New Suit

21 Aralık 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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I’m standing in my walk-in closet wearing just my boxer briefs staring at my clothes. All neatly organized and arranged, but today they seem to be unappetizing. I feel I need something fresh something new, something that suites my mood. I throw on a pair of my favorite jeans and a nice shirt, I am going to go shopping for a new suite and I know just the place to go. I saw it just the other day or actually the cute sales woman with the form fitting outfit it was I saw.

I hop out of my car and confidently walk into the store, taking a quick glance around to see if she is there today. My eye catches her dark long curls as she sways her head and those seductively gorgeous strands strike out into the air only to rest gently on her shoulders. I move to look at the merchandise, carefully positioning myself so that she stays in my sight.

I am overwhelmed by her natural beauty, she is slender with petite features. I steal a glance down, she is wearing a short skirt that shows her perfect legs which she has so graciously decorated with dark sheer hose that arouses me in ways that I hope to let her know. As I am slowly making istanbul escort my way up her body with my eyes I reach her face where I notice she is looking at me with a playful smile then she winks and licks her top lip and turns back to her customers.

I am slightly taken back, I had been completely lost in her beauty that I hadn’t realized I was so rudely gawking at her. However, a turn of luck has made my lack of gentlemanly behavior a welcome pass. Now, she is busy and I did come to buy a new suite – perhaps I will focus on that for now and attend to that sweet sultry beauty in a bit.

I am find what I am looking for and head into one of the coed dressing rooms. I am just inside the changing room and have stripped down – I like the feeling of being naked in a semi-public place, the thought of it arouses me. I am just about to slip back on my underwear and try on the suite when I hear a soft sweet voice ask if I needed anything. I crack the door to see her smiling at me, I am of course naked – her eyes drifts over what parts of my flesh are exposed through avcılar escort the door – she quickly regains focus and asks again if I need anything.

I tell her I am having trouble getting the outfit together, the way the buttons are arranged makes it odd to put on. She smiled and asked if I would like her to help me with it, not wanting to assume to much I politely asked if she minded I was nude. In a professional manner she said no that its fairly common around here. I invited her in, her eyes catching my firm thick cock which was very erect. She looks back at me and says we should start with the pants – she kneels down, my cock is now inches away from her face – I can see her looking at its perfect shape, soft smooth shaven balls and shaft from the corner of her eyes. She takes the pants and I step into them, she turns towards me and begins pulling them up letting my cock run along her face as she moves to stand up.

As my pants are near the top she then looks at me and says, we should be careful so we don’t catch anything on the zipper. At that point she slides her hand onto my cock and şirinevler escort holds it softly against my body as she zips my pants. My cock is straining against the fabric as she then attempts to button the pants. She comments that she can see why I was having trouble, at that moment I let out a small ouch – her nail had slipped and just poked the head of my cock. She apologizes profusely for it and says we had better take a look at that.

As she pulls my cock out to examine where her nail had hit she gives the head a slight kiss and asks if that makes it feel better. Of course I say a little, but it is rather engorged and swollen. She looks at it and says she can see that, then says I think I can help with that as she takes my cock into her mouth sliding her hands around to my ass and pulling me into her – my cock sliding past her lips and into her throat as she begins to suck me intensely. After some time of this I am overwhelmed and feel my orgasm beginning to emerge, an intense feeling builds I grip the sides of the changing room – my body tenses. She pulls me deep and holds me there as I release intensely into the back of her throat.

She carefully cleans me up, slides the pants back on and buttons. She comments that they fit well now, and lets me know if I could be of any more help as she moves to leave. I buy the suit and thank her again, she tells me to please come again soon – maybe I could help her next time…

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