New recruits to the Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs

7 Ekim 2021 0 Yazar: admin

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New recruits to the Bureau of Extra Normal AffairsThe rest of the night passed in a dream for both of them, on Rachel’s part this was due to Her ensorcelment at the incubus’ hand, but when the effects wore off though all was blurry and only half recalled She was convinced that She had enjoyed every moment of the two hours they had spent wrapped about one another. It was certainly a big night for Her; once She had overcome Her embarrassment at the state that Rowena found Her in and Her dishevelled – if aroused – state. It took Rowena only moments to convince little Rachel that She must leave and now, for the younger girl was entirely transfixed and enchanted by the elegant, dashing red head. She could not quite account for the fierce and instant attraction She found for the Woman who had appeared in Her room but She would happily follow Her anywhere just to remain in Her company.Whilst Rachel was compelled by the spell to be a willing and urgent lover and though Rowena could have simply waited out the magic to fail; she chose to take full advantage of the sorcery that affected Her sister to become entirely acquainted with the body of the girl whom She had never really known. There was a slight delicious piquancy to their caresses and couplings which came from the knowledge that they were so closely related. In due course Rowena would tell Her of this, but in the meantime it would remain a secret; one that would thrill Her every time they were intimate. It had been some while since the agent had been treated to such a willing and ardent female lover and as She melted into another achievement She promised Herself that She would do everything in Her power to keep Her. As it must though, the sorcery had failed, not with a snap or a pop but slowly by inches and degrees with a slow awakening of the girl to Her senses. Considering it best to be free of Her new lover’s body when She returned to being Herself again Rowena with regret converted the intimate caresses to what She hoped would be a reassuring and innocent embrace. Of course Rachel was bemused and a little scared to find the Woman here but trusted Her instinctively and completely, and as such it was a matter of but moments to explain that the girl would be in danger if She stayed. Rachel was hesitant to go, not having any savings or plan to escape but Rowena promised Her She would keep Her safe and Rachel ardently believed Her. By the time the rest of the house was roused the two young Women and the small amount of Rachel’s belongings were long gone from the little attic garret. In due course they would receive an apologetic letter which stated that Rachel had left willingly and, so as to avoid endangering Her employers and their house. For their part Her employers did miss Her and spent not a little time and effort trying to track Her down, but their efforts were not equal to those of the Bureau which parried them.By four in the morning Rachel was asleep in linens softer and cleaner than any She had ever known, beside the mysterious Woman who had saved Her from Her nightmares, and inspired dreams never before known. As Her little sister slept naked beside Her Rowena stared lovingly and longingly at Her, Her nether lips twitching at the sight the goggles afforded Her. She had decided that She couldn’t with a clean conscience pawn them, but believed that some reward was most definitely due Her. The next few days, possibly a week would be Her own, She couldn’t recall when last She had had a day off and was already looking forward to spending time with Rachel.So for the next four days and five nights the two young Women never left one of the suites of rooms that the Bureau kept available for its agents. They were sparsely furnished but what accoutrements there were, were of the finest quality and it wasn’t really as though they needed anything other than the bed in which most of their time together was spent. So for those heavenly ninety six hours or so Rowena explained for whom She worked and why Rachel was considered of interest to the Bureau. Rachel protested that She was not the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, merely the sixth but Anne-Marie assured Her that She was but would not yet fill any further family information. They talked, chatting companionably as Women will, they read to each other from the small library of poetry and classics that was available. They played and toyed with one another, they bathed and beautified each other and they loved, oh how they loved; with a reckless, unheeding abandon. They burrowed beneath the crisp Egyptian linen sheets only to burrow further yet between the thighs of the other. Gentle sweet angelic love, urgent rigid love, punishments and pleasures and delight heaped upon delights, slow moments just holding one another and entire romances of kissing. They only left the bedroom to pay nature’s necessary call and to regain strength by consuming Bath Oliver biscuits, Kendal mint cake and Buchan’s light ale or Indian tonic water which was all the victuals they could find. Rachel had never had a holiday before but in all Her long future years She would remember this, the first as the best and such a time as to be unmatched by any other. Rowena too delighted in the company and safe isolation with the beautiful girl, but with each hour that passed, though She did not show it She was becoming increasingly worried. For She knew what tumults were to come…Rowena dearly wished that Rachel would be accepted as an agent for the Bureau, if She were, not only would they provide the girl an income but also training and protection and Rowena could request that they share quarters. If that were accepted no one would think it odd or question what it might entail; it was accepted even expected that its agents had their privacy and how they might conduct themselves in private – as long as they did their duties –was never brought into question. Their rooms would become a private haven for all the delights they would share between each other, and just perhaps on occasion with another agent with whom Rowena was very familiar… To reach this blessed idyll though Rachel would have to prove Her competence and skill, by passing through a series of entrance tests far beyond those of any other agency. For now though they had but one more night together remaining, the agent was determined that it be one the girl would remember fondly for many years to come. Whilst Rachel was still lost to a deep slumber induced by repeatedly climbing the heights of ecstasy earlier that day Rowena with subtle care and every consideration kaynarca escort tied Her wrists to the bed posts with a fresh pair of stockings leaving Her face down on the bed. This awakened the girl at last, but Her reaction was calm and even hesitantly pleased as She enquired what this could portend. In answer Rowena removed her silken drawers and stuffed them deep into the girl’s mouth, silencing Her willing tongue. Fumbling with the bolster She passed it beneath the girl’s belly to raise and present the beautiful rump.“Hush c***d, it’ll only be for an hour or so that I wish to abuse Your beautiful derriere and then I promise I will drown You with pleasure for three times as long. Concentrate upon me and how divine I taste and it will be over soon. “ With that the vixen hidden not so deep within the red head burst forth and set about belabouring the cherished arse of Her sweet sister with a joy that was awful to behold. Even through the impromptu gag the girl at first wailed and cried at the abuse done Her, but soon though tears fell unceasingly down Her peach cheeks the screams subsided to silence except for infrequent muffled sobs. Presently though with each new stinging blow She began to moan as much with pleasure as in pain, Rowena almost wept with joy… For the last few seconds of the final minute of the hour She counted down each blow till it was the last, She undid the stockings and lifting the limp form of the girl into Her lap removed the sodden gag. “See my dearest girl that wasn’t so very bad was it?” Rachel shook Her head almost imperceptibly with tears of joy stinging Her eyes, “Did I do well?” She whispered.“Yes darling, Yes You did and now comes Your reward” and with that she smothered the girl’s tear stained face with kisses before they curled each about the other to make recompense for all the blows She’d felt. Before Rachel fell in to slumber that night Rowena finger fed Her g****s, and because of these it would be a slumber deeper than any She’d had before…It had taken Rowena and the hulking form of Travis (A gentle softly spoken giant of a man who acted as porter for the Bureau’s agents when necessary.) scant moments to pack the girl’s few belongings in to the battered carpet bag he had brought. Wrapping Her naked form in a sheet from the bed, with seemingly no effort he threw Her over his shoulder and hefting the bag in his other hand followed the agent from the little apartment. When Rachel awoke the first thing that She noticed was that She was cold, and then it became obvious She was naked too, next that She was no longer inside. Her mouth was dry and tasted of honey whilst Her head was fuzzy and confused, Her memories of what had gone before this were still vivid and She blushed a little at them. Why though was She here, wherever here might actually be? Trying to remain unnoticed She slowly struggled to Her feet only to find Her legs were not as reliable as She was used to them being. Crawling to the negligible cover of a crate She espied not far She took stock of Her surroundings. She shivered in the light of earliest dawn and concluded that for whatever reason She now found Herself somewhere in the docks of what She fervently hoped was still London. Across the river from Rachel a bewitching pair of zaffre eyes followed the pale form of the girl as She crept into the meagre shelter of a tea crate through a pair of binoculars that would be the envy of the military. It seemed for now at least Rachel was safe. What She did in the next few hours was but the first test of Her by the Bureau. Every currently serving agent had been abandoned like this in hopes that the shock of this abandonment would draw forth reserves of the resolve and survival instinct that they would need whilst in service. It was true that a number of potentials just disappeared at this stage; lost to the city and were never heard from again, but to have even been considered proved that the majority were capable of coming back from this. Rowena though had prepared as best She could for Her sister’s testing; though it was strictly against regulations. She shifted the binoculars up to the top storey of the warehouse beyond and revealed Travis looking down protectively upon the girl. Rowena knew that despite his size he would follow Her unobserved for the length of the test and step in to assist Her if it looked as though it were necessary. The red head was confident that the huge man would not let anyone know that he had done so since earlier She had spent half an hour on Her knees with his regal endowment down Her throat. She and Travis were friends and She was reasonably confident he’d have helped merely had She asked, but this service would certainly ensure his co-operation and silence. Nor was it by any means something She considered a chore. Not understanding why or how She came to find Herself in the predicament She did, She was not willing to blame Her erstwhile rescuer for it, and decided then and there She would find Rowena again. She would feel safe again when She had. Rachel was terrified but despite this She remained outwardly calm and rather than surrendering to panic Her quick mind was already trying to decide what She should do next. Her first concern was clothing; never before had She felt so vulnerable as She did now, if She could just find something to cover Her shame She would be able to try and find a police station or the red head for whom Her heart still leapt. To Her intense relief after some effort She managed to lift the lid of the case beside Her and within found some sacking which though it was filthy and damp would at least solve Her first problem. With some effort She opened three ragged holes in the bottom of the sack using the rough edges of the metal lining and thus had clothing in the broadest sense. Though still without shoes She was now confident enough to continue on and try and reach salvation.London itself when away from those few streets with sufficient gas light was generally a dark and foreboding enough place, but in the east around the docks where lived the myriad poor in inadequate crowded squalor it could be a dangerous place indeed. Few people in society would consider venturing here even with a stout cane and in company of a trusted colleague, but now the girl found herself here entirely alone and vulnerable. Having been brought up in a crowded but loving environment it was in Her nature to trust the best in people and this was almost Her undoing; the first person upon whom She chanced was a stooping dirty aged man orhanlı escort with rotten teeth and worse breath. Approaching him almost reverently She with a tremble in Her voice and in complete innocence asked politely if he might assist Her. He looked Her up and down with his one rheumy eye and was truly shocked at the vision which stood before him, he could hear perfectly well but said in a reedy, cracked and parchment voice; “What was that girlie, come closer I can’t hear what You’re saying”Still assuming that he intended Her only help She took two steps toward him and started to repeat Her plea for his assistance again;“I’m lost and need some help please sir” the words had barely fallen from Her lips when with a speed that belied his appearance the old man grabbed at the sacking She wore, gripped it and pulling Her toward him wrapped Her in his serpentine arms. A blissful smile spread across his face as his filthy hands roamed unchecked over and into Her ripe young body. “You’re quite a catch girlie, I’ll have my fun with You before I sell You on to the cuntmongers, don’t fret though I’ll be easy on You, I don’t want You bruised, at least not too badly.” Unbeknownst to Rachel not only was Her current plight being observed by a nondescript little man in a derby hat, but also by Rowena’s ally Travis, both of them were concerned but both stayed their hands. One since he was only supposed to observe, the other since he wanted to give the girl an opportunity to save Herself. For Her part, She was panicked but not yet lost to it and struggled to free Herself from his lecherous embrace. Her wriggling though only seemed to further inflame his ardour and he cackled in amusement. Though She found his touch repugnant and his breath mephitic slowly She calmed Herself; preparing to fight. Her legs remained free and grunting with the effort She swung Her heel backward into his crotch which winded him but not so much that he released his hold. Again She swung Her heel and though it did not connect quite so well as the first had it did cause him enough pain to stagger him and thus his arms to drop from Her. Free, She ran pell-mell not knowing in which direction or to what She fled She just wanted to get away from the evil old man. The derby hatted man nodded once, took and unfolded a long and complex form from his pocket and with the stub of a pencil he found behind his ear placed a single tick at the bottom of the page before returning it to his pocket. Observing this Travis grinned broadly and melted further into the shadows at the corner of the warehouse.Many people observed the beautiful almost naked girl running westward, most ignored Her, some stared after Her one or two even tried to halt Her flight but these She dodged around with a lithe grace She had never known She had. Her breath was like broken glass in Her throat and Her feet were bloody and bruised beneath the grime that coated them but She did not slow much less stop until She saw the blue light of a police station. Once inside and wrapped in a itchy though welcome blanket with a steaming mug of tea clasped in Her quivering hands, She at last gave way to tears. Floods of tears which told of Her confusion and how much She already missed Rowena. As soon as She had stated Her name to the desk sergeant wheels had been put in motion to pass Her along to the next stage of Her testing, but for a quarter hour or so She was safe to drink Her tea and draw what strength She could from it.“Don’t You worry miss, You’re safe now. You drink up Your tea someone’s coming from You it’ll be alright. I’ll just go see about finding sumfink for you to wear.” With that he left the desk and Her alone in the foyer while silently hoping he might be allowed to help Her dress…The double doors of the little station swung open to reveal the panting form of the man with the derby hat. His face was flushed and he leant heavily on the desk as he caught his breath, his eyes never left Her whilst he did so, which She found disconcerting. “Now, You young lady would be Rachel I assume?” he asked.“Yes Sir” She replied haltingly.“Good, I’m here to take You to a Woman’s refuge where You’ll be looked after till we can contact your family and get You back to them, if You would like to come with me.”“But, the nice policeman was getting me clothes…”“No time for that I’m afraid, we have to go now, I have a carriage waiting, I’ll square things with the bobbies later.” After the trevallies of the day She was not ready to go just yet, and stamping Her delicate little foot said;“No, I want to wait for the policeman.” He sighed mumbling something beneath his breath,“Fine, fine if You insist” and he began drumming his fingers on the dented wooden desk impatiently. The sergeant took ten minutes to reappear, during which in silence She eyed him suspiciously and he eyed Her appreciatively but neither one of them moved. “Are You alright miss?” The sergeant asked, but before She could reply the man presented a card, hefting the bundle of clothes beneath his arm and with knotting brow the policeman read it before turning to the girl and saying;“You’d best go with him young miss, take these and go change in the interview room just along the corridor to Your left.”“Yes sir” and She rose to do so still not entirely convinced but seeing no other course of action. Whilst She was changing into what She was surprised to learn were young men’s clothes (Which made Her feel quite strange to wear, but there was a strange liberation in the trousers even if they were more confining than She was used to.) the men discussed Her in appreciative though respectful terms. The policeman’s concerns were brushed aside with;“Secret Service business, sorry” but he did manage to get assurance that She would be safe once removed from his care though he would be sorry to see Her go.So Rachel again found herself in company of a stranger, She longed for the pleasures and security of the night before and missed Her new lover fiercely, and promising Herself that She would find Her and they would share what they had again She resigned Herself to the carriage and the man’s care. No sooner than the carriage had moved off though, the man withdrew a strangely pungent kerchief from his pocket and covered Her face with it. Oh, but how She was tired to escape again! Yet near all the fight had been knocked from Her; still She struggled to be free and tried to hold Her breath. It was inevitable though and She fell into darkness.Rowena and a man a head taller than Her were strapping the naked still comatose tepeören escort Rachel to a solidly build wooden chair that was almost a throne, which was bolted to the floor of a windowless poorly lit cold brick chamber. She wore a close fitting body suit of dove grey topped with a full overhead mask which trapped Her glorious hair. His hair was blonde brown but darkened a shade or two by the Macassar oil he used on it and he wore rough hard wearing grey corduroy trousers – patched at the right knee – a cream linen shirt the arms of which he had rolled up passed the elbow to expose pale modestly muscled forearms and a tight black waistcoat. Confident that the subject was secured he had moved away to a side table to check the implements upon it. There was the tiniest sound; a ticking of breaking glass and Rowena brought the broken ampule to Rachel’s nose, the girl rolled Her head away from the odour but it chased Her from Her stupor. Eyes fluttered open, the fog lifted from Her head but She was still not quite awake when a female falsely accented voice which She yet recognised whispered;“Nearly there, You passed the initiative test, now there’s just this. Don’t say anything, no matter what, not Your name not anything, just stay quiet. I know You can take this and then You’ll get Your reward.”There was a rattle of movement from the table by the wall, almost as though the man was announcing he was ready before he turned again to the subject and Rowena quickly straightened and concentrated on checking the girl’s bonds. When Rachel finally roused from Her stupor the man was standing before Her, his features were scrunched into a cruel scowl though his eyes could not hide their friendliness. When he spoke his voice was just louder than a whisper and was all the more menacing because of it;“Tell me Your name girl, that’s all I want, tell me and You may leave. We will furnish with clothes and a little money and You can flee this dreadful city. If You do not answer You will be punished until You do, this is Your only instruction and Your only warning. Now, what is it You are called?” Rachel opened Her mouth Her tongue already formed around the two syllables, but She hesitated and then snapped closed Her mouth with a dull clack from Her teeth. He exploded into movement as he spoke; “What is Your name?” each word was punctuated by a perfectly calculated cut from the riding whip he held, which landed just on the nipple but did not touch the fullness of Her right breast. She screamed as much with shock as with pain, at which he delivered four equally accurate cuts to the nipple of Her left breast; “what, is, Your, name?” Her breathing now was harsh more a pant than a breath but this was not enough to loosen Her tongue. He turned away from Her taking several steps to the table to drink a couple of mouthfuls from a glass of rich amber liquid. When he returned to Her it was at a run with the whip held high propelling its wide tip down on to her breast with a force magnified by his speed. It was but the first of a myriad of blows all of which found Her breasts as he shouted his question over and over. She did not speak just wailed aloud as beads of sweat formed upon his brow and his chest. “What, is, Your, name?” It was clear he was beginning to tire of this game since he went back to the table and put down the whip and instead took up an intricately carved wooden box from which he took two candles and a little box of matches. One was white and roughly formed from tallow the other pristine wax, black in colour. He turned back to Her proffering them, “Last chance to tell me before they’re lit little girl…” Her eyes were wide with alarm but still She shook Her head. He used the tallow candle first. Its flame was stuttering and unreliable but all he wanted was the heat which was more than sufficient to melt the fat and let it fall across Her already abused breasts. She shrieked at the first drip of it and while it burnt down Her cries were ceaseless. He burnt half of the fat candle away and all of it fell molten across Her sensitive skin, after every few drips he would stop and ask his question, but She maintained Her silence. The wax candle was lit and again its molten produce was dripped across Her delicate breasts, coating them in a sheen of cooling wax, all of that was melted away across Her, the drips splashing across Her thighs and onto the chair beneath. Her throat was hoarse from Her cries but still She said nothing.Wriggling his shoulders to try and stretch his muscles he squatted in front of Her and released the shackles that secured Her ankles to the chair legs. Rising and moving off he said;“She beat me, it’s Your turn now” and smiled at his pun, but it was not just a smile of amusement for it was for Rowena and told of his affection for Her and all that had previously passed between them. The lithe form of the Woman in the body suit moved to kneel before the girl, Her arms wrapped about Her lower body and pulled Her forward on the chair. A pretty pink tongue poked its way from the within the hood and now Rachel’s cunt was accessible She bent to Her task with delight. The pleasure of the familiar tongue was a shock to the girl after the abuses from the man and an ecstatic moan escaped Her lips. The man was leaning now against the table his arms crossed watching the scene intently. “Of course You realise She won’t let You achieve don’t You? She’ll tongue You thus over and over lifting You to the very peak but She won’t push over not unless I say She might and I’m not sure I’m willing to do that, not unless I know Your name. So who are You again girl?” Her ecstatic moan became a groan Her senses were so heightened She was already close and She honestly didn’t know how long She could hold out against that particular torture. The tongue between Her legs knew Her so well and just how to torment Her in the most effectively delightful way. Rachel opened Her mouth to speak;“I’m, I am …. I’m… Yours…” Though She did not notice the man smiled.“What’s Your name girl? Tell me and You’ll be there just one word for Your pleasure that’s not much to ask is it…?”Rowena remained on Her knees maintaining Rachel just at the very brink for hours, Her tongue ached with the effort and Her ears were filled the girl’s incessant anguished moans. Yet She didn’t say Her name. There was a single knock at the door, no-one came in and the handle remained still. With a smile he said;“Let Her cum” and it was over. The shriek Rachel gave at this was louder than all the others. She had passed into the Bureau. Rowena removed Her tongue, then Her hood and then Rachel’s shackles. Since Her legs would not hold Her unaided Rowena and the man carried the girl from the room to a plush and charming bedroom where they would join in welcoming Her to their ranks properly…

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