. My mom intercepted me as I was in the living room.

“Where are you going?” she asked innocently. She wasn’t worried about where I was going she only wanted to know.

“I am going to the store to buy some stuff and then I will be back really quick.” I replied honestly. She didn’t have to know what I was about to purchase. She wouldn’t care if I was buying condoms, in fact it might have brought her a little pride to know her son was going to have sex but I was a little embarrassed to tell her.

Being raised by a single mother and an older sister, treating women with respect was completely natural. I have felt the wrath of both my mom and sister and it is an effective reminder to watch my manners around them.

She flashed me a huge smile “Can you do me a favor and pick me up a box of ‘feminine napkins’?”

I hated when she asked me for favors like those. I couldn’t say no to her so I agreed to buy the tampons. She thanked me and gave me some money. I was out the door to the local pharmacy.

I walked through the aisles in the pharmacy, picked out two boxes of tampons, and went to the register. I always got two because if my mom needed them then my sister would almost certainly require them as well.

The transaction at the counter was very awkward. An elderly woman was there and was happy to see me doing some shopping for my mom. Then I laid the box of condoms down and her demeanor changed completely. The look of confusion swept her face wondering why I required both of those products together.

I returned home and delivered one box of tampons to my mom. She thanked me and left me to my business. That was the easy part. The next would be far more troublesome. I went to Nidie’s room and knocked on her unlocked door.

“Come in, mom” she called.

“Actually it is me” I said as I walked into her room. Nidie recognized my voice and got away from her desk to stand.

“Hey baby bro. What can I do for you?” she tussled my hair with her hand. My hair was so short that the act didn’t disturb my simple haircut.

“I need to borrow some lube. I know you have some.” I said with no emotion. I knew that she would make it as difficult as possible.

“Oooh the nerd is going to get some pussy,” she gave a thrust to an imaginary person “who is she and why do you need lube?” Nidie left her mouth open to show her excitement.

“Her name is Sarah and I don’t know what it is for but she wants me to bring some over.”

“Well you see, baby bro, when a man loves a woman vvveeeerrrryyy much they have something called sex…” she said mockingly.

“I know what it is used for. I just don’t know why she wants me to bring some over. Nidie what do I need to do to get the lube?” I half said half yelled. I was getting frustrated with her.

“Two things, one is go and get me a box of tampons. I am out and I know I am going to start soon.” I whipped out the box and tossed it onto her bed.

“What is number two?” I asked.

“Well that is no fun. Can I do three things now?” she pouted.

“No, you already said two. What is number two?”

“Number two is you have to let me give you a massage. I need some practice for school and you are a guinea pig that I don’t mind messing up for life.”

“That’s it? Just a massage? Deal. Where is the lube?” I said quickly before she changed her mind and asked me to do something stupid like climb Mt. Everest.

“Nope. Massage first. Strip to your boxers and lie face down on my bed.” she ordered and went back to her computer momentarily. I took a step to leave her room to change but Nidie stopped me.

“Don’t be shy. Do it in here,” she gave her computer a few clicks and then some slow stripper music filled her room. “Whoo! Take it off! Shake that!” she started doing a little dance in her chair. I was not as festive as her and simply shed my clothes as quickly as I could.

“If you weren’t getting this lube right now I would swear you didn’t know how to have fun. Face down on the bed.” some more clicks on her computer and the music died suddenly. I took my spot on her bed. I felt cold oil being dripped onto my back. It made my back arch against it and that caused my sister to slap the back of my head.

“You should have stripped.” she chirped. She then started to run her hands across my back. She started spreading the oil across my back. It felt really good. She used all of her fingers to massage my back going in different directions. Swirling her thumbs in circles or pushing long strokes along my entire back. Then she poured more cold oil onto my legs.

I didn’t jump that time. Not because it wasn’t cold but because I didn’t want to get smacked again. bostancı escort She started out with my calves. They were constantly sore from working out and basketball practice and it felt incredible to have all of the stress squeezed out of them.

Nidie started to move to my thighs and it felt a little awkward having her so close to my ass. The pleasure of the massage was far superior to the slight discomfort I was feeling, so I just lied there and enjoyed my massage.

She was massaging up and down my thighs one at a time. Her hands would wrap around one of them and almost reached the front of my waist every time she went up and down. Every time she would go as far into the crevice of my crouch without actually touching it.

“Turn over” she commanded.

“What?” I asked. The massage caused my penis to become a little chubby and I wasn’t ready for my sister to see my half hard cock.

“There are front massages too, so turn over.” she gave me a large nudge with her knee and I rolled onto my back. I saw her sneak a peek at my bulge and mouth a small ‘wow’.

She took the bottle of oil and started pouring it over my chest and stomach. She repeated distributing the oil evenly over my torso. She massaged my chest and stomach. She started tracing the outline of my abs and pecks “You are in really good shape. I am surprised you don’t get laid more often.”

“I think you have enough sex for the both of us, Nidie.” I spat back. I never appreciated how much my mom and sister teased me about trying to be mature and responsible with my sex life. I was one of those rare men that weren’t driven to fuck anything that would let them. I had some standards.

“Are you calling me a slut?” she said testily.

“I didn’t say that. I just don’t like it that you always make fun of me because I am not a man-whore.” I replied heatedly.

“I think that you are a bit of a bitch and need to grow a pair.” she retorted. She continued to massage me and seemed to have no intentions to stop until she finished whatever routine she had planned.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to relax. I didn’t want to start a fight with her. I loved her but she liked to throw low blows like those whenever she had the opportunity. Anything to push my buttons.

“Look, I call you a bitch and you try to calm down. You are such a pussy.” Nidie hissed.

That was the last straw. “Fuck you!” I roared “You wouldn’t talk so much shit to me if I was one of the fifty guys giving you some dick. You should learn how to close your legs and your mouth.”

“There it is.” she was referring to the fact that out of her countless insults she had never managed to get such a reaction from me. I always did my best to avoid serious conflict but I couldn’t contain myself.

“You are too polite and don’t show your emotions enough. Learn how to let out your inner ‘animal’…” she poked me in the chest and continued “more often and be a real man. Fuck Sarah nice and hard for me, okay?”

She stopped massaging me and walked over to her wooden cabinet. She rummaged though one of the drawers, shifting the contents around. Finally she produced a tube and flung it to me. I caught it out of the air.

“Thanks” I said hesitantly. I was shocked by the bizarre exchange. My sister and I always butted heads, but I never received a positive reaction for such a heated back and forth.

“And by the way, it isn’t fifty guys. I met a guy and I think it is serious. We have only been going out for a month and a half but it already feels special.” she said as I was getting dressed.

“Really? That is great. I hope it lasts.” I replied as I slipped my shirt over my head. I went over to her and gave her a hug. “Thanks for the lube. I love you, bye.”

“Love you too. Have fun with Sarah.” and she gave me a light spank.

“Hey!” I tried to spank her back, but she deflected my arms “I will have fun with Sarah, I hope.” Now I had everything I needed for Sarah. It was almost six already and by the time I got dressed and drove over there it would be exactly 6:30.

* * *

The moment I parked on Sarah’s block it was 6:29 and by the time I rang her door bell it was 6:30. The person to answer the door was an older gentleman, early forties, and gave me a disapproving glare.

“Susan isn’t home, goodbye.” he said in an intimidating voice. He retreated behind the door and was about to close it.

“Actually I am here to see Sarah. She said to meet her here. Is she home?” on cue Sarah arrived at the door. She was wearing a black mini skirt and a dark red shirt that showed off a large portion of her cleavage.

“I am sorry, Daddy. This is Carlos.” she opened the door wide open for me to come in. Sarah’s dad looked me over. I was nervous under his gaze. He had the presence of an alpha male. I had that same mentality but I didn’t want to offend him by being too arrogant.

Finally he held his hand out to me and I gave it a firm shake. He said “I am Mr. Nickels. Carlos right?”

“That’s right, Mr. N.” I replied.

“No,” he said, and Sarah gave me a stare and a slight shake of her head as if I just stepped on a land mine “It is Mr. Nickels. Do you understand?”

“Sorry,” I replied “It is Mr. Nickels. I understand. It won’t happen again.”

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