Night Four of Domination Week

27 Mayıs 2024 0 Yazar: admin

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Sarah called James early in the afternoon on night four of domination week to announce a change in plans. Instead of meeting up at home, they’d meet at a local bar, McMahon’s, for drinks after work. She instructed him to leave his suit jacket and tie behind, but to bring his coat. Sarah didn’t try to mask the note of mischief in her voice as she spoke to James.

Sarah arrived at the bar well ahead of the appointed time. She was already seated at the bar in her dark business suit sipping her second drink when James arrived. He put his arm on her shoulder and she turned in her seat and put her arm around his waist.

“Well, there you are darling,” she said. “Shame on you for keeping me waiting.”

“What? You said to be here at 6:30. It’s 6:30 on the nose.”

“Well then explain to me why I’ve been sitting here drinking alone.”

“I can’t argue with that logic.”

“Best not to try, darling. Just take off your coat and have a drink with me.” Sarah gestured the bartender over. When James started to order, she put her finger to his lips to shush him. “The gentleman will have a frozen strawberry margarita, no salt.” The bartender left to make the drink. James started to protest, but stopped when Sarah gave him a sharp look.

“Quiet, darling. I’m in charge tonight, remember? We’re going to be kissing later, and I don’t want to taste any more of those awful Jack Daniel’s and Cokes on you. I want you to taste sweet for me.” The bartender set the drink down in front of James, and Sarah said to put it on her tab. James contemplated the concoction in front of him for a moment, making no move to take a drink from it.

“Come on, now, darling, drink up. It’ll make you feel warm all over.”

“It’s frozen. It’s not going to make me feel warm.”

“Well, then, drink it, and I’ll make you feel warm.” James tipped it to his lips and drank some of the margarita. Sarah reached forward and hooked her finger in the top button of his shirt and pulled the shirt away from his body. She leaned forward and blew her hot breath inside his shirt. “See, I told you,” she said, smiling at him. James shivered, then took another drink.

Sarah picked up her own drink and emptied her glass, then slapped it down on the bar.

“Put on your coat darling, and let’s go and take a walk,” she said.

James stood up and put on his coat. Sarah called the bartender over and paid the tab. She put her billfold back into her purse, and brought out her little surprise. She reached up and put her hands around James’ neck and pulled him towards her for a kiss.

“Darling, do you know how much I love you?” she asked. She kissed him hard on the lips without waiting for an answer. At the same time, she put the collar on James’ neck, and snapped it closed. Then she pulled her face away from him, smiling. James looked down to see what she had done.

“What are you doing?” he asked, fingering the collar.

“Letting everyone know that you belong to me.” She reached into her purse again and brought out the leash, quickly hiding it in her lap so that only James could see it. “OK, hold still darling while I put this on,” she said, grasping the clasp and bringing it up from her lap. James put his hand out to stop her.

“You’re not going to put that thing on me in here, are you?”

“Yes, darling, I am. And if you fight me you’ll only make things worse. Do you really want to call attention to what I’m doing?”

“No, but I do want you to wait until we get outside to put it on me.”

“I’m going to do it now, darling, so I can lead you around. If you let me do it quickly, no one will even notice.”

“Why do we have to do it in here?”

“Because I say so.” James contemplated the situation for a moment. Then he meekly clasped his hands behind his back and stuck his neck out for her. Sarah quickly reached up and attached the leash, then slid her hand down front of James’ chest, holding the leash against his shirt. To a casual observer, it would have looked like she was straightening his tie.

“There…now we’re ready to go.” Sarah hopped off the stool quickly and started for the door. James had to take several quick steps to catch up to her and prevent her from pulling the leash taught for everyone to see. Once they were out on the street, Sarah walked at a brisk pace and James struggled to keep up.

Sarah was holding the leash at waist level as they walked along. It looked to passersby as if they were just a couple walking down the street holding hands, until she nearly broke James’ neck when she made a hard right turn at the corner and James kept going straight ahead. Sarah noticed a couple of people who saw the leash. One woman’s eyes were large as saucers as she passed them, obviously believing the perverts were invading her neighborhood. Another woman gave her a conspiratorial wink as she passed, as if to say ‘you go girl’.

They walked another three blocks, and finally came to a row of shops. Sarah slowed and began window-shopping. The stores were all Betturkey displaying expensive lingerie. She continued looking, idly tugging on the leash as she walked along. She loved the look of her reflection in the glass, tugging her husband along as if he were her pet poodle.

They came to a store called ‘Taboo Dreams’, announcing itself in attention-grabbing neon lights. It advertised itself as a lingerie store and fetish boutique. The display window included mannequins of both sexes in various leather gear. Sarah admired the display for a moment, and walked through the front door with James in tow.

“Come on, darling. Let’s do some shopping.” Sarah said, pulling James along behind her into the shop. She smiled at the woman behind the counter. She looked to be in her mid forties, with long dark hair and lots of dark makeup around her eyes giving her an exotic look. She had a large chest, at least a DD cup. The plunging neckline of her leopard-spotted top gave a view of ample cleavage, and a glimpse of part of a tattoo that ended who knows where.

“Hi Sarah. How are you?”

“Hello Cassandra. I’m good. How are you? This is James, my husband. Remember, I told you about him.”

“Yes, of course,” she said, smiling at James. “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

James turned beet red, and Sarah exulted in his discomfort. She knew he was wondering at that moment just how much Sarah had confided to Cassandra. She watched as he tried in vain to hide the leash and collar by pulling his coat closed. James evidently hadn’t caught on that they were in the very store where she had purchased them, and that Cassandra knew what was going on.

“So what are you two up to tonight?” Cassandra asked, smiling.

“I think I’m going to get a couple of those items we discussed the other day.”

“Oh, really? OK, you know the way to the fetish boutique. Go in and have a look.”

They walked through the door and into the fetish boutique. The difference was like night and day from the main part of the store where they had walked in. It was much darker, many of the items on display lit only by colored track lights in the ceiling. Half of one wall was filled with nothing but whips paddles and riding crops. A female mannequin in severe-looking leather and metal-studded garb stood guard.

Sarah walked over, picked out a whip, and drew it across the palm of her hand. “Maybe I should have used one of these on you darling.”

“I think you did just fine with the riding crop.”

Sarah put the whip back and picked up one of the large paddles. It was long and slender, made of wood with a handle wrapped in leather. The paddle had small perforations to help it fly through the air faster. Sarah picked it up and slapped it against the palm of her hand. She grinned evilly at James.

“You see, darling? It could have been much worse for you the other night.”

“Thank god for small favors.”

She put the paddle back and they looked around the place. Sarah marveled over the array of tight fitting leather pants and shorts for men. Some of them laced up instead of having zippers or snaps. She fingered the expensive leather, admiring it. She came close to James and reached under his coat to squeeze his ass.

“Oh, darling, you’d look so good in those tight shorts. I think you should try them on.”

“You’d have to wedge me into those with a shoehorn.” Sarah held them up in front of James, picturing in her mind how he would look. Just then Cassandra walked through the door.

“See anything you like?”

“Do you have any male models?’

“No, I’m sorry, we don’t”

“Can my husband try something on?”

“Certainly. For those items, we just ask that you wear something underneath.”

“That’s great. Come on, darling, let’s take these into the dressing room and try them on.” Sarah handed James the leather shorts. He looked at her like she was crazy.

“Sarah, come on…” he pleaded.

“James, do what you’re told.” She took him by the arm and turned him, pointing him towards the back and the dressing room. She stood on her toes to whisper in his ear. “Or maybe you’d rather I buy one of those paddles…” Sarah gave a quick yank on the leash to punctuate her threat. She walked towards the dressing room and he meekly followed. They entered the dressing room together. Once inside, Sarah looped the leash handle around the doorknob.

“Darling, I need to go talk to Cassandra for a minute. Let me know when you have them on, so I can see them.” She exited the small dressing room, leaving James holding the leather shorts, tied to the doorknob. He began awkwardly shedding his clothes.

A few minutes later, James poked his head out of the dressing room door to look around. Sarah was still speaking with Cassandra, and James had to call for her. She ignored him for a moment, making him call her three times, each time louder than before, and then acknowledged him.

Sarah stepped in the dressing room to look Betturkey Giriş at James and took the leash from the doorknob. When she saw him, she couldn’t help but giggle. He was standing in the form-fitting shorts, with his dark socks still on. Over it all, he had put his trench coat back on to cover himself. He opened the coat like a flasher for her to see the shorts, then quickly closed it again.

“Oh, darling…you look wonderful.”

“I look ridiculous.”

“How about if I call Cassandra and let her have the deciding vote?”

“You’re not going to let anyone else see me like this, are you?”

“No, darling, relax. These are for my eyes only. I’m definitely going to buy them.” She pressed her body against James and slid her hands under the coat to stroke his stomach and chest. She reached down and stroked his cock through the shorts, sliding her hand up and down slowly. She stood up on her toes and kissed him as she stroked him. James put his arms around her and pulled her close.

“All right now, darling. Take off your underwear and put your new shorts back on. Then you can get the full effect of the leather against your bare skin.” Sarah dropped to her knees in front of James and tugged the leather shorts down to his ankles. Then she slid her thumbs into the waistband of his boxer shorts and slowly tugged them down to his thighs, releasing his semi-hard cock. It sprang up and was only inches from her face. She looked up at James and smiled.

“Oh, darling, I’d really love to have a taste of your cock before you get dressed again. Can I suck you a little? Just a little, please?” she said in a mock pleading voice, smiling up at him. She took his cock into her mouth without waiting for an answer, sucking gently and swirling her tongue around the head. She looked James in the eye as she sucked him. She felt him getting harder in her mouth and swallowed all of him, pressing her nose in his pubic hair and holding his entire length in her mouth. James moaned and his hands grabbed her head. She slid her wet warm mouth up and down on his cock two more times, then let it slip out. James moaned in frustration.

“Oh, please, darling, don’t stop,” he pleaded.

“Not now, darling,” Sarah said, standing up and kissing his cheek. “But don’t worry. I’ll promise you’ll get to cum later tonight.” She had James step out of the shorts and remove his boxers and socks. Then he put the leather garment back on. Sarah pulled it up until it was snug in his crotch. She reached around to see how it fit his ass. It was tight there as well, with part of his fleshy cheeks spilling out of the material. Sarah gave him a light swat on the rump.

“Mmmm…perfect fit,” she cooed. She reached into the shorts and adjusted his still-hard cock until it stood straight up and was smashed against his stomach by the tight-fitting material. Then she started to lace up the leather strings through the eyelets and pulled them tight. She could clearly see the outline of his cock in the shorts, sending a chill up her spine. She reached out and stroked it with the palm of her hand. She knew it was straining to pop free.

“Very nice darling. You were born to wear these. Oh, one more thing; I almost forgot.” She pulled a small padlock from the pocket of her slacks. She used it to lock the top two eyelets on the shorts together, making it impossible for James to open the front of the shorts and take them off.

“There we go, snug as a bug in a rug.” James tugged at the lock, then tried pulling the eyelets apart. He then realized he couldn’t get out of the shorts until the lock was removed.

“Sarah, this is ridiculous. What if I have to go to the bathroom?”

“Well, then, you’ll have to ask permission, darling.”

“I have to ask you if I can go to the bathroom?”

“Oh, hush, darling. Don’t act like a petulant little child. I’ve got good news for you. We’re going to have a fashion show after all.”

“I’m not giving anyone a show in these things.”

“Oh, not you, darling. Cassandra’s models are going to show us a few things. I’m thinking of making a couple of other purchases.” Sarah grabbed James by the leash and opened the door to walk out. “Come on now, darling. You can leave your clothes in here until we’re finished.”

“I’m not going out there dressed like this.”

“Of course you are, darling. But don’t worry. No one will see you. It’s only a few steps over to the viewing room. The models don’t actually come in there. We watch them on a video monitor while we sit there all by ourselves.”

“Sarah, I feel ridiculous enough just standing here in this thing. I’m not going out walking around this store like this.” Sarah stepped towards James, and leaned up and kissed him forcefully on the lips, placing her hand on his cheek. She looked directly into his eyes.

“Darling, don’t you trust me? Don’t you know I wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you or hurt you?”

“Yes, I know that.”

“Well then, trust me on this. It’ll be Betturkey Güncel Giriş fun. Besides,” she said, tugging on his leash. “I have the leash, and the key to your little padlock. So you don’t have much say in the matter, now do you?” James looked down, shaking his head like he couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He shrugged his shoulders, then gestured towards the door with his left hand and arm.

“Lead the way,” he said.

Sarah pulled him out the door and to the left. They went through another door that led into a long hallway. James was swiveling his head around in all directions and cupping his hands in front of his crotch as they went in to the second door on the right. The room contained three comfortable-looking leather chairs with ottomans. They were in a semi-circle around a 31-inch television that sat in the middle of the room. The screen was blank.

“Go and have a seat, darling,” Sarah said, releasing the leash. James went and sat in the second chair. Sarah went over to the door, where there was an intercom system on the wall. She pressed the button. “All right. We’re ready for you to start.” Then she walked over and turned on the television, sat down next to James, and grabbed the leash. She was idly tugging on it when the first model came into view on the screen.

She was a beautiful young brunette with a slender frame and large firm breasts that looked as if they might have been surgically enhanced. She was wearing a skin tight leather jump suit with a high collar that covered most of her neck but left her throat exposed and long sleeves that covered the entire length of her arms. The outfit included black fishnet stockings and thigh-high boots. She also happened to be sporting a glossy black 7-inch latex cock that jutted straight out from her body, bobbing gently as she walked. She took a few steps, stopped and faced the camera full front, then turned in profile and stood for a moment, then walked out of their view.

“What do you think of it, darling?” Sarah asked, looking at James.

“She looks good in that outfit, that’s for sure.”

“Not the outfit, darling. The cock. How did that cock look on her?”

“The cocks. That’s what they’re modeling?”

“Well, of course, darling. I’m thinking of buying one.”

“I don’t think any woman looks good with a penis. That’s just the way I am, I guess.”

“All right, I can see you’re not going to be any help. I’ll just have to pick one out for myself.”

The next model came out. She had dark blonde hair and the same slender build as the first model. However, her breasts were much smaller. She was wearing a lavender teddy with black spaghetti straps, accessorized beautifully with a thick 8-inch purple rubber dildo in a black harness. It was larger than the first cock, but more flexible and it swayed and bobbed much more than the first one had done.

Sarah let go of the leash and grabbed James’ thigh, squeezing it hard when she saw the cock. “That’s a big one, isn’t it darling?” she said, and laughed. Then she slid her hand up his thigh to his cock and rubbed it through the leather shorts. “But yours is just perfect.”

The first model returned to the screen, still wearing the same outfit. This time however, she wore a smaller, slender cock that was dark pink. It shone in stark contrast to the dark leather, and looked like it might even glow in the dark.

“Aughhh, isn’t that a cute one, darling?” Sarah said and smiled. She continued idly stroking James’ cock as they watched. He was squirming in his chair as his cock tried to expand against the constricting material, causing some pain to go with the pleasure of being touched. She grabbed James’ hand with her free hand, and pulled it towards her. She placed his hand on her thigh, then unzipped her slacks. She pulled James hand and shoved it under the waistband of her panties, pressing it against her pussy. She shuddered

“Feel how wet I am darling.” Sarah pushed his hand further down until his fingers rested against her soaking wet slit. “Put your fingers in me darling,” she whispered in a raspy breath. James slid two fingers into her wet pussy, and stroked her clit with his thumb. She moaned and spread her legs further apart.

“Oh, that’ it, darling. Fuck me with your fingers.” Meanwhile the blonde model had returned. She was modeling a realistic-looking flesh colored dildo, complete with a set of balls, veins, and a large flared head that was painted a shade of red just a little darker than the rest of the cock. James and Sarah continued masturbating each other as they watched the young blonde do her perverse runway model impersonation, turning this way and that so they could see the cock from every angle. Sarah pressed her hand to her crotch, pushing James’ fingers even deeper into her steaming pussy, then pulled his hand out of her panties.

“That’s the one I want darling,” Sarah said, looking at the screen. “It looks exactly like a real one.” She removed her hands from James’ crotch and got up from the chair.

“I need to go talk to Cassandra for a moment, darling.” She reached out and grabbed his leash. She wrapped the loop at the end of the leash around the metal portion of the chair’s armrest, then snapped it closed. James was now attached to the chair.

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